#Ojaswitha Mahto
theangrycomet-art · 3 years
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Care to Dance?
The latest Ninja’s finally getting a hand on the whole ninja suit thing.
Ojaswitha’s currently fighting a student who got BRUTALLY stood up and slimed at the dance. Needless to say things are very messy in the gym right now. Luckily, she’s got a plan (and a few moves to bust on the floor)
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theangrycomet · 3 years
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Training in the Nomicon isn’t as easy when you’re not only trying to decipher it’s cryptic messages, but trying to teach good habits to the next ninja.
Randy training Ojaswitha in the Nomicon. 
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theangrycomet · 3 years
RC9GN- Post Series Timeline
Who does Norrisville turn to when it’s their own protector they need saving from?
Timeline below cut b/c its long
For his Junior year, Randy studied at Yamanouchi High School to improve his ninja skills
Between the defeated Sorcerer and McFist occupied with the latest addition to his family, Norrisville was fine
Randy Graduates and returns the Ninja Mask and Ninja Nomicon back to the messenger. 
He is mindwiped, along with Howard
Still extremely fit and prone to parkour, his impomptu stunts are regularly filmed and posted by Howard. 
This leads Randy to getting increasingly renowned
Decides to compete on America Ninja Warrior
People start to notice him
30 seconds to Math hits off but it’s not Howard nor Randy’s focus
Howard becomes huge on YouTube 
Randy gets picked up to do a movie after crashing unceremoniously on set
Played Flamezilla in the BH6 film, Directed by Buford Von Stomm
Kicked off his acting career
After filming in San Fransokyo, ends up fell in love with the city and moves there
However, something happened when he was about 21.
The Next Ninja of Norrisville, Drake House, pulled an ‘85.
While Drake did his job well at first as the Ninja, he let his arrogance and pride get the better of him.
Despite the Nomicon’s warnings, his behavior worsened with time
At the end of his Sophmore year, he was declared “Unfit to be a Ninja/”
When the Messenger went to retrieve the Mask and Nomicon, however, he fought back, tearing the Mask in two, ripping some pages from the Nomicon, and accidentally killing the Messenger in the process.
(the Messenger, like the Phoenix regenerates with a new life every few hundred years; he’ll be fine but it’ll take him a century or so to regenerate)
When the messenger died, The Nomicon knew the Way of the Norrisville ninja was ultimately fucked if it didn’t fix things
It manages to ship itself with the lower half of the mask to it’s last Ninja through a series of intricate maneuvers
Randy finds a battered cardboard box package addressed to him with a strange note in front of his apartment, he kind of shrugs it off until it starts shaking. 
Finding a strangely familiar book and the bottom half of what looks like a ski mask, he’s more than a little curious as something starts tugging at the back of his mind. 
Dropped like a rock on to the kitchen counter to the floor as he’s schloomped into the Nomicon for the first time in 3 years.
The Nomicon, despite it’s damage, manages to reveal to him what happened and restores his memories, declaring that he has to fill the Messenger’s role and give the next Ninja the materials and training they need to defeat the oncoming storm 
What has been working for the last 800 years will not be enough 
The Nomicon’s a little traumatized at being treated so horribly
So Randy’s sent on this mini quest to not only stop the current norrisville Ninja and give him the Ultimate lesson,
He has to find a Cloth Mage and Grimoire Specialist to repair the mask and Nomicon 
And then pick the next Ninja before something else happens
Howard has no idea what Randy’s talking about, but luckily, he happens to know BOTH a Cloth Mage and Grimoire Specialist from his YouTube career AND their in San Fransokyo
Dipper and Mabel Pines are at SFIT and SFAI respectively, and are stoked to working with such cool artifacts (and also appalled that someone would damage tham so badly)
After a two weeks (as well as a few liter of Randy’s blood and half of Mabel’s demon-fiber cloth and enchanted silk) the mask is repaired
The Nomicon however, while physically fine, is still acting up. Dripping ink has been happening at random and information is missing from the tornout pages, including the the Earth Attack, 
 Dipper has a theory as to what’s going on, but he’ll need the other pages to confirm it as well as repair it
Randy goes back to Norrisville and defeats the Latest Ninja, retrieving the other half of the mask as well as most of the missing pages. 
Seeing as the Ultimate Lesson page is still missing, Randy was trying to figure out how to mind wipe Drake when the Ex-Ninja ran off, vowing that he’ll get his mask back if it kills him (Him being Randy, not Drake)
Randy goes back to the Pines twins with the missing pages and other half of the mask, and Dipper’s theory is confirmed
The Nomicon, after taking the torn pages, creates a second Nomicon, a little bit smaller but otherwise identical
Mabel, now that she knows what she’s doing, creates a second mask with the remainder of the left over materials.
Dipper, checks to find that the Nomicon had in fact replicated itself from the damages. He compares it to how the body replicates identical cells when you get a cut to repair the wound
All Randy knows is that now he’s got the stressful task of picking the next Ninja within a month. He’s seen how it can go wrong. 
After a month of observation and some consultation from the Nomicon, he deems the best choice of the future freshman to be Ojaswitha Mahto. 
Getting her the Ninja Box was the hardest part, not because he couldn’t sneak into her room, but because he HAD to sneak into a 14 year old girl's room. He was NOT comfortable with that, but he couldn’t figure out how else to ensure no one else got the new Ninja Mask and Nomicon.
He returns back to San Fransokyo to find himself having to stop any Interdeminsional portal attempts ranging from Krei’s Silent Sparrow project to fighting Crice to actually befriending one of the new supers Voyd to having to sabotage Varian’s final thesis. 
The last one is a bit of a doozy.
Additionally, the Nomicons both send their Ninja wielders to the same NomiSpace or the Realm of the Nomicon. 
Meaning that if Ojaswitha needs guidance/ back up from someone besides the Nomicon, she’s able to contact Randy.
The Nomicon will also contact the senior ninja if it senses that Ojaswtiha will need aid.
Gave Randy a freaking heart attack seeing a modern person in the Nomicon
They see eachother in their Ninja suits, so Ojaswitha doesn’t know who Randy is
Though she is a big fan of his work
He thinks this is hilarious once he’d found out
Drake, being the little Sherlock he is, is trying to identify the Ninja to get the Mask back, 
Charming and sophisticated, he slowly eliminates possible candidates. 
All he needs to do to get his mask back is to show the Ninja the Ultimate Lesson page. 
ROUGH Idea of what’s gonna go down. Things may change. 
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theangrycomet · 3 years
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The next Ninja of Norrisville’s arrived...
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theangrycomet · 3 years
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Behold in all her glory Ojaswitha Mahto! Ninth Grade Ninja by day and shenanigan pursuer, also by day. 
Fun Facts Below the Cut:
A bit of a loner, she’s that kind of edgy, cool kid that sits in the back and comes up with the smart mouthed one liners, at least to most people in her school.
Almost always wearing roller skates, much to Principal Slimovitz distaste
She’s actually really good at keeping the Ninja thing a secret
Panna only found out on a fluke
Speaking of she tends to get dragged along in whatever club of the week Panna’s trying to join’s shenanigans
Terrible with tech but nobody believes her because of who her family is and how she looks
“Oh yeah, let me just break out my tech support glasses and I’ll be right with you there on that, sir.”
As the Ninja, she’s mostly silent because she’s focused on trying to stop the bad guy. 
She gets more talkative as time goes on
The Sorceress roams free, stanking people and mutating them to force out the Ninja
However, because she needs time to regain her strength between these fights, Ojaswitha doesn’t have to deal with her too nuch
Additionally, once the Sorceress find’s out Ojaswitha is not the Ninja who killed the Sorcerer, she’s only wanting her destroyed for the subsequent chaos and the continue her lovers legacy
McFist has struck out a fresh deal with the Sorceress,
However, he was given half of his prize upfront
A bit more of a menace to her 
With her sister (Aashi) working for McFist, she has to ensure that she doesn’t say a word as the Ninja in front of her
She tends to lean more towards a dual sword technique as opposed to a double handed
While she was relatively fit before attaining the Ninja suit, her recklessness made her slip up and crash more often
Learned to reign in her excitement a bit and think before making an action plan
gradually became less of a clutz
Favorite class in Metal Shop with Mr. Smith
She didn’t know he made Ninja weapons until he caught her trying to repair one of her own and failing miserably
A huge comic book fan, she spends most of her allowance at the Comic Shop
likes making scupltures
Her drawing style is less doodly and more anime, so that’s what the Nomicon presents the information as
Respectful of others for the most part
very dry sense of humor for a 14 year old (think Shego)
She tries her best to impress her family, but feels that she’s constantly letting them (especially her parents) down with her average performance in most everything
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theangrycomet · 3 years
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Ojaswitha Mahto, better known as Jess since no member of the student body or teacher faculty can be bothered to learn how to pronounce her name, is the the seemingly average student high that’s just skimming off the bare minimum of her classes to get high school over with. The only class worth attending in her mind is the increasingly budget-cut metal working class. 
Good thing everything is not what it seems, especially in Norrisville High. 
Between the Sorceress wanting to avenge her lover through and McFist wanting to destroy her, it’s amazing Ojaswitha can keep up. 
Good thing she’s got her skates. 
Details below the Cute
Still working out the Details of this timeline, but Randy is NOT mind-wiped and occasionally coaches her through the Nomicon so that they can face the trouble brewing in the shadows realm. 
Middle child of a family of 8, including her grandma Alda whom she’s close to.
Oldest and only brother, Raul,  is off away at SFIT getting his PhD in Robotics. He doesn’t talk much to them as he’s super busy.
Older sister, Aashi, is currently under an Internship with Viceroy at McFist industries, making things a bit strained between the two. (Aashi can’t figure out what Ojaswitha’s problem is and is genuinely upset at her sister avoiding her)
Her technically-younger twin sister Panna goes to school with her, but their kind of opposites. Where as Ojaswitha’s more of a loner, Panna’s the head social butterfly and is in almost every club, leaving her with more work that she can handle.
Her youngest sister, Farin, is in the grade above them, following the genius track Ojaswitha’s older siblings had. It wouldn’t be so bad going to the same school as your should-be-entering-6th-grade-not-the-9th-one is she weren’t so arrogant about it.
Not overly academic, she prefers hands on activity like metal work and sculpting. 
Aside from the Nomicon’s approval Randy picked her from the kindness she exhibited in multiple occasions when it would have been easier to ignore the problem entirely.
More in the Works :)
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theangrycomet · 3 years
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“Trust me Panna, that wannabe’s got nothin’ on your show.” Ojaswitha comforted as she swung her rarely used satchel over her shoulder. “Not only is it the Cheese, it’s so bruce it’s the only real rival Hiedi Live’s had in over eight years.”
“You think?” Brushing her hair, she struck a pose playfully. 
“I know it.” She smirked, elbowing her twin conspiciously. “Besides, who can resist such a pretty face?”
“You mean the face we share?” Raising an eyebrow, she laughted as her wicked grin. 
“Besides, didn’t you score an interview with the ninja?” Ojaswitha asked, tone surprisingly level. A customer in another booth perked up at that, glancing at the girls as they left. 
“Yeah, but what’s the likelihood of him actually showing up?”
Starring Panna, our Ninja’s twin sister. She hasn’t figured out that Ojaswitha’s the Ninja just yet, but she knows her sister’s hiding something. 
Panna runs a video blog (Panna-Ramo) where she does everything. From make-up tutorials to music videos to news reports to DIY projects, ranging from building skateboards to sewing your own clothes. It’s been gaining popularity through out the years and is one of the top Me Blogs after Hiedi Live. 
When McFist over hears that she scored a interview with the Ninja, he most certainly’s going to get Viceroy. He prefer’s Hiedi Live, but he’d be lieing if he said he hadn’t watch her “Braiding for Beginners” Series for his little girl. 
Ojaswitha is planning on making an appearance as the Ninja, not answering any revealing questions, but make it fun. 
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theangrycomet · 3 years
Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
What does your character think about their life up to this point? Is there anything they would change? Why or why not?
Ojaswitha was kind of starting to get the beginnings of the build up dread of growing up at the start of high school. Where was she gonna end up? What kind of career did she want? 
She’s arguably the dumbest of her siblings and while her parents support her artistic endeavors they had been dropping hints that she should start to think about which “real” career she wanted to pursue. 
Being the ninja has helped her figure out that she wants to help people, though she’s still figuring out how to apply “excellent Ninja” on her resume. 
The only thing she’d change is that she’d be able to talk to Panna about the whole Ninja thing (which she does get to eventually, but not as of right now)
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theangrycomet · 3 years
Do you have all the sexualities/crushes mapped out in a chart for your OCs?
In a chart? No, it’s mostly in my head. 
But I’ve got pretty good idea where ever body stands, and that includes figuring themselves out
Feel free to ask though
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