#mewnie mews
mewniemoon · 3 months
'furry' is a light term here, if you drew slugcats or smthing i'd consider it furry-like. Whichever you think fits you
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creativecreature156 · 1 month
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Felt like drawing something wholesome with these two
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badlydrawnrose · 8 months
B33< *davepawtaspurrite tacklepawnces mew into a BIG HUG!*
B33< and i clawme with mewny hugs!
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TT: The underworld? That's fascinating.
TT: er... perhaps we could discuss this over tea? At a lower volume!
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federicoemmanuel · 5 years
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mewnihistorian · 4 years
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It was the middle of the night and Comet heard rustling down stairs. He grabbed his sword and walked downstairs. “Hello?” Comet said as he walked downstairs. He heard sloshing sounds and saw a cauldron in the fire place, with a tiny person stirring the pot. “No way... that looks like...” Comet said. The person turned around, the same person he’s seen in his dreams before. “What do you think Comet?” She said holding the wooden spoon. “More salt, less salt?” She said. Comet screamed as he put his hands on is cheeks. “AAAAHHHHH!” He screamed, then she had the spoon shoved in his mouth.
Comet woke up with his blanket in his mouth, he then spit it out. “What does that lady WANT?!” Ever since he turned 15 two months ago he’s been seeing images of that lady in his dreams, though that was the first time he saw her clearly. He saw it was morning and decided get ready for school. He put on his red jacket and picked up his shoes when he saw some kind of gunk on the bottom. “What the?” He said as he rubbed his finger on it. “I swear I’ve seen this before.” He then put on a different pair of shoes and headed down stairs. “For the love of-“ Marco stoped when he saw his son. “Corn.” He said. “Your sister ate the whole box again.“ “Um, it could be mom. She’s addicted to that cereal too.” Comet said, entering the kitchen, grabbing a waffle. "No. Oddly when your mother’s pregnant Sugar Seeds revolt her, it’s the only thing she won’t eat.” Marco explained. “Where are they anyway?" Comet asked. “Your sister’s in the living room and Star is in the bathroom.” Marco said. “She’s morning sick again?” Comet asked. “Oh yeah. With Angel not so much, but you... that’s how we learned... so much for the first three days we thought she had some soft of bug..” Marco chuckled. Star then came down stairs, moaning. “Morning all...” She said. “Wow mom, you look awful.” Angel said, popping her head over the couch. “Watch it...” Star said, looking at her daughter. “Bean juice please...” “Come on Star, you know it’s just called coffee, and you know you're not supposed to drink it while pregnant.” Marco said, moving the coffee cup away from Star. “Ugh! Fine...” Star said. “But I do have some good new about our baby, I know what it’s gonna be!” “Come on Star, that is ridiculous.” Marco said. “No it’s not!” Star rebuttaled. “What is mom talking about?” Angel asked, climbing on the back of the couch. “Back on Mewni mew-woman would have a dream that would tell them the gender of their baby, but that’s just an old wives tail.” Marco said. “Is not! I had a dream predicting this one was a girl” Star pointed at Angel “and this one was a boy.” Star pointed to her son. “All dreams have meanings Marco. You should know that.” Star winked at him. “Yeah... dreams have meaning...” Comet said, looking at his waffle. “Um Comet, is there something you want to tell me?” Star said, noticing her child’s face. “Um no. I’ve gotta get to school early!” Comet grabbed his bag and dashed out the door, forgetting his waffle. “Do we believe him?” Marco asked. “Absolutely... not.” Star said. “But if he’s hiding something he has a good reason. How bad could it be anyway?” “He’s our son. Think about it.” Marco said, grabbing the waffle. ……… Comet was walking in the locker area of Echo Creek Academy when he felt something tickling his left shoulder. Comet turned and saw nothing. “Boo!” Solaria said from Comet's right, making him jump. “Ha! You always fall for that!” She said, retracting her tail. “You know you only use that tail for pranks right?” Comet said, painting. “Yeah, and I love it!” She chuckled. Comet headed over to his locker when he was his ex, Rasticore Jr. standing by it. “Hey Rasticore.” Comet said. “Hey Comet.” He said, then handed him a silver spiked bracelet. “I found this at Rex's house. She said you left it after her party last month.” “Thanks. Wait, why did she never give it back?” Comet asked. “I don’t know. She's a Raptorix, they horde things.” Rasticore said. “Well thanks. Hey, were still on to see Eclipsa’s rock show next Saturday?” Comet asked, putting his bracelet away. “Of course!” Rasticore said. “Anyway, later man.” He said, throwing a peace out sign. Comet smiled and turned to see his Solaria smiling. “What?” “You two are so cute together, why did you break up?” She asked. “Because we didn’t make a great couple, okay? Seriously, it just didn’t work out between us. Nobody dumped anybody.” Comet said aggressively. “But we’re still friends.” “Hey, I’m not judging! I’m in love with the spawn of a homicidal genocidal psychopath! Specifically one who wants to kill my family most.” She said. “Yeah I guess so. I mean-“ “But I will judge you for dating Sol's sister. Seriously she tried to behead us all!” “Hey!” Comet said. “You met her too and you had no idea she was planning on axing us! So don’t judge me on her.” Comet then opened his locker. “Yeah, I guess she did seem normal. I mean she looked nothing her mother, but she shares the same beliefs as that fried chicken brained... sociopath!” Solaria ranted. Comet then closed his locker and saw Ashly on the other side. “Someone say fried chicken?” She asked. “We were talking about Mina Loveberry.” Solaria said. “Oh. Well if anyone wants any I have some.” Ashly said. She then pulled her hand from behind her back, revealing a meat leg, she then took a big bite out of it. “Wait, you have fried chicken, but you’re eating a megafowl leg?” Solaria said. “For breakfast?” Comet added. “Hey! Do you know how many calories I burn a day?” She then smacked them on the head with her megafowl leg. “Ow!” They both said. “I need to eat right.” She then took a bite out of her meat. “So why talk about Mina?” “Just talking about my ex.” Comet said. “Oh the one who tried to behead you?” Ashly asked. “Yeah, she definitely takes after her mother. You lucked out with Sol.” She said, pointing at Solaria. “Oh don’t I know it.” Solaria smiled. “What about you Ashly? Aren’t you dating someone from Silver Hill Prep?” Comet asked. “Oh I dumped him. He was a major jerk.” Ashly took another bite. “Wasn’t that like the second one this month?” Comet chucked. Ashly growled and devoured the rest of the meat and hit him on the head with the bone. “Ow!” He said, rubbing his head. Solaria chuckled. “You know you two would make a great couple!” Solaria said. “WHAT?!” They both said. “How could you think that?!” Comet said. “She just wacked me with a bone!” “I know but still, you two just seem like the kind of people who would click!” She giggled. “You two should just give it a chance!” “Solaria, are you sure your brain grew back when your body did after your last shrink?” Ashly said. “Relax guys I’m just joking. Mostly.” Solaria smiled. “Anyway, I’ve gotta met Sol before class. Later.” She then walked away. “Man, can you believe her?” Comet said. “Thinking we you be a couple...” He then put his hand on his stomach as it growled. “Sounds like you need some breakfast. I’d offer you the marrow, but it’s the best part.” Ashly dug around in her bag and pulled out a bag or ribs. “Oops, that my lunch.” She dug around some more and pulled out a bag of chicken patties. “Here.” She handed him a patty. “Thanks.” Comet took a bite of the patty. “I’ll see you later.” ……… It was afternoon and Comet was sitting on his bed listening to his Mirror Pod when he felt something sharp puncture on his leg. “What the-” He looked and saw it was Max. “Dude, what the corn wad?!” He said rubbing his leg. “Would you rather I lick your face?” Max smiled. “Anyway, it’s Friday night! Come on, let’s party!” “I don’t know Max, I just don’t really feel like it tonight. I didn’t sleep well last night...” Comet said. “Oh come on, it’ll be fun!” Max scrounged up next to him. “Come on!” “Max no...” Comet said, lying back down. “Fine. You leave me no choice.” Max said. He hovered over Comet’s desk, specifically his mirror phone. “Max...” Comet said. “Don’t you-” Max then touched his neck to the desk, and floated up with the mirror phone gone. “You’ll get it back after we go clubbing.” “You know your evil, right?” Comet said, sitting up. “Actually the correct term would be ‘devious’.” Max corrected. He then picked up a hat with his horn and tossed it at Comet. “Now geto you butt up and let’s go!!” It was midnight and Comet was heading back into his room, and planted his face on his bed, the light turned on and he growled. “Comet!” Star yelled. “Do you know how early it is? It’s Friday!” She said. “I just needed to come home. I didn’t sleep well last night.” Comet said. “I know.” She said, pulling off his hat. “I heard you screaming. I was already up because this one is already using my bladder like a squeeze toy.” She put her hand on her stomach. “If there’s something wrong, you can tell me.” Comet then stat up. “Fine. Do you regret destroying it? Magic I mean?” He asked. “Oh.” Star said. “Well, there are times I wish I could still narwhal blast. And maybe I was a little hasty, but I still stand by my decision to destroy the magic. Why?” “I don’t know, it’s just my dreams might have something to do with magic.” Comet said. “Maybe. Magic was a pretty big part of our family’s history, and your were raised in a time without magic. It’s only natural you would wonder about it.” Star said. “Yeah, I guess.” Comet said. “But are you sure you destroyed it all? I mean Toffee-“ “Toffee wasn’t four magical Butterflies.” Star said. “It’s gone Comet, all of it.” Star said, then got up. “Now I’ve gotta go pee again. Six more months of this and you’ll get a new brother.” “Which will make Angel the middle child, I heard they can be nasty.” Comet said, then chuckled. He took off his gloves and boots and just went to sleep in his clothes. ……… ……… ……… “....the bond...” A female voice said. Comet opened his eyes and saw nothing. He felt he was in some kind of liquid, and started moving around. “...sew the...” the voice said. Comet continued to looked and saw nothing. “...Cleave the...” ‘That sounds like the Whispering Spell.’ Comet though unable to open his mouth. He then saw a glow coming in from behind him. He turned and saw a small yellow flickering light, moving closer to him. “Start the magic.” It said clearly. Before he even realized it he was putting his hand out. He then grabbed it, and it burned. Comet screamed an bubbles flew out of his mouth. He then felt himself become weightless, and then he head was above whatever he was in. He took deep breaths realized where he was... the Pit. He swam to the edge and climbed out and spat out the goo. He turned and saw the remains of the old Britta's Tacos hut, where the old Earth Well was. “This wasn’t a dream.” He looked closer at the goop and realized it was the same as the stuff on his shoes earlier. “I must have come here... before...” Comet put his hands on his cheeks and started to panic. “I can’t tell mom and dad... or anyone...” As he pulled his hands away and the goo was removed from his cheeks, and slightest of glows was fading away. He then got up and ran off, not seeing a slight glow rising then fading away from the center of the Pit.
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wildtige429 · 5 years
Taken a week after Storm the Castle. Song matches the sadness.
A week
A week has passed after his death.
To even the mood, heavy downpour rained down endlessly till the sidewalk drains are flooded. Raindrop pelted the window of an enshrouded room where a figure sat, knees pulled up to his chest, arms folded to pillow his face and tail coiled around his feet for comfort.
Toshi was given a whole week of break from school seeing that he and his mother need time to heal after his estranged father's death. Some friends, Star and Marco included, would come by to share their support and comfort to heal their pain and would leave gifts to cheer them up.
However, Toshi was depressed that his last words to his father were "I wish you weren't my father." Just as the explosion took over him.
I shouldn't have said that. He gripped his arms tightly until he could feel the tips of his claws digging into the flesh. His shoulders trembled when the urge to wept flooded his heart. He let the tears stream down his cheeks like small waterfalls.
The call of his name halted his tears, rising his head up to meet the mournful face of his mother. They both share the same aura of grief and seeing the sight her son is in brought more sorrow into her heart.
She took a seat next to him and laid an arm around his shoulders, "I miss your father, too. Even though he left us, I still care for him."
"Toshi, whatever happened between you and your father before he died has nothing to do with what you did. Yes, you are not like your father at heart, but I do know is that... deep down...."
"...He loves us," Toshi finished for her. Tearing up, he couldn't stand a sob coming out of him, "It's not like...! It's not like I blame Queen Moon for making him leave us!! If he could just.....If he just let her mother and the king sign the peace treaty that day.....!"
Mint got up and held his face, tenderly stroking his cheeks and wiping away his tear with her thumbs. She wore a sad yet comforting smile and laid her forehead on his, like she always does when she and Toffee were together. And when she comforts him ever since he was born, "It is not your fault, or mine, or your father's. Sometimes.....the ugliness in our hearts would make us do the worst things before it happened just as we know it."
"But you and I are not alone. We have each other, your friends and somewhere....your father will be watching over you. And he will always be alive," she laid her hand on her heart, "In our hearts."
Her wise words have brought Toshi out of the dark, spotting a tiny twitch of a smile at the corner of his lips. Smiling, she planted a loving kiss on the top of his head, stroked his hair tenderly and prepared herself to go down the stairs.
"I'll be out getting some groceries," she informed him, "You can have a snack with the cereal your friends gave you."
"Sure, Mom!" 
She's right. Yesterday, he and his mom went out to where Ludo's castle was after the explosion and found his dad's coat and tie. In grievance, he watched his mother adorn his jacket and used his tie as a belt, and saw something in her that he never saw before.
Was it vengeance? Or was it.......confusion? He does not know. Whatever happened when she found the coat, he just had to approach her and hold her as they grief.
Thinking back, his father was supposed to be dead right? And yet......where is his body? Theoretically, his body is destroyed in the explosion so that makes it understandable.
But why does he feel.....scared all of a sudden?
Sighing heavily to himself, he jogged down the stairs and headed straight to the kitchen table. As the family tatzelwurm (a hybrid of a leopard and a gecko), Kurogane, watched him from the counter, he snatched a box of corn-flavored cornflakes, a jug of milk out of the fridge with his tail, a bowl and a spoon.
"Looks like we're having breakfast for snack huh, Kurogane?" He joked a bit to the mewing feline-esque lizard, who understood the joke. 
After he offered milk to the gecko cat, he filled his own after putting the cereal in and sat down. 
"Haaaaa, has to be corn," he sighed in slight frustration, begrudgingly taking some spoonfuls of the cereal, the sweet taste of corn making his tongue and stomach numb with dissatisfaction. 20 years of eating corn while in hiding in Mewni has made him hate the signature vegetable to the very core of his gut.
Sadly, he didn't tell his friends that he hates corn.
"Maybe I'll tell them I'm not into corn," he suggested to himself. There were two final cereal bits floating and he scooped them up, opening his mouth and allowing the spoon in.
He froze just as the spoon was about to enter his mouth. Bewildered, he scanned the empty house for anything or anyone that called his name. Strange and frightening, that voice sound almost like -
"D-dad?" He trembled, standing up abruptly, making the chair topple back in his haste. Kurogane, sensing something is wrong and the fear emitting from its owner quickly hopped onto his shoulder, trying to get more comfort.
It can't be his dad calling out to him. He's dead two years ago. Killed in the explosion. 
"M-must be my imagination....or something," he assumed, gearing his heart beat rapidly like unicorns galloping across the fields, "Must be the rain. It has to."
Something cold landed on his right shoulder. He had thought it was his mom but....why does her hand feel so dead cold and sending shivers down his spine?
Daring a glance to whoever is behind him, he gasped so powerfully he thought his lungs would explode from the huge entrance of oxygen entering them.
Standing behind him, is a tall lacertid creature composed of black tar and slime, with eyes glowing yellow like headlights of a car.
Startled, Toshi collapses on his tail and scrambled back in terror, Kurogane scampering away in terror with a screech and he hit the cabinet, knocking down whatever is on it. The creature slowly advances on him, leaving no trail of slime in its wake, a claw reaching out to him.
A claw with a finger missing.
"No! No no no no! It can't be!!" Toshi threw all sorts of things from the cabinet, hoping it would stun the slime creature. But the objects went pass through it like water, and it continues reaching out for him, its fingers inches to his face.
"Shirogane..." his father's voice resonated out of the slime creature's dripping maw in a haunting whisper.
Toshi was so scared, he just cowered and screamed in peril. Just as the fingers reached out and grabbed him.
(Moment later)
"Toshi! TOSHI!!"
Mint had returned home from grocery shopping eight minutes ago after she was able to go through the heavy rain. Just as she was about to grab the grocery bags, she hears a ruckus coming from the house. When she hears Toshi screaming, her mother instincts kicked in and she quickly raced into the house. 
What she found was kitchenware thrown all over the ground and Toshi cowering in the corner like a terrified and cornered animal. Worried and scared, she reached out for him and before she knew it, he began to attack her by slapping his hands at her at random and trying to claw her, screaming and his eyes closed shut.
"Toshi, it's me!! There's nothing here that can hurt you!!"
She successfully grabbed his swatting hands and he was able to open his eyes to see his mom. Not the slime creature that was going after him.
Relieved and scared, he quickly engulfes her in his arms, trembling and shivering as she pats his back to comfort him. She does not know what scared him, but she can smell something is not right here.
What had scared her son to the point he became like this?
(Two days later)
"Thanks for inviting us to sleep over at your place, Toshi," Janna thanked the young lizard as they head into his room.
"It's a pleasure, Jan," he said, "Calling you guys over is the best thing I can think off when it comes to this supernatural stuff."
"Hey, catching ghosts on live camera is something I always wanted to do," she grinned, "Besides, we would be famous if we catch the ghost that attacked you."
After that haunting incident that took place two days ago, Toshi had immediately went straight to the Diaz residence and told them everything that had happened from hearing his dad's voice calling out his name to the slime creature attacking him. They wouldn't name what it is that is haunting him so the duo suggests on bringing the only girl who knows ghosts and hauntings that is Janna.
After taking permission from his mom of staying over for a night at his place, they set up surveillance cameras in the living room, kitchen, attic, basement, his mom's bedroom and the yard to catch any activity. Bringing over the HDTV from Marco's house (much to Marco's dismay when Star is caught dragging it into Toshi's room), they connect the TV to the wireless cameras and get themselves prepared for what's coming on camera.
"You sure I'm being haunted by a ghost, guys?" Toshi questioned with curiosity, "As far as I know, ghosts are not slimy and covered in tar."
"Ghosts come in many forms, Toshi," Marco explained, "It could have been drowned in tar for some reason."
"But I done nothing to kill that person!" Toshi protested innocently.
"That's why we have to find out why this slime ghost is haunting you and find out who it is," Star reassured.
"But still.....Star, have you ever slain a ghost?" He strangely points out. The blonde Mewman had a perplexed and shocked look before she uttered a sad "No" in admitment.
"I like your cat," Janna spoke out, holding up the tatzelwurm.
(8.30 pm)
No activity caught on live camera. But no matter what, the four friends kept a watchful eye on the four segmented screens in case of anything out of the ordinary. 
Toshi's mom has left to get some supper for the kids, leaving them alone at their home and wouldn't be back till 9. 
To help keep themselves busy and awake, they made a mug of coffee and brought up snacks that were once comforting gifts for Toshi and his mom.
"I didn't know you hate corn," Star burst out in surprise, eating a handful of dry corn-flavored chips, "I mean, corn isn't that bad. You should've met my dad. He really loves corn."
"Try eating corn for 20 years in hiding for the rest of your childhood," the young lizard retorted, gnawing on a jerky.
"Ooooh, that's harsh," Marco hissed with pity.
"Anything?" The blonde asked the Filipino, who is in charge on the screens.
"Nope. All I see is chipmunks sleepwalking in the yard," she reported.
Toshi huffed and folded his arms, "It was morning when it happened. When I'm all alone having breakfast for snack time when it was raining outside."
"Ghosts can be complicated, you know?" The Hispanic pointed out.
Janna suddenly gasped, alerting the three friends and stood up from her sit, staring at the top left screen recording the living room.
They scrambled forward and crowded together, Toshi looming over Janna's head as all four stare in mixtures of awe, fear, shock and excitement.
On the Living Room Cameras footage, there was a black shape slithering across the floor, heading straight for the stairs that is located in the kitchen. Just like how Toshi described it, it was tall, composed of black tar, has a lacertid shape and glowing yellow eyes.
"It's him! That's the thing that attacked me!" Toshi yelled, jabbing his finger at the slime creature on the screen.
"Holy moly, it's some kind of....ghoul," Janna awed.
"Uh Toshi......do you think what I'm thinking is heading to?" Star whimpered, her voice trembling in fear.
Just as she thought, the Kitchen Camera shows the slime ghost approaching the stairs. As it reaches to two steps, it stops. And glances to the camera.
And it's face takes shape to a face that Toshi, Star and Marco will never forget.
"Oh...," Star squeaked,
"My...," Marco squeaked too,
"Flipping...," Janna gasped in awe,
"God," Toshi finished, eyes wide in total horror.
"Toshi, that ghost that's haunting you...!" The boy gaped in fear.
"It's- it's my -" he stammered.
In a shrill voice and with a deep gasp, Star announced, "IT'S YOUR DAD!!!"
As if on cue, the revealed ghost suddenly struck the Kitchen Camera with a roar. All four teens screamed in full on panic and terror mode as Toshi grabs a huge plank and closed the stairway entrance. Pressing himself against the plank, he screamed some more when his father's ghost begins to bang on it from the other side.
Suddenly, the lights went out along with the banging. Trembling and whimpering, the three teens sat and held onto each other as Toshi scrambles up and rummaged through his closet.
"Toshi, there's no time to play dress-up!" Marco yelled.
The young lizard finally found what he was searching for and quickly wrapped it around his wrist and hand. It was a charm made by an Ivytail shaman that he got when he and his mom were back in Mewni and when he was 4. The shaman told him that it is used to repel lost or evil spirits that would bring harm on anyone around him.
I hope this works.
The lights suddenly came on, and in their full-on fear mode, screamed into thinking Toffee's ghost has arrived.
"Kids?" A woman's voice called out.
They screamed at her out of startlement. She had a confused and worried look and she was holdìng bags of take-out Japanese bentos.
"What's going on?" She questioned.
"Mom! You won't believe it!!" Toshi shouted in relief.
The three kids tried to explain to her what happened but it all came out gibberish and mashed up to the point Mint had to shut them up. As they calmed down, Marco was the one who answered what happened.
"We found out what's haunting Toshi!" Marco answered.
He made Janna rewind everything before the Kitchen Camera was destroyed. But no matter how many times they rewind it to see what they just skipped at the right time, there was no slime creature in sight.
"I don't get it," Janna gaped in shock that the cameras caught nothing, "I had them on record!"
"Nevermind that," Marco stated, "What we just saw and nearly got attacked by was indeed a ghost."
"It was Dad's ghost," Toshi pointed out, "He's come to haunt me for no reason!"
Mint was overwhelmed with this such information she didn't say anything. When they see a look in her eyes, they knew it meant, "I would like to talk to my son alone, please."
The two humans and the Mewman raced downstairs whilst one of them snatched the take-out bentos along the way down. 
"Mom, I'm not crazy. We're not crazy!" He tried to explain, "What attacked me that day was really -"
"Your father," she finished.
He blinked in bewilderment when she told him who the ghost was. She let out a sigh and took a sit on his bed, "I too was haunted by your father. Last night, I was sleeping when I was attacked by your father. He did nothing to me but just...looked at me. All he did was caress my face before disappearing."
He looked down at the Ivytail charm that he tightly wrapped around his hand for a moment before looking up to his mom, "Mom....."
"Yes, son?"
The charm was supposed to be making some kind of activity when a spirit is nearby. When his father's ghost came banging at the closed entrance of the stairway, it didn't do anything. He thought it was fake but he shouldn't misjudge Ivytail black magic.
If that were really his dad's ghost, how come the charm isn't reacting to his presence?
What if.........it were something his father was trying to send the message through?
"I believe Dad is alive somewhere we don't know."
The first segment happens to be the scariest thing I have ever written!
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globgor-of-mewnie · 5 years
With Earth and Mewni cleaved, have there been any decisions on a new name for the combined two?
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“Honestly, I think Mew-Earth would be a cool name, but so far no one is jumping at the notion of changing the names of our countries. For now, we’re going to just say there’s a Mewni and Earth side to the world. Maybe that’ll change with time, but, you know…gotta take this slow.”
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runningtoredemption · 5 years
Toffee and Rasticore what are you two going to do now that Earth and Mewni are fused together?
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“I’ve been working on helping to create laws that integrate monsters needs.”
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“Well, bounty hunting is illegal on... Mew Earth, Earthni, Mearth? So I’m kinda jobless right now. Don’t really have a lot of... skills that don’t involve uh, fighting.”
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mewniemoon · 29 days
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creativecreature156 · 2 years
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Here’s a better look at what my Mew oc Mewny would look like if she was a Mewtwo. (Might be a reoccurring form since she can Transform whenever)
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whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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We need an army! The knights were taken down! Globgor was taken down (he put in a good fight though) and Eclipsa isn’t that skilled in magic to fend off Mina! Star! GET THE BEST OF THE BEST WARRIORS YOU CAN FIND ON MEWNI AND TELL THEM TO KICK SOME SOLARIAN A**! (puts on knight helmet) Let’s fight!:
*The Right Way-So they left us with a cliffhanger on Eclipsa, huh? Making us think she was done for!? Well think again! Cuz Star comes in with her ✨Whale Blast🐋✨to save the day! She’s not alone. Meet the Greatest Warriors Mewni has. Rollcall:Kelly, sword weilder and fighter (a.k.a.Marcos other ex-girlfriend), her Battle Buddy, Jorby! Two members of The Kill Devil Pass Riders Club, Talon and Quirky! Rich Pigeon and his giant muscular robotic (hairy) legs and last, but not least, Pony Head and her cameraman boyfriend, Seashorse! Live taping for “The Ponyhead Show!”.............okay, so we’re doin’ the whole The Ragtag Bunch of Misfits thing again, but we’ve seen them fight, so why not!?
Let’s do this thing! Everybody split up, so we can all see your individual awesomeness! Yea! Oh! How ‘bout we put in some cool action music and have the gang do some roof top jumping! Yea! That’s bada**! And then we could-(slash) OH Sh*t! Quitkys down for the count! (slash) OMG! Now it’s Talon! (slash) There goes Kelly and Jorboy! (slash) Ah! C’mon! Rich Pigeon too! You can not be serious!? (slash) Oh! Great! Now it’s Pony Head and Seahorse (guess this means it’s the series finale of “The Ponyhead Show!” too, Eh?). This is terrible! It’s The Marc-nificent Seven all over again! Oh! The horror! The horror! Star! Do something!
Back at the Monster Temple, Globgors wound was expanding and it’s getting worse! How much? Well, the Solarian scar..............is fatal! Don! Don! Don! What’s the plan!? What’s the plan!? WHAT’S THE PLAN!? Nuke it!? Are you f*cking serious!? Who’s idea was that!?..............Janna!? Okay, Janna, I think you’ve seen that Avengers movie one too many times to go with what the World Security Council wanted..............actually, I really loved that movie, soooooooooo let’s nuke that b*tch!
Listen to Pony Head, Star! Sure she didn’t make the best choices before, but in this case, she’s legit serious! Mina is fueled by hate with Solarias firey passion of killing all monsters put into that sword, but you, you are filled with love! Sweet, beautiful ღ love! ღ You wear your heart on your sleeve-NO! On your cheeks! NOW POWER UP AND SHOW THAT PSYCHO B*TCH WHAT YOU’RE MADE OF! What’s she made of you ask!? A giant ✨Rainbow Fist Punch of Knight Armour🌈👊✨ that’s what! Listen here Mina Loveberry and listen good! Mew👏🏻Ni👏🏻Has👏🏻Changed!👏🏻 SO ACCEPT THAT! NUKE GO! 💥KABOOM!💥.......................STAR LOOK OUT! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH-Oh! Thank God she missed! Almost gave me a heart attack right there!
NOW WHAT!? Stars nearly down as well!? WAIT! Eclipsa! What are you doing!?.........is that-is that “The Spell With No Name”!? That kill shot spell! You’re using it! By-by finishing what her mother Solaria left behind for you!.................do it. ✨BAM💀🦋✨ SHE’S DEAD! Wa-hoo! Oh yeah! (cabbage patche dances) Go Eclipsa! Go Eclipsa! It’s your birthday! It’s your birthday! Hey! Look who’s here to join the party! It’s Marco! Awwwwwe, he and Star found each other again! Just like in “Battle for Mewni”. He warns Star about Mina coming to attack, but (laughs) Marco sweetie, your a little late to that party right there (laughs)............whattaya mean that wasn’t Mina!? She’s-she’s on her way! RIGHT NOW! WTF!? Don! Don! Don!
Sad we didn’t get to see nothing of The Marc-nificent Seven 2.0 battle against (what-we-thought was) Mina, but damn! That sword is a nightmare! It’s that kind of firey passionate hate that made those Solarian soldiers go mentally unstable! Now, THEY’RE ALL GONNA DIE! Is-is this how it ends!? With every minor character in here dying!? This better not be like that! When Janna suggested that whole “nuke plan”, it reminded me of how they handled it from the Avengers cuz it was on tv recently and I really loved how bada** that movie was and I’m hoping to finish off the rest of the franchise of it. Lol! Star put in a good fight with “NOT Mina”, but it still wasn’t enough cuz she went down like a sack of potato’s the way Meteora did to her (“Conquer”). Sorry Star, you’re real powerful, but this is waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy beyond what your pretty pretty spells can do. I knew that “Spell with No Name” spell was gonna be used on “Mina” eventually. It was foreshadowed (“A Spell with No Name”), cuz we saw what it can do and even Eclipsas spells must’ve seen Avengers to wanna nuke the whole damn place! I think that spell did just about the same damage there. Yup, (smack lips) it did. It really did. Solaria left it unfinished in The Magic Book of Spells for Eclipsa to continue it, but in this case, it wasn’t for monsters, it was for her failed experiment with “Mina” Plot Twist! That Mecha Knight was NOT Mina Loveberry! THEN WHO THE F*CK WAS THAT!? AND WHERE DID THAT ARMY COME FROM!? AND WHY DOES MINAS SUIT HAVE PIGTAILS!?
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secretstash151 · 6 years
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My characters Paulu and Mewny showing off their cute paws. <3
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federicoemmanuel · 5 years
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snurtle · 5 years
consuelodoodles replied to your post: NGL the Star Vs finale gave me more questions than...
LMFAO YEAH. On this plate everything’s touching baybee! All those ingredients got MIXED! It’s a mess but goodness if it isn’t a delicious one. 
What does this mean for dimensions like the neverzone which were desynchronous in time?? 
Previously it seemed like The Magic was acting as a hub and a separator piece for other dimensions, keeping them grounded in their own personal pockets of existence. Without it, is Mew/rth the new hub? is all magic really gone? what was magic in the first place? How will people adapt? Shit’s wild and the curtain closed right before the latest in a string of barfights (loosely codified as mewni history) was set to break ouT.
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avianhaven · 6 years
complaint post continuation ie star vs handed me a turkey sub and then slapped it out of my hands and told me to eat it off the floor. 
SO the complaint at the forefront of my mind is marco. i hate hate hate most of how marco has both been characterized and treated since like? i think end of s2 thereabout? so like when they ruined the Let Girls And Guys Have Friendships that aren’t shitty romance....did not age well let me tell you. also i think part of that is also when the staff acknowledged trans marco and tried to do it positively but ended up sucking. you know That whole mess with the episode where princess marco was forced to “come out’ “”as a boy”” to the other princesses from that revolution she became the figurehead of even though it was something that rly shouldn’t have ever mattered and they had the weird thing with miss heinous (same note but dont quite like where the plot is going w heinous and eclipsa bc of that despite me and my heavy eclipsa bias) i mean! marco is good the anxious lawful counterpart to star’s chaotic adhd energy they’re good friends and it just gets totally thrown out the window when A- romance BS adds unnecessary drama that while not “ruins” but def fucks with their good vibes, B- the plot shifts more to focus on mewni and there was the whole “marco after the huge life change of having interdimensional adventures goes back to everyday Life On Earth, so marco has the > go to mewni idea” this WHOLEE part in quotes was done so bad and here’s why so like? the first part of this that ended up pissed me off and i havent stopped since was when marco came and the king/queen were like “oh...we didn’t think u actually would :/” and the cape he wore as like a token ended up being some throw away thing? like marco was ig being kind of on her high horse from helping to save another dimension but like....marco is baby. that’s just how teens are!! idk the whole thing was just kinda disrespectful and i don’t appreciate the othering treatment of marco by these white people as a latino character...might just be me but it’s icky. and like? i get the marco going to mewni thing was a way to incorporate her into the plot more bc the shift to mewni was important as the show’s main plot and conflict shifts into the mewni - monster politics territory. that’s all really important!! but they didn’t really even Need marco to be there other than the writer’s maybe though “oh star lived on earth for some now marco gets to too. deep!” if yr gonna do it this badly then no!! tbh i dont think marco has even been relevant in a lot of the episodes and plot things, and even then marco has the dimensional scissors marco could’ve still just popped in from time to time, even for extended stays! instead of dropping her whole life and schooling to just dick around. marco could still have the squire / learning martial abilities and more abt the magical world in order to assist thing too without this. hell she could’ve been given like a sideplot entirely separate from star abt learning more on the magical worlds on her own that could be another cool world building element! but no!! actually the fact that  theyve just Completely phased out earth as a plot point seems weird? like i get the focus on mewni and it makes sense but it’s still Weird that none of the other earth characters have rly been around or used at all idk...idk...... Like regarding how marco has been vaguely getting othered from what i remember, there was the ep where star tried to improve monster-mew relations w a dance and she’s Trying bc she’s Woke now and marco’s just kinda there for the ride?? like marco was the person who addressed this issue in the First Place and made star start questioning the system w the mewnian “battle” victory holiday episode i mentioned in the other post. Marco, high key lawful good, princess leader for a revolution of girls who don’t want to be forced to fit into the cookie cut molds and restrictions placed upon them at a young age. let them be feral ! we need more rowdy girls!! i dont remember the episode A Lot but i do know that marco being like...second fiddle to star on this issue, again w the white savior issues of star herself being the driving force of the issue, are all just really bleck and inconsistent writing is my two cents. and i’m Surprised i haven’t spoken abt it at length yet but the fucking Bad Romance Subplot....like it’s still unresolved technically?? like star likes marco but marco likes uhh janet or whatever, but then they break up and marco goes to mewni but now star is dating her ex bf who she explicitly broke up w bc they didn’t vibe and he has unresolved issues he’s still working through?? and they also genuinely don’t have any chemistry and now there’s a bad kinda-rivals for star even tho if this was better written they would have more respect for her as a person And each other tbh.....but if this was better written this wouldn’t be happening at all. and also that one bush head girl is there and Also might have a thing for marco??? what the fuck. i’m!! watching s3 ep17 now and it’s what sparked this whole thing but basically tom n star having a Moment and marco busts in w a Mission and tom is like..jealous or annoyed or whatever bc now marco and star are gonna do a Thing but tom is like hey yr a third wheel....even tho their adventuring is a Those Two Thing and tom literally has no interest in it!! like the mission is to find buff frog and marco is his friend and then marco leaves but when tom goes with star he doesn’t even care!! like they go to his house and can’t find him and he’s like “whelp we tried wanna get smoothies?” LIKE!! star is genuinely concerned abt her friend and he doesn’t even have enough respect to wanna try....put it on the back burner buddy!!  i genuinely liked tom b4 he started dating star again...like his whole character dev b4 this shit was Getting Over Her!! realizing he has personal issues he needs to work on, and maybe they’re just not compatible as people but they can still be friends! bc he’s lonely and needs a support system that can still deal w him when he relapses on his Issues and can call him out still. hell marco and her lawfulness helping him discover this and them Not being weird rivals for star and genuine not-friends-but-kinda-mutual-acquaintances-who-vent-on-each-other was good!  i’m gonna scream str8 people ruin literally everything. this whole post just ended being abt marco but tbh most of the show’s issues involve marco somehow....other issues i dont like is i think ludo gets too much screentime. he’s annoying and unnecessary so far!! it seems theyre trying to vaguely build up to something but they sure aren’t succeeding as far as i’m aware. also heckapoo’s design is shit...character concept cool actual character bad. 
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mewnikitty · 6 years
How about both your name and your blog name?
My name is bc of Star Butterfly, but in general i also just rly like the word Star n the shape of Stars so I just think its unique n very me... as soon as I can legally I think im gonna get my name changed irl to it // My blog is just a combination of Mewni (which is a kingdom from Star vs) and Uni/kitty so. Mewnikitty! I thought it sounded cute.....plus mew is like what sound kittens make
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