#October 08
food-log-life · 2 years
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ホットケーキ🥞#昼食 #お外でランチ
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kmyalbums · 2 years
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Foi dia 08/10, mas cá estamos, 21 anos do 2001. Era pra ele se chamar 11 mas por causa do 9/11 mudaram o nome para apenas Sandy e Junior. Esse álbum vendeu 1 milhão de cópias em UM DIA.
Eu fui ganhar esse CD físico em 2013/2014, quando meu namorado da época me deu, era da irmã dele.
Antes disso, eu ouvia um piratão mesmo kkkkkkk. E eu ouvi. Como eu ouvi esse álbum quando eles separaram. Eu ouvia bastante Endless Love e Chuva de Prata. Eu tinha um homem fake no Orkut e inventei que ele gostava de mim e ele iria embora, então ele mandou um depoimento pra mim com a letra de A Estrela Que Mais Brilhar.
Não é um álbum que eu ouço muito, talvez por ter enjoado, ou porque a maioria das músicas estão no Maracanã, Acústico e Nossa História. Acabo preferindo esse último mesmo.
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rostyslavua · 8 months
Постпред США в ООН осуджує терористичну атаку вчинену ХАМАСом
https://antiraid.com.ua/news/postpred-ssha-v-oon-osudzhuie-terorystychnu-ataku-vchynenu-khamasom/ Постійний представник США в ООН Лінда Томас-Грінфілд (Linda Thomas-Greenfield) висловила своє обурення з приводу масованої ракетної атаки бойовиків ХАМАС із Ізраїлю, повідомляє сайт ООН. “Я обурена і з жахом від огидних неспровокованих, жорстоких нападів терористів “Хамаса” на Ізраїль”, – зазначила вона. Про це повідомляє АНТИРЕЙД з посиланням на «Інтерфакс-Україна». Сполучені Штати твердо стоять на боці […] Повідомлення Постпред США в ООН осуджує терористичну атаку, вчинену ХАМАСом з'явилися спочатку на ANTIRAID. via ANTIRAID https://antiraid.com.ua/home/ October 08, 2023 at 04:00PM
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dopingconsomme · 8 months
2023年10月07日の記事一覧 http://dailyfeed.jp/feed/23663/2023-10-07 (全 20 件) 1. ナナホシ管弦楽団 - 抜錨 2. 鷺巣詩郎 - On the Precipice of Defeat 3. 鷺巣詩郎 - Going Home 4. 鷺巣詩郎 - Endless Sunlight - theme for An Endless Sunday 5. TOKYO No.1 SOUL SET - 今夜はブギー・バック 6. 加藤ミリヤ - 今夜はブギー・バック 7. イスラエルにガザ地��からロケット攻撃 「5000発を発射」 | NHK 8. 小沢健二 - 今夜はブギー・バック - nice vocal 9. Yama - 憧れのままに 10. サザンオールスターズ - Relay~杜の詩 11. Angela - Welcome! 12. Aimer - 白色蜉蝣 13. Fxcklosbicos - HIDDEN SITUATION 14. DECO*27 - ボルテッカー 15. Sumika - Phoenix 16. すりぃ - バカになって 17. Silent Siren - チェリボム 18. 美波 - 水星 × 今夜はブギー・バック nice vocal meets Yuri on ICE - CM edit version 19. Sister Mayo - 呪文降臨 〜マジカル・フォース 20. こちら、童貞ちんぽこ委員会です。 via 複数のRSSをまとめるのデイリーフィード - DailyFeed http://dailyfeed.jp/feed/23663 October 08, 2023 at 05:00AM
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kodittomat · 2 years
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Pepi Noin 5-vuotias Pepi etsii loppuelämän kotia Kuusamossa.
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skrubu · 2 years
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It is raining. A baby cries. #bus #helsinki #finland https://instagr.am/p/CjcxngHNjes/
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anycartowing · 2 years
Man is prone to temptation even though it may cost you considerable time, money, and even life itself. Therefore, one must always strive to resist temptations, especially the ones that come to your mind when your car breaks down. Any Car Towing has been providing roadside assistance services for quite a while now.
Over the years, we have seen numerous cases where car owners have complicated a straightforward situation through their actions. A car nearly caught fire after a vehicle owner tried to jumpstart it with a makeshift jumper cable. You must avoid these temptations when your vehicle breaks down during a journey.
We have managed to come up with a list to top things to avoid when experiencing a car breakdown. Let’s take a look.
We tend to overlook and ignore minor car problems. For example, if we hear an unfamiliar sound from the engine, we ignore it. This is where the problem starts. When experiencing car trouble, never turn a blind eye to it. Instead, inspect the vehicle or take it to the nearest Any Car Towing workshop. These minor issues can escalate into major ones, leading to costly repairs and replacements.
If you notice your car acting up, i.e. car producing strange smell, unfamiliar sounds, stalling, or anything similar, don’t hit the brakes abruptly. Instead, slow down, put on the emergency indicators, and safely pull over to the side. Several studies point out that a major cause of car accidents is abrupt braking.
If your car breaks down in the middle of the road and there’s nothing you can do about it, get out immediately. Never stay inside of it! You don’t want someone to crash into your vehicle.
Another bad habit is to start inspecting the vehicle, completely disregarding the traffic. There are plenty of videos available online where you can see people lose their lives or suffer injuries because someone crashed into them while they were inspecting their vehicle. Only inspect the vehicle when off the road or in the emergency stopping lane.
When a car breaks down, the hero gets out, kicks the vehicle and curses it. All of us have seen some version of this in movies. Remember, a film is not the same thing as real life. If you get nervous or let emotions take over, you cannot focus on the problem at hand. Unknowingly, you might even walk in the way of traffic, which is the last thing you would want.
If you are sure about the DIY repair, go for it. If you are confused or can’t recall it, avoid it. Your DIY repair can do more harm than good and even put you in life-threatening situations.
Lastly, do not hesitate to call a roadside assistance service provider. There is no point in delaying it. The sooner you call, the better it is for you. Any Car Towing offers multiple services under the umbrella of roadside assistance, including mobile repair shop, battery replacement & repair, tire installation and repair, battery jump-start, and refuelling. The best thing is that all these services are available 24/7.
Now Any Car Towing is available in Carrum Downs Victoria 3201, Australia.
Contact Us
Any Car Towing
10 Silvergum Pl, Cranbourne VIC 3977
(03) 7036 5450
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bluekarou-88 · 2 years
halloween is trending again.
the world is healing
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anartisticdreamer0 · 8 months
random animatic idea: a tribute to all of tallulah’s adventures on the island since wilbur left both good and bad to the song Kids by MGMT and the last bit has tallulah playing those notes that wilbur taught her while in a group with the others (like the quest is campfire song or something) and she looks up to see wilbur just starting to walk up to the group
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awerager · 2 years
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"I have eternal gratitude for Luca. I wouldn't have a career without him. He gave me everything that has come my way since [...], took a shot at me when no one was, and I'll be forever indebted to Luca and I hope this is the second of many. If the first be Italian countryside and the second was cannibalism, then..."
— TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET at 'Bones and All' premiere at BFI London Film Festival on October 8th, 2022
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food-log-life · 2 years
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kindsummer · 2 months
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follow up to the band of brothers and the pacific editions. if someone’s missing, it’s because i couldn’t find their exact birthdate / place (know that i looked…oh so hard lmao.) as i said before, i don’t know when any of them were born (as in time of day), so ascendant and mc are not included! if you would like to learn more about how to read a chart / what things mean / how cusps work, you can find my own personal astrology cheat sheet here.
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rostyslavua · 8 months
Закон про пробаційний нагляд підписано і він набере чинності 28.03.2024. Які зміни відбудуться у криминальному покаранні?
https://antiraid.com.ua/news/zakon-pro-probatsijnyj-nahliad-pidpysano-i-vin-nabere-chynnosti-28-03-2024-iaki-zminy-vidbudutsia-u-krymynalnomu-pokaranni/ Президент України підписав Закон №9185 «Про внесення змін до Кримінального, Кримінального процесуального кодексів України та інших законодавчих актів України щодо удосконалення видів кримінальних покарань в умовах воєнного стану». Згідно із ним за деякі кримінальні правопорушення каратимуть пробаційним наглядом. При цьому він буде одним із основних видів покарання, на рівні з обмеженням чи позбавленням волі, але […] Повідомлення Закон про пробаційний нагляд підписано і він набере чинності 28.03.2024. Які зміни відбудуться у криминальному покаранні? з'явилися спочатку на ANTIRAID. via ANTIRAID https://antiraid.com.ua/home/ October 08, 2023 at 01:04PM
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somecunttookmyurl · 2 years
coming up on my approximate 14th anniversary on this site next month i should get a cake or something
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namitha · 2 years
Its pleasant fumes have an extraordinary effect on me. I am not in a hurry, I am not rushing. I gently tilt my cup, savoring its taste, even though I know this is not the best time for coffee. The first sip of it tastes like the best memories. Later I make a few more and always leave something at the bottom… I like this time. Moments that remind me that what is most valuable is right next to me. My emotions, experiences. .
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skrubu · 2 years
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Colours of autumn #shoe #leaves #plastic #concrete #helsinki #finland https://instagr.am/p/CjcfEwzNDqZ/
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