hoshingi · 2 days
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wonwooridul · 1 month
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( low quality and unedited cause its funnier that way )
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waldau-archived · 4 months
how they take care of you — seventeen | 2,531 words | hurt/comfort, fluff
i didn't know i liked writing ot13 this much!
gender neutral reader. warnings: reader is stressed out/tired/scared/ill/sad? y'know, the usual spectrum of negative human emotions?
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gets so concerned when he hears a hitch in your voice when you greet him that he drops whatever he’s doing and rushes to you. doesn’t matter if he’s on a call or if he’s doing some important paperwork, he’s all yours now.
gives you a big, comforting hug that tries to shield you from everything but him. kisses your head to try and ground you.
doesn’t make you talk if you don’t want to, but he insists that you don’t keep it in for too long because it’s only going to hurt you in the end. lasts only for a while before asking if there's someone that needs some talking to for making you feel this sad.
tries to do anything in his power to see you smile, even if it's momentary. shows you a funny picture of his favourite child (mingyu) to cheer you up. asks if you feel okay enough to walk kkuma with him, because she needs some time with her other favourite person (you).
“you know i love you, right? that's never changing.”
is proud to be the person that becomes your comfort when something doesn’t go right, or when you’ve had a bad day.
immediately bottles up any jokes he’s about to make and wipes away your tears, stops only when you bat his hands away. even if he doesn’t want to let go of you, he respects your boundaries.
when you're feeling a bit better, he pulls you down into the sofa and cuddles with you, and is content whether you choose to tell him what’s on your mind, or if you want to be silent and fiddle with his shirt instead.
kisses your forehead and looks into your eyes when he promises you that it’s just one bad day, and that he’s always here for all the others. links pinkies with you because he knows how much it means to you, even if it may seem childish.
will resort to tickling you to make the last traces of your sadness vanish, and asks if there’s anything else he can do to make you smile.
comes to pick you up from work because he has a free day, and realizes something’s wrong the moment you greet him hello without even looking at his face for more than two seconds.
doesn’t make a big deal out of it, though. takes your stuff from you and greets you softly. opens the door for you and buckles your seat belt. asks you if it’s okay that he’s not taking you home first, because there’s some place else he wants to take you.
dismisses any concerns you have about not looking “good enough” to go out, because you look absolutely gorgeous at any time of the day, and he’d never lie about something like this to you. lets you choose whatever music you want as he weaves through the traffic on the streets, telling you about his day.
parks the car and gets out to hold your hand in his as he guides you over to the many stalls, asking you to pick whatever you want to eat. sits next to you on one of the benches overlooking the river, your legs swinging as you lean into his side and enjoy your meal. is glad he could take care of you like this because you needed it.
“trust me when i say whatever happened is not your fault, okay, sweetheart?”
is more confident in his actions than his words, because he can immediately notice the little changes in your behaviour: your tired smile, and the way you’re kind of curled in on yourself, as if trying to take up less space.
gives you a long hug with lots of cheek kisses and pulls you into the kitchen to show you what he’s working on: a dish that coincidentally happens to be your comfort food. it’s your favourite, especially when jun makes it in his own style.
this six foot man becomes small as he tries to do anything to make you smile. hates that you’re even feeling this way. throws random pickup lines at you to see which one gets you to crack and slap his arm and tell him to stop (he won’t, because he loves you too much).
offers to feed you dinner once it’s ready and makes random airplane noises that bring out a giggle from you. watches as you eat slowly and is glad when he sees your bowl is empty. doesn’t resist your offer of feeding him dinner once you’re done.
hides under the blankets with you and watches cat videos till your eyes shut from exhaustion and his arm hurts from holding up the phone from so long. cuddles with you and doesn’t let go even when you halfheartedly complain about how warm it is.
becomes so gentle that it pulls you out of your dullness a bit, makes you wonder where your usually hyperactive boyfriend is.
doesn’t baby you because he knows you don’t like it, but he makes sure you get everything you need. calls his mother to ask her the exact recipe for this soup she used to feed him when he used to get ill. stays by your side even when you have a raging fever and you’re worried he’s going to catch it if he kisses your cheek one more time.
doesn’t complain even once when you wake him up because of how uncomfortable you’re feeling. what else is he there for, if he can’t take care of the person he loves the most? wraps himself along with you in your blanket even if it’s hot enough that he can just melt.
is your hype man when you finally get better enough to start moving around the house by yourself. watches you with the biggest smile on his face that he will not tamp down when he sees you eating the soup he made, and almost cries with joy when you ask him for a second serving.
doesn’t blame you one bit when he catches the same bug a week later, because you’re there to take care of him through it, and because he loves you too much for it to be an issue.
gently pulls you into his chest the moment he sees your tear-streaked cheeks, and rests his head on yours. doesn’t ask you what’s wrong because he feels it’s more important to make you feel better.
doesn’t care that your tears are leaving behind a spot on his shirt, and shushes you for even pointing it out. in fact he wants you to do that so that you can run out of tears and he can take care of you properly.
gives you his hoodie to wear because it’s oversized on you, and he loves seeing you in it just as much as you love wearing it.
makes you wrap your arms around his waist from behind and cling onto him while he goes about the house finishing his share of chores. does yours without asking if he senses you’re too drained out to do them.
absolutely needs you by his side regardless of what he’s doing, whether it’s playing a game or brushing his teeth. offers to read you a book if you’re having trouble falling asleep. tells you he loves you in the lowest voice possible when he sees you finally asleep against his chest, breathing evened out.
might not very verbal, but when it comes to you, he knows exactly what to do to make things better.
knows you’re in his studio when the door shuts, but you don’t greet him. decides to finish some edits on the song he’s working on before he turns to you, only to find you lying on the sofa facing away from him.
genuinely sad to hear you had a bad day. he got through today only because of all the encouraging texts you sent him. decides the least he can do is return the favour.
wraps you in your favourite blanket that he always keeps at the studio for when you visit. holds your hand regardless of whether you want to talk or not. offers to order food to the studio so that he can make sure you’re not hungry.
very thankful that you came to him because you were feeling down, and he very much wants to call it a day and take you home so that he can cuddle with you and make your day just a bit better.
his mood almost always mirrors yours, so when he sees you so exhausted and down, his heart genuinely hurts.
not a confrontational person, but he’s willing to fight whatever made you sad, even if it was a table you stubbed your toe on. happy that it brings a smile to your face even if he didn’t actually fight anything.
have you seen his arms? wraps them around you till you push him off with a bit of a smile on your face. he then decides he wants to use them to bake something for you. you’re the better baker between the two of you and since he’s got loads of time today, he decides he wants to learn something that he can make the next time you’re away and he doesn’t have to feel that lonely.
is your own personal jukebox. belts out whatever song you want, and does a mini infinite aju nice in the comfort of your kitchen, making you jump while the oven works, till you’re tired and actually smiling.
“it’ll be okay, i promise. i love you.”
hates that you had a nightmare but is thankful that he was sleeping right next to you when it happened.
the biggest cuddle bug you’ll ever see you in your life. when you wake him up with a shaky voice, he immediately blinks out of his sleep and holds you in his arms. he’ll hug you and keep hugging you till he can drain your sadness even just a little.
doesn’t matter how late it is; if you can’t go back to sleep, he’ll pull you to the kitchen and make his ramen just for you. makes you help him chop some ingredients and stir the broth so that you feel involved. keeps purposely bumping into you every time you cross paths and takes a kiss as payment.
finds some cheesy, slow music to dance to and gently pulls you all over the kitchen, twirling you and even bending you as the song ends. loves hearing your laugh when he pulls you back up.
“i hope you dream of me when you sleep again. i love you.”
words aren’t necessary when he can just take care of you the way you always deserve to be taken care of.
actually gets upset (a little) when you apologize for crying in front of him. who else will make you feel better when you’re down if not for him? makes you promise never to feel nervous to be emotional around him.
runs a bath for you and makes your favourite food. when you’re done with dinner and feeling a bit better, he takes you to bed and cuddles with you, wanting you to focus on his breathing so you can calm yourself. he whispers endearments into your ear. also makes sure you know how proud he is of you for getting through today.
would give you the entire world if he could, but when you tell him the only thing you want is him, he promises you he’s never going anywhere, no matter what happens.
“i’m so lucky to call myself yours, my love. always.”
he can never stand seeing his loved ones sad, so when he sees you, he needs to find a way to make your smile get back to your face.
sees your lips wobble when you say hello to him, and he eventually coaxes the issue out of you: your friends had ditched a get-together you’d been planning at the last minute, and they didn’t even have the decency to apologize for it. he feels extremely angry on your behalf and is ready to curse. doesn’t do it only because it won’t help you.
thinks about what he can do to make you happy. asks if he can take you out on a drive tonight so you can watch the stars with him. when you regretfully decline the offer, he asks if you want to create a blanket fort and watch movies or go to sleep.
it’s not long before he’s constructing a blanket fort for the first time in his life thanks to some youtube tutorials. he’s upset when it collapses right in the middle of constructing it, but he realizes he’d build it a hundred times more if it meant you’d laugh the way you just did.
sets up snacks and your favourite drinks after a while. keeps apologizing to you on behalf of your so-called friends till you tell him to stop. promises that he’s always going to be with you, and that you don’t have to be sad when you’re with him. falls asleep with you in his arms, and a smile on your face, snacks and movies forgotten.
feels bad the moment he sees you try to mask the sadness on your face with a smile.
better with actions than words, so he kisses your forehead and trails you around the house while you try to relax from the day you had. if you’re really sad, he lets you just rest your head against his collarbone and breathe till you feel better.
“you’ve got this, and you’ve got me, okay? i’m right here.”
has a bunch of handmade coupons for whenever you feel sad. each coupon has the same four options: eat, talk, watch a movie, sleep. does whatever you choose, whether it’s only one or all four.
another one who has no problem with prolonged eye contact. he looks at you till you understand that he loves you more than he can say and that he’s always there for you when you feel like this.
always used to being babied by his older brothers, so he feels happy to get a chance to take care of you. just doesn’t like the fact that you’re sad, because you deserve to be anything but.
very transparent with his affection for you. he whispers “i love you” into your hair when you ask him for a hug, shouts it across the living room when you come out to get some water, and holds your hand under the table during dinner even if it’s inconvenient.
if you’re really down, and don’t feel like talking, he bundles you into a blanket and puts you on the sofa and sits close to you, so that you have your space but he’s close enough if you need him.
sits with you while you work and watches intently even if he doesn’t understand much of what you’re doing. ready to go to the store and get you anything you’re craving, regardless of how late it is.
“i love looking after you, okay? don’t ever feel bad about telling me what’s troubling you.”
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taglist: @bookyeom @wootify @strnsvt @cloudycaramel @thepoopdokyeomtouched
@minnieminshi @nonononranghaee @hrts4hanniehae @viewvuu @bewoyewo
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woozification · 3 months
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SVT x Mogu Mogu
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bookyeom · 1 year
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Seventeen + Reductress (inspired by the inimitable, ethereal, OG @hopeinthebox)
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juniperdugong · 3 months
Their favorite place to kiss you
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Scoups Your hands. More specifically your knuckles whenever he remembers he's holding your hand in his. Placing a peck upon each knuckle while trying to catch your eyes, this always ends with an actual kiss though. Or in the car, I always imagine that he's holding your hand while driving stick shift, intertwined at all times unless you want him to make a scene about you not loving him. At every stoplight, he's pressing his lips against the back of your hand like it's an instinct. Ugh, he would drive me crazy.
Jeonghan He's a classic type of man opting for a quick smooch to your cheek in haste and then looking away like nothing happened. Ever the trickster even in love. Whenever you catch him in the act though he's a giggling mess. You might not notice it but he seems particularly fond of acts of affection when you're smiling. What can he say? When you smile so brightly and your cheeks puff out it's like a drug to him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Joshua Your nose. Another one who tries to catch you off guard but unlike Jeonghan he always fails because he's trying to catch your nose rather than any other part of you. The slight scrunch gets him weak in the knees from cuteness so of course it's his favorite. It's also partially because of how you look as he does this, your eyes crossing as he's coming towards you. "You look dumb but in a cute way", he tries to explain not understanding how you can't see what he sees.
Jun He's a tad awkward in his tastes I imagine, so I feel like the outer corner of your eye is his cup of tea. He doesn't really have an explanation himself but maybe it's because everytime he kisses you there you immediately focus your attention on him. Whether that's in confusion or shock he doesn't care as long as you're looking at him. I feel like he's a firm believer that the eyes are the windows to the soul so being able to hold your gaze is like looking at heaven, that is to say, he thinks you are heaven.
Hoshi This dude is pretty straightforward with affection so your lips are always gonna do it for him. He's always looking for a moment to trap you in a kiss no matter the situation. You could be talking about the most important thing in the world and this man is looking for an opening before bombarding you with his lips and then nonchalantly going back into the conversation. He doesn't see any issue with it, in fact, he thinks it's the most proper way to show you his love.
Wonwoo Forehead all day! He doesn't show affection all that often but when he does it's discreetly and quickly leaving chaste kisses on your forehead before bed, when you're focusing on work, or pretty much whenever you aren't paying attention. You learn after a bit that acknowledging his affection makes him more shy about it so you've gotten in the habit of giving little to no reaction. (The hardest thing in the world because he's the cutest tbh)
Woozi He's going for the corner of your lips. He isn't forward enough to give you a full kiss all the time nor does he really feel the need for that most of the time. He isn't one to show affection much either but it doesn't mean he shies away from it, it's just not something he thinks about doing often since he knows that you know that he loves you completely and fully. It may seem half-hearted to some but to him, a kiss on the corner of your lips means "I'm here and I love you".
Minghao Hao prefers hugs to kisses in my opinion. But when he does kiss you it is often on your shoulders. Whenever he's got you entangled in his arms he's leaving tender kisses along your shoulders, TRUST. In line and he's back hugging you? Kisses. A hug once he's gotten back from tour? Kisses. Cuddled up in bed and completely tangled in each other? Kisses. It's the only place he's willing to leave multiple kisses without feeling like it's too much PDA.
DK This man. I don't know how to tell you this. Literally everywhere and anywhere. As long as it's you he's willing to kiss even the soles of your feet (not in a weird way he swears). I could go on and on about the way he would kiss your eyelids, your stomach, the inside of your wrist, all in the name of loving you completely and wholly with his entire being. Not afraid of affection in the slightest, he's always clinging to you. Swears up and down that with every kiss he falls more in love.
Mingyu Tippy top of your head. Listen listen listen...as much as I would love to subvert expectations with Mingyu I simply cannot imagine a more perfect scene than this man kissing your head. He does it without even realizing honestly. Feels the most natural to leave a gentle kiss there. Why can I so clearly imagine him sniffing your hair too? Not in a weird way but in the way that people like to smell babies' heads...okay maybe that's weird BUT it's very endearing coming from him. He just likes your scent so much. (Also, if you're short enough, he'll probably rest his head on top of yours)
Seungkwan Dudes a romantic and he's going for the jawline. It catches you off guard and it's sensual enough to mean something but not sensual enough to mean something if you know what I'm saying. He doesn't shy away from affection either so I feel like he's happy kissing you wherever but along your jawline always seems to get a small reaction out of you so it's his favorite for that reason. The blush that warms your cheeks warms his heart.
Vernon Your lap/ thighs. I was originally gonna put this down for Jeonghan since he's a napper but I feel like when Vernon gets comfortable with you he's the type to lay in your lap often. He doesn't even think about the kiss as anything other than innocent and loving. You're just right there and he feels an urge to kiss you so he does. Plus, when he does this you often pat or stroke his hair as recognition and he completely melts into your touch.
Dino He's a back hugger and for that reason, I think he would fall into the habit of leaving kisses on the back of your neck. I wouldn't say it's his favorite since this dude is head over heels for your lips as well but it's where he's leaving the most kisses for sure. Holding you by the waist and swaying you gently side to side, head laying on one of your shoulders, he leaves feathery kisses that you almost can't feel if it weren't for the fact that he smiles and chuckles as he does so.
{If you're interested in being on the Taglist for my Seventeen works please let me know!! And my requests are open!}
{A/N: I'm going crazy I think. I don't know where this came from. It's 2am as I finish writing this and reading it over once. My eyes are red and all I can think about is these boys. I've been writing and thinking of prompts like an insane person. Ngl though I feel like all of them are good kissers.}
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bei-b · 7 days
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SVT: thinking, strategizing, making deals with the boss Wonwoo:
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vcrnons · 6 months
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hoshingi · 6 hours
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boss woozi is so cool (ft. his confused business partner hoshi)
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rubyreduji · 9 months
svt mtl blanket hog
my parents were arguing about how is the blanket hog lol so i thought i'd do who in svt is the biggest blanket hog. some of these are based off of them in the gose magainze, but a lot of them are just a vibe
seungcheol - BIGGEST ass blanket hog ever and he whines in his sleep if you try and take any of them back like it's so serious for him
mingyu - bro doesn't even mean to be he's just big and gets cold easily :( the only way you are getting those blankets is if you're cuddling the whole night
hoshi - literally such a giant blanket hogger but only because he moves around SO MUCH in his sleep
seungkwan - snug as a bug in a rug he dont gaf
minghao - he knows he does it and he thinks it's funny but he always cuddles in you in the morning to warm you back up
dokyeom - only sometimes and he always feels super bad when he does it and he smothers you with blankets when he wakes up
joshua - it's only occasionally that he does but when he does and you bring it up he gets sassy with you
wonwoo - only just a little like it's a 60% 40% split
jeonghan - you two are very good at sharing the blanket and not hogging it, but if either of you ever do hog the blanket y'all will not hear the end of it from the other
chan - you two just cuddle the whole night so neither of you are really blanket stealers
jihoon - i imagine he gets really hot when he sleeps so he actually shoves the blankets off of himself
jun - if anything you're stealing the blankets from him and then when you wake up he whines at you
vernon - like jun you're stealing the blankets from him but he doesn't care, he probably doesn't even notice
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waldau-archived · 5 months
the most handsome man in the world — seventeen | 1,165 words | fluff
i just needed to get this out of my system okay
gender neutral reader. warnings: none.
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premise: you tell your boyfriend you've seen a guy you consider to be the most handsome man in the world, wait for him to react, and then show him a picture of him that you took. you know, because he's the most handsome man in the world.
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what do you mean you’ve seen a guy more handsome than him? isn’t he broad enough to fill up your entire line of vision? pouts at you cooing over said man on your phone till you hit a little nerve by saying the guy looks like he’d be so good to cuddle with that he immediately marches over to see who you’re giggling over. only to find his face staring back at him. immediately wipes off his frown and tickles you for having done something like that.
is aware that this has to be one of your traps where you want to draw a reaction out of him, so he holds out on giving any commentary for however long he can. it’s only when you roll over in bed, clutching your phone to your chest does he finally break, sneakily pulling you into himself so he can see who you’re talking about. it’s him, of course. had no doubt it would be him but he had to confirm. becomes the big spoon for the rest of the night.
you don’t ever bring up other people or their attractiveness in conversations, so joshua is mildly interested in hearing if you’re going to elaborate on this guy. doesn’t even consider said person to be a threat till you say something about this guy looking reliable enough to imagine a future with. his curiosity wins and he leans over to see his face lighting up your screen. gives you a kiss to remind you he’s going to fulfill that dream one day.
is torn between wanting to know who this person is and also not wanting to know because…do you actually find another guy more attractive than him? didn’t you say he’s the most handsome person you know? keeps to himself till you run up to him and show him your phone, only for him to see a picture he’d sent you when he’d been working out at the gym. makes sure to take some more photos for you.
laughs. oh, yeah? really? but then it turns out you’re not joking, because you’re blushing over someone he doesn’t even know? and you’re not telling him about it? chases you around the house to sneak a peek at your phone and collapses into a blushing mess when he realizes it’s him you’re talking about. gives you bear hugs and forces you to cuddle with him for a while to make up for the stress you caused him.
raises an eyebrow when he hears you talking about this really handsome guy you saw in the queue at the cafe today. gets curious the more you talk about him; how didn’t he notice this guy when you did? traps you in place against the wall to see who you’re talking about and can’t help but smirk when he sees it’s himself. gives you a smug kiss and tells you he wants to hear more about what you think of this guy.
hears you, nods, focuses his attention back to the song he’s working on and wonders if it could use some more bass. it’s only when he’s about to finalize the song does he realize you were talking about…someone else? spins around to see you lounging on the couch and asks who you were talking about because he wants to jog his memory. feels slightly satisfied when he sees a picture of himself. so he did hear you right. he didn’t.
he’s more curious about who you consider to be hot apart from him, more than the fact that this other guy could be a threat to him. indulges in you talking about this guy and theorizes about who it could be till you finally just show him who you were talking about because he apparently couldn’t get a hint. oh. it’s him. he blinks. almost squeals. peppers your face with kisses because his mind is all blank except for you.
pouts. becomes a grumpy baby. even if you’ve seen someone more handsome than him (which is impossible, by the way), do you have to rub it in his face? feels more antsy the longer you talk to him about this guy. pulls the puppy face till you show him who you’re looking at. seeing his face on your screen is the last thing he expected, somehow. feels relieved for a few seconds before he makes you promise never to scare him again like that. takes payment in the form of cuddles.
another one who knows this is one of your ideas to get him to react some way. nods along and even says oh, really? when you tell him about how handsome this guy is, and how you feel kind of shy when you just think about him. doesn’t even need to look at your phone to know there’s no one else you’re talking about, so he tilts your chin to make you face him and presses a kiss to your lips, asking you if that’d help make you less shy.
you’re seriously talking about another guy? right now? stares at you in disbelief, at the fact that you’d do this after he spent his morning making you breakfast and cuddling with you because you seemed a bit exhausted. he’s sure he’s stared enough to burn a hole through your head. you roll over with a laugh and show him who you were looking at. it’s his own self bent over the stove, trying to figure out how to switch it on. pouts and doesn’t face you till you lure him with kisses.
overhears you talking on the phone with your friend about this handsome guy you saw while you were out on a walk today evening. you don’t stop talking about how he looked at you, how nice his smile was, and how good he looked against the setting sun. his brain runs in loops trying to figure out which guy looked at you like that while your hand was in his. opens his phone to see some pictures you’d taken of him, with the sun setting in the back. smiles and presses a kiss to your head when you’re done with your call.
instantly competitive. him being drunk doesn’t change the fact that he’s the most handsome man in the world. struggles to pull himself out of your embrace to see who you’re talking about so he can give both of you a piece of his mind, only to find a picture of himself smiling goofily at the camera. that’s me, he says, mind a bit slow. where’s the guy you were talking about? turns out he’s the one you’re talking about. snuggles back into you like nothing was ever wrong.
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taglist: @bookyeom @wootify @strnsvt @cloudycaramel @thepoopdokyeomtouched @minnieminshi @nonononranghaee @hrts4hanniehae @viewvuu
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zeroses-world · 9 months
First Kisses With SVT OT13
S. Coups
Jaw holder
This man is confident, he knows you want it and will make it known he wants it just as bad, he’s super sweet about it, hands placed on your jaw and your waist and pulling you as tight to him as possible. After the kiss he’s left wanting more, might even whine as you pull away for air and chase your lips
This man will find a way to tease, especially if you’re shy. He doesn’t make the first move, he leans in but keeps pulling away until you get frustrated and kiss him yourself! But he’s just as nervous secretly
He planned it out to a T, everything was so soft and sweet,and it all went smoothly, even if he had to threaten some of his members to make it happen.
This man kissed you, and of course you’re gonna blush! Of course you are! But he had the audacity to tease as if he wasn’t blushing tenfold, but don’t comment on it or he’ll deny and make it worse on you
Hoshi is a passionate lover, he’ll try to convey his emotions in a kiss just like he does when he dances, so be prepared to haventhe wind knocked out of you.
You were just trying to see what he was doing it wasn’t your fault he tried seeing what you were doing at the same time, he was utterly shocked feeling your lips against his, but that did not stop him from pulling you back in 
Trying to distract him with a kiss is how youre first kiss happened, you had been thinking about it for a while and decided to try and use the shock value to your advantage. However that didn’t happen, he stayed perfectly composed with just a little tinge of red on his cheeks, you were offended, until a week of the silent treatment later when he confessed he had to hold his breath until you left so he wouldn’t lose control and not stop
A for Effort
He tried so hard to plan everything out and make it romantic, it was so cute, until he took in how your eyes sparkled when you gazed at him, oh boy he couldn’t help himself, pouts and demands to remake it the way he planned, refusing to acknowledge the first kiss.
The whole situation is a mess, there's no way the clumsy giant doesn’t have a messy first kiss, maybe cooking and you're covered in ingredients but he finds the domesticicty of it all so endearing that he just grabs you into a kiss.
He tried to have it all planned out and perfect and it would’ve been, had you not kissed him first, is utterly offended for a moment and pouts until he works up the courage to explain why he’s upset, blushes as you coo at him for being so cute.
The Chased
He doesn’t chase, he wants it, but he wants to know you want it just as bad, will hint at it and hint at it until you say fuck it and grab him in for a kiss, will stutter and blush afterwards mentioning how he didn’t expect that only to earn an eye roll
He takes his time admiring you before he kisses you, full confession beforehand so sweet and thoughtful.
At first I thought he might be cocky about it however i believe he’d be so shy and awkward, not really knowing how to react, you’d kiss him first, he’d think it was a prank at first honestly, but quickly warms up to the notion and won’t stop kissing you after that
Picked by: @hwasdollie tagging: @glitterjay
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wnjunhui · 12 days
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SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) 12th Mini Album Official Photo VER 0. (edited)
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vividzzxz · 6 months
⋆⭒˚。⋆​ 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬​⦂ ⋆⭒˚。⋆
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OT13 ver
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He would ask you out to a movie and confess by giving you flowers and a box of chocolates before the movie starts. But once you give your reply the rest of the movie stays awkward. But it ends up romantic due to you falling asleep on his shoulders. When you wake up, you would see him smiling at you while giving you a peck on your forehead.
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He would play a prank on you which would end up in a way where he would ask you out or handing you a love letter, which would end up having you being red like a tomato. He would prolly tease you over it and stay cool until you give him a reply. Once you reply, he would be over the moon and would take you out on a date then and there.
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Being the gentleman he is, he would take his time thinking about how special and romantic he wants it to be. He'll take his time planning a proper day out like a picnic and then later on ask you about it when you're free. Once you do go out with him, he'll finally ask you to be his girlfriend. And when you accept his confession... JESUS CHRIST, He'll be happy to the point he would hug you so damn tight and flex it to all the other members leaving you beet red.
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He would prolly ask you when do you have free time and take you to a Chinese restaurant and get you his favorite dish. He would show signs of affection by wiping the sauce or sm from the corner of your lips. By the time you're done eating, he would pay and wait for you and then take his time and build the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend. And when you accept it, he would smile at you before pulling you into a hug and kissing your forehead.
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He would prolly ask you out in front of everyone which would leave you all red and flustered. He would wait eagerly for your reply, and when you nod slightly feeling flustered from all the eyes being on you. He would jump on you and hug you so tight until one of the member has to pull him away from you so you don't suffocate. He would even plan a date with you on the same day to keep you happy.
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He would prolly take you out to a private place to hand you a love letter before leaving since he would be too flustered to look at you. But his curiosity would get the best out of him. He would wait eagerly until you go up to him and hand him the same letter back with a reply, accepting his confession. He would happy and sit there smiling until one of the members notice him. He would even build up courage to talk to you, so it wouldn't be awkward.
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I have a feeling he would be the kind to make a song for you which ends with a confession. After singing, he would look into your eyes waiting for a reply. You would be too flustered & surprised thinking someone actually likes you. You would stutter giving a reply, accepting his confession. But once you do, it's gonna be one of the best things you decided to do. Him being the most romantic ppl out there...
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-The8 (Minghao):
He would take you out to a cafe and order you your favorite drink and pastry. He would sit there admiring you enjoy your drink until you notice him staring at you. He would keep staring back and then ask you to be his girlfriend, which would leave you dumbfounded. You would be definitely have a deep blush creep into your cheek which would earn you some giggles from him. Once you accept it, he would smile and hold your hand in his and thank you for accepting his confession.
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He would ask you whether you wanted to go on a night walk together to which, ofc you being you, would agree. (Who wouldn't??)......... Once you both start walking while talking about random things, he would randomly hold your hand in his while staring at you, which would leave you blushing. You would avoid his gaze until he decides to finally ask you to be his girlfriend to which you would look back into his eyes with surprise. Once reality kicks back, you nod which would earn you a big smile from him as he hugs you tight. He would then kiss you on your forehead before walking again.
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I have a feeling like he would randomly ask you to be his girlfriend when you're sitting in a room with the others. The others would give you the eager look, waiting for you to reply. Once you accept it, he would give you the smile (ikyk which smile... UwU) which would have you blushing in front of the others. He would definitely ask the others to leave for a while so he could talk to you privately for a while. Once they're gone, the first thing he would do is pull you into a tight hug while kissing the top of your head.
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He would be the one to take you to a park on a Sunday morning and then buy you your favorite ice-cream. Both of you would be seated and talking casually until he decides to ask you to be his girlfriend which would have you by surprise.. You try to keep your cool to not make it awkward and you smile and nod.. He would pull you into a hug which would cause your ice-cream to fall, which would have both of you giggling.
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He would prolly hand a love letter to you and stay there frozen until you finish reading. Once you finish reading, you look at him with hearts in your eyes. You smile and tap on his shoulder realizing he has been zoning out. You call him and whisper a 'yes' into his ear. Upon hearing this, he gives you a big smile before a sighing out of relief and this earns him a giggle from you. He then holds his hand out motioning you to hold it. Ofc, you gladly hold his hand and well... happy ending !!
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He being the person he is, he would make the atmosphere a really comfortable one before making random jokes to have you giggling and then randomly in the middle of nowhere ask you to be his girlfriend. This act of his catches you by surprise which has you blushing like a tomato. He giggles at the sight before looking at you waiting eagerly for your reply. You nod before smiling and pulling him into a hug so he doesn't see your flushed face to which he starts teasing you...
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✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧
I take requests for writing...
It can be from Skz, Svt, TxT, En-.
It can be based on smut, fluff, etc.
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bei-b · 4 days
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gifs you can hear: special Woozi edition comment / put the answers in your tags! (revealed under the cut)
the drone camera in the sky ~ would you take us home ~ ♫ 하늘에떠있는드론카메라 ♫ 우릴집으로데려다주지않을래
13 Raiders #2 || Planting Rice & Making Bets #1 Dive into TTT #2 & #3 SVT's Kitchen for Two #3 || I Know & Don't Know #2 Going Company Outing || Going Rangers #1
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vcrnons · 11 months
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woozi loves his team, he loves his crew.
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