#masumi yodogawa
xinhar · 9 months
Kiss me? Kiss you? [3]
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What; Part 3 of an Oni version of who'll initiate a kiss first, it is you? Is it them?
Warnings; Slight suggestive.......
Featuring: Mudano Naito, Oiranzaka Kyouya, Masumi Yodogawa
Note; a little spice at the end but not thatmuch because I said so🗣️🗣️🗣️. Enjoy!
Masterlist | Momo | prev
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♯ Mudano Naito
Hah??? You must've lost your mind💀 He won't. Won't even get a partner🗣️ But let's pretend that hehasone for the sake OF. THE. PLOT👯🧑‍🦼 He won't go first. I can SEE it. Sorry. You have to adjust. I mean.... It's YOUR idea, right?
"Naito~" You gave him a begging look as you absentmindedly lock your arms on his as both of you walked shoulder by shoulder. Him still giving an uninterested look while looking straight.
"Come on! Just one! I promise, like promise- promise I won't bother you!" You tried to persuade the male as he only hum in response, of course, he already knew that it was a lie afterall. The last time he had agreed with your needs, you pulled out that card on him yet still didn't continue your promises. Which he was pissed off about (back then).
"Do you really believe that I would give in? You have to try harder than that." He muses while giving you a brief glance, eyes locking with yours as you pouted. You frowned, "What do you mean?"
You know what he means, but still. "Don't play around. I'm not made for your games." Mudano Naito spat as he stops his walk, making you halt on your own too, looking at him in confusion before grinning and giving him a wink.
"C'mon. I know you can't resist me." You smirked and grabbed both his cheek, earning a raised brow and amusement gleam in his eyes- trying to figure out what you have on your cup this time. You tattered his neck with butterfly kisses as he immediately knew what you were up to. Seriously? This girl... She's wasting time.
"Seduction won't work." Is what he said, but you knew better than this. He might be unbothered to others, but to you is a different case. "It will, Sir. Trust me." You chuckled as you sensually clash your lips to his when he was distracted, giving him a peck at first then take an action of what is the main part.
"Seems that "Mudano-sensei" is very negligent after all."
♯ Oiranzaka Kyouya
Bitch will go without hesitation 2.0 HE will be BOLD about asking too Tease you first BUT STILL a gentleman Unlike someone 💀 He'll be 🧀 sy about it too😔🙌
"Got nothing else to do, Doctor?" You mused at him as you raise a brow at his leaning frame at the door. Looking at you with cheeky grin, he made his way towards you casually. Focusing your full attention to him, your head tilted to the side.
"Nope, sweets. That's why I decided to take a visit." He proudly stated and gave you a wink. "How about you? Miss me?" He wriggle his eyebrows at you as you scoff at him in response. Rolling an eye, you smiled. "No."
He then pouted and lean near the desk you're working on. Putting his chin ontop of your head- you stare as him with amusement.
"Isn't this a very intimate moment? I thought we could kiss." He dramatically sighed as you look at him dumbfounded, unable to get he point of the statement.
"Are you trying to ask me for a kiss indirectly?" You asked him as he grinned, taking your hand as he kissed while maintaining eye contact- "Got it right, sweets."
"... Fine. Only because you look adorable." You smiled and he didn't hesitate to connect you and him together. What a wonderful day to start.
♯ Masumi Yodogawa
Can I get a kiss? can I-🧑‍🦯 I actually can't fathom whether who's gonna go first or what But... Maybe Just maybe? You⁉️ His pride is very giving a vibe, but he won't take actions💋 He's a queen 👑 How dare you command him🗣️
"Please?" "No."
"Very very much please please???"
"No no no no, and no." Masumi gave you a dirty look with his creepy smile as veins start to pop on his face, pissing him off to the max- don't even beg on him. Who the fuck-
"Could you stop? I told you already." He sighed and gave you a head pat, trying to reduce his blood boiling and tries to be understanding instead. Somehow... He had gotten such clingy lover for TODAY, and it's somewhat suspicious.
"No. I'm not giving up. You've been like this since ages!" You stared at him with saddened eye, trying to guilt trip him (which you know you'll fail anyway)- you continued, "why can't you focus on me for once."
You huffed and crosses your arms to look at him. With the action, Masumi sighed and shake his head. "I swear if this isn't worth my time-" he paused and asked, "what do you want, specifically?"
"A kiss."
"...no." Masumi pressed again with a teasing smile on his face. Silently mocking how you're so desperate for him- he chuckled at your reaction. Although, he wanted to see more, it's time to tend some baby he picked up from somewhere.
"Alright, alright. Come here." He opened his arms as your eyes gleamed in joy, immediately running to him to give him a tightest hug- your lips are long connected to his as you try to deepen it but he stopped it eventually. Trying to tease you again- which he never fails at.
"Ah, ah , ah. Be a good girl for me, sweetheart, and you might be able to get more than that, hm?" He pat your head as you nodded without hesitation.
"Good girl."
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lovelyangelxxx · 1 year
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beauty, love, and someone to call home | various tougen anki characters x reader
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
→ what you are to him
→ fluff, g/n reader
→ mudano naito, yodogawa masumi, momoka tsukuyomi, momokado ousuke
mudano naito ♡
~you’re his source of comfort when he’s feeling pressured or even worried. he’s unemotional most of the time and nothing seems to phase him. however as his partner, he opens up to you a bit more and feels comfortable around you. you assure him that things will be alright and that some things are out of his control and it isn’t his fault. you constantly remind him that he’s enough which gives him a reason to keep pushing forward. he cherishes you so much and hopes that one day he can create a perfect an safe future, with you. 
“you’ve given me hope, so i promise to make you happy…”
yodogawa masumi ♡
~you’re the reason he comes back from every mission. he wants to be able to come back to you, to be with you and to hold you again. he’s extremely harsh on others at times and speaks his mind without worry, however despite his personality, he cares for you deeply. while he’s an absolute menace sometimes and pulls an unholy amount of pranks, he still loves you. your existence simply gives him the strength to come back home, back to you.
“the trip is never too hard when you know you’re coming home…”
momoka tsukuyomi ♡
~you’re a source of reassurance to him. you remind him that he is worth your time and love. although he may come off as confident and even arrogant, he does become insecure once in a while. his powers are powerful, but can be seen as “not good enough” due to its drawbacks, making him doubt himself. however, you’re there to comfort him and tell him that you’ll always be there with him despite those flaws. you remind him that everyone has flaws, but that’s what makes everyone beautiful. he sees beauty in you, giving him the courage to bring himself back up, in hopes that he can someday see that beauty in himself and one day give you that same courage. 
“always love yourself like how i love you.”
momokado ousuke ♡
~he feeds off your happiness and gains the ability to move forward just by seeing you smile. he’s definitely a bit crazy and overly passionate about fighting, but despite his eccentricities, he loves and cares for you more than he can say through words. his idea of displaying love is making you happy, and by making you happy, he feels more energized than ever. he’s always in awe of the beauty of your smile and it never fails to amaze him, giving him a reason to come back to you, just to see that smile again. 
“when i see you smile, i feel like you’re becoming my strength.”
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radioactivesweet · 1 year
Hc of Nicknames that Masumi, Karou, Tsukuyomi and Innami would give to their s/o!
Kinda short but I didn't really know how to elaborate further on this one hahah
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Masumi isn't fond of nicknames, calling your name is practical, that's what matters to him. But if by any chance you call him by any sweet nickname, he'll do the same - which means he will be actively looking for the sweetest and cringiest nicknames just to tease you.
Kaoru goes for the classics "darling or "my love", which may sound quite cheesy. Or, since he spends a lot of time in the bookstore, nicknames derived from book characters, depending on what he believes may suit you the most.
Tsukuyomi is fond of astrological references, therefore you are his "moon", "star", different zodiac signs depending on the day and the names of the various constellations, such as calling you "my Cassopeia" or "my Orion".
Innami worships the ground you walk on, you are his "goddess", his "deity", his "light".
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kame56u · 2 months
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tougen anki doodle dump 1 (random charas)
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choujinx · 5 months
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TOUGEN ANKI (2020-?) by urushibara yura
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randomhealer · 4 months
pathetic little thing
warnings: gn reader, not reviewed
A/n: I wanted to do something about boothill with kids...but I'm trying to expand the fandoms for me write (っ- ‸ - ς)
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You don't even know what your relationship with him is, Or rather, why does he stay by your side? who knows? Maybe he has his own reasons.
although he is a rude and sarcastic ball all the time with you, even belittling you sometimes, but sometimes you feel like they are just empty words, it's just as if such harsh words come out naturally from him and he doesn't really want to hurt you or upset you.
His words say one thing but his actions say another. "pfft- how long have you been trying to solve this question on your test? even an earthworm would think faster than you."
"tsk- let me help you with this so you can finish quickly and go help me set the table for dinner"
he can say as much as he wants that he doesn't care about you, but he's the one who takes care of you when you're sick even without you asking, he was the one who got into a fight with an idiot who was looking at you too much when leaving the supermarket, he was the one who stayed stay on throughout the party just to ensure your safety...
for some reason he knows everything about you, favorite food, favorite artists, the perfume you wear every day, hell he even knows what your favorite shirt is.
If he had to say someone he really hates it would be that scum you call 'boyfriend'
You can see the disgusted face he makes when that scum kisses your cheek, while your boyfriend is around he will become twice as dry and sarcastic, even pouting and ignoring you both
He knows very well that that guy is a pure evil character who is just using you, but you're too naive to realize that, aren't you? stupid little thing...
and when you notice your boyfriend cheating on you with someone else he will just appear behind you with a mocking laugh (although his face is serious) as he watches the situation unfold before sighing and lazily wrapping his arm around your waist "hah- see? I said he wasn't worth it...even I can be a better boyfriend than him."
After this incident he starts to be more affectionate with you, although he still remains sarcastic but he tries to make you laugh more...
Scaramouche/Wanderer, Dr.Ratio, Ace Trappola, Wakasa imaushi, Masumi Yodogawa, +u fav
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boba-cafe · 3 years
TW. Dubcon
The type tho tells you that you cum for them and only them. As much as they love to see you cum the only reason you cum is for them, they want you to cum because of them and only them. No other person will ever make you cum as much as they do and you ain’t ever gonna have another person make you feel this way- their going to be ur first and last to make u cum and only from them
Yeah keep moaning keep going don’t u wanna cum? Well that’s the only way to cum little baby you cum under his condition they won’t stop sucking on ur clit so roughly, your cunt going to be bruised for days because of how rough they eating you out
Don’t fucking tell no more you were begging to cum few seconds ago tf changed? Well now too bad your gonna cum as much as they want you to come and your gonna feel fucking great go on keep crying for him cry about it little bunny cry all you want this won’t change a thing
Remember little princess- you cum when he wants you to cum and you cum for as long as he wants you to so no talking back
- Ran, Rin, Wakasa, Izana, Baji, Sanzu, Nahoya, Ousuke, Masumi, Dazai,
Loves too see you cum they want you to cum and want you to cum with them, how cute right? they want you to come with them but they want you to come before them! such thoughtfulness they want you to feel soo good- after all they gotta take nice care for their little baby right?
Sshhhh all the overstimulation will go away soon- just lay back and let them do the work, they promise it’ll wash away and you’ll be feeling better soon. It’s ok
Love love loves to kitty lick your cunt love to kiss the top of ur clit too! They worship your body as if it’s as frail as glass they’ll make sure to be so so gentle with you they want to savor this feeling with you they want to remember this as much as they can remember ur taste, ur moans, ur touch
To them they will always put their darling first before themself- they want you to feel all their love for your
- Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Souya, Chuuya? , Tsukuyomi, Mudano, Kaoru, Kakucho, Shinichiro, Inui, Kazu
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silky-moon · 3 years
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Day 23 - your aesthetic if your favorite fictional character is your boyfriend/girlfriend ;)
Masumi Yodogawa: commander of the Portal unit of the Oni corp he extremely blunt with no filter and has the ability to turn invisible for 10 min.
Tag: @villain-hotline , @thestral-queen-rules , @sscarchiyo , @sacredsong , @michiyo28 , @fvcking-l0rd
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hs4rtn3ss · 3 years
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cr : @tougenanki / official twitter side.
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xinhar · 2 years
♯Clothes Hunter.
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mudano, masumi, tsukuyomi and ousuke reacting to you having their uniforms/shirts?
Requested by: @chigirihyomaa
Masterlist | •
Hi! Sorry for the long long long break lmfao. I don't have the motivation and so busy with school! But I hope this is what you're looking for!
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Mudano Naito
Mr. The night changes
He won't say anything,
But surely inside he is jumping.
or just
Be the opposite
Way around💀🤟🏻 and
"..." It's in the middle of the night and here he is standing with his usual poker face. With a face, people doesn't really know what he is thinking about or what he's planning around, nonetheless, his judging stare are just there. Looking at your form up and down with a crossed arms.
"Why is my uniform there on you?" A simple question, with a face that is as neutral as a black color and his voice that sound so unmoving, you will definitely crumble if you don't know him that much. But too bad you know who and what character he is. Thus, grinning at him worldlessly with a playful eyes.
"Does it fit me?" Asking a question that made him deadpan, he paused and hum.
"Quite well." A short reply he gave yet you know him, by just staring at his eyes─ and you know how he deliver the word, he's not good at it but you know that is big for him.
"Come on! Don't you have something to say? heh, I know that you're just basking there like─"
"Shut it."
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Masumi Yodogawa
Don't expect-- no lmao
He'll sue you😟😔
Why tf are you wearing his shirt⁉️
It's yours now btw👍🏻.
Masumi just walked in the room you two shared when he halted on his tracks at the scene he is seeing. His round eyes just stare darkly at the form, which is your form. With a smile on his face, he opened his mouth to chuckle.
"Well well, look at this." Snatching your attention, you gave him a slight hesitant smile, unable to recognize his reaction and too shocked to say anything.
"Why are you wearing my uniform?" Masumi asked as he stare intently at the clothes you have on right now. The smile on his face, boy, no─ he is not pleased at that at all.
"Uh... Because- " You don't have to continue what you were saying because he won't take that clothes back anymore, he's too grossed out like you're the most grossest people he doesn't trust and met just now.
"You want it back?"
"? Yuck, no. It's yours"
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Tsukuyomi Momoka
Myorinpa-senpai, duh🙄
✨ Expected it ✨
You expect him not to😟
Aren't you?👴😏
"Hoooo, would you look at that." Tsukoyomi sat casually and comfortably at the couch as he eyed you up and down with his squinted eye, holding a book (we all know what is this already), he grinned and opened his mouth to say something.
"It looks good on you, darling. As expected." His words is filled with saccharine sweetness as you sighed at him. Head shaking as you stare at him with aura that is pastel pink.
"Just a plain reaction? Really?"
"What do you expect me to do? I saw this coming." Shrugging, he held out Myorinpa-senpai's work.
"Tsk tsk tsk, 'yomi."
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Momokado Ousuke
This man👏
He will SMIRK ok.
He won't let it slip.
Like fr.
Tbh I could see him shouting and then getting sly the next💀💀💀💀
Twirling as if you are in that games inside the android phone that it getting customized, you grinned and then take a hop to the door, turning the doorknob as you we're greeted by none other than your lover─ who seemed to look at you up and down and try to register what is going on.
Moment of silence has passed, he finally opened his mouth.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YO─" His voice almost boomed the place but then you slapped his mouth before his voice could be heard out of the roof.
"Shh Ousuke! You're being dramatic!" You pouted and stared at him. He, of course, raised a brow with a "what are you doing?" look and then took your hands away from his mouth.
"Didn't know you're wearing someone's shirt now." He smirked and kissed your knuckles, you rolling your eyes as you loop your both arms on his neck.
"Technically, you're not 'someone', Ousuke."
"Sure sure. You should wear my shirt more often, dove." By then, he carried you to God who knows where.
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sscarchiyo · 2 years
Masumi, Tsukuyomi, Mikado , Kyouya when they walk into u and ur having a convo with ur friends and they hear how down bad ur for them and how much ur a simp for them
(Not yet told u they have feelings for u and walking in hearing u and realized u having feelings for them)
hearing how down bad you are
paring(s): masumi, tsukuyomi, mikado & kyouya
contains: fem!reader, fluff
✉️ -  i don’t rlly like how this turned out😭hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated, have a good day <3
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masumi never liked his apartment, shitty walls and shitty neighbors. yea he really got the worst of it. well that was until you came, the prettiest girl he’s ever seen. a nice one too, you’d always wave hello and give him a smile − even if he didn’t give one back. sooner or later he finds himself falling for you and nobody could blame him. masumi hadn’t been sleeping in his room, due to the thin walls, but the buildings heater wasn’t working and he wasn’t about to freeze to death. so he decides for the time being he’d sleep there again.
but before long he starts hearing a voice. assuming since he’s so tired he ignores it, until he hears the owner of that voice. it was you, you were talking to your cat. he knows because he’d seen you and ‘mochi’, as you call him, around a lot.
and from the other side of the wall, he can hear you ranting to your cat.
“that masumi would be a lot cuter if he smiled, don’t ya think mochi? actually he’d be a lot cuter holding my hand while taking you for walks” you giggle, unbeknownst to you that he could hear everything.
 it takes a lot for him not laugh out loud and no, not because he’s mocking you. it’s the fact you both like each other yet haven't made any moves. so before falling asleep, he starts thinking of nonchalant ways of asking you if he can join your daily mochi walks. who knows, maybe he’ll actually get to hold your hand if you let him. it’d be a dream come true for the both of you, but that's for tomorrow’s masumi to deal with.
tsukuyomi loved nothing more than the weekends, it’s when he’d volunteer at a seniors home and show them magic tricks. there was no ulterior motive behind it, he just loved old people...and maybe the cute care taker he’d see from time to time. the past few days staff members had been catching colds, so they were understaffed. the seniors director called him to see if he’d be willing to come in and help, of course he’d say yes. spending time with seniors and you? what a way to kill two birds with one stone. 
he arrived a bit earlier and was walking the halls aimlessly, until he heard a bunch of talking. trying to find the source of those voices he finds himself standing in the doorway of the laundry room. it was you and a few old ladies, so engrossed in the conversation nobody noticed him.
“oh that tsukuyomi is perfect for you”
“yes, you’d make a great couple”
“beautiful children you’d have indeed”
most people in this situation would deny the claims, but not you − you were encouraging them. agreeing to every word, which meant you liked him too huh? well that makes his confession a lot easier now and it seems like the Gods were smiling down upon him today.
it was a meeting for the new ‘elites’ a chance to get to know one another, but it wasn’t mikado’s first time meeting you. actually the two of you were good friends, having trained at the same academy. mikado had always liked you back then, but never said anything − fearing you wouldn’t feel the same. yet every time he sees you, his feelings get stronger and he’s going crazy. so he makes the decision, he’ll tell you tonight. scanning the sea of faces he can’t find you, but he sees your friends so walks up to them, hoping they’d know where you are. that is, but stops when he hears them talking about you.
“yea she’s gonna be a little late. she has to pick the ‘best’ outfit she says”
“but she always looks amazing, why is today different?”
“don’t you know? mikado’s coming tonight, she wanted to look her best”
“of course she does, only lord knows how down bad she is for that man”
hold on, wait − you down bad?....for him? no way, surely they were joking. but the more he listens, the more stories he hears of just how ‘down bad’ you were. now mikado knows for sure you’ll expect his confession and with a stupid grin on his faces, he waits for your arrival.
you’d only been in the medical unit for a short time, yet you flew to the position of doctor in a flash. you were in the combat unit when orianzaka met you, under masumi’s command, enticed by your personality you had him warped around your finger like a bow and you didn’t even know. unfortunately, because of sustaining an injury you were taken from combat and moved to medical − due to your blood technique. something with threads, strings and needles, he couldn’t remember, but within no time you were sewing people up back up before they knew it. he even found himself using less of his blood, thanks to you. while taking his break, kyouya spots a little girl he quickly recognizes. he healed her from a momo attack and she’s taken a liking to him. so he calls her over, seeing as she shouldn’t be out of her room.
upon seeing his face, the little girl launches herself into his arms. “mister mister, i’ve been looking for you all over, i have something to tell you” she beams, tugging on his hair.
“hm? what is it?”
“i think you and miss y/n should get married!”
and he swears he almost fainted with the girl still in his arms. gently placing her down, he chuckles, patting her head. “haha you think so? well im not sure she has feelings for me-
“no! she loves you a lot, tells me all the time. you can’t say no, miss y/n already promised me!” 
kyouya was speechless, did you really say all that? maybe the she was overexaggerating or maybe she wasn’t. even so, he still had to know. with the little girl in tow he ventures off to find you. afterall, you’ll hopefully be his future wife if he plays his cards right.
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radioactivesweet · 2 years
Masumi hc of how he deal with a s/o who would kiss him every time he made a snarky or mocking comment? Just to be like “shhh 😘 “
he would totally like it lmao
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At first Masumi is surprised, not expecting this kind of reaction - he is still smiling his usual way, just to hide how confused he actually is. He was expecting you to be upset, to walk away and ignore him for ten minutes or so after one of numerous remarks. Instead, you kissed him.
"Guess it works. This way you will shut up." you exclaimed, just as surprised as he was.
Then it became the norm, which meant Masumi would be even more annoying than usual just so you would kiss him. Which is a win-win situation for him, he gets to be kissed by you by making as many mocking comments he wants. The only thing that actually worries him is you getting tired of kissing him and going back to as it was before this game of yours started. Nonetheless, he definitely won't stop annoying you though.
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sacredsong · 3 years
Tougen Anki who fucks and who makes love
Who fucks: the type to ram their cock in you balls deep into ur cervix, the fuckers who love it when ur a brat bc they know exactly how to punish you- the ones where they laugh at u when your overstimulated and when you say it’s too much- the ones who call you their dumb bunny slut for not taking them all in but wanting their cock in your cunt. They fuck your not for you but for them- Masumi, Ousuke
Who makes love: soft for you, they want you to feel so good. They want it super slow but deep in you just to feel you. They put you over them. Lots of kisses and lots of touching, they want the whole mighty just to be you two and you two alone. To them you are their world and that’s all they ever see themself with- Mudano, Kaoru
Both: honestly they enjoy both, they love how u look when ur cunt becomes so red and hot after fucking you with no remorse but they love the slow moments with you, they love to see you brat out but love to have soft morning sex with nothing but you two- this will depend on the day and mood and they aren’t oppose to either way of taking you- Tsukuyomi
Oh hell ye, I def agree with everything but I'd personally put Mudano in the "both" category too because man's a teacher and is bound to be frustrated as hell, having to deal with hormonous students and their dumb antics all day
Masumi, who calls you a weak dumbass but fucks you roughly because it feels good. He'll make you
Kaoru? Just a big softie so far, so he's super slow and gentle in everything he does, feathering kisses on your entire face and whispering sweet nothings whilst also telling you how you're such a good girl.
Ousuke who denies you any orgasm because you "cum for him, not for you". He'll have a nasty smirk on his face, watching you squirm around as you try to hold off your inevitable orgasm.
Ousuke who also doesn't allow you to touch him, he's a freak freak.
Tsukuyomi who makes sure each and everything goes well as he tries new toys on your already spent cunt. He enjoys watching you being overstimulated but his careful eye won't miss a single detail, in case you're going too far into subspace.
Mudano (my love) who just softly makes love to you. This isn't a vocal man in bed but does he have to be?
Most of the time, he isn't particularly rough, unless you want it, but nevertheless he can be a little... experimental: light choking here and there, indulging in some other kinks. One thing for sure: love marks.
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kame56u · 2 months
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tougen anki doodle dump 5 (masukao)
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inumaqi · 3 years
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tougen anki this is why i hate babysitting.
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caraik · 3 years
Everyone read Tougen Anki just for this bastard alone I love him sm he’s so entertaining
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