#Okay but also a big reason is cuz I hate the plot point of Pebbs SHing I liked it at the time but now it feels too 'edgy'
mewniemoon · 5 months
Do you ever plan on updating Untangling a Matted Mess or is the fic dead? Asking for curiosity reasons and just to know it we'll ever get an update
Finally answering this to say probably not. I started the fic with first chapt as a oneshot but I liked writing it sm I continued with no real plot in mind. And at the time of writing I was struggling with an irl issue so I turned that into the UAMM story. But I'm not dealing with that at the moment anymore so the motivation ran a bit dry. Plus I had nothing prepared or very well organized it was a prime example of "Going too big with your first fic".
Honestly I kinda wish I just kept it as a story focused mostly on Arti and Pebbs and tossed out basically everything else (except the plot with Moonie cuz that was good sad I never got to it) because their interactions were the thing I liked writing the most, but then I started focusing on Pebbs and didn't like writing him without his gaint cat lol.
Im glad people liked the story and I liked writing for a bit as I hadn't written in a while, but for now UAMM is canceled rip.
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