oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
This blog has several verses and AU’s below are the comprehensive guides to each;
TNM [Original Verse]
This is the verse that follows the cannon of "The Next Mutation" Venus's original name was Mei Pei Chi, and she is a Shinobi from Asia. She has Chi abilities and a deep connection with the spiritual realm. She is clever and witty and can easily outsmart and fight all of her brothers. She is somewhat illiterate in English terminology and often messes up common sayings. She was given the name Venus by Mikey and does her best to help her brothers defend the mortal realm from dragons.
2012 (Oroku Verse)
This is described in full details on the muse page and later events in the timeline can be found in the OVDMAU and OVDMASK tags.
2012 Switched Verse
In this Verse Venus is raised by Splinter and is the eldest of the turtle siblings. She wears bottle bottom glasses and tends to constantly readjust them. She often stays in the lair and gives on the go information through a com line and functions as a living Siri. She is about 7’ 6" and she is quite strong. She can match Slash and LeatherHead in strength and when on Missions is a no-nonsense gal. She looks after her brothers and protects them and refuses to let them go solo or without their coms. She is closest to Leo and she is practically a co-leader to the team. She gets cold easily and often wears sweaters and leg warmers if not then boots and gloves. She is a gentle giant and has a pet Flying Fox (Bat) named Paul Robsen. She is well read and tends to write journals about their lives. She wields two hand held double sided axes.
Wheeled Switched Verse
This Verse is an alternative to the switched Verse. On one of her missions she came in between Shredder and Leo and due to her soft shell taking the blow that was meant to kill Leo she was paralyzed from the waist down. She is missing an eye (From the same fight) and has a Monocle with google glasses type technology. She mostly stays in the lair and offers constant tactical, emotional and informative support.
Tribal Verse
In this Verse Venus goes only by Vee, She lives in a cave in the woods and keeps to herself. She knows much about plants and herbal remedies. She is mostly fearless but keeps away from the local Villages humans. She takes care of the forest and it’s animals. She is rather wary of her own kind and keeps to herself. She only knows a few words and her name. She can speak bat and lives in a cave full of them.
NightWatcher Verse
In this verse she has moved out and is trying to make it on her own as the next night watcher. Raph is nor very pleased by this and they have a love hate relationship. Her primary weapons are Cat Claws and Poisons of Many Varieties often used alongside throwing needles. She has a gliding attachment on her suit and will often glide from roof to roof. She lives in an apartment building on the top floor of a rundown building on the wrong side of town.
Human Verse
In this Verse she is a human along with the turtles and Splinter. She wears a large Iron Turtle Shell on her back of her own black smithing. She is very handy with metal working and her weapon is a thick balanced staff with an axe on one side and a large hammer on the other. She is constantly dirty and refuses to wear traditional girls clothes. She dresses as a boy and often sneaks out to patrol on her own where no one can judge or underestimate her.
Child Verse
In this Verse she is an experiment conducted by Saki to make another turtle to weaponize against Splinter. What came out of it was a sweet little girl turtle named Venus. She was quickly rescued from Saki and lives as the turtles little sister. She is a quick learner and a smart girl who wants to be just like her brothers. She is anywhere from 5-10 years younger than the turtles.
Prisoner Verse
In this Verse Venus has been underground in a cell for the last ten years. She was taken when the turtles were all five and was believed to be dead. She is currently in one of Shredders underground cells, she is missing her right eye and left arm. She is skinny, frail, and scar covered from years of torture. She can’t remember her own name after years of psychological tampering. She is awaiting death and believes her family has no intention of rescuing her.
Street Verse
In this Verse Venus was found by A Teenage Hun. She was raised to be a street rat and thief. She is cocky and proud and wears goggles for glasses, she wears a hoodie and pants to help blend into crowds. She also occasionally paints her face and skin to look more human. She has several dragon tattoos and the speed and stealth of a ninja due to a lifetime of pick pocketing.
Experiment Verse
In this Verse Venus was found by Stockman and has spent most of her life sleeping in a test tube. She goes by “Experiment 733” and is Stockmans personal Guinea Pig. She is highly intelligent but never lets on she can speak for fear of punishment or torture. She wears a tracking shock collar to prevent escape and is only let out of her tube for experiments.
Sea Turtle Verse
In this Verse She is not a “sibling” to the turtles but rather the product of an experiment by humans upon finding the first of the mutagen. She escaped the lab after it was raided and lives on the New York coast. She ended up in the city after a freak storm whose currents sent her into hiding in the sewers. She got lost in them and is currently searching for her way out, she is weak and starving. She only understands a few words, Yes, No and Come. She has bad vision and the ability to eco locate both in and out of water.“
Blood Verse
In this Verse she was found by a young Vampire girl. She was turned and raised with the clan of vampires that reside in the local Forest. She often lures in meals for her family. She can turn into a small shelled bat and requires blood every 24 hours or she will starve.
Forest Verse
In this verse she lives in a small cave in the local forest of NYC. She doesn’t know how to speak and has spent her whole life fending for herself and living off the land. She is a savage and will attack if you get to close.
Reflections Verse
In an alternative time line where Mutants are common and the subject of racism like hatred and subjugation in a crime filled world. The Shredder is a wealthy businessman man leading a double life and standard. He is the leading source in Mutant discrimination however he uses mutants to raise his funds through dirty means. He is married to Tang Shen who never died but was never allowed to marry Splinter due to his becoming of a mutant (Planned by Saki of course to win Tang Shen) Splinter lives with the four turtles he calls his sons as he works on a cure and a way to thwart Sakis dirty business deals, working with his sons as protectors of the divided city. Venus was left behind when the turtles mutated because Splinter was chased out of the alley by a mutant hating Mob. Tang Shen quickly hid the infant child and brought her home. Saki agreed to raise her but only if her Shell could be removed and the fact she is a mutant hidden. So Tang agreed reluctantly, Venus’s soft infant shell was removed and she was left with horrendous scarring and a partially exposed spine. She has to wear a special corset like torso guard to heed her back from getting bruised and injured anymore than it already is. If her back is handled to roughly the skin easily tears and splits. So she has to walk very stiff and with a straight back to prevent tearing her back. She is forced to wear gloves, long sleeves, stockings, a wig, hat, and boots to hide her mutant features. She also wears body paints and makeups to hide her pale green skin in public. She has to hide her tail and lives a life shut in a house with her sister whom she can’t play with due to her back and her sick bedridden mother and her cruel father. She hides her tail and does her best to go about a normal life working at a small cafe as a waitress.
2003 Verse
Coming Soon
2014/2016 Verse
Coming Soon
2007 Verse
Coming Soon
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
Oroku Venus DeMilo
Female 19 Mutant Turtle Foot Ninja Elite Daughter of The Shredder
Venus was your average pet store Red eared slider, However due to her dulled colors and larger size she was often looked past by children in the pet store. She busied herself in watching over and taking care of her tank mates. One day an older man came in and took her and her four tank mates out of their tank. He was showing them to four children who were looking for pets that day. She watched as once again her tank mates were chosen by children while she was condemned to live in a pet store forever until the surrogate of the adopted children left with them leaving the turtles for goldfish instead. The man was about to leave when the pet store said they were going to throw away the turtles that night to make room for new animals. He promptly bought them and left the store. Little did he know his adversary was also in the city. He was jumped on the way home by his brothers men. In the incident some sort of chemical spill happened turning the man into an anthropomorphic rat and the turtles into human/turtle hybrid children. They were barely bigger than before and he quickly scooped them up. He looked back and fourth trying to find the largest turtle and failed. In the incident she had fallen into a large bean can and he was unable to find her before being forced to retreat into the sewers. The foot ninjas swept the area of evidence and one of them stopped hearing the cries of a child. The foot ninja found the small turtle and brought her to Shredder and reported what happened along with what the old man was addressing her as. So Shredder decided to raise her to irradiate his brother and his four turtles. She refused to train at first saying her tank mates would come back for her after those few years of caring for them. But instead her legs and arms were broken and she was thrown into a cell without food for several days, that was when she heard a voice that told her how to get water so she wouldn’t die. The voice of Tang Shen who had sworn to guide and protect her throughout her life. When Shredder found her still alive he agreed to let her heal and start her training. She didn’t fight him this time. Her training was hard and relentless. She was only permitted food when she did good and only small amounts of rice and stale bread at that. She grew lean and strong, scar covered from her training and punishments. Fooled into the illusion that Shredder viewed her as a daughter and cared for her deeply. That splinter and her former “brothers” had abandoned her to die a slow and painful death. That he saved her. She became loyal to only him truly believing she was a monster and unworthy of life, loyal to the Shredder and wanting to restore the Oroku name by once and for all irradiating the Hamato’s off the face of the planet. She was hidden from Karai for many years and when they met they became like sisters. Venus’s only mission is to purge the Hamatos…. Yet now will memories and what is left of her compassion get the best of her mission?
She fights with a large double sided chained axe, the chain can retract and she uses “Cat Claws” bladed arm guards and she fights along side her pet whom she trained, a large adult Fruit bat who often stays on her back. She often uses tricks and poisoned needles in fights.
She has terrible eye sight and actually requires “Bottle Bottom Glasses” (this is due to landing face first in mutagen when she was mutated) however these would get in the way during missions so she uses a form of echolocation to locate her targets allowing her to fight In absolute darkness.
She is a highly compassionate induvisaul however her line of work makes it hard and dangerous to show it.
When Roleplaying I can adjust her story to fit any AU or scenario for RP’s however above is her “cannon” backstory to find out more about her feel free to checkout the art and ask account for her @orokuvenusdemilo or the tags OVDMAU OVDMASK! 
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
Memes And Asks
I adore Rp and art memes! Feel free to tag me in any you think I may like! I constantly reblog them as Starter Openings as well! I am always open for Memes and Asks about Venus!
If you have any questions about Venus go to the Ask box! All asks are tagged under OVDMASK and all AU information is tagged under OVDMAU. All RP is tagged under OVDMRP and all important posts you need to read before roleplaying are tagged; Directory Post. If a post is okay to reblog it will contain the tag "Okay to Reblog” You will not get blocked for reblogging unless you refuse to take down the reblogs. The block box gets cleared every four Months.
Next Block Wipe; April 1st 2017
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orokuvenusdemilo · 8 years
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A skinny and Painted Oroku Venus De Milo for an RP in my AU. This is for a RolePlay between myself and @of-ninja-and-mutants So basically Venus is on a recovery table in Donnie's lab strapped down at the waist and ankles, she had just been unstrapped at the wrists a few days prior to this. So she is being tube fed partially because she was trying to get freed and returned to Shredder and partially because the only foods she recognizes are bread and rice. So she physically breaks and almost drowns after collapsing in her containment tank from fatigue into the small pond. So now she is skinny, weak and has no trust in anyone but Donnie seeing as he brought her glasses and tried to teach her concepts about love and such. He also discovered she never learned to read and cannot identify any letters. So she's asleep on the table and Splinter sends Donnie and Raph on a patrol, leaving Mikey alone to watch after Venus, she has tried to kill them several times in the tank not to mention the countless times out side of it. She is to weak to hurt him and can't speak very well due to her almost drowning and the tube feeding. Mikey takes advantage of this and paints her in bright and black paint while she is sleeping. Art by @hynmy-art-and-aus
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orokuvenusdemilo · 8 years
Peppermint Tea
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orokuvenusdemilo · 8 years
Her sleep schedule is incredibly awkward as she;wakes up at 4:00 AM trains for five hoursGoes back to sleep at 10:00 AMSleeps till 7:30 PM Patrols at 8:00 PM till 12:00PM and goes back to bed to repeat the process.
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orokuvenusdemilo · 8 years
So are there any other mutants with you at shredders place? Do you hang out with them or despise them?
She is actually close friends with TigerClaw or TC/Tye as she calls him. He was the only other member of the foot who knew about her besides Shredder. He would care for her injuries and help train her, acting like a big brother to her.
She stays away from most of the others besides Bradford who she plays poker with and also trains with. She respects them all but only feels affection towards TigerClaw because of their relationship.
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orokuvenusdemilo · 8 years
Look me in the eye and tell me I'm wrong
“I have attended my own funeral”
In most of my darker AU’s entrance into the foot after a certain level you are given the entrance exam, a clone of you with all of your memories feelings and emotions is created the student and their clone are forced to battle to the death. The winner becomes a foot Soilder. They also have to dig the grave and bury their clone or the original depending on who wins. They have to attend this funeral as well. She won, not the clone, but most still consider it an extension of themselves and view it as a warning and their own funeral.
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orokuvenusdemilo · 8 years
Have you ever been outside?
Venus actaully has gone outside, but only within the city. She has never walked on grass or climbed a tree so when they build the small Tank and furnish it withGrass and Dirt, and Water and Plants she is confused what the purpose or what any of them even are. She has actually never really felt sunlight because she sleeps for over half of the day and spends her nights on missions or training, her room is infact windowless so she has a very good internal clock.
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orokuvenusdemilo · 8 years
How do you feel about the shredder? Do you have second thoughts about him?
This one is a tricky question because Venus actually idolizes him so much and he does have her beliving she is a worthless monster and staying alive is a privilledge. She actually dosent start to have doubts until after she is captured/rescued by the Hamato’s that she even learns what a real family is like. In fact she is baffled when they make small mistakes they don’t get their shells thrashed by Splinter or a punishment at all. So it all depends upon the time, and even after she learns the truth part of her still feels indebted to him for keeping her alive…
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orokuvenusdemilo · 8 years
How old are you?
As some of you may know I belive the turtles are not related, the odds are so incredibly low for that to be the chance, so in my AU they are all different ages, and were touched by non related people, like a group of school kids on a feild trip ect. In my AU Venus was the only one touched by Hamato Yoshi before being mutated which gives her a strong connection to Tang Shen. But I stand with the beleif that the turtles are red eared sliders and Their ages in the show partain to the day they were mutated and not their actuall ages. In the show all of the turtles are 16 however I belive before they were mutated they were already 2-6 years old based on their sizes ect. So my Ages go as follows;
Mikey - 18
Raphael - 19
Donatello - 20
Leonardo - 21
Venus - 22
So technically she is 16 as a mutant but 22 as a turtle. But she has the maturity level of a 22 year old…. but lets be honest those maturity levels are not much of a jump to eachother lol.
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orokuvenusdemilo · 8 years
Is Karai with you?
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Karai is like a big sister to Venus, and deeply worries about her because she knows that most of her scars were from “their” father. But these two nerds are to pure together for the world…
Art by @hynmy-art-and-aus
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orokuvenusdemilo · 8 years
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MONSTER a poem, By alphamaoyinrp
She sat in a room staring sorrowful eyes piercing the last bit off light as it faded away… Her body broken and bruised she wondered why, she had her doubts, but most of all she believed it was her. It had to have been, without him she was nothing he was perfect in her eyes. He could do no wrong…. She curled up on the floor filled with regret and self loathing the words clawed at her throat like hundreds of knives tearing their way through her neck, and she gave into the pain as she laid in the darkness the words finally escaped their battered prison…. She finally said what the mirrors screamed…. “Monster….”
This takes place shortly after she failed her first mission, she arrived home already bruised but Oroku Saki decided to show her how he felt about her first mission being a failure. He made her sleep in a closet that night, knowing full well she has a fear of small spaces and is terrified of being alone/abandoned.
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