#One Day Out Next Day In Service in Medford
pcttrailsidereader · 1 year
Plan C -- Flipping in 1982
Flipping sections of the PCT has become a very common strategy in recent years . . .particularly to avoid fire closures. This, the fourth installment from Jamey Dye's self-published PCT memoir from his PCT hike now more than 40 years ago, talks about the decision to bypass the heavy snowpack in the Sierras and jump north to the Medford, Oregon. From there, Jamey and Tom would hike south. Of course, the mountains of Northern California had their own heavy snowpack.
It was May 28, 1982, and we were in the town of Mojave, California. We had received news that the Sierra Nevada would be impassable for two more months due to extreme snow conditions. Our plans to walk the Pacific Crest Trail seemed to be crumbling once again. After getting off the phone with Dad, Cheryl [Jamey's girlfriend and stalwart trail angel], and the Ranger in Kernville, Tom and I purchased a state map and spent the evening sitting at Denny’s, eating and planning.  We concluded that the logical way forward was to start at the north and work our way south.  The mountains at the Oregon/California border were much lower in elevation than the Sierra’s, and we believed the snow would be gone by this late in the spring.  The two months it would take to hike from Oregon south to the Sierras would provide the needed time for the 40 feet of snow to melt. A truck stop was nearby, and we asked every northbound trucker for a ride.  There were no takers. We turned to family and asked for help. My brother-in-law, Rob, agreed to drive us to Medford, Oregon.
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Rob picked us up in Mojave early Sunday, May 30th, and drove us to my uncle Wayne’s house in Redding. The next day Rob drove us to the Oregon border and dropped us off at the nearest place his car could reach without getting stuck in the snow. As we looked south along the route, there was snow as far as we could see.  The drop point is still one of the more remote parts of California. We were completely wrong in our theory about the snow level in this part of the trail. There was no evidence that spring had arrived at all. On paper, we had enough food to make it to Seiad Valley, where we would pick up a food box that had just been mailed.  This plan required us to make about 15 miles a day, and the mail service would have to get our boxes there in time.
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Looking back now with years of mountaineering experience and a significant amount of training, I realize that even though these mountains were covered in snow, they were not as steep as the Sierra or the San Jacinto Mountains and were, therefore, not as dangerous to navigate in the snow.  I am not sure we understood that fact and were more fearful than we probably needed to be.
Our hearts sank as we remembered back to the last snow experience in the San Jacinto Mountains.  Our worry over the slow mail service seemed to be the least of our problems as we looked on our maps to find a route while Rob drove away.   At that moment, the realization that there was no turning back hit us, and we grinned at each other, the kind of nervous grin that said we were way over our heads.  We had 1000 miles to go, and the trail was buried under 10 feet of snow. Plan C was now in motion, thanks largely to Cheryl and Rob’s hard work and the provision of family and friends. Now it was time to do our part.
There was no trail, only mountains, and frozen lakes, but we had picked up some really good regional topographic maps at the ranger station in Castle Crags State Park and were much better at navigating this time around. The trail traveled along some very defined ridges as it progressed south. Between the many landmarks and ridges, we could make out the trail's rough alignment, and we discovered a perk of all that snow was we had no worries about where to camp, even if it limited us to about 10 miles a day. We quickly learned that the snow on the south-facing ridges was hard, and the snow on the north was soft and powdery. Therefore, since there was no real trail anyway, we selected routes in the general direction of the trail and kept to the south-facing ridges as much as possible.
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Tom Dye with Shasta in the background
As we traveled southbound on the ridges, we heard and saw evidence of avalanches on some of the north-facing snow bowls where the trail was supposed to be. We avoided these areas as much as we could.  At one point, we had no choice but to cross through a north-facing snow bowl.  There was a fresh avalanche on the bowl, and neither of us was willing to cross the icy face where the snow had broken away. Our memories of Tom slipping and falling were fresh in our minds.  We opted instead to slide down the face of the bowl through a stand of trees, hike through the avalanche debris field, and back up the other side. We dropped over 1000 feet (300 meters) in elevation before we got to the debris field.  What looked like a few branches in a snowfield from the ridge turned out to be a 1000-foot-long debris field full of small cliffs and valleys. Some of the cliffs were over 20’ tall, and we had to carefully axe our way down them.  In the valleys, there was often deep powdery snow or even crevasses (deep fissures in the ice). There were large, buried trees sticking out of the snow at all angles, making it difficult to navigate with our crampons.   Then once we got past the debris field, we had to crawl back up the ridge to the other side through deep powder snow.  It took us more than four hours to go 2 miles, and we were exhausted and frustrated. We would run out of food at this pace before reaching Seiad Valley on the Klamath River. As we looked back across the snow bowl, we wondered out loud to each other if we should have just risked the ice face and saved the hours of hiking.
We were running low on food and trying to figure out what to do. We looked at our maps and noticed that a logging trail crossed the ridge on the route ahead and dropped quickly down to Seiad Valley. We figured the terrain on the logging road would be smooth hiking, and we could make up some time.  This choice proved very pleasant for us and allowed us to arrive in Seiad Valley on schedule. This was the second major departure from the trail proper that avoided rough terrain and placed schedule and safety over strict adherence to the trail itself.
We stopped at one of the first houses we came to on the logging trail to ask for directions and get some information about where to camp while we were in town.  The man who answered the door refused to talk to us at first and tried to shoo us away, but we were insistent. Finally, he left and returned with a strange flashlight-sized device that he stuck on his throat.  He spoke through the aid of the device. It almost blew my mind.  He was kind, but it was a struggle for him to speak, so we moved on to another house.  That was my first exposure to someone who had lost their voice and used a voice assist device to vibrate their vocal cords.
It turned out we had nothing to worry about.  The town was small, and no one was concerned about us camping just about anywhere.  Our food boxes were there waiting for us, along with letters from Cheryl.  The post office was closing when we got there, and the clerk asked us a lot of questions about our plans. This part of the Klamath River was amazing. It was like something straight out of a postcard. I fished, and we had a pleasant evening reading letters, eating fresh fish, and enjoying being out of the snow for the first time in almost a week. We headed back into the mountains the next day, full of energy and ready to embrace the next leg of our journey.  Our ice axes had become our favorite gear and the key to navigating the icy mountain trails.
Looking back at our choices, I struggle to understand what drove them.  I am amazed at our intense desire to keep going despite the overwhelming roadblocks we faced.  Why keep wading through freezing snow, rain, icy slopes, and avalanche fields? I wonder at my 16-year-old self’s drive to accomplish this dream. I wonder at my brother Tom’s 18-year-old self’s drive to accomplish this dream.  I can only tell you that we left Seiad Valley with no thoughts of quitting the trail. We were focused on getting back on the road and putting as many miles behind us as possible.
Looking back makes me sad that we did not take more time to enjoy the journey.
Ah, the wisdom of age. Jamey's full book is available for purchase on Amazon.
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Dear Bryan, a blue truck met me at the airport turn-out right as I passed, and then at the fabrication shop a “beardy” (what I call people who try to resemble religious effigies) got into his car exactly as a walked up to it, as it was parked right next to the road. Around the corner, someone dragged his garbage can up to the road, to *meet me* exactly at that point in the corner. 
When I got to the overpass, there was a “pool masters” truck (because my latest gay stalker is a deviant in addition to probably a serial killer), backed up by yet another blue truck. A red honda is parked at the house I normally cross the road to, before the elementary school. At the corner I turn of of iowa on the way to the library, another red honda. I had said that swiss/hungarian woman was my shake with your religion because if “she’s for nazis” then QED your religion is for nazis and “not for me”. These sorts of vehicular encounters represent syndicated stalking, until someone proves otherwise. And the sort of back alley that leads to this library has an arborist nightmare tree on it, that has historically been asplundh or one of the serious pruning outfits tending to it, that today (after the red hondas and the like) some company with a giant “p” on the side of their vehicle (I think it’s supposed to be “p” for phil because ms13) that I’d never seen before. 
(I don’t do hints, impressions, and/or suggestions)
As I have tried a number of things to get around this stuff, I suspect that based on the number of years it has gone on, that “this is how things are around here” and this is what passes for “keeping the peace”. I also think, that being the case, that being harassed and made out the way I’ve been (in the absence of evidence) for someone’s amusement or otherwise, is alternative to “we have some options here” i.e. getting shot on the sidewalk or shanked in or out of prison.
I think all those people out on the mountain road were trying to tell me that I was being watched. And that’s true. When I slept out in the woods, I got routinely spotlighted by BMX riders with headlamps at 2-3AM. People have met me on Guthrie. People have met me on Scenic, on Granite, all the way out on Nevada street, even up on Guthrie to tell me (as a couple I might add) “that’s too much comfort” on the very day I got trespassed from the college library. The couple left their home and walked *all the way down* to the Holly street intersection, to say that to no one in particular. When I had visited my mom, one of two or three of her neighbors was *always without exception* waiting on the sidewalk outside her apartment on the way to her door. Every single time. Sometimes the maintenance guy would be waiting outside the manager’s office. To say nothing of the “Bob Marley” wall hanging clad “lookout” apartment down on the avenue. I’ve had people meet me on Rose street, two towns over. Out at the lake here in Ashland, I’ve had Eric’s “gopher” bighouse we used to call him, seek me out in a sheltered cove or two when nobody else is in sight. On Tolman. On Mistletoe Road. The bike path at all points of access from where it starts here, all the way through Medford. 
I’ve been flown over by paragliders flagging nazi colors. After being buzzed by airplanes (because someone has it in their head that flight PTSD equals being scared of airplanes), I’ve been flown over by helicopters. And since Ashland is a system of impressions that people are supposed to get, nobody tells me what any of this stuff is supposed to mean. A “suicide is painless” still in service Vietnam chopper was among the more interesting of the helicopters, btw. 
I’ve been met by a clown car of armed Mexicans with a “TRIGUN” vanity plate. A lot of -650 (feo) plates. Mexicans say I’m ugly with their signaling apparatus. White people follow me around with mini-coopers and some pride flagged cars and trucks (and I’m not gay).
Something says they’re trying to correct a misperception that I have, which is actually a misperception on their part. I haven’t had medical or dental care outside of emergencies since I was a teenager. That’s nothing to do with gang “pecking orders” that I’ve never belonged to, or social classes that seem far more concerned with me personally than I am with any of them, or even privilege levels. And I *would* call that persecution if asked, and if I had to prove it.
Edit: I’d love to hear about nazis from the horse’s mouth, because there’s a security guy at the library named “lee” full of lake wobegon tales about having everything, in the place of the “first” library security guy who was as close a resemblance to duane as they could manage, and a reference librarian lee-expy named cody who floats around upstairs. You know, where Ken Burns works; no, not the documentary guy. I could see where people would be confused having never visited, though.
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cathiebates · 3 years
One Day Out Next Day In Service
What do you think you are alone who wants to move your house, apartment, or office but totally forgot to hire professional movers and now you are trying to find a moving company at the last moment for that day or at a short notice? No dude, you are not alone in this list because a lot of Americans do this each month. They try to find an affordable mover which can take their stuff and belongings from one place to another and help them in moving emergency. If you are in Boston so you are very lucky because you just have to google ‘movers near me’ and you will find us in your results. Yes, Affordable Angels Movers and Storage Company is commercial and residential movers which also facilitates you even in a very short time.
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virlath · 4 years
environmental lore ~Dirthamen and Falon’Din
Part 1 - origins and the four armed statues Part 2 - their alliances
Part 3  - the origins of humans
This is getting to crackpot territory so byo tinfoil
Falon’Din and Dirthamen each have their own elven statue representations in the form of an owl and a raven, however they are also represented around Ferelden as hooded, almost human-styled figures. This is because I think there’s a strong possibility they themselves had a hand in the origins of humans and may have taken human form themselves.
In the Hinterlands, a statue of Dirthamen can first be seen at Calenhad’s foothold.
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Note the artwork on the wall underneath this statue, which is repeated at the back of Blackwall’s stable in Skyhold.
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Personally I think this artwork is probably related to the backstabbed, weeping Dirthamen statue in the Fade.
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I’ve speculated on this previously, but I’ll reiterate again there is a lot of evidence Dirthamen, Falon’Din, and Fen’Harel were once close allies which makes this all the more interesting.
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Hooded Dirthamen statues can be seen in the first camp you arrive at in the Emerald Graves. 
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Falon’Din is also represented in the graves as a hooded, pointing figure. Both he and Dirthamen feature prominently at separate Inquisition camps, and interestingly, all these locations are guarded by wolf statues which also happen to depict Fen’Harel. 
Consider the fact Solas says “my people built a life here...it must have been something to see” right before Elgar’nan’s Bastion where the Din’an Hanin is located. This dungeon features an abundance of repeated imagery of Mythal, Falon’Din, Fen’Harel(gilded! so you know its important), and even June, further hinting at an alliance between all four. 
Even more interesting is the fact that Falon’Din’s statue points away from the path lined with Andrastian imagery, and that some scholars believe it to be an elaborate elven joke. 
Historians have been unable to identify the mysterious and cloaked pointing figure in the Emerald Graves. Some believe it a representation of the elven god Falon'Din, known also as the Friend of the Dead, or the Guide. Others believe it an elaborate elven joke, its punch line lost to time.
—From A Journey through the Dales by Lord Horace Medford, "Adventurer"
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A statue of Dirthamen can also be found at the Citadelle Du Corbeau in the Exalted Plains, which was formerly an old elven fortress. 
 This mysterious hooded figure in Citadelle du Corbeau was nicknamed "the Raven" after the second Exalted March. The human forces - unfamiliar with elven iconography - saw the shadow the statue cast upon the courtyard, and imagined dark wings spread over the keep. Some years later, scholars of elven history hypothesized that the elves may have intended the sculpture as a representation of Dirthamen, the elven god of Secrets. 
The Exalted Plains is considered the dirthavaren by the elves- land promised to them by Andraste. Despite this I believe the meaning of dirthavaren can be traced back to the promise Fen’Harel made to his people- that someday they would be able to live in freedom on land they could call their own.
We can assume Dirthamen likely had an active role in Solas’ rebellion because a double raven standard is clearly shown within the weaponry at the elven ruins in Trespasser. 
The fact that Dirthamen’s statue features so prominently at the Citadelle Du Corbeau which is also guarded by several large Fen’Harel statues suggests he was also actively working in the Exalted Plains, possibly to help plan or direct settlements of rebels. 
However it’s clear something happened along the timeline that caused the alliance to fracture. It could be Mythal’s death or it may even have been earlier, perhaps to do with the Sinner and Dirthamen’s relationship with Ghilan’nain.
Dirthamen and Falon’Din’s actions in Ferelden are also muddied by one thing, and it is that their statues closely resemble human sculpture. Much like the human/elven ruins in DAO, I believe this is because these hooded statues are also of human and elven origin, suggesting that D+F’s followers were at some point in time, human and elven.
Dirthamen’s hooded statues are very similar in style to the Guardians of the Path landmarks in the Exalted Plains, which is clearly influenced by humans and Andrastianism.
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The plaque on the statue reads: "Let the Light of Andraste lift your spirits"
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The plaque on the statue reads: "Let the Eternal Flame purify your soul."
Not only do these statues mimic Dirthamen’s hooded pose (kneeling, holding aloft a brazier), these statues interestingly also echo each other alongside the path into the plains, reiterating the concept of D+F being two aspects of the same being. Knowing these gods walked the shifting paths beyond the Veil, ‘Guardians of the Path’ seems like a subtle nod (and perhaps even another elaborate elven joke) to Dirthamen/Falon’Din.
And if you compare these statues to the archer statues at the elven ruins, the difference is night and day. Elven sculptures seem more abstract and symbolic, whereas human sculpture is more figurative and has a more ‘human’ facial expression.
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Much like the human and elven architecture found in DAO, this is further evidence to me that Dirthamen and Falon’Din had a significant history with humans, possibly even taking on the human form themselves.
To take it a step further, I theorise the human form was actually created or willed into manifestation by the elves to better survive the unchanging world. Much like how the elven form is more suited to the Crossroads-like worlds, the human form suited the physical world and ensured better physical survival.
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The reference to the Guardian with regards to these statues is also interesting. The Guardian is a spirit from DAO who questions you and your party when trying to enter the Temple of Sacred Ashes. When questioned by Zevran on how he knows so much about their lives, the Guardian simply answers that “he is allowed” this information. Which sounds pretty similar to a spirit bound to the service of a god like Mythal’s well of sorrows...
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These same Guardians of the Path statues are reused again at Suledin Keep after you claim it for the Inquisition. This in itself is notable, because no other claimed building in the game changes this much in scope and detail with regards to religious imagery. 
Based on initial detailing found within the keep, I think it once may have been Falon’Din’s fortress due to the prominence of the owl statues. After it’s claimed, it simply looks like Orlesians have taken over and dragged in their Andrastian symbolism. However, I think the environment change could also be a hint that the elven gods have a lot more to do with Andraste’s life and death than we think.
There are already many hints Mythal/Flemeth/Solas were actively influencing events during Andraste’s time. Throw in Falon’Din and potentially Dirthamen into the mix (I’m expecting the entire pantheon to show up in DA4 tbh), and it’s almost like the evanuris have been playing chess with each other and the mortal beings of Thedas are quite literally pawns in the evanuris’ constant struggle for dominance and attempts to one up each other.
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Further evidence of Dirthamen and Falon’Din’s meddling with humans can be seen in DAO’s Brecilian forest ruins, through the very human like statues flanking next to the tainted eluvian. I believe these figures also depict Dirthamen and Falon’Din in human form.
I’m inclined to believe D+F took on human form before the veil, simply because Tamlen mentions the ruins look ancient and he suggests the architects definitely knew of the old elven gods. 
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If the above winged statue represents Falon’Din (which is found directly opposite the eluvian), the two figures standing next to the tainted eluvian must also be of equal importance- particularly so since it is very strongly hinted at that it leads directly to the Black City. Considering they mirror each other like twins, it makes sense these statues also represent D+F.
Also remember, the eluvian in these ruins was active when Tamlen and the Warden discover it for the first time. This place was also only previously accessible by this eluvian, and the only reason it is discovered is because somehow a cave has magically opened up and a wall was broken into, probably by the darkspawn themselves.
This means the eluvian was unlocked by someone or something and darkspawn were probably using this eluvian and coming from the Black City itself. That someone or something could be associated to any one of these gods, considering they somehow managed to access the eluvian to their temple.
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The same tainted eluvian design is also reused again in the Dragonbone wastes, where Morrigan makes her escape to the Crossroads to raise Kieran. 
The Dragonbone wastes was clearly a very significant site to the ancient elves because a varterral guards the entrance.
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The varterral was supposedly created by Dirthamen, bound to protect elves from danger for eternity. 
In the days before Arlathan, there was a city in the mountains beloved by Dirthamen, Keeper of Secrets. Its people were wise beyond measure, thanks to his counsel, and the city flourished.
Then a high dragon settled in the mountains, and her hunger threatened the city. The elders cried out to Dirthamen for protection as the dragon's rampages struck ever closer, and for three days and nights, the people shut themselves in their homes and watched the skies in dread.
On the fourth day, Dirthamen heard them. He whispered into the mountains and the fallen trees of the forest gathered, shaping an immense and agile spider-like beast. It was the varterral. With lightning speed, vicious strikes, and venomous spit, it drove back the serpent. From then on, it was the guardian of the city and its people.
Many years passed. The gods were trapped by Fen'Harel and the people left to gather in Arlathan, but the varterral kept its everlasting vigil, guarding Dirthamen's city as it eventually crumbled to dust. To this day it stands there, watching over the rubble. Any travelers foolish enough to wander there find themselves face to face with wrath incarnate.
—From The Tale of the Varterral, as told by Gisharel, Keeper of the Ralaferin clan of Dalish elves
If this location is guarded by a varterral it implies the Dragonbone wastes is under the protection of Dirthamen himself. And given the fact that the eluvian at this location leads directly to the crossroads, it does suggest humans existed and helped created these ruins before the veil was created.
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Entering the lair to the eluvian, two of these statues also guard the entrance. Notice the sealed mouths- they are very much like Dirthamen’s mosaic in DAI, symbolising secrets and Silence.
theory: humans were originally spirits/elves
Based on evidence outlined above, I theorise D+F had a significant role in the origin and affairs of humans and probably took on human form themselves. Like the elves, I think humans were originally spirits that manifested as humans to withstand the unchanging world.
Knowing that Falon’Din hungered for worshippers, perhaps gathering human followers ensured they would be able to stand up to forces beyond his control in the unchanging world - the world the evanuris declared was their “right”. 
When the veil was created, I think a schism formed between humans and elves because of differences in ability. Like the elves whose form allows travel through the Crossroads with ease, humans suddenly prospered post-veil because their form was better suited to the environment. 
I also think the veil had a large part to play in making everyone ‘forget’ the most significant parts of themselves and their connection to the fade, which is why no recorded history exists before the veil. 
In any case, I think it’s likely Dirthamen and Falon’Din are now playing the long game just like Mythal and Solas, and they have been somewhat successful because they're knowledgeable of humans. I also believe they are the masterminds behind the whispers of the old gods- Dirthamen as the keeper of secrets aligns with Dumat, Dragon of Silence, and Falon’Din, friend of the dead and master of the dark aligns with Lusacan, Dragon of the Night almost too perfectly.
Whether or not D+F knew about Solas’ plans for the veil remains to be seen, however I think it’s likely they had fail safes of their own regardless. And despite all the environmental lore suggesting a strong alliance once existed between Dirthamen and Fen’Harel, Solas says himself ‘only an ally can betray you’.
With the teaser images and foreshadowing of an encroaching darkness and darkness cloaking all realms, I think Lusacan will likely make an appearance in DA4 on ‘wings of death’. Ultimately, I think he’s so corrupted his ultimate goal may be to taint every living creature on Thedas to reinforce his/his and Dirthamen’s divinity (much like Corypheus’ own aspirations, he had to have gotten the idea from somewhere after all). The kicker in this is that it’s also likely **TN spoilers
Ghilan’nain is also tainted and amassing her own blighted army. It remains to be seen what she intends on doing with it, but I can’t imagine it’s anything good.
Part 1 - origins and the four armed statues Part 2 - their alliances
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
February 25, 2021: 12:52 pm:
The old “Stalking Order Trick”.
It never works.
It’s getting old though. This is the fourth time.
They do this when I report terrorism.
Instead of stopping the terrorism, instead of granting an interview to talk more about the terrorism, they send these two actors from Hollywood dressed in sheriff outfit, to hassle me, scare me, make me go into the controlled environment at the courthouse. Last time I was at the courthouse for this same terror scenario, Joe Satraini was portraying a Bailiff, attacked be with a sword in the courtroom, and was killed or injured in defense, then, I went home afterwords.
The reports of terrorism is answered with more terrorism, what you see there happened moments ago, the paper is still on the front porch, I did not open the door or invite the SAG terrorists into my home.
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The one on the right looks remarkably similar to one of three men who claimed to be Secret Service, US Army, and FBI representatives who came to my home about this same time last year, I wrote about that, it’s on this account somewhere from the day it happened. I referred to them as “The Three Bozos” because they each had ID indicating that they indeed were from the agency’s mentioned, but were wearing casual street clothes. That one on the right looks like the “FBI” representative from that day, who was wearing a black leather or fake leather jacket that day. That one was dressed more “down town“ in the leather and slacks, while the other two Bozos were dressed for cutting some fire wood, in flannel and blue jeans.
That day one year ago, the NAMM Winter Music Industry Trade Show had just ended, or was under way, my assessment was that the three were musicians, disguised, came to kill me for my Medicare status to perpetuate my prescriptions with help from Paine Specialists of Southern Oregon in Medford.
So, that looks like the same guy there on the right, is dressed as Josephine County Sheriff Deputy today.
That other one on the left did all of the talking, said my neighbors went to the courthouse to file a “stalking order”.
Co-incidentally, my swollen leg with internal burning sensation is so bad today and yesterday that I can barely walk, I cannot feel my right foot, it’s as if it’s not there, except that my right foot feels frozen, is very painful, but like a club on the end of my leg ... hurts bad, is frozen cold, and when I try to walk it’s as if I have no foot to stand on sort of feeling from the poison gasses that the people who filed the stalking order have been poisoning me with by blowing the gasses into my home through the weep holes in the windows and cracks around the doors, forced through the weatherstripping they ruined years ago, and the gas is also blown through the laundry dryer vent, and condensation vent for the heating unit. and down the chimney with a long extension tube made of fiberglass folding tent supports.
The coincidence is that I am having trouble wearing socks to warm my foot, the sock is hindering the circulation, makes it feel colder, so, I tried a different sock. I put on one black sock, and one white sock on the other foot while trying to find one that will help warm up my frozen painful foot, but nothing is working.
I put the black sock on, and just a short time after having one black & white sock on my feet, the black & white shows up, within about an hour or two. There must be a camera inside my house for that to have happened, or, someone saw through the window that much about what I am wearing on my feet.
That is how terror is done, they will say my foot hurts because it was cold out when I was stalking the terror army in the neighborhood.
3:53 pm:
This asshole right here:
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This fucking guy here:
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That one, on the left of the screen there:
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It’s a symbolic snuff movie.
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You need to watch the signer, there are two signer’s, one is the guy the signed the contract to kill me, and the other is the one who is using church gang signs to say there is a snuff movie online somewhere.
Savvy sleuths could find the web address where a series of live murders took place today, that’s my call on that Joe Biden terror snuff pay-per-view infomercial from the @POTUS Twitter account today.
Most likely at a “Voyeur” website where cameras are arranged in a house, and everyone thinks that the people who live there do that for free intentionally just for you to watch. Reality is that an advertisement from @POTUS can say when and where the web site for a live steaming snuff murder is to take place online. It all happens within a short time, the camera feed is changed from the actual location via blue tooth temporarily, and the snuff video feed is inserted into the Voyeur website, where no one is ever there anyway, is just a cat and dog running around in a recorded loop. Club members are invited to watch.
Hint: If the Twitter account says: “He/Him”; “She/Her”; “They/Them”; “We/Us” or one of a few other “Pronoun‘s” that are described better at Whitehouse.gov “Contact Us” web site, are all “Club Members” and know where and how the find access to the “Voyeur” URL’s. Don’t report terrorism to the White House, that is one of the most dangerous things a person could ever try to do.
Try 376 Jackpine Dr., 97526 for the source of today’s Presidential murder fetish and baby raping entertainment study.
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The thing that makes all of that worse is that Joe Bides in only a place holder for Ann Wilson and Roger Waters, who are the people who are really running the activities of the White House and Congress, and it’s all done from a place called Kauai Ranch in the state of Hawaii.
There is no Joe Biden any more. The videos are all from his Vice Presidency time, edited by Hollywood movie professionals to fool you.
Below are some of the parts to the hit order commanded on Twitter yesterday to have those fake deputies come to do a snuff set-up. Maybe they were supposed to cart me over to Chartrand’s at 376, or to the usual torture center next to my house at 520 Jackpine. I may have fouled up that attempt when I showed that I had a camera.
There are still many other scenarios in place as mentioned in other entries on this account.
Yesterday, the Monroe terror cell saw that I was unable to walk to the mailbox because my leg is hurting so bad, that I was limping and the pain got worse as I walked towards the road, so I turned around and walked back home because of the affects of the constant poisoning the Monroe’s and others are subjecting me to. So, they saw I was injured, and am an easy to capture prey, and Twitter arranged the hit order as a result, having had Monroe’s confirmation that I am hurt bad, can‘t get to the mailbox, and am limping in pain.
This is the first parts of the hit order from yesterday.
Here, Paski’s shirt has a hole in the side. That is representative of me, the victim marked for take out. They have not decided how to do the hit yet, just the order to to a “Tiger Woods Hole in One w/Leg Injury on the back of a Grand Jury notice in the mailbox”
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This is not well known in circles outside of Hollywood DC terrorism, but I know what that spiral staircase is, that is a “Mitt Romney & The Mormons at Red Rocks”, is the same as “Allah & The Virgins at the Hollywood Bowl” terror comm. That puts Mitt Romney’s signature on the hit at my house.
There is a lot talk about “The Saudi King” in today’s 2-25-2021 WH Press Briefing, and all of that is about Mitt Romney. There is way too much more to add here, I should not have to solve my own murder, I need an interview from US national security and some medical attention.
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This below means: “Old Knowledge came out of the China Hutch” means old Christian secrets are exposed, is specific to Heroin use and Heroin driven terror soldiers. Ultimately the “China needs to be hidden away, deleted” is what that is presented on Twitter for.
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This one is simple: “Stone Take Out”
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There is more I need to find, I am having trouble finding Psaki’s Wardrobe change yesterday where she took off the dress with the hole in it, and put on a black & white dress with a Chevron Print Design feature on the bust of the dress. That is when the means to do the hit at my house was decided to me a “Black & White Sheriff ‘Shove Ron’ Build Back Heart Attack, Better American Rescue Plan” (Ron Howard’s Master Class Signature went on the hit order at that time.)
There is much more, dozens of ingredients to the hit order with those two deputies as the set-up and potential carry out order operatives are available to find on Twitter over the past 24 hours, and, are also contained in Music Industry Promotional Email today from Kramer, Robert Keeley, Eastwood Guitars, Premier Guitar Magazine, Vintage King Audio, D’Angelico new York, AMS, and Zzounds Music, all of them have put a signature onto the Twitter Presidential command to kill me and take down this account, is all still active and ongoing.
I need to find the Psaki Wardrobe Change from yesterday to the black & white “Shovron Dress”, and add it here.
What are the odds that it’s still on Twitter? There were multiple tweets from a variety of major news networks, I think they have all been deleted because it’s too easy to see that it’s a “Shovron“, and Ron Howard does want to go to the gas chamber for Treason for having directed the World Trade Center Collapse in 2001, and, the others he was working with who directed and took part in the attack at the Pentagon that day, also don‘t want to face a firing squad in Texas for their participation in the treason, and Ron is going to sing like a little Twitter Bird, live, at 376 Jackpine on a voyeur channel, when the real police find him.
Ron‘s friends will do it for free, coming soon, to a war theater near you.
There is no where to go Ron.
Either the real police find you, and you get the gas chamber, or, your friends at the Pentagon find you, and they make it hurt at the One Hour Martinizer at 520 Jackpine.
That was a bad idea Opie.
Twitter, says, that FOX news says, that Mitt Romney says, that all of the GOP is signing the contract on the hit to kill me at my house:
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This is all because I asked the White House to send some help. I informed of the mass murders, again, to the White House ... I think I have made about ten or twelve official reports to the White House  over the course of time since Gearge W. Bush was president, and have made at least two tries to reach each of the US Presidents since Bush, they sent confirmation of receipt. Obama sent a little bug that deleted the email receipt, and Joe Biden sent the exact same one, but I still have the receipt the White House sent, last time I looked. They all want to play stupid, as though they did not recieve any important news about US Takeover by a Canadian terror army the uses poison gasses to kill the US Citizens so the Canadians can replace the US citizens.
The reason for that, the reason that the WH won‘t send help is that everyone of the elected officials in DC and all of the State Governors were all “elected” by Canadians who are using the names of millions of murdered US Voters.
All of the US Government was elected by murderers, who are also impostors.
That is why there has been no help sent to stop the terrorism.
911 Emergency Phone Service is manned with Canadian terror soldiers and SAG actors who are waiting there to dispatch assassins to anyone who reports terrorism, murder, poison gas, etc.
Same at FBI.Tips.Gov. It’s manned with terror soldiers. When I make a report there, assassins come to my house to kill me.
I have made a dozen or so attempts to get help from FBI. I called a few times, and was attacked by state police who filled me with tasers. The taser guns have two darts, they used the two darts, then went back to the squad car to get another taser gun, and shot those two darts at me when I telephoned FBI.
I went to FBI in Medford in Person twenty years ago, that did not work for getting any help when the terror army was murdering the Fourth Graders at Manzanita Elementary School by taking the students on one-way feild trips, the buses returned without any kids on them.  I think I remember Celine Dion was on one of those buses to animal park in Eugene or Salem Oregon area.
no one will help.
The celebrity women are too pretty, and they serve the terrorism by distracting any real police that might do an investigation. no one is going to arrest Celine Dion, even if she is on the bus where no students returned from the field trip.
That is the kind of services that SAG can provide to the murders. As long as Antonio Bandaras and Vanna White are around, there will be no investigation, just a hotel room by the hour is all that will happen for entertaining federal investigators.
5:38 pm:
This part here takes the Psaki involvment to Angela Merkles doorstep, then, it takes another step to D’Angelico Guitars of new york.
Today’s WH Press Brief included Psaki saying “There is a Range on the Table”. This Tweet says the range is between -24 and 18, is German, is nation wide, if think about what the tweet really is suggesting, nation wide is the message, German is the nation. The Range is on the table, that cannot be good. Go listen to Press Secretary Jen Psaki for yourself from today, that press brief was live as the sheriffs came to my house, they had a live view of what I was doing on my computer as I was arranging the photos, getting them from the hijacked Yahoo mail, and saving them after putting the Stone Man stamp on them. The people at the news brief commented about the label I used as I was doing that in Microsoft Paint and commented live in code of that, as it was not expected that I would put a water mark on my photos so Monroe can’t easily steal them to change the story.
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Jen Psaki’s Wardrobe change videos that were available yesterday at the same time when she was also wearing that blue/purple dress with the hole in it are all purged in classic Google fashion.
The hole in the side of Paski’s dress means “Pay-Per-View”. The “ShoveRon” Black & White dress she changed into videos are all gone, not available to see on Twitter today.
The terror nieghbors are coninueing to release airborne poison gasses right now and all day. My symptoms are worsening.’
My vision was nearly perfect this morning, but now I can barely see, Monroe’s are still blowing the poison gasses into the ambient air and around my house.
Do your own math.
It’s no wonder why there are no reports of real terrorism anywhere other than on this Tumblr account, no one can survive unless they have the kind of knowledge that I do, that the nitrous gas is flammable, but this other gas that causes the circulation problems and rash, and leg swelling, I don’t think is flammable.
I suspect A-1 Exterminators on 7th Street in Grants Pass to be a source of the so called “Boutique Gasses” the terror army has developed, and also “Blue-Star Gas” on Pleasant Valley Road across from the Moose Lodge in Merlin Oregon located on the rail road track that comes by on Russell road.
That train has been running at odd hours, is way off the usual schedual, and has been nearly silent when it has been going by since the time I made the terror report to the White House and is likely the source of the poison gas I am experiencing the poor vision and leg circulation symptoms from. The train tracks are less than 1600 feet away from my house. They use gas tanker cars to release gas along the track, and they have special vehicles that can ride on train tracks, then ride on paved roads to disappear into freeway traffic, refill, and start over again in Merlin at the rail crossing at Pleasant Valley Road next to “Blue-Star Gas” which is labelled as a propane dealer, has a lot of pressure tanks for carrying airborne gasses.
This looks like orders to use the rail road to release gas in the neighborhood.
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The poison gas symptoms on my leg have increased from swelling at the right foot and shin area with a substantial very itchy rash on my shin and calf, to both feet are swollen now, I can’t feel my foot on the right when I try to walk, it feels icy cold on my foot, is burning intensity all inside my whole right leg, and the rash on my shin is making tiny blisters that pop and ooze a clear liquid. There is no where I can go for medical services.
US Citizens cannot get medical treatment in COVID USA. It’s a slaughter, not a virus.
US Population is being snuffed out like bugs in a jar, by the government that was hijacked by terrorists long ago. They have been taking over hospitals for decades in preparation to roll out Corona Virus, where “boutique” poisons make the symptoms as Twitter promotes the fear and concern that makes the people go to the hospitals where Ron Howard kills them on camera, and Nancy Sinatra casts a look-a-like replacement from Canada.
Betty White and Tom Hanks do the hosting at the awards celebrations, while Metallica and MegaDeath play as the musical guests at the events.
When someone reports terrorism and points out who the murderers are, all the murderer needs to do is claim that the person is stalking them, and in the courtroom the Judge always sides with the plaintiff on that, and the defendant who needs to reach help to stop the murders is ordered by the courts that they are no longer able to use the name of the murderer publicly.
That is one of the ways the courts serve the terrorism, they can make sure that the murders name is not spoken, revealed, written, or otherwise mentioned. Meanwhile the terror murders continue while the eye-witness is persecuted, held captive in their home, forced into silence and ultimately killed and replaced by a SAG or Canadian terror operative.
The courts will effectively force me to delete this whole account with that stalking order if I am told not to say the names of the people who are killing me with poisons, shooting at me daily, holding be captive for decades.
7:51 pm:
As it stands right now, these listed items below are some of the pre-arranged scenarios that are already in place for a “Ivanka Trump Opportunity Zone attack on a Jesus Gauntlet”
This Gauntlet is planned with events all in place for an attempt to kill me, all include set-up for a frame of some crime they will say I did, and all include the author of this account is not harmed. Instead, it will be said the someone else was killed, and a stand-in replacement will take control of this account. The way it sits right now, the account is set-up in advance for a court ordered deletion, where my replacement look-a-like will delete the account because the Judge ordered it due to so many mentions of so many terror soldiers and terror leaders all over the world.
The “new me” will just access the account controls after I am killed by a rock star bailiff in disguise, and no further mention of it will be made after that.
USA will lose.
Terrorism and murder, slavery and captivity will prevail.
Court day for stalking order.
Groceries at the Walmart.
Drivers License renewal at Beacon Ave DMV. They will say I need a vision exam for corrective lenses.
The Eye-Doctor Visit is one I need to survive.
Then, back to the DMV again if I survive the Eye-Doctor.
Dr, Visit at the terror SAGClubMed fake doctor at Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon,
Walgreen’s if I survive, if not, the Rock Star Bailiff picks up my prescriptions increased to “MAX: Maximum Allowable per Medicare Part-D Rules” so that SAG Musicians can get high on a disabled guys medicine.
There is a day I need to go to JP Morgan Chase Bank every year, the bastards know that I need to do record keeping, and created a situation where I must go to the Chase Bank rather than do any other way of doing the record keeping I am required to do, Carpenters Union participates in that one every year, and they want their share of the loot when I am killed also. Los Angeles Carpenters Pension Trust specifically.
Centurylink has those trenching markers out front, so I have to survive that when the start digging.
There is Grand Jury they say I am forced to participate in. That is really just for the successful assassin to go check in with the sheriff office and Courts when they kill me, but also they do take out work at both places.
The Pacific Power Corporation Asplundhe Tree Service Power Line Easement Inspection and “Standing Dead & Proximity Trimming” event at my house is in place if I survive some of those other “Jesus Gauntlet” scenario’s.
that makes nine or ten major events that I need to survive and a few small ones.
So, that, plus survive the usual daily attacks and poisonings.
And worst of all ... I need to get my mail out of the mailbox, walk down my driveway past the Monroe’s terror cell, and make it back to my house alive during that time frame, and beyond that if I am able to survive the Jesus Gauntlet this next two months or so.
So, fair warning, I am not likely to make it through these pre-arranged Ivanka Triump Opportunity Zone murder scenario’s. Each one of those listed events has at least one written screenplay to use as a basis for the attack plan. The screenplays have all been done thousands of time by the terror cells who run the murder scenario’s. They have it down to a science for killing most unsuspecting US Citizens who simply are trying to run some errands, do some shopping, deal with some banking, go to a doctor appointment, or were roped into having to appear in a court hearing. Most don‘t make it back from the mailbox at the end of the driveway.
8:41 pm:
Trending on Twitter now:
It’s a command order from Google high command (Vatican Choir; Amp Guru; Kauai Ranch Members of “The Green‘s of Olde Three Ply” terror cell; and the Pope) to do a “Ben Hur” or a version of that one movie about Jesus I forget what it’s called, or, “Faces of Death” (That one has been in discussion all day coded into the Twitter news stories from most of the Verified Accounts I read. Go look for the photos in news today featuring famous people making funny faces, means “Jesus Face Toast”, translates to “Christian Cinema” “Krysten Sinema” today)
The “Christian Cinema” command order is to produce a wicked snuff movie, one that is equivalent of the one they made at north Valley High School in around 2003 - 2004 or so, when the students were forced to do a Olympic Style Competition, were killed at the various events, each event was transformed into some kind of medieval contraption at the Decathlon ... it was forever known as the “Decapathon” by the surviving students at the school. The movie is called “The Making of Ben Hur” I am pretty sure, is composed of about 200 high school students being horribly murdered with machinery all disguised as part of the Decathlon track & field events. The people that made the movie had very expensive professional movie making equipment including the kind of “Rabbit Cam” that are used at a Dog Race Race Track, the thing the dogs chase after around the track, is on a rail. That was used at the “Hurtles” event, where the “Hurtles” were regular hurdles fitted with blades that spring out as the running high school student tried to clear the obstacles on the track at the Junior Varsity Football Field at the school. The students were laying in the track with severed limbs as that rabbit went around from victim to victim to get the best angle for the movie that was produced that day.
I am talking about dead high school students here, and the movie that was made of their murders.
no one cares about US High School Students, or disabled people, or elderly people in the care homes who cannot possibly defend against James Hetfeild when he is killing them to get high on pain meds.
Christian Cinema (Krysten Sinema) is a unpleasant thing to see this evening on Twitter.
Do you remember the final scenes of Braveheart? On that stage where he was disemboweled? That is a real thing that is done in Oregon when people are tortured at 520 Jackpine next door to my house.
So, Twitter is still Tweeting, that means no help is ever to come to Oregon, or anywhere, they are going to keep doing the slaughter, and keep making movies of the murders.
Trending on Twitter: “Christian Cinema”
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9:23 pm:
In other news:
This thing here reminds me of my visit to the Dole Pineapple Plantation in Hawaii. I think it’s close to the Maui Isthmus. There is a maze/labirynth there sort of like that snow maze there.
At Dole, there are assassins that shoot at people in the maze from tower sort of structures that are in there. The shooting does not start until the marked victims are deep in the maze, it takes about an hour to make it out of there.
Also, that trap door I sometimes mention that  is in the floor of the sheriffs office in Josephine County, where there is a chair that tips over, and dumps the unsuspecting sheriff visitor down into the tunnels that are below the sheriffs office and go all under the whole city of Grants Pass Oregon.
That trap door works with the same kind of mechanisms as does the table on the marble maze game called “Labyrinth”. The trap door tips over one direction, then another direction, and the victim who is seated at the sheriff’s desk is dumped into a hole under his office on F Street behind the Walmart.
The man who built that door is the same man who’s wife made the exploding statue that blew up a big bus, and a number of people who were on it, a deputy Strohmeyer, Frank Skraw sheriff of Klamath Falls was on that bus for awhile, maybe he exploded on it, some deputies from Grants Pass were on it, and some from Jackson county were also on the bus that exploded in Medford at the Sears a few years ago, February 7 2017 I think is was.
Any way, the man that built the sheriff office trap door in the floor, was Dan Fauley, former address 344 Tunnel Creek Road in Hugo area. Dan’s wife Lynn made the exploding C-4 Statue, I was supposed to have been put on that bus.
I wrote about all that stuff before, it’s all been documented for many years, no one cares.
Dan Fauley also built the remodel work that was done at the Washington Ave Post Office Facility on the corner of Hillcrest Ave. at the front entrance after the place exploded once long ago. There are no reports of any explosion happening there, but the entrance and other parts of that building did blow up. Dan Fauley did the remodel work. I think he transformed what used to be the lobby rest room into some other kind of holding pen for keeping captive victims inside of where that rest room used to be in the Post Office Lobby on Washington Ave. That place is called the “Postal Annex” by most of the older local terror soldiers and is “The Stork” terror cell HQ for this area. The name “Postal Annex” is a decoy, detour, road block, distraction service put in place by the terror army. When someone asks about the “Postal Annex” while trying to report terrorism to the Postal Inspector General in Portland Oregon, the Inspector General denies that such a place exists at all, they claim that there is no postal office facility there on Washington Ave, and that the person making the report about what they saw should contact the Oregon Better Business Bureau in Salem Oregon instead. Inspector General claims that the place is a private company and is not a USPS facility.
The Inspector General insists that the only 97526 Post Office is on the corner of  6th & G Streets in Grants Pass.
Oregon is a breeding ground of terrorism, it’s a training center, the whole state is a place where “Terror Policy” and “Models of Terror Systems of Murder” are perfected, and then duplicated, rolled out the same in other cities around the world.
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For some perspective about how long Oregon has been hijacked, by whom, when and where killing systems were installed, and how to find the responsible people, you need only study the boat ramps on the Rogue River from Shady Cove to Galice Oregon.
Almost all of the boat ramps are installed backwards.
Most of the boat ramps are secluded, that also is part of the planning of the backwards boat ramps. That seclusion assists the terror army to take victims at the backwards boat ramps on the Rogue River. The boat ramps are all installed such that as you back the boat into the water, the ass end of the boat is directed into oncoming river flow. The boat, trailer, truck, dog, wife in the passenger seat, ice chest and fishing gear all go down river as a result of backwards boat ramps on the Rogue River. There is always a two foot tall cliff under the water where the trailer wheels are at as the boat should begin to start to float. When the trailer wheels fall off that little cliff, the boat is still attached to the trailer, and the trailer to the truck that pulls it. The current is very strong, and inexperienced boaters go down river every time with all of their stuff.
Three Boys Towing is just around the bend, in the tow truck, waiting to get word from the “Friendly Canadian Fly Fisherman who is at every boat ramp tying flies” at the side of each boat ramp, he is there with his wife waiting for tourists to launch a boat, and calls Three Boys Towing as soon as the trailer and truck are under water while using the nitrous oxide to capture the boat owner as he is trying rescue his wife, kids, boat, motor and trailer.
Three Boys gets all of that stuff out of the water, they do it every day, no problems. Then, DMV makes the necessary VIN changes after some Lithia Dodge mechanics do a cleaning, get the water out of the carburetor, and, title switch, and licensing is transferred to some other person if needed. If not, then an attack team takes all of that stuff back to the victims home to prey on their family and friends, and the terror army grows exponentially that way, in fifty states where the tourist boaters come from.
The boat ramps are state wide like that. The boat is not supposed to go ass end into the oncoming current, the ramp is supposed to go with the current as the boat is launched into the water, which also allows that the boat goes into the current to put it back on the trailer, as it should be.
It’s not the way should be though, it’s all backwards.
All of the boat ramps have some metal brackets, rebar, chunks of iron just below the surface of the water, and at the sides of the ramp, all of them have an accident waiting to happen built in to them, and the hospital never has been close by, even before they were all hijacked, so, it’s all for terror advance of Global Domination, has been there a long time at the boat ramp, installed by Kitzhaber government.
11:20 pm:
Please send help to Oregon.
I haven‘t opened my door yet today, presumably that paper those fake sheriff’s brought is still on the front porch.
I don‘t know the details the fake stalking order says.
There were two time today after that when terror soldiers where hiding under my kitchen window, they are waiting for me to open the door, but that is not unusual, waiting under the window is unusual, they usually don‘t make so much noise like today, so, they wanted me to open the door. That was when the blurry vision gas was thickest this afternoon.
I am not going to get the mail until my leg feels good enough to walk on it without as bad as does now, so, no local conditions will be happening tonight.
There are no signs of helpful people, around here you get a visit from a sheriff only to make trouble, make life more difficult, to bring the victim into the bottleneck kill zone at the courthouse where the fingernail clipper is taken away so the rock star in disguise bailiff can use the sword on a unarmed disabled citizen in the fake hearing.
They don‘t do law enforcement, public safety, or national security work in Oregon.
Please send help. Please send US Military. Bring your own hospital. Stay away from local authorities.
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Yesterday was one of the rare Easters we shared that wasn’t — how to say this — very Easter-y.
This has happened to us at least once before because we were on the road. That time, I think, we had Easter brunch at a Denny’s somewhere in middle California.
Again. Not very Easter-y.
Had we been home this time, our plan woulda been to attend services at St. Mark’s.
Of course that plan would’ve counted on St. Mark’s being open for Easter services during the ongoing pandemic. Which I’m not sure it was.
We spent yesterday in perpetual motion. It was both a visiting day... and a traveling day.
Now the visiting day was because our plan—waaaaaaaay back at the beginning of our trip—was to come straight down first thing and spend time with Kimmer’s aunt and uncle.
We left on a Thursday and didn’t need to be at the campground ‘til the following Tuesday afternoon at 3. Count ‘em: that’s five days of travel when all it usually takes is three.
We were gonna hit the California Coast at Crescent City and arrive at Kimmer’s aunt’s and uncle’s place by Monday. Stay over Monday night ‘til Tuesday. Leave for Moro Campground around noon-ish. No sweat.
Yeah. After two different problems with the RV, we had to abandon it in Medford, Oregon, at a shop that was perfectly closed on Sunday so we couldn’t speak with them until Monday and, by the time we had a plan in place with them on Monday, rented an SUV and transferred all our stuff into it... we weren’t on the road until Monday mid-afternoonish, arriving at the campground at 830-ish the next night. More than five hours later than we intended back when we had plenty of time to get there.
Okay so Easter Sunday. The day we’re actually leaving southern California is also our only opportunity now to visit Kimmer’s aunt an uncle.
By the way (and I hadn’t actually thought about this, but) the temperature out towards Palm Springs is hotter than the coast. Much hotter. The hottest temps we experienced so far.
It made for quite the Easter Sunday... in the very lovely outdoors of a covered patio. :-)
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We were there ‘til 1-ish at which point it’s fare-thee-wells all around and we’re on the road again after a quick stop at the local WalMarts and then dinner 120 miles up the freeways to Santa Clarita and its Habit Burger Grill.
The burgers were fantastic. And it’s a heckuva thing that, even though there’s a location less than five miles from our home, the first time we ever went was in Santa Clarita, California, where I can’t help but think of the zombie tv series that bears its name. ;-)
From Santa Clarita there’s about three hundred miles and five hours we’ve gotta indulge to get to San Jose. We leave Santa Clarita at five-thirty... which means we won’t arrive at our hotel (still to be determined) after ten.
It’s a little after nine when we finally pull off I-5 just shy of Santa Nella, joining State Route 152 up, down, and around every hill between there and the coast. We’re maybe an hour in those hills in the dark, probably less. But it definitely seems like more... which it always does when you’re driving back roads in the full blown night at high speed.
The sweet thing, though, the very sweetest thing... is that around the time we get into those hills Linzy’s firing up a livestream at her apartment back in Seattle. She’s giving a performance on Instagram with guitar and voice. Which is basically what I’ll always remember about that drive through the dark: our daughter singing a bunch of wonderful covers on our drive to San Jose. Right there in the car.
By the time we roll into the parking lot of the Wyndham Garden in San Jose over by the airpot, it’s ten-thirty.
Incidentally, when we walk into the lobby of the Wyndham Garden, it’s all green accents in that space. Kimmer’s favorite color: green. Kind of an odd thing for me to notice... but for whatever reason it just hit me like that.
Kimmer must love this space.
And that’s our Easter Sunday, 2021. A visit with family, a long drive, finding out that our new WiFi hot spot actually does work on the road, experiencing a lovely, live nighttime concert in the car, and finishing the day with that movie “The Circle” ‘til midnight.
Of course I don’t, strictly speaking, recommend any of this as the way to celebrate Easter Sunday.
This is just how ours worked out this year.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Who Raises Taxes More Republicans Or Democrats
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/who-raises-taxes-more-republicans-or-democrats/
Who Raises Taxes More Republicans Or Democrats
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Republicans Vs Democrats On Taxes: An Overview
Republicans Threaten To Cut Taxes Again If Democrats Raise Them To Pay For Infrastructure
We often boil down the tax policy of our major political parties to its simplest form: Democrats raise taxes to fund social programs, and Republicans lower taxes to benefit big businesses and the wealthy.;Both ideas oversimplify the policy of each party, yet both ideas are essentially true.
Whether you agree with more government spending or tax breaks for corporations, each party’s agenda will affect your taxes.
Which Party Is The Party Of The 1 Percent
First, both parties receive substantial support. Much of it comes from registered voters who make $100K+ annually. However, Democrats actually come out ahead when it comes to fundraising for campaigns. In many cases, Democrats have been able to raise twice as much in private political contributions. But what about outside of politicians? Does that mean Democrats are the wealthier party? Which American families are wealthier? Republicans or Democrats?
Honestly, it is probably Republicans. When it comes down to it, the richest families in America tend to donate to Republican candidates. Forbes reported out of the 50 richest families in the United States, 28 donate to Republican candidates. Another seven donate to Democrats. Additionally, 15 of the richest families in the U.S. donate to both parties.
Republicans Are Setting A Tax Trap For Biden
Republicans in Congress want to raise the federal gas tax. Yes, the same Republicans who oppose tax hikes most of the rest of the time.
You wont hear them say, lets raise the gas tax, exactly. Theres a code phrase: user fees. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, for instance, says Republicans will support $600 billion in infrastructure spending, as long as user fees cover the cost. Were happy to look for traditional infrastructure pay-fors, which means the users participate, McConnell said in Louisville on May 3.
The conventional wisdom on infrastructure is that its one rare area of bipartisan agreement, since everybody wants better transportation and a more efficient economy. But theres not really bipartisanship, because of the clash over how to pay for it. Its like a husband and wife saying they agree on the importance of money, except he wants to spend it while she wants to save it.
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The Salt Cap Has Yet To Be Addressed
Democrats from high-tax cities and states have agitated for months to address a limit on how much taxpayers can deduct in state and local taxes, after the 2017 Republican tax changes imposed a cap of $10,000 for single filers and $20,000 for married couples filing jointly.
None of the tax proposals so far have formally addressed a partial or full repeal of that limit, although it has support in both chambers and Senator Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent in charge of the Budget Committee, has signaled openness to a partial repeal of the cap.
And while it was left out of the legislation released on Monday, Mr. Neal and two Democratic advocates for the proposal, Representatives Bill Pascrell of New Jersey and Tom Suozzi of New York, issued a statement pledging that we are committed to enacting a law that will include meaningful SALT relief that is so essential to our middle-class communities.
Mr. Suozzi, who has stood behind a mantra of No SALT, no deal, issued his own statement expressing confidence that a change to the limit would ultimately be included in the package. Some liberal Democrats, however, have pushed back against its inclusion because of its cost and because it could counter some of their tax increases on the wealthy.
What The House Democrats Are Proposing
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The 10-year spending plan is the latest step in Democrats campaign to expand education, health care and child care support, tackle the climate crisis, and make further investments in infrastructure.
Party leaders are hoping to use the annual budget process to push forward several measures in Bidens jobs and families proposals that have been blocked by the Republican opposition.
It includes a number of provisions to combat climate change and to invest in infrastructure and jobs.
This story has been updated with additional information.
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‘we’re The Party Of Lower Taxes’
Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, said he “would not be surprised” if Republicans move to undo Biden’s tax hikes the next time they control Washington.
“They’re the party of big government. We’re the party of lower taxes and more freedom,” he said. “That’s kind of the problem with doing business this way on a purely partisan basis.”
Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kan., who is up for re-election next year, said avoiding sharp swings in policy is “a reason not to” govern on a party-line basis.
“We ought to avoid the ups and downs, the uncertainty that comes with a change after every election,” he said.
Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said it’s “absolutely crucial” for Democrats to emphasize the need for economic investments to voters and to make the case for tax “fairness” on top earners to set up a safety net that can stand the test of time.
“I say this to everyone: If you’re a nurse in Medford, Oregon, treating Covid patients, you pay taxes with every single paycheck no tax havens for you. If you’re somebody who’s a well-connected billionaire, it’s very different. It’s to a great extent optional,” he said. “People have never heard that. They say that’s not right. Everybody should have to pay their fair share.”
Rep. Brendan Boyle, D-Pa., said Democrats should ignore GOP warnings about taxes, arguing that they would seek to cut social programs and lower taxes on the wealthy no matter what Biden does.
The Income Tax Arrives
19011902190419061907 1908 190919101913A hand from Washington will be stretched out and placed upon every mans business; the eye of the Federal inspector will be in every mans counting house . . . The law will of necessity have inquisitorial features, it will provide penalties, it will create complicated machinery. Under it men will be hailed into courts distant from their homes. Heavy fines imposed by distant and unfamiliar tribunals will constantly menace the tax payer. An army of Federal inspectors, spies and detectives will descend upon the state . . . Who of us who have had knowledge of the doings of the Federal officials in the Internal Revenue service can be blind to what will follow? I do not hesitate to say that the adoption of this amendment will be such a surrender to imperialism that has not been since the Northern states in their blindness forced the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments upon the entire sisterhood of the Commonwealth.1914-19151916 19171918-1919Audio clip: McAdoo on the need for tax reduction, probably 1919.1920 Audio clip: George White, on Republican tax promises 1921 Andrew Mellon19241926against 19281929-1932whether
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Of The Founder Of The South Korean Megachurch Died At The Age Of
The draft proposal, which may still change before it is officially released on Monday, calls for raising the top marginal rate on individuals to 39.6%, up from the 37% rate set by Republicans 2017 tax cut law. . Plans aired Sunday and obtained by CNN.
This rate will apply to individuals whose taxable income exceeds $400,000 per year and married couples who jointly earn more than $450,000 annually.
The top capital gains rate will increase from 20% to 25%.
In addition, lawmakers would impose an additional 3% tax on individuals with an adjusted gross income of more than $5 million.
And it would broaden the net investment income tax to cover net income received in the ordinary course of a business or business for single taxpayers, joint filers with more than $400,000 in taxable income, or joint filers with more than $500,000 in income.
Currently, as part of the Affordable Care Act, some high-income Americans are subject to an additional 3.8% Medicare tax on certain investment income and a 0.9% Medicare surcharge on wages.
The proposal also calls for raising the top corporate tax rate to 26.5%, up from the current 21% set by Republicans 2017 tax cut legislation. This would only apply to businesses with incomes in excess of $5 million.
And the House resolution would increase the minimum tax on foreign income of US companies to 16.5 percent from the current 10.5%. Biden had suggested increasing it to 21%.
The Biden Tax Proposal Is Still In Its Early Days
Rep. Malinowski: Some Republicans are willing to raise taxes for infrastructure
Bidens follow-up recovery plan is still taking shape, as are plans to accompany it with taxes. The White House wants to be deliberate in how it goes forward not just in addressing the immediate issues, but also in making strategic decisions about whats on the horizon.
What Bidens trying to do is to make some long-term structural changes for this economy and the investments that we need to be competitive with China and to really bet on American workers and to pay for some of that, Bianchi said.
But there are obstacles. For one thing, the US economy is hardly firing on all cylinders: The US economy is still hamstrung by the Covid-19 pandemic, and millions of jobs still arent back. There is increasing optimism that between the stimulus package and vaccines, the economy is about to bounce back fast, but that doesnt make the politics of the issue a walk in the park.
Were still in the midst of a recession, and it would be pretty easy to make the argument that this isnt a great time to be talking about tax increases, said Leonard Burman, co-founder of the Tax Policy Center and a Syracuse University economist. If the economy comes roaring back, then it would be the appropriate time to be talking about tax increases.
Policymakers could have some levers here perhaps phasing in tax increases, or making sure theyre not put in place until unemployment hits a certain level but its still a tricky situation. After all, 2022 is an election year.
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Hearings This Week Could Also Expose Divisions Within Party
Top Democrats argue voters would prefer tax increases on a small group of wealthy individuals and corporations to pay for infrastructure spending over broad-based user fees that would take a bigger chunk out of lower-income voters wallets.
Thats despite Senate Republicans putting transportation fees on the table as well as new taxes on electric vehicle drivers who dont currently pay into the Highway Trust Fund.;But President Joe Biden pledged not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000, and Democratic leaders are anxious to protect vulnerable members facing tough midterm challenges.
Rep. Ron Kind, D-Wis., said his constituents werent troubled by Bidens proposals to raise taxes on the top 1 percent of households and corporations, which would be an easier sell than increasing gasoline or other user fees.
If the feedback back home is any indication, it sure is, said Kind, a member of Democrats Frontline program for top House GOP targets. He won reelection last year by the closest margin of his career in a district Donald Trump carried twice.
A Morning Consult poll conducted April 21-25 supports Kinds assessment. The survey found that 51 percent support raising the corporate tax rate to 28 percent, versus 31 percent support for a gas tax increase and 29 percent for a vehicle-miles-traveled tax to finance infrastructure.
Stock Market Performance Under A Democratic Or Republican President
Updated: by Financial Samurai
Let us take a look at the historical stock market performance under a Democratic or a Republican President. The annualized S&P 500 return by President is quit consistent over history.
Before finding out the answer, Id like you to guess under what party do you think the S&P 500 has performed the best? From there, we can compare the reality with your beliefs.
After all, one of the keys to being a good stock investor is to remove as much bias from your investing process as possible. It is suboptimal to invest on emotion.
For example, I know several people who decided to sell a majority of their stock holdings in 2016 once Donald Trump won the election. They hated Donald Trump. As a result, they missed out on over 50% in S&P 500 gains.
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Republicans To Increase Taxes For More Than 5 Million Older Americans
Republicans are trying to force a vote on their tax bill before people know whats in it, because they know how unpopular their proposals are. But what we already know is damaging enough, including that more than 5 million older Americans would pay higher taxes, while big corporations and the top 1% get massive tax giveaways.
More than 5 million older Americans could pay higher taxes, and more than 10 million would not receive any tax cut under the Republican tax bill.
AARP: As a result of sunsetting the SFCs middle-class tax cuts, the projected number of taxpayers 65+ experiencing a tax hike would jump more than four times in eight years from 1.2 million in 2019 to 5.2 million in 2027. Add the 5.6 million older Americans who would see no tax change in 2027, and the total number of taxpayers 65+ not receiving a tax cut rises to 10.8 million.
Experts and CEOs continue to oppose the Republican tax plan, calling it a grand deception.
Reagan Tax Cut Architect: What they have here is a big tax cut for the rich paid for with random increases in taxes for various constituencies. Its ridiculous. And its telling that they are ramming this through without any debate. All of the empirical evidence goes against the tax cut.
Former CEO of Stride Rite: This tax bill is a grand deception. It hurts the most vulnerable, and hurts health care and education, which are essential for a healthy economy.
Favoring The Biden Strategy
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Lamont and Republicans both say the timing is bad for tax increases as the states finances are finally stabilizing allowing for the first Wall Street bond rating increase in the past 20 years. The state is projecting a budget surplus of nearly $250 million in the current fiscal year, and the rainy day fund for fiscal emergencies is projected to rise to $3.8 billion later this year. Those numbers have continued to increase due to a record-setting pace on Wall Street as Fairfield County millionaires and billionaires pay hundreds of millions of dollars in capital gains that are paid through the personal income tax.
After the Twin Towers fell, many raced to help or went back to work. Now, for those suffering with cancer or lung disease, 9/11 did not end on 9/11. »
In addition, the major federal stimulus package that was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Biden will send $6.2 billion to Connecticut for state and local government over the next three years, including $1.75 billion directly into the state budget over the next two years.
Lamont, though, doubled down on his views about the timing and against capital gains taxes. Instead, he said in an interview that President Joe Biden should set the tone on tax increases at the national level so that taxpayers in all states are treated the same.
Connecticut honors, mourns the fallen on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 attacks »
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User Fees Would Force Biden’s Hand
If Republicans controlled Congress, its extremely unlikely theyd raise user fees or impose new ones to pay for an infrastructure plan. The federal gasoline tax, which is supposed to cover the costs of the national highway system, is a classic user fee because people who buy gasdriverspay into the fund that maintains the roads they drive on. But the gas tax has been stuck at 18.4 center per gallon since 1993, and its now too low to cover all the costs its supposed to. President Trump supposedly wanted a big infrastructure plan, and his fellow Republicans controlled Congress during the first two years of his presidency. Yet they never mounted a serious infrastructure plan, let alone new user fees to pay for it.
So why do Republicans favor user fees now? Because they would force Biden to break a core campaign promise, damaging him politically. Biden pledged not to raise taxes on households earning less than $400,000 per year, and any user fee applied broadly to the public would violate that pledge. User fees are actually a sensible and proven way to pay for big projects, yet Biden, for better or worse, has effectively ruled them out as a funding source for his ambitious plans.
Rick Newman is the author of four books, including “Rebounders: How Winners Pivot from Setback to Success. Follow him on Twitter: . You can also , and click here to get Ricks stories by email.
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The Trump Tax Reform Conspicuously Targeted High
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has always been more reluctant than other Empire State Democrats to soak the richjust last summer he warned that raising taxes on the states billionaires would mean theyd . But last week he agreed to a budget deal that boosts state income tax rates on millionaires and would leave New York Citys richest paying the highest combined state and local income tax rate in the nation14.8% on income above $25 million. New York hadnt held that dubious title since 2012, when California voters hit millionaires with a 13.3% rate.;
Cynics might suggest that Cuomo caved now because hes been politically weakened by allegations he sexually harassed subordinates and misled the public about the number of Covid-19 deaths among nursing home residents. But the Governor himself offered another explanation for his change of heart: taxes for the richest New Yorkers will actually go down. Huh?;
While attention has focused on Bidens plan to raise federal taxes on and earning more than $400,000, another tax war has been raging around the countryand is itself affecting Washington maneuvering. According to data collected by the Urban Institute, between April and December of 2020, a majority of states collected less tax revenue than in the year before, even as the pandemic put increased demands on their budgets. The five hardest hit statesAlaska, Hawaii, North Dakota, Nevada and Floridaare heavily dependent on tax revenue from either oil or tourism.
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wolfisakionwheels · 7 years
Day 47 | Andrea's house | Medford OR
My dad has been slipping further and further away from us as he fights the spiral into his next phase of dementia. By everyone’s best guess he still has a few stages left before he forgets how to smile, or speak, or swallow, but no one could tell you the best parts of his life are still ahead of him.
In 1957 though, as a 7th grader in the podunk little town of Sandy Oregon known best for its wafting scent of manure piles and your last stop for gas before heading into the Mount Hood National Forest, my dad was, as his little sister will say, “just getting his stride”. 
He had dark horn-rimmed glasses and dirty blonde hair recently chopped within an inch of its life and flat as premium golf turf along the top - as was the style at the time. He played First Base on the town’s little league team and was showing early signs of talent on the Cornet that his mother had just passed down to him. Within a decade span of time it would provide him a coveted position playing trumpet for the Navy Band. 
When you blow into a half-empty bottle and it makes a hollow sound... That is what my dad is now. 
He was the oldest of four kids, and then later, accidentally, five. His mother was kind and smart, voted “Most Godly Woman” at church, and, having had seventeen siblings of her own, she knew her place and how to choose her battles which served her well in her marriage to my grandfather. My dad’s dad. He was fairly troubled, which is to say, he was to be feared. Children he thought to be cumbersome; picked at and passed over, much like brussels sprouts on the dinner table. 
In those days, rather than a mental illness diagnosis you would likely instead get a reputation. “Somethins not quite right with that feller,” the upwards jerk of a tobacco packed jaw indicating the direction of my grandfather - in line at the bank or the feed store. “I hear he lobbed a pitchfork at his eldest just tryna stick up for his little brother.” Someone else, leaning in, a somber cluck of their tongue, “Bless it. Coulda took his head clean off.” 
It was during this age and stage of my dad’s early life when he was primed and ready to make a lifelong best friend. Someone who would race alongside him the three miles home from school, darting across fields and pastures, arms stretched out to the stratosphere, blades of wheat nicking their open palms.
And someone to ride shotgun on Friday nights the forty-five minutes into Portland, singing along to the FM radio and watching the world shift from rickety barns and old growth fir trees to traffic lights and towering buildings. Windows down, cruising Broadway, leaning out of my grandparents ‘58 Ford like tulips towards the sun, their jacket tails flipping in the breeze behind them.
Joining the Forest Service together where the long days spent maintaining trails and building helicopter landing pads feels a bit like a rest after years steaped in farm work. Young men now, lean and strong, experiencing freedom for the first time. 
Finding girlfriends, and then wives. Each having three children of their own.
Well into their seventies now, he makes the journey up the Interstate whenever he can to visit my dad in his memory care facility. They’ll talk about the old days and he'll light up the spots in my dad that have gone dark.
After nearly two months of travel we are heading North back home on the Interstate and we stop to spend a few nights with his youngest daughter Andrea, my friend since the beginning of time as we’ve known it. We watch our kids play together in her backyard, jumping on the trampoline, our fathers grandchildren - with their arms stretched out to the stratosphere, jacket tails flipping in the breeze behind them. 
And so the story goes, on a day unlike the rest of them, with the sun beaming in through the old oak six pane windows at Sandy Grade School, mixing in with the dust scattered upwards from a hundred rowdy limbs and hanging in the air like floating atoms of gold, my dad met his lifelong best friend when he carried his brown sack lunch into the cafeteria, shyly catching the eye of the boy with the cherry red lunch box - just three days older, sat down beside him, and let the moment stretch out between them. 
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December 11 2020
Hi Tumblr :) it has been such a long time since I have written anything. I would like to say it is because my life has been crazy or busy or even interesting. But that is not the case. I think that I haven't written simply because I haven't felt like myself in a long time. It's funny, I still call myself a writer. Like if someone were to ask me who I am or what my interests are; I would always say I'm a writer. I consider it a core part of my identity and yet I can't seem to do it. Sad, isn't it? Anyway. The last time I wrote I think I was going to Key? Right? From Chase? Over a year ago now? Haha. Yikes. I won't write too much about Key Bank but I will say that it broke my soul a little bit working there. It was an odd place. A group of fully grown adult women, acting like high school children. And I would talk to the people around me about it and unanimously the response was more or less shock at the things that were happening there. I don't know. I cried a lot during that time. I remember my depression and anxiety from HS and it doesn't even compare to how it was at Key. I had never wanted to be less alive than when I was working at Key. I am young, but I can say confidently, I will never have a worse job. Ever. Which is comforting in a way. If I can get through that BS I can probably get through anything. Lol. But! Out of all bad things comes good, right? I don't believe that necessarily, but in this case it is true. As always, my disdain for my workplace inspired me to get something better. I decided that I didn't want to fuck around with banks anymore and that I was ready to start my career as an actual financial advisor. So I applied to three different firms and, no surprise (not really, it's a huge surprise, I'm in no way qualified to be an FA right now), I landed a job at one of them. So I was hired to be a financial advisor at AIG retirement services, and I began studying for my tests. I worked at Key for about 3 months after I was officially offered the position at AIG. I was studying for the first test I would need to take, the SIE. I ended up quitting (sort of) in August. Key found out about the AIG thing and they weren't happy to say the least. But. What do they expect? I told the district manager directly that I was being bullied at my branch and I had other people confirming that fact. Not to mention that when I was hired they knew my ambitions, I told them, I wasn't trying to hide anything and I didn't spring anything on them like oh no way? I wanted to be an FA in a year. I was told that would happen when I was hired. 5 months in I was told that it would take 3-5 years to even get an assistant position. I'm not doing it. And obviously I am a very talented individual. I have had enormous success in my career in 3 short years. You can't hire someone like that and expect them to sit in a boring ass banker job for 3 years. It's not who I am. Hire someone else. Um. But, the AIG job is in Eugene. So I had to move! It actually all worked out really nicely though because the fires in Medford left my brother without an apartment right around the time I was looking for something in Eugene. We were able to get him into my and Trent's old apartment within about a month, and I found the cutest little place in Eugene. I love my apartment. It is technically a one bedroom but I turned it into a sort of studio with an office. I figure I'm not going to be having people over all that often, so a living room or entertaining area isn't important to me. I love my office space, it is so perfect, especially since AIG is work from home until who knows when. It is considerably smaller than my apartment in Medford was though. But! I have been saying for so long that I wanted to get rid of stuff, cleanse my life. I ended up getting rid of a lot more than I actually needed to. And so my place is a little empty, maybe? Not terribly empty but there's just a bit more that I could have. I don't want to buy more things though. Everything I have is because I truly want it. And that's a cool feeling. Really knowing everything you own. I think people often have things that they don't even realize they have. They don't know their own possessions. I know for sure I didn't. Before I went through my things, I thought I knew, but there was so much stuff that I had no idea about. Craziness. There is too much stuff in this world. Anyway. I'm all set up in my new place, the only super sad thing is being so far away from my family. Trent decided that he couldn't come with me. He is doing so well at his job and I'm really proud of him but it is hard to be without him so much. This is the longest relationship I've ever had by far. And there have been ups and downs, but at the end of the day I don't want to be without him. He was here all week and he's actually asleep in my bedroom right now as I write in my office. It's kinda a nice domestic little picture. I miss him constantly when he isn't here. We talk on the phone though and we have our games we play together. Recently he got me into WOW. I had a lot of fun leveling but since reaching 50 I haven't played much. We gotta get back to it. Essentially though things are going well with Trent and as of now I see us being together for a very long time. I will say that I haven't always been so confident in our relationship but somehow I think we have actually gotten stronger. The moving stuff was stressful. I'm glad we got through it. And of course I miss my mom and my dad. It's hard. I enjoyed our weekly lunches and I liked going over for dinner every once in a while. I still talk to my mom on the phone, my dad too but just less often. It's not the same though. Fortunately because of the holidays I have been able to go down to Medford at least once a month for the last few months, and I'll be going for Christmas too. I'm hyped about the gift Kodiak and I got for my parents. I think they're gonna love it. Definitely unique. It's hard to be alone. I feel kinda bad because I know Jonno is here and I should text him and hang out with him and it's not even that I don't want to but I have been struggling a lot emotionally since being here. My anxiety has been unbearable. It's an all day every day sort of affliction. I have never had such intense and frequent panic attacks. I actually ended up seeing a psychiatrist and getting a prescription for anti anxiety meds. I haven't taken them and I'm starting to do better. It helps when Trent is here. I've been trying to help myself. I'm trying to go on daily walks to the park next to my house, I'm trying to eat better, although most days I've had a hard time eating at all. I'm trying to get out and put myself in situations where I will see other people or be preoccupied. I'm finally feeling maybe up to starting a stream. I think that will be good for me. Anyway. That's all to say, I've just kinda been suffering since moving here. I don't want to say that it was a bad decision coming here, or accepting the job with AIG because being at Key was worse, just differently. Intense anxiety vs deep depression? I'll take the anxiety apparently, because I've dealt with anxiety so much that even though when I have panic attacks the physical symptoms suck ass, I know exactly what it is and exactly how to get through it. Being suicidal? That one is harder to know how to fix. Haha. Anyway. Back on track. I haven't been able to finish my testing for my FA position yet. Um and I have essentially been out of work for 6 months. So. I was definitely ready to go back. I ended up getting a job at Starbucks a little bit ago. It was fun. My manager was very nice to me. I learned a lot about coffee. I had no idea it was such a complicated subject. My manager's whole life was Starbucks. He had worked there for over 20 years. He knew everything there was to know about coffee and about Starbucks. It's very cool but at the same time I kinda wonder how a person is satisfied just being a SB manager for their whole life. Like, at the end of that day, are you satisfied with your accomplishments? I hope he is. I could never be, but I think that might be a flaw. I ended up having to quit after only two weeks though because I had a phone call with one of my partners (?) at AIG and we decided that I could start as a part time advisor assistant until I finish my testing. My 7 is scheduled to be soonTM so. It wouldn't be too long but it'll be a nice introduction to the company, and allow me to start working with some of the other FAs before becoming one of them. I start that position on Monday. Um. I'm actually really excited. They offered me more money than I thought I would get. And the hours are fantastic, and it is work from home. I mean. Could there be a better position? I don't think so. So far everyone from AIG has been just so awesome and accommodating. I have had some administrative issues, like with my U4 and testing and start dates, but ultimately I think it is going to be great working there. Hm. What else? I've been playing a lot of league. LOL is my favorite game ever. I love it so much. I love watching it and playing it and even thinking about it gives me joy. I have gotten a lot better since Trent and I started dating. I think it's because I am with him that I wanted to be better. Back when I started playing and it was me and AG I never felt much motivation to focus on the intricacies of the game, or even learn different champions or positions because the person I was playing with was... not really better than me? It's hard because he was at first but I didn't have to play the game right to be better than him. But! I always saw Trent as this like, pro LOL player ya know? I thought he was just so good and I always felt kinda bad playing with him cuz we would drag him down in the games. So when we started dating I was like, I want to be as good as he is. I want to get to his level so we can play together and it won't be uneven. I mean. Y'all know how competitive I am. I think now I can confidently say that I am. Not at all the champions but I am confident in my gameplay, particularly as ADC. I've played a lot. But it feels good. Oh! I've also gotten into playing words with friends with my grandma. Nams is so awesome. I love being able to play her favorite game with her and chat with her every day. It had been soooo long since we talked and so when she called me a week or so ago I mentioned that WWF might be fun for us to play together and keep us connected more. And it definitely has. Such a beautiful thing. That has been helping with my anxiety too. She makes me smile. Anyway. I guess that is all for now. Hopefully I will start writing more but no promises. Just honestly it’s probably not going to happen. I think about writing a lot. Maybe I just need to sit down and do it when I think about it. Maybe that’s what being a writer is. Who knows? I hope all my readers are doing well. If there are any of you left out there :)
0 notes
stone-man-warrior · 4 years
January 9, 2021: 2:04 pm:
Local Update:
A walk out to the road was revealing today.
I took a short walk, it's a nice and sunny day out there, but is very cold despite the sunshine.
Conditions at Monroe's are strange in non-descript ways.
At Chartrand's, a large moving truck was parked at the roadside, not in the yard. The truck had graphics that say:
"Bekins Cross Town Movers
Coos Bay
with a phone number.
The driver and passenger both wore all black. The driver was about 350 pounds, dark hair and beard, passenger was 190 pounds, dark hair, goat beard, both in their late 30's and about 5' 11".
They parked there, made a lot noise, there was booms. and bangs, and thuds... then, some human body sized items were carried from the property and put into the Bekins Cross Town Moving truck.
Myers white Cross Over vehicle came down the road went to 560.
(airplane flying low and slow buzzed my house just now at 2:15pm)
The mail carrier for this route pulled into the Chartrand property at 376 parked and turned on his head lights.
I walked toward Chartrand's wondering why the mail carrier is at Chartrand’s when bodies are being moved around.
The mail carrier was at the Chartrand’s as the Sparacino's were approaching, the sound of a female voice like that of Deb Monroe was clearly heard, but there was no female anywhere around there. The mail carrier driving a red Ford Taurus Wagon, right hand drive, with a white paint stain on the right side front door pulled out of Chartrand's at the time he saw me approach and he drove past me towards the mailboxes, and that is when Sparacino's came down the road to chase me away, I did not go away. The Sparacino's have yet another brand new stolen Cross Over style vehicle, a black one, I was not able to see what kind because that is when Wesely Crowel came down the road and swerved to run me over as I was walking home, he was driving a black Mustang Convertible, tried to run me over, so I took cover near some railing where the creek culvert is at in front of Monroe's.
I walked to the mailbox, the mail carrier was there putting mail into the boxes. He spoke to me, said he was going to back up just at the time I was going to reach for my mail. Then he took a selfie photo of himself, and put the red Ford into reverse to place something into Clyde Baum's 333 mail box.
I thanked the mail carrier for warning me about backing up, and asked if he saw Wesely Crowel try to run me over. He replied "no, I'm a mailman, I don't see anything." He then asked if it was a mail carrier that tried to run me over, I said “no, it was Wesely Crowel in that black Mustang that just drove past you".
Meanwhile, the Sparacino's moved innocently and timidly on their way up to where they live at 545. I was the only one of the group on Jackpine who checked mail, that is unusual, they always try to block me from getting my mail. Today, it was the mailcarrier playing the turn-a-round who blocked me momentarily.
The theme was "Black"
The mail carrier was not participating in the theme part, unless the theme was "Red & Black", which I suspect is the case. Air Support Terror Air Force Colors are Red & Black, and the Air Support Terror Air Force is the US Postal Service, aerial division of "The Stork" terror cell that is USPS in Grants Pass, and nation wide.
2:54 pm:
On second consideration, the theme was:
“Black Label Society w/Red Cross-Over”, by Zack Wylde’s roadies.
2:39 pm:
I was able to see that Wesley Crowel appears to be alive, is not a taxidermy as he seems to have been the last few times I have seen him on the road, he clearly moved his head and hands this time as he drove by about one foot away from where I took cover at the creek guard rail, and was also wearing black, as was Nicole Sparacino who was driving that new stolen cross over style car, black. There was a passenger in the Sparacino car, I was not able to see who, because that was when Wesley Crowel was coming down the road to run me over.
All of that stuff happened within about ten minutes, from the time I heard loud booming and thud noises while I was on my driveway, to the time I walked out to the road to see the Bekins Cross Town Moving, to the time I saw the mail carrier take a selfie photo of himself and then I got my mail to return to my house, and began to write this immediately.
There was nothing in the mailbox, just air.
5:43 pm:
The mail carrier today is not the regular usual Asian lady who drives the black  Nissan Quest van with Rocker Panel Graphics that say: “Black Jelly Bean“ on it. Today’s mail carrier did not even look like the substitute mail carrier, but was driving the same Ford Taurus Wagon, or one that looks the same as the one the substitute mail carrier drives. The substitute mail carrier looks exactly like the YouTube personality who goes by the name “PewdyPie”. Knowing what I know about the presence of Google operative terror soldiers around here, I am convinced the usual substitute mail carrier actually is the YouTube personality who goes by the name “PewdiePie”, but, that was not him today. Todays mail carrier looked similar, but was not the usual substitute mail carrier. Best description I can give is that of PewdiePie with darker colored hair and shorter beard. Otherwise the fake substitute mail carrier was similar looking to the real one, PewdiePie, who is only the substitute mail carrier for when the Asian lady who drives the “Black Jelly Bean Nissan Quest, is not on the route that day.
The USPS facility on Washington ave in Grants Pass is occupied and is run by Canadian terror soldiers and has a large presence of Famous Rock Star Music Groups who frequent that facility, where they are provided with young girls and boys for whatever they use them for... kidnapped children are collected by the mail carrier terror cell, taken to that facility, some of them are snatched up by actors, musicians, clowns, and magicians, as disposable sex slaves, and are used as target practice at the shooting range that’s across the freeway from the north Valley High School, not far from Flemming Middle School, and Manzanita Elementary School, where many of the victim children used to be kidnapped from, at a time when there were still some US Citizen Children left alive to kidnap from the schools, a long time ago. The US Children are all gone now, all were killed, taken as slaves, and many were trained as terror soldiers. The ones that were taken as soldiers and slaves would be in their 30′s now, or older, since the terror take over happened in around 1998 - 2004 or so,
The baby is on fire, there is no one watching the baby. The baby has been smouldering there, just slowly roasting away, is about done now, all cooked and ready to serve like those rotisserie chickens at the supermarket... except these ones are human, have names, like Sarah, Billy, Jason, Emily, Maria, and Jesus (Hey Zeus) are US Citizen babies that no one will save from the Actors, musicians, clowns, and magicians... the same ones we all love to watch on TV, and listen to on the radio. Those are the people who are cooking the babies.
Here is the link to the command orders to do whatever that activity was. I suspect that the person who was wearing the KKK robe last night was killed, could have ignited and launched away due to nitrous ignition, and that all of the Christian terror soldiers have bombs up their asses, that turns them into rocket ships when the gas ignites by the small flame of my Bic Lighter.
Also. I did not explain all of what happened at the Fred Meyer gas station the other day, or at the Walgreen’s afterwords.
It’s important that I go ahead and say some of what I left out from the Fred Meyer and Walgreen’s errand run in Dystopia on the 6th of January.
At the Fred Myer gas station, there were a lot of Buses of differing variety. One of them was the Salem Oregon Government style that I included an example photo of on that days Tumblr Post Entry.
When I pulled in for getting some fuel, that white Salem style bus was there at the gas pump next to the pump I usually use. The attendant there was Mark Kiesel of Kiesel Guitars disguised as Fred Meyer gas station attendant. He was doing a “Plug In“ service, where special assassins assume the role of others on the fly to make the hit, a “plug-in”, such as Mark Kiesel playing role of gas station attendant.
They knew I needed fuel before I knew I needed fuel, and were waiting there in the Salem Gov Bus when I arrived there.
So, as I pulled in, I recognized Mark Kiesel, I know who he is, he has been trying to kill me since 1993. Kiesel likes to use explosive guitars for his brand of murder and I have been given more than one Kiesel Guitar in my lifetime, all of them have exploded and killed other people. So, I recognized him, and said so, even with the Corona Mask on. He had some thugs in the Bus with him. One of the thugs had ignited, and burst into bits at the gas station on Wednesday, he ran to the bus and got inside before disintegrating. Then, one of the other thugs got out of the bus, came to where I was standing, to tell me that I had lit his friend’s nitrous tank, and was upset about that. So, I did not want to fuck around, I just ended the argument with my trusty fingernail clipper, and gave the young thug a manicure at neck level, stuck in the throat like a dry graham cracker. That one ran into the Bus with the others, someone mentioned that there was a lot of guitars inside the Bus, and then someone else shouted: “no! don’t open that!”. By that time, all of the occupants of the Salem Bus at the Fred Meyer had been ignited when the first one went in there with a lit tank... the Salem bus drove away quickly. everyone inside was screaming and choking either having been ignited, or stuck in the throat.
(5:24 pm: I think some federal fool may have been there, did not read this account about the dangers that exist here in Grants Pass, and was going to open a guitar bomb, thinking they were stolen guitars in the Salem Bus, when the guy that had the guitar bombs in the Bus is the owner of the company that makes them in CA. Federal fools are still thinking in terms of small potatoes, like petty theft or a single murder or rape, when the theft is that of the whole nation, and the murders are counted by the ten’s of millions with rough estimation, and that rape is the sons and daughters, wives and sisters of the federal fools as they are fucking off looking at petty theft. It seems as though the statement “no! Don’t open that! was the terror bastards from Hollywood terror hit command HQ telling the federal fool not to open the Kiesel Brand Guitar Bomb)
The Salem Bus exploded somewhere out of  view, the explosion was the same quality of sound characteristics as the explosions that were happening around my house on new years eve and on new years day. Very tight, dense, compact sound intense explosion noise, not a “boom”, more of a “Pow” w/snap characteristic. Short, loud, intense explosion.
So, I defended at the Fred Meyer, then went to Walgreen‘s with my car all behaving the way i enplaned, all of the electronics were going hey wire, and the fuel injection was not working as it should, then it all started to work normally after a couple of miles towards the Walgreen’s.
There, I am pretty sure it was Paul Reed Smith who I saw there, he was looking quite old though, and not in the best physical shape I have seen Mr. Smith in before. I thought he was dead from a fight at the Josephine County Jail when he and Zakk Wylde, Lars Ulrich, John Mayer, and Berus Sparacino attacked me inside the jail on June 16, 2020. I also saw my former spouse inside of the jail, but she was on the Sheriff Jailer side of the jail, while I was actually inside of the jail containment area when those people all attacked me there. So, I thought Paul Reed Smith had been killed, but, I saw him at the Walgreen‘s after the Kiesel Salem Bus exploded, so he must have been treated for his injuries, and healed since that time back in June.
The others that attacked at the jail, I still say are dead.
There was talk of “The Bus exploded!” while I was at the Walgreen‘s, and I had to fight one female terror soldier and one male terror soldier, who had a sword at the front checkout that day.
More stuff happened. After today’s Black Label Society Event on Jackpine, I am concerned about one other fellow I will be needing to face here pretty soon, about 5′10″, 40 y/o, blonde hair, long blonde goat beard, w/attractive curvy female mating pair accompaniment person spouse, well built, brick shithouse variety. Those two were at the Walgreen’s and were all upset about the events that took place at the Fred Meyer.
So, that Jackpine Black Parade was about the Salem Bus, and Kiesel of Keisel Guitars in Southern California.
Be advised that these particular terror cell members have access to C-4 explosives, so, that means Micheal Moore of Super Size Me fame, is where the C-4 comes from.
6:27 pm:
After consideration of the events on Jackpine, I have come to conclusion that the fake mail carrier was trained as part of the Myers terror cell of 560 Jackpine. When he said “I don‘t see anything” I recognize the significance, Is the same as “I don‘t cross anything” and is a Mters specific use of a way to frame someone is not religious, is not Christian. They used to do the statement but with “I don‘t cross anything”, today he said “I don‘t see anything”, where “See” is the Vatican reference. The idea is to make the victim who is not religious appear as someone who is hateful towards the religious people to the extent that they portray the intended victim as someone who refuses to cross their letter “T” or cross their legs when sitting down, because some how that is supposed to help with the frame for a crime if Myers can convince federal officers that the person in question is so hateful that they won’t even cross a T, their arms when standing, or legs when sitting.
Myers, 560 Jackpine is where that fake mail carrier was trained, so, that means Grants Pass Community Church is where the fake mail carrier is a member of the terror cell there, as are many of the hard core “Ye Old English 800″, larger terror cell are also trained. They are the ones who build and operate the killing contraptions I explain here. The Myers and all of the other people around here have access to the people who could send some help, but I am not able to because the bastards control the phones and internet and USPS too. All of the communication is hijacked exactly for when someone tries to contact helpful people.
They used to say: “I don‘t cross anything”. Today it was: “I don‘t See anything”.
The command order came in early today, they had some time to prepare for a chance to have Wesley Crowel run me over, and all of that other bullshit that also happened. I suspect the crew on the road was thinking that I had been injured last night by the one wearing the KKK robe, it’s actually supposed to be a Grim Reaper terror attack disguise, comes w/sickle, and is usually worn by the terror Air Force General, Janice “Jay-Bob” Freeberg, as “The Grimm Freeberg”.
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Don‘t ask...
It used to be a Ted Nugent song. I like that “Box Canyon Spaghetti Western“ bass sound they have going on here:
4:07 pm:
There is a very high likelihood that those “Boomm, bang... thud, thud...” sounds I heard coming from Monroe’s front driveway was the sound of not one, but two African Lions inside of another truck or van at the Monroe terror cell while the “Bekins Cross Town Movers” was a distraction service done by Safari terror cell. There is likely to have been Federal Fools there on steak out, who insist on being fooled all of the time by the local authorities.
“Bekins Cross Town Movers” = “Beacon Ave Department of Motor Vehicles”
Trust me, that’s what it means. They are the Safari terror cell along with the courts, sheriff, state police, all of the top level government in Oregon is the Safari terror cell... think of it as “One Hour Martinizing”.... delivered with Kings.
4:21 pm:
Other sounds, noise, ground shaking that happened today is worth a mention:
At about 11:00 am -12:01 pm or so... a loud boooom was heard coming from the direction of Strong’s and Chapman terror cells on Russell Road. The sound was accompanied by the ground, or house shaking, My interpretation was that of either a small airplane crashed nearby, maybe near the train tracks to the west, or, a car hit a tree. It was not an explosive sound, it was more of the sound of impact, and was substantial, shook the house.
4:31 pm:
A Butterfly flaps it’s wings in China, makes a hurricane in Texas.
I have a memory of something about the symbolism of Toyota Prius’ for terror considerations:
A place called Sun Valley Studios is somehow associated with Power, and the Prius.
Twenty years ago or more my family went rafting on the Rogue River as we did daily sometimes in the summertime, back when there still was some remnants of freedom in Oregon. On this one particular river raft trip, there was a man on a catamaran style raft, had been doing some drinking while boating, was alone, and talkative and friendly as we passed by rafting on the Rogue. The man explained that he was the San Bernardino County Sheriff, and was excited about new acquisitions at the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Office, where he said the county supplied the Sheriff with 500 Toyota Prius’ to use as patrol squad cars.
San Bernardino is the biggest county in USA, covers a lot of ground, is mostly harsh desert. I am anticipating some challenges associated with Toyota Prius squad cars in that kind of environment.
Although I don‘t have a conclusion for why that is important, I do know it is important, and I believe that man was indeed the county sheriff of San Bernardino. I don‘t know why he was so excited about it, or, why he felt he needed to explain any of that on rafting trip on the Rogue River more than a thousand miles from where he came from.
Somehow, today’s events on Jackpine remind me about that conversation so long ago, but I don‘t know why. So I wrote it down.
Also, I am reminded of the very best guitar player I ever knew, he was not famous, but was forced to be non-famous, as a slave who does backstage guitar playing while the famous guitar players fake it onstage. If I say who he is, they will kill him, and get another slave guitar player to do the live show from backstage.
7:09 pm:
Here is example of that Norton pop-up window that shows up as I come back into my house after I take a walk. I just now went outside, walked around, the Monroe’s heard that I had gone out there with the listening devices, then turned on the whining noisy sound they play at their fresh water well, it’s speaker connected to an amplifier, is operated with Blue-tooth, to make an unpleasant noise that whines a high pitch frequency, is only done to aggravate me and spoil any existence of a peaceful moment outdoors.
Then I go back into the house and there is this pop-up, it only happens when I come back from a short walk outside.
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7:16 pm:
(Centurylink ISP is still turning off my number pad on my keyboard, when I want to use a numeral, I have to push the “Num Lk” button each time I want to use a numeral, if I don’t and use the number pad while it’s turned off, the cursor goes flying somewhere up the page, I loose my place, and all of this kind of fuckery makes it difficult to remember what the heck I wanted to say about all of this complicated kinds of terror so that I can get free of it with some help from the people who I am writing this for.)
I wanted to say about that San Bernardino Sheriff with the 500 Prius’:
My read about that includes but is not limited to the 500 Series of recording and studio effects used at professional sound studios. He was making a statement about 500 Series effects, and doing so by substitution of a electric car fleet. Maybe he was saying that he is getting an enema from the professional recording studios, so to speak, about some kind of distress he may have been in at the time.
When I lived in Riverside, I had some friends who were police. They may have come to find me, sent that guy, to say something, because I used to have some connections to music and recording studios... maybe he thought I could help him somehow, even if that help was just some sharing of terminology or standards in the recording industry. I don‘t know. It was something that I am remembering for a reason, was just a rafting trip where someone had a conversation with me as we floated by one another, of thousands of those, I remember that guy on the catamaran raft.
Go learn about 500 Series Effects, they are readily available in all configurations at Vintage King Audio in Hollywood, and in Nashville Tennessee, if you want to help figure out why 500 Toyota Prius’ are important to talk about on a river float.
The 500 Series are Rack Mount Effect Modular Components. The significance is the “Rack”. Medieval style torture rack.
There is one at 520 Jackpine at least some of the time.
It stretches people to 9 feet in length, not counting arm length, is very unpleasant, that is what it’s for, to get people to say personal and sensitive security information.
The ones who are on the Rack, are presented as they are tortured, to others among the group the victim belongs to, so, those other people are given the Spanish Inquisition, to say important information, if it’s not satisfactory to Myers of 560, then they crank the handle where the loved one is being stretched out. All of the people who are captured are injected with heroin, and exposed to nitrous gas. The captors don‘t like it when the victims make noise or scream, so that is what the heroin is for, to keep all involved as comfortable as possible during the ordeal. The victim on the Rack is given a view from a mirror, so they can see what shape they are in. It’s horrible. Happens next door for the past 24 years or so.
8:02 pm:
The American Music Supply Command Orders:
There is much to look at, some is obvious with some pre-requisite understanding, some is not so obvious. One thing I saw in there that may be easily overlooked is that the featured guitars run the spectrum of available string elevation above the guitar body. Have a look at how high the strings are elevated above the guitar bodies of the featured selections. The names are also revealing. That Zakk Wylde crimson model is the lowest string elevation I have ever seen, in comparison to that other big hollow-body, there is a lot of difference going on with string elevation and at least one of those guitars has EMG style Active Pick-Ups, are powered, so, that is the comm, that Power Lines are of importance, and that is the elevated strings, the power lines, to say “Rocky Mountain Power” terror cell. You may be able to take more from the product specifications to arrive at Safari Terror Cell, if you want to do your own research to find truth.
The “Black Label Society” is in the comm too, to me, that seems to say something along the lines (lions) of:
“Signs Hanging all over the Dark Knowledge of Social Orders” or, simply put, the terror bastards are not happy about being exposed in their ways in such great detail so often, and want remedy to return the Darkness back over those dark secrets that have so much light on them.
8:17 pm:
Dean Zelinsky
Zakk Wylde
All of those and more, are guitar makers who have sent people to kill me. I am beginning to see a pattern, over the past 20 years and more.
So, there is also going to be Chapman Guitars in Britain.
Most unusual, could be bait, is Crimson Guitars, look on YouTube, looks like bait Guitar maker, however, the man who owns Crimson Guitars also has his own line of stains and finishes, so, maybe not bait, maybe a hit Luthier like the others.
If it says “Crimson“ on it, on any product, it’s likely to be a Vatican terror product.
Also, consideration of Keisel Guitars business model (after Mark killed the real owner and took over Carvin Guitars in Escondido, is that the guitars are only sold direct, not available in stores. The significance is in association to UPS, USPS, and Fed Ex all having been hijacked, controlled by the Christian terror army. The “Direct Sale” business model of any and all such direct sale products opens doors to unique ways of doing Murder & Replace terror tactics. Kiesel ships an order from a customer who was shown the product line by the Guru at Guitar Center. The customer see’s that the guitars are top notch, Vatican Choir Grade instruments, for a reasonable price for what you get, and Kiesel ships out the order, which is followed to the address by Keisel terror cell murder thugs. The customer is killed. Someone else moves in to the customers home. So, find the available used Keisel Guitars that may exist on Ebay, Craigs List, or Reverb and there may be ways of tracking who bought those new, why they are for sale used, and where the shipping went to when sold as new. Other important information can be gained by finding a few used Kiesel guitars to study how it was delivered, and it’s life story. That will also work for other “Direct Sale” products, any product, not just music equipment. I think Robert Keeley is also a “Direct Sale” business model. “Direct Sale” = “Straight to Jesus” and fits the Ann Wilson style associated to “Straight on for You”.
The guy who builds Crimson Guitars does seem like bait to me... very special terror operative network there is possible, maybe all the way to the Vatican Choir Central HQ because they have fail safe systems in place, bait, in case public safety persons catch on to the guitar and it’s position at the very top of the global terror pyramid. The idea is to put out there a sacrificial lamb, such as Crimson Guitars, so that no one will notice the monsters, Gibson. Epiphone, Gretch to name three monsters. Fender is a little different somehow... not sure how, but the “Made in Mexico” is what is called a “Golden no-no” as a blanket statement about “Made in Mexico” and that is complicated beyond what I have studied, except that Eric Clapton used a Fender for the purpose that Fender would be hijacked, he gave the “Foot in the Door” when he chose a Fender back in the days of Cream. So, Crimson Guitars could very well be backed with safety measures to lure police there, so that they will no longer look for Guitar terror connections to the Amp Guru, at the top of the Pink Floyd Pyramid, where David Gilmour and Roger Waters, sit, as Amp Guru.
I used to really enjoy playing my guitars. It was not long ago really, but, five years is too long to not be allowed to play my guitar. I am upset about that. I want to play my guitars, and, I want my cookies and milk too. So, the terror bastards arranged that I cannot play my guitars, and, they poisoned the cookies and milk.
I am upset about that.
So, I say fuck ‘em. Take all of the terror musicians out, let God sort them out later on.
9:24 pm:
They won‘t let me play my drums either, so fuck those guys too. Go to Drum Workshop in Ontario Ca, they do international terror through the Ontario International Airport, but be advised that the Ontario Airport is controlled by SAG, with protection from Gavin Newsom and the Canadian/Christian terror army, is a danger zone, code yellow, for caution is advised there. Newsom is dead now though, so no more help from there, he came to kill me, with Adam Sandler, neither of them have been seen since, except with old reruns of news real provided by the terror pansies of the news media. Sandler cried like a third grade girl when he did not get his way. They only act tough, in real life, they cannot survive.
New Jersey.
It’s known as Oregon’s sister state. Both are the only states where self service at a gasoline pump is prohibited by law. They have it worked where the gas stations have a lot of unnoticed control over the inhabitants of the states. You are expected to remain in your car, not supposed to get out to stretch your legs. It’s not required that you stay in the car, but the inhabitants of the state all know about the medieval torture racks, so, getting out for a stretch, could lead to an extended time of it, so to speak.
There is more control associated with mandate of prohibition of self service than is apparent, it seems like a luxury, is a ball and chain. You are tethered to the inside of the car, if you get out, the gas station attendants double team you, triple team you, toss you into a waiting bus, for breaking the rules. To step out of the car is not a government mandate as is the pumping of the fuel, getting out of the car is “Forbidden“, and that is far worse a crime than just pumping your own fuel.
AMS says there is to be a “50% Off Sale” at my house tonight... God will be busy sorting out the AMS assassins by the morning.
Arrived at 3:02 pm this afternoon.
This one is a Ford Ranchero, 302 V-8. AMS is specific, there will be a cross-bow on the ranch, with some arrows, makes me a Jolly Rancher then.
Time to head ‘em up, and move ‘em out, pilgrim... we are going to Santa Monica, to see the Fuller Brush Man, Robert Fuller of Fulltone. The stuff he makes is built like a brick shit house, indestructible. Looks like I have been made.
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Vintage King Audio says they are bringing a Torture Rack, and are upset about having been burned.
Arrived at 2:54 pm this afternoon:
(you have to read the fine print to appreciate it)
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Some highlights of the weeks terror titles in the email commands from On-High:
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Other email account is all junk. I am seeing a pattern though, Ally Invest of Bocca Rattan only sends a statement notification when the rock stars and Luthiers come to try to kill me.
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I am still trying to reach Pittsburgh... it’s 10:27 pm, still there is no response from Pittsburgh. It’s been weeks since I first tried, this go ‘round.
10:31 pm:
If anyone happened to have been outside about a half hour ago and heard all of that horible screaming, that was Myers of 560 torturing a house cat, to punish me for writing these cries for help. They collect the house cats of the victims they kill, and when I go take a walk, the torture one or more of the house cats, some times the cats are electrocuted, sometimes they are put into a microwave oven, sometimes it’s more gruesome. They also put infant babies into the microwave to get the parents to take the child to the hospital when the child won‘t stop screaming and seems to have a high fever. The Myers are able to use the nitrous gas, and keys to any home, because the sheriff has ways of getting the keys. all they need to do is arrest someone, make it all look legit, and then they have the keys so that Myers can do the murder, or torture, or plant a listening devise later on... they don‘t want to kill you right away, they need to torture you, your baby, and your house cat first, to make you talk, to say what they need to know before they kill you. With me, they make sure I can see or hear the result of torturing animals that they catch by using the nitrous gas to catch the animals so that the can torture them, to terrify me, while I get blamed for the dead cat tomorrow.
Myers looks like an innocent old church lady. I don‘t have a chance against that kind of defense.
When the Myers used to be more in my face about the things they do, they would begin to torture the animals, while saying that the animals are different than people are, “the animals don‘t feel pain” they say, then begin to really hurt the animals real bad, and then say: “See, if the animal could feel the pain, then they would tell me, and ask me to stop doing this, so, it must be God’s will, otherwise this would not be happening right now.”
Juseph Myers has brought very small children to my front door, knocked, then when I open the door, he cuts the child’s head off. Right there on the front porch. I call the police, and they say to stop calling the police to make that stop happening.
10:53 pm: There are no signs of helpful people anywhere to be found.
1-10-2021: 2:59 pm:
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/latest-sheriff-2-more-dead-from-california-wildfires-us-world-news/
Latest: Sheriff: 2 more dead from California wildfires | Us World News
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The Latest on wildfires in the U.S. West (all times local):
6:30 p.m.
CHICO, Calif. — A Northern California sheriff said Sunday that two more people have died from wildfires, bringing the state’s total death toll to 24.
Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea said during a news conference that seven people remain missing.
The National Weather Service issued a red flag warning for the area on Monday through Monday night.
Incident Meteorologist Dan Borsum said strong southerly winds and low humidity Monday will result in elevated fire weather conditions across the region. He said conditions may improve a little bit Tuesday but not a lot.
Borsum added that the air quality in the region may not improve until October.
5 p.m.
MEDFORD, Ore. — Almost a dozen cats rescued amid scorching wildfires in Oregon are being cared for at a veterinary hospital and staff members have posted their photos on social media hoping to reunite them with their owners.
The cats have burned paws covered in bandages. Some of their bellies are seared and, in one case, a cat nicknamed Depot because he was found by the Home Depot, is hooked up to oxygen because its lungs suffered damage from the hot smoke.
Rory Applegate, a veterinarian at Southern Oregon Veterinary Specialty Center, says staff members are working even though some of them have had to evacuate or had family impacted by the blazes.
Applegate says the fires are a “huge emotional toll” on the staff but they are balancing out the management of critical patients and making sure they can stay stable themselves.
She said she expects animals to feel the impact of the heavy smoke in the coming days, too.
The hospital is trying to reunite cats with their owners and has posted pictures on its Facebook page.
4:30 p.m.
SALEM, Ore. — Nearly a week after wildfires ignited across Oregon, which forced thousands of residents to flee their homes, firefighters spent Sunday setting and holding containment lines and starting to assess the damage.
The U.S. Forest Service said weather conditions in areas of the state, which include mist and favorable wind, was helping to limit the rapid spread of the blaze and dispersing smoke and fog to better firefighting conditions.
Two of the Oregon’s largest fires that continue to threaten communities in Clackamas and Marion Counties remained completely uncontained Sunday, but more favorable weather and an easing of some evacuation warnings in areas indicate an improving situation.
One of the large fires ravaging the area, the Riverside Fire was still within half a mile of the small city of Estacada, but the spread of the blaze has slowed.
In Marion County, where firefighters have been battling the Lionshead and Beachie Creek fires, evacuation levels of several cities were reduced during the weekend.
1 p.m.
SALEM, Ore. — Oregon’s fire marshal who resigned after being placed on leave amid a personnel investigation says was trying to help a colleague and he “didn’t do anything wrong.”
Oregon State Police placed Fire Marshal Jim Walker on leave Friday night, and he resigned Saturday. In a news release Saturday, State Police Superintendent Travis Hampton said only that a leadership change was needed to face the “unprecedented crisis” posed by the wildfires burning across the state.
Walker told KOIN that he was placed on leave after trying to help a co-worker whose family was missing in a fire zone.
“I did so with the specific understanding that my visit had been cleared with the appropriate team personnel,” said Walker, who added his superiors decided he had overstepped his authority. “And although I’m losing my job because of it, I would do it again.
Mariana Ruiz-Temple, the chief deputy state fire marshal, has been named to replace him.
11:45 a.m.
Authorities have arrested a man accused of posting threats on social media that he would kill another man who was organizing a benefit for survivors of a Northern California fire that has killed at least 12 people.
The Butte County Sheriff’s Office said Sunday that Songkham Sirivongsa, 40, was taken into custody Saturday after authorities were alerted to the threats by the benefit organizer. He was being held on one felony count of making criminal threats.
The motives for the threats were not immediately clear. Sheriff’s officials said the suspect threatened to use a firearm to kill the organizer and his friends. An investigation led to a home in Willows, where a suspect was taken into custody along with a firearm and ammunition.
It wasn’t immediately known if Sirivongsa had a lawyer who could speak on his behalf.
The collection of fires north of Sacramento has been burning for more than three weeks, engulfing over 400 square miles in Butte and Plumas counties. According to Cal Fire, about a quarter of the fire has been contained. It has destroyed more than 300 structures.
11:35 a.m.
SALEM, Ore. — The National Weather Service issued a red flag warning for southwest Oregon on Sunday, citing dry weather and “strong gusty” winds.
The weather service said that the wind, humidity and fire danger will “likely contribute to a significant spread of new and existing fires.”
Gusts of wind are expected to reach up to 40 mph (64 kph).
The warning is in effect until 9 p.m. Sunday
11 a.m.
SALEM, Ore. — People in central and northeast Oregon, including in Eugene, Portland and Salem, continued to face hazardous air quality Sunday.
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality reported Air Quality Index numbers that were off the chart.
Air Quality Index is considered hazardous between 301 and 500. Portland’s index is currently at 426.
Values above 500 — which two cities, Madras and Roseburg both reported having — are beyond the index’s scale.
Officials advised people to stay indoors and that the low visibility, caused by fog and smoke, is creating hazardous driving conditions.
In Salem, where the Air Quality Index is 394, a dense smokey haze that clouded roads and homes made it difficult to see further than 50 yards ahead.
The National Weather Service in Portland reported that rain is expected Monday night, which could help clear smoke in Oregon next week.
10:55 a.m.
LOS ANGELES — Firefighters in California are bracing for a shift in weather that could bring stronger winds Monday and stoke dozens of fires still raging across the state.
Red flag warnings are already in place because of gusty winds and low humidity across Northern California, adding urgency to the battle against more than two dozen fires across the state.
More than 16,750 firefighters were doing battle with fires that have already killed 22 people, destroyed more than 4,100 structures and engulfed scores of communities from the Oregon border to Mexico.
The city of Arcadia, a northern suburb of Los Angeles, ordered the residents of one neighborhood to evacuate as the 29,000-acre Bobcat Fire continued to grow over the weekend. Evacuation orders were also in place in many parts of the state.
The fires on the West Coast have been among the worst ever recorded.
8:30 a.m.
MEDFORD, Ore. — Authorities say almost all of the people listed as missing from a deadly wildfire in southern Oregon have been accounted for.
Late Saturday, the Jackson County Sheriff’s office said that four people had died in the Almeda Fire that burned in the Ashland area.
Authorities earlier this week said as many as 50 people could be missing from the blaze, but now say the number of people unaccounted for is down to one.
The sheriff’s office said in a statement that the number could fluctuate.
At least 10 people were killed in wildfires that burned the past week throughout Oregon. Officials have said more people are missing from other blazes and the number of fatalities is likely to rise.
0 notes
dcnativegal · 5 years
Autumn in the Oregon Outback
It’s autumn here in the Oregon Outback. I’m writing this in mid-December and it surely feels like winter. The snow is so beautiful and stays white. In DC, by day 3 the snow is grey and black.
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We started burning wood in the stove right after the equinox. Much of the wood we’ve bought is stacked in the wood shed but then we were away for a weekend and it rained and the wheelbarrow wheel is flat and Valerie’s hand isn’t quite healed from surgery… can you hear the excuses? So, we gather the wood from the driveway AND the shed at the moment. All in good time.
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We had a little trouble locating someone who’d deliver wood all the way to Paisley. We were on a waiting list, but I got anxious since wood is our only source of heat. A client knows somebody who knows somebody who desperately needs the work, and next thing we know, we have a pile of wood. When Valerie organized it, she realized it was not quite a cord, and we’d paid $160, which is a lot for a cord, though more reasonable with the 90-minute round trip from Lakeview factored in. We gave him another chance and he gave us than two and a half more cords.  That were not cut quite right. So we have a stack that needs more chopping, and a lot of misshapen bits with tree branches sticking out that make them very hard to stack. We are making do. He was deeply grateful. And we have heat.
When I got up this morning, it was 23 outside and 62 inside. It may get warmer than freezing today, and with my beloved pyromaniac, Valerie, at the stove, it might get as warm as 78. Which means it’s over 80 in the loft if you want to take a nap. I go from wool socks, warm jammies and a sweatshirt to a tank top and shorts in the course of a day. If we ever lose power in winter, we’ll be fine.
Valerie had a medical adventure this past summer in which she woke up and couldn’t get the world to stop spinning. I called her daughter, Hope, an RN at the one hospital in this county, and she met us in the emergency department. The 45-minute ride down to Lakeview with poor Val puking in a bucket was not fun. With a shot of Zofran, she stopped puking, and after an overnight stay to see if she’d had a stroke, an MS flare or “just” loose crystals in her ears, she saw a neurologist to establish care with one out here in Oregon. And it was the neurologist who said, you know you really should see a hand surgeon about those lumps in your left hand. Which hurt when she bonks them. So she did. And the hand surgeon, in Bend, went WHOA NELLY you need those lumps out. Can it wait until after my grandson Adam’s wedding in September? Nope. We’ll schedule the surgery for next week. That’s how fast she came to have 22 schwanomas removed very delicately; they apparently cluster like grapes along nerves. The surgeon had to cut her hand like Zorro because straight-line scars would contract and she’d have even more trouble opening her hand fully. The presenting problem of dizziness turned out to be a temporary issue of rogue ear crystals, but what came out of all the hullabaloo was a hand that no longer hurts.
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She’s fine now, and stretches her hand out with the use of heat.
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Recently, Valerie spent hours with 3 neighbors killing chickens, then defeathering them, and finally putting them in baggies to freeze. For her labors, she got two whole chickens (minus their heads, and innards), and two livers. Valerie does love liver and onions. (The big animal vet she sometimes works for says eating liver is like sucking on an oil filter. I’ll take his word for it and avoid the whole situation.) The neighbors, who’d bought chicks to grow them into meat chickens (not egg-producing ones) now have 35 chicken carcasses frozen for winter meals. Valerie invited me to help. Ha! Ha, ha ha HA!  That would be a no. I did take over our new-to-us poodle named Griffey. He’d have LOVED to smell all the feathers as they were drifting to the ground. The whole business was a revelation. I didn’t stay long. (Shudder.) If I’m going to eat chicken, I need to appreciate where the poor bird on my plate came from. I just don’t need to pluck the actual feathers off myself.
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Later that same day, after Valerie’s chicken-plucking and a long shower, we drove to the Lakeview Elks Lodge for a fundraiser for the senior citizen meal program. (The Elks Lodge is the largest venue for big gatherings in the county.) There are 350 senior citizens living below the poverty line. The program serves less than a third of that, and although the meals are offered for free, they are not entirely subsidized by tax revenue, therefore, fundraiser. I’ve come to know the folks at the Senior Center through my many requests for transportation, and they are hardworking, smart women.
Val and I sat and chatted with a husband wife pair we’ve gotten to know from St. Luke’s Episcopal. And then, my coworker, fellow knitter, and Valerie’s primary care provider walked in with her husband. I gestured wildly and they joined our table. She’s the health care person who refers the most clients to me for mental health assessment. I got to know her when I worked in Christmas Valley, those 18 months when I drove north each workday instead of south. She referred clients to our tiny mental health outpost up there. Other things we have in common: she’s a liberal. She’s lived and worked on the east coast. She grew up with a high ACE score (which means, many Adverse Childhood Experiences.) She’s a serious introvert and has a very busy, stressful life in the same clinic that I work in. I admire her very much. Her name is Kathleen.
The Lakeview Senior Center program started and we heard about services to folks 65 and older in the county, which include home delivered meals, transportation to far-flung doctor appointments in Bend and Medford, and daily meals with socializing. Right before dinner was served, there was a loud clatter and thud at the edge of the tables. A man had collapsed. A small group surrounded him. Kathleen asked, is something wrong? Yup. She went over to the man, and stayed there until the EMTs took him out on a gurney to the emergency department. She came back to the table, regretful that she’d had half a beer and had to breathe that breath onto this guy, who’s had trouble with dehydration since his car broke down and he wandered around in the desert for days. Despite the Hebrews’ and Jesus’ success at wandering in deserts, it’s not recommended.
We finally chewed on our tamales, beans and rice, followed by sheet cake. Manley, and Valerie, talk old haying equipment, and tell stories. One of my favorites is about the time when young Valerie worked as a ‘hooker’, that is, she hooked lumber so that it could be lifted by a CAT(erpillar) onto a truck… she tells this story so much better than I do… A guy in a caterpillar hoists her up by large hooks which she holds onto, and he lifts her over to the log he wants her to put on the truck next. She puts the hooks where they go and up goes the log onto the truck.
One day, she’s swinging in the air above the logs still waiting to be loaded, hanging on by her hands, and she sees that the guy running the caterpillar is slumped over the enormous steering wheel. Has he had a heart attack? She swings herself around to see the other crew member to find out if he notices the slumped guy, and guy #2 is slapping the side of the truck in paroxysms of humor. Uh oh. She looks down and her bra straps had snapped and her bra was now visible as a belt around her waist. The caterpillar driver managed to catch his breath and graciously swings her up and over a bush and she drops down. After she’d gotten her bra back up where it belongs, she came out behind the bush and bowed.
A great story. One of many that show how a tough woman gets out of a pink-color trap to work alongside cranky menfolk who learn begrudging respect for this ‘hooker’ and ‘millwright’ and shoe cobbler and… my partner is remarkable …
At the benefit dinner, we listened to the brief explanation of how Meals on Wheels is a program of the triple A which has nothing to do with the American Automobile Association, despite the importance of ‘wheels’ in home-meal delivery, but is rather the Area Agency on Aging. Which is a governmental entity. And that’s all that’s said about that by the director of the program. Because we are in an anti-government, very “red” county. But I know that it’s the Older Americans Act that funds all the ‘triple As’ in the country, one covering every county in the USA. (Since Lake County is the red headed step child of Klamath County, that triple A covers 2 counties.) And I know that the Older Americans Act was one enduring program signed into law by Lyndon B Johnson as part of the Great Society Legislation which also brought us Medicaid and the Voting Rights Act, to name just two more important bits of ‘government.’  
Just ask Valerie. My blood pressure goes up when people disparage ‘government’ around these parts. I know too many very good people who served in ‘government’, how many laws are so deeply helpful to everyone, like the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Affordable Care Act, and the Family Medical Leave Act. How most things that we complain about are due to the influx of corporate control over government, and how reluctant the government is to tax corporations. Campaign finance reform would be the way to drain the ‘swamp.’  
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Nevermind. I’m trying to chew all my food and not eat too much of it since my bariatric surgery in April as the evening wears on.
(I will post about the weight loss adventure one of these days…)
I’m glad we went. I’m glad to show my face in support of the senior center. Plus we got to visit with two folks I like. One of whom knew just how to care for a man who collapsed.
The other day, Kathleen walked into my over-decorated office and said, Jane I really need your help. Expecting to hear about a patient who was crying in the examining room and who would soon be ‘warmly handed off’ to me for counseling, I was surprised to hear she needed help with the first couple of rows of a 90-stitch knitting project. Could I cast on? Why of course. “Other duties as assigned.”
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In other news, we are adjusting to life with a dog. Since Valerie’s faithful Westie, Dudley, died about 7 years ago, she’s dog-sat various pooches and lived happily with my 13 year-old cat, Moe. Since Val’s pretty much retired from ranch irrigation, she’s now able to spend time with a dog. She was vocal about wanting some sort of poodle mix, because they are smart. Lake County is full of cow dogs, pit bulls, and lots of chihuahuas for some reason. When her daughter Hope saw a message on Facebook about a family needing to rehome a poodle mix, she signaled Valerie, and next thing we know, we have a dog named Griffey, named after a baseball player. He’d been born 6 years before in Maryland, and flown by a coworker’s father to a ranch here; Erin has a poodle breeding business. Poor Griffey apparently didn’t like being in a herd. That family rehomed him with a young couple who had a baby and worked long hours away from home. Griffey pooped in their bed. So Griffey came to us.
This pooch is very well behaved. Aside from chasing the cat, which we are trying to discourage, he obeys Valerie’s voice, loves going gallivanting in the desert every mid-day, and enjoys the cat food Moe turns her nose up at. We take him with us to town for church, and he sits in the truck, waiting for our return. Moe gets the house to herself for a few hours. We’ve become a family who lives with a dog. His current names include “Nickelplate” (which is cheap jewelry), “poor, sad dog”, Snicklefritz, and “Your dogliness.”
I swear there are 2 rush hours in Lakeview every weekday: one at lunch to let the dogs out to pee, and one at dinner for the same purpose, even if folks are going out to dinner later. The homeless people have dogs; the owners won’t go into subsidized housing if their dogs can’t come, too. Dogs and guns. Everyone has them. We don’t have guns. But we do have Griffey. Currently, Griff and Moe are negotiating how to sleep on their humans without hissing and growling at each other.  This is not going well; however, Moe, who’s never lived with a dog or encountered dogs in her sheltered life, is learning to hiss and swipe, which may be far more effective than us ordering Griffey to resist a primeval impulse to chase.
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The other thing I’ve been doing is starting up and nurturing a group of women who knit, crochet, or want to learn. I miss knitting in a group, chatting, sharing stories about anything. These gatherings have been called “Stitch and Bitch”, but there is no bitching that I can tell. Occasional complaints about the wait service at the first venue we tried, which had but one worker and one cook for the entire restaurant. We moved to the bowling alley, a large building that has a cavernous party room with a wall protecting us from the racket of big ball bowling. The food has been better and the waitresses take good care of us. So TJ’s Family Fun Center is where we can be found on Wednesday evenings right after work.
I’m surprised by the enthusiasm, and we’ll see if it lasts. The very first gathering, there were 11 of us, and a couple women came to learn. I’m a pretty patient teacher, as long as you’re right handed. I’ve listed youtube videos in our facebook group for lefties, and lots of projects. Here are a couple that I finished this fall.
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Photo Booths for Corporate Events
Tips On Renting Photo Booths For Corporate Events
One of the best ways to add fun and excitement to any corporate event is by renting a photo booth. These booths provide the perfect opportunity for guests to kick back and have fun, expressing their personalities in a way that is unique and entertaining. It can add a relaxed, lighthearted feel to your event, ensuring that everyone who attends has a fantastic time.
Photo booths are ideal for company parties, fundraisers, conventions, or any other type of corporate event. In many cases, these booths are designed to fit large groups of people all at the same time. This can make it fun for guests to get to know one another by having their pictures taken together in a candid and casual way.
If you are thinking of renting a photo booth for your next event, there are a few important tips to keep in mind. First, you should look for a photo booth that is large enough to accommodate groups of people. Some photo booths are only designed to fit one or two people at a time. Although this is good for certain situations such as proms or weddings, at a corporate event, it is more likely that people will want to take photos in larger groups. By choosing a booth that is large enough, you can be sure that everyone who wants to be in the photo can fit inside.
You should also rent from a company that provides props for the photo booth. Fun and funky hats, scarves, glasses, or other accessories can help people relax and unwind, giving them an excuse to get into character and let loose a little bit. This can be great for team building or for creating strong relationships. Sharing a good laugh over a funny photo can be a great way to build long-lasting connections.
When scheduling your photo booth, you need to check how long the rental window is. Make sure that you can have the booth set up well ahead of time so that you aren’t scrambling at the last minute to get everything in place. Additionally, double check to verify that you will be able to keep the photo booth long enough for the party to wind down. Ideally, you will be able to keep it until the next day so that there is no chance of it getting shut down before the party is over.
Finally, consider looking for a photo booth that allows you to put branding on all of the photos that are printed. Adding your company logo to the corner of the photos can be a great way to get your name out there and to help people remember why they had the photo taken in the first place.
Renting photo booths for corporate events can be a fantastic way to get the people who attend your events actively involved. Photo booths are not only fun and interesting but they can also be a great icebreaker, helping people break out of their shells and get to know one another a little bit better.
About LI Photo Booth Rentals
Our goal at Long Island Photo Booth Rentals is to make your party or event one to remember, with the newest tech and the best customer service, as our photo booths cater to parties, weddings & corporate events all across Long Island! We take the fun of a conventional photo booth and bring it to your party, event or wedding. L.I.P.B.R is a dose of nostalgia. We take the fun the excitement, we take the feeling of your night and set it to memory. So you can look back and not just know what happened at that event but to truly feel what a good time you had. That’s what L.I.P.B.R does we make your night and make a copy for you to go back whenever you want. A picture can say a 1,000 words.
1110 Little East Neck Rd. West Babylon, NY 11704 (631) 206-5330 www.liphotoboothrentals.com
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medfordor-blog · 5 years
One of the Top Recruitment Agencies in Medford, OR Advises the Best Ways to Follow Up After A Job Interview
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Many people can relate to the feeling of frustration and that creeping self-doubt that appears once you’ve completed an interview you thought you did well at, but you have not heard from yet. Did you say something wrong? Was there something you didn’t cover in your interview? How do you confirm without running the risk of annoying them? Being anxious for the results is natural, but there is something you can do! A Medford employment company has some advice on the best ways to follow up after a job interview.
Send a Thank You Note
Few people realize that it all begins immediately after your interview. As soon as you return home from your interview, you should begin composing a thank you note to the interviewer for their time and consideration. This note should be short, concise, and preferably handwritten. Companies sometimes hold dozens of interviews for a single position, so you’ll want to make sure that your application stands out in the best way.  Mention something you covered during your interview like what the typical day is like or something new you learned about the organization. This tells the interviewer that you’re not only interested in the position but the company and culture as well.
Send an Email
Once a full week has gone by and you still have not heard anything back yet is to send a polite email inquiring about the next steps and status of the position. If you and the interviewer have previously communicated via email, try to send it on the same chain as it will help remind them when you interviewed. Keep the email short and to the point. Be sure to reaffirm the job title, the date you interviewed, and that you are excited about what you learned in the interview and for the next steps. When closing, thank them again for their time and consideration and close with your first and last name. Don’t forget to spell check before sending!
Call as a Last Resort
After you’ve sent an email to follow up, try to continue to be patient. Don’t continually follow up as you may have been their first interview and they could still be conducting them. If another week goes by without a response from the company, it’s all right to give them a call explains recruitment agencies in Medford, OR. When you get in touch with them on the phone, politely ask for the hiring manager and request an update on the position. If they inform you that it has been filled, be sure to thank them for their time and let them know you’ll be sure to apply for another position if it becomes available in the future. They may even keep your information on file to reach out to you if they find they do have an opening for Medford jobs!  
Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in Medford, OR is one of Jackson County’s top Full-Service Employment Agencies that continually exceeds expectations by providing workforce services to local companies and helping Job Seekers find work in the community.
Express Employment Professionals of Medford, OR 3523 Arrowhead Dr #100 Medford, OR 97504 (541) 779-5522 https://www.expresspros.com/MedfordOR
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stone-man-warrior · 3 years
April 1, 2021: 4:12 pm:
Unfortunately, today, April first, has been designated over time as “April Fools Day”. That is unfortunate. The logic behind the notion that there should be a day set aside annually specifically for the purpose of lying, and to do “pranks”, and “practical jokes” is mind boggling. What exactly does the term “Practical Joke” really mean at the literal level? It seems to me the “practical” part means that the “joke” part, is something that is far beyond a written jest, riddle, quip, play on words ... the “practical” part of the “joke” is when the joke does not require a language to say the joke. The “joke” jumps out in three dimensions, when it’s “practical joke”. On April First every year, assholes around the world are given a pass, one that allows practical jokes at the expense of unsuspecting passers by. The results often lead to injury and death, because there are too many people who relish the notion that on April First, a pass is the same as a “Get out of Jail Free Card” when careful planning, lawyers, legal experts become masters of the art of the “Practical Joke on April Fools Day”. When the jokes are planned ahead of time by persons who are in the business of legally binding word craft, the joke becomes a weapon, and the victims are said to have been involved in an accident rather than attempted murder, as may be the underlying reason and purpose for the practical joke.
(three incoming calls just now, back to back, all from the same phone number 541-686-9658, I did not answer, there was no message left on the answering service. I am not feeling well, although my leg seems to be healing, I am still hurting and not able to walk normally, I don’t want to talk to strangers who are spying on my internet use. That is why the calls are coming in, because I am active online, and the terrorist bastards know where I am seated, they are pissed off about that Big 5 Sporting Goods Store Manager that burst from nitrous oxide ignition at the Big 5 Store in Grants Pass yesterday. I suspect that store manager is also the same man who was stalking me in the pants isle at the Bi-Mart earlier yesterday. The thing to know about Big 5 in Grants Pass, is that is the preferred place where SAG members who come to Oregon on SAGClubMed Junket, can go to the store to arrange that a child of specified description special order can be borrowed, rented, taken for a spin, role in the hay, or other uses that SAG may prefer. Big 5 is the Go To Outlet for Sex with a Child needs of SAG members who have their SAG Cards in good standing, and Dues paid in full. So, I suspect that incoming call from that number is associated to Big 5 Sporting Goods in Grants Pass indirectly, and especially is about the dead terrorist store manager who burst of nitrous oxide ignition when I used my Bic Lighter to clear the air so I could breathe and think clearly while shopping at the Big 5 Sporting Goods store yesterday. But since today happens to be April Fools Day, no one will pay any attention to this expatiation of events, it will be swept under the rug as a phone prank call, and nothing more.)
now I forgot the whole point of why I started to explain that April Fools Day is a global “Cop Out Day”, a day when people can get away with almost anything as long as they plan it ahead, and have a “Practical Joke” to bury the truth into, while saying it was just an unfortunate accident, about the victims of April Fools Day.
Also worth a mention here is that while at the Bi-Mart yesterday, as I walked into the store, there was someone in the paint department area, who was watching everyone who entered the store from there. When I entered the store, that person shouted: “Sporting Goods, Get the Cross-Bow ready!”, and that is why I know there was someone there at the paint department area watching the door.
Then, after I spoke with the terror bastard in the pants aisle, I went to look to see if they had a Kershaw model 1840. which they did not, as I already said. What I did not say, is there was another man there at that counter in the sporting goods department at Bi-Mart who was purchasing a fishing license, according to the pre-planned scripted show and spoken dialogue of the store representative and the terror soldier fake shopper/fisherman.
That is when the Cross-Bow assassin showed up, took a shot at me, missed, the arrow/bolt grazed past me, and subsequently lodged into the chest of the terror soldier/fake shopper/fisherman. The store clerk announced: “You hit the wrong guy! We need Evac in Sporting Goods”.
That’s when I asked about the Kershaw 1840, and was told that the store is not going to carry the 1840 model, other Kershaw models, but not the 1840.
I went to get my tarp after that, which is what I went there for. I selected the size I need from a real good selection of different size tarps that Bi-Mart always carries and has in stock year round.
As I was selecting my tarp, others where doing the Evac of the terror bastard/fake shopper/fisherman who had been shot in the chest (not exactly sure, could have been the head or neck), with an arrow/bolt shot by his own terror cell member inside of the Bi-Mart, adjacent to where the fishing poles are on display.
Unfortunately, I did not see the shooter of the cross-bow, only the bolt as it went by, and the activity associated with the Evac of the injured terror soldier who was coughing and choking, making gargling sounds as I was selecting my tarp in the next aisle in the Bi-Mart Sporting Goods Department.
(please see Boris Johnson Twitter Account from March 29 when he said something about “football, contact sports, and netball are back in full swing” or something close to that, in order to see where the commands originated for this part of the COVID USA Terror Takeover Warfare assassination attempt.)
I left the Bi-Mart without further incident and went to Big 5, as noted, after that.
5:20 pm:
Let me simplify the events that took place yesterday. Simplest form, most important parts, in case US national security personnel may be interested in starting to do their job, protect USA from terror take over, and it’s remaining citizens from being slaughtered further, as follows:
As a result of orders commanded by Boris Johnson‘s Twitter Account, at least two people were killed in association to my need to run some errands between March 30 and March 31, 2021. Although others were also killed at the Medford Guitar Center, I don‘t want to confuse the matter with extraneous information, especially on April Fools Day, a designated “Cop Out Day” world wide. I don’t mean to be an asshole about that “Cop Out Day” statement, but if I don’t explain that to the cops, no one will.
I need help, from cops, real cops, not those fake kind that are controlling Oregon.
Also, please consider that in the event that real police were to encounter someone who appears to be a dead county Judge, Oregon State Police Officer, or other “Authority Titled Person” in Oregon, those people are not Judges, Police, or other authority figures. They are impostors at minimum, and in reality are terror leadership level commanders of the Canadian terror army. That fact is real super important to consider when proceeding with investigations of deceased individuals of that kind of entitlement.
6:03 pm:
Something I have learned about the terror take over of Oregon:
There seems to be a situation where the US Citizen population of Oregon were hassled, menaced, harassed, and a barrage of smaller size attacks were done to weaken some select US citizen families over course of the past twenty years or so. The way I understand it, there were some families who could offer something to the terror army by virtue of special skills or training, and those kinds of people were selected for special “Breaking”, like a horse is “broken“ so you can ride the horse, the families were said to have been “broken“ with attacks that may have resulted in death of one or more of such family members who posses special training or skills. Those people eventually were given an oportunity to go along with the terror ways to some extent, where the US citizens agreed to become a terror soldier among the other Canadian terror soldiers.
Personally, I think all of that perception that I gained to learn that was a trap, a ploy, was not genuine, and those people were fooled, and, were also berated with much circumstance that may simply have been perceived as a lot of bad luck struck such subject family victims, ultimately promised some good fortune if they agree to comply with some demands made by the terror army.
That is one of the ways the slaves I mention may have been taken into captivity, I cannot be specific because I only have a vague understanding of a generalized set of circumstances.
So, having said that, that there are a lot of slave citizens who were roped into serving the terrorism in one way or another, there is a different group of people who have absolutely zero chance of survival. Those people who have the special skills taken into captivity, are not killed like most of the citizens have been.
The other group that has no chance of survival is people who are beneficiaries of Medicare, Social Security Retirement Income, Supplemental Security Income, Social Security Disability Income, and especially beneficiaries of Medicare Part-D. All of those people among that group, have no chance to survive the terror take over. Those people are indeed the primary targeted population. The reason is that the people can be murdered, are easy prey, easy to kill, are often alone, have no immediate family, are not missed if they die, and no one really knows exactly what many of that group of people actually look like. For those reasons and more, the Screen Actor Guild terror leadership hijacked and took over the Social Security Administration long ago, and began killing off the elderly and disabled people so that a Canadian terror soldier could take the identification of such citizens, perpetuate the income of the murdered Social Security beneficiaries, and in that way the terror army was funded, able to survive while gaining more ground with ongoing attacks on all kinds of US Citizens. The elderly and disabled SS income became the basis for the terror armies initial existence, and ability to survive with an income while blending into the US social strata in the cities and counties, while targeting ever more victims.
That SSA take over and mass killing of elderly and disabled people pretty much ended as a necessity of the terror army at the time “Too Big To Fail” resulted in all of those many billions of dollars were stolen from US Treasury and Reserve. Since that time, the outcome of Too Big To Fail provided all of the sustenance, housing, new vehicles, food, clothing, equipment, and weaponry and munitions required by the terror army to operate while doing “Kill & Replace” terror take over in USA.
Then, after that, Medicare Part-D is the thing that put the target back onto the heads of the elderly and disabled people. The invention of Medicare Part-D turned the mass murder of the Social Security beneficiaries from one of necessity to power the terror army, to a mass killing for the purpose of gaining the kinds of recreational drugs that are preferred by the Screen Actor Guild terror command leadership.
Elderly and disabled people are murdered in order that SAG members can get high on the prescribed medicine that old people and disabled people often require to stay comfortable. Part-D Medicare was invented specifically for this, it provides that SAG members can have all the drugs their hearts desire, and they don‘t have to worry about a paper trail that leads to them, and since no one is willing to look at Screen Actor Guild as the people who are responsible for take over of USA, no one is looking to see if the elderly and disabled people are OK, to make sure that they were not replaced with Canadians. That makes a situation where SAG has cart blanch, can kill all of the disabled people for the drugs, and no one is looking at them as the murderous traitors they are.
I fall into that category of “the people who have zero chance of survival” because I am a disabled person and have Medicare insurance. There may be other ways to learn about terror take over of USA, but I learned the hard way, by being a perpetual target.
Learn by doing, is the way I learned.
I learned the hard way, I report what I learn to help others in effort to stop the terror take take over of USA. In doing so, I have been shot in the face, run over by a truck, suffer from multiple spinal problems as a result of being beat up and run over, spinal cord severed within one millimeter of cut through completely, I’ve had glass shards blown into my eyes regularly, beaten with brass knuckles, baseball bats, other objects and weapons, and poisoned consistently by the terror neighbors that surround me who are waiting right now for a chance to finish me off.
I suffered much more than that, and all of my friends and family are either dead or held captive by the terror army.
All of that and lots more. I have absolutely no freedom, and zero privacy, the terror army prevents me from making calls to helpful people, they control the email, I cannot reach anyone, and the read my email and steal my postal mail, I get to keep and pay all of the bills, but do not get to see any correspondence sent to me from anywhere.
not one single person has offered any help of any kind, in more than twenty years of making the kinds of reports that could have prevented the take over long ago had the Authorities acted to save the nation from take over.
Zero help.
Please send help to Josephine county Oregon.
Please send medical services.
Please send US Military to stop the terror take over.
Bring your own hospital.
8:19 pm:
Local Update:
I stepped outside and walked as far as where the Offensive Monroe Surveillance Travel Trailer is nearest my driveway.
My leg is still sore, foot does not work correctly, is very painful, and is dangerous to be outside hobbling around, so I came back, ended the walk, did not venture to the mailbox. It’s been quite a long time since I walked to the mailbox, I checked the mail while in the car the other day, the usual bills, and some bonus threatening advertising. The terror army uses the junk mail to say the threats, that way, it’s just coincidental that the mail says what it says.
As I stepped outside for that walk, I was greeted by a whole bunch of terror signaling from Strong’s terror cell at 3747 Russell Road, and from Sunflower terror cell next to Strong’s, and I may have also heard some terror signaling from Chartrand’s at 376 Jackpine.
The signals lately are in the form of amplified synthesized bird calls played through loudspeakers that are arranged such that when I step outside, that is what triggers the signaling from the neighboring terror cells.
The signals serve as an announcement that I have gone outside, and that means that I will be within range for a chance to run me over or shoot me with the cross-bow, or do a sword attack with a “runner” and cover vehicle on a driveby.
At Strong’s terror cell, I can see that there is at least one terror soldier stationed inside of a car parked at Strong’s terror cell all of the time. When I go outside, the bird call signals alert that driver that I am outside, and I observe as a vehicle leaves the Strong terror cell and makes it’s way to Jackpine to run me over. There are also the same kinds of terror soldiers who are constantly stationed inside of a car for the purpose that they can get under way quickly to run me over at the mail box, so, it looks as though the terror soldier who is assigned to wait in a car alternates from Strong’s to Sunflower terror cell in such a way that the two cells in association with Monroe and Chartrand’s can share duties of being stationed there such that there is always someone on duty, waiting all of the time, for me to step outside for a chance to kill me.
After some reflective thought about the events at the Bi-Mart yesterday, I am fairly confidant that the man I explained played role of the fisherman who was purchasing a fishing license was Oregon State Police Officer Jeffry Prouix (”Proo”) who in reality is actually a Royal Canadian Mounted Police who is disguised as a Oregon State Police, the same way many of the OSP are. They are all impostors one way or another way, Some are trained Royal Canadian Mounted Police who are the leading terror entity representing the Oregon State Capitol and Governors Office, while others are Screen Actor Guild trained actors, who play role of State Police, their duties are to be visible, make illusion of police presence, and act as scouts to inform other terror cells who do the heavy lifting while the fake police make distraction, detour and confusion service when necessary to protect the terror army or when running plays that are part of terror take over operations.
OSP Jeffry Prouix is the man who was struck with the cross-bow arrow/bolt at the Bi-Mart on 3-31-2021, and I believe he is dead now,
There is more to say, if only there were US national security personnel willing to begin to do their jobs.
If so, please provide an interview. Ask me about a “Drop” at the Bi-Mart, and I will try to elaborate on the other important details.
Also, if nsa are watching, don‘t be surprised to learn that Jeffry Prouix has been cherry picking this tumblr account, changing the details somewhat, then pretending to either be a hero who solved crime, or, used the cherry picked and altered information to lure federal officers into those spring loaded wire snares and other traps that are set and waiting for victims at the Monroe terror cell at 434 Jackpine, and while doing so, making me look as a criminal, while Sandy Monroe sometimes is said to be me, when that scenario suits the needs of the terror plan.
Officer Prouix (a French name) has been wreaking havoc in the area for decades. He and his accomplice, Officer Tanya Henderson, are responsible for orchestrating mass murder for entertainment, for SAG Members who come to Josephine County on SAGClubMed Junket.
Study this account to learn how horribly cruel murder machines and contraptions are used to kill kidnapped US citizens, and the events are done as a party with bleachers for the SAG members to sit on and watch the murders. They cheer and make bets as to the outcome of the murder of the US kidnapped citizens.
OR State Police makes it happen.
Local terror cells who are part of the “Ye Olde English 800 Dark Ages” terror cell groups are the people who actually run the events, while State Police make sure the area is contained and there are no surprise federal visitors.
All of the inhabitants of the Hugo Oregon area are all part of the “Ye Olde English 800 Dark Ages” terror cell groups. The contraptions they operate are portable, and the killing for entertainment events of ClubMed Junket have been done at the Diamond Home Improvement Store on 7th St., at the Grants Pass Bi-Mart store parking lot on 6th St, at Triangle Park in Ashland Oregon, at the Medford Armory, and at various random road construction sites along the interstate and other roads as construction projects take place, and ODOT worker/terror soldiers sponsor the SAG entertainment events. Events and mass murder movies have been done at north Valley High School when hundreds of the students were murdered for entertainment there in around 2003 or so.
So, it’s really not a bad thing that Officer Jeffry Prouix could have been the one that took the arrow/bolt at the Bi-Mart yesterday.
US national security personnel have really dropped the ball in epic ways as far as doing their jobs go. The entire population of Oregon has all been killed while the nsa was busy jacking off, and taking bribes and favors from the rock stars and actors of Screen Actor Guild.
Millions of US citizen victims, all killed and replaced with impostors over the past twenty or so years.
Once the US national security begins to wake up and do their jobs, then, when they see and realize that all of the state police are composed of Royal Canadian Mounted Police who trained in Canada especially for taking over USA under Britain command, then, they will see why it’s important to look more closely at what Boris Johnson is saying on his Twitter account. At that point, epiphany should set in, with a great difficulty in breathing and a sudden feeling of overwhelming shock should accompany the notion that USA has been at full on war with Britain since before the they faked the Pearl Harbor attack. Then, when NSA realizes that their favorite actors and musicians are working in league with the Brits toward Global Domination from right here at home under their noses, that might cause a heart attack when the reality sinks in for those nsa directors who are responsible for that cluster fuck of utter failure.
It’s war.
It’s been war for more than fifty years.
Since USA is oblivious to their own demise, it’s just a biblical slaughter.
10:01 pm:
There is the command I was referring to, it was made on March 28, my bad, I said it was done on the 29 earlier.
Keep in mind that terror commanders don’t often publicly spell out verbatim that the orders are to make a murder hit happen, so, you have to see a whole bunch of these before they begin to start making sense as terror commands. This one from Boris is all about killing me, is very personal, was made in advance of my doctor appointment at the fake doctor where Boris already was made aware that I would be going there.
Hint: when you see Twitter news stories that feature contact sports, see them as what they are, orders to do physical attack at places where victims will be killed. The challenge is to learn how to find the location and the time associated with the orders. That, I have found, to be a matter of luck to find.
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That Tweet above is loaded with terror comm.
What I want to point out is inside information that I have, it has to do with that room they do the news updates from, it usually does not have that blue colored backdrop there. Behind where Boris stands is usually open to a view of some doors behind him that lead to some quarters.
The inside information is the the room is to be seen among inner circles as a pirate ship, old style sailing ship. The place where the doors are at behind where Boris stands is the Captains Quarters, and the place where he is standing now is either the Bridge or Helm of the virtual Pirate Ship.
They closed off access to those quarters.
My read is more about the Pain Specialists appointment. It means “Close Quarters” or to put it another way “confined in a small area in the exam room”.
The read needs to be done in a more comprehensive way, as the Tweet there contains Global terror commands also the way I am seeing it.
I am not feeling like doing terror comm reads lately. no one is interested in them.
Besides that, I hurt too bad to concentrate on the details, it takes a lot of careful thought to read these levels of coded global terror communications, and I am simply hurting too bad to do decode work.
NSA: Trust me, it’s a boat, and behind where Boris stands is the Captains Quarters on the Stearn of the boat, he stands at the Helm or on the Bridge, I am not certain of that level of detail. It’s important information. Someone with better knowledge of the parts and terms used to describe old sailing ships is necessary to do a good read on this Tweet. This is the first time I have seen the Captains Quarters closed off, out of view.
Every detail, each second, all of the background in all of the frames, and the wardrobe are all part of the decoded complete message. Even the sound quality, and especially the seven minutes of silence at the beginning are all part of the decode here.
This Ibanez 7 string bass goes parallel with the seven minutes of silence in the Boris Tweet. There is more in the AMS mailer that goes along with the decode also.
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I suggest NSA stop jacking off long enough to do the decode work here.
10:44 pm:
My read on the seven minutes of silence and the Ibanez bass, is simply a “Moment of silence to commemorate a fallen comrade”
Juseph Myers of 560 Jackpine is that fallen comrade.
They are doing a military tribute with seven minutes of silence, as Myers was a leading Seventh Day Adventist Terror Army General.
Myers has close ties to NBC broadcasting network, so, it would be wise to look there also for inclinations of a tribute of some kind to honor Juseph Myers, he was a close friend of David Letterman, so, that circle at NBC/Universal/Comcast is the place to look first.
Myers is the person who attacked me with the poisons about six weeks ago. It looks as though the ensuing fight after he poisoned me was a fatal blow for Juseph Myers, and I suspect he died of his wounds sustained that night in my house when he attacked me with the poisons I am still suffering from and cannot get medical treatment for.
10:55 pm:
Other associated terror info:
Juseph Myers also attacked me on June 15, 2021 at my front door, and he brought eight to ten fake sheriff deputies with him, who arrested me and took me to the real jail, that story is available on this account to study.
Juseph Myers lost a foot at the ankle in that attack, but the fake deputies made no mention of Myers having lost his foot at the ankle. He had come through my front door, kicked it in, while swinging a sword, I was able to defend with a wood splitting mall, then take the sword, and defend more, that is how his foot came off, as I had been knocked to the ground before I was able to take the sword away from Myers, it was a full on fight in my living room with heavy weapons.
Myers healed from that, but was upset about having lost his foot it seems, so, he came to attack me again. with poisons injected into my shin, to make my foot fall off.
That is the way it looks to me, having been here doing all of the defense work without any help.
Other info about Juseph Myers includes the heroin rations that SAG uses to control the SDA terror army, so, if Myers is dead, that upsets the heroin distribution to the individual terror family cells, and the way I have seen the distribution done, it goes to the individual family cells in containers called “Clam Shells”. essentially, the Clam Shell is a restaurant style packaging container. the thing they give you for your leftovers to take home, I have also seen the Clam Shells that were actual McDonald’s Big Mac containers, but had the heroin inside, not a hamburger.
On Jackpine, the heroin used to come to Burton Dietrick’s residence in a forty foot Fed-Ex Freight trailer to 601 Jackpine. Then, Juseph Myers was responsible for the actual distribution, while the Dietrick terror cell protects the Myers and the heroin.
If Myers is dead, that is going to make changes in the heroin distribution, and that could become a chance to apprehend some terror soldiers while they are making new arrangements for the heroin, and who among them will be doing the distribution.
Those who control the heroin, also control the SDA terror army.
11:08 pm:
A message to US Military and US national security persons:
I am a 59 year old disabled man with spinal cord injury, and single handedly, without any assistance from anyone in any way, I am taking down the Seventh Day Adventist terror army, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, a wide variety show of actors, musicians, clowns, and magicians of the SAG leadership arena. and hundreds of lower ranked scalawag terror soldiers of the most brutal sort, and I do it with out access to medical services when I get hurt.
That is what I am doing to protect USA and to regain my freedom, and in fact is necessary so that I can live another day long enough to explain what happened in effort to help others.
So I ask you, US Military, and US national security people:
What have you done to protect yourself? Your family? Your country? ... freedom?
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