moe-broey · 2 years
I'm just feeling especially normal about the Askr siblings and I have one million notes on my cell phone that were never intended to see the light of day but. If you. Wanna indulge me.
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^ snippets from a scrapped Hel Sharena AU, not really a fic just figuring out scenes (meant to be a comic). Context is a near death experience (she fucking kilt him almost) and girlbossery I guess (ready to kill her herself but also understanding of the self and the pain and various other horrors and ultimately finding a little kindness for yourself even just a smidge.)
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^ Broken ass family.
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^ Some misc ones.
There were two more I was gonna include but I felt they got too personal for me LMFAO, but the main takeaway from them is:
> Alfonse is a funny little man who's full of contradictions. Yeah yeah he's super cautious and has extreme difficulty letting people in. But he will speak freely and openly to anyone who will listen. He trusts his allies wholeheartedly (esp drives me insane How he does this, in a strictly practical way). He's just... so earnest. Try as he might to distance himself and remain guarded, his earnesty tends to seep through. (And hell if we're talking contradictions, not even mentioned in this particular note but about a thousand others of mine LMFAO I believe Alfonse is a very emotional character. Like. His emotions DO tend to be a driving force for him. Unfortunately he is also his father's son. Jokes aside though, he does naturally have a very pragmatic personality to him too!)
> Something something there's something uniquely isolating about being friends w your sibling's friends bc you know they would simply never know you otherwise were it not for your older sibling(s). Sharena is here because Alfonse is. I'm here because my sisters are. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, it just leads to some strange grey areas and never really knowing where you stand sometimes.
These two did go hand in hand, just. Removing the context makes them seem unrelated LMFAO oh well!!!!
Anyways. Autism moment over it's so fucking late dude. It's almost 4 I gotta be up by 8 LMFAOOOOOOO GIRL HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😔😔😔😔
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askrena · 2 years
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is it THAT time of year again? no? WELL IT IS NOW!
send a 🎄for your muse and sharena to get caught under the mistletoe together!
add a 😘to clarify that it’s okay for her to kiss your muse on the lips (open to students only for comfort reasons tehehe)
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rosymaraschino · 3 days
Why are my favorite ships almost never the canon ones and why do I have the most insane justifications for them😩
Example: FEH
Bruno/Zacharias x Nyna
I am going to say it again. *takes deep breath* TWO SAD GENTLE SOULS SCREWED OVER BY JERKS AND NYNA NEEDS A MASKED MAN WHO WON’T ABANDON HER FOR ANOTHER GAME FUCK YOU S*RIUS THEIR LOVE IS PURE. Also you can’t tell me that mask is all business. Nyna gets to wear it when she taps that Zachariass.
Læraðr x Askr
Oh come on they were both born in Yggdrasil, they knew each other, biblically 😉 He is the god of openness and always open for business, Læraðr comes there everyday (OK I’LL STOP). No but they’d be so sweet, Askr would give him the best hugs, Læraðr would brush his hair every morning and every night, and they’d attack random strangers with photos of their kids.
Alfster x Dagr
She called him Alfster it was Alfover. Shes going to make him better but also worse. Alfster legally changes his name to Alfster. Alfonse is the brains, Dagr is the brawn, both are the beauty but Alfonse doesn’t know that about himself yet.
Freyr x Nott
Soft boy and strong, lovesick girl. He’ll give her sweet dreams all day and all night. She’ll recite him poetry while bench pressing a hundred men to the song “Africa” by Toto. Nott will give him piggyback rides, she knows he likes them, but he’s always too embarrassed to ask. Freyja you should probably call it quits before the last thing you see is rocking abs and glorious green hair.
Also @apollo-just-ice convinced me Sharena x Heiðr is pretty sweet.
Sorry Veronica at least the only war crime Heist committed was being too good for this world. Also check out Apollo’s fics on ao3! This is probably the most sane and logical ship on my list and is beautiful actually?
Not a ship but Henriette must have had a fling with Loki in the past. Henriette was the dom obvi. The only woman Loki couldn’t fluster.
Loki: Ah, Henriette. I was just thinking of how ashamed your kingdom would be if they knew about our “secret arrangements” in the past. Wouldn’t it be a shame if I got rid of the “secret” part?
Henriette: Oh, it wouldn’t be a bother at all. Why, I think I should inform my people myself. After all, transparency is a good quality for a queen to have. I just hope you don’t mind that the people find out you called me mommy.
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iamdarkness · 3 years
Chapter two of To Feed a Tiger Forces of Will.
To Feed a Tiger.Forces of Will
 Alfonse x Summoner, Alfonse X Summoner X Lif  
And one sided (as of now) Dimitri X Summoner X Alfonse X Lif
Triggers for talk about mental health. It is Feral Dimitri after all. Mentions of death and depressive thoughts.
Sexual Harassment and maybe more than that.
Incest. (Freyr and mentions of Freya).
 I thought about making my Summoner gender-less to fit all kinds of genders, but there is a part of the story where it becomes a necessity for them to be female.
 A/N At the end of the chapter.
Chapter 2
    Alfonse did not return that morning…
   The morning after the meeting with Lif, when Alfonse was suppose to return passed and Sharena came instead. She said little to you, except that prince Hrid had come to visit Fjorm. Sharena and Fjorm left aster breakfast. They didn’t even take Ylgr with them and that was weird. You were suppose to go into town instead of Sharena that day with Alfonse to oversee the care for the refugees. You go to talk to Anna and learn she has gone with Sharena and Fjorm without telling you. Luckily for you Anna had left her most efficient Captain in charge and instructions. Zelgius is there to help too.
   You decide to take one of the heroes with you to town and meet the soldiers and other heroes in charge of the operation there. First you go to both Robins and ask them to run things for you as planned with Soren so you can go.
 You are about to go talk to M Grima and King Marth when F Dimitri comes from the direction of the tree house and asks to talk to you.
   -Of course. Say! I am going into town and I may be gone some hours. If you want to come, we can talk on the way. I need someone of trust to accompany me.- He seemed to think about it.- I mean you don’t have to do it. I am just going to be overseeing the operation at the back of the warehouse as to not get in the way if I am not helping. I need to count the supplies and to asses what to buy and get for the next shipment.
   -I see. I will go with you.- He says and you two take off.
   You wait for him to open up to you and tell you what he said you needed to talk about, but he asks about the operation and then about the “Victory Gardens” where the heroes were growing the food. He tell you how relaxing it is to work on the fields and grow plants.
   -Say, Dimitri. What did you want to talk about? -He looks sideways at you and keeps quiet a moment more.
   -I… King Dimitri came to see me the other day. He came to offer me to work together in the fields with his companion Marth.- You can see that he had changed the subject, but this is good information and if he wants to share it, then it is progress.
   -I see. How do you feel about that? Are you interested?
   -Marth seems like a good person…he is good for Dimitri.
   -Oh so you noticed they are together.
   -I can see it in their eyes when they are together. I will work with them.
   -Good. Just be careful with the bees. If you leave them be, they will not sting you, but some people just won’t leave them alone. Then they wonder why they get stung.
  The whole trip to town went on like this. He would often ask you questions about your world and you try not to talk about difficult stuff and so you talk about music and how technology works and the difference between modern medicine, healing and magic. All in all it was a pleasant trip.
   When the work was over it had taken you longer than anticipated and you had to get some food from the inn and eat it with him in a sort of picnic.
    You were on the way back when you hear a yell of help in the fields by the road. You go to see if someone needs help but Dimitri stops you. He goes to find out and you stay on guard just in case. He tell you to run if he thinks you are in danger. He will make time for you to escape. Instead you hear him call out your name.
   You go to meet him and find him looking at a woman who is fallen on the dirt by the road. Her belly is swollen and her face red from pain and strain. She is having contractions.
   - Please, it is coming! Please help me! - She ask you and you kneel to her feet while Dimitri stands there shocked into silence.
   -Do you live near? Do you want us to take you home or something?- You ask her while checking her vital like the healers taught you.
  - No my hou….grrr…aaahhh- She is cut off by her yell and you take the this time to check under her dress. With the light of the afternoon sun you can tell the bay is indeed coming and you can see the crown of the head. There is no time to taker to the castle, as it is still far away. She won’t make it that far.
   -Dimitri. Listen, the baby is coming and I need your help. You can say no because there will be a lot of blood and I don’t want you to..
   -I will do it. What do you want me to do.- He had been standing looking lost at the woman, but now he was full on attention and alert.
   -Help me stand her up and then let her use you as a support.-
 -Standing up?- He asks while helping her stand. She also looks at you skeptically.
 -It is going to be easier on her and the baby.- You tell him. He nods and help you stand her up.
 -The baby will get better oxygen supply and she will not strain herself as much. That is what the healers taught me any way.- You say and you lie because you saw that somewhere on the internet, but they need the reassurance.
 She finally stands up and he uses his arms in a kind of wide hugging position for the woman to hold herself steady. Meanwhile you take off your summoner coat off and ask her to breath as normally as possible through the nose and then let it out through her pursed lips as if whistling.
 - Don’t push now! Wait for the pain of the contraction OK! Ready Dimitri?- You ask him and he nods. The contraction comes and the woman hangs off of Dimitri’s arms and body, pushing with all her might.
   -Keep breathing! Don’t breath through your mouth!- You say leaning under her open legs. The head is almost out and you know you will need something to clean the baby once they come out. You see nothing and take off your blue shirt. Dimitri looks at you questioningly. Another contraction.
   -OK let the breath out and PUSH! The head is almost out!- and indeed the head is out and you take the coat and lay it under the legs.
 Another wait and the next contraction comes. You take the shirt and clean the baby’s face and nose of liquids and blood, and as she is still pushing a little of the shoulders can be seen now.
 Another contraction and you help the baby by pulling at the the head and shoulders gently and carefully. On the next contraction the baby is completely out.
 - OH! The baby is coming!- You are able to get the baby safely on the summoner’s coat. The baby starts crying loudly as soon as he is out. There is still some liquid and blood coming out and you remember the placenta is coming out too.
 -You can let her lie down now Dimitri. Let me finish cleaning the baby. Congratulations! It’s is a boy! And by the sound of those lungs he is very healthy !!
 After the placenta is out and the baby clean you have to check the mother for a hemorrhage. You check her pulse and it looks kind of low…wait is that normal?
 -How long had you been waiting for help?
 -I don’t know…a long time…my water broke and I… the sun… it was after midday.-So she was bleeding and dehydrated too…nice.
 -Dimitri please lend me your cloak and wrap it around her. Can you please carry her? We need to take her to the healers at the castle. I will be caring the baby. Dimitri do me a favor and talk to her too. Don’t let her go to sleep. Here drink this water Mam.- You say that all smiling and give her your bottle of water to drink. It is a just in case but shouldn’t new mothers have higher blood pressure and faster pulse? She seemed cold and sleepy and it may have been due to her exhaustion but just in case you tell Dimitri softly to hurry up.
 During the walk the woman seems to liven up and starts asking questions and answering them as well. She was actually the wife of one of the soldiers currently at the castle, and was walking back into town after coming to tell him the baby may be coming soon. The baby seems tried as well and you shush him and sing a quiet lullaby to help him sleep until she can breastfeed him.
    When you get to the castle you tell the guards to send for the father and tell him to go to the infirmary. They probably saw you from afar because they were already waiting for you with a first aid kit and a stretcher. Dimitri informed them he could finish the job and take her to the infirmary himself, without wasting more time. All of this while still walking.
   You are walking inside when Alfonse comes out running towards you with brows knitted and worried. He was about to say something but focuses on the bundle of bloody summoner’s coat on your arms and your state of undress.
   -Alfonse! Look we had a baby!- You tell him excitedly. He looks confused for a second and then an indescribable emotion comes to his face. Yo notice your mistake and rewind. - I mean I had it. No! What am I saying? I delivered it! She had it and Dimitri was awesome!- Dimitri had kept on walking to the infirmary. You notice Alfonse’s eyes look moist and a little red now and you are about to ask him, what is wrong, when he finds his voice.
   -What? What happened! They told me you came back all bloodied and carrying a wounded! I thought you had been ambushed!
-Oh we were coming back when half way through we heard her cries for help. She must have heard my horrible singing from afar heh,heh!- He made a face at that. He didn’t like when you made derogatory jokes about yourself. You were trying to catch up to Dimitri.- Dimitri went to see if it was safe or an ambush and he called me over. She had been there since after midday Alfonse! Was no one patrolling the road?
 -I will find out. - He said in a cold tone.
 -So I asked Dimitri to get her to stand so she can deliver it easier and he made such a great job of being her support! Of course she did all the hard work, I just caught the baby in my coat and cleaned it. Still it was awesome! Alfonse I think she is very dehydrated and I thought she may be having low blood pressure and that’s very dangerous.- He loos at you smiling fondly.- Sorry I am very exited if you can’t tell.- And you laugh. The baby starts crying.- Oh Alfonse ! See what you did? You woke him up with all the noise!
 - What did I do?- But he sees that you are kidding with him and smiles.
 You all enter the infirmary and they take the lady to a bed to check out. Alfonse stays out in the waiting area while you take the baby to the other healers to be checked out. Your coat is probably ruined and you are all bloodied. You go to the toilet and wash off the blood and return to be checked for disease as the healers told you. You never know what you can catch from blood. There is no HIV in Summit but there are always diseases you can catch from blood. They give you a spare gown to wear. They inform you that the woman was indeed very dehydrated and had lost a lot of blood as well. It was a good thing you had found her in time or it may not have gone right. The problem now was that she was not lactating and the baby needed feeding. The husband had come and was now trying to talk to the lady who was being administered some potions to replenish her blood supply and to help with lactation.
 You check on Alfonse and he is talking to Dimitri. When you are about to join a healer comes out and asks to talk to you. The baby will need a wet nurse or two. In her state the mother would not be able to lactate as of now. She will need at least three days for the potion to take.
 -we can search for one at town but it will be until tomorrow. We can administer a potion to someone to be a wet nurse for the night and the effect will wear off by the day after tomorrow.
 You go through your list of heroes that have been mothers and may want to help and wonder for a while how cute it would be to see Lady Camilla nursing a child too. - I can send for Lady Mikoto and probably Arete? See if they can help. I mean I have never done this, but I can try if they are not available…I mean that is kind of a lot to ask of a hero…
 They let you take the baby and he while they tend to the mother and locate a hero that may help or even a servant (most of them are older women who may not be up to the task). You wonder how it would feel to have a baby suckle at your breast. The baby starts crying. Here’s when a pacifier would be of great use! He sounds hungry.
 <<Well….no body is here…>>
 But do you use a finger or …
 <<What the hell! No one is going to know. They will know….No one’s gonna know….how will they know… Here goes>>
 It feels so funny!…But at the same time…can you imagine one of these, but yours and Alfonse’s?  And look at that, he is quiet.
   <<I mean, there is nothing coming out but at least he is quiet. Oh you poor thing!>>
   -_______ Can I talk to you?What are you doing?- Alfonse…. Of course…At first he looks confused and then he can see part of your breast and his face turns redder than a tomato.
   -Umm…They are looking for a wet nurse for tonight until they get one at town…I just wanted to know if I could volunteer…- You lie. You take the time to fix yourself but the baby starts crying again and you put the nipple back inside the little mouth.
   -We have servants for that.
   -Well he may as well use them, since no one else is!- Oh that sounded so wrong and it makes you laugh when he turns to you and makes a face of incredulity. You take this time to wiggle your eyebrows because you are already way deep and there is nothing else to loose and no one to save you.
   -_______!- He covers his face with his hands and collapses on a chair. You approach him and stand with one of your legs between his knees. He looks up and the look he gave you, made you shiver. You feel like at any moment he will do something and you imagine yourself sitting on his lap while he kisses you, baby in arms and all. Instead he closes his eyes and turns away from you.
 - I came to tell you Runa wanted to talk to you. She already talked to Dimitri.
   -Who’s that?You can look, I covered myself.- He still will not look up.
   -The child’s mother. You didn’t asked her name?
   -I was a little busy telling her how to breath and push and the blood and you know. I forgot.- You walk away from him.
   -________. I need to talk to you. Later.- He gave you a look that you only saw when things got very bad. In that moment you saw a lot of his father in him.
   -….I didn’t know you received training on aiding childbirth.- He asks, curious about it.
   -I didn’t. I had good internet…umm I saw some videos about it and they looked interesting. You never know when you will end up using something like that. To be fair I never expected to use it. If someone had told me this morning this was going to happen I would not have believed them. It sounds far fetch to me. -<And now I had my breast inside a baby’s mouth in front of the man I love. How is that for far fetched?>
   -You never cease to amaze me.- He looks at you with a warm expression and it makes you blush.
   -_______! I heard….Oh! You are …. breastfeeding a baby…- Fjorm comes inside the room with a look of utter horror and then it turns into confusion and later to …. She looks at you again and her eyes water. - Nifl! I thought you were injured! I better tell the other heroes before they have a breakdown. You look…adorable…-She says and turns to leave. You can hear her crying. Oh crap! She didn’t even let you say a word. Didn’t even ask who’s baby that was. You chalk that up to her thinking she will not live long enough to have a baby and it makes you so sad.
 You turn around to look at Alfonse and he is looking at you the same way Lif did last night. But why?
   Sakura takes this time to come in and inform you they have a volunteer and she take the baby now crying his lungs out while you are left worrying about three people now seeing you “breastfeeding” a baby that was not yours…The ground could open up and swallow you and you would thank it.
 Alfonse accompanies you to talk to Runa, who alongside her husband thanked you for your help. Runa had seen many of the heroes on the way in and does not know who Alfonse is and he did not want you to introduce him. That is until…
 -My darling Brant is always talking about you and our prince. I remember seeing him once when he was a little boy and the royal family came when this was but their Summer retreat. He was so very cute! He must be a very handsome man right now.
 -He is. I can tell you that I have met hundreds of people and heroes and he is by far the most handsome of all.- You say and know he is getting flustered.
 - I never thought I would get to meet you in person Summoner ______ and here we are. Brant says you are so nice and clever and I think he came up short! Our prince better propose before one of those dashing heroes snatches you first.
 You laugh at that and feel your face heat up. Brant, who was Runa’s husband was beet red looking at Alfonse who was also beet red. Sharena who was standing at the back started giggling.
 -Nah they’ll return me in a week tops heh, heh,heh!
 -That’s not what Claude would say, or Seth or Chrom or Leon. Oh and Zelgius…-Says Sharena in a singsong voice.
 -Not every one is as patient as Alfonse.
 -Well, I grew up with Sharena…- He said and turned to face Sharena who laughed harder at his red face. Runa seemed to catch up to what this meant and gasped.
 -Oh Your highness! How could I not recognize you! Please forgive me I meant no disrespect.
   -Please do not worry about this. Concentrate in getting better for your child’s sake. It was my fault for not being polite and introducing my self or my sister.
   -Yes it was his fault don’t worry about it! I am princess Sharena and I wanted to congratulate you on your beautiful baby!How are you going to call him?- Sharena comes like the friendly and energetic girl that she is, and stands by the side of the bed. Runa is taken aback at the difference between the two royal siblings. She smiles and takes the princess’ hand.
   -Thank you your highness! We thought about it and we will like to name him Dimitri like the prince of Faerghus who helped us today. We talked to him and he gave us permission.
   -Dimitri! That is a beautiful name! I really like it. All our Dimitris are great warriors.
 -Sharena I think it is time to let her rest. She needs to recover for the potion to take effect. -He says to Sharena; then turns to the new parents.-Congratulations to both of you. You have brought us the happiness we needed in these times of turmoil. Thank you. - Alfonse say in a solemn tone but smiling.
   You all leave and Alfonse asks you to meet him in your shared study after dinner and you agree. This means Alfonse is not going to be present at dinner and so you take your food and take it to share it with Dimitri.
   -Dimitri I wanted to congratulate you on your job today! You were great.-You tell him once you are done eating.
   -My hands were awash with blood…but for once it was the blood of life, not death. It brings me peace and happiness. As if water had cleansed my dirty hands.- He says this, while he looks at his hands.- Is there truly forgiveness for what I have done?
   -It is the miracle of life. I feel the same way. I am sure we can not only repent for our sins but also make up for them. This may be one way.- You take his hands in yours, but he goes to lay his head on your shoulder. He starts to cry and you embrace him and pull him to you. He needs this and you will be there for him.
   -Let it all out. I am here for you.- You caress his head and hair like a mother to her child and he hold on to you like a lifeline.
   When he lets go he tells you smiling that the family has asked him for permission to name their child like him.
   -I feel happy about it, but I can not help but think…I do not want him to fare the same as I. At least he has good parents. I am afraid to not measure up to his expectations.
   -Well. You are right about the parents. And he is way too young to expect something of you; except probably to carry him when he wants to be held. You got time to heal and grow… and become a good example.
   -I will.
   He left a little after that, but before he left he gave you one of the crystal necklaces to find the tree house. He trusted you enough to have you near.
    You returned to your room and found Alfonse already in the study. It looked like he was drinking tea, but it was cold and forgotten. He had lit the fireplace even though it was not cold. He was watching the fire when you found him. His violin discarded on his desk.
   -Alfonse? What is wrong?- Now that the excitement of the day was gone you could see clear signs of distress in the prince. His eyes looked red and tired. At first he tried to hide them, but he faced you with a sight.
   -Sit down. - He tell you and you sit in the chair across from him.- When we arrived at the palace. Prince Hrid was already there along with Princess Leagyarn. The Queen was about to call us over when we sent her the message that we were coming to visit.- You ascent to tell him to go on.- I already gave my report to Commander Anna about this.
   -It sounds serious.- He nods and still not looking at you.
   -Both Leagyarn and Hrid report, there are rumors of war. Places left totally destroyed by unknown forces. There are travelers form different realms seeking refuge in Muspell and Nifl. They think this war is coming our way.
You gasp at that. Those are bad news indeed. You had enough problems with what had happened in the past. You were still recovering from Surtr for goodness sake! And you have Embla, to deal with.
 - As you know our resources are not limitless and we need help. If this is true; it will be disastrous. The Queen and the other two royals have formed a council and decided to form a treaty…- There was a knock at your door and Alfonse just gave a tired sight and rubbed his face with his hands. You went to open the door to find Fjorm. She looked as tired as Alfonse and now you knew why…or at least part of it.
 -May I come in? I…Alfonse asked me to be here for the conversation.-You let her in and she looked like she truly didn’t want to be there.
 -I was just getting to the treaty.- Alfonse tell her without looking at her. She nods and sits on one of the chairs father way from both of you.
 -Hrid...had the idea of cementing our treaty with a personal tie, not only of friendship but familial. He means a marriage of both our Kingdoms. Leagyarn did not need such ties. She trusted our word alone.- Fjorm flinches at that.
 -Fjorm and I are getting married…- He says with finality and Fjorm starts crying. He does not meet your eyes. You feel like the floor is sinking and thank God that you are already sitting down. The air is not getting into your lungs and are getting dizzy, but you remember to breath again.
 -I’m so sorry _____! It is all my fault!- You hear Fjorm say between sobs.
 -Wait…your fault? Why?…I thought you were in love with someone already! Was it him you loved all along? Did you do this behind my back?- You are crying now not only of sadness but anger of being betrayed by one of the people you like best. She knew you loved Alfonse .Fjorm cries harder and you can hear her apologies mixed up with her sobs.
 -______ let her be. It really is not her fault. She sacrificed herself again to save us!
 -Oh by marring you?
 - Hrid wanted YOU! He wanted YOUR hand in marriage! He is angry at her now, for speaking out against it and asking to marry me instead. She is in love with you. Can’t you see!- Alfonse says waving a hand towards Fjorm. There is anger in his voice.
 -What? Me? Why?
 -What do you mean why? For the same reason Claude loves you, Corrin , Eliwood ,Camilla, Lif and I and now Hrid.- He stands and start pacing around the room. He could have gone on with the list because he thinks every hero loves you as he does.
 -Hrid? He doesn’t even know me. We’ve seen each other only a couple times! That is not love!- It is true he comes to see his sisters twice a year and stays a couple of days, but he usually spends the time with his sisters at town, or at the resort. You welcome him and have dinner with him and the heroes, but that is it.
 Alfonse stops walking and looks at Fjorm and when he sees that she can’t stop crying he explains.
 -Fjorm writes to him constantly and has told him everything about you. What you do, how you do it, what you say and even how you sing. He sees you through her love’s eyes and now fancies himself in love with you. She …volunteered to marry me, because she knows she will die and then…- He could not finish the sentence. You look at Fjorm. She avoids your eyes and covers her face with her hands. You go and hug her. She flinches a little.
 -Please forgive me…I …the shock did not let me think strait.
 -It is my fault! Please don’t hate me _______. When I die he will be free.
 -Fjorm I don’t want you to die! And I don’t want to think about you dying so I can be with him! There has to be another way!
 -We have tried to talk our way out of this, but there is no…
 -Hrid is a good man _____. He just thinks that if you two are not together he may have a chance at winning your heart. And _____, he will not relent. I know him.
 -Doesn’t he know he is hurting you as well?
 -He doesn’t know I am in love with you. He thinks the one I love is Alfonse and I am taking advantage of the treaty to marry him. -’Just like you had though’ she doesn’t say. That must have stung quite a lot coming from you.- There is no convinsing him of the truth. I know you don’t love me the way I do, and never will, but you have given me so much that seeing you happy made happy. I did not want this for you. I didn’t want to hurt you, but if you marry my brother, he will never let you go and then you will never be happy with Alfonse.
 - I see…
 -There is going to be a ball in two weeks to make the engagement official. Hrid will be there to…- You see Alfonse’s ungloved hands tighten. The knuckles are white with strain and it may be a trick of the light but you can see a line of red coating the white skin.
   -I should go now.- Says Fjorm still in your arms and stands up to leave. You walk her to the door and she opens it.
   -Please forgive me. Jealousy is the worst of feelings and it turns us into monster. I should not have reacted that way.
   -It is my fault. I never said anything. You probably thought I was following you around all this time just for him, when I was actually there for you…At least Eir thought so. She confronted me once. I had to tell her the truth.
   -To be fair I always thought you were doing research like us, when you were at the library. Are you going to tell her about…- You could not finish. She just nodded, said her good night and left.
   You were left alone with Alfonse. The man you love, but are too afraid to face now. It is strange but, even though you know he will marry another, there is comfort in knowing he loves you still. You only have to find a way to save him. < Yeah! Like I saved Lif right?>
   You enter the study and find him leaning on the chimney mantle. You had hugged him before in friendly terms but you have never been this bold to initiate such intimate contact. This time you stand behind him and embrace him; leaning your head on his back. He takes your hands in his.
   -I love you Alfonse.- he makes a strangled noise at that and tightens his hold on your hands. You can’t help but cry your self.- I will wait for you. I promise.
   -Fjorm sees herself dying any day now…but I can’t help but think about her surviving all this years…and I hate myself for it. I will hate my self for waiting and her for living…and yet I can live with that. The thought of you marring another is what drives me insane.
   -I will wait for you. Or I can be your mistress…
   -No! I will not do that to you. I will not stain your honor that way. You have no idea how the people here treat …no.
   -(sigh) Honor…what use is honor if it does not bring me happiness…but I understand you. I know it looks like I don’t care about what people say about me, and I don’t, but I care about what they think about you.- You close your eyes and take a deep breath to take courage for your next question.- Can I at lest have you once?
   -If I touch you…I will not be able to stop my self… I will not be able to leave you. It is already …I think it is time I move my chambers somewhere else. Go to sleep. We will talk tomorrow.- He lets go of your hands and move away.
   You go to your room and close the door of the study. Your heart is broken and his refusal had stung, but you also know him enough to know how he deals with heartache. He is suffering more than you in this and he will suffer more still, having to be married to a woman he doesn’t love and who doesn’t love him back. A woman he is clearly jealous of.
   Of course you could not sleep that night but a fitful couple of hours. Especially because you could see the light of the fire in the study and a shadow pacing around outside your door. You wanted to go out and end that torture, but you also understood him. Getting closer now would only complicate matters and make it harder in the end.
   Maybe it was fate that you had fallen in love with the same man twice and lost them both. Fate may be telling you, happiness was not for you. About some hours before day break you hear a violin begin to play. It was your favorite piece.
   The melancholy melody reached you and your mind wandered to the times he had played for you when you told him you could not sleep. Perhaps he knew that like him, you were not sleeping. How could you live without him? He was your other half. Loosing him again will be like loosing part of yourself. You fall asleep to the sound of his pain. (1)
   Hours later you get up to go to work, you can’t hear anything in the study. You open the door with a bit of trepidation and find it empty. The door to his room is wide open, but there is no sound inside. You think he may be sleeping, but after a quick look, you find the room empty.
   You go to the dining hall and get something to eat. You are not hungry of course, but there is a long day of work ahead of you and getting sick will only make it worse. Before going inside, you fear to face him again, and even more in front of other people.
   -Hey Boss! Do you know what’s wrong with the prince!- You turn to look at the sound of the familiar voice, but find not only one Claude but two. Double trouble stand there looking at you and the younger of the two whistles.
   -You look worst than him! Did you have a party last night?- This earned him an elbow to the side by King Claude.
   -Yes Claude. I went to a rave. You found me out.- I say flatly.- You saw Alfonse?
   - He was going to the library, but he looks sick. You are not getting sick are you? Is it contagious?- He asked concerned.
   -No. I just couldn’t sleep. You needed him for something?- They look at each other for a second and young Claude nods and excuses himself to go have breakfast. Having these two together is a wonder. They do this thing where they have whole conversations with their eyes and it is scary to watch, knowing how smart and mischivious they are.
   -You had a fight?- King Claude asks quietly, eyes not straying from yours. You know he can read you like an open book. He hums a little and say.- We were tasked to let him, and you now there is a meeting in two hours. Commander Anna and princess Sharena look almost as bad as you. Is something going on?
   -Perhaps… Yes. I will let you know when I find out all the details.- You tell him. He is resourceful and know he will eventually find out and you will need his sharp mind to make plans any way.
   -Did you cheat on him with Fjorm?- He say it jokingly and you look at him with a “TF you mean?” look, but you also wonder why he even mentioned Fjorm.- You know that lady is in love with you right? I consider her my strongest opponent by the way. Sturdy and strong.
   -Claude…why do you even say that?
   - Well, when we were going to give him the message; we found him arguing with Fjorm. She came and said something to him and he looked ready to kill someone. You know that growly thing Lif used to do when he was actively trying to kill us?Well just like that. He went storming into the library. Fjorm looked ready to cry. I give her props for not running away. That’s why my girl is my strongest opponent.
   -Did everyone know about Fjorm but me?
   -Yep. You do know about me right? Please tell me you do; because I don’t know how else to..
   -Yes, Claude I know about you.- You smile at him.- And believe me when I say, that if I had not been Summoner here and had met you first. It would be very different. I would be crazy in love with that wit, those gorgeous green eyes, that astute mind and personality…Oh that sense of humor too and you would probably not even look my way.
   -I do have beautiful eyes, don’t I. (sight) Not as beautiful as Alfonse’s I suppose- He said teasingly. You can’t help not going along with his sense of humor. He was trying to cheer you up, so you smile at him and punch him lightly on the arm.
   You went together to have breakfast and then you ask the people working the kitchen if Alfonse had come to get food. He had not and Sharena confirmed he was still in the library and didn’t want anything.
   You think of taking him something, but at the end you just get an apple and some cookies you stole from the kitchen.
   You get to the War Room and Anna and Sharena are already outside. They greet you but they don’t meet your eyes. Alfonse is already inside looking at the giant map of Askr and the surrounding lands that is carved on a stone table. You go near him and put the apple and napkin with cookies in front of him. He did not made to take it.
   -Don’t make it worst by getting sick.- He sighs, takes them and start eating them. You sit in one of the chairs by the high stained glass windows, take out your schedule for today and start making plans.
   -You look better today.
   -If by that you mean, I look like I couldn’t sleep until you started playing, then yes. Thank you, by the way.- He nods but does not say a word. You feel like you are talking to Lif. Which tells you just how hurt he is.- Are you researching on who you think is behind the attacks?
   -There is too little information to do a proper research.- He answers after finishing the apple.
   - Could it be one of the realms from the Norse folklore? We already fought some of them. I can talk to Freyr and ask him what he thinks about this. He may even dream of something.
   - Perhaps.- He say simply. You are getting flashbacks of the days when you had first arrived to Askr and he would only answer with these kind of sentences. You can’t help to sigh and he just looks sideways at you, but doesn’t elaborate.
   Anna and the rest started coming in. Ten minutes later Anna starts the meeting that turned out to be just an announcement since there were people missing.
   -We will be having a meeting today at around six. The Royal Army Generals are coming. _______, I have a list of heroes I need in the meeting and I leave whoever you think should attend as well to your discretion. Here.- She hands you a list with names.- The King of Nifl and Queen of Muspell will be attending. - You look at Alfonse and he is looking at Anna intently but you can see he is doing that jaw thing he does when he is angry. Sharena is looking down at her feet.- They will be here two days and we need to be on our best of behaviors and safety. They will be arriving in three hours tops.
 Two days.
  Now you understood why Alfonse was angry at Fjorm. She must have told him, Hrid was coming.The meting only lasted a few minutes while she gave the officers and heads of staff their orders.
 As soon as the meeting was over, Alfonse went out the door but was stopped by Delthea who was asking for you. He pointed you out and you wondered what was wrong with the bright magician.
 -Summoner! Someone spiked Freyr’s drink and he is drunk in the infirmary. He won’t let anyone touch him. Natasha wants you to go and see if you can help them out. He keeps saying he wants to talk to you and go to the beach.
 -Seriously? Do you have any idea who it was? Wait …Why was he day drinking at this our? It’s like 8 in the morning!- She shrugged. You rub your face out of frustration.- God! Why no one told me I was going to be babysitting grownup heroes that behave like five year olds? - Delthea started giggling and you noticed Alfonse had stopped to listen to the exchange. He came close and said.
 -Take the morning off after you let the heroes know, they are needed. You need the time off Summoner.- Even Delthea stopped giggling. She looked at him and then you, like she was expecting something bad to happen, like kids do when their parents argue in front of them. -Just be sure to be here for the meeting and dinner. His highness will want to see you as well.
 -I do not think that is prudent, there is a lot to do. Besides you need rest as well.
 - I have stuff to do- He turns to leave, then adds without looking at you.-…But summoner, Do go.
 You see him leave and after those cutting words you feel empty inside. You take Delthea by the hand and start to go towards the infirmary. It seems so impossible that you had been there just yesterday, full of joy and happiness and it feels now like a lifetime ago. It is enough to make you cry but not in front of Delthea.
 -______. The prince…
 - He is going through a lot right now Delthea.
 -Is it because of his marriage to Fjorm?- She asks biting her lip.
 -What do you know about that? How?- You stop to look around to see if someone is around to listen to your conversation.
 -I heard Fjorm telling Eir about it. I was looking at this book I found in a secret compartment under one of the bookcases in the library.- She shows you a blue book with golden runes and a set of locks on the side.- They couldn’t see me and they started talking and I didn’t know It was a secret.They are both very sad. Eir promised Fjorm to help her find a way to get off the marriage and not make you marry Fjorm’s brother. Is he the one coming today? Is that why Alfonse wants you to go to the beach? You know Fjorm is in love with you right? I think Alfonse is looking for a way to not marry Fjorm as well and that is what he is doing in the library.
 <<WTF?>>-I see. How did you know about Fjorm?
   -You can’t see the way she looks at you?- She rolls her eyes.- Just like Chorm and Claude and Leon…and his demon -She made a face- Oh and Xander.-You look at her questioningly- Sigbert told me. That is why he stutters when he talks to you. Oh Dimitri!
 <<Dimitri??>> You think, because King Dimitri has Marth, Savior Dimitri has Byleth and Student Dimitri has a sweetheart as well. Then you look up and see she meant “Feral” Dimitri is coming your way.
 -____ are you going to the infirmary?- You nod yes.- May I accompany you?
 -Of course! Are you not feeling well?- You ask concerned and make sure to remember not to burden him with your issues and give him your best smile, just like the one you will have to give the kids.
 -I...-He lowered his gaze- I want to know how…the baby is doing.- He said a little embarrassed.
 God this man is so sweet, you have to wonder just how much he had to suffer for him to be turned into what you saw of him earlier.
 -Oh I see. So was I,but now I need to check on a Dream God, that someone got drunk.
 -Do you need help?- He asks concerned.
 -I am not sure, but he is…he has touching issues and I am guessing it is because of his sister.-He looks confused.- Dimitri… no matter how bad thins get, remember that at least you are not trying to bang your sibling, without their consent.
 -What does that mean?- He asks in a small voice. Delthea starts giggling. Of course she knew what you meant.
 - His sister is in love with him and was actively trying to…you know… marry him…- You finished awkwardly.
 -What?…I suppose I understand why he would not want to be touched by people.
 - And it does not help that he is very attractive. This is why he always wear loose tunics.- Seriously the first time you saw him without that tunic, it was shocking! That man is a God…well literally as well, but still. Dimitri just nods and keeps walking at your pace looking sideways at Delthea who was trying hard to open the blue book.
 -Where did you get that book any way? What is it about?
 -Umm. Well last week I was hiding from Luthier, because he wanted me to finish my homework and I hid in the bottom shelf where there were no books, and I saw this crack in the shelf on the bookcase next to mine, and it had a spell on it right? So I waited until Luthier went looking for me somewhere else, and tried to undo the locking spell. It was an old spell, but like easy to undo, and the book was inside it. I just can’t open it. I has this spell I can’t make out.
 -Delthea,maybe it is a cue for you not to mess with it. It may belong to someone already. It may give you tentacles or something. Wait! Alfonse can translate those runes! I have seen him do it. It is some dead language we have encountered before. Why don’t you see if he can open it or knows what it is?
 -Oh! Yes!….But what if I get in trouble?
 -Tell him I sent you, because I wanted to know what that was and Delthea…Can you do me a favor?
 -Of course _____
 -Can you see what he is researching and try to help him? He is very intelligent, but sometimes people need another fresh mind to find the answer they are looking for.
 -OK. I’ll do it. I want to help you with...- You shake your head slightly and widen your eyes so she would not say a word about the betrothal in front of Dimitri. She understood.- his research.
 -You can do that once we come back from the beach.
 -No. You go, but you can please take my brother! He needs to go out. Deal?
 -Deal! Now go and tell Luthier, I need him to come help me with Freyr and that he can take whoever he wants to come with us. - She nods and starts running towards the library. You turn to Dimitri- Hey Dimitri. After visiting the baby I am taking Freyr to the beach. We are having some guests tonight and I need some relaxing time beforehand. Want to come? You don’t have to answer now. Think about it. I also need to run some errands before we take off. -He nods and opens the door of the infirmary.
 You both go inside and ask him if he wants to go with you and go together to visit the baby or go by himself. He decides to wait for you outside the room Freyr is in. Brady informed you he had calmed down when they told him you were coming, but he had been very dizzy, could barely walk and had not wanted anyone to help him on the bed. He had also not wanted to tell them, whom he though had spiked his drink.
 - Freyr? How are you feeling?- His eyes were open. This was bad.
 -______? I feel dizzy. I need to go…
 -We are going to the beach Freyr. Who spiked your drink? Do you know?
 -Freya.- He pointed to the night table where a pitcher of water was placed. You go and take it to smell and …-Do not drink it. It is a potion for deep sleep.- Indeed the liquid did not smell like alcohol. He was not drunk, he was fighting sleep. You were going to ask him why he thought Freya had done this if she was dead, but then so was him and you had called him fro the dead.
 - I swear your sister is like Freddy Kruger! This is bad! When did you see her?
 -This morning I was dreaming… having a pleasant dream. When a nightmare came to me. I saw your sadness summoner. Then she came to me, and said we would soon be together, now that she had come back to me. I tried to wake up and could not. She came near me and I could not move. I woke up when I heard Peony knocking on my door. She had sensed something, but she could not see her or feel her. I could barely stand and she helped me get far enough to come here. I sent her to look for anyone who could have penetrated our security.
 -I need to tell Anna bout this…But first I need to tell Brady if he has something to fight the sleeping potion.
 -Don’t go.
- I am not going anywhere Freyr.- You open the door and ask Dimitri to please go get Brady or any healer and to bring something to fight sleep. Then you go and stand by Freyr’s side to talk to him so he can stay awake. You ask him what the dream he had about you was about, but he did not want to elaborate.
 -You know Sir. It is not my place to tell you this but; have you though of maybe marring someone to see if she gets the idea?- He looks at you and actually smiles.
 - I have…but I find my self in the predicament of being in love with someone who does not love me back.- Suddenly his smile fades and he continues.- Can you imagine the calamities my sister would rain upon my beloved?
 -Oh yes. I surely can. I am so sorry to have intruded. Please forgive me, I did not meant to hurt you.- He sighs, extends his hands to you and asks you to sit on the bed by his side.
 - Do not fret ______. It is an obvious question. I should have ended this madness a long time ago, but the love for my little sister blinded me to her misguided pursuit, until it was too late to change.
 This conversation gave Brady time to come. He knocked on the door and came in with Dimitri and a young Leon in tow.
 - Lord Freyr, _____; I have here a potion that may counter the sleeping potion you took.- He gives Freyr the bottle and picks up the water and smells it.- Leon said he gave you the whole bottle, if you hadn’t been a god, you would be dead, even with one fraction. This is our strongest sleeping potion. Used for surgeries.- You look at Leon who is currently looking down at the floor.- Take all the bottle Lord Freyr, if you feel uncomfortable you can come see me later. _________, please don’t be hard on the tike. It ain’t his fault.- Freyr took the potion.
 -What happened Leon?- You asked him in a soothing tone. How can you be mad at him? He is a good boy and was probably tricked into doing this.
 - He told me to do it.-He pointed at Freyr. Everyone looks confused except Brady.- Well it wasn’t him I guess. I had a dream for two nights and he was crying, because he could not sleep. In my dream he kept asking me for help. He said he wanted to see his little sister and he needed a potion for that but he could not ask for it, because he did not want to worry you _______. He said not to ask him in real life so it would be our secret. He told me where to get it, and to just put it in his water when he was not in his room so no one would know. So I did what he asked...but now that I think about it; his horns looked different and he had a big ugly mole in his nose.
 If this had not been as serious as it was, it would have been funny. Freya was so self conscious about that mole… but also that mole was the root of the whole damned problem. Leon looked worriedly at Freyr, which was still looking at him with open eyes. Freyr smiles at him.
 -Do not be afraid child. I hold no ill intent toward you. You are innocent. I know my sister well, but I  confess I am shocked, by her tricking a child to do her wicked work.
 Freyr felt better and now could close his eyes and sleep as he always did. It was worrisome that Freya was back, not only because of the sick obsession she had with her brother, but because it meant someone had revived her.
 You send word to Anna about the incident and she comes to talk to Freyr and you. After this you, Dimitri and Freyr ( who probably does not want to be alone), go visit Runa and her baby. You had a good talk, you got to hold the baby and Freyr gave him his blessing. Runa could not believe she was in the presence of one of the ancient Gods.
   After sending word to the heroes that need to be in the meeting and King Claude who you think needs to be there as well, you take the stuff you need and pick up Luthier to go to the beach. Dimitri ends up going with you.
   It was around ten when you got there. Double trouble decided to come along to Dimitri’s chagrin, but thankfully young Claude decided to befriend Luthier. Young Claude took it upon himself to teach him how to make friends and charm the ladies. Meanwhile, King Claude was mostly talking to Freyr, and Sharena, whom Alfonse had sent along to have fun, but had done so just after he had learned K Claude was coming along.
   -Here Lord Freyr I got you a pineapple the way you like them. Do you want me to check it first?- You tell the silver haired man. He shakes his head slightly and and takes it from your hand.
   - Thank you _______. I can do this. I never did this before because I had no reason to do so, she had never been so bold as to do these king of wicked deeds.
   - I am sorry I can’t protect you more efficiently. I will go and do some research at the library to see if I can find something to help you. Physical barriers and security is something, but the mind and dreams are not easy to deal with.- Just how far had his sister gone before Peony had woke him up? The way he behaved this morning…you did not want to think about it, but you were sure he needed therapy after that.
   - I can put up shields in my mind to do so and now that we are aware she is back, it will be easy to detect her presence in dreams.
   King Claude took the opportunity that Dimitri was still getting a coconut for you and himself to come and talk to you.
   -Hey ______. I just noticed something. This Dimitri...Byleth choose Black Eagles and…
   - Claude I swear if you tell me not to bother with him, because he is going to die; I will slap you silly.
   - What? No! That is not it! In fact I wan to help you get him ready to win! After all the other me in his world may die along with him; and he will need someone like me, to teach him to charm his way into getting more allies! What I wanted to tell you, is that I have been talking to some of the other heroes that had different destinies and I understand that This Dimitri still has both eyes. He wears the patch but he still has his eye intact. I thing it was kind of like his sense of taste, maybe? I remember you telling me, when we first met that Dimitri had lost it either because he had had some physical trauma, or it was psychological. If it is the later he may recover it; just like King Dimitri started tasting certain foods after he started being such “good friends” with Marth.
   - Son of a witch! Seriously? Look, let me find it out. I just need to find the right time to do it. I don’t want him to get flashbacks or something. Oh and Claude you are a frigging genius! And a good man to boot! Thank you!- You hug him.
   - Do I get a little kiss as well?- He asks laughing and you can hear Freyr laughing too. You kiss him in the forehead. - Well that’s better than nothing.
   You can see Dimitri coming back in the distance with Sharena to his side. When they are near, you can see him looking sideways to the princess with a knitted brow. It may be because she is not her usual bubbly self. He asks her something you can not hear and she looks at him and smiles, but shakes her head.
   When they get to where you are sitting by Freyr and Claude Dimitri is furrowing his brows and looking intently at you like searching for something. You take this time to evade any questions or suspicions and distract Sharena with something fun by asking then if they want to build a sand Castle.
 Freyr and Dimitri have never don this and are instantly intrigued by the idea. Sharena perks up instantly and Claude proceeds to make it a competition and proclaims that his team consisting of himself and Sharena will win. You are left with Freyr and Dimitri who looks with trepidation at the items used to make the castle. You would think they will bite him, but understand it is his fear of breaking them, what is bothering him.
   -The point of this is to have fun Dimitri. You can use your hands and items to do it and if you don’t want to use the pail or shovel it is perfectly alright. First you go and get some shells and plants and stick or stones that you find on the beach to make the castle look better.- You ere picking up shells and pebbles when Young Claude and Luthier come back and make their own team, when you tell them about the sand castle competition.
   Watching both Freyr and Dimitri so invested in their work really made you happy. They looked so carefree, it almost made you forget about Alfonse’s engagement. Luthier also looked happy and it looked like Claude, as other extroverts do, had adopted Luthier.
   -Mister Sandman! Give me a dream. Make him the cutest that I’ve ever seen!- The moment the soft words of the song came out of your lips, Freyr looked at your smiling face with open eyes and smiled himself. - Give him two lips like roses and clover; and tell him that his lonesome nights are over.
   When you reached the part with “lots of wavy hair…” You could hear Claude shout “Someone wants gorgeous wavy hair?”.
   -You know she meant blue and gold! - Young Claude said and threw a shell at his older counterpart. This earned them a laugh from everyone. Even Dimitri gave his quiet laugh. Well everyone except Sharena. She was looking down at the sand castle.
   -Maybe we do need a nice dream. Would you like to take a nap in the sun? -Asked Freyr softly.
   - I can watch over you while you take a much needed nap.- Said King Claude. You agreed to do it after you finished the sand castle competition, which young Claude and Luthier won. The winners went to celebrate their win at the drink stand. You told them not to drink alcohol.
   Sharena agreed to take that much needed nap. You all were very used to not getting enough sleep by now, but somehow the stress of the situation was even greater, than some of the battles you had fought in.  
  You lay on a blanket between Freyr and Sharena; and Dimitri chose to lay down on a reclining chair next to Claude who was going to remain awake.
   You have the most wonderful dream in a while, and by the time you woke up, you felt like you had slept for days. (2) You felt so well rested you did not notice the sting on your skin, not did you notice you were tightly hugging a very firm body and being tightly hugged in return by someone behind you. That someone was still snoring right in your ear.
  -Had a nice dream huh Summoner?- Came Claude’s voice from behind you. You could hear the laughter in his voice.- I think you forgot to put on sun blocking lotion.
   -What do you …-Now you felt it. You were laying on your side and so only one side of your body was an angry red. You then notice the firm body you were hugging was Freyr who was smiling in his dream. His chest was just as red as your left arm and the left leg you had over his.- Oh Fudge!- You say trying to disentangle yourself from him, but an arm around your waist prevents you from moving. You turn around and see Sharena’s face about three inches from yours. You both are lying on Freyr’s arm. After taking your arm from his chest you notice it leaves a tan line with its shape.
   -Sharena! You are getting sunburned!- You say trying to move her arm. Half her face is red and you suspect your face fares the same. She opens her eyes and smiles broadly at you.
   -______!! I had the most wonderful dream! I….Ouch! Hey I got sunburned! How did that happen I got the lotion on!
   -So did I, and Freyr as well, but I probably look like Neapolitan ice cream!- You tell her and point to Freyr who is sitting up by now.
   -I count my self lucky, and this mistake worth the fun and happiness. -He looks down and smiles at the mark of your hand on his chest. He was moving his left arm and you were sure it was sore after all the time you and Sharena had been laying on it. God that man was a saint. You look around to find an umbrella over Dimitri who is still asleep. You look over at Claude who smiles at you.
   -They only had one, and I rather not have a very sore and angry Dima on our hands when he wakes up all red and in pain.- He gave you an apologetic look.
   - It’s all cool Claude. I rather he doesn’t suffer for it at least. I wonder why the lotion didn’t work?
   -Because it is regular lotion!…I am so sorry ______! I was so distracted this morning I got the wrong one!- Said Sharena bashfully.
   -Don’t worry Sharena! We will get all fixed up when we get back home. Right Freyr!- You hear a rumble of ascent coming from the God.- We better wake up Sleeping Beauty and get our Dynamic Duo, and eat some lunch so we can go home, by the way. We still have to get ready to meet King Hrid.- You tell them and Claude gets up to get the other two from the dink stand. That leaves you to wake up Dimitri who looks so serene sleeping. So relaxed and young…It feels like a pity to awaken him. You stand there contemplating how to go about it when he wakes up smiling. He looks at you and say…
   -Beloved…- he seems to realize what he said and sits up all red in the face.- I…
   -Mmm having a great dream I see! I am sorry to wake you up Dimitri, but it is time to go home.- You wonder if like Student Dimitri, this Dimitri is in love with Marianne, but you feel it is not your place to ask. He’ll confide in you when the time comes.
   After a hurried lunch, you get home all sore but relaxed and happy. Even Sharena looks like her old self.
   -Wow Thank you Lord Freyr! I had the greatest of dreams! Everyone was my friend! Even Navarre and Valter! Oh and Fomortiis too!
   -Why would you want to be their friend? I get Navarre but…- Asked Luthier.
   -They all deserve a chance to be understood. -Says Sharena.- Our dear Summoner taught me that.- She looks at you and winks. You return her smile in kind.
   - I guess, but Fomortiis is a literal demon…- Responds Luthier.- Oh so what did you dream of Summoner?- He ask you and you feel your heart beat faster. Your dream...You did not want to talk about it. Dimitri must have seen your hesitance and started to talk.
   - I… I dreamed my beloved gifted me a wheel of cheese and asked for my hand in marriage.- He said scarlet faced. Everyone looked at him surprised, but no one laughed.
   -Wow that sounds like something ________ would do!- Says King Claude.
   - I have you know…wait that does sound like a good idea. I mean if someone were to give me my favorite food and then asks me to marry him; I’d say yes right away! I think that is very romantic!- You say to the King.
   -Well, don’t keep your favorite food a secret! I need to know right now!- He asks and now everyone laughs.
   -Try a wheel of cheese Claude.- Says Dimitri to Claude’s surprise.
   -Quesadillas! Yummy!! - You say.
   -I got a pair of mice in my hands!- Says King Claude and gives a sigh.
   -I love cheese and Quesadillas too!- Pipes in Sharena.
   -I enjoy cheese and quesadillas my self as well.- Says Lord Freyr.
   You were all laughing by the time you reach the castle and were on your way to the infirmary to get fixed up when you see a group of people walking to meet you. It was Alfonse followed by Fjorm walking by Leagyarn. On Alfonse’s side was the King of Nifl.
 1. The piece Alfonse is playing is clearly from his world, but I imagine it sounds a lot like Ikuto’s Violin Solo.
 2. I wonder what the Summoner dreamed about? Should I leave it to your discretion or should I write about it. I am sure I will end up writing about Dimitri’s. Also Freyr’s forced dream was a dubious consent and I am not sure if I should write about that.
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yourladystar · 3 years
Book VI (And Awakening Banner) Thoughts
Well, since I did this for Book V, may as well do it for Book VI. And I'm not really covering Summoner Duel. It looks cool, but I've never been big into the PVP aspect of Heroes, or gaming in general. So let's just focus on the important stuff.
Starting off with my first impressions of the new characters:
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I really hope this was just for a joke and to showcase her clumsiness, because I don't need another main female lead who's in love with the summoner just because.
And yeah, I was hoping we would get a male lead as much as you, but I'm willing to be optimistic about Ash. She's mega cute and the trailer helped to establish her personality right away. And with how great they did with Reginn, I think they'll do well with her.
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Da F*ck is this transformation?!
I thought the dream goats were weird, but having the retainer of a God who's a beast unit, yet still carries a staff (seriously, why do you have that?), that transforms into a cow who shoots lasers from her tail? What the f*ck do these designers smoke to come up with this?!
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Ok... I can't be the only one who gets major NB vibes from Elm. That hair and facial structure. The V-neck exposing all of the collarbone. The body shape. The one thigh being exposed for no reason. I legit couldn't tell that this was a man until they straight up said it. Like... Damn. Talk about saying "f*ck it" to gender conformity.
For real though, he looks like he's going to be the sassiest twink ever. And I'm probably gonna end up loving him. I can't help myself. These kinds of characters just click for me.
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Joking aside, I am wondering what Letizia's connection to Veronica is since they already said they're "like sisters." My current theory is that she is part of the royal family, but doesn't have as much influence as Veronica. And it seems like she's enacting the will of Embla and forcing Veronica to turn against the Askr crew and stop being friends with them. We did learn a while back that she and Zacharias are bound to this God to become a mindless destructive, so it seems like it's finally coming into play.
It's pretty surprising to see only 3 new characters teased for this book. I'm assuming they don't want to spoil everything out of the gate, but I am hoping they keep the new cast small. The fewer newcomers are introduced, the less bloated the cast will feel. Though I am expecting an appearance from Askr and/or Embla. Oh, and Zacharias has to show up. You can't put this much focus on Veronica and not have her brother play a role in the story. And have Xander as well, he's basically her brother at this point.
On the note of Veronica,
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I really am happy to see her again. I've begun to like her more over the past 2 years, and it's nice to see her story getting a possible resolution. I just want her to be happy. Like, if this book ends with her and Alfonse becoming besties, that will be enough for me. Just... My God, this child deserves it.
So yeah, pretty excited to see where this goes. And given that Book V was a MASSIVE improvement over Book IV, we're definitely in the clear.
And yeah, obligatory mention of how little Sharena matters at this for once more not appearing in the trailer or poster. And this time, there isn't even a similar-looking character to keep me guessing. Like, wow. They really know just how pointless she is!
Onto the Awakening Banner!
And... yeah, let's just get through this first one.
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Oh boy... Him. I have several problems.
One- why that pronunciation? Did anyone before today ever call him Pry-am? No! Of course, you didn't! Every person I've ever seen say his name has always said Pre-am. It rolls off the tongue better and sounds significantly less stupid.
Two- of the Awakening characters not yet in Heroes *cough*Laurent*cough*, why him? Has Priam ever been a highly requested character? I've never seen him be commonly brought up when it came to characters people want to summon, and while I'm sure he's on some people's wish list, it's never been to the extent of having a blog dedicated to him.
And third- Wow, the amount of straight washing with this character! Radiant Hero? Descendant of Ike? Wielding the Ragnell? Like, way to say "Ike's not gay" without directly saying "Ike's not gay." The fact that people are already dreading what his forging bond events will be is a pretty big sign of how unenthusiastic most fans are for this.
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Damn, I nearly forgot how hot Basilio is. And I don't even mind the name pronunciation, cause it still works and makes him feel even grander.
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I don't know why it took me until now to realize how great Flavia's design is. It's a perfect mix of powerful, elegant, and tasteful. Man, Awakening really had a lot of great designs we've been sleeping on.
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Case in point! I knew we were bound to get Yen'fay once Say'ri was added, and I'm glad with how he looks. Another really great design I haven't appreciated until now.
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Oh, and... She's here.
I'm just hoping with her addition, Laurent will come soon.
Give me my son, IS!
Overall, I'd say this banner is... Good. I'm not gonna be pulling hardcore for any of them (especially Priam), but they're welcome additions.
And that's that’s my thoughts on this trailer and banner. Not anywhere near as much of a mindf*ck as Book V's trailer, but I'm looking forward to what will happen.
Here's to another year, FEH!
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ljosalir · 3 years
home is where...
     White rose stems cut into her hand, yet every prick from a thorn is easy to ignore. Sharena sets them into her basket, gently, afraid that even the slightest tilt or pinch would shatter the flower she holds. It’s not possible but the fact can’t settle the anxiety in her mind. Except, among the flickers of unease, there’s a sense of serenity. Peace. A sense that makes her smile and her face flush ever so faintly in joy. 
     She’s happy here. Of course she is.
     Alfonse is here. And although Anna and Fjorm and a multitude of their heroes aren’t here as well, she’s still able to thrive and prosper simply in the presence of her brother. Kiran is here, too, so the chances of Fodlan feeling comfortable is increased. Kind of.
     The last white rose is set in her basket and Sharena sighs, her thumb massaging into the dip of her opposite palm--it wasn’t a good idea to take off her gloves while she went flower gathering but she couldn’t help it. She wanted to feel the flowers; their message and their petals. Also, her gloves were getting a bit worn so she should probably get a new pair soon...
     It’s when she rises from where she first sat in the meadow, that Sharena realizes that she isn’t alone.
     “Mercedes?” Her smiles widens as she waves to her classmate, “Hey, Mercedes! You’re here for white roses, right?” Although garlands didn’t just have to be formed out of white roses, they symbolled a certain feeling that even she simply had to grasp. Sharena walks over to her friend with a tilt of her head. “If you need some, I can share mine with you. I’m trying to make garlands for my family and friends back at home, but I should have enough just in case you’re missing a few.”
     Truthfully, she already made many for everyone back at home ( not all of them contained white roses ). The one she had in mind to make though, wasn’t for... well, friends. Saying that it would be one made for a lover would be incorrect, but there wasn’t much to title the lady she had in mind. To be fair, love is difficult. So are labels but they don’t depend on each other, technically.
               OK. Thinking about it isn’t going to get her anywhere.
     “Actually,” Sharena pauses, “would you happen to know anything about...” but the intensity of her thought pushes it away just as quickly. She, instead, shakes her head. “Nevermind. Do you want to make garlands together?”
starter for @lalamines
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jichulichu · 3 years
alfonse fucked up and evil moments context: it's an act. He's meeting Letitza's cruelty with cruelty of his own to get her to back off to some extent
It works so well that Sharena actually gets mad at him for saying such things w
ohh ok ok
we definitely need more unhinged alfonse though
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miraclelevellan · 4 years
Ok you know I take it back. Lif and Thrasir can stay but Veronica needs to go. What are ya doing here you little gremlin?Alfonse barely acknowledges you and I left all versions of you to gather dust in my collection!
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silversouls · 4 years
starstruck (male! grima x reader)
song that inspired this writing:
starstruck - the scary jokes
you had to admit it. no use denying it, you thought. you were in love with the fell dragon, grima. most people would’ve thought you’ve hit your head on a rock or just plain nuts. but nope, you were sure you haven’t hit your head on a rock or lost your sanity.
“a DRAGON?” sharena exclaimed. “out of all them, grima?” sharena looked at you with great concern. “are you ok?”
you softly laughed at sharena’s shock. “i’m fine!” you smiled, waving your hand. “it’s just....being around grima has made me fall in love with him.” you sighed dreamily. “the way he denies caring for me, or tries to help me with something that isn’t in his expertise...” you smiled softly at the fond memories. “i guess you can say i’m....starstruck.”
“quite the work i have to do...” you sighed, looking at the numerous books on battle strategy you had to read. all part of being a summoner. you were halfway into battle strategy 101: how to not die for dummies until you heard your door slam open with no knock accompanying it.
you sighed in annoyance. “if you’re gonna enter PLEASE knock!” you turned around in your chair only to see grima standing there. you let another sigh, relieved it was just him and not someone else.
“grima, next time please knock.” you said in a much more softer tone.” “i could’ve been changing or something else.”
“sorry.” grima mumbled, embarrassed as the tips of his ears turned a lovely shade of red.
“so what do you need?” you sighed, placing a bookmark in your book and closing it.
“i heard what you said about me.” he grumbled, the blush on his face possibly reaching a whole new shade of red.
“what i said...?” you were trying to think what about him you said, but then remembered the talk you had with sharena. “oh...!” now it was your turn to blush.
a few moments of silence stood between you both until you broke your silence. you took a deep sigh.
“yes. what you heard is true.” “i....i’m in love with you grima...”
you twiddled your thumbs. “i-if you don’t accept my feelings, i understand-“
you were too busy to notice grima coming to you, silencing your rambling with a rather gentle kiss on the lips. “does that answer your proposal?”
you brushed your fingers to your lips, where grima kissed them just a second ago. “i...yes.” you breathed out.
“good. you’re mine now.” grima said, eyes glaring, blush still on his face. you kissed him softly on the lips, a gentle smile gracing your face.
“i’m glad.”
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yusuke-of-valla · 4 years
Ok so that last post reminded me, one thing I did think might have been a possibility, given Freyja lying felt weird, was that Book V could open with Alfonse dying and us having to go get him.
I just thought that would be stupid because why the hell would you do that. Alfonse turning out to be alive at the end of book IV completely undercuts the end of book, going “Psych!” and then killing him again feels like a waste of a chapter. It’s not like he has to be alive in the story for anything else to happen, Forging Bonds didn’t reflect the plot for the enteriety of book IV, and you can have Gunnthra in your party even after she died so like it’s not like he needs to still be alive for the other parts of the game to work, you know?
Idk where I’m going with this but basically if I turn out to be right and book V does open with Alfonse getting merc’d, then they better hardcore focus on Sharena because the biggest issue of that ending was that they built up all this focus on Sharena and undercut it with the Alfonse reveal that amounted to nothing
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faroreswinds · 5 years
So the data mining of the Flame Emperor from FEH is complete and I got to say... Damn, despite my ramblings last night she sounds kind of evil. I’m not going to look at all the little quotes like leveling up or whatever, but some of these are interesting. 
You are in the presence of the Flame Emperor. I am yours to command, if you prove capable.
This aligns well with what we know of Edelgard. If you are strong and capable, she will be interested in you.
"Hero"? The word sticks in my throat. But it is fitting, I suppose.
Wow, not very humble is she? But this is some insight into Edelgard’s mind: She does see herself as a hero in some way, freeing the world on its chains as it were.
Better war than a peace built on suffering.
I’m not sure how peace built on war is any better, but... ok.
Strangers, everyone. You fight for the unknown alongside unknowns.
This is interesting, because based on this Edelgard doesn’t like to deal with unknowns. Which makes sense; she wants to know both her allies and her enemies, no matter how good they are unless you are Byleth then she will suddenly spill her guts to you once she realizes you can use the SotC.
Tell me of your world. Perhaps I can offer advice...
Advice about our world how? Hm...
May I have a moment? I must remove this mask. It is sweltering underneath. But it wouldn't do for you to see...
Well, this confirms that mask is uncomfortable!
Friend Greeting
As if I were a common courier, I come bearing greetings from [Friend].
This aligns with Edelgard pretty well actually. She makes comments of her status quite a bit (being surprised someone would talk back to her because she’s emperor, etc etc), so this is pretty fitting that she would be irritated about doing something above her station.
5* LV40 Conversation
I am burdened with great purpose. My path, the path I must follow, stretches out before me... By every right, I should seek to free myself of this childish struggle... And yet, something about you... Tell me, would you ever consider using your tactical skill in service of my empire? ...Only after your work here is done, I imagine. Then I will stay. And perhaps the time will come when I no longer have need to don this mask before you...
Here we are. The big quote, and a lot to unpack here. Let’s start with the beginning. Edelgard feels as if she has a great purpose. Honestly, goes well with what she feels in the game. I’m not sure about the “childish struggle”, but it’s pretty... forward of her to admit she has a “great purpose”. Then, of course, she goes for the “avatar love” and wants your tactical skill for her empire, just like she does for Byleth. She will stay until your work is done, and then maybe, just maybe, she can take off her mask in front of you...
Gee, Edelgard, even the avatar love transcends games!
Special Trigger
Ready yourself.
The end comes.
Feed them to the maggots.
Whoa, “Perish” and “Feed them to the maggots” is especially... gruesome, damn Edelgard. I like to think that since Edelgard feels safe behind a mask, she isn’t hiding her true feelings, and she certainly doesn’t pull any punches here. 
Status Page
Nothing much to say here, just a typical irritation sound. 
You see what I choose to show you.
This makes sense. She’s always hiding herself, reserved and guarded. You see what she wants you to see. 
Your foolishness will be your end.
I’m not sure which foolishness she is referring to, but eh, nothing too special here either. 
Terrible power has its uses...and use it I will.
There were go, there is the Edelgard we know and love! This aligns well with the game too; she will use any power, no matter how terrible, to achieve her goals, even if she must take it.
Behold the power of the Flame Emperor!
Nothing too special here as well, simply a “look how powerful I am!” line. 
Fódlan's history has been distorted for over a millennium...
This has been cited to be one of Edelgard’s biggest issues with the Church. She’s angry that Foldan’s history has been distorted (which is what happens naturally with history, Edelgard, but ok.) 
Beasts hiding in the light. Monsters slithering in the dark. I will destroy them all.
Well, if there is any doubt about Edelgard’s feelings towards Nabateans, I hope this will at least show that yes, she does indeed want to destroy them. She calls them “Beasts” while TWSITD is the “monsters slithering in the dark”. She wants them both gone, purged so the world can belong to humanity. 
Say the word, and all will be burned away..
Edelgard willing to destroy anything. Yup, I can see that. 
All in all, I’m surprised. They didn’t hold back any punches in her quotes. I’m not sure how you can say “destroy beasts and burn everything away” and “feed your body to maggots” and be considered a “good person” there, SHARENA, but just like everything else surrounding Edelgard, IS continues to be confused about their flagship TH character.
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the-lonely-ylissean · 5 years
Winter Festival
This is the summoner secret santa gift for @kon5n. I really want to apologize for this being so late, and I hope you like this.
The Winter Festival is finally here! The grand ball room, in the Kingdom of Askr, is all decorated, as well as the gardens outside, where the snow is gently falling. The many heroes that were summoned here from different worlds all dressed up for the ball in celebration of the holiday. Some with dresses, some with tuxedos, and some with the typical Santa, elf, and nutcracker looks.
The ball room had decorated tables for eating on one side, delicious food that was prepared by heroes who were talentes chefs on the other side, and a giant spot to dance in the middle of the room. The outside gardens had wintery flowers growing next to walkways, lanturns and fairy lights to light the way, and a gigantic tree that was completely decorated.
All of the heroes helped out to make this party the best it can be, especially for Etna, the summoner of this Askr. She helped bring ideas and traditions from her world, just like with the rest of the heroes. One idea that all of the heroes agreed on was having all of the gifts under the giant tree for everyone to open later. The music from the band filled the room as they played tunes from different heroes' worlds, as well as Etna's world.
The night just got started and everyone was either sitting at the tables eating the delicious food, dancing on the ballroom floor, or taking a stroll on the garden grounds. Etna, on the other hand, was taking in the scenery of the whole ballroom from the upstairs balcony. The summoner looked at the couples that were on the dance floor, happily dancing with each other, with the scenery of Christmas around. Did she miss home? Did she not have a significant other to share this moment with? She took a long sigh, then grew determination on her face as she began to walk downstairs.
"Summoner!" Someone called, which stopped Etna's tracks. She turned around to see the Prince of Askr himself, all dressed up for the holiday ball. She took a small gasp.
"A-Alfonse!" Etna spoke. "I thought you would be down stairs by now."
"I was looking for you," Alfonse had a worried look on his face, "I couldn't find you anywhere at the party. Are you alright?"
"Yeah!" Etna gave a smile to the Prince, "Everything's OK! Just needed to come upstairs for a second to take in all of this. The whole place is absolutely gorgeous! It's like something I would only see in movies!"
"Er... Yeah," Alfonse gave a slight chuckle, still not completely familiar with the things from Etna's world. After a few moments, the prince frowned. "Hey... Is there something that's bothering you? I can't help but feel you're... pretty distant today."
The summoner looked away from Alfonse for a second, but looked back at him. "Like I said before, everything's OK," Etna told him. She was silent for a few moments. "H-Hey, maybe dancing could be fun! Wanna join me?"
"M-Me?" The prince stuttered, "But I thought that only couples did that together."
"Oh come on!" Etna took Alfonse's hand. "It'll be lots of fun!"
The Summoner and the Prince of Askr walked downstairs to the ballroom, and more heroes started to dance. They stepped onto the floor and began dancing to music that was familiae to Etna.
"Everyone looks like they are having an amazing time!" Etna had a joyous smile on her face as she glanced at the heroes.
"I'm glad they are," Alfonse said back. "It's what we needed after all. We won the war and defeated Hel. Everyone deserves to get their minds off it and relax."
"I agree." Etna nodded. She looked down at her feet, worried that she'd step on the prince's feet.
"Hey... Don't worry, OK?" Alfonse gently took the summoner's chin to have her look at him, and he gave her a warm smile.
Etna couldn't help but blush, but she returned the smile.
After what seemed like forever that they started dancing, Etna and Alfonse went to the festive gardens. They walked along the lit up pathways to a decorated gazebo. Etna marveled at the sight of the gardens.
"Everything looks so pretty," Etna chuckled. "I'm glad we got to decorate the outside as well!"
Alfonse nodded. As the summoner was taking in the view, he put his hand unto his pocket. He started fidgiting with a box. "H-Hey, Etna?"
Etna looked at the prince. "Yes?"
"I-I got you a present..." Alfonse blushed as he took his hand out of his pocket with a wrapped up box. It had blue wrapping paper and a gold ribbon. "H-Happy Winter Festival."
"For me?" Etna took hold of the box in disbelief. She slowly opened it, and there was necklace with a heart gem. Her eye's widened. "A-Alfonse!" She couldn't believe it. "T-This is beautiful...! I... I don't know how..."
"Here." Alfonse took hold of the necklace and placed it around Etna's neck.
Etna looked at the prince, tears in her eyes. "Alfonse... Th-Thank you..." she smiled brightly. "I don't know how to properly thank you."
Alfonse smiled back. "You're smile is an amazing gift." He told her.
Etna looked up at the ceiling, and she saw a mistletoe. "Hey, Alfonse..." she blushed. "Do... you know what happens when two people stand under the mistletoe?"
Alfonse looked up and blushed as well. "Er... I was informed about that tradition by Sharena..." He rubbed his neck.
"W-well... I guess..." Etna and Alfonse leaned in and they kissed under the mistletoe. They pulled back after a few moments and their faces were a festive red.
"W-Wow..." Alfonse took a deep breath and made a giddy smile. "Thank you, Etna. That wasthe best Winter Festival gift I've ever recieved."
Etna gave a soft chuckle. "I'm very glad." There was a chill that went through her, and she started to shiver.
"Let's go back inside." The prince said as he held her hand. "It's very cold. Let's warm up with the food."
"Yes, Let's!"
The Summoner and the Prince of Askr walked back to the ballroom to eat some of the yummy food, and they watched some of the younger heroes open up their gifts. The Winter Festival was one of the most magical days in Askr, and Etna and Alfonse made it more special for each other.
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askrena · 2 years
wanted plots (mission board: prologue)
hiiiii besties! it’s sharena time, and i’m very excited to have her here 🥺🙏 i have a few wanted plots from the mission board, so if you’re interested in any f them, just dm me here or ping me on the plotting channel in discord!
- (unaffiliated needed!) lance +1 would be nice, not only for the skill point, but for the fact that sharena would hesitate to spar with the knight at first. whether your muse would push her to do it or not is up to you ^^ i find it an interesting prompt either way
- (unaffiliated needed!) any skill +1 is another case of sharena seeking a more peaceful resolution. especially seeing the knight ask her not to do so. she’s befriended nice dragons before— she doesn’t want to imagine hurting them
- flying+1 i just want her to hang out w my little pegasi ok [taken by: morgen]
- general interactions! sharena’s a new muse but she’s also a very outgoing one, so if you’d like some interactions outside of this mission season’s list of prompts (eyeing the zenith muses rn... teehee hiiiii) just lmk too!
that’s all! i’m very very excited to have her here hahaha
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fehspinning · 5 years
A Hero’s Journey Part 1 - A Summoner Malachi fic
Malachi inwardly breathes a sigh of relief. People have relented and are going to allow him to have his meal alone. This is good for many reasons; he needs time to center himself, it feels like ages since he's been able to eat a properly cooked meal, and it allows him to start a new journal.
He'll admit it was very nice of Alfonse to give him a journal of such quality. The book has leather covers filled with high quality paper. Getting the journal did create a moment of tension though as Malachi was exceptionally grateful and almost unwilling to accept it but to Alfonse it was just a journal having the Prince wanting to know why it's being viewed as such a big deal. Thankfully Malachi was able to play off the incident without addressing the actual issues, but has since needed to remind himself repeatedly that it is just a journal and there was a time in his life where that would have been the case.
Going from one lifestyle extreme to the other has been rather shocking to him and been hard to adjust to.  The kingdom of Askr has decided that the heroes who are here should be without want within reason of course but still.
Compared to where Malachi has come from...
The young man opens the journal, not paying attention to his salad for now. It had been deemed strange by the others that all he had wanted was a large salad for dinner but they seem to have quickly accepted it. The salad had a very rich creamy dressing and smelt heavy of garlic, Malachi wants to dig in given how long it has been since he's had fresh vegetables but he needs to do this first; clear his head, gather his thoughts, and grow his understanding.
Taking the quill out of the ink he begins to write.
This is the dairy of Malachi Heltren. I will officially be labelling this day one; as this is a new world and at least for now a new life. I have been taken from my home through the use of magic and brought to a place called Askr. A rather beautiful, and abundantly wealthy kingdom.
They say I was brought here due to prophecy, that I have the power to summon other heroes from an endless variety of worlds to fight on behalf of Askr. You may think such a notion to be preposterous but I've done it and unless you're someone who has never interacted with Askr before you have probably seen these heroes with your own eyes. So there is little way I can be a naysayer about this.
Though the summoning process rarely works the way they want it to, I can't just pull a high calibre champion out of thin air every time I try. With how much I have tried, and the results I've received I will say there appears to be some element of luck involved.
They say though that the more I do it, the more successful I will be and they have planned for me to be very successful even before my arrival they knew with with any form of certainty that I truly existed. The dining hall I am in as I write this for example could easily sit over a hundred people and is set aside solely for what is being referred to as the Order of Heroes.
It looks very pitiful at the moment; as the Order only consists of thirteen people counting myself. We have the swords of the green but determined and genuine Prince Alfonse, a warrior from a world that apparently suffered some form of apocalypse Lucina, and, the uncertain royal Alm. The friendly to a fault Princess Sharena has found a spear sister in Tana though the shock of coming here seems to have bothered her greatly as she hasn't revealed much of herself to us yet. To be fair though, neither have I. When asked about my world I vaguely describe the past version of my world using as many words as needed to satisfy them.
What bothers me is that I have no choice in who I summon and the process of fate seems to either be blind or uncaring for I summoned a child! A magic user named Ewan; he assures us that he has been a mercenary and a veteran of combat for some time but still. Thankfully from my experiences with magic users in the past they tend to flock together always looking to exchange knowledge and techniques so I have to hope that Reinhardt and Soren look out for the child. 
Soren...poor guy caught up in the first issue we found out with the summoning ritual. When he appeared he was dressed in finery which he later explained he had been wearing as he was on a date with someone named Ike during something called the Day of Devotion, whatever that is. The next thing he knew he ended up here. I've done some bad stuff because I've had to but nothing made me feel as bad as hearing him say this, and the ensuing concern over Ike that followed.
Thankfully I managed to randomly summon Ike except...it wasn't the right Ike. Well it was, but it wasn't. It was the same Ike but from a different point in their lives; the Ike that had awkwardly spent the day trying to do everything he could to give Soren the best Day of Devotion he could carried a sword. This Ike carried a mountain of an axe with him, something I'm thankful for. While the profiteering Commander Anna is very skilled this man exudes physical power through the very act of being. Despite the time variance everything else seems to be correct; and the two lovebirds have picked up where they left off though I asked Soren not to tell Ike of his future as we have no idea of the effects doing such a thing could have.
It will help not cause potential issues for him or Ike as well, which makes life much easier for the rest of us as the Ike may be a different Ike altogether. An Ike from another world. I know that is another idea that seems insane but once again I have had my hand in the proof. For I summoned a woman named Veronica who, in her world, is a force of good yet in our world she is the bitter enemy who started this mess to begin with. Our Veronica appears to be genuine with her words and Sharena has convinced her brother and the commander to give her a chance. She believes she convinced me as well but honestly it was pragmatism that convinced me. I don't know how to unsummon people  and if she is bad she will attack us and then join up with the other Veronica, if she is good she will help us and potentially offer us huge insight into our enemy, is she is good and we expel her she very well could end up in the company of our enemy and help them. Two of the three options are better if we try to trust her initially, and as far as we could discern all possibilities are equal so we trust her for now; to a point.
And finally there is
“Malachi!” The cheerful voice startles the summoner who almost scratches the quill into the page. He takes a calming breath and raises his head to see someone with light blue hair and deep red eyes sitting across from him. The draconic bard.
“Nils. Is there something I can help you with?” Malachi has to be careful to make sure his irritation doesn't come through in his voice.
“I just wanted to make sure you're OK over here by yourself, while everyone is over there telling stories and stuff. You sure don't want any company?”
'Everyone but you.' Malachi thinks to himself. He smiles; “I'm positive. Thank you though.”
This answer doesn't seem to suit Nils but he at least accepts it. “Ok well if you change your mind don't hesitate and don't forget to eat!”
There is no time to give any reassurances to Nils before he is up and moving back to the group. Sharena calls out to him if he has any stories he wishes to share with the group and Nils responds by offering instead to play his flute for everyone.
'Interesting.' Malachi muses to himself as decides to take a break from writing, give into his desires and start working on his salad. It also gives him the chance to observe the bard to see how often he manages to dodge the story sharing request, or what other questions he tries to dodge.
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tasteofantasy · 5 years
*Yeets a Summoner!Pauli X Lon’qu writting into your dash*
Pauli was doing her patrol shift around the camp, checking how everyone was doing at the time. This has been a constant since knowing about the Zacharias case, they couldn’t afford to lose anyone else. The summoner was able to hide her emotions, but very few people were able to notice that she was actually really stressed. Alfonse and Sharena insisted her to rest and leave everything to them and Anna, but Pauli was stubborn enough to keep going.
She stopped for a moment to contemplate Breidablik, maybe she could try a new summon? New heroes were always welcome. Those thoughts ran in her head until she felt a leather cover land over her head. Confused, she turned around.
-Haven’t those two told you to rest?- Asked Lon’qu moving away the sword from her. Pauli tried to laugh.
-At least 20 times this week- She joked adjusting her glasses, but dropped it when she saw Lon’qu sigh –Ok, look! You’ve seen how messed up this is! I know I shouldn’t push it too hard and I also know they depend on me because I have this thing!- she showed Breidablik dramatically, as it to try to make a point.
The only thing Lon’qu did after hearing that, was to get closer and put a hand on her head –You always denied to take a rest, you even talk about battles in your sleep-
-How did you-?!-
-I’m Positive the entire camp heard you at least once- Completed the myrmidon as he saw the summoner got a blush that matched the lower part of her hair.
Pauli put her hand on Lon’qu’s chest –Oh Lord, why?- she whined in a tired way. Lon’qu sighed again and took her hand.
-Do you… wanna go to the tent?- Despite being together, Lon’qu was still embarrassed of asking that kind of questions. Heck, in his mind he was fearing being caught holding her hand by someone. But if it was for Pauli to finally take a breather and not collapse, he was willing to take the risk.
After a couple of seconds and groaning, Pauli was now the one to sigh –I think I like that idea- she never let his hand go as they walked towards her tent. As soon as they entered, Lon’qu brought her closer into an embrace –Wh-what’s this for? - She was confused for the sudden action. She tilted her head up to see Lon’qu’s face reddened up.
-I am Not letting you escape- he affirmed as he made sure Pauli was sitting down on the bed. –I-I can cover your shift, they would be more than okay with that.- He looked at the summoner before finishing softly –You better rest.-
Despite his words, Pauli stood up and frowned a bit –Why do you keep acting like that?- Lon’qu blinked in confusion –When you were bringing me here, you looked afraid. We’ve been together for quite a while now, what’s wrong?- she finally asked.
The myrmidon didn’t expect to be asked that and just brought a hand to his hair –I don’t think we could handle them knowing- he made an attempt at an answer.
-Yes, but Sharena already knows and we both know she can spill the beans at any moment- Pauli affirmed sitting again and putting her chin on both hands. They both stayed in silence after that statement and then she talked again –The point is, we shouldn’t worry of them knowing, they’re good people, they won’t judge-
Upon hearing that, Lon’qu sat beside her and made a little sigh –Still… I don’t think I would handle the attention- he murmured. Pauli took his hand this time.
-I bet you’re also tired from thinking that…- she said with a little smile before kissing his cheek. She then blushed –Maybe I’d really get a good rest if you were with me…- she murmured this time.
-You would like that, huh?- Lon’qu asked as he squeezed Pauli’s hand and lowered himself to kiss her head –I wouldn’t mind- he then felt how Pauli pulled him over to lay on bed with her –Now what-?!- He saw Pauli giggling as she wrapped him with her arms –Right, I forgot you need to hold something- Lon’qu smiled as he removed Pauli’s glasses.
The summoner groaned –I was Not going to sleep…- she complained in a tired tone –Give them back!-
Lon’qu stretched the arm that hold the glasses away from her as he scoffed –They get buried on me each time you hug me, no offense-
-None taken… although one of these days we’ll tell everyone about our relationship, okay?- Pauli squeezed his back as she made her suggestion.
The brunette caressed her head and smiled –Alright, you win- he noticed how Pauli was falling asleep, so he just stayed there and kissed her forehead.
Luckily he had already informed Alphonse that Pauli couldn’t continue her patrol that day.
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lovelyfeh · 5 years
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thank you for the congratulations! I was so happy to see my son come home omg (and I got another after 5 orbs I was ecstatic,,) I’m glad you’re happy with Leanne! I wish I had her she’s such a sweetheart!!
not only is this prompt one of my favorites it’s Keaton!! I’m so happy omg!! Hope you liked this sweetheart, this was an absolute blast to write!! ❤️❤️ ( @the-emblem-of-fire )
Mornings were always pleasant. Despite being risen from slumber, it was the start of the day. It was when breakfast was acceptable to eat, combined with coffee to help pull you away from exhaustion. It was a peaceful time of day for everyone, including you.
Well, most of the time.
You awoke to a loud crash coming from outside your door. You jumped up, kicking the blanket off your frame and falling out of bed. You looked around frantically, taking note that your husband was nowhere to be seen and your room was a bit of a mess. Quickly, you stumbled to your feet and snatched bredablik off the night table before practically throwing yourself out of your room. “Alfonse! Sharena! Anna! What’s going on?!”
The prince and princess turned to you, looking disheveled and panicked. You raised your weapon, looking around for any invading troops with shaking hands. “What?! What happened?!” You turned to Anna, who looked rather amused by the whole situation. “Well... it’s not exactly an enemy per se,” Anna chuckled. You raised a brow, slowly lowering bredablik and frowning. “So... what-?”
“It was Keaton.”
You facepalmed. Oh joy.
After getting dressed, you quickly set out to find your lost lover. He thankfully left a trail of trash wherever he went, making it quite easy to start tracking him down. But... it seemed to be going in a circle. At some point you had passes the kitchen at least 3 times before realizing you weren’t getting anywhere.
“Keaton... you buffoon, where could you be?”
And then suddenly a commotion broke out down the hall. You jumped, turning just in time to see heroes getting knocked out of the way by a giant mud ball. Your eyes widened, and you froze as it continued to near you at an alarming pace. For a second, you thought an enemy had snuck in! Well, until you heard the persons yells from across the hall.
“Outta the way, outta the way! I need to see S/O!”
Dear Naga, that was Keaton.
You opened your arms with a begrudging look, standing your ground and sighing. In the next moment you were wrapped up in furry arms and covered in dirt. “Keaton... honey, what happened to you?” The wolfskin howled, morphing back into his human form and pressing his cheek against yours. “Full moon! It was a full moon last night and Velouria wanted to go hunting!” He chuckled, “I didn’t wake you because I’m not sure you’d want to kill deer at3 in the morning...”
He suddenly snapped at attention. “Oh right! That’s not what I came here for!” He lifted you up in his arms and smiled up at you, mischief painted on his face.
“I need a kiss! Can’t explain, just need one!”
You stared at him dumbfounded, unsure of what to say. “O-Oh, um, ok... Why?” You raised a brow, and Keaton pouted. “I said I can’t explain! Jeez! Pleeaassseee....?”
You hugged, cupping his face and smiling. “Fine, you baby. Although you owe me an explanation later, k?”
He opened his mouth to agree, but you quickly shushed him with a loving kiss. You’d probably forget about this whole explanation thing later, but hey, you weren’t complaining now, were you?
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