#Ok I know that the one from Konan and Pain isn't a gif but I couldn't find a gif for that picture
Akatsuki ships like random gifs of couples from random romantic movies, cause I’m sad and I need self comfort:
Kakuhida: Noah Calhoun & Allie Hamilton from the Notebook, ‘cause toxic love is their language.
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Kisaita: Eliza Esposito & The Amphibian Man from the shape of water. A lonely woman falling in love with a semi-human marine creature, who is far more human than many of the ones who surround her
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Pain and Konan: Einar Wegner/Lili Elbe & Gerda Wegener from The Danish Girl. Just a lot of angst from a woman completely devoted to her partner, who is like two people in one and is constantly having a battle with everyone and themself.
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Sasodei: Sam Wheat & Molly Jensen from Ghost. Do I really need to explain why? Neverending honeymoon phase, art, eternal love and suffering over one partner’s death and the trauma of leading with it? Yep, sounds like sasodei to me.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
In regards to my second ask (the experiment one) can you add Tsunade, Sakura, Kiba, Temari, Konan (maybe Tayuya and Anko if you do them? If not it’s ok)
It’s been a while since I wrote it and I apologize for the lack of updates, I’m just busy and my motivation kind of slowed down as well😫. The request referred to is here.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, clinginess, overprotective behavior, kidnapping, mentioning of abusive past, scars
Tsunade Senju
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🐌Keeping it a secret from her will be a task of impossibility, once she starts caring she probably has those dates every month, or even week, where she checks on her darling and their health. A full check-up as well and so she will notice the one and other rather odd thing pretty early, be that by some scars and wounds they have from their time in their old world or for the unique DNA, looking like it has been altered somehow and for that changed their whole body system and circulation. All that are alarming signs for you having been experimented on, pretty harshly as well and since she doesn't know yet that you're from another universe, she can only think of one person able to be that cruel and she is dead set on killing Orochimaru with her own bare hands. She believes that he was the one and it makes sense, he played on a lot of people to reach his goal, one person more or less wouldn't matter to him. Next to her fuming, she is also shattered knowing that you had to go through torture like this.
🐌She won't kill Orochimaru when hearing the true story, she isn't even angry even more. She's just heartbreakingly confused to why you never told her before what you had to go through, she could have helped you. The rather clingy and and insecure behavior of her darling suddenly makes so much sense to her, even though she already suspected before that there was something wrong. She is a medic, the best as well so no wonder she has a really clean eye on such things and this is why she might have even wanted a check-up to start with. Tsunade will act quickly as well, needing to help you physically and mentally to get over your past and learn to move on. If there wouldn't be a whole dimension separating her and the jerks who harmed you, she would end them. But the most important thing now is attending to your needs and doing whatever she can in her power to help you. She becomes extremely serious when your well-being is at stake and only few people know about the truth. She still grows more clingy and smothering in a desperate way.
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🤍She is initially pretty surprised by the way her darling is behaving. Konan knows that any normal person would be terrified of her at first since she has just kidnapped the s/o and locked them away in the same tower where Nagato is. And yet they seem to desperately want to help her in all way they can which is sadly not too much since Konan wants her darling to be safe. Paperwork might be possible though. Yet she also senses that there is more than you want to tell her first and she, whilst not forcing you, asks you worried why you are that way. She wants to help you with all the possibilities she has and sees that you try to prove your worth which shows a low self-esteem. And the more you shut up about it, yet give her those alarming signs, she gets more worried and for that more pushy. Pain knows about it and wants to force you to tell Konan. She is after all his friend and he knows how much she gets concerned over this. Before it comes to this it is better to tell her since she won't let Pain have it his way.
🤍Konan really is not as messy as Pain is and she barely really gets angry at others, she is more stoic. But hearing what her darling had to go through manages to make even her mad enough that she would kill to do some justice. She autmoatically tries to let you out more often, wanting to take your mind off your insecure thoughts and nightmarish past. Given her paper jutsu she probably also starts doing origami as some sort of theraphy lesson because she can not really bring her darling to a therapist. She will not force you to tell her about your past, even though she will be there if you need her. Pain kind of gets interested in all of this, even though he has enough morals to not trigger you and even Konan gets more stern with him if he should try. Of course no one can be allowed to find out about the fact that her darling is from another universe and might have special powers. If you really do have strong and unique powers, Pain might make you a member of the Akatsuki, but only if Konan allows it.
Anko Mitarashi
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🟪She has the ability to be quite loud and even childish, but that's not all she is made of. Anko takes the task protecting her darling very serious and can be strict when it comes down to it. This is exactly why she finds herself becoming very serious once she has figured out that something isn't right. At first she might brush it off as something else, her darling being extremely motivated for example. But she also has something that greatly burdens her seeing how she sees it as her obligation to take Orochimaru, her old sensei, down. There are hidden motives behind the s/o's actions just like they're behind hers and she knows when someone is suffering from something because she is that way as well. This is why she wants to know what exactly bothers her darling so greatly that they push themselves so much to the point where it isn't healthy anymore. And she gets quickly frustrated when they don't tell her sooner. She doesn't joke around with things involving your health.
🟪Whilst she does think that killing for her darling can be wrong, there are exceptions as well. For Anko this counts as an exception and she is only that far away to throw a loud and violent tantrum, not wanting to believe this. She is not exactly a medic, but she needs the help of one since this issue goes deeper to the point where she feels like she alone might not be the right help. There is hesitation since there is a waterproof story needed since she has to keep the truth about you a secret, the only persons she would be somewhat comfortable knowing it would be the Hokage and the people she respects. She puts a stop to as much of that pushing behavior of her darling as she can, even if it makes them feel like she thinks of them as useless which leads to them panicking. It just feels wrong for Anko to accept this kind of help and instead she wants you to understand that you don't have to prove yourself. She tells you most likely her story as well so you hopefully realize you aren't the one who has to feel like they have to make for something up.
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🌪It is not like she doesn't appreciate the help of her darling, it is really friendly and nice. But Temari is a bit more on the side of people who tend to work a bit too much and she likes doing things herself. A bit help here and there is of course only welcomed, specifically if she is already pretty tired and exhausted. But it seems like the one ho pushes themselves to their limits is not her, but her darling. Temari scolds them at first for being so stupid to push themselves so much, but that is before she notices the desperation behind all those acts and realizes that there is more to it than she knows. Her youngest brother got affected by his past as well, though he has gotten for the biggest part over it by now. That makes her already quite worried, not wanting another person she cherishes suffering from a horrible past. It itches her and whilst she really tries to have a careful approach on all of this, knowing that it can be triggering to be too straightforward, she becomes a bit demanding.
🌪She doesn't have bad intentions though, she just wants to help her darling and that is a bit hard when they won't tell her what is wrong. Knowing that she doesn't want you to help her anymore, not wanting you to force yourself to help her this way. Once she finds out what has been done to you, she shortly has a angry outburst, being beyond mad that someone did this to her darling. But she quickly cools off as well and that's the point where she instantly searches for help. She has already messed up in helping her little brother Gaara when he needed help, now she has to do better. She might tell over time her siblings the truth about you, even though she might even lie to them at first. Temari just wants to ensure that no one who shouldn't find out hears about it, her brothers as persons she trusts limitlessly are exceptions of course. She as well considers a good theraphy as long as it helps in some way. Also starts making more time for them and be there for them.
Sakura Haruno
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🌸In general Sakura would be more than happy to do things together with her darling, be that cooking, doing the laundry or them wanting to help her a bit with her work. She also feels flattered just as much if her darling prepares something special for her, it makes her purely happy. But she was trained from no other than the Tsunade Senju as well and for that has developed some sort of eye on when people suffer from something, physically or mentally. And whilst she happily nurses her darling back to health when they have a cold, when it comes to their psyche, she becomes very quickly more cautious and worried. She has seen what the mindset of someone can do to a person and how heavily it can have it's toll. This is the exact reason she starts wanting to know how she can possibly help her darling, starting by preventing them from helping her. She makes it clear that she appreciates all their hard work, but there is obviously something wrong.
🌸She sees temporarily red and se would totally smash the persons for what they did, but her darling takes priority right now. Sakura can estimate possible consequences if you were to found out and this is why she promises to never let anyone know except her closest friends and comrades and of course her sensei. Sakura actually might be able to understand her darling from a certain point the best. Her darling feels useless because they were merely treated as an object to play on and want to prove that they're useful for more as well. Sakura knows how the desire to prove that you're worth more feels like and that makes it all the more painful for her to watch. She can tell from her own experience that you only have to start believing more in yourself and Naruto definitely cheers her darling up as well just like Ino does. Sakura starts wanting to show that she loves you no matter what, be that with doing something cozy and relaxing with you or whatever you want to do.
Kiba Inuzuka
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🐕Blame his sharp senses on it, but he just kind of notices so very early on that there is something that bothers his darling a lot. To the point that they feel like they constantly have to help him and his family in some way which sometimes can lead to unwanted situations. Not all dogs the family has are perfectly tamed, some are still in the process of learning and interacting with them can be a bit more dangerous and it might have already happened once that either Kiba, his sister or his mother had to save you from them. And at the very least the way you apologized afterwards like you had just committed murder was a sign that something was definitely wrong. And whilst Kiba worries, he can be more overbearing because he is extremely alarmed, noticing your low self-confidence. The whole clan gets concerned as well since they have a pack mentality and adore Kiba's darling, they would want to get involved and help as well. There is a chance that his sister Hana proves to be the one who can make the s/o talk since she is a bit more sensible than her brother.
🐕At the very least his family will be involved in this secret and let's be honest, if they could they all would tear those people who hurt and abused you like this to small shreds if they could. Tsume, Hana and Akamaru are honestly just shaken up from the news that you've been only tortured and used as a human experiment to the point where you think that you have to be useful to be loved. But the most paranoid and horrified person here is Kiba since you're his darling and at first he doesn't know what else to do besides latching onto you and somewhat trying to help and comfort you. Knowing this story makes him much more territorial and additionally so much more prone when someone says bad stuff about you since this will get to you. His mum, sis and dog are actually no different regading this, they all grow more protective. Given the family's connection with dogs, they might give you a young and tame puppy who would function as a therapy dog.
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🎶Okay, Tayuya in general is a very foul-mouthed individual and she doesn't shy away from being harsh on her darling either. She pretty much takes her mood out on her darling, be that consciously or unconsciously, she has not the best temper. What's more is that she is just not there for her darling, she is strictly busy and the only reason why her darling might be even allowed to live after the others found about Tayuya's little distraction is because they were willing to work so hard. Who is Orochimaru to reject such eager will to be useful for Tayuya and for that for him? The desperation might at first be simply thought of as the fear to be killed when not doing good enough which is too understandable. It is only because of Orochimaru because he is good in reading people so he knows you simply wish to prove yourself, especially when Tayuya is there. Romantic, isn't it? He is amused as long as neither one of you messes up something important and Tayuya can live with that. Her darling is alive.
🎶Showing a soft spot is not her strength, but due to Orochimaru being so "friendly" to advice her to appreciate her hard-working darling who seeks for her approval, she does say some nice things. Deep down she actually is pretty proud that you seem to gain approval from her lord as well which puts her in a better mood since she doesn't have to worry that much anymore. It might be more likely that Orochimaru figured everything out instead of her, even though her darling might tell her about their special powers and whereabouts, discovering that by pleasing her master they might earn more of her approval as well. And of course that man is set on fire when he finds out and instantly wants to inspect and know more about you and the good thing might honestly that, depending on how much you want Tayuya to appreciate you, tell him everything. This is actually the first time Tayuya truly feels a bit bad when hearing your story. The interesting thing is anyways that not only afterwards you become a treasured thing for Orochimaru, but he also demands from Tayuya to treat you with more respect.
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