#Online Doctor of Business Administration
sharlineshine · 4 months
The Online Doctor of Business Administration Program is designed to develop decision-making skills and helps to reach the highest level of success
Read more..Webpage link: https://dblp.ucnedu.org/online-doctor-of-business-administration/?utm_source=Backlinks&utm_medium=Curation+&utm_campaign=Curation+Links&utm_id=10442&utm_term=Doctor+of+Business+Administration
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careerera-edutech · 1 year
Education plays a veritably important part in human lives. Quality education matters a lot in today’s rising competitive world where the population is increasing significantly. A good education is necessary for today’s time, from completing your senior secondary education to having a bachelor's or postgraduate degree, which is the need of the hour in such a rising competitive environment. There is a significant rise in the education sector for business courses be it management at the bachelor level or higher graduation to elevate higher in your career you need to pursue a good degree that gives you an edge over others and benefits your future scope. A Doctorate of Business Administration is one such degree that is getting quite popular these days which offers you a higher level of academic study of business administration after completing your post-graduation.
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The most precious resource in the data and information age is knowledge. Companies don't necessarily need more general managers who can see broad trends across several industries; they need specialists in particular fields who can evaluate data and produce original outcomes that help companies make better business choices and more profits. Because of this, individuals with a Doctorate of business administration (DBA) degree are valued more highly. Let us walk you through the insight into what is a doctorate of business administration, its eligibility criteria, and its future. Pursuing a doctorate in business administration will be very promising for all business enthusiasts who are looking to expand their horizons of business knowledge.
A Doctorate of Business Administration degree is designed for specific individuals, business enthusiasts, and others who want to expand or develop their business profile. Those who pursue this degree generally have experience retaining, managing, or operating a business. This allows them to experiment with the propositions they study in a real-world situation and seek results for problems they may encounter in the course of business operations. Although the degree focuses on business proposition and practice, it differs from an MBA or a Ph.D. in Business Administration. The coursework in an MBA program tends to cover applications related to general business operations, while a DBA program generally allows for further individual study in a specific area of specialization. Having a degree in online DBA (doctorate in Business administration) will give you an edge over others as being the loftiest qualification in business administration. Most of the DBA program can be pursued online or physically too, which offers the flexibility of learning as well as continuing your jobs/other studies. DBA programs generally take about 5 years to complete.
Aspiring business enthusiasts or students who wish to pursue a degree in doctorate of business administration need to have some prior knowledge of certain criteria required before applying for the course. The course structure is usually divided into credits score depending upon the specific type of specialization you choose. To be eligible for studying a DBA program you must:
• Have a minimum of 5-10 years of business experience, in which you must have been in a documenting managerial role (managing people, budgets, projects).
• You must be creative and enthusiastic about business projects and in-depth study.
• Must have an MBA degree or a relevant business-oriented master’s degree from an accredited college or university.
• There is no age limit for the students to take admission to this course.
A doctorate of business administration program can include an emphasis on account, organization, operations operation, economics, marketing, and finance. Depending on the council or university, conditions may differ as to the introductory courses needed to enter a doctorate of business program. Most institutions bear a written and oral discussion to be completed as the final way to enter a doctorate. The DBA degree requires a span of 3 years to complete the course and if online or in distance mode then it requires 4-5 years depending on your credit and time which includes fall, spring, and summer. DBA programs are harmonious with both coursework and independent exploration. The main objective of this course is to bring principles of scientific methodology in business inquiry, how to develop analytical skills, and research in business. The major focus is on understanding and improving measurement, scaling, and sampling methods which are the core tools of Business/Enterprise.
The doctorate scholars enrolled in the DBA Program work in diverse areas of business management like Applied Economics, Business Analytics, Financial Management, HR & IT management. The doctoral degree also provides them with a sphere of working on Research Paper Writing. In conclusion, we can say that pursuing a doctorate in business administration will be very beneficial in the near future, due to the rise in the trend of changing business these days to more will be the demand for business professionals who are masters in a specific domain.
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careerera-dba · 6 days
What Can You Do With A Doctorate In Business Administration?
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A Doctorate in business administration has emerged as a prominent degree that not only bestows professionals with marketable qualities but also opens doors for greater success and growth in their field of profession. Pursuing and earning a DBA degree will significantly increase your career possibilities. The degree is ideally developed for professionals in their mid-careers and looking forward to attaining another milestone in life by moving up the professional ladder and securing executive-level positions. Another notable advantage of a doctorate of business administration degree is the applicability of the knowledge across multiple industries and roles. As such, a professional with a doctorate in business administration can be employed even outside the business realm. 
The DBA degree programs ideally train professionals with contemporary leadership roles and competencies that will keep them agile and flexible as time evolves. They will attain transferable skills and will equip them to even function independently. If you are wondering what can you do with a DBA degree, you'd be glad to learn that there is no dearth of jobs for professionals with this high-level professional degree. The popularity and relevance of a doctorate in business administration have further grown increasingly, with most organizations demanding this highly qualified professional to lead their organizations. The modern market today is rife with stiff competition and companies are challenged with the need to have competent leaders with in-depth insights and the caliber to lead the enterprises through every complication and unpredictable scenario.  A DBA program imparts all the necessary knowledge and qualities a future leader must possess. Thus, you can rest assured that you will have a promising career path with a doctorate of business administration degree.
Some of the most popular and in-demand job positions are:
Business Consultant
C-Suite Executive
Organizational Development Manager
Director of Human Resources
Government Program Manager
Non-profit Executive Director
Strategic Planner
Market Research Analyst
Project Manager
From attaining top-level positions across a diverse range of industries to having unique skills that make you stand out from the army of competitive professionals, a doctorate in business administration will bring you a promising and prosperous life both professionally and personally. By building remarkable skills, you will be highly valued in society. 
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eimtch · 1 month
Top Reason to Pursue a Doctorate Administration Degree
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Considering pursuing a doctorate degree or doctorate of business administration? Discover the top reasons why earning a Ph.D. or similar advanced degree can be a transformative career and life decision. This comprehensive guide explores the benefits of doctoral studies, including gaining specialized knowledge, enhancing career prospects, and achieving personal growth. Learn how a doctorate can open doors to academic and research opportunities, offer higher earning potential, and provide a platform for contributing original insights to your field.
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varshamedblogs · 1 month
Learn how a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) can change your life and open up a variety of employment options in the ever-changing business world.
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gradxs-india · 2 months
Achieve Career Advancement with Online Doctorate Programs for Working Professionals
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Success Stories of Professional Doctorate Programs: Priya and Rajesh
In today's fast-paced work environment, staying ahead and excelling in your career requires continuous learning and skill development. Luckily, the emergence of online education has created new opportunities for working professionals to pursue an Online Doctorate, whether it's a Professional Doctorate or a PhD, while managing their job responsibilities and personal commitments. This article delves into the transformative impact of Online Doctorate programs for individuals seeking career progression.
Priya, a dedicated marketing executive aiming to broaden her knowledge and excel in her role, decided to enroll in an Online Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program. Despite her demanding work schedule and familial duties, Priya found the flexibility of online learning to be invaluable. Throughout the program, she gained valuable insights and expertise that enabled her to lead innovative marketing projects and strategic initiatives within her organization. The Online Doctorate not only enhanced Priya's skills but also positioned her for new career opportunities and leadership positions.
Likewise, Rajesh, a passionate educator with a vision for educational reform, pursued an Online Doctor of Education (EdD) program to drive positive changes in the field of education. Despite the demands of his teaching role and school management responsibilities, Rajesh utilized the online format to pursue advanced studies while continuing to work. The program provided him with new teaching methodologies and leadership skills, earning him recognition as a thought leader in education.
These real-life success stories demonstrate how Online Doctorate programs cater to the needs of working professionals, allowing them to obtain advanced degrees without interrupting their careers or personal lives. By offering flexible study options, individuals like Priya and Rajesh can seamlessly incorporate learning into their existing routines, enhancing their professional abilities and career prospects.
Online Doctorate programs are designed to meet the evolving demands of today's workforce, focusing on practical skills like problem-solving and immediate application of knowledge. Whether pursuing an Online DBA for business enhancement or an Online EdD for educational leadership, these programs emphasize hands-on learning, collaboration, and critical thinking.
One of the significant advantages of Online Doctorate programs is the opportunity to engage with a diverse network of peers and experts from around the world. This virtual community encourages collaboration, idea-sharing, and a sense of belonging, enhancing the overall learning experience. Despite the digital nature of interaction, students feel connected and empowered to collaborate on projects, participate in conferences, and expand their knowledge base.
Additionally, Online Doctorate programs leverage cutting-edge technologies, such as virtual labs and interactive tools, to enhance the learning process and prepare students for the digital era. By incorporating hands-on experiences with the latest technologies, students develop proficiency in digital skills essential for success in today's tech-driven job market.
In conclusion, Online Doctorate programs represent a transformative journey for working professionals, empowering them to unlock their full potential. The success stories of individuals like Priya and Rajesh underscore the profound impact of online education on career growth and personal development. By embracing the flexibility and innovation of online learning, professionals can thrive in their careers, drive industry change, and contribute to societal progress. The path to earning a doctorate degree has never been more accessible, offering a seamless transition from the workplace to academic achievement.
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careereducation1 · 3 months
Analyzing the Various Specializations Provided in Doctorate in Business Administration Programs
Selecting a field of study for an online doctorate program in business administration is a more difficult task than determining whether to pursue one at all. this blog post of today will look at the finest areas for candidates to concentrate their online PhD studies in business administration.
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Benefits of Pursuing Doctor of Business Administration Courses Online
Choosing a job over further studies has been a dilemma for many, and in the past, the loss of potential educational pursuits seemed inevitable. However, in today’s landscape, this is no longer a trade-off. The advent of online education has transformed this narrative, allowing individuals to seamlessly integrate studying into their professional lives.Read More
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phoenixonlinemba · 6 months
5 strong Reasons to Choose an Online DBA Course
Are you a working superintendent looking to upskill yourself and explore new career openings? Have you considered enrolling in an Online DBA Course? Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) is a critical and in- demand skill in moment’s digital age. Whether you’re new the conception of DBA or formerly have some familiarity with it, an online course can give you with immense benefits. In this blog post, we will explore five compelling reasons to choose an online DBA course. So, let’s dive in and discover why this could be the perfect occasion for you to upskill and advance your career.
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Inflexibility to Learn at Your Own Pace
One of the most significant advantages of an online DBA course is the inflexibility it offers. As a working superintendent, you’re likely to have a packed schedule with varying work demands. Attending physical classes can be challenging due to time constraints and trip commitments. still, with an online course, you have the freedom to learn at your own pace and according to your own schedule.
Whether you prefer studying beforehand in the morning, during lunch breaks, or in the gloamings, an online DBA course allows you to customize your literacy experience. You can complete the course live classes, pre-recorded lectures, and assignments from anywhere and at any time that suits you. This inflexibility empowers you to balance your work, particular life, and education seamlessly, making it an ideal choice for busy working directors.
Read More: How Online MBA Programs Are Shaping The Future Of Business Education
Inflexibility Highlights
Learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere
No restrictions on class timings
Fit your education around your work and particular life
Access to Expert preceptors and Industry perceptivity
When choosing an online DBA course, you can anticipate to learn from expert preceptors with expansive subject experience. These preceptors have a wealth of knowledge and practical perceptivity that they can partake with you throughout the course. They will guide you through the fundamentals of doctorate of business administration, stylish practices, and real- world scripts, furnishing you with a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
Also, an online DBA course frequently brings you value- added content similar as guest lectures from assiduity experts. These sessions expose you to the rearmost advancements, trends, and challenges in the field, enabling you to broaden your perspective and gain precious perceptivity. By penetrating the moxie of famed preceptors and assiduity professionals, you can stay ahead of the wind and enhance your employability.
moxie and perceptivity Highlights
Learn from educated preceptors
Gain inestimable assiduity perceptivity
Stay streamlined with the rearmost trends and advancements
Read More: How to Stay Motivated And Engaged In An Online MBA Program
Earn a high prestige “Dr” Title
Earning the title of Doctor through a Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) is a mark of high prestige. Achieving this designation involves rigorous exploration, critical analysis, and a deep understanding of complex business dynamics. The DBA signifies mastery of advanced business generalities and demonstrates a strong commitment to contributing significantly to the academic and professional community. Those with a DBA are honored as study leaders and originators in the field of business administration. This prestigious title opens doors to unique openings and reflects an existent’s fidelity to advancing knowledge and leadership in the business world. High Prestige “Dr” title highlights:
experience and Recognition
Advanced Career openings
benefactions to the Industry
Personal and Professional Growth
Cost-Effective and Time-Effective
Pursuing a traditional degree or instrument program can be time- consuming and expensive. The demands of attending physical classes and traveling to educational institutions can add up in terms of time and charges. On the other hand, an online DBA course offers a cost-effective and time-effective volition.
With online literacy, you exclude the need to swap to a physical position, saving both time and transportation costs. also, online courses frequently have lower education freights compared to traditional programs, making them more affordable for working directors. By choosing an online DBA course, you can achieve your educational pretensions without breaking the bank or immolating significant quantities of your precious time.
Read More: Can I Do an Online MBA with Less Than 50% in Graduation?
Cost and Time Highlights
Save on transportation and exchanging
Lower education freights compared to traditional programs
Maximize your time by barring trip and scheduling conditions
Interactive literacy and Networking openings
Contrary to popular belief, online literacy can be largely interactive and engaging. numerous online DBA courses incorporate colorful interactive rudiments to enhance the literacy experience. These may include live conversations, virtual labs, simulations, and cooperative systems. Through these conditioning, you can apply your knowledge, engage with peers, and admit substantiated feedback from preceptors.
Also, online literacy platforms frequently give networking openings, enabling you to connect with fellow actors from different backgrounds and diligence. This network can be a precious resource for participating ideas, seeking guidance, and exploring new career openings. By joining an online DBA course, you open doors to a probative community that can enrich your literacy trip.
Interactive literacy Highlights
Engage in live conversations 
unite on systems with peers
Network with professionals from colorful diligence
Career Enhancement Highlights
Stand out in competitive job requests
Increase your employability and job prospects
Develop chops that are in high demand across diligence
Read More: Here’s why you should choose Amity University’s Online MBA Program
To sum up,
Still, choosing an Online DBA Course can be an excellent decision, If you’re a working superintendent looking to enhance your chops and broaden your career midair. The inflexibility, access to expert preceptors and assiduity perceptivity, cost- effectiveness, interactivity, and career prospects make it a compelling choice. By investing in your education and upgrading your Doctorate of business administration chops, you can take control of your professional trip and unlock a world of openings. So, why stay? Enroll in an online DBA course moment and embark on a transformative literacy experience!
Flash back, true growth begins when you step outside of your comfort zone and embrace new challenges. Online literacy offers a unique occasion for working directors to upskill and stay ahead in a fleetly evolving world. So, seize the moment and embark on your trip towards success. The possibilities are measureless when you choose to invest in yourself and your future. Frequently Asked Questions regarding doctorate of business administration: 1. What’s a doctorate and how does it differ from other academic degrees?
A doctorate is the topmost academic degree awarded by universities. It differs from other degrees like bachelorette’s or master’s in that it represents the loftiest position of academic achievement and frequently requires original exploration, a discussion, and a significant donation to the field of study.
2. What are the common conditions for admission to a doctoral program?
Admission to a doctoral program generally requires a applicable master’s degree, a strong academic record, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and occasionally standardized test scores like the GRE. Also, programs may assess exploration experience and the alignment of the aspirant’s interests with the faculty’s moxie.
3. What career openings does a doctorate open up compared to other degrees?
A doctorate opens doors to advanced career openings, especially in academia, exploration institutions, and leadership places within diligence. It signifies a deep moxie in a specific field, allowing individualities to contribute significantly to their profession and potentially pursue places with advanced situations of responsibility and influence.
4. What’s the difference between a Ph.D. and a professional doctorate?
While aPh.D. is generally further exploration- concentrated, emphasizing benefactions to theoretical knowledge, professional doctorates like a DBA or Ed.D. are frequently designed for interpreters seeking to apply advanced knowledge in their professions. Professional doctorates may have a more practical and assiduity- acquainted focus, with an emphasis on working real- world problems.
5. Can you work while pursuing a doctorate, or is it a full- time commitment? Numerous doctoral programs offer inflexibility, allowing scholars to work while pursuing their degrees. Part- time and online options are frequently available, accommodating individualities who wish to balance their academic hobbies with professional commitments. Still, the time needed for exploration and coursework can vary, and it’s essential to find a balance that suits individual circumstances.
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sharlineshine · 4 months
The Online Doctor of Business Administration Program is designed to develop decision-making skills and helps to reach the highest level of success
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careerera-dba · 9 days
Doctorate of Business Administration: Advanced Leadership Studies
The three-year Doctorate of Business Administration program is designed for experienced professionals who desire to achieve the cornerstone of all the principles and tactics of the business and management world. The DBA degree program is delivered online by the best qualified and experienced faculty members of the institution. All the batches are planned by keeping the busy schedule of the students in mind, so they can attend all the lectures hassle-free, and as per their schedule. Every doctoral degree program student is provided with proper guidance and support from their assigned Supervisor/ Research Faculty for successful completion of the program.
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xaltius · 8 months
Unveiling the Doctorate of Business Administration: Path to Expertise in Cybersecurity and Data Science
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In today's dynamic business landscape, the need for specialized knowledge and expertise has never been greater. As organizations navigate the complexities of the digital age, the demand for professionals with advanced skills in cybersecurity and data science continues to rise. This is where the Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) in Cybersecurity and Data Science emerges as a powerful tool for career advancement and professional growth.
The Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA): A Paradigm of Advanced Business Education
The DBA is a prestigious terminal degree that signifies the highest level of academic achievement in the field of business administration. It is designed for experienced professionals who aspire to reach the pinnacle of their careers and make significant contributions to the business world.
Bridging the Gap: Cybersecurity and Data Science Expertise for Business Leaders
The DBA in Cybersecurity and Data Science is a specialized program that equips business leaders with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage and leverage these critical domains in today's data-driven world. It provides a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity principles, data analysis techniques, and the strategic implications of these disciplines for business success.
Xaltius Academy: A Gateway to Advanced Business Education
Xaltius Academy, in collaboration with renowned institutions like BHS Switzerland, offers a DBA program that stands out for its unique blend of academic rigor, practical application, and industry relevance. The program's curriculum is designed to provide a holistic understanding of cybersecurity and data science, enabling graduates to navigate the complex intersection of these fields with confidence.
Key Advantages of Pursuing a DBA in Cybersecurity and Data Science
Enhanced Career Prospects: The DBA in Cybersecurity and Data Science opens doors to leadership positions in organizations that are increasingly reliant on data-driven decision-making and robust cybersecurity strategies.
Deeper Understanding of Complex Disciplines: The program delves into the intricacies of cybersecurity and data science, providing a comprehensive understanding of the latest advancements, challenges, and opportunities in these fields.
Research and Innovation Expertise: The DBA program cultivates research skills and encourages innovation, enabling graduates to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the development of cutting-edge solutions.
Conclusion: Embracing the Power of Specialized Knowledge
The Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) in Cybersecurity and Data Science represents a unique opportunity for business professionals to elevate their expertise and become sought-after leaders in the ever-evolving digital landscape. By pursuing this specialized degree, individuals can position themselves at the forefront of innovation and make a profound impact on the future of business.
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varshamedblogs · 2 months
Embark on a transformative journey in the corporate realm with the Doctor of Business Administration program offered by TAU-UCN. Our meticulously crafted online curriculum, developed in partnership with the University of Central Nicaragua, equips you with the skills and knowledge essential to thrive as a dynamic business leader. Designed for working professionals, our program allows you to earn your DBA while balancing your career commitments, enabling you to advance without interrupting your momentum. With a focus on practicality and global relevance, our program delves into key areas such as strategic management, leadership, and organizational change, empowering you to navigate the complexities of today's business landscape with confidence.
At TAU-UCN, we pride ourselves on our student-centric approach to learning. With experienced faculty hailing from diverse backgrounds and a tailored curriculum delivered through our innovative Learning Management System, we ensure that you receive the support and resources needed to excel. Our unique teaching methodology, BRICS, fosters immersive learning by focusing on one subject at a time in structured blocks, allowing for deeper understanding and retention. Join us and unlock your full potential as a business leader, as you earn your Doctor of Business Administration and pave the way for a successful career trajectory.
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bestmbainuae · 2 years
Online DBA in UAE | Online DBA in Dubai
Overview The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) course has been crafted for CEOs, CFOs, Managing Directors and for Senior Level Professional Employees and guides you to embark on careers as applied researchers, consultant and senior corporate roles. This accelerated course also provides an opportunity for applicants who hold a Post – Doctoral Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership qualification to gain an entry into higher ranked and globally accredited university. Our accredited DBA Program is currently in direct articulation with International American University on validation mode.
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BENEFITS Develop and practice innovative research methods. Earn the highest quality of education. Achieve the expertise to publish in peer-reviewed journals. Become a successful doctoral researcher and educator. Prepare to make an impact in policy and practice. Learn strategies to facilitate more effective and, adaptable organizations creating positive changes. Become a more innovative leader in your field.
ABOUT AWARDING BODY MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA, INC. was incorporated in the State of California in 2005 and MIA sought CA State approval as a formalized institution of higher learning in 2006, focusing on what it knew best – business. In late 2006, MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA, INC. legally changed its name to INTERNATIONAL AMERICAN UNIVERSITY (IAU), with its emphasis on international business education focusing on training today’s leaders to be super leaders through team building, activity-based consulting. IAU enables students to move beyond their comfort zone and achieve real performance improvement through real time learning facilitated by epert industry veterans & specialists.
IAU is accredited by CHEA USA, Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), California State Approving Agency for Veterans Education (CSAAVE), Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs (DAPIP), State of California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE), Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP), Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS), U.K. National Information Centre for Qualification and Skills (UK ENIC).
IAU’s offerings include an Associate, a Bachelor, two Masters, and a professional Doctorate degree program. By focusing on business education, IAU can ensure a concentrated faculty body, specialized curriculum, and rich student- faculty interaction.
IAU’s faculties are business professionals who have made an impact on developing organizations to go from “good to great”. The school’s curriculum was a matter of harnessing current business and organizing it to fit in a classroom format. The real challenge was adapting the curricula to a medium that would make it possible to teach across time and space for the convenience of the adult student. As a student, you are assured that the training and education you receive will be practical in the professional arena, while benefitting from the expertise of professionals in the industry.
Students who thrive in our programs are passionate about their module. Many are recognized nationally and internationally for their scholarship, research and public engagement and make original and substantial contributions to their disciplines. Our graduates become idea-leaders who drive our global future by advancing discoveries, broadening knowledge, fostering entrepreneurship, protecting and sustaining our natural environment and developing new technologies.
DURATION DBA is designed to be delivered over 30 – 36 months on full time study mode, but it is also flexible in its delivery in order to accommodate part time and distance learning education mode from our associated awarding bodies. The qualification is delivered face-to-face through lectures, tutorials, seminars and presentations by approved study centers only.
WHAT IT INCLUDES Assessors will support the students throughout the course of Doctor of Business administration. A formative assessment and feedback that will be provided to improve the learners’ achievements as per being part of the respective Universities. Course materials will also include lecture notes, practical applications with examples and case studies and presentations where the students can apply their knowledge and show their skills as well. We also provide books for references and other study materials. Supervision is available for all the modules. Through the online learning platform which has multiplatform accessibility, it delivers the any of the course straight to the student’s smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop through which will be enable for them to study at their own convenience.
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