#Oiranzaka Kyouya
kame56u · 2 months
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tougen anki doodle dump 1 (random charas)
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ccgwolf · 2 months
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Tougen Anki, 桃源暗鬼
ᵇʸ ᵘʳᵘˢʰⁱᵇᵃʳᵃ ʸᵘʳᵃ
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choujinx · 11 months
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TOUGEN ANKI (2020-?) by urushibara yura
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aliceew · 4 months
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My personal nurse kyouya😩
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blueparadis · 2 years
You like aizen from bleach omggggg 😏
For your ask game, tougen anki ?
this mf. I love this manga so much btw.
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Give me a fandom and I'll tell you which character i liked at a first glance.
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xinhar · 9 months
Kiss me? Kiss you? [3]
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What; Part 3 of an Oni version of who'll initiate a kiss first, it is you? Is it them?
Warnings; Slight suggestive.......
Featuring: Mudano Naito, Oiranzaka Kyouya, Masumi Yodogawa
Note; a little spice at the end but not thatmuch because I said so🗣️🗣️🗣️. Enjoy!
Masterlist | Momo | prev
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♯ Mudano Naito
Hah??? You must've lost your mind💀 He won't. Won't even get a partner🗣️ But let's pretend that hehasone for the sake OF. THE. PLOT👯🧑‍🦼 He won't go first. I can SEE it. Sorry. You have to adjust. I mean.... It's YOUR idea, right?
"Naito~" You gave him a begging look as you absentmindedly lock your arms on his as both of you walked shoulder by shoulder. Him still giving an uninterested look while looking straight.
"Come on! Just one! I promise, like promise- promise I won't bother you!" You tried to persuade the male as he only hum in response, of course, he already knew that it was a lie afterall. The last time he had agreed with your needs, you pulled out that card on him yet still didn't continue your promises. Which he was pissed off about (back then).
"Do you really believe that I would give in? You have to try harder than that." He muses while giving you a brief glance, eyes locking with yours as you pouted. You frowned, "What do you mean?"
You know what he means, but still. "Don't play around. I'm not made for your games." Mudano Naito spat as he stops his walk, making you halt on your own too, looking at him in confusion before grinning and giving him a wink.
"C'mon. I know you can't resist me." You smirked and grabbed both his cheek, earning a raised brow and amusement gleam in his eyes- trying to figure out what you have on your cup this time. You tattered his neck with butterfly kisses as he immediately knew what you were up to. Seriously? This girl... She's wasting time.
"Seduction won't work." Is what he said, but you knew better than this. He might be unbothered to others, but to you is a different case. "It will, Sir. Trust me." You chuckled as you sensually clash your lips to his when he was distracted, giving him a peck at first then take an action of what is the main part.
"Seems that "Mudano-sensei" is very negligent after all."
♯ Oiranzaka Kyouya
Bitch will go without hesitation 2.0 HE will be BOLD about asking too Tease you first BUT STILL a gentleman Unlike someone 💀 He'll be 🧀 sy about it too😔🙌
"Got nothing else to do, Doctor?" You mused at him as you raise a brow at his leaning frame at the door. Looking at you with cheeky grin, he made his way towards you casually. Focusing your full attention to him, your head tilted to the side.
"Nope, sweets. That's why I decided to take a visit." He proudly stated and gave you a wink. "How about you? Miss me?" He wriggle his eyebrows at you as you scoff at him in response. Rolling an eye, you smiled. "No."
He then pouted and lean near the desk you're working on. Putting his chin ontop of your head- you stare as him with amusement.
"Isn't this a very intimate moment? I thought we could kiss." He dramatically sighed as you look at him dumbfounded, unable to get he point of the statement.
"Are you trying to ask me for a kiss indirectly?" You asked him as he grinned, taking your hand as he kissed while maintaining eye contact- "Got it right, sweets."
"... Fine. Only because you look adorable." You smiled and he didn't hesitate to connect you and him together. What a wonderful day to start.
♯ Masumi Yodogawa
Can I get a kiss? can I-🧑‍🦯 I actually can't fathom whether who's gonna go first or what But... Maybe Just maybe? You⁉️ His pride is very giving a vibe, but he won't take actions💋 He's a queen 👑 How dare you command him🗣️
"Please?" "No."
"Very very much please please???"
"No no no no, and no." Masumi gave you a dirty look with his creepy smile as veins start to pop on his face, pissing him off to the max- don't even beg on him. Who the fuck-
"Could you stop? I told you already." He sighed and gave you a head pat, trying to reduce his blood boiling and tries to be understanding instead. Somehow... He had gotten such clingy lover for TODAY, and it's somewhat suspicious.
"No. I'm not giving up. You've been like this since ages!" You stared at him with saddened eye, trying to guilt trip him (which you know you'll fail anyway)- you continued, "why can't you focus on me for once."
You huffed and crosses your arms to look at him. With the action, Masumi sighed and shake his head. "I swear if this isn't worth my time-" he paused and asked, "what do you want, specifically?"
"A kiss."
"...no." Masumi pressed again with a teasing smile on his face. Silently mocking how you're so desperate for him- he chuckled at your reaction. Although, he wanted to see more, it's time to tend some baby he picked up from somewhere.
"Alright, alright. Come here." He opened his arms as your eyes gleamed in joy, immediately running to him to give him a tightest hug- your lips are long connected to his as you try to deepen it but he stopped it eventually. Trying to tease you again- which he never fails at.
"Ah, ah , ah. Be a good girl for me, sweetheart, and you might be able to get more than that, hm?" He pat your head as you nodded without hesitation.
"Good girl."
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radioactivesweet · 2 years
Hc from mudano,shiki,kougasaki and kyouya reacting to you wearing their shirt/uniform?
omg I think this the first time I get to write about Kyouya aka my first crush when I started reading Tougen Anki
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Mudano knew all along you were the reason why he couldn't find his jacket, but it didn't really bother him. He would have worn something else, if stealing his clothes was enough to make you happy. If you want to keep it as a memento of him everytime he's out on a mission, you can. He'd actually like something yours to keep as a keepsake too though.
When he appears unannounced in your room, while you are admiring yourself in the mirror, wearing the jacket he was used to wear, you just smile to him, apologetically. He sighs, resigned, scrolling his shoulders - and then disappearing again. You'll notice later that the scarf you had left near the door had disappeared too.
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Shiki is speechless when he sees you wearing his uniform. The size doesn't really fit you, but it doesn't matter, he believes everything looks good on you.
He's probably not going to wash his uniform in a while which earns him a disgusted look from Jin since he affirms that this way he can still smell your scent. You have to beg him to wash that uniform because whatever he is smelling isn't your scent anymore.
He wants you to borrow his clothes again, he cannot explain why, but Shiki feels good seeing you wearing them. Just an average teenager lending clothes to his s/o.
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Jin laughs when he sees you wearing his shirt. It's unexpected - you don't know how to react since you weren't expecting his reaction. You are just standing there with him trying to hold back from laughing under his mask.
None of you know what's so funny about it; you are confused and Jin is too. He was just looking for that shirt be was sure he had left in your room, but wasn't expecting you to wear it instead and look cute in it. He didn't retrieve his shirt. Now it's your new pajama.
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Kyouya pretends to pass out, letting himself fall theatrically on the bed after he had seen you wear the missing white coat he was looking for. As soon as he stands up, he looked at you up and down, a smile a on his face.
"It suits you." he declares, almost proudly, while adjusting his smiling face shaped brooch "Really. You should keep it."
He was straight-up going to tell about it to Mudano as soon as he had chance, with the same enthusiasm of a kid who has just been given candies.
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runepou · 2 years
Have colorings of a manga yiu probably didn't even know existed
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olives-life · 2 years
Tougen Anki Simp List
I Simp For:
Ichinose Shiki *
Yaoroshi Ikari *
Kougasaki JIn
Mudano Naito
Oiranzaka Kyouya
Tsubakiri Momomiya (a bit)
Yusurube Jyuji *
Tsukuyomi Momoka *
Ousuke Momokado
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aqua-v3nux · 23 days
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FANFIC AESTHETIC: Bloodbound Promises
FANDOM: Tougen Anki
OC FEATURED: Aiko Momoya "Mika"
LOVE INTEREST: Kyouya Oiranzaka
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ccgwolf · 25 days
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Oiranzaka Kyouya
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b0nten · 2 years
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dainty (relationship headcanons)
there’s more to come!!
there’s more to come!!
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prizemiral · 2 years
Tougen anki anime
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Some unofficial phone apps appear to be using GameFAQs as a back-end, but they do not behave like a real web browser does.Using GameFAQs regularly with these browsers can cause temporary and even permanent IP blocks due to these additional requests. If you are using Maxthon or Brave as a browser, or have installed the Ghostery add-on, you should know that these programs send extra traffic to our servers for every page on the site that you browse.The most common causes of this issue are: Whenever her horns are visible, they twist upwards like a ram’s.īecause of her nervous nature, she is often seen fidgeting with her hands or hunched over.Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests. She has pink eyes and wears the standard Rasetsu Academy uniform. Homare Byoubugaura: Homare is a short girl with pink shoulder-length hair and bangs. In the manga he is shown always wearing a large red scarf that covers his neck and half of his face, he also always wears long clothes. Rokuro Kiriyama: Rokuro Kiriyama is a thin boy with average height, he has long gray hair, a couple black eyes and eye bags. He seems to be an above average heighted man. He has slender red eyes and appears to have a love for accessories since he loves to wear bracelets and rings and to some extent has piercings on his ears. Oiranzaka Kyouya: He is a young man with brown reddish hair, which is styled slightly to the side. K uina Sazanami: Kuina Sazanami is an Oni that goes to Rakshasa Academy to train in order to fight the Momotaro Clan. These scars were afflicted upon Jin during his childhood by his father, Momoido Hayate, and have since then been stitched. The mask presumably assists hiding the many scars that line the majority of his body, including on the lower half of his face. He wears the standard Rasetsu Academy uniform along with a face mask. Jin Kougasaki: Jin is a boy with light-colored hair and slanted eyes. For the sake of efficiency, he often wears rollerblades instead of shoes. Two vertical black stripes are visible on his right cheek and he usually dresses in black formalwear, sometimes with white pinstripes. Naito Mudano: Mudano is a slim man of above-average height with black eyes and black hair that is parted to the left. Whenever his horns are visible, they extend upwards. He wears the standard Rasetsu uniform and has two small moles beneath his left eye. Shiki Ichinose: Shiki is a boy of average height with blue eyes and blue-black hair. So if you’re looking for a nice shonen that isn’t to complicated to read i recommend this one! yeauleau Tougen Anki Characters: It might be a shonen without a ”never seen before” plot but the art and how the stroy is going so far is quite entertaining. Tougen Anki, Chapter 2: Momotarou Corporation.Tougen Anki, Chapter 3: Quite Unfortunate.Tougen Anki, Chapter 4: Uniform Excellence.Tougen Anki, Chapter 5: If you want to succeed, then keep winning.Tougen Anki, Chapter 8: I can’t leave you be.Tougen Anki, Chapter 9: I’m… Just getting started!.Tougen Anki, Chapter 10: Nothing to do with me.Tougen Anki, Chapter 13: You Get the Goal.Tougen Anki, Chapter 14: Dangerous Guys.Tougen Anki, Chapter 15: Oiranzaka Kyouya.Tougen Anki, Chapter 16: This is my Battlefield.Tougen Anki, Chapter 17: There’s a Limit to How Sickening you can be.Tougen Anki, Chapter 18: There Should be a Limit to how Depraved you can be.Tougen Anki, Chapter 19: I’m Fine with Being Evil.Tougen Anki, Chapter 20: Beauties are Trouble.Tougen Anki, Chapter 21: Preperations are done.Tougen Anki, Chapter 22: The Obsessively Devoted Woman.Tougen Anki, Chapter 23: Pure Pathologic Passion.Tougen Anki, Chapter 24: No way, No Way, No Way.Tougen Anki, Chapter 25: The Legend of the Unreliable Hero.Tougen Anki, Chapter 26: Ain’t I the Coolest?.Tougen Anki, Chapter 28: What Will Today’s Rage Bring?.Tougen Anki, Chapter 29: The Unchanging Dilemma.Tougen Anki, Chapter 30: Momotarou Spirit.Tougen Anki, Chapter 31: Child of the Kishin.Tougen Anki, Chapter 32: Because I Have a Heart.Tougen Anki, Chapter 33: Do Your Best!!!.Tougen Anki, Chapter 36: Room Assignment.Tougen Anki, Chapter 37: “Gate of the Gods” Mikado.Tougen Anki, Chapter 65: The Futile Struggle.Tougen Anki, Chapter 72: Don’t Die on Me!.Tougen Anki, Chapter 75: Responsibility.Tougen Anki, Chapter 77: Forever Unfinished.Tougen Anki, Chapter 78: Go, Go, Snowy Mountain!.Tougen Anki, Chapter 82: Stand Your Ground.Tougen Anki, Chapter 83: To Live is to Keep Growing.
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caraik · 3 years
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there are two types of people in this world. oiranzaka kyouya, and those in love with oiranzaka kyouya
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radioactivesweet · 3 years
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Since I've started reading Tougen Anki and I'm currently in love with this dude, here some random icons
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inumaqi · 4 years
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tougen anki despite appearances, i’m pretty important, you know?
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