#OKAY stopping myself here before I list basically everything about them- /lh
shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
Would you give me some headcanons about Seth? And some about his “ kids? “ because l platonically love this man 🥰
Well. I mean. any headcanons I make are basically canon cause it's my au but yeah I'll share some small things about the guy and his found family-
(I rambled a bit whoops uh, read more)
-Seth is. a walking trash can, if you dare him and give him enough money he'll eat nearly anything. as long as it won't kill him-
-I've established he plays acoustic guitar, though he also likes woodworking, even though he never has time to pursue that hobby
-Knows a lot about guns. like. a lot.
-ALSO knows so much about cryptids and monsters, he'll ramble about them for hours if given the chance
-Doesn't draw much but he's pretty good at it.
-Stims by shaking his arm by his side or bouncing his leg. also just paces around. if especially stressed he'll hit his head though-
-He. sometimes forgets to take care of himself. like he needs to be reminded to take a shower or eat sometimes.
-Fucking. loves his friends. (platonically of course.) They're the family he never had and he'll kill for them.
-Speaking of which he's very good at fighting and is strong enough to knock someone out with a punch so. yeah-
-Has. like. no clue he's not straight nor completely cis (aroace, and He/They) cause he just doesn't know the terms. he's supportive definitely but man he has no idea. took him being told by either Gabriel or the rest of the BPS for him to realize that-
As for his "kids":
-Cesar's actually a decent cook. could be because he worked at a diner but he also learned some things from his mother.
-He's the closest to Seth. He never had a father figure in his life so Seth really took that role for him.
-Actually a bit of a goofball. loves joking around, though it also means he's a bit reckless at times. Sometimes not recognizing danger.
-Freezes when scared. he's had to have been saved by friends multiple times because of this.
-Struggles with frequent nightmares.
-Knows how to play piano! also is a pretty good singer too-
-Sarah has an interest in the supernatural and paranormal. which is why she joined Seth in the BPS to begin with.
-A great artist! She took on the hobby from Mark.
-A bit demanding at times, and once she has her sights on something, she'll want to get it done no matter what-
-Sometimes bosses Seth around. Mainly to get him to clean the apartment or even take care of himself. She scares him occasionally-
-Also pretty damn strong. won't hesitate to punch someone.
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