#Oluo Bozad
zerazonr · 10 months
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silly from aot!!
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epicren · 3 years
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A very Happy Birthday to Oluo Bozad of the Survey Corps and a member of Levi squad!! An extremely skilled soldier with exceptional skills while also having quite a personality as well.
Hope you all have a well day.
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mechashadow01 · 4 years
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just some appreciation for having Flagon Turret next to the people that Levi had close relationships even if you can barely tell it’s him
EDIT: there, i recognize that goatee anywhere
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moonlight-shadxw · 5 years
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HEH. Here's another character I think is very underrated. I do love him very much and think he should have had more screentime as well!
Let me know what you think ^^!
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snkirschtein · 5 years
How would the original Levi squad spend their time with their s/o?
Gunther and Eld answered here
You never know if you’re going to come home as a scout, so Petra tries to spend as much time as possible with her s/o. Doing whatever. They can plan it out as they go, she doesn’t mind if her s/o doesn’t.
She likes just talking! Catching up on things, sharing funny stories of their jobs, crazy things that happen, worries and hopes for the future.
Cuddling and being cute, of course. She’s a romantic. 
Oluo isn’t a big date guy, not that he wouldn’t take his s/o on a date. He’d just rather spend time with them in their own privacy. They can eat at home, or hang out alone.
He’s a big flirt, so he’s going to just get caught up bickering with them a lot like some old married couple. And that’s how he likes it. Maybe they can sit around like one too, and cook something together. 
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tulipanka-a · 2 years
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Petra Ral & Oluo Bozado
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lionnukara · 3 years
It's a shame that in the moment with the paths, the detachment of Levi and Ramzi was not shown. The Levi Squad influenced Eren and it's a shame they didn't get the attention they deserve. However, I'm shocked they THEY INSERT MIKASA AND ARMIN FROM SCHOOL CASTES and A MOMENT WITH A BATH. THEY SERIOUSLY DID IT!!!!! AAAAAAAA😃😃😃😃🙀🙀🙀🙀
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Ramzi is still there.
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jokerrenren · 3 years
Attack on Titan Valentine’s Day Special: Veterans
To go along with the other post that I made, here’s the veterans (just Erwin, Levi, and some guys from the Levi Squad. If I have more time after Valentine’s Day, I’ll make some more for the other vets). I know that some of them are short, but I swear I’m not biased. I didn’t have any ideas.
ღ 𝗘𝗿𝘄𝗶𝗻 𝗦𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗵 ღ
ꕥ Your new job was shit and so was the company.
ꕥ You joined because it was the only place that was hiring.
ꕥ You didn't think that it was going to be that bad...
ꕥ But you were extremely wrong.
ꕥ They were understaffed and all the work was poured onto you.
ꕥ You come home and to your surprise, the door was already unlocked.
ꕥ You husband, Erwin Smith, was a CEO of a huge company, but when you asked if you could join his company, he didn't have any good position for you.
ꕥ You open the door and see all the lights were off.
ꕥ At first, you were scared that someone was trying to rob you.
ꕥ You turn on the lights and see that there was a note on the table next to the sofa.
ꕥ You read it and it said, "Y/N, if you're reading this, you most likely just came home. I have a surprise for you. Go upstairs into our bedroom to find out more. ~Your lovely husband."
ꕥ Dropping your things, you walk up the stairs into the shared room that you shared with your husband.
ꕥ On the nightstand, you see another note from Erwin.
ꕥ "Looks like you found the second note! Good job, love! I knew that you could do it. In your closet, there's a new dress that I had bought for you. Go put it on and look for another note somewhere else in this room. You can do it! ~Erwin"
ꕥ You open your closet and a f/c colored dress was in there. You smiled and took it out.
ꕥ You quickly put it on and look for the third note. Finally, you had found it on the window.
ꕥ The note read, "Look outside."
ꕥ You open the window and you see Erwin's car parked on the street behind your house and Erwin standing in front of it with flowers and gifts in hand.
ꕥ Erwin waves his hand, signaling you to come outside.
ꕥ You race down the stairs and out the back door.
ꕥ Erwin put the flowers down on the car hood and opened his arms wide for you to jump in.
ꕥ You jump into Erwin's arm. He spun you a little bit and pulls you tighter and closer to him.
ꕥ He puts you down and kisses your forehead.
ꕥ "Why did you do all of this?"
ꕥ "Happy Valentine's Day, Y/N."
ꕥ Erwin hands you the flowers that were on the car hood and a small box that was with it too.
ꕥ You take the gifts and open the box.
ꕥ Inside was a small bracelet with the letter E.
ꕥ You look up at Erwin, who was rolling down his sleeve, showing you that he was wearing the same bracelet with your initial.
ꕥ "You didn't..."
ꕥ "I know that you wanted to get something like this for a while, so I decided to buy it."
ꕥ "But you don't like wearing these kinds of things!"
ꕥ "You're right. I don't, but it makes you happy, so I decided to buy it. It's Valentine's Day, why not?"
ꕥ "I got something for you too! Let me go inside to get it."
ꕥ "Alright, hurry up though. I have a dinner reservation for us."
ꕥ "You do too much for me, Erwin."
ꕥ You run back inside to your house and grab a small wrapped box and run back out to where Erwin was standing.
ꕥ You hand Erwin the box and he opens it.
ꕥ He takes out the gold watch that you had bought him and puts it on his wrist.
ꕥ "Well? Do you like it?"
ꕥ "No, I don't like it."
ꕥ Your heart sank hearing that. Your smiling face disappeared. "Oh..."
ꕥ "I don't like it. I love it."
ꕥ Your face brightens up again and you smile at him.
ꕥ "Really? I took a while picking it out so I really hope you like it!"
ꕥ "Of course I do. Now, let's get going. We don't want to be late for our reservation."
ꕥ You get into Erwin's car and he drives you out to a fancy restaurant that you haven't even seen before.
ꕥ "Erwin, this place looks really expensive. Are you sure we're eating here?"
ꕥ "Trust me, love. We're at the right place. We're going inside now. Let's go."
ꕥ You both get out of the car and inside the fancy restaurant. Everything inside looked expensive and fancy. It was all unusual to you.
ꕥ Erwin walks up to the front desk and said to the lady there, "Hi, I have a reservation. The name is Erwin Smith."
ꕥ "Ah, yes sir. You're table should be on the top. Follow this guy and he should lead you to your table."
ꕥ A waiter came and grabbed some menus and led you to your table.
ꕥ You kept going up the stairs until you had finally reached the roof, where there were only a few tables and even fewer people.
ꕥ "Here's your table. Have a great meal and Happy Valentine's Day."
ꕥ Erwin pulls out a chair for you and he sits across from you.
ꕥ "Erwin, this place looks really really expensive."
ꕥ "Only reasonable since you deserve it."
ꕥ "Erwin, I love you, but this is too much."
ꕥ Erwin holds your hand and rubs his thumb over it.
ꕥ "Trust me, you deserve it. You're going through a lot right now and I'm sorry that I can't help much, so please, let me spoil you just for a little bit."
ꕥ Erwin made a huge income and spoils you often and you liked it, but he does it a little too often.
ꕥ Even after years of marriage, Erwin has never changed, he was always the same man that you had fallen in love with years ago. Never failing to spoil or keep you happy.
ꕥ You both ordered your food and you tried to pick the least expensive one, but Erwin told you that it was okay to buy whatever that you wanted.
ꕥ You both were laughing and having fun with the lovely evening that you both were experiencing.
ꕥ It was truly a night that you didn't want to end.
ღ 𝗟𝗲𝘃𝗶 𝗔𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗻 ღ
ꕥ You and your husband, Levi Ackerman, have an interesting relationship.
ꕥ You give all your heart to him, but in return he's usually cold.
ꕥ He's the type to not show his emotions much, but you were okay with it.
ꕥ He's had a hard life, so your goal is to try to make it better for him.  
ꕥ It's Valentine's Day and the streets were filled with wonderful colors of red, pink, and white.
ꕥ You were out shopping for some groceries, but on you way, you decided to get something that your husband would like.
ꕥ You looked through so many stores, but you haven't found anything that you think that he would like. Defeated, you decided to go home. You could look for a gift later since he wasn't at home.
ꕥ To your surprise, Levi was in the kitchen cleaning when you came home.
ꕥ "What are you doing?"
ꕥ Levi looks up at you with a death glare.
ꕥ "Take off your shoes. I just swept the house. And I'm cleaning, what does it look like I'm doing."
ꕥ You quickly take off your shoes and bring all the groceries to the kitchen and start to put them away.
ꕥ Levi was a very clean person, so he normally cleans the house often. He can't stand it being dirty.
ꕥ "I didn't think that you would be home this early, Levi."
ꕥ "They told me to get off work since everyone was spending the rest of the day for Valentine's Day. I don't understand the huge fuss about it."
ꕥ "Well, it's a day where you could send your love to the person that you love and hold close."
ꕥ "Anyone could do that any day. Anyways, put all those away and then help me clean the house. It's a mess right now."
ꕥ You put everything away and helped Levi clean the house.
ꕥ You were kind of hurt when you heard what he said earlier.
ꕥ To you, Valentine's Day was a big thing, but he's probably going to do what he does every year on this day.
ꕥ Take you out for a little and then go home.
ꕥ "Oi, oi oi, stop spacing out."
ꕥ You look over at Levi and you realized that your hand had stopped moving.
ꕥ "Oh, sorry."
ꕥ Levi sighs and asks, "Do you want to go anywhere today?"
ꕥ "Not really. I'd rather hear about what you think."
ꕥ "I don't do this often, but I have something for you."
ꕥ Levi drops his cleaning tools and heads into the living room to open one of the drawers. He pulls out a card from one of the drawers and sets it on the counter in the kitchen.
ꕥ "After we're done cleaning, you can read it."
ꕥ You hurry to finish your work so that you could see what your husband had gotten for you.
ꕥ After when you were cleaned up and had put everything away, you took the card from the counter and sat on the sofa.
ꕥ You read the card that had a small little message inside, explaining how much Levi loves you and how much he really cares about you.
ꕥ He even apologizes for not being as expressive and soft like other guys.
ꕥ You look up at your husband with tears in your eyes.
ꕥ "Oi, why are you crying? It's just a few sentences."
ꕥ You stand up and hug your husband, holding him as tight as you could.
ꕥ "Levi, you didn't have to apologize. I love you just the way you are. Don't be sorry."
ꕥ "Okay, okay. Don't get all that mushy stuff with me. I don't like getting too emotional."
ꕥ You let go of Levi and he wipes your tears.
ꕥ "I have a wine bottle that I bought earlier today, so let's make some dinner so that we have something to eat while we drink this."
ꕥ You nod and headed to the kitchen with Levi to spend the rest of you Valentine's Day with him.
ღ 𝗘𝗹𝗱 𝗝𝗶𝗻𝗻 ღ
ꕥ You were insanely popular at the collage that you were attending.
ꕥ Everyday, there was always a guy that would try to ask you out.
ꕥ Which was the reason why you were dreading today.
ꕥ It was Valentine's Day and you were afraid to open your locker and afraid to go to attend classes in general.
ꕥ You had received so many Valentine's today and you were starting to get sick of it.
ꕥ You were a really attractive women and you understood why people would like you, but too many people were always after you.
ꕥ You finally were able to breathe when you took a break and hung out with your friends.
ꕥ Petra, Oluo, Eld, and Gunther were already waiting for you at the intended meeting spot at the university.
ꕥ "Took you long enough," huffed Oluo."
ꕥ "Lay off, Oluo," you said to him. "I hope you bite your tongue and bleed out."
ꕥ "Okay, let's not get violent here," said Gunther, trying to stop a fight before it even happened.
ꕥ "What took you so long?" asked Petra.
ꕥ You sighed and replied, "The amount of guys that keep asking me out is insane. I'm so tired of it."
ꕥ "I could understand that," said Eld.
ꕥ You look over at him and noticed that he had his hair down.
ꕥ "Eld, you normally don't have your hair down. What made you decide to do it today?"
ꕥ "I don't know. Maybe girls will like it," he laughed.
ꕥ "No one likes you, Eld," said Oluo.
ꕥ "You shouldn't be talking, Oluo," you said to him. "You have no sex appeal."
ꕥ The others laugh and Oluo was now furious.
ꕥ "I'll let you know that I have a date later today, alright?"
ꕥ "Really? I would have never known since you're a fucking virgin."
ꕥ "Ouch, she really got you there," laughed Gunther.
ꕥ "Well, obviously, who would want someone who keeps trying to become Prof. Ackerman's copy," said Petra, rolling her eyes.
ꕥ "Petra, if you're trying to nag me like a girlfriend, you haven't gotten all the steps down."
ꕥ "Shut up. Whoever has a date with you, I feel bad for them."
ꕥ "Wouldn't that be yourself then?" said Eld, pointing at Petra and Oluo.
ꕥ You look at the two of them and laugh. "Wait! You two are going out? You're joking?"
ꕥ They both look away from each other, blush covering their faces.
ꕥ "A-anyways, we should get some food," said Petra, trying to change the subject.
ꕥ The five of you were about to head over to the cafe in the university, but Eld stopped you from going.
ꕥ "Stay back for a bit?"
ꕥ You tell Petra that you had to do something with Eld and that you and Eld would join them in a moment.
ꕥ Petra, Oluo, and Gunther head over to the cafe, leaving you and Eld alone together.
ꕥ "So, what do you want to talk about?" you asked Eld.
ꕥ He had his hand at the back of his neck, rubbing it.
ꕥ "Um, do you remember what I asked a few days ago?"
ꕥ You try to remember what he had mentioned to you last when you two were alone. Finally, it hit you.
ꕥ Two days ago, Eld had asked you if you could stay back after class to talk.
ꕥ "What's up, Eld?" you asked him after class.
ꕥ "You know how Valentine's Day is coming up? Would you like to go out with me that day?"
ꕥ "Like a date?"
ꕥ "If you want it that way, sure, but only if you're okay with it."
ꕥ "I'm fine with it! Where do you want to go?"
ꕥ "I don't know, but I'll find something, but if you want to go somewhere then I'll see what I can do."
ꕥ "Well, there is this one place that I do want to go to."
ꕥ "Where is it?"
ꕥ "It's a new arcade that opened up nearby. I've been wanting to go, but I never really picked a good time to go then."
ꕥ "Then, we're going there. Um, for gifts, what do you like? I would get something as a surprise, but I don't want to get something you don't like."
ꕥ You laugh and reply to him, "You know what, surprise me. I honestly don't care what you get me because whatever you get me, I'll be happy since you got it for me."
ꕥ "Sounds good. I'll get back to you on this. We should head back now. The others are probably waiting."
ꕥ Back to the present, Eld was standing there, hoping that you didn't forget what he had mentioned a couple days prior.
ꕥ You face palm and tell him, "I'm so sorry. I completely forgot since I've been getting asked out so much. Yeah, I remember."
ꕥ Eld sighs in relief. "That's good to hear. Do you want to meet up here after school so that I could take you? Or are you busy?"
ꕥ "Yeah, that sounds good! Thank you by the way."
ꕥ "It's nothing. I want to spend time with just the two of us. Let's meet up here when it's time to go."
ꕥ "Okay! We should get going and not leave the others waiting for us. Our break would be over soon too."
ꕥ The two of you go to join the others at the cafe and continue on with the day.
ꕥ When school was over, you go back to your dorm and change quickly so that Petra doesn't notice that you were about to go out.
ꕥ You succeed and when you got to the meeting spot, you see Eld already standing there.
ꕥ Eld notices you and waves.
ꕥ You walk over to him and he hands you some flowers and some chocolates.
ꕥ "Eld, you didn't have to get anything for me."
ꕥ "It's just a small gift. I didn't really know what you wanted so I got you these. Anyways, are you ready to go?"
ꕥ "Mhm! Let's go!"
ꕥ You both walk over to Eld's car and he drives the two of you to the arcade that you had mentioned before.
ꕥ The two of you walk inside and explore the place, looking and playing all the different games that were available.
ꕥ You knew Eld to be the laid-back type and he was really chill.
ꕥ He would listen to anything that you had to say and made sure you felt comfortable around him.
ꕥ He was even able to get you a plushie that you wanted from the claw machine.
ꕥ You didn't realize it, but you were slowly falling for him.
ꕥ But everyday has an end and yours was almost over.
ꕥ Eld was driving you back to the university so that you could get back to your dorm with Petra.
ꕥ "That was really fun," you say to Eld, holding the plushie he got you close to your chest.  
ꕥ "I'm glad that you had fun," replied Eld, focusing on driving. "Um, if you don't mind, do you want to go on a second date anytime soon?"
ꕥ "Yeah! I love hanging out with you, Eld."
ꕥ He smiles. "I guess it's a date then."
ღ 𝗚𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗰𝗵𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘇 ღ
ꕥ You got to the cafe where you had worked part-time at. Your co-workers were already there waiting for you.
ꕥ "Sorry I'm late everyone!"
ꕥ "You're good," replied Petra. "Get changed into uniform, we have a lot of customers today."
ꕥ "I'd say we might have to go into overtime," said Oluo. "I better get good tips if we are."
ꕥ "No one is going to give you anything if you keep that attitude," said Eld, rolling his eyes.
ꕥ "I'll get changed right away and I'll help out."
ꕥ You ran into the staff room and changed into uniform immediately. You ran back out and went to where Gunther was standing.
ꕥ "I guess I'm going to be working with you for now."
ꕥ He smiles at you. "Yeah, be ready though. There's going to be a lot of people."
ꕥ "Well, it is Valentine's Day. People are probably here on a date."
ꕥ "Speaking of that, do you have a date today?"
ꕥ "I wish. I heard from Petra earlier that Oluo had asked her out. Eld already had something planned with his girlfriend."
ꕥ Gunther nods as he listens to you. "That just leaves the two of us then."
ꕥ "Yeah, though I wish that I had someone that would take me out."
ꕥ "Don't worry. I bet there's someone that would take you out."
ꕥ You smile at him and thanked him.
ꕥ Customers came streaming in, so you didn't get to talk with Gunther much.
ꕥ Finally when you got a break, you went into the staff room to have a little space and breathing room.
ꕥ Suddenly, you saw something in your bag that you were sure wasn't there before.
ꕥ It was a Valentine's Day card from someone, but the writer didn't sign their name.
ꕥ It read, "Hi, Y/N. Happy Valentine's Day. It's too bad that no one asked you out today, so are you free later today? If you are, come to this cafe after work. From, your secret admirer."
ꕥ You, being the most oblivious person ever, didn't know who it's from, but seeing this card made you feel a little better.
ꕥ Petra walked into the staff room without you knowing and looked over your shoulder to read the card that you just read.
ꕥ "Who's that from?"
ꕥ You jumped in shock, just to see your friend behind you.
ꕥ "Damn, Petra. You scared the shit out of me."
ꕥ "Who's the card from?"
ꕥ "I don't know. A secret admirer."
ꕥ "Well, do you have any idea who it could be?"
ꕥ You thought for a second. You didn't get much of a chance to talk to anyone earlier today besides Gunther before you started working.
ꕥ Then, it hit you. How could you not see it earlier?
ꕥ "It's probably from Gunther. I was talking to him earlier how no one was going to take me out and so he probably made this when he was on a break earlier."
ꕥ "Oooh, you should go then."
ꕥ "Yeah, probably. I really like Gunther too. He's a nice guy."
ꕥ "You're not wrong. But he's too quiet for me."
ꕥ "You shouldn't be talking. You're going on a date with someone who talks too much."
ꕥ "We don't talk about that."
ꕥ Eld opens the staff room door and pokes his head in. "Are you two ladies done yet? We need you both out here."
ꕥ You and Petra walk out of the staff room and get back to work.
ꕥ While you were serving people, you couldn't help but look at Gunther while working, but he never noticed when you were looking.
ꕥ After work, you went home and changed into a f/c dress. You put the address of the cafe onto your phone and drove there.
ꕥ In front of the cafe, you could see someone dressed in a nice suit standing there with a rose in hand.
ꕥ You immediately knew who it was from his tall, brown hair. It was no one other than Gunther.
ꕥ You walked up to him. "I knew that the card was from you."
ꕥ "Was it really that obvious?"
ꕥ "No, I'm an oblivious person. I didn't get it until Petra pointed it out."
ꕥ He chuckles and hands you the rose. "Here. This is for you. Sorry I can't get much."
ꕥ You took the rose from him. "You didn't have to. Anyways, what do you want to do since you called me out here?"
ꕥ "Come with me inside here. It's a nice quiet place where we could spend some time here."
ꕥ He extends his hand and you grab it and walked inside the cafe with his hand with yours.
ꕥ Inside, it really was quiet. There were very few people and someone playing a piano on a stage in the back of the cafe.
ꕥ You and Gunther get a table and started talking with each other for most of the night. You learned a lot about him that you didn't know before and you decided to talk to him about yourself as well.
ꕥ Honestly, you always found him as a shy person and he was, but when he was with you, he wasn't as shy anymore.
ꕥ Later, the two of you walk out of the cafe together and Gunther walked you to your car.
ꕥ "Thanks for tonight."
ꕥ He blushes and replies, "I-it's no problem. Um, is it okay if I do something really quick?"
ꕥ You looked at him in confusion, but you nodded in agreement.
ꕥ He pulled you into a hug. At first, you were surprised, but you hugged him back. You could feel his heart beating and the warmth that he was radiating from his body. You didn't want to let go and neither did him.
ꕥ You two eventually let go since it was late and the two of you needed to go home.
ꕥ "Happy Valentine's Day, Y/N."
ꕥ "Happy Valentine's Day, Gunther."
ღ 𝗢𝗹𝘂𝗼 𝗕𝗼𝘇𝗮𝗱𝗼 ღ
ꕥ You were spending a lazy day with your four roommates since it was one of those days that you felt like doing nothing.
ꕥ It was two days before Valentine's Day and you and your best friend, Petra, were talking in your shared room about it.
ꕥ "So, do you have someone that you want to ask out?" you asked your friend.
ꕥ She blushes and replies, "No, I don't."
ꕥ You looked at her suspiciously and she finally tells you the truth.
ꕥ "Okay, I'm thinking about asking Levi."
ꕥ "I knew it. You talk about Levi a lot."
ꕥ "What about you? Do you have someone in mind?"
ꕥ "Hmm. I don't think so. I can't think of anyone if particular. Honestly, if someone asks me out, I don't know what I'm going to do. Especially if I don't know them well."
ꕥ Petra nods. "Yeah, I understand that."
ꕥ Suddenly, one of your other roommates named Oluo, opened the door.
ꕥ "Are you two done talking? Eld and Gunther just came back with the pizza that we ordered earlier."
ꕥ "Could you at least knock before entering a woman's room?"
ꕥ "Oh, sorry let me try that again."
ꕥ Oluo closes the door and knocks before opening it again.
ꕥ "Better?"
ꕥ You rolled your eyes. Oluo and you were usually like this. Petra would back you up, but Eld and Gunther would try to stop the two of you.
ꕥ They said that you were like cats and dogs.
ꕥ You lightly shove him out of the doorway so that you and Petra could get out.
ꕥ You all walk to the dinner table, where Eld and Gunther was setting the table.
ꕥ "Do you guys need help?"
ꕥ "No, we're good. Come and eat," said Eld, sitting down in a chair.
ꕥ You and Petra sit next to each other and all five of you start to eat.
ꕥ "So, what's everyone doing for Valentine's Day?" asked Gunther, grabbing a slice of pizza. "It's coming up soon."
ꕥ "I'm going out with my girlfriend on that day."
ꕥ Oluo scoffs loudly and everyone looks at him.
ꕥ "What's the big deal about Valentine's Day? It's so stupid," said Oluo.
ꕥ "How is it stupid?" you asked him. "It's a nice day were people could show their love."
ꕥ "That's the thing. Seeing couples just doing all that stuff in public just irks me."
ꕥ "Why do I get the feeling that you secretly like it," said Petra.
ꕥ Oluo gets startled and chokes on the slice of pizza that he was eating. He coughs and sips his can of soda that was nearby.
ꕥ "Why would I like it? I just said why I hated it."
ꕥ "Whatever, let's just eat," said Eld. "Let's not fight and enjoy this pizza."
ꕥ Later that day, Oluo entered the room that he shared with Gunther and Eld to ask for advice from the two of them.
ꕥ "I thought you didn't like Valentine's Day," snickered Eld.
ꕥ "Shut up, I need help."
ꕥ "What's up, Oluo?" asked Gunther. "Who are you planning to ask?"
ꕥ Oluo takes a breath in and then replies, "I'm planning to ask Y/N out."
ꕥ Eld completely lost it. He starts laughing hysterically and Gunther was trying to hide his giggles.
ꕥ "What's so funny?"
ꕥ Eld tries to collect himself and say, "You and Y/N? Really? I'm sorry! I can't stop laughing! I didn't think that you would fall for her!"
ꕥ "True. This was a surprise for me too," said Gunther.
ꕥ Oluo gets mad and says, "Okay, if you guys aren't going to help, then just keep quiet at least. I'll figure something myself then."
ꕥ "Good luck!" laughed Eld. Gunther ended up having to throw him off the bed to make him stop laughing.
ꕥ For the next two days, Oluo started gathering gifts and started to play scenarios in his head and figure out what he was going to do.
ꕥ He had already ordered everything that he needed and was prepared for Valentine's Day to come.
ꕥ Finally, Valentine's Day had come.
ꕥ When you woke up, everyone was already gathered in the living room.
ꕥ Suddenly, the doorbell rang and you went to open the door. Petra was close behind you.
ꕥ A man holding dozens of flowers, a box of chocolates and a Valentine's Day card in hand.
ꕥ "I have an order for Ms. Y/N L/N."
ꕥ "That would be," you said to the man.
ꕥ "This is all for you."
ꕥ "I didn't order all this though."
ꕥ "I don't know. Someone ordered it with your name. I'm just doing my job. Have a nice day and happy Valentine's day."
ꕥ You close the door and walk back inside. Eld and Gunther were shocked at how many flowers there were.
ꕥ "Woah, that's a lot of flowers," said Eld, his eyes wide open.
ꕥ "Yeah, who would buy all those?" commented Gunther.
ꕥ "Yeah, I wonder," said Oluo, a small smirk appearing on his face. Eld and Gunther look over at him. They already know who bought it.
ꕥ "Hey, you should read the card," said Petra, pointing at the card.
ꕥ "Okay, I guess," you said. You opened the card and read aloud the contents that were in it.
ꕥ "Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me, but then I remember that I have to put up with you. That makes us even. Happy Valentine's Day."
ꕥ "That's it?" asked Petra. "Not even a name?"
ꕥ Eld and Gunther looked over at Oluo, who had bitten his tongue in shock.
ꕥ The two of them face palmed. You and Petra looked at them in confusion, but they shook their heads and said not to worry about it.
ꕥ "Who would send all this and then not even a name to say who it is?" you complained. "Honestly, this is a lot."
ꕥ "Yeah it is," agreed Petra.
ꕥ "Anyways, since I just got a Valentine's, I might as well give all you guys the Valentine's Day gifts that I got for you all. I swear to God, don't pay me back."
ꕥ You run into your room and get all the gifts that you had bought everyone.
ꕥ They all opened their gifts and thanked you, except Oluo.
ꕥ "Do you not like your gift?" you asked him.
ꕥ "No, I like it, but I don't understand why you got Valentine's for everyone."
ꕥ "You guys are all my close friends so it would be weird if I didn't get anything for you guys."
ꕥ "Aww, thanks, Y/N," said Petra, giving you a hug.
ꕥ "Yeah, we really appreciate it," said Eld. "Anyways, I need to get going. I don't want my girlfriend waiting for me too long. Bye guys. I'll see you later when I get home tonight."
ꕥ "Have fun," said Gunther.
ꕥ Eld leaves the house and Gunther also left to go to work since he didn't have anything to do.
ꕥ Petra left to go out with Levi, which she was able to ask out successfully.
ꕥ That left you and Oluo together.
ꕥ "You're not going anywhere?" you asked him.
ꕥ "I don't have anywhere to go. What about you?"
ꕥ "Same. I was planning to stay home today. I wasn't expecting this though."
ꕥ "I wonder who it's from. Probably some idiot."
ꕥ "I know it's from you."
ꕥ Oluo looked at you in shock.
ꕥ "H-how did you?"
ꕥ "Based on your reaction. It looked like you already knew that this was going to happen. So I used that to think that it was you."
ꕥ "Well, since you know now and we're both free, want to go somewhere with me?"
ꕥ "Is that you trying to ask me out on a date?"
ꕥ "You know what, sure. So will you go or not, woman?"
ꕥ "Damn, you don't have to be so mean while asking. Sure, I'll go with you. I've got nothing better to do anyways."
ꕥ You decided to spend the day with Oluo, which was something that you never imagined doing.
ꕥ On the date, he was actually nice to you. He listened to what you had to say while trying to talk about himself.
ꕥ You learned a lot about him that you didn't know. He kept up the facade of being another person so that people doesn't perceive him as weak.
ꕥ He felt like he wasn't missed at home since he has five younger brothers, so his parents might not miss him, which was the reason why he doesn't go see his family often.
ꕥ This side of Oluo was new to you and you wanted to see more of this from him.
ꕥ Truth to be told, you actually had a crush on Oluo, but you would never admitted it to anyone since it would be weird because the two of you all fight often.
ꕥ It was now the evening and the two of you were taking a small stroll in the park before going back to the house.
ꕥ You shivered due to the cold breeze, but that chill was soon replaced by warmth.
ꕥ You felt a jacket over your shoulders. You look up at Oluo, who was putting his jacket on your shoulder. Blush slowly painting his face red.
ꕥ "Helpless woman," he muttered.
ꕥ You thank him quietly and wore his jacket to keep you warm.
ꕥ "Next time, you should bring a jacket. It's still winter and it's cold."
ꕥ "I didn't think that you would care about me."
ꕥ Oluo was taken aback and avoided eye contact with you.
ꕥ "Honestly, I care about you a lot."
ꕥ You stopped walking and look at him.
ꕥ "Y/N, I've liked you for a long time and even if you reject me now, I'll still love you. I know that we fight a lot, but that's the only way that I could talk to you."
ꕥ You could see that he was speaking genuinely, his eyes now looking straight at you with a soft expression on his face.
ꕥ "Oluo, I like you a lot too. I've never admitted it, but I like you a lot. Everything that I have said when we fight, I don't mean it at all. I like you, Oluo. No, I love you."
ꕥ Suddenly, you felt a pair of lips crash onto yours. You felt all the love that Oluo had for you go into you, so you kissed back.
ꕥ The two of you pull apart and blush had attacked both your faces.
ꕥ "S-sorry," apologized Oluo. "I-I didn't mean to-"
ꕥ You pull him to your face to kiss again for him to shut up.
ꕥ "Don't apologize. This was long overdue."
ꕥ The two of you head for home and when you opened the door, you both saw Eld, Gunther, and Petra waiting for the two of you.
ꕥ "So where have the two of you been?" asked Gunther. "I came home hours ago and couldn't find the two of you anywhere."
ꕥ "We went on a little date," replied Oluo, sitting on the sofa. You take a seat next to him and he puts an arm around you.
ꕥ "You two didn't go on a date, did you?" asked Petra.
ꕥ "What if we did?" asked Oluo.
ꕥ Eld started laughing loudly. "You really went out to do it?"
ꕥ "What's wrong Eld?" you asked him. "What's so funny to be laughing?"
ꕥ "I just didn't expect the two of you to be out together."
ꕥ "Well, let's just say that it made the two of us open up to each other a lot," you say to Eld while looking at your now lover, Oluo.
ꕥ "No more fights?" asked Oluo.
ꕥ "No more fights."
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voidclrx · 3 years
original levi squad nsfw links
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original levi squad x fem!reader
type : requested nsfw links
tw : cunnilingus, nipple play, sex toy, riding, cuddle sex, teasing, slight cum play
a/n : //
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petra ral
eld jinn
gunther schultz
oluo bozado
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blue-misst · 3 years
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i love him.
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rohansregret · 3 years
i want oruo to show me what else he can do with his tongue besides bite it
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kordell-fein · 3 years
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heybeybey · 3 years
OG Levi Squad Traveling Together headcanon list (if Attack on Titan wasn’t so fucked up 😭😭😭 I also miss them so...)
Offering up a new headcanon list to the fandom because I’m currently catching up on the manga and it’s getting harder to breathe with each chapter :’) 
Also: to those who sent HC requests, I haven’t forgotten them! I’ll get back to them soon! I just need to daydream something happy right now lol thank you so much for sending them!!
Slight Rivetra btw (are u even surprised??) 
10/10 THEY’D TRAVEL TOGETHER. Like “road trip level complete with country music” type of travel (no this isn’t modern au)
They “force” Levi to travel with them but let’s be real, he also wants to join deep down
Their travel “assignments”:
Gunther - Budgeting. He seems like the most sensible one
Eld - Map and navigation (and music... much to Levi’s disappointment) 
Levi - Packing (but the truth is the team just doesn’t want to accidentally forget cleaning supplies that he might “need”)
Petra - Schedule and itinerary!
Oluo - Nothing bec. he’d fuck up everything Food and groceries. Highly supervised by Gunther. 
You think Levi ordered them these assignments? NO IT’S MAMA PETRA. SHE’S TAKING OVER NOW SO SIT YOUR ASS DOWN CAPTAIN
Eld would be the type to bring an instrument during their travels and play while they’re on horseback and just lazily traveling around
Of course, Levi will be the one to tell them all to shut the fuck up
“You’re not our commanding officer anymore, captain.” 
Then the four of them would continue with their singing
At one point, they’d probably get involved in a bar fight 
Lol, again you think it’s the captain? Maybe Oluo? 
NO IT’S DRUNK PETRA. Someone probably grabbed her ass while in a bar and she didn’t learn all that Survey Corps moves for nothing!!!!
Eld, Gunther and Oluo would try holding her back
Levi would just be in the corner sipping on his beer as he watches the scene unfold 
But he later on kicks the man in the balls 
They’d all leech off from captain’s savings bec. he had the highest salary out of them all
Sugar Baby Levi Squad no no please ignore this point this one’s 100% shitpost
But no really, I think Levi would treat them to a few meals or entrance fees because he’s the one who doesn’t have any family left so what’s his savings for? He’d rather let his team use the money they can save for their respective families
Oluo would probably shop for something that they don’t need and Levi would throw it out since it takes up wayyy too much space in their luggage
Gunther would meet someone during the trip and they’ll have this whirlwind summer romance while they stay in that place for 2 weeks 💖 💖 💖 💖 
Speaking of romance, Eld and Gunther are using this opportunity to push the Captain and Petra together
Oluo would be against it and say “it’s not proper” (No one believes him that that’s the real reason btw)
They’d go and have their portraits taken because Petra wanted a team picture but they just won’t sit still and the only one that comes out right in the photo is Levi
Eld writes to his fiance about their adventures
Same with Petra. She’d write to her father about their travels but 80% of it would be Levi’s name.
When they’re lost, Levi and Eld would insist that yes, of course we know where we’re going
Oluo needed some medical treatment once in awhile. There was this one time he sliced his left foot open while he was swimming in the ocean. (At least it’s not his tongue again so he’s improving)
....they tried gambling once with a group of strangers. Levi won it all for their team. More travel fund for Gunther to budget.
They buy ice cream and try to figure out each others’ favorite flavours.
Oluo once won Petra a big-ass teddy bear
Levi tries to tell himself that it doesn’t bother him 
He threw the teddy bear away, telling Oluo that it’s taking up space in the luggage (Poor Oluo)
There was a time they tried camping and for someone who was in the Survey Corps, Levi hated every moment of it. 
He’d constantly check for bugs and would clean his tent twice before sleeping (his cleaning time is longer than his actual sleeping time)
Eld, Oluo, Gunther and Petra would get tired of him raging around that they just cleared their cart and used it at his sleeping place 
One time, Oluo couldn’t sleep and he and Levi chat together. Levi gives him some combat advice and even a few things about taking care of teenage girls (since Levi took care of Isabel) and u can bet Oluo’s really fanboying throughout that night.
Rivetra: Okay so there was this one time when there were only two rooms left in their hotel. One has three beds on it while the other one is a honeymoon suite. Eld and Gunther ganged up and blackmailed Oluo to join them so Petra and Levi would be in the same room together (the honeymoon suite)
Levi tried pointing out that maybe Petra should have the room to herself and the four men can be in the same room together since she’s the only woman in their group... but the three men already checked in and ignored the captain. 
Petra would go shopping for dresses and when they all need to pack up again to move to their next destination, Levi allows her to bring ALL of it. Eld, Oluo and Gunther would argue because the captain threw away 70% of what they bought/won/collected but Petra gets to keep it all???
Levi would just say: “So you’re saying clothing isn’t essential?” 
Which is a bullshit reason. He’s just soft for Petra as usual.
Gunther IS a genius at budgeting!! They still have some left after they wrapped up the trip. 
What they’d usually shop for: 
Gunther - books and vitamins for his aging parents
Petra - clothing, some jewellery and a few snacks for her dad and the rest of the Survey Corps (how she packs that, i don’t know)
Eld - Dresses and jewellery for his girlfriend
Oluo - Toys for his little sisters and brothers
Levi - the rarest tea in that place. Probably books for the nerds back home Erwin and Hange
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mechashadow01 · 4 years
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Love how the people behind Sungeki No Kyojin really felt like addressing the Oluo looks like an old man thing, is not like this is brought up anywhere else
Also Petra and Nifa talking about Levi
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snkirschtein · 6 years
MTL ticklish for the vets + original squad levi + moblit. Thank you!! I wanted to ask headcanons for where 5 of these characters are ticklish, but decided a MTL would be better for a start ;)
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lionnukara · 2 years
I like the way Erd plays the big brother role for Oruo, Petra and even Gunther. This dialogue from the game reminded me of a moment from season 3 AoT, when before the dressage to Shiganshina, the heroes also reasoned whether they would be together and whether everything would be the same.
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