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we don't talk about this shot enough
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greekcherokee · 1 year
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actually-azi · 1 year
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dreebs8891 · 7 months
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Whenever I'm feeling down, I remember this scene..and man it helps! It's the 'Oi Shem!' for me - gets me every time 😆
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vidavalor · 1 month
I love how Aziraphale is so taken with Crowley in The Flood scene that he is actively trying to avoid looking into his eyes... all while Crowley, equally besotted, keeps trying to meet Aziraphale's.
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Especially when you consider S2's whole thing about rainstorm-adjacent eye contact...
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We start with the one moment where their eyes do meet, as Crowley slips around Aziraphale, causing Aziraphale to be caught in his gaze for a moment. Aziraphale has to steady himself. He doesn't breathe for a moment. He blushes. He looks away as soon as he can get himself together enough to do so. One day, he's going to paint his house the color of those eyes, but in this moment? His heart is going to beat out of his chest just looking at Crowley.
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Then, Aziraphale keeps looking ahead and only glances occasionally slightly to the side, trying not to make it obvious that he is not looking at a flirting Crowley-- who, for his part, can't take his eyes off Aziraphale. Aziraphale avoids fully catching his gaze, looking away quickly, just undone by those eyes enough that he's too shy to meet them.
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We get to a point where Crowley is literally *leaning forward* to try to get Aziraphale to meet his eyes, but Aziraphale is dodging by looking anywhere else.
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Even when exchanging a brief look of understanding, Aziraphale looks in Crowley's direction but not directly into his eyes.
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This keeps happening for the rest of the scene, with Aziraphale not directly meeting Crowley's eyes through telling him about the plan for The Flood, the rainbow, the Oi! Shem! unicorn moment, etc.. It ends with them both looking up as the rain begins. It is a whole scene showing us that Aziraphale's attraction to Crowley makes him shy away from his gaze while Crowley's attraction to Aziraphale makes him seek out his eyes. This scene, though?
It is the only scene where this sort of dance is taking place, is it not? There's no scene after it like it.
By the Job minisode, this eye contact issue not only no longer exists between them, but we have the scene where Aziraphale asks Crowley to take his glasses off and look him in the eyes.
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So, back in Mesopotamia... come S3, might we see that this sudden rainstorm of The Flood eventually forced them together beneath a canopy where they looked into each other's eyes and... vavoom?
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Okay so, I'm getting increasingly confused over the timeline of when Aziraphale and Crowley have met over the ages.
Since I'm writing a S3 fic with lots of flashbacks, I figured that I needed to have a concrete and canon timeline so I don't end up accidentally writing a meeting when there shouldn't be one (ie when Crowley was asleep in the 14th century), and I cannot for the life of me find one that has S2 in it so I present to you:
The Nice and Accurate (hopefully) Timeline of Aziraphale & Crowley and their many meetings throughout the ages.
By Yeahthatswhatimtolkienabout.
Pls let me know if I've missed anything.
Before time was invented - God created the universe.
Before the Beginning - Our dynamic duo meet for the first time, as Crowley creates a Nebula with Aziraphale's help.
After The Beginning (the bible never gave dates for this kinda thing) - Crowley saunters vaguely downwards towards hell with the others who are cast out.
4004 B.C. - Eve is tempted by the Demon Crowley (in snake form) to eat the forbidden fruit. This is the first time we see Crowley in his demon form and the first time he (as a demon) meets Aziraphale, well - that we know of anyway.
3004 B.C, Mesopotamia - OI SHEM! Aziraphale and Crowley meet and watch as Noah gathers the animals two by two onto the ark.
2500 B.C, Uz - Aziraphale and Crowley work together to save Job's children from being killed. Aziraphale lies to heaven and fears he will be taken to hell. Bildad the Shuite is a babe.
33 A.D., Golgotha - Aziraphale and Crowley witness the crucifixion of Jesus. Crowley remarks that he 'showed Jesus the kingdoms of Earth'.
41 A.D., Rome - Aziraphale tempts Crowley to Oysters.
537 A.D., the Kingdom of West Essex - Knight of the table round, Sir Aziraphale encounters Crowley as the Black Knight. This is where the 'deal' is first raised.
1301 A.D - 1400 A.D - Crowley sleeps through the 14th century.
1601 A.D The Globe Theatre, London - Aziraphale and Crowley meet at a production of Hamlet. They have been participating in the 'deal' for some time now.
1650 A.D - Aziraphale does the apology dance for the first time.
1793 A.D, Paris, France - Aziraphale is about to be beheaded, but Crowley intervenes and saves him.
1800 A.D Soho, London - Aziraphale opens his bookshop and Crowley successfully prevents him from returning to heaven at Gabriel's orders, by fooling him with some mannequins.
1827 A.D Edinburgh - Crowley and Aziraphale meet Elspeth, a body snatcher, and are caught up in her endeavours.
Aziraphale then does not see Crowley until...
1862 A.D London's St. James Park - Crowley asks Aziraphale for Holy Water, as a 'just in case'. Appalled, Aziraphale leaves.
1941 A.D London - Aziraphale is caught up in a bait and switch with some Nazis. He is rescued by Crowley. One thing leads to another and Aziraphale is a magician in a show, the Nazi's become Zombies and to cut a long story short, it ends with the pair dining together.
1967 A.D Soho, London - Crowley meets Lance Corporal Shadwell and plans to steal Holy Water from a church. Hearing of this, Aziraphale appears to him in his Bentley and delivers a flask of it to him.
2008 A.D Soho, London - Crowley and Aziraphale meet to discuss the Antichrist and plan to become his godparents to raise him as a 'normal' child, neither influenced by heaven or hell.
2008 A.D - 2019 A.D - Crowley disguises himself as Nanny Ashtoreth and Aziraphale, as the Gardener Brother Francis, and the two try to influence Warlock.
2019 A.D - The events of the first season of Good Omens happens, our pair prevent Armageddon and live happily ever... wait what, a second season?
2020 A.D - 2022 A.D - Lockdown happens. This is where the 'Lockdown' video takes place.
2023 A.D - Pain, otherwise known as Season 2, happens.
I really hope this helps some of you with fic planning and stuff. I was getting really confused over when they met and when certain things started happening, that I needed a record for myself - then thought I should share it!
Edited to add: Thank you for the comments, pointing out some things I've missed! I've added lots of them in now. I've only really included events where the two have met (either in show or in book), and have not added in the bits that Neil Gaiman has added (such as the Wild West scenes etc). If there is a script book for S2 and they are in there - I will come back and add them in.
For a timeline that goes over other significant events in their history, please check out the amended version by @graviitron - they've added some cool bits in there, so thank you! 🥰
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engimoon · 1 year
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Oi, shem! Thought I'd do some art of our beloved ineffable husbands. There's some little details in the bookshelf at the right :D (even a doctor who easter egg) I am not the best with backrounds and general side details apart from the people.
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p4nishers · 1 year
hmm thinking about knowledge and aziracrow. how the very first thing we see them do together is create, but also share knowledge with each other. aziraphale asks about how the nebula works and aziraphale, in turn, gets to share that they're creating the earth. with that knowledge, crowley wants to ask questions and change things, leading to his fall. it was obviously never aziraphale's intention to do that, nor do i think crowley blames him, if he even remembers it, but it's still true. their next interaction, now as an angel and a demon, goes similarly. crowley asks a question, a very simple question, really, but he's never been answered before, not even with little things, not before aziraphale. and aziraphale, who's not even supposed to be talking to him, answers easily and also indulges crowley in his mussing about good and bad and the ineffable plan. their next meeting, the flood, crowley once again asks aziraphale a question, what's going on here, do you know anything, and once again, aziraphale answers instantly. and the thing is, crowley didn't even need to ask what was going on because i'm pretty sure when she calls out "oi shem" she was talking to noah's kid, and if she knows noah's kid, why wouldn't she know what was going on? she just wanted to talk to her crush. in job, aziraphale asks about the permit, crowley answers, and very importantly, crowley shares knowledge with aziraphale by showing him food. they literally introduce him to his favorite earthly pleasures and i can't get over how they warrant curiousty in each other. crowley's always been curious, that's why he was cast out, but he actually makes aziraphale curious to fully experience earth and that is so, so important. next meeting, golgotha, crowley asks about what jesus said to make everyone so angry, despite knowing the guy pretty well, and aziraphale answers. and it goes on and on and on and on and i'm just sick and insane about them encouraging the other to be curious and ask questions and experience things and do you think aziraphale loves books so much because of crowley, because he was always passionate about knowledge and learning and seeing that through the ages changed how aziraphale viewed books and stories and
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weasleywrinkles · 22 days
"Oi, Shem! This writer's posting things!"
Ello, ello, ello! Good Omens brainrot victim here. Find me on Ao3! My works:
Storm Clouds May Gather And Stars May Collide (E, 37,4k, 5/5)
And many more to come!
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I'm sure someone has to have talked abt this before, but I would really like to find out that crowley was pretty good friends with Jesus.
Like if crowley wasn't trying to tempt Jesus to eat in the desert, he's just a friend trynna convince another friend to stay alive, like "coome oooon you're still half human you've got to eat or you'll die"
Or in the garden of Gethsemane, Crowley's just trying to get him to question the ineffable plan "right so, last chance to really think about it, you get to die because your mum decided what now?"
It would be super fun if Crowley could be Mary Magdalen. One of the most hotly debated ladies of all time. She can get in a lil tiff with Peter about who's a bigger devotee. A Lil spat abt who got more attention at the last ... group foot bath.
Could be cool if some of the miracles attributed to jesus were crowley or aziraphales idea or even done by them to bring clout to their favorite demigod.
It wld also further everyone's assumptions that crowley is making up questions to ask aziraphale just so he can talk to him (e.g. oi shem)
So if anyone knows of any fics abt that, or wants to write one & tell me what it's called, thaaaaaatd be pretty cool of ya.
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zeldamacgregor · 5 months
6, 17, 18 for the ask game <3
Thanks for the ask!
6. who is your favorite side character? hmmmmm probably Michael? I will never get over her perfect reaction to the joint miracle lmao with the alarms going off and she's just like "sigh"
17. what is your favorite husband-y moment between aziracrow? omg how to pick? I love when Crowley makes up a rule about attacking the bookshop because he knows they're too stupid to check it, and Aziraphale looks on at him like "so clever so cute so everything" lol that whole bit of scenes is a lovely dynamic
18. what is your favorite moment through history, and why? "Oi, Shem!" during the Noah's Ark period because I love that whole scene, the Crowley hairstyle, the message it sends, and of course unicorns. A very close second is Shakespeare.
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fallenrocket · 8 months
#PirateOmens Watch Party - Season 1, Episode 3
(crossposted from my twitter)
His hair is so Ed! Can you imagine a long-haired Crowley updo?
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Crowley: "Oi, Shem! That unicorn's gonna make a run for it!"
Go, Izzy, go!
100% Stede would try to get crepes in Paris during the Revolution and get himself thrown in jail.
Aziraphale and Crowley: dancing around each other for 6000 years
Stede and Ed, on the day they meet:
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"You can't kill me--there will be paperwork!" is so "did you mean to do that?" coded.
This is their "you wear fine things well" and you can't change my mind.
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"You go too fast for me, Crowley," is a conversation stopper, slamming on the brakes on what they have.
"Can we take it slow?" is about *opening up* the conversation, being honest about what they're ready for.
omg, are Ed and Stede the mature ones in this scenario?
Crowley: "Part of a demon's job description. Unforgivable, that's what I am!"
Ed: "I'm not lovable."
Oh, honey...
In "Man of Fire," Ed runs from being a pirate, with Stede calling after him to stay. In "Hard Times," Crowley runs from the situation but urges Aziraphale to join him. I love seeing the differences inside the parallels--@PrimeVideo these shows go so well together!
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444namesplus · 1 year
a aa aach aaf aah aak aam aan aap aar aas aash aat aath ach ae aech aef aeh aek aem aen aep aer aes aesh aet aeth af ah аi aich aif aih aik aim ain aip air ais aish ait aith ak am an ao aoch aof aoh aok aom aon aop aor aos aosh aot aoth ap ar as ash at ath au auch auf auh auk aum aun aup aur aus aush aut auth cha chach chaf chah chak cham chan chap char chas chash chat chath che chech chef cheh chek chem chen chep cher ches chesh chet cheth chi chich chif chih chik chim chin chip chir chis chish chit chith cho choch chof choh chok chom chon chop chor chos chosh chot choth chu chuch chuf chuh chuk chum chun chup chur chus chush chut chuth e ea each eaf eah eak eam ean eap ear eas eash eat eath ech ee eech eef eeh eek eem een eep eer ees eesh eet eeth ef eh ei eich eif eih eik eim ein eip eir eis eish eit eith ek em en eo eoch eof eoh eok eom eon eop eor eos eosh eot eoth ep er es esh et eth eu euch euf euh euk eum eun eup eur eus eush eut euth fa fach faf fah fak fam fan fap far fas fash fat fath fe fech fef feh fek fem fen fep fer fes fesh fet feth fi fich fif fih fik fim fin fip fir fis fish fit fith fo foch fof foh fok fom fon fop for fos fosh fot foth fu fuch fuf fuh fuk fum fun fup fur fus fush fut futh ha hach haf hah hak ham han hap har has hash hat hath he hech hef heh hek hem hen hep her hes hesh het heth hi hich hif hih hik him hin hip hir his hish hit hith ho hoch hof hoh hok hom hon hop hor hos hosh hot hoth hu huch huf huh huk hum hun hup hur hus hush hut huth i ia iach iaf iah iak iam ian iap iar ias iash iat iath ich ie iech ief ieh iek iem ien iep ier ies iesh iet ieth if ih ii iich iif iih iik iim iin iip iir iis iish iit iith ik im in io ioch iof ioh iok iom ion iop ior ios iosh iot ioth ip ir is ish it ith iu iuch iuf iuh iuk ium iun iup iur ius iush iut iuth
ka kach kaf kah kak kam kan kap kar kas kash kat kath ke kech kef keh kek kem ken kep ker kes kesh ket keth ki kich kif kih kik kim kin kip kir kis kish kit kith ko koch kof koh kok kom kon kop kor kos kosh kot koth ku kuch kuf kuh kuk kum kun kup kur kus kush kut kuth ma mach maf mah mak mam man map mar mas mash mat math me mech mef meh mek mem men mep mer mes mesh met meth mi mich mif mih mik mim min mip mir mis mish mit mith mo moch mof moh mok mom mon mop mor mos mosh mot moth mu much muf muh muk mum mun mup mur mus mush mut muth na nach naf nah nak nam nan nap nar nas nash nat nath ne nech nef neh nek nem nen nep ner nes nesh net neth ni nich nif nih nik nim nin nip nir nis nish nit nith no noch nof noh nok nom non nop nor nos nosh not noth nu nuch nuf nuh nuk num nun nup nur nus nush nut nuth o oa oach oaf oah oak oam oan oap oar oas oash oat oath och oe oech oef oeh oek oem oen oep oer oes oesh oet oeth of oh oi oich oif oih oik oim oin oip oir ois oish oit oith ok om on oo ooch oof ooh ook oom oon oop oor oos oosh oot ooth op or os osh ot oth ou ouch ouf ouh ouk oum oun oup our ous oush out outh pa pach paf pah pak pam pan pap par pas pash pat path pe pech pef peh pek pem pen pep per pes pesh pet peth pi pich pif pih pik pim pin pip pir pis pish pit pith po poch pof poh pok pom pon pop por pos posh pot poth pu puch puf puh puk pum pun pup pur pus push put puth ra rach raf rah rak ram ran rap rar ras rash rat rath re rech ref reh rek rem ren rep rer res resh ret reth ri rich rif rih rik rim rin rip rir ris rish rit rith ro roch rof roh rok rom ron rop ror ros rosh rot roth ru ruch ruf ruh ruk rum run rup rur rus rush rut ruth sa sach saf sah sak sam san sap sar sas sash sat sath se sech sef seh sek sem sen sep ser ses sesh set seth sha shach shaf shah shak sham shan shap shar shas shash shat shath she shech shef sheh shek shem shen shep sher shes shesh shet sheth shi shich shif shih shik shim shin ship shir shis shish shit shith sho shoch shof shoh shok shom shon shop shor shos shosh shot shoth shu shuch shuf shuh shuk shum shun shup shur shus shush shut shuth si sich sif sih sik sim sin sip sir sis sish sit sith so soch sof soh sok som son sop sor sos sosh sot soth su such suf suh suk sum sun sup sur sus sush sut suth ta tach taf tah tak tam tan tap tar tas tash tat tath te tech tef teh tek tem ten tep ter tes tesh tet teth tha thach thaf thah thak tham than thap thar thas thash that thath the thech thef theh thek them then thep ther thes thesh thet theth thi thich thif thih thik thim thin thip thir this thish thit thith tho thoch thof thoh thok thom thon thop thor thos thosh thot thoth thu thuch thuf thuh thuk thum thun thup thur thus thush thut thuth ti tich tif tih tik tim tin tip tir tis tish tit tith to toch tof toh tok tom ton top tor tos tosh tot toth tu tuch tuf tuh tuk tum tun tup tur tus tush tut tuth u ua uach uaf uah uak uam uan uap uar uas uash uat uath uch ue uech uef ueh uek uem uen uep uer ues uesh uet ueth uf uh ui uich uif uih uik uim uin uip uir uis uish uit uith uk um un uo uoch uof uoh uok uom uon uop uor uos uosh uot uoth up ur us ush ut uth uu uuch uuf uuh uuk uum uun uup uur uus uush uut uuth
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 5 years
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From the DVD commentary, episode 3, the Noah Ark scene:
Douglas Mackinnon: David Tennant being a Scottish person had particular poignancy about talking about the unicorns because, as I'm sure you know, the unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.
Neil Gaiman: I did, I did know this.
Douglas Mackinnon: Yeah, you can find it on the front of British passport.  
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tampire · 4 years
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The Last Unicorn / Good Omens
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toomanyfandomsuhoh · 3 years
one thing that got so overlooked in this line
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is that unicorns were canon
because i desperately need crowley and azi shenanigans with unicorns
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