metalshockfinland · 9 months
OLATHIA Release Video for 'The Forest Witch', Recorded in Ohio Forest
In a remote Ohio forest, OLATHIA dedicated 12 hours to filming The Forest Witch video. Towering trees, blistering sunlight, and uneven terrain put us on our asses a few times, but the sweat flowed, metal jammed, and the witches delivered the desired essence of creepiness. Gabe Fedor of Riffster Productions worked his magic, turning a sunny day into an eerie tale through video. You can watch the…
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argocitycosplay · 2 years
The Cybertronic Spree (Featuring guests Weird Paul and Olathia)
The Cybertronic Spree (Featuring guests Weird Paul and Olathia)
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dotwpod · 9 months
(298) Independent Music Special Vol. 22
Disciples!!Here we go – PART TWO of the Independent Music Specials for the month of November. Ready to get hard?Turn it up! BLOCK ONE: Olathia (USA) https://linktr.ee/Olathia Hall of the Mountain King [cover] The Holy Nothing (USA) https://theholynothing.bandcamp.com/ Unending Death Massive Scar Era (Canada) https://www.massivescarera.com/ Oblivious Maladie (Germany)…
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darkartfinds · 4 years
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The Snake Charmer (Olathia album art) by Roger Creus Dorico (Rowye on DeviantArt)
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olathiawindgrave · 6 years
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Definately beyond my usual style, this lovely ensemble was made by @jemini-arts
Part of the @warcraftdolls fun!
Base by: @saphiremomo
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jackmesenbourg · 2 years
Song Review -Olathia “Believe” from the album Madness Reigns
Strange things happen.  I know I have said it before and it still mostly holds true…the cover is never better than the original.  Then, just the other day I was kicking around online looking for music from Ohio-based bands and came across Olathia.  More specifically, I came across their album Madness Reigns which contains covers of two Savatage songs.  How long had it been since I had thought of…
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zaravalanightcaller · 6 years
Come With Me
A figure could just be made out skulking through the chaos occasionally scooping gas masks on the unfortunate souls with no hope of revival under their own will, or dragging those clinging to the last threads of life to the small encampment full of her fellow guild mates. Upon depositing 3 more masks and a severely injured Night elf to the waiting arms of medics, Zaravala stood, shifting her glaives on her back before ducking out to the battlefield once more.
She praised the God's that she had not caught sight of her brother, the thought churning her stomach.
Upon locating another injured capable of being helped she carefully began dragging it across the ground.
The sound of her name caused the woman to jerk her head up in time to see a large flash of gold as it half collided half tossed her aside by the force. The injured soul she had been attempting to drag to safety left completely defenseless on the other side of the Paladin. Somehow through it all she managed to keep upright, years of training kicking in as she quickly reclaimed her glaives from the dirt. 
She watched as the larger than life man slammed the human attackers head into the shield strewn on the ground, the sickening crunch lingering in her ears.
Dizarak slowed and glanced between her and this mysterious man who had lunged to her aid. She waited for the male to destroy her brother, to charge at him next but he did not move.
She instinctually raised her glaives warning him to stay back, unsure if she could actually bring herself to attack but warning none the less.
"Zarav~" his words were cut by the sound of another catapult.
The stench of Blight spread around them as the bomb detonated across the ground. The void touched male crumpling to his knees and falling face down in the dirt.
People talk about out of body experiences but they never mention the feeling of being trapped in your own physical jail, the world around Zarvala seemed to grow too loud, her ears ringing and her ability to process the words spilling from the Gold clad Paladin's mouth slowed her response time. 
"He needs a damn mask." Was all she heard the male say.
Zaravala sheathed her glaives upon her back and set her sights to the battlefield locating a war torn orc laying lifeless on the ground, with the ease of a half-demon she darted towards it stripping the victims head of its gasmask. Another flash of fel aided speed and she was once more within arms reach of the mysterious man and her brother.
Why was this blood elf trying to save him? The time for questions would come later as she held it out to the Copper and gold male.
"Can you carry him?" her voice sounded, from within the maw of her own mask, just as dead inside as her brother would soon be.
The golden depths locked gaze with her face as his fingers quickly worked to get the mask on Dizarak. He growled, muttering an unknown curse, and slipped his arms under the other male, hefting him over one shoulder. Much like potatos. He stumbled a bit with the standing, it wasn't like Diz was some tiny slip of a thing, but quickly found his balance enough to start the trudge toward the very edges of the Blight fog.
"Of course I can. Because I have to. Oh, you're welcome, by the way."
And with those snapped words, he was making his way toward one of the small Alliance encampments. There was no fear in his gaze as the release of the Blight changed everything. This wasn't one side against the other anymore. This was everyone help or die. Die a death where no one would be able to recover you.
The Illidari woman hissed, her eyes glancing briefly at the limp body dangling from this strangers frame. Clearly whoever this was he at least knew her sibling, he could have simply killed him and moved on.
"You'll waste your life on a man who came here to die." she said keeping just behind the large male, swinging a glaive wide rendering a charging gnome incapacitated. She caught up to his strides with ease and tapped on his arm before signaling to follow her towards a small area just past the edge of the Alliance camps, "Come with me if you'd rather you both make it out of here.
"I'll waste my life on a friend who has his head shoved up his ass, yes," was snapped back at her as she watched him kick the head off a fallen Forsaken, she watched amused as it rolled away a few feet.
He gave in and followed her much to her amusement before spewing more thoughtless conversation her way.
"You really want him dead that badly?"
Zaravala waved a glaive dismissively over her head as she took up rank in front of him, somewhere nearby another Blight bomb spewed across the ground. "Did I say I wanted him dead?" she snapped back, "No. On the contrary, I'm denying him the one thing he asked for. Death." She tilted her masked face back at him, "Or did he not inform you that was his plan. Some real friend he is.
"Oh, yea, real spiteful. You are the pillar of villany. No, he did not tell me, and I didn't ask." Though, it was clear that he was bothered by that news. The sound of hefting Diz's weight back onto his shoulder could he heard behind her. "Where the fuck are we going?" 
Before them just a few paces off was a group of around ten people bustling about, a large glowing blue cat could be seen shifting what appeared to be an injured goblin off its back and onto the ground in front of a fairly large Lightforged male.
Behind them in silver plate with gold accents stood a mute Paladin, making symbols with her hands to direct the others to various duties. She turned and peered at Zaravala with jade eyes then glanced at Ashraen, quickly grabbing the Vindicators attention and pointing at the body.
Zara stopped walking, clearly not ready to return to the little camp herself, she encouraged the male to deliver her brother to the Mute's care with a flick of her chin.
“This one has broken ribs.” Eitaam barks, handing the injured goblin off to a medic. A tap on the shoulder draws his attention to three masked elves beyond the barricade- one slung over the shoulder of another, evidently in poor condition. Rushing out to help them through, it’s only after transferring the wounded elf onto his own shoulders does Eitaam recognize them as Dizarak. “What happened to him?”
The Illidari woman stabbed the tips of her glaives into the dirt and leaned idly on one of them with her elbows, speaking before the golden eyed stranger could speak, "Got hit with Blight, treat him for toxins and lung damage." Her flat tone hard to decipher but hints of some kind of emotional attachment lingered on the notes.
Ashraen reluctantly let Diz go, though keeping a watchful eye. His eyes narrowed when he was spoken over, but he continued to keep his mouth shut, hovering awkwardly.
Eitaam gave a stark nod to both elves, re-adjusting Dizarak on his shoulder with a grunt before darting off. “Another blight patient here!” he shouts to the medics behind the line, though it seems to fall flat amid the crowd of blight victims now being shuffled in.
Zara plucked her glaives from the ground and turned her back to the camp, not yet finished saving souls.
@vindicator-eitaam, @ashraenv, @Xanthialieu, @olathiawindgrave, @dizaraksanar
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Mother of guild, mother of....DRAGONS!!!
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uvglopdoodles · 7 years
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Olathia Windgrave Blood Elf Paladin Attire for the EE Winter Ball Decmeber 9th. Her date will be Tantheren Dawnwalker. See you all there!
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midasismyking24k · 4 years
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"Medusa (Olathia album art)" © 2019 Rowye DeviantArt - https://www.deviantart.com/rowye #Medusa #DeviantArt #Rowye https://www.instagram.com/p/B-lCXREAXa7/?igshid=hm3gsf5dwdgk
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metalshockfinland · 10 months
OLATHIA Release "The Forest Witch" Full-Length Album, Out Now
Hailing from Cleveland, OH, Olathia (oh-lay-thee-ah) is a four-piece female fronted Heavy Metal band. Their music is a captivating blend of traditional Heavy Metal, Power Metal, and Thrash influences, creating a melodic and powerful sound that pushes the boundaries of the genre. On November 17th Olathia release their new full length album “The Forest Witch” on all digital platforms and on CD from…
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perchedon · 5 years
😘 for Wayland!
Them as a person : “Kind, protective, loyal, good sense of humor, fun to talk to. All ways to describe Wayland. I’m always happy when I share a shift with him, he brings a good energy to the room.”
Level of attractiveness : “Olathia is a lucky girl. I’ll leave it at that for fear of her cutting off my head if I went into detail.”
What annoys them most : “That I haven’t been able to pull him away long enough to get a proper jam session going. I think he’d be a lot of fun to play music with, but I haven’t gotten a good chance to ask.”
What they like the most : “He’s a bright soul with so much warmth to him. I always like it when he comes around, he just brings a good attitude to life. I can see the fellow music-lover in him as well.”
What they’d do if they were locked in a closet together for 4 hours : “Summon my guitar and we could pass the time playing music and getting to know each other better. That would be a good way to wait out the hours. I’m pretty sure we could break ourselves out, though.”
Overall opinion : “Definitely make friends with him, you won’t regret it.”
Rating : “Blah, don’t like ratings. Have some cake.”
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I’m so super sorry for how late this is!
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blackhooftrading · 6 years
The Hunted (part 2)
Zeno entered the tavern, clearly agitated at the recent turn of events and the fact that is was a busy night with plenty of opportunity for eavesdroppers. She spotted Dizarak near the back bar and marched up to him, smiling briefly at the greeting she received from the various workers near the door. Diz looked at her with concern. For her to be away from Olathia's side meant something must have happened. “What brings you out tonight?” Zeno frowned, noticeably different from her usual scowl. “I have more information about our 'friend'.” Diz's eyes widened as he nodded. “Come with me.” He excused himself from the small group he'd been speaking with and lead her upstairs to speak with one of his mates, another member of the Raven Guard. The large paladin eyed both of them as they walked up to the landing, still keeping a close eye on the door and the patrons below. “Ash, this is Olathia's Left Hand.” Ashraen squinted as he leaned on the railing, the wood creaking in protest under his weight and that of his armor. “I know who she is, love. More curious as to why she's here.” Zeno shifted her gaze between the two giants, relaxing slightly. If these two were responsible for keeping an eye out for undesirables, it would make her job much easier. She still wasn't sure what Diz might have shared and who he shared with. “I have reason to believe a very dangerous person has been here recently.” Ash arched a brow. “Mm, really? Who? When?” At least he doesn't waste time getting to the point. Zeno looked sideways toward Diz before answering the paladin's rapid-fire questions, and the void male visibly stiffened at her words. “I heard him.” Then she turned to Ash. “I'm not sure when exactly. I am not sure exactly how much you have been told, but someone is hunting my boss. I believe it is one of us.” Ash narrowed his gaze at the undead woman before him. “I've gotten the gist of that. A source tipped me off before you. What does 'one of us' mean?”
Zeno shifted on her feet, still unwilling to divulge information about the less-than-secret society the former servants of the Lich King had formed. “A death knight, to be specific. Normally we have ways of tracking each other, and this one in particular has been missing. He's considerably more bloodthirsty than others, and if my hunch is correct he's out to finish a job.” Ash bared his fangs and muttered a curse. “That's what that meant... Godsdamnit.”
Diz looked at the other male while pointing a thumb at Zeno. “Besides what I relayed from her, who told you about this?” Zeno broke in, shifting again. “Wait, someone else knows about this?”
Ash flicked a look toward his mate. “Moira.”
“This was supposed to be kept quiet,” Zeno hissed through clenched teeth.
Ash glanced down at Zeno. “Moira gives me most of my tips and trade offs. She's not a gossip, trust on that.”
“She's a high-ranking courtesan in Silvermoon,” Diz added. “Call her an intel broker, if you will.”
Zeno nodded, but was clearly unsettled by that news. “I believe the one who attacked Olathia and left her for dead while still under Arthas' control is still stalking her. It would explain his disappearance.”
“I still don't understand why now,” Diz wondered aloud. “It's been so long.” “I've already spoken with Diz and Perchedon here about it, but I didn't have much information other than he uses an axe,” Zeno continued. “I heard his voice in my head the other night. Only one word, but it was enough.” She shuddered at the recent memory, hoping she was wrong and fearing she wasn't. “If he was here, you'd be able to tell me.”
Another Illidari, a very shy male with a large spider on his shoulders, had come up the stairs, hesitant to interrupt. Both of the giants turned to him. “What's wrong Behail?” Diz asked.
The Illidari instinctively reached up to cuddle the spider. “I, umm... Perchedon wanted me – for some reason – to... tell you, he will help with... whatever it is... you are speaking of.” Zeno smiled and nodded at Behail, while Diz thanked him. “We will brief him later. Thank you, Behail.” The Illidari turned and shuffled back down the stairs with a sigh, seemingly trying to not run from the tense conversation. Ash stared at the spider as he made his way back to the main part of the tavern. Zeno turned back to the two large men and let her voice carry slightly, knowing Perch would hear her but making sure he caught her words over the din of the busy room below. “He is a troll, and not a Darkspear. I would know that accent anywhere.”
Diz snapped his attention to Zeno before peering at Ash. “I haven't been around to keep as watchful of an eye, so I haven't personally seen anyone like that...” Perch had indeed caught her words and headed up, crossing his arms behind his back when he reached the landing, and Zeno tipped her head in greeting at him. Ash grunted and nodded. “Shouldn't be too damn hard to spot a Tr-...” His head tilted as Perch approached. “Though I really don't remember one. Taoln was flirting a troll, but I don't think he was a death knight.” Perch nodded back at Zeno before adding, “Trolls are rare in this area, though we do get them from time to time.” He avoided meeting Diz and Ash's gaze for some reason, but Zeno cared not about whatever interpersonal issues the men had as long as it didn't get in the way of keeping her boss safe. “I don't recall a death knight troll, though I can have a few of my Illidari scout the island for traces.” “How long ago was the troll here?” Zeno asked, immediately back to business. She turned to Perch. “That would be good.” Yet another bar employee made her way up to the small but growing group. Zeno looked at her blankly. “Are you Raven Guard also?” The void female regarded all of them with a sly grin. “Oh- ha. No, not that. My ears were just tinglin' with all this chatter.” She blinked a few times, looking at Zeno as if trying to place her. “Ya said something about a troll, not a Darkspear, and a death knight. Friend of yours?” She chuckled as if making a joke to herself.
Zeno narrowed her eyes. “Who isn't a friend of mine?”
Diz regarded the newcomer with widened eyes. “Wait. Have you seen one, Iri?”
Iri shrugged. “See all sorts with a friendly enough smile.” She gestured toward the back bar. “Had one here Monday. Asked me to keep an eye out for for-...” She turned her gaze back toward Zeno. “A blood elf death knight. And now you're here. Not named Hilde-somethin', are ya?” Zeno stiffened at the mention of that name and cursed under her breath. Ash snarled and bared his fangs, cursing colorfully in about three different languages. Iri clicked her tongue, noting the various reactions. “Aye. So it is you he was lookin' fer then.” Diz abruptly turned and slipped past the group, heading downstairs. “I have to ask Azryl something.”
This just got increasingly more difficult. “Then he knows I am looking for him.”
Perch had been silent for most of the conversation. He shot Zeno a pointed look. “I take it this isn't good. What should we do?”
“No, it is not.” Zeno's scowl was far more pronounced than usual. “For now, just stay alert. If he causes any trouble, kill him. I would rather be the one to take his head myself, but I cannot be everywhere at once.”
Ash crossed his arms. “You have to keep her away from here, Zeno.”
“I will be glued to her side no matter what.” Zeno's promises carried a little more weight than most.
Perch sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “I'll see if Feng would be willing to help. She can sniff out a death knight from a mile away it seems.”
“If I had more information the last time I was here, he might not have slipped past.” Zeno looked at Iri again. “Did you happen to catch his name?” Iri lifted a brow. “Might have done. What's it worth?” She motioned toward Perch and Ash, shrugging. “Seeing as he walked right past these two, seems ya might be wantin' someone who pays attention.”
Ash snarled violently at Iri while Zeno stared her down. “Name your price.”
Perch forcefully shushed Ash and added, “I'll see to it that you're rewarded for any information you give us.” Ash just crossed his arms, eye twitching.
Iri looked between the two promising riches for a simple name. “Called 'imself Gerrozak. Leather armor covered in blood, his and others.”
Zeno cursed loudly this time. “He's a cannibal. He eats his victims. That blood was probably his last meal.” She scowled even more, if that were possible. “Makes sense he'd be looking for me, even if he doesn't know I'm guarding Olathia. He doesn't like to leave jobs undone.” Her hand wandered up the scar covering her right eye, a ruined mess of blue flame. “He did this too.”
Iri scrunched her face. “Lovely, that.” She took this as her cue to leave and headed back down to the bar and more pleasant conversations.
Perch's ears perked up and he looked at Iri as she went downstairs. “Yes. I saw him too now that you reminded me.”
Diz had returned just in time to catch that last bit of information. “If he's anything like you say he will go for the kill the same way.”
Perch crossed his arms over his stomach and dipped his head. “I should go pay Iri.” He turned and headed down the stairs, glancing up at Diz as he passed.
Zeno nodded at no one in particular, staring at the floor. “I will do my best to keep her away, unless I am with her, but she is far more stubborn than she lets on.”
“At least we know if she's here with either you or Wayland we should be fine?” Diz turned toward his mate. “Ash, if she shows up alone what do we do?”
Ash growled. “Ya pick her up, stuff her in a cave, and sit on her.” He flicked his ears and bared his teeth in frustration. Zeno snorted, the closest thing to a laugh anyone would get from her tonight.
Diz sighed. “I'd say at this rate, he's kill on sight. No questions asked.” Ash made a face and licked a fang. “Thinking back on Monday, I believe I know the troll. And if anyone sees him again... No questions asked. No playing with food. No hesitation. We end him.”
Having seen the paladin in action before, Zeno believed this to be true. “Monday... That's when I heard him. At least that bit is accurate. I can hear him if he's been someplace I have recently.” Diz had a thoughful look on his face. “If Zara is at the manor, and you are here, who's with Olathia now?”
Zeno cast a wry smile at Diz. “Wayland.” “And he doesn't have a description.” Diz turned his mismatched gaze from Zeno toward the door. “Get moving.”
Don't get used to giving me orders, little one. “I suppose I could interrupt.” “I don't give a shit if the boy is balls deep, Olathia is to be kept safe and that is the end of it,” Ash muttered. Diz grimaced as Zeno waved to the others and headed for the door, slipping between the crowds of people who still kept the tavern hopping even at this late hour.
mentions: @dizaraksanar, @ashraenv, @olathiawindgrave, @dreamfoiled (Behail), @perchedon, @irielle-firine
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The Valentines day rush was finally over. Sweets flew out the door with wild abandon as the holiday grew near. The songstress patted her paws on the apron adorning her curvy figure, flour and splatters of decorative icing, food coloring and fruit filling sprinkling the once white cloth. She leaned heavily against the countertop taking a small break from all the hustle and bustle.
A break that didn't last long enough, the little bell over the door chimed and Kazuko quickly gathered herself to smile at the patron.
"Welcome to- OH! Hello Ms. Windgrave." She beamed at the mute paladin, relaxing slightly.
Olathia's hands moved fluidly as she peered at the glass covered cases of sweet treats, signing about an order she had placed a week or so ago.
Kaz tapped her chin, "Ah yes! The two fruit and cream cakes, yes?" She asked.
The mute nodded finally looking at her, the smile on her face spilling over into her eyes.
The songstress grinned back "I finished the pair this morning to make sure they were fresh." She waddled towards the stack of flattened boxes and popped one open with a flourish.
Setting it atop the counter she reached below and pulled put a bit of wax paper, small gold glitter hearts embedded in the material. Festive.
She then set to work on grabbing the little cakes with metal utensils and slipping them into the box before closing it up and passing it to the woman on the other side of the counter.
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"There you are. Please enjoy and have a wonderful holiday." Kazuko bowed to Olathia, a soft smile on her face as the paladin blushed and stiffly bowed as well. She watched as the blonde turned and scurried out the door, clearly on her way to see her own mate.
Over the past year a lot had changed for the little Pandaren woman, her once noisy pile of mates had thinned down to merely one. Idly she played with the single lonely necklace draped over her neck. Sometimes she missed the weight of multiple strands, the various loves she could turn to at any given time. One thing had remained constant, her little desert flower.
Frijah had remained by her side, the allusive outcast that flowed in for visits like the tide and left again when nature called. Another loving grin crept across the Pandaren's face.
Her ears caught the sound of the timer she had set, a special batch of treats finished cooling. Kaz wandered through the shop collecting a bigger box and taking it to the back.
She worked meticulously to package the plump sweet treats in their little cubbies.
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Twelve hand-crafted treats containing a little extra surprise for the troll woman she loved. Each laced with a variety of herbs to give the partaker a mild high.
She slipped the box closed and tugged the apron free of her neck. A quick wave to her gracious employer and she scuttled out the door to find her mate.
(Mentions: @blackhooftrading (Frijah), @olathiawindgrave , Elle.)
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olathiawindgrave · 6 years
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Two lovely designs sent to me this morning!
They said that the first is very Cinderella because I reminded them of her and the other is a mermaid look
Designs by: @kiritawindwalker
Base by: @saphiremomo
For the @warcraftdolls project
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jemini-arts · 6 years
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Tavern Treats - Olathia’s Sweet Rose Wine
For @olathiawindgrave !
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