#Oh! and I guess not technically a boss fight but I loved the Savage Labyrinth so much
embyrinitalics · 2 years
alright, favourite boss fight? From any LoZ game, or if that's too broad, Twilight Princess.
This might be weird, but I'm not really a Boss Fight person? Like it's exciting the first go-round because you don't know what's coming, but once that's worn off it doesn't do much for me. But here's a few I enjoy for various reasons:
Goht because I like racetracks
Stallord (second half) because it's the one time the Spinner gets to shine
Gohma (Ocarina of Time) because that intro sequence is fantastic
Gohdan + Molgera for design (all the WW bosses are really well designed, imo)
Oh! Phantom Ganon (Wind Waker) because the tennis makes those sounds!
Thunderblight, cuz I get to use a lot of Bullet Time
Does boarding Vah Ruta count? I love the music and dynamism
My all time favorite is probably Dark Beast Ganon from BotW, just because its sheer size and the music and the cinematics make it feel really epic and like it's all culminated into this moment where I'm really about to free Zelda from her prison and meet her again. I know a lot of people complained that it was too easy but, like I said, I'm not really in it for the fight (spoiler alert guys, all the Zelda bosses are easy).
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