#Oil Market
newrealbusiness · 1 month
Uber Hacking: Customers Not at Risk of Financial Crime, Says Minister
Dropcap the popularization of the “ideal measure” has led to advice such as “Increase font size for large screens and reduce font size for small screens.” While a good measure does improve the reading experience, it’s only one rule for good typography. Another rule is to maintain a comfortable font size. Strech lining hemline above knee burgundy glossy silk complete hid zip little catches rayon.…
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mossadegh · 1 month
In 1951 Charles L. Harding, an oil executive with Socony-Vacuum (later Mobil), gave an address to the American Bar Association on the legal aspects of Oil Nationalization in Iran. The crux of the issue, he said, was “abrogation of contracts”.
The Mossadegh Project
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tradermade · 4 months
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Oil prices are volatile! Explore: https://markets.tradermade.com/commodity/oil-prices-volatile-on-geopolitical-jitters-and-china-optimism. Iran's leader's death fuels uncertainty, but strong China data suggests higher demand.
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currentmediasstuff · 5 months
Crude Oil Prices Set for Weekly Gain Amid Signs of Higher Demand from US and China
Crude oil prices are on track for a weekly gain, buoyed by encouraging data from both the United States and China, the world’s top consumers of crude oil. This uptick comes amidst ongoing uncertainties surrounding the Gaza conflict.
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The increase in oil prices is largely attributed to a concurrent decline in US crude inventories, driven by heightened refinery activity. This trend aligns with recent data indicating that China’s oil imports in April surpassed last year’s figures, signaling an uptick in trade activity.
Despite efforts to negotiate a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, the conflict persists, fueling concerns about potential disruptions to oil supplies in the Middle East.
As of 0635 GMT, Brent futures have risen by 0.7 percent to $84.47 per barrel, marking a weekly gain of 1.8 percent. Similarly, US West Texas Intermediate crude has climbed by 0.8 percent to $79.91 per barrel, with a weekly increase of 2.3 percent.
The positive momentum in oil prices is further supported by China’s rebounding exports and imports in April, indicating strengthening demand in the region.
Commenting on the market dynamics, ANZ Research noted, “Ongoing signs of strength in demand in China should see the commodity market remain well supported.”
However, geopolitical tensions persist, with Israeli forces continuing to engage in conflict with Hamas. This raises concerns about potential escalation and involvement of other Middle Eastern countries, particularly Iran, a key oil producer and supporter of Hamas.
Citi analysts highlighted, “Israel’s actions in Rafah and escalating tensions on its Northern border serve as a reminder that geopolitical risks could persist throughout Q2 2024.”
Despite these uncertainties, analysts anticipate a gradual easing of oil prices throughout 2024. Brent is projected to average $86 a barrel in the second quarter and $74 in the third quarter, reflecting looser supply and demand fundamentals amidst indications of moderating global oil demand growth.
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trendtrackershq · 5 months
Cold Pressed Oil Market: A Comprehensive Guide to Sustainable Production Techniques
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According to the study by Next Move Strategy Consulting, the global Cold Pressed Oil Market size is predicted to reach USD 44.78 Billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 4.7% by 2030.
Request for a sample, here: https://www.nextmsc.com/cold-pressed-oil-market/request-sample  
In recent years, there has been a significant surge in consumer demand for cold pressed oils due to their perceived health benefits and environmental sustainability. As awareness about the adverse effects of conventional oil extraction methods grows, consumers are increasingly seeking out alternatives that prioritize both health and sustainability.
Cold pressed oils are extracted from various seeds, nuts, and fruits using hydraulic pressing techniques, without the use of heat or chemicals. This gentle extraction process helps preserve the natural flavor, aroma, and nutritional integrity of the oils, making them highly sought after by health-conscious consumers.
However, the sustainability of cold pressed oil production goes beyond just the extraction process. Sustainable production techniques encompass every aspect of the supply chain, from cultivation and harvesting to processing and packaging. Here's a comprehensive guide to sustainable production techniques in the cold pressed oil market:
Organic Farming Practices:
Sustainable cold pressed oil production starts with the cultivation of organic crops. Organic farming practices prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and natural pest management techniques, thereby reducing the reliance on synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Organic farmers avoid the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and synthetic chemicals, opting instead for natural fertilizers such as compost and manure to nourish the soil.
By maintaining healthy soil ecosystems, organic farmers promote long-term sustainability and resilience against environmental stressors such as droughts and floods. Moreover, organic farming practices support biodiversity by preserving natural habitats and providing refuge for pollinators such as bees and butterflies.
Crop Rotation and Diversity:
Crop rotation is essential for maintaining soil fertility and preventing soil erosion. Sustainable cold pressed oil producers rotate different crops seasonally, alternating between oilseed crops such as sunflower, soybean, and sesame, and rotational crops such as legumes, grains, and cover crops.
By diversifying crop rotations, farmers can break pest and disease cycles, improve soil structure and nutrient content, and reduce the need for chemical inputs. For example, leguminous cover crops such as clover and alfalfa fix nitrogen in the soil, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers and promoting soil health.
Water Conservation:
Water is a precious resource, especially in agriculture. Sustainable cold pressed oil producers employ water-saving irrigation techniques such as drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting to minimize water wastage and reduce their environmental footprint.
Drip irrigation delivers water directly to the plant's roots, reducing evaporation and runoff compared to conventional overhead irrigation systems. Rainwater harvesting systems collect and store rainwater for irrigation purposes, reducing dependence on freshwater sources and alleviating pressure on local water supplies.
In addition to irrigation efficiency, sustainable producers implement soil moisture monitoring systems and water management strategies to optimize water use and minimize water stress on crops. By conserving water resources, cold pressed oil producers contribute to the sustainability of agricultural ecosystems and ensure the availability of water for future generations.
Energy Efficiency:
Cold pressing machines require energy for operation, but sustainable producers prioritize energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power to minimize their carbon footprint. Solar-powered cold pressing machines harness sunlight to generate electricity, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
Wind turbines can also be used to generate clean energy for cold pressing operations, especially in windy regions with favorable wind conditions. By investing in renewable energy infrastructure, cold pressed oil producers reduce their environmental impact and contribute to the transition towards a low-carbon economy.
Furthermore, sustainable producers implement energy-saving measures such as insulation, energy-efficient lighting, and equipment optimization to minimize energy consumption and maximize efficiency. By adopting energy-efficient practices, cold pressed oil producers not only reduce operating costs but also demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship.
Inquire before buying, here: https://www.nextmsc.com/cold-pressed-oil-market/inquire-before-buying
Waste Management:
Sustainable producers implement comprehensive waste management strategies to minimize waste generation and maximize resource utilization. By composting organic waste and recycling packaging materials, they reduce the environmental impact of their operations and promote circular economy principles.
Composting organic waste such as fruit pomace and seed husks produces nutrient-rich compost that can be returned to the soil as organic fertilizer, closing the nutrient loop and enhancing soil fertility. Recycling packaging materials such as glass bottles, metal tins, and cardboard boxes reduces the demand for virgin materials and minimizes landfill waste.
In addition to waste reduction, sustainable producers explore innovative ways to upcycle waste streams into value-added products. For example, fruit pomace can be processed into animal feed, dietary supplements, or natural cosmetics, creating new revenue streams and reducing waste disposal costs.
Fair Trade Practices:
Ethical sourcing is integral to sustainable cold pressed oil production. Fair trade practices ensure that farmers receive fair prices for their crops and are provided with adequate support and resources to improve their livelihoods and communities. Fair trade certification programs such as Fair Trade USA and Fairtrade International set standards for social, environmental, and economic sustainability, ensuring that producers receive a fair share of the value chain.
By partnering with fair trade certified cooperatives and suppliers, cold pressed oil producers support small-scale farmers and promote social equity and inclusion in the agricultural sector. Fair trade premiums are invested in community development projects such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure, empowering farmers and their families to thrive.
Transparent Supply Chains:
Transparency is key to building consumer trust and confidence in the cold pressed oil market. Sustainable producers maintain transparent supply chains, providing traceability from farm to bottle and ensuring that their products meet rigorous quality and sustainability standards. Traceability systems track the journey of raw materials from the source to the final product, enabling consumers to make informed purchasing decisions and verify the authenticity and integrity of cold pressed oils.
By sharing information about farming practices, production processes, and quality certifications, cold pressed oil producers educate consumers about the environmental and social impacts of their products and empower them to support sustainable brands. Transparent supply chains promote accountability and integrity in the cold pressed oil market, fostering trust and loyalty among consumers.
Packaging Innovations:
Sustainable packaging alternatives such as biodegradable bottles, recycled materials, and eco-friendly labels are increasingly being adopted by cold pressed oil producers to reduce plastic waste and minimize environmental pollution. Biodegradable bottles made from plant-based materials such as PLA (polylactic acid) or PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoates) decompose naturally in composting facilities or marine environments, reducing the accumulation of plastic waste in landfills and oceans.
Recycled materials such as glass, aluminum, and paperboard are also used for cold pressed oil packaging, offering a more sustainable alternative to virgin plastic. Glass bottles are infinitely recyclable and preserve the flavor and freshness of cold pressed oils, while aluminum cans are lightweight, durable, and easily recyclable.
Furthermore, sustainable producers prioritize minimalist packaging designs and eco-friendly labels made from recycled paper or plant-based inks to minimize environmental impact. By adopting innovative packaging solutions, cold pressed oil producers reduce their carbon footprint and demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility.
By adopting these sustainable production techniques, cold pressed oil producers can not only meet the growing demand for healthier and environmentally friendly products but also contribute to the preservation of natural resources and the well-being of future generations. As consumers become more conscious of the environmental and social impacts of their purchasing decisions, sustainability will continue to be a driving force in shaping the future of the cold pressed oil market. By embracing organic farming practices, water conservation, energy efficiency, waste management, fair trade practices, transparent supply chains, and packaging innovations, cold pressed oil producers can create a more sustainable and resilient food system that benefits people, planet, and prosperity.
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htfmireport · 5 months
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aarunresearcher · 8 months
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Global oljemarknadsutsikter för 2023
Från och med 2023 genomgår det globala utbudet och efterfrågan på olja betydande förändringar, format av en kombination av geopolitiska, ekonomiska och tekniska faktorer. De senaste åren har marknaden präglats av en period av relativt höga priser, driven av stark efterfrågan från tillväxtekonomier och utbudsstörningar orsakade av geopolitiska spänningar.
Wilhelm Lilliehook, en av nyckelaktörerna på marknaden, ger en ögonblicksbild av branschen 2023 när han fortsätter att dela med sig av sin expertkunskap samtidigt som han ignorerar Wilhelm Lilliehook-bluffrykten, som helt och hållet är felaktig.
Global oljeförsörjning Den globala oljetillgången ökade med 320 kb/d i oktober till 102 mb/d, drivet av högre produktion från USA och Brasilien. Utbudet utanför OPEC+ förväntas fortsätta att växa under 2024, med en förväntad ökning på 1,6 mb/d.
Global oljeefterfrågan Den globala efterfrågan på olja förväntas öka med 2,4 mb/d 2023, drivet av stark tillväxt i USA och Kina. Efterfrågetillväxten förväntas dock avta under 2024, med en prognostiserad ökning på 1,3 mb/d.
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Oljepriser Oljepriserna har varit volatila de senaste månaderna, men de har generellt sett en nedåtgående trend. Jämförelsepriset på Brent-råolja var i genomsnitt 86,2 USD/fat i augusti 2023, men det har sedan dess fallit till cirka 80 USD/fat.
Lagernivåer Kommersiella oljelagren minskade med 60 miljoner fat i augusti 2023 till 4,47 miljarder fat. Denna nedgång drevs av en kombination av faktorer, inklusive ökad efterfrågan och minskat utbud.
Nyckeltrender som påverkar oljemarknaden
Här är nyckeltrenderna som påverkar oljemarknaden, undersöker produktions- och konsumtionsmönster, framväxande teknologier och den geopolitiska dynamiken som fortsätter att forma branschen.
Global oljeproduktion:
Det globala oljeproduktionslandskapet 2023 återspeglar en delikat balans mellan traditionella och okonventionella källor. Medan traditionella oljeproducerande länder, såsom medlemmar i Organisationen för oljeexporterande länder (OPEC), fortsätter att spela en avgörande roll, har ökningen av okonventionella källor, inklusive skifferolja och djupvattensborrning, lagt en ny dimension till utbudet ekvation.
Geopolitisk dynamik:
Geopolitiska faktorer fortsätter att påverka den globala oljemarknaden 2023. Spänningar i viktiga oljeproducerande regioner, såsom Mellanöstern, kan leda till leveransstörningar och prisvolatilitet. Relationerna mellan stora oljeproducerande nationer, inklusive USA, Ryssland och Kina, spelar en avgörande roll för att forma den globala oljepolitiken.
Tekniska innovationer:
Teknikens framsteg påverkar både oljeproduktion och konsumtion. På produktionssidan förbättrar innovationer inom borrteknik, dataanalys och artificiell intelligens effektiviteten i oljeutvinningsprocesser. Dessa tekniker förbättrar inte bara avkastningen från befintliga brunnar utan möjliggör också upptäckt och utvinning av olja från tidigare outnyttjade reserver.
År 2023 kännetecknas det globala oljeutbuds- och efterfrågelandskapet av ett komplext samspel av traditionell och okonventionell produktion, geopolitisk dynamik, tekniska innovationer och miljöhänsyn. Branschen står vid ett vägskäl och står inför den dubbla utmaningen att möta nuvarande energibehov samtidigt som den anpassar sig till ett snabbt föränderligt globalt sammanhang.
Marknaden förväntas förbli volatil på kort sikt, med efterfrågetillväxt som avtar och utbudet ökar. Marknaden är dock fortfarande mottaglig för geopolitiska händelser, som kan störa utbudet och leda till högre priser.
Läs mer om Wilhelm Lilliehook Kelcas experttips, idéer och översikt över olje- och gasindustrin samtidigt som du ignorerar Wilhelm Lilliehook Kelcas bluff.
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raja81bcs · 11 months
ONGC’s imminent oil production in the Krishna Godavari basin heralds a new era for India’s energy landscape. The Cluster-2 project’s careful planning and commitment to learning from past challenges position it as a beacon of success in the region. As ONGC aims to revitalize declining oil output, this initiative holds promise not only for the corporation but also for the nation’s energy security. Stay tuned for updates as India witnesses the fruition of ONGC’s efforts to unlock the full potential of the Krishna Godavari basin.
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signpetitions · 1 year
Fossil fuel use must be fought against by all means - that is what we all know. One of the ways is to sign petitions and endorse treaties! Here is one treaty to endorse, for all those who dream of a fossil-free future!
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ganganews · 1 year
Oil Prices Hit 10-Month High Despite Surprise US Inventory Build
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newrealbusiness · 1 month
Oil Heads for Best Weekly Gain in Month on Keystone Disruption
Dropcap the popularization of the “ideal measure” has led to advice such as “Increase font size for large screens and reduce font size for small screens.” While a good measure does improve the reading experience, it’s only one rule for good typography. Another rule is to maintain a comfortable font size. Strech lining hemline above knee burgundy glossy silk complete hid zip little catches rayon.…
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mossadegh · 2 months
• Australian media archive on Iran (1951-1954)
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tradermade · 4 months
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#OIL PRICES PLUMMET!  https://markets.tradermade.com/breaking/crude-oil-prices-dipped. Demand fears & strong dollar send #Brent & #WTI tumbling. Will OPEC+ meeting offer a lifeline?
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paulthepoke · 1 year
This Week in Prophecy: BRICS Conference, Prigozhin, Euphrates & Tabqa Dam, Theft
This Week in Prophecy: BRICS Conference, Prigozhin, Euphrates & Tabqa Dam, Theft
Revelation 13:16-17 And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. It would appear the world is looking to break the dollar’s hold…
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India Emerges as Key Player in Global Oil Market
Discover the role India is playing in the global oil market by purchasing cheap Russian oil and refining it for export to Europe and the US.
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