#Oh nd her whole role has been reduced to
rjalker · 1 year
I think it's kinda funny that by accident the moral of Avatar 2 is "you should kill the babies of colonizers unless you want them to grow up and become colonizers themselves".
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ilikeoldchangke · 5 years
Good citizen centre
This is a work of fiction
All good citizens should be taken care off.
I walked into the large imposing lobby in the spanking new building in the middle of marina bay with the card clutched tightly in my hand.
Aside from the single security guard shaking dry his umbrella at the lobby, there was no one else in sight.
He looked at me and I showed him what I have on my hand.
He immediately gave me a wide smile and gestured to the self service kiosk in front of me.
I keyed in my ID number and verified my identity with a facial scan. As I waited for my data to be generated, I was seething with anger. In fact, I was trying hard not to curse out loud.
I wanted to scream in the quiet lobby but I know I must control myself.
I am a good citizen.
The kiosk, as if sensing my short fuse, immediately displayed my full name with my particulars on screen.
The kiosk directed me to lift number 2 and I walked over to the lift lobby.
Lift 2 opened as if it was waiting for me to get near.
The moment I got in, it closed with the top floor button lit up.
37th floor.
I’m about to enter a newly set up government agency.
Ministry of anger management.
Yes, you read that right.
With the fast pace of life in Singapore, you need a whole new ministry to manage people’s anger and resentment, but this is no ordinary ministry.
This is no ordinary building.
It’s one reserved for good citizens.
Good model citizens who behave.
The government understands that everyone gets angry from time to time.
However they want to better manage the population by managing their anger.
Good citizens like me gets special treatment.
Good rationale and level headed citizens like me gets extra attention and perks.
If not for my flawless records, I would now have been even to get a lift sent down to me.
And to have the lift take me up to the highest floor, it’s the greatest honor a model citizen can ask for.
When the lift door open I could see a customer service officer waiting for me.
Dressed in formal black pant suit with a white inner blouse, the lady introduced herself an Felicia.
Felicia : Hi there Mr James….. my name is Felicia, I will be attending to you today… please follow me….
I followed Felicia and appraised her body from behind.
She’s pretty, with a nice perky butt.
I would fuck her but that’s not why I’m here today.
I’m here because I’m fucking angry.
I’m fucking pissed and angry with the government.
And I want my voice heard and issues addressed.
Entering a sound proof room, Felicia sat down behind her terminal and asked me what can she do for me that day.
Felicia : I can tell from your body language you are fuming Mr James…. May I know the cause of your anger …. So I can better address your needs…..
I could no longer hold it in and I exploded right there and there in the room.
I screamed and kicked the chair in front of me while Felicia remained calm as if she had seen it all before.
James : why do you make it so hard for singles like me to get my own flat !!!!! fuck !!!!why !!!!
Felicia nodded with genuine empathy.
James : I’m already 35 !!!!.... I want my own place to live !!!! and how many fucking times you want to fucking make me ballot for a place to call my own….!!! And even then… it’s a small fucking place !!!!.....how to live in such a pigeon hole !!!!! FUCK YOU UNDERSTAND !!!!!FUCK YOU !!!! AHHHHH….
I lifted the chair and slammed it against the wall. Knocking 2 wheels off the chair and denting the wall.
Part of me is glad that my good citizen status enjoyed immunity once I’m inside these walls.
I kicked the wall, threw my body against the door and I hammered my fist on the table that Felicia is using, causing her stationary to bounce about.
This is so unfair.
I tried to get a small place to call my own for more than 4 times through the balloting system. Each time I was rejected because the number of applicants is too many.
I tried to get my flat from the open market but my high income restricted me only to bank loans and not the subsidised loans the government is offering.
I tried appealing to the PHB , Public housing board and they bounced me from one officer to another.
James : you know the feeling of being passed around from one officer to another…. ??? FUCK!!!!! You know the feeling of being on the phone and listening to recorded messages, asking you to press one for English…. Press 2 for Chinese…..PRESS YOUR FUCKING CUNT I’M TELLING YOU….!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!
I was perspiring badly by then while Felicia remained calm as ever.
I was given a few moments to calm down and Felicia opened her drawer to give me a bottle of water.
James : thank you…
Felicia : please drink Mr James… and allow me to help understand your problem….. Housing issue has always been at the heart of this government and…
I could feel Felicia about to cough up another line of well rehearsed line so I took it out.
I took the card out.
That treasure of a card.
The card given to good citizens.
Felicia paused mid sentence and her entire demeanour changed.
Felicia : May I have a look at that card Mr James….
I handed it over and she scanned the QR code beside my face and ID details.
Felicia : Please face the camera Mr James…. For authentication…
3 seconds later Felicia looked at me with the widest smile her face could muster.
Felicia : Congrats Mr James… you are a model good citizen….. and as you know… the criteria for getting a good citizen card is really tough…..
James : Yes I am aware…
Felicia : As a reward for being a law abiding citizen, paying your taxes on time, voting for the ruling party and being pro government for the past 5 years…. You have been awarded the good citizen card….. can I confirm you would like to use it now…. ?
James : yes… I want to fucking use it now….
Felicia : very well….
Felicia started typing on her keyboard as I sipped the water from the bottle she offered me.
Felicia : Alright Mr James… I can see you are in the queue for the new  construct to order ( CTO ) flats that will be launching at the waterfront site in the new southern waterfront ….
James : yes.. it’s my 5th attempt !!!
Felicia : well… I’m pleased to inform you that you will be getting a single digit queue number for this application…
James : what… really ?
Felicia : yes… and despite your high income threshold…. You are eligible for a subsidised government loan for the entire purchase sum….
James : are you serious !??
I could hardly believe what I was hearing.
Felicia smiled.
Felicia : yes I am…..
James : wow….
Felicia : It’s the least we can do for our good citizens…..
James : I’m…. I’m speechless…..
Felicia continued typing on the terminal before going on.
Felicia : I can see your pent up anger and frustration stems primarily from dealing with the public housing board PHB……
James : well… i….
Felicia : as such… I believe we need to address the root cause of your anger…. So that once that is resolved…. You can continue in your role as a model and good citizen of the country…..
James : ermm… wow… yeah…. How do you propose….
Felicia typed away on the terminal before turning the screen to face me.
Felicia : I’ve isolated 276 female staff from PHB that works in the balloting, customer service and loan disbursement department….these are the staff currently not having their menstruation period….. May I know your race preference…. ?
My heart started beating faster.
I don’t believe this.
It was a rumour.
A quiet rumour in the web that on one can verify but it’s happening to me.
There were rumours online that says the new ministry would do everything to satisfy the citizens needs and manage their anger.
It’s happening right in front of me.
Felicia : Mr James ?.... race preference… ?
James : Chi…. Chinese….
The screen refreshed itself and the number of candidates got lesser.
Felicia continued without batting her eyelid.
Felicia  : marital status…. Married or single… your preference….
I was trying not to shake in the broken chair.
James :married…
Felicia : age range….
James : 24- 32
Felicia : ahhh…. Young Milf in the making….. hold on….
When the screen refreshed itself again, I was presented with the pictures of 18 girls. From frontline staff to senior executives, they were all employees of PHB.
Felicia : may I suggest filtering down to those recently…. Married…
I looked at Felicia who maintained expressionless.
I nodded.
The candidates reduced to 6.
Felicia : Mr James… you are now looking at the staff in PHB, all married within the past 2 years, within the age range and race preference….
I was nursing a full hard on by then as I look at the 6 pictures of the PHB staff smiling at me.
3 are pretty average, 1 is totally out but 2 are pretty much my cup of tea.
James : can…. Can….. can I look at these 2…. ?
Felicia : of course….
Felicia called up the social media profile of both girls and I could see the 1st one was a bit big bone and her complexion isn’t really good. The 2nd girl however was perfect.
She’s sweet looking and petite.
I like petite girls.
Felicia : seems like you have made your choice Mr James….
James : yes… yes… this.. this 1….
Felicia brought up the full profile of the girl of my choice.
Felicia : Elena Qiu… recently married… about 6 months ago… a pretty new staff at PHB…. Less than 3 years…. She’s pretty… good choice….
I could not stop looking at Elena.
I could feel precum leaking from my cock.
Felicia : I will make the necessary arrangements….. for tomorrow…. And Mr James…. I sincerely hope your anger will subside after this….
James : of… of… of course…
Felicia : It is the government’s wish for all our model citizens to be happy…..
I nodded eagerly.
Felicia : I would like to remind you that Elena will not be a willing participant even though she is required to by contract….. she might get a little resistant…. Base on the aptitude test we administered during recruitment….
James : oh…
Felicia : as such… we will be giving her something to calm her down…. No she won’t be a dead fish…. She is still conscious and aware of what is going on…. She can still fight but… with say 50% of the strength and intensity… that should make the session enjoyable for you I think…
James : that… that sounds good….
Felicia : Elena will be asked to attend an offsite meeting tomorrow…and she will be delivered to you…. And to appease your pent up anger and frustration, I shall make a note for her to be formally dressed with heels and her PHB staff pass…..would that be ok ?
James : yes… perfect…
Felicia stood up and shook my hand.
Felicia : I hope you would not remain angry with the government after this…. And continue to be a good, model citizen for the rest of your countrymen….
I was shown the way down to the ground floor where a concierge handed me an envelope with a hotel key card of a 5 star hotel in town.
Concierge : Mr James….. I am pleased to inform you that Elena from PHB has confirmed her attendance to the meeting tomorrow…. May your anger be appeased after your meeting….
I nodded, speechless and unsure of what to say.  
Concierge : Have a good day….and remember… the government needs good citizens like you…. For us to thrive and prosper….
I dug into the envelope and there were several print out photos.
Photos of the PHB staff I’m going to meet tomorrow.
Photos of Elena.
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captainshyguy · 5 years
so uhh i watched endgame
im...gonna put my thoughts under a readmore nd tag as spoilers ofc but tbh??? i didnt enjoy it that much lmao 
like.....im gonna go over the negatives first tbh 
so like...listen i GET that steve’s ending was like.....happy for him and im glad for him and peggy but.....eh i....didnt like that babey 
nowhere NEAR enough black panther nd captain marvel 
im sorry but the scene with all the ladies was so fORCED GDFHJHDHFD you could feel them patting themselves on the back like ‘look at all these ladies!!! feminism!!!’ mayb give them a bigger role but okay! :) (though at the same time my mind did scream ‘lets go lesbians’ at that moment so far enough) plus them killing off natasha lichrally an hour ago nd tryna preach that was hysterical like...man i LOVE hawkeye but uhh,...he probably should have been the one to sacrifice himself like would have i been rly upset and listed it as a negative?? yea! but it’d still be the lesser of two evils here lmao
i...was super bored during the time heist stuff but thats probably bc i fucking hate time travel, like.....i honestly thought since thanos said he reduced the stones to a single atom that like...they’d b going into the quantum realm, going rly small and getting them but alright 
like....i did think that mayb they’d use the time stone or something so i was expectin,..some time travel kinda, hopefully not too much, but when they mentioned the quantum stuff i was like ‘oh!!!’ then i got disappointed when that wasnt it hdnjfkhfdnkj 
but yea the time travel explanation was...dumb lmao
gamora or nebula should have killed thanos sorry im super mad it want either of them, nebula ESPECIALLY 
i dont even like black widow that much but that was uh bullshit with her ngsgnsdjkggs 
i just.....i didnt find a lot of it enjoyable i was lowkey bored through a lot of it, especially before the final battle like...i GET what they were doing, but uhh i didnt like the time skip, and i get why there was lotsa...talkin nd i usually like that but i have to give a shit abt the characters we see nd natasha, tony nd bruce arent exactly high up on my list 
them showing how much thor has spiraled by makin him fat was uhh.....that rly how u gonna do it??? 
plus the whole bruce nd hulk being one was....again i GET IT but uhhhh didnt rly enjoy that, i think i’d like it more if they became friends isntead
steve nd bucky like...barely talked to each other at all lmao
that scene with the kids who took a pic with bruce was okay until they started the whole antman part of that joke i felt SO MUCH SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT
uhhh   neutral thing 
listen i dont care much abt tony so him dying was like?? a thing i guess??? honestly felt more bad for pepper nd the kid than tony himself, and i feel bad for some of my mutuals bc i know they like him! but yea i wouldnt say it was like??? a pro for me like i wasnt celebrating, tony’s okay but i didnt feel much abt it besides ‘damb....they did that huh’
good things 
uhhh ngl the scene where everyone came thru the portals to fight was uhh poetic cinema
AS WAS STEVEN LIFTING THOR’S HAMMER HMMHMHMHMHMMHMHM that was......im not...attracted to captain america at all rly but i was like ‘o sexy’ when that happened so 
carol’s hair....yum
uhhh steve passing the mantle onto sam???? POETIC CINEMA
korg being alive and playing fortnite was.....hysterical even if its gonna be so dated in the future gnhhkhfd
also carol, getting literally headbutted by thanos and not even flinching/moving an inch was sexy 
there was hardly any dr strange nd im glad i hate benedict cumberbatch jgkhjnskggnkdjs 
god im SO GLAD cap didnt die like i so thought he would i was terrified like....my bro was like ‘he’s basically dead’ dude’s got super soldier serum running thru his veins he’s fine bitch, probably has a longer lifespan hjkfhjdf  
scott was rly great and i loved him reuniting with cassie 
scott talkin abt steve’s ass was bi energy 
clint nd natasha’s lil forehead touch thing was uhhh..beautiful babey! in a friendship and romance way! 
so uhh yea liked parts of it, disliked most of the actual story/themes so lol defo one of my least fave marvel films 
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 7 years
How I want PQ2 to go down.
(note hade to retype this cause it got deleted in the middle of publishing somehow so yeah round two! 8U)
Ok so this is going to be part of a series of connecting posts on how I think certain games should go down. Things to note with this game is I’m thinking it’ll be P3PxP5, so yeah I know you’re probably thinking “*gasp* Spoilers?!” And no I will try to make this post as spoiler free as possible, I might allude to something but it’ll be really vague so that only people who played the game know what’s up. So yeah you’re ok if you haven’t played P5. Also I will do a separate post that is like a Q and A and it’ll explain my reasons as to why in more depth, but it’ll also be a very spoilery P5 post so yeah if you want spoilers for P5 stay tuned for a separate post. With that lets get started
Note before reading: I will be referring to FeMC as Hamuko, P3 Male MC as Minato, and P5MC as Akira (his manga name) in this, you can still name them later just for typing purposes I’m doing this. Also you should note that while I did type a main plot for this, and tbh I think it came out fairly well considering I’m not well versed in one of the mythos and I did that after 2 hours of research, it’s not the thing I’m really concerned about beyond it setting the stage for P3PxP5 to meet. So if you don’t like the main plot and think you have a better one I’d love to hear it!
Name of the game: PQ2: Oasis in the Abyss as @kazusakai​ came up with it (and i love it cause it fits so well! ;w;). It fits since P3P had Vision Quest/Desert of Doors, and P5 has a desert dungeon and a song called River in the Desert (DON’T LOOK UP THAT SONG’S LYRICS THO AS IT CONTAINS MASSIVE SPOILERS).
Themes: We know P3’s themes, death yada yada. P5’s being fighting corruption and justice yada yada. There’s also going to be a big theme with deserts and things associated with that as well as oasis/rivers (hence the name). (note this is to keep in mind that I tried really hard to make the plot revolve around these specific themes so yeah)
Setting: Just like PQ2 it involves the whole ripping out of your timeline stuff from PQ, tho in this case it involves an alternate universe as it’s Hamuko instead of Minato (from what we can tell by the easter eggs in P5, P5 seems to be in the same universe as P3/4 but later in the timeline like 2016). Like with P3 in PQ it’s right around the time of their cancelled school festival that they get pulled out. With P5 it happens around their school festival too (maybe actually a little later as this way all characters are officially on your team, like Haru). The world they get pulled into might actually take the setting of P5’s school, with the dungeon portion actually being part of the Desert of Doors.
Main Plot: Ok so like PQ, there’s a mysterious duo. They have no memories (except for the vaguest of vague), can’t summon a Persona, look foreign (like Zen does, aka they have darker skin), look somewhere around the age of a 3rd year in high school or a 1st/2nd year in college (they don’t wear school uniforms so that’s why it’s hard to tell), and have to fight as a duo. The boy’s name is Seto (世登, means the world) and the girl’s name is Nori (義 means Righteousness/justice). The boy’s appearance: white hair (Seto means white in Javanese, not the mythos I’m using but still neat), red t shirt with a weird dog on it (note following the link will spoil my surprise 8U), his weapon is a book or staff that casts healing magic (he’s very similar to Rei’s role). His personality is very easy going and happy go lucky, fulfilling Rei’s role in that regard as well. Nori has long brownish hair, with a blue t shirt with a falcon like bird on it, she uses bows and arrows and uses offensive magic (similar to Zen). Her personality is more serious, but not to the same point as Zen, as she can still take a joke and goof around. There will be ship feels with Seto/Nori just like with Zen and Rei, tho it should be noted that Seto has a tendency to flirt with Haru, not that he understands why, but it makes Nori jealous (note she’s upset with Seto not Haru, she likes Haru) and Seto comically has to apologize every time he does it (don’t worry there’s a good reason I’m having this kind of trope or else I wouldn’t have in here in the first place).
Ok so Seto and Nori have amnesia, but they do seem to remember just a little bit more than Zen and Rei, that being they know they came there themselves and have something to do there but just can’t remember what (Zen and Rei don’t have that memory back till their first dungeon I think). They also know that they’ve known each other for a long time and they think they remember that Seto and Nori are their names but yeah. Seto and Nori are really close, Nori likes to brag about how she’s always by Seto’s side and how she wants him to lean on her. Seto is shown to be upset that he always leans on her and wish she would lean on him once and awhile. Also like PQ, they start off pretty happy only to then get darker and more serious as it goes on.
(now to power though the story portion) Ok so we get through the 1st dungeon and we find out that the reason why they’re here is because they’re looking for someone. We get to the 2nd dungeon and we find out that it’s connected to Seto’s brother they are looking for, they can’t remember why still and theorize maybe he ran away and are trying to get him back. 3rd dungeon is where they find out that Seto’s brother was murdered (paralleling the doctor in PQ, also Death theme), and they realize that they might be there to find the killer and to avenge his brother (justice theme for P5). 4th dungeon we are confronted by a Shadow/Cognitive Existence (this is a term from P5 and while this concept has been used in past Persona games without having a name to it, it’s basically a Shadow or something that looks like a Shadow Self but isn’t and that’s your spoiler free explanation) find out that it was Seto who killed his brother (or so it seems). They fight a boss called “Osiris” (some of you might be connecting the dots now). The 5th dungeon revolves around Seto’s judgement and fight the goddess (c’mon there’s always a god) Isis (*gasp* Yukari control your Persona 8U Jk).
“Oh ok so it’s Egyptian myth” Ahaha nope not exactly, I want to make it more complicated than that (because spoiler reasons I can only say complicated). Like I could just go with only the Egyptian myth, but I feel the need to mix it in with another mythos (think Jun’s Chronos/Cronos from P2). Again sorry if it’s not mixed very well, I didn’t put more than an hour’s thought into it so there could be a neat way for them to do it. Ok so like, if you connected the dots or followed that link above, you’d find out that Seto is actual Seth/Set (spelled Seto in Japanese) the Egyptian god of storms, desert, chaos, violence and war (this also explains why he hits on Haru, if you still don’t get it stay tuned for a spoiler post). This guy is the one who killed his brother Osiris. BUT he’s also Seth from Gnostic/Christian mythos, who is the brother who “replaced” Abel after his death by Cain (hence why Seto wanted to seek vengeance). It turns out that in like a bonus boss fight (like with Zeus in PQ) that you fight Cain and thus connecting the two Mythos. As for Nori, while her name I derived from Seth’s wife in Gnostic lore, Norea (so I guess Norei would’ve been more accurate but alksfdklanf;a leave me alone ;w; 義 was too good to pass up), though in other lore his wife’s name is Azura (which reminds me of azul which means blue and that’s why her shirt is blue lafndsl;fna word play 8U). As for who she represents in Egyptian lore it’s Nephthys, Seth’s wife there too.
As for why they had their memories confused, it could be the fact that they fused together or the shock or whatever. Again I’m not too concerned with the main plot as long as I get P3PxP5 feels and it helps with their character I’m fine. Ok phew that’s over. I think I got everything from when I originally typed it. (I do go into some more detail on this in the endings later, and maybe splitting the two mythos into two routes could work). 
Cast Make up: Ok before I get to B plot I should talk about how the cast will be made up cause it’s important to me. I think we should have a game where we only have the whole P5 cast and Hamuko (aka not the rest of the P3(P) cast except Velvet Room people). Ok like maybe I’ll have Aigis and/or Pharos there too (reasons stated later), but I’m mostly focused on Hamuko herself in relation with P5 kids. I have reasons, one is that we don’t’ get possible rehash of PQ’s plot. I say possible because unlike Minato, Hamuko SLs with her whole team and is in turn closer to them. So like P3’s side B plot could possibly not take place because of this, or it could but…yeah. As for the revenge B plot on the P4 side, while I’d LOVE to see how the P5 kids would talk it over I don’t want a rehash of the plot tbh.
The other thing this’ll fix is screen time and writing. Ok, PQ was a pretty great game but the way the characters were written was a little wonky (same with Ultimax but that poor thing got shafted so hard and let’s just focus on PQ). Like everyone was mean (dunno why they were, but the characters didn’t seem to offended by each other’s comments…still confused why this happened) and reduced to quirks (the main point). With just having Hamuko, Theo, Liz, and Margret (and again, maybe Pharos and/or Aigis) with the P5 cast it’ll make it easier than having to balance aaaallll the characters in from SEES and IT.  
But I also think this make sense in a meta sense too. Like, PQ was part of what I dub the Labrynth Trilogy (PQ/Arena/Ultimax), PQ was made to explain how the P3/4 kids could trust each other so easily and work so well together, and that’s because they subconsciously remembered each other form that time. Now for P5? Say in Arena 3 the P5 kids meet the P3 team, but the problem is that it’s not the same P3 team (different universe with P3P remember?), P5 kids might feel the need to help P3 team but P3 team wouldn’t trust them (cause they don’t subconsciously remember them, only the P5 kids do), and then the P4 team def doesn’t know the P5 team and vice versa and alkdsfnkl;af it’d just be a real mess. I mean I can see them making it work but why make it so hard? But what if it’s just one person the P5 kids care about? What if the P5 kids do get in a tussle with the P3/4 kids over said person? That person being Hamuko. She’d be the Hamuko from the P3/4/5 timeline, she wouldn’t know the P5 kids, she wouldn’t know SEES, she’s not the same Hamuko from the P3P timeline (probably has a different name too), so she’s a different person, but it would be interesting to see P5 kids trying to help her because they knew another her from another universe (Oh hey P2 people am I getting you attention? 8U). It’s also easier to juggle only one person like that instead of a group of people. That’s my little preview for Arena 3 and/or 4, back to PQ2.
B Plot: Ok so like I said above I didn’t want a rehash of the plot, but if they did change it a bit…..it would be similar but different. Like, ok, so Hamuko is technically closer to her team than Minato. Instead of Yukari saying stuff like “we’re not that close”, Hamuko would muse to the P5 kids saying “Man looking at you guys I can see you’re all are really close as a group….makes me realize just how close my team might actually not be as I originally thought. Up until now I thought we all kind of got along, I thought we were close… But maybe it was only me that they’re close to….” She’ll later talk about how she might’ve instinctively known it all along, and so that’s why she tried so hard to get everyone to be closer to her. She realizes she’s the glue that holds everyone together and is afraid that if something happens to her they’ll all fall apart. She’ll then worry that maybe she’s actually not that close to everyone as she thinks she is, those reasons are: Yukari goes behind everyone’s back to ask Fuuka to get info for her, Fuuka doesn’t treat Hamuko the same way as she treats Natsuki aka her best friend, Mitsuru and Aigis can’t be SL at that time yet (tho Mitsuru does praise Hamuko and Aigis is always by her side so it’s like they’re strangers), Junpei/Akihiko/Ken all have a roadblock at some point so you can’t become closer to them, Shinjiro is fairly reluctant to SL with you even during ranks in the beginning, Koro is a dog (and also doesn’t want you to replace his owner) (so basically they’re all closer to her than Minato, but yet there’s still a barrier for her that she can’t seem to get over). And maybe the last B plot being that she hates how she has to be perky and a stepford smiler, as it puts a lot of pressure on her and she’s actually really stressed out. And also maybe how she feels like she’s usually stuck in the middle of everyone’s drama (ie Yukari vs Mitsuru cause she gets pulled along during the beach scene, Ken vs Shinjiro via SLing with them)
On the P5 side they could have their ideologies throw into question, maybe they start to second guess themselves on how they’re “heroes” considering they’re going about it shonen like and are peacocks about it, while Hamuko and SEES kind of have no choice in the matter (on top of not being recognized either). Or the ethical question on how they actually change the heart of their bad guys, did they really reform the person or did they force them? And other stuff relating to that.
Edit: Also how maybe hinting that if Hamuko hadn’t gone to Gekkou she would’ve been worse off than if she had gone (aka her living without the events of P3P is worse than her dying at the end of P3P, aka hint hint I might be foreshadowing another one of my “How I want Persona ___ to go” 8U)
Mechanics: Ok so it’ll basically be like PQ, fool arcana gets split up so everyone can use a secondary persona yada yada. The only difference is that I think there should be spell fusions (I have a very good reason for this, I won’t list it here but it’s a very good reason). Now how they go about the fusions depends, is it going to be like P2’s (or maybe like P3’s but with two people instead of one) and you can manually do it? Or will it be like P4G’s and it happens randomly. I kind of want the former but the latter would work fine (as long as they have a lot more combos, like everyone can have a different fusion spell with everybody).
Also Justine and Caroline will be in charge of the fusions (Igor isn’t there again btw), I think Caroline will do the fusions while Justine does whatever Marie’s job was (street passes). Theo and Liz have the same jobs as back in PQ. Margaret is here again, but she’s not the same as the one in PQ (she’s her P3P self), so the interactions between her, Theo and Liz will be different. Also the siblings interactions between the twins will be…..interesting. XD
Endings/story structure: Ok so this why I think we might need to have Aigis (and/or Pharos, but really Aigis). We could probably have 2 routes even if its’ only with fewer people on the P3P side, but we need some characters to bounce convos off of so that’s where Aigis comes in (other than her and Pharos having a special connection to Hamuko, Hamuko would need to be by herself for her to be pulled away, that place is probably her room, and Aigis and Pharos are the only two who would probably be in her room at that time…..cause Pharos does what he wants and Aigis would be taking care of you at that time. So yeah that’s why they’re the ones that would be there). Anyways we could have that. But I’m thinking more along the lines of having both MCs speak but having dialogue options that are similar to the ones Arena got (And P4D I think, anyways Yu had them and I know Kanji, Chie, and Yukiko had them as a way to get the gag endings, you chose and they just spoke the lines). And so because your choices matter maybe that leads to different endings, heck maybe we get two routes of the story (one being the Gnostic side and the other being the Egyptian side, depending on your choices up to that point), and then we get a true ending (where they’re mixed together) if you clear both story sides.  8U Or you still have the Gnostic/Egyptian routes, but it’s more connected to which MC you choose (like you play as Hamuko then you get the Egyptian route, you play as Akira you get the Gnostic route, you clear both then the true route is open to whichever MC you choose to play as only a few lines will be changed between playing as one or the other in the true route).
Dungeon: I’m thinking of having more dungeons in this game. Either be it more story dungeons (I know I did the 5 dungeon story structure up top but yeah) or just a lot of bonus dungeons. I think we should bring back Vision Quest (cause P3P is involved of course we should), be able to refight bosses but stronger, be able to fight PQ bosses but stronger. I think we should get the Group Date Café back as at least a mini dungeon (c’mon it was THE BEST part of PQ, and I know shippers are hungry for it).
 And so yeah that’s basically all I have. I’m open to ideas. I hope Atlus does make this game (like legit just P3FeMC with P5 crossover is all I ask for). XD
Also here’s the spoiler Q and A post, feel free to ask questions I’ll answer them there.
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