#Oh ry I love you - my lovely dork <3
chevvy-yates · 1 year
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"Why I got a netrunner chair at home? Darum! — Am I a netrunner? Nein! But I think it suits me."
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⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Netrunner suit by @gloryride. 🖤 Soon on Nexus. :)
Also Ry after his first time of netrunning:
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Probably the last time also.
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possessedcoast · 7 years
I'm a slut for angst so do you know any ryden angst fics? Like hurt/comfort? Preferably long and happy ending but also maybe heavy angst 💕💕💕
oh man, if you like angst, you are in the right fandom. i don’t have many fics that aren’t already on my previous rec lists, so all i’m doing is pulling the angsty ones from that and putting them here
i can’t start this list without asking if you’ve read the heart rate of a mouse. if you haven’t, here. there’s 3 novels worth of story and it’s incredibly angsty, with a happy ending.okay, now into the copy/paste from my listsThe Black Rose Season. College AU sort of. Pete Wentz is a jerkface. Ry is a Lit major. Bren’s in a frat and a Secret Society. It’s not gonna hurt as bad as THROAM but it’s gonna hurt. THROAM authorHow A Resurrection Really Feels. Biker gang AU? This one is pretty messed up too, but it’s so freaking good. Ryan’s mostly a complete jerk, Brendon’s mostly terrified and innocent. It’s fun. THROAM author. 
Death. Ry doesn’t die, I promise. The opposite actually. This one’s weird and a little fucked up but it’s surprisingly good. I read it all in one sitting, staying up wayyy too late. 129,210 words. 
 And When The Snow Falls. Bden got kicked out. Ry and Jon take him in. Ry is still fucked up from his dad even though his dad’s dead.
Burning Down Cathedrals. Bden’s already famous and dating one of Ry’s relativesssss. Ry’s already basically in love with him and his band. 140,977 words. this one hurts so badly, but the end is happy
Oh Doctor Doctor. Hospital AU. No one’s in the hospital dying, they work in a hospital. It’s adorable. Considerable amount of angst, but also tons of fluff. It’s perfect. You will literally squeal and cover your face with your hands, it’s that cute. 17269 words
Perfectly After All. renaissance fair au. parts of this are horribly sad, but you’re used to that by now. it’s so good, and the reunion scene is perfect
Black and White Piano Keys. ryan sees brendon play at a recital and becomes a bit obsessed. they work on ryan’s capstone together
Missed Chances (Impossible Year) Almost 5k. I rarely rec first person unless it’s Anna Green, because I just don’t like it, but this one is heartwrenching so I’m reccing it anyway. The writing’s not flawless, but the emotions are A+ so.
Bluebirds Fly: Bren’s the meteorologist for a news station, Ry’s the new anchor. I haven’t finished this one as of when I’m writing this, but it’s good so far and also bren is such a giant dork and I love it. Okay, so part of it is really sad and it hurts, but it’s worth it for the end. the ending is so precious
Iron, Neon Lights, and Weed: so many words.  written by the THROAM author, Anna Green, and as such it’s a bit heart wrenching, but it’s nowhere near as bad as throam. if you haven’t tackled throam because it’s too long, this is a nice place to start
because ryden is ryden, a lot of the other fics are angsty too, but i pulled out the ones i thought were the most heartbreaking. almost all of these have a really happy ending, a few have an optimistic ending
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lonestorm · 7 years
Tagged by @amehanaaa! Thankie buddy!
name: Maryah
nicknames: Ry, Ry Ry, Ryah, Dork, Mom, etc...
zodiac sign: Libra
height: 5′3″
sexual orientation: I prefer the males
ethnicity: Another American mutt: Irish, German, Native American, Norwegian... 
fave fruit: Ooo all the watermelons!
fave season: Spring! New life and flowers!!
fave book: Probably Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
fave flower: Crabapple blossoms
fave scent: Oh, it’s a five way tie between leather, tires, books, cookies, and cherry blossoms
fave color: Electric blue
fave animal: Golden retrievers!
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Herbal tea :3
average sleep hours: Seven or eight when I’m lucky. Otherwise five or six
cat or dog person: Love those doges >boof<
fave fictional character: My heart is torn between Sinbad and Natsu Dragneel forever
number of blankets you sleep with: Two
dream trip: All across Europe! All those historical sites... *daydreaming*
blog created: Oh man um... Summer of 2014 I think?
number of followers: 4,169 atm *waves*
I tag: @itsdanystormborn, @rivendell101, @thelosstgirl, @speedymomentum, @wordsofawitheringwriter, @unashamed-shipper, @thetremendouslywisecollection, @firedragonalchemistofcourage, @celestialcontrail, and @thesirenserenity
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