amariemelody · 3 years
My take on people still saying that it was wildly inappropriate for Omera to try to take Din’s helmet off and Din was truly angry/upset/offended...
I reiterate other people’s counterpoint to that: Din was so gentle with Omera when he took her hands off his helmet. I think it was @foxlace who mentioned that he seemed hesitant to even stop her. 
That whole, short sequence really is so gentle. Din stands so still in Omera’s hands. Before he stops her, she seems to manage to pull his helm nearly all the way up to his chin, which I think is very far to get with him. He catches her hands and it’s not just gently but Tender In That Romantic Way that’s my favorite and he even holds onto her wrists, right under his chin like he doesn’t want to let go just yet. But you also know his grip was such that she could’ve broken out of it any time or stayed right there if she was comfortable. 
Most of all, he doesn’t reprimand her (ex. “I told you I haven’t shown my face to anyone since I was a kid!!”). Instead, he tenderly explains to her, “I don’t belong here...but he [Baby Yoda] does.”
I’s also the fact that he isn’t ungentle with her, too. 
It’s like people forget what went down between Din and Paz Viszla on Nevarro. Sure, it was prefaced by Paz insulting Din (”Our world was shattered by the Empire, with whom this coward shares tables with”...and I understand that one Mando calling another Mando a coward is a big, big, big no-no.), but Din was neither hesitant nor gentle when Paz went to take his helmet off.
Even though he was sitting down while Paz was standing up, he immediately grasped and took control of Paz’s hands on the bottom of his helm; angrily knocked his hands away; and pulled his vibroknife on him, the same vibroknife that was powerful enough to go through a fully-grown mudhorn’s skull and kill it. He slashed and slashed at Paz, forcing him back and they held each other at a standstill with both of their knives ready to cut until the Armorer spoke up.
And that altercation happened literally just the episode before we get to Omera. That was episode 3: The Sin and we get right to Omera in episode 4: Sanctuary. 
I stand by Din Djarin being a kind, compassionate, and merciful man, but that’s not the same as being a pushover (it actually takes a lot of strength to be that good of a person, what with all he’s gone thru, but I won’t digress). And a pushover Din Djarin is not-especially if you’ve angered him and that man does have a temper. 
If he was truly angry with Omera and hadn’t formed a bond full of mutual trust and respect with her wherein she’d feel safe enough to think about touching his helmet, we the audience would’ve seen that. He may not have pulled a vibroknife on her like he did Paz or snatched and twisted her hand away from him like he did Burg, but “gentle” likely wouldn’t have been a word we’d use. 
When Din Djarin is angry and he is going do something about it, other characters know and we the audience know. This is not to say that Din always attacks or even speaks in anger. But Din is always swift and decisive when he does decide on action, including the action to attack. He’s had to be to survive as a bounty hunter and as a Mandalorian in general.
As an aside, the only time (at least in Season 1) I can think of where it seemed Din was angry but hesitated was in Chapter 6: The Prisoner. It was that time Mayfeld picked up his son, pretended to drop him, and laughed at Din’s reflex to catch him. Many others in the fandom have noted that when the camera cuts back to Din’s covered face, you can just tell Din is coming up on his last nerve with these cutthroat bullies and he wants to snatch Baby Yoda away from them and never wanted them to find his child at all (hence why he grabbed Burg’s hand when he tried to open the panel). 
However, Din is a strategic thinker with his son’s safety as Priority #1 and so he knew it’d likely cause more of a dangerous mess than anything if he were to try to snatch his son back. 
That’s the only time I can think of when an angry!Din hesitated. 
But usually?
If that man is gon’ cut you, stab you, shoot you, punch you, body slam you, burn you to death...he will and he will quickly. 
No, he didn’t let Omera take off his helmet, but I honestly don’t think that he felt anything close to anger or even mild offense towards her. As a result, it certainly didn’t cross his mind to be forceful with her, possibly causing her bodily harm. 
Omera was never a target of anything from Din but his trust and affection. 
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Friend!! You watch The Mandalorian, too?! Are you a fan?! Do you ship OmeraxDin?! :D :D :D
I am a fan! It’s a really fun show! And yes, Omera/Din is one of my ships, although really I just want Din to have a good life and raise his son in peace first and foremost!
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amariemelody · 3 years
Things Din does for Omera
How’re we feeling, fellow Mandomera’s? We didn’t get a return to Sorgan and our fav krill farmers this 2nd season like we hoped. But surely not all hope is lost for the 3rd season! Thanks to @foxlace, @purpletangomintsprite, @plainrea and @sheena-is-a-punk-rockrrr for helping us keep up the hope!! 
These are ideas I’ve had in my head for over a year because while I love so much of the Mandomera content I find, a lot if is...Omera taking care of/doing things for Din and rarely the other way around (unless it involves protection of some sort). So I wanted to write something that showed more reciprocation in their relationship. You can imagine this all takes place during S1 CH 4: Sanctuary, or even after all of Season 2! Here we go! 
Those krill-filled baskets get heavy and rarely is there just one to haul up from the ponds. Omera often does have help from her fellow farmers in lifting them up but when they have their own hands full, Omera is used to doing it herself. Cue one day Omera is struggling with 4+ baskets and Din easily, gently takes them all out of her hands to put them on the wagon. He...may have decided to show off a bit by carrying all of the baskets in just one arm. 
By the end of that farming day, Din carried a last batch of 5 more baskets for Omera in one arm and easily gave her his free arm to help her out of the pond and onto the bank. #GetchuADangerousManThat’sAGentleman
Din, ever interested and respectful of other people’s cultures/ways of life, pays rapt attention when Omera explains to him how to farm krill and the history behind it. He is absolute shit at it, but he’s as wiling a student as Omera is a teacher. It’s more than one krill that he accidentally squishes instead of carefully opens them for their blue dye (he gets a little better at it when he shucks his gloves); he gets blue dye stains on his beskar (when a blue stain hit him right on his T-visor, he was 0.002sec away from asking Omera if he can just shoot the damn things open); he nearly slips and falls in the pond’s sand; and he even somehow accidentally unravels one of the baskets. 
Also, yes, when he took his gloves off to better open the krill, Omera had to pause to stare at his bare hands. #RepressedVictorianVibes
Din also let her hold onto his bare hand as he helped her up onto the bank. He didn’t let go until she did. #RepressedVictorianVibes
Omera has nothing but high praises and gentle laughter for Din’s trouble trying to farm with her. While Din can’t remember the last time he felt such a fool, but it’s more than worth it to see Omera smile and hear her laugh. 
Omera is too busy one day to go grocery shopping in the village’s nearby market. She’s thinking of another day she can go and it doesn’t cross her mind to ask Din, but he offers freely. Winta begs to go with him so she can show him all her favorite vendors and, in turn, show all her favorite vendors her and her mother’s cool new friend and his baby. Omera thinks this is a great idea and Din can only agree. 
Cue the Most Fearsome Mandalorian Bounty Hunter In The Parsec on his way to a market with a little Winta skipping at his side and swinging his hand (kudos to @plainrea!!) as she leads him into the hubbub; a cooing green baby riding in the basket slung over his vambrace; and a shopping list in that free hand. 
He follows Winta’s lead on where to go to complete their list. He nods at everyone she introduces him to. Some people are curious; all of them are courteous. He never pays with the money Omera sent them with, instead paying with his own money. He tells Winta it’s the least he can do for her mother giving him lodging, but it’s really bc this already feels like this is his family and he hasn’t felt this comfortable since he was last among his covert on Nevarro. 
If his son grasps for something (like he did with the frog family’s tadpole in Season 2), Din lets him get it. Winta may yet feel too shy to ask him for anything yet but he pays attention to how her eyes linger on some ice cream treats (...is there such a thing in Star Wars? Well now there is) and buys some for her. 
On the way back home, Baby Yoda cuddles some fresh lettuce in the basket and falls asleep. Winta stays swinging Din’s hand and eating her ice cream treat. 
Din helps Omera put the groceries up in the house and sets the kids down for an afternoon nap. 
And since Din has gone grocery shopping with the kids...Din has also made dinner for his Clan of 4!! He’s made them a huge pot Mandalorian Tiingilar stew with the spice toned down a bit, as it was their first time trying it out. Omera had a whopping 3 bowls and Din was thinking of 3 ways he could propose to her. 
They don’t...really go on traditional “dates” like other couples in the early stage of their relationship. There’s neither that much to do on Sorgan nor can Din even really go out to eat with Omera. But one of the more special nights was when Din rode them all the way back to the Razor Crest to let Omera have her run of his gun closet. There’s not a firearm she’s not comfortable with and he loves watching her hit every target they set up. Later they sit to watch Sorgan’s moons and stars. 
Din can sew! Whether basic mending or making something entirely from scratch, part of his Mando domestic training was learning how to sew! So when Omera is working on a huge, huge blanket for some neighbors that are new parents, Din sits next to her and takes the other ends with his own sewing kit. He listens in as Omera tells him stories of the 1st blankets and stuffed animals she made for Winta back when she was pregnant with her. 
While they’re sewing the blanket, Din...doesn’t have as many stories of Baby Yoda to share in turn, but he shares his adventures of bounty hunting. Omera listens raptly, as it’s been so long since she’s seen other worlds besides quiet, tranquil Sorgan. Sometimes when Din is describing a particular fight of him and Omera has trouble following, he will move his sewing needles in accordance with the fight to help her visualize the story he tells her.
Omera isn’t that much younger than Din, and so sometimes bending over in the ponds puts a crick in her back and/or neck and harvesting so many krill and weaving so many baskets cramps up her hands. Din learned basic massage techniques as part of his training-it doesn’t do to have sore, achy muscles when one must be a warrior ready to move. 
So he shyly asks Omera permission to massage her hands. Omera consents and when Din takes his gloves off again...she can’t help but stare yet again. She extends her hands to him and Din couldn’t feel more nervous than if he was facing a planet full of Krayt Dragons with neither his beskar nor blaster. But he keeps his hands strong and sure as he works from her wrist to her fingertips. 
It’s just a few days later when she gives him permission for her neck and back. She feels so relaxed that she falls asleep...right up against that place on his chest where the wrap-around of his cape meets the bottom of his helmet. It’s very warm there and she loves that she can feel the vibration and depth of his voice organically in that spot. 
That becomes Omera’s favorite place to lay on him: right where the wrap-around of his cape meets the bottom of his helmet.
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amariemelody · 4 years
Y’know, I am absolutely loving all of the Mandomera and the MandoxMeraxCara fics I keep finding!! 
But I do wonder if there are more fics that show Din and Winta bonding? I mean, Winta is Omera’s whole life just as Baby Yoda is Din’s whole life. Winta seems to be a wonderfully open-hearted, curious, adventurous child and Din is certainly a good man who, while introverted, seems to have quiet patience and easy affection for children. 
I have headcanons: 
One of Winta’s toys breaks when Omera’s super busy with chores, so she shyly holds her toy up to Din, who’s nearly done with his work. Din easily puts down what he’s doing and fixes it up in minutes flat, enjoying putting his carpentry/mechanic skills to work on something other than his ship and weapons for once. Winta thanks him by inviting him to play on the floor with her and Baby Yoda. Din accepts. 
Beskar is shiny and Winta is a child who can still be attracted to shiny things! So sometimes Winta likes to make hilarious faces at herself in the shiny reflection of Din’s back plate and Din pretends not to notice as he goes about cleaning his Amben rifle. But he has a secret smile on his face the whole time. 
Besides shiny, kids also like buttons!! And Din’ vambraces are covered in them! Din has a fail-safe that deactivates the buttons should he ever be unconscious or otherwise compromised in any way. He turns the fail-safe on and extends his forearms to let Winta press and play to her heart’s content. He answers all her questions with the watered-down half truths. His whistling birds are very rare because they’re little fireworks he uses to signal to other Mando’s, who are just as rare; his flamethrower has only ever been used to make a campfire, soldering repairs on the Razor Crest,  and/or for cooking. 
Winta has a gist of what a bounty hunter is, and Din will tell her and the other children very watered-down stories of his adventures hunting, just as he watered down what his vambrace weapons do. All the kids get the sense that “bounty hunting” means just bringing people together, and that’s how he and Baby Yoda got together. 
Omera gets frantic when she can’t find Winta or Baby Yoda for lunch. Din, always cool under pressure, turns on his heat vision (?) in his helmet, goes out a little farther past where they usually play, and finds them near a more-secluded pond fast, fast asleep. Din takes off his cape, wraps them both up in it, and nestles them on a shoulder each to carry them back. If either of them stir, he goes“Shh” gently in their ear. 
Winta hugged the crap out of both him and Cara after they helped the village drive off the raiders. Cara had an easier time than he did hugging her back. But awkward as Din was, he didn’t let go until Winta did. ‘Nuff said. 
Winta strikes me as a kid that’ll climb a tree to grab pretty flowers. One day she scrapes her knee bad while trying to climb. Din finds her and is just as gentle and soothing as her mother while he treats her knee with bacta spray and cleans it. He then gives her a ride on his shoulders to the higher parts of the tree so she can get her flowers after all. When she grabs them, she puts one of them in the side of Din’s helmet. He walks around like that all day.
The day before Din left with Baby Yoda, Winta gave him just as big a hug as she did Baby Yoda. Din quietly reassured her that they would miss her and her whole village, too. And just as when Winta hugged him after getting rid of the raiders, Din didn’t let go until she did. 
...Welp. I gave myself Feelz. 
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amariemelody · 3 years
You ever think about how Omera comforted her daughter by saying about Din, “This nice man is going to help protect us from the bad ones.” 
And like...you just know Din can’t remember the last time someone called him a “nice man”, let alone “nice at all.” 
In his line of work he’s likely been called all kinds of things, some of them even unsavory. And he’s also certainly a man who’s extremely competent in his line of work; honorable; diligent; resourceful; and freaking terrifying. 
But he’s also indeed a nice man. Din Djarin is a very, very nice man and it’s beautiful that his future riduur reminded him of that. 
Din Djarin is a nice man. 
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