#Oc// banty
lilywily143 · 11 months
Bat Uzi
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(Replace give birth to with build and boom it works)
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Uzi: You need to brush your hair more so it doesn't hurt
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Hey, [First Workers] Liz and Uzi! How are you doin? :3
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Uzi: um, we are having each other's kids here at the park
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U: me and my sis.... had a bad day... But we are feeling better now...
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forffax · 3 months
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ashley-jones · 2 years
Daughter of Fire and Blood
Chapter 2
Aemond Targaryen x Niece Targaryen OC
OC name: Daeny Targaryen daughter of Deamon and Rheanrya Targaryen
Warnings: Cursing, blood, dragons, sexism, incest (Targaryen Pure Blood Line), overprotective Deamon, Arranged marriage between uncle and niece (age gap - 13/17) Team Black against Team Green
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"Stop looking at me like that Kepa." Daeny muttered. "I promised you there would be no marriage, and you turn around and accept the marriage proposal!" Deamon yelled. "Because Alicent will take that throne from mother! At least this way she can't just throw someone onto that throne!" she yelled back. "She will do anything she can to stop mother from taking the iron throne, rid of everything she has fought for, just so the queen can have a little ounce of power to her name." Daeny argued. "I am trying to save the Targaryen name!" she cried out.
"Jace and Luke marrying the Valarians means nothing for us! It just gives peace around the lands to rid of the accusations of their father. At least with this we can keep the iron throne going through our blood, Targaryen blood." she yelled. "Marrying you off is another advantage to her power, to make Viserys believe their to be peace as he took his dying breath." Deamon growled.
"What did you think was going to happen Kepa? That I was going to just be able to pass my duties without consequences. I was deemed to be engaged to one of my uncles, it was just a matter of time. I'm not being given a choice, this would have been forced, and if refused turned into war.. I didn't have a choice in this.. None of us did." she spoke. "I do not want to marry someone I don't love.. But marriage is nothing but a political stance for us.." she spoke.
"Love is not an option on this wheel, that throne is the most important aspect to the Targaryen blood, only the purest of blood should sit on that chair, and that is mother, and the bloodlines continues down from their.. Their should be no other option." she spoke.
Deamon listened to every word that left her mouth, watching her realizing just how much she's growing up at such a young age. "But why him?" He whispered. "That's a question for the queen." Daeny softly answered. "I do not love him Kepa, I'm doing this for our family." she softly spoke.
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"My prince, the princess Daeny Targaryen." Sir Cristin spoke firmly letting the princess into Aemond's chambers. Daeny looked at Sir Cristin Cole with a coldness to her gaze, then looked back towards Aemond. "My prince." she softy spoke. "Leave us Cristin." Aemond ordered. The door shut behind the princess, leaving the two Targaryens alone.
Daeny's head turned awaiting for the silence from behind the door. She was far too smart to speak with the guard standing outside the door. Once it went silent she turned her head facing her betrothed. "Skoro syt gōntan aōha muñnykeā call hen dīnilūks betrothed?" (Why did your mother call out marriage betrothed?) she spoke in her parents native tongue. She wondered if he even knew High Valyrian, if Viserys had taught him and Aegon like she and her brothers where taught. "Skoro syt gōntan ao mazōregon?" (Why did you accept?) he shot back.
She walked closer to him looking up at him, purple eyes matching his own. "Nyke merely keeping issa ānogar qogron vok. Nykeā dīnilūks iksos nykeā political statement, daor jorrāelagon. Daorun yn nykeā turning grevy isse bisa tymptir, se īlon're isse se middle hen ziry." (I'm merely keeping my blood line pure. A marriage is a political statement, not love. Nothing but a turning wheel in this game, and we're in the middle of it.) she spoke.
He grabbed a hold of her waist pulling her in and pressing her against him. With his other he grabbed her by the back of her neck pulling her head up a bit, his breath fanning over her lips. "Nyke kostagon tepagon ao nykeā glaeson hen pleasure, fuck ao tolvie bantis hae ao hīghagon se plead syt rest. Se istin īlon sit bē bona dēmalion, nyke jāhor emagon ao va issa lap striding issa. Aōha womb lēdan rūsīr babes bona jāhor maghagon rigle." (i can give you a life of pleasure, fuck you every night as you scream and plead for rest. and once we sit upon that throne, i will have you on my lap striding me. your womb filled with babes that will bring honor.) he whispered.
She swallowed, his words filled her mind, echoing over and over. He began pulling and ripping at her dress at the waist, a gasp escaping her as the cold air hit the small amount of skin showing from the tears. "Gaomagon ao pāsagon aōla worthy naejot fuck issa?" (Do you believe yourself worthy to fuck me?) she whispered. "Ao accepted se proposal, nyke kostagon fuck ao whenever nyke jaelagon." (You accepted the proposal, I can fuck you whenever I wish.) he muttered against her lips.
"You will not ask your wife for consent?" she whispered. Aemond stopped what he was doing, hand freezing against her back. The ripping stopped hands going soft against her bare skin. Slowly releasing the back of her neck, moving it up and over her jaw pulling her closer pressing her nose against his, lips moving closer but never once touching. "No. I will not do anything to you without your consent my betrothed." he whispered.
"Kiss me uncle." she whispered. Aemond pressed forward, lips pushing into hers. Lips molding together perfectly, her arms moved from her sides, on making its way up and around his neck, the other sitting on his waist pulling him closer to her smaller frame.
A knock interrupted the two, Aemond moved away looking at the door. "What is it?" he growled. "My lord.. Word from your mother, your father is gone." Sir Cristin spoke. "His last orders where to have both Princess Rheanrya and Princess Daeny order his bodies burned." he spoke. Daeny moved away quickly turning and rushing out to find her parents, not wanting them to mourn alone.
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Standing outside watching as Viserys' body was laid out for the proper Targaryen way of passing on their death. Rheanrya refused to word her father's death, feeling disgusted in herself. So Daeny stood out beside her father, ahead of the Hightower, Valaryan's, and Targaryens, her silver strands blowing in the wind. Deamon stepped back stroking his daughters hair then moved back to stand by his wife.
Mexes and Soliston stared down at their rider waiting for her order as they towered over the mountains. She looked at her grandfather's body then stepped forward. "Dracarys!" she called out. Her order was obeyed within seconds, large mouths opening roars escaping as flames of blue and red erupted from their mouths flowing of the kings body, burning him to ash, sending him to the heavens along side his first wife.
Alicent watched the dragon with pure fear, the largest was black and red, nearly as large her son's dragon, Vhagar. Daeny's control over them was perfect, the way she lowered her head and the dragons did the same, or how they obeyed her command without a second thought, how she walked up the hill, the largest moving closer pressing it's head against her as if to comfort her.
"How is it that she got two dragons?" Aegon questioned. "Because she's a pure blood." Aemond answered his brother. Daeny walked forward, Mexes leaning over shoulder pressing into the ground allowing it's rider to trail her hand along her wings. "Sȳz job issa gevie hāedar." (Good job my beautiful girl.) she whispered.
Mexes pressed her head against the princess, then stepped back flying to the sky along side her brother. Daeny's heart hurt, she wished she could have had more time with her grandfather, wishing she could mourn properly. Making her way back down the hill rejoining her family, Deamon pushing her hair back planting a kiss at the top of her head.
"I think they want to return to Dragonstone." she whispered into her father jacket. "Yes. I'm feeling rather homesick." he replied with a soft smile pushing a few messy strands of hair from her face. "Go on." he softly spoke. Daeny looked at her brothers shoving Jace slightly who huffed, before yelling out as she started running for the dragon Pitts, her brothers immediately following after, the three racing for their dragons.
Deamon watched with Rheanrya, the princess smiling sadly. She leaned over pressing her lips Into her husband's shoulder. "I can't marry her off to him." she whispered. "I know." Deamon whispered.
"Mexes!" she called out. The dragon raised accepting his riders call, screeching as though cheering for her win of the race. The youngest of the three giggled looking up at her dragons as they looked down at her.
Rheanys looked towards her niece, then towards Daeny as her dragon allowed her on and soared to the sky. "She has pure dragon blood within her veins, I can tell by the way they look at her, react to her, accept her, even when she survived as they bathe her in flames." she spoke. "She's a special girl, she makes the Targaryen name proud." she added. "Yes she does." Rheanrya replied softly. "She is the new heir to the iron throne, she will make a great queen, a great warrior, and one of the best dragon riders." Deamon spoke up.
"The next time we see each other will be the day of Aemond and Daeny's wedding." Alicent spoke up. Both Targaryen parents tensed looking down then back towards her. "We'll see." Deamon coldly replied.
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gilgamesh-eiyuuou · 2 years
🌖 for the boys? ^^
🌖 - What is your OC’s favorite scent? Is it nostalgic?  Banti - His favorite scent is of the forest after some heavy rain mixed with musty books and clothes. It reminds him of the time he lived in a cottage near the forest with his teacher. Also bcs he slept outdoors a lot of times, before he found his current party.
Keziah - He enjoys the scent of some good whisky, paired with a little sweet touch from the perfume the lad or lass he's currently with, is wearing.
Caolán - For him the scent of fresh ocean air with a hint of smoke mixed into it, is what reminds him of home, his mother and his late father. It also gives him a sense of freedom and that anything is possible...he however hasn't smelled that scent in years.
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sh-tmagneto · 5 years
sooo...a while ago i started sketching my current d&d party - this is my take on @enzoo-art 's / @gilgamesh-eiyuuou 's rogue boy banti, the beloved edgelord of our group ⚡🌈
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wolfaelans · 6 years
for the 100 oc questions thing: 1-15 for sebanti!
1. How do they present themselves to others?He’s very cocky and self-assured. Depending on the person he’ll often talk down to them, even his peers, because he’s an arrogant noble-born elf who rarely considers anyone worth his time.2. Do they like animals?He’s mostly fond of birds but he can occasionally be caught feeding animals treats and the like - he spoils animals far more than people.3. How do they dress?Dark leather, usually with tones of black and red. When not wearing armor he tends to wear well-fitting and nicely made clothing that accentuates his frame without betraying the hidden blades he wears nearly all the time.
4. How many languages do they know?Darnassian, Thalassian, Common and some Zandali.5. How big is their family?The Nightwhispers are a fairly widespread bloodline but his immediate family consisted of his parents, an older sister and a younger brother. Sebanti and his brother are now the only living members of this branch.6. What is their purpose in the story?Sebanti is the antagonist, villain, general chaotic evil presence. He does as he pleases and for his own goals and those who get in his way generally do not live to tell the tale.7. Do they know how to fight?Extremely well. His father was a battle/weapon master and taught many elves in his time. Sebanti is extremely arrogant about his fighting skill and has yet to find more than a few opponents who can really engage him on an even footing.8. What is their back story?Through most of his life he didn’t really do much out of the ordinary. He lived in Feralas, fought in various wars and conflicts. His mother and sister died as a result of Shifting Sands and his father more recently perished in the War of the Thorns. Life wasn’t overly exciting, nor were the people, until he was cornered by a corrupt sentinel captain with a grudge and given an ultimatum to either help her in her goals or everyone close to him - and himself - would perish in retribution. After that he kind of found his darker interests piqued and started down an eviller route.9. Why is their name, their name?I made it up and then discovered other Nightwhispers in the game. It was amusing. I even ran into another player Nightwhisper who was also a villain! Pity it wasn’t on Sebanti, they could have bonded. 10. Do they have any nick names?Ban, Banti, Silver, Jackal11. Do they have a romantic interest?A couple! Liraelan has held his interest for a while, now, though his actions under the eye of the aforementioned captain hasn’t really done anything productive in the way of something happening there. A newer spark has been met, though, in the form of a rather ruthless and charming ren’dorei lass.12. How do they cope with struggles?Murder, usually.13. Do they have anyone they can lean on?Normally he hasn’t cared to need anyone but himself when it comes to just about anything, but more recently he’s been trusting his thoughts and feelings to a certain Tildsi. Imagine such a thing! 14. How do they react to someone dying?He’s caused a LOT of death and has seen plenty of it outside of that, it’s not something that bothers him. In fact, he tends to enjoy the act. When it comes to someone’s death that he actually cares about? I can’t even imagine the height of potential backlash to the ones who caused their demise.15. Can you name 5 personality traits they have?ArrogantCleverSadisticObservantHonest
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lilywily143 · 8 months
Pill Babies
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I have the headcanon that sections of the pill shell are done with things the parents like, including matching colors
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lilywily143 · 8 months
Scary Parents
(Text written down is edited in the post)
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Banty: Chu said I need to dafend myzelf fwom muwderers!!
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Thad: Please please listen when I say your mom and dad... didn't wanna be like that
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B: Mama... I... I'm zowwy fo- M-Mama!?!
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Uzi: B-Banty.. I-I'm sor-sorry.. please... please I... I...
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B: sniffling MAMA!!!
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Uzi [mind]: nononono he doesn't like me nono I'm scaring him aren't I ?!?! No No No
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B: I-I-I-I'm z-skwwy mama!! I don't want chu upset! I wuv chu!!! I'm zowwy I zaid a bad t'ing to chu and papa...
U: Banty...
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U: I f-forgive you...
B: C-chu do..?
U: Ye-yes. I swear...
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N: I'll call V to help you...
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lilywily143 · 5 months
FanKid List :3
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The man au's of mine; First Workers, StationaryN, Outsiders
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The offbrand kids :3
[fleshy warning]
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Solver Made Kids [not specifically by the solver alone, these are Uzi kids she accidentally made first using the solver]
left to right: Macha, Void, Ayuna
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Some more art with just these two cuties
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lilywily143 · 8 months
Walking Guide
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Asks open for
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lilywily143 · 9 months
These two are just too cute
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Banty: Gweat Auntie!!
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Yeva: Streeetch
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lilywily143 · 3 months
Flat Tire
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Banty: I can't wait to see mom, camp was soooo long!
Crystal: Same here. Camp was great though. Did you like the ice fishing?
Cameron: Yeah, it waz my favowite! I wish we could have k-kept tem as petz
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Cry: Yea, those fishes were adorable. Maybe next year, they'll allow it.
B: I loved looking at fish, when diving!
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B: And we have our tiny pond near home! Do you think I can dive th-
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Cam: Woah hehehe!
Cry: Okay o-okay let's pull over...
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fuck fuck fuck shit What the hell happened!? fuck fuck glass shards shitty litter..
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Text: Gonna be home late.
Cam: Grumble grumbe
B: Cameron?
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Cam: Why were they zwearing so much? DaDa doezn't wike tem wordz.
B: How do I... explain...? Look, they can't control it... They want to badly, but there in't anything they can do to stop..
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Cam: Really? No contwol at all?
B: Yeah, it was... a frustrating week before Dad figured out it was uncontrollable... They were both very apologetic for months...
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B: So if you hear them swear, please give the patience... A lot of strangers don't...
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Cry: Banty, can you call a tow company..? I need a moment alone...
B: Of course
Cry: Sigh I just.. wanna play games now..
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[After 20 Minutes]
Cry: Popping sounds
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C: Finally, the tow truck- Dad's car!? Fuck fuck fuck
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N: Kiddo? O-oh goodness
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N: Do you want a hug...? Oh sweetie I'm sorry this happened...
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C: No No No I'm sorry, I'm sorry mmp mmp You shouldn't have to deal with this blow out
N: This just happens... Sometimes you pop a tire when tow'ers are on break...
C: I-I know, but it's still so frustrating. mmp mmp
N: ...You can let it out... I know this was upsetting. And you know you won't be in trouble.. never again..
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C: I know I know you don't get that bothered now. I know I won't be in trouble. I know.. that I can't help it...
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C: But... I hate drawing attention to myself... I hate making strangers mad... I hate... feeling such a lack of control with my mouth and voice I'd rather be quiet right now
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N: Okay. Just know you have the option. Let's fix this up.
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C: pop pop pop
N: You wanna learn how to replace tires..?
C: pop pop pop ... Yeah.
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N: Well, you do need to make sure you have a correct size for the bolts. Or they won't screw in or off. and you~~~
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lilywily143 · 1 year
I've been a bit inspired by my discord bud to draw these types of guys out. Never did fan-kids and it was really fun
Thank you @a-weird-bean-bag 0v0
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Uzi, Thad, N: Banty
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Emily, Sam, Darren: Sadie
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Lizzy, V: Liv
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I did use gacha for clothing ideas, and they are colored here so I hope it's alright
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lilywily143 · 11 months
Best GrandDad Khan
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