#OOC. just call me swagrena B)
askrena · 2 years
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is it THAT time of year again? no? WELL IT IS NOW!
send a 🎄for your muse and sharena to get caught under the mistletoe together!
add a 😘to clarify that it’s okay for her to kiss your muse on the lips (open to students only for comfort reasons tehehe)
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askrena · 2 years
iris :   if your muse could convey one last message to someone they have lost or left behind ,   what would it be ?  
botanical hc's
i’d like to preface this with: this ask made me insane. so insane that i wrote a fucking drabble LOL here’s the link to it because it’s 1467 words long and idk if the dash can handle that KEWFMKEWMEWKMWE anywaaaaayssss
obviously she would talk to gustav. their relationship was barely developed in feh’s storyline, and i feel like there are a lot of complicated feelings that need to be explored between them.
sharena needs to talk to her father properly. and more than that, i’d imagine that she’d want to. as for what she’d say... if this was one last message to gustav, i think she’d go all out. she’d explain how hurt she is by him, but also how she can’t hate him. because of course she can’t.
anyways just. uh. read the drabble if you want a clearer idea (even tho i wrote it in a frenzy and haven’t backread and it might not be that good LOL)
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askrena · 2 years
wanted plots (mission board: prologue)
hiiiii besties! it’s sharena time, and i’m very excited to have her here 🥺🙏 i have a few wanted plots from the mission board, so if you’re interested in any f them, just dm me here or ping me on the plotting channel in discord!
- (unaffiliated needed!) lance +1 would be nice, not only for the skill point, but for the fact that sharena would hesitate to spar with the knight at first. whether your muse would push her to do it or not is up to you ^^ i find it an interesting prompt either way
- (unaffiliated needed!) any skill +1 is another case of sharena seeking a more peaceful resolution. especially seeing the knight ask her not to do so. she’s befriended nice dragons before— she doesn’t want to imagine hurting them
- flying+1 i just want her to hang out w my little pegasi ok [taken by: morgen]
- general interactions! sharena’s a new muse but she’s also a very outgoing one, so if you’d like some interactions outside of this mission season’s list of prompts (eyeing the zenith muses rn... teehee hiiiii) just lmk too!
that’s all! i’m very very excited to have her here hahaha
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askrena · 2 years
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞’𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬 : 𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐜 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞.
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carmilla. giant featherbeds. tightening a corset. moonlit walks. killing for love. cruelty for the sake of love. love is always selfish. romantic tragedy. love to the brink of destruction. nighttime rendezvous. bloody kisses on soft skin. death was the maiden. a very strange agony. claimed by the supernatural. dreaming about your lover. sympathy for the devil. loving me to death. candlesticks lighting up the palm of your hand. a passion that wearies you. killing the one you love.
phantom of the opera. a single red rose laid out to be found. sensual voices singing them to sleep. a familiar shadow attending every recital. love waits on the rooftop in the night. two soulmates holding hands. walking down long corridors. retrieving something lost. devoting one’s craft to them. making them your muse. the horror was for love. painted faces on parade. gentle touches in the dark. revealing your darkest secrets. beauty and the beast. writing messages on the mirror. kindness conquers all. letting your lover go. love never dies.
jane eyre. loving the escape. an impassioned affair. being consumed by love. meeting your soulmate. lace and silk. thirsting for the perfect romance. marrying for passion. losing yourself in the face of your lover. wedding veils and bouquets of pink roses. maddened by love. finding warmth in the cold. calling out for your love. starting at the bottom. the fire cleanses all. hiding your passion. your love will destroy me / my love will destroy you.
the picture of dorian gray. painting a portrait or sketching the face of someone you love. meeting in secret. visions of your lover dying. clutching a lover’s clothes to your chest. love so consuming you kill them. protecting their innocence at all costs. betrayal. polyamory. devotion. flowers for the one you love. remembering the name of your first love. jealousy when you see them with someone else. love so consuming you die for it. visiting the the place where you saw them the first time.
the count of monte cristo. letters to your lover. marrying for love. these bars can’t keep me from you. motivated by love. an avenging angel. scorching jealousy. love reborn. devoted to memory. it was all for you. going your separate ways. commit murder for me. an unstoppable hunger. death comes for us all. the strongest love eventually grows apart.
dracula. the holiest love. girls love wolves. the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. violence is passion. red lips, sharp teeth. love letters in a diary. unrelenting support. getting lost in the woods. coming home to you. walking backwards into hell. vengeance for my love. even death won’t stop me. we can live forever. love is an open wound. too much love to give. bestowing your favour. a never-ending thirst. beauty even in death. ravenous desire. if only death had a heart to give. a mercy killing. these violent delights have violent ends.
frankenstein. childhood friends to lovers. they were something out of a dream. arranged marriages. learning to love. was it all really worth it? our guilt can know no bounds. vengeance, my love. dismembered body parts. my beating heart in your open palm. your death destroys me. adam and eve. crossing the mountains. an antagonist in mourning. paradise lost. the loss of innocence. abandoning your dream. the tempest on the horizon. humans are the real monsters. my love is wiser than my hate.
tagged by: the dash! tagging: baby it’s you!
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askrena · 2 years
wanted plots (ft. all of my muses) (mission season: prologue)
hi! title says all: this is a post containing all my wanted plots for my dearest babs. i’ve had a few new ideas spring on me since a while back, actually, but decided to save this post for when safy came. but she’s here now, and so! here are my offerings:
- i’m not really seeking threads on him, but he is unaffiliated, so if you WANT HIM TO ACCOMPANY YOU FOR ANY OF THE MISSION BOARD TASKS, he can! i’m thinking i can make 1-2 more threads. as an aside, i’d like to prioritize writing with muses i haven’t written with before, and also non-jugdral muses since he already has a lot of those and i’d like to branch out!
- FAITH +1 i think she’d try talking to this fake seiros before trying to arrest them. i’m thinking she’d like to try and convince them to use their charisma and charm for something better and more honest than this. kill ‘em with kindness! W/ EDAIN
- CHOIR safy isn’t naturally the type to gravitate towards these things but that’s exactly why i want her to try it out! i think she has some experience singing hymns and prayers, but not actual performing. maybe this can spark some new love for the arts? one that she hasn’t had a chance to explore until now? wink wink
- (UNAFFILIATED NEEDED) GAUNTLET +1 i’d really love to explore this with safy, since i think a lot of her skill is within the realm of magic and magic alone. finding out that her faith spells won’t work is going to be a bit of a doozy... but i think it could be a really neat point of development for her. c’mon girlie pop! branch out! diversify!
- HEAVY ARMOR +1 sharena has that sweet sweet “i missed all of my hits” trauma from arena when she was decked out in armor, so she’d like to rectify her mistakes and try it out again! whether or not she does so successfully is... up to us ;’)
- [AU] FAIRY TIME book iv presented to us the idea of changeling sharena; of a sharena that isn’t really meant to be in that place. they then took that concept and essentially retconned it by telling us it didn’t matter because it was all a dream! well i’m here to say that in my head it DOES matter! and it WASN’T just a dream! in this au, sharena doesn’t return from the dream realm, instead drinking the nectar and becoming a Ijosalfar to fight off against the encroaching nightmare. any memory of a ‘princess sharena’ is lost, though those who knew her prior to her disappearance begin dreaming of a girl with blonde hair and bright wings... and feeling as though they know her from somewhere... might be easier to plot this with a zenith muse/ a muse that has been summoned from askr, but if your muse is nosy enough to keep asking her questions, though, she might just break and remember who she is. isn’t that a thrill!
- [AU] ASKR if you want to explore the setting of askr and the order of heroes in general, i’d be happy to provide sharena! if you want to write a character’s feh alt, for example, or just dive deeper into the intricacies of being summoned, we can do that here!
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askrena · 2 years
hibiscus :   how does your muse view the gentler ,   daintier things in life ?as things worth preserving   &   caring for ,   or things only bound to wither   &   disappear ?
botanical hc's
i lowkey already answered this question here, but i suppose i’ll just talk about it a bit more specifically since i do have a lot of thoughts about sharena All the Time and i can’t pass up the opportunity to talk about her character in good faith.
so! the gentler and daintier things in life! sharena definitely thinks they’re worth fighting for. in fact, i feel like she sort of embodies that sort of belief. she has this childlike innocence and joy (it’s the whole reason why she still remembers the dream realm, for one) that’s managed to persist all this time, thanks to her efforts... and the efforts of others.
an example: sharena canonically believes in feh’s version of santa. it’s a bit written for laughs, i know, but i think (and choose to believe that) it’s also an indicator of how much she enjoys these frivolous-seeming yet joy-giving ideas.
Sharena: Huh? What are you saying, Commander Anna? Surely the winter festival envoy exists, right? Who would give gifts to all the children otherwise?! Anna: Well, umm... Sharena: Every year, when the time of the winter festival arrives, I wake up and get presents—just like everyone! And it's not like it's a dream... Alfonse even saw the winter festival envoy once! Isn't that right, Alfonse? Alfonse: Umm... Yeah, one time... Anna: Alfonse... Don't tell me you never told her... Alfonse: Sharena is such a devout believer, I felt like telling her the truth would break her heart. I just couldn't do it...
sharena’s joy... her earnest belief in things as silly yet wonderful as that... these are the types of things that are fragile enough to break against reality. but it doesn’t; it hasn’t, yet...
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askrena · 2 years
sunflower :   what brings your muse the most joy in life ?
botanical hc's
sharena is a naturally joyful person— she has an unrelenting optimism and fierce positivity that’s just... infectious. so it’s difficult to narrow down what brings her the most joy in life. but after spending a while scrolling through the wiki and reading her (seemingly endless number) of quotes, i think i can sum it up to this:
askr faces the constant threat of invasion (they’ve been invaded multiple times before, actually.) it maintains peace, but it is fought for fiercely. it almost feels like a privilege that they’re able to repel each invasion that has been launched against them, and that they can still afford to keep some form of order.
as such, i feel like it’s peace that brings her the most joy. and beyond just peace, it’s the simple pleasures that come with it that delight her. the festivals, the picnics, the fantasy feh santa claus. she enjoys all this because it’s a sign of consistent peace; of times where they don’t have to worry about war and battle and are simply free to live; to exist; to make friends and to dream.
also not to be an embla stan on main but this just drives the contrast between her and veronica further home. sharena is able to enjoy peace and the small pockets of joy that it brings because, as the younger princess, she doesn’t have to bear the burden of the throne. yes, as a member of the order of heroes, she still cares about these things— but she is afforded some leeway, at least. veronica on the other hand, despite being the younger of the two emblian royals, has to carry her father’s legacy of violence and war. she cannot enjoy peace, nor can she enjoy the same idle pleasures that sharena can. she canonically doesn’t do festivals too often even though she has more alts cough cough fix that intsys and needs a bit more time adjusting to them. meanwhile sharena just... dives into them...
sorry for digressing KWMKEMRK but yeah, the answer is peace. peace and all the bells and whistles that comes with it :D
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askrena · 2 years
hydrangea :   how much does your muse value communication in their relationships with others ?are they prone to being misunderstood ?
botanical hc's
i think sharena values open communication a lot! she has a level of passive perception regarding people’s emotions that i think makes her sensitive to how they feel, but she’s also prone to assuming things— especially if they strike a nerve. one recent example i can think of is in book 6:
Sharena: Alfonse, have you lost your mind?! Alfonse: Sh-Sharena! What did— Sharena: How could you say such terrible, heartless things?! How COULD you? I miss my gentle brother! Bring him back to me! Brotherrr! Alfonse: Calm down for a minute, Sharena! It was all an act! ...Ow!
i mean feh’s been writing her a bit comedically in general so one can say that this is a consequence of that but i choose to believe that this is beyond her being a humorous character and that she has meaningful development down the line C’MON FEH DON’T LET ME DOWN I 
anyways, that’s why i think she’d appreciate things being clarified, and why she has a habit of asking others how they feel or what they’re thinking of. she’s not entirely oblivious, but it always helps to be sure. she wants to make sure that the people she speaks with are comfortable and cared for!
with regards to being misunderstood: i think sharena is expressive enough that her intentions and feelings go through with most people. she’s quite frank in her comments, especially in the earlier books. if she has no reason to hide things, then she won’t.
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askrena · 2 years
amaryllis :   what is something or someone that your muse takes pride in ?how do they express that pride ?
botanical hc's
the natural answer would be her friends, of course. she’s proud of everything they’ve overcome and the development that they’ve had since they first met. but that’s not really what the question’s asking, is it?
so i’d say that she’s proud in her spearmanship. book 1 has her all eager to show zacharias/bruno/alfonse’s ‘dear friend’ her renewed skills. this makes me think that, in his absence, she did all that she could in order to get stronger. relentless training, strict self-discipline, all that jazz. i think she recognizes her own hard work and takes pride in it— and wants others to do so as well.
with how she’d express this pride, i don’t think she says outright that she thinks she’s the best or that she’s gotten stronger and all that. i think that she expresses it by asking others what they think about it. i suppose i’ll explain it like this; she knows about all the effort that she’s poured into this certain thing, and she wants to show it as opposed to speak about it. even though she’s aware of the hard work she’s put into something, she still wants to prove it to others by giving them an example. that she would be so sure that she is able to show them something good is how her pride manifests, i believe.
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