#OOOOH HO i should come up with a tag for all three of them
mythvoiced · 4 years
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@intergalacticxmisfits​ | “Hey Yoshino,” Minjae smiles as he and Nala with paper bags in hand come to the little lagoon where they’d planned to meet. “We brought you some snacks!” Nala beamed. “In the tanuki movie Minjae showed me, they said transforming takes lots of energy! So we brought you cola and cookies oh and cloud candy to help! With the energy! Sugar has lots of energy!”
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She stands up so fast she almost falls into the lagoon, but luckily, thanks to lots of experience with accidents of the likes, she manages to regain her balance last minute, dropping the stick she was poking into the water’s surface directly into it to skip over to her two friends.
Her lips are parted, a squeak building at the back of her throat, but only residing there for the time being, silence passing her lips as her eyes and her hands dart back and forth between the paper bags the two bad brought. Her fingers are waggling, as if they’re itching to open the bags and peek inside, overzealous to see the goodies that were being described to her.
Her eyes continue to widen until they no longer physically can and she begins jumping on the spot, hands joint and intertwined, and it’s obvious she doesn’t know where the put the energy of her enthusiasm, how to portray it in the face of the best surprise someone’s ever made for her.
And it’s not only because her friends had finally arrived and brought along snacks, but because they thought to bring snacks for her to regain her energy, because... because they cared. Because...
She throws herself at the two of them, somewhat mindful to avoid the bags they’re holding and to actually topple them over as she does so, but she wraps one arm around Nala’s neck and the other around Minjae, effectively pulling them into a group-hug, even though the presence of the bags doesn’t make it as tight as Yoshino would like it to be.
“Thank you,” she whispers into the space between their heads, “I love you guys so much.” Then she pulls away and grins into their faces. “But you’ll be eating them too, right?”
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