#Only a lawyer would say a mother was weaponizing breastfeeding
coochiequeens · 2 years
Men: “the courts are so unfair to fathers” Also Men: “My evil ex is weaponizing feeding our child the way nature intended” Courts: “We will make her bottle feed to suit your visitation requests”
Virginia mom is ordered to stop BREASTFEEDING six-month-old daughter after judge in bitter custody battle rules it is interfering with estranged husband's time with their children
Arleta Ramirez has been court-ordered not to breastfeed her six-month-old baby
Father, Mike Ridgway, was also granted four visitation days and overnight visits
Ridgway claimed that his daughter's feeding times were interfering with visits
PUBLISHED: 17:30 EST, 8 February 2023 | UPDATED: 18:12 EST, 8 February 2023 
A Virginia mom has been ordered to stop breastfeeding her six-month-old daughter after a judge in a bitter custody battle ruled that it was interfering with her estranged husband's time with their children.
Arleta Ramirez has been breastfeeding her daughter since she was born in July and had also breastfed her son, who is now two, the Washington Post reported.
According to the outlet Ramirez was ordered to 'make every effort to place the child on a feeding schedule and use a bottle' by a Prince William County judge in late November.
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Beginning this month, the judge's ruling also granted the children's father, Mike Ridgway, four visitation days and overnight visits.
Ridgway complained that his daughter's feeding times were interfering with his visits, but Ramirez who has had trouble pumping milk in the past, believes, like some experts, that 'breast is best.
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She is preparing evidence for a hearing in April from breastfeeding experts as well as a letter from her pediatrician.
'Why are they forcing me to stop breastfeeding?' she told the Washington Post. 'Isn't that her right? Isn't that in her best interest?'
Ridgway said that he had given Ramirez 'space to both nurse and to pump milk for me to bottle-feed our daughter while she is in my care.'
'Past the age of 6 months I will continue to support breastfeeding and bottle-feeding our daughter breast milk as much as possible, while also supplementing with formula only when absolutely necessary,' he added.
Ridgway's attorney, Tara Steinnerd, said Ramirez was using breastfeeding 'as a weapon' in what she claims is a means to salvage a relationship that is over.
'They come up with a myriad of excuses,' she told the outlet. 'It's about using breastfeeding as a weapon against visitation.'
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“Child-mothers” doesn’t mean mothers of children. It means mothers who are children. And they’re locked up in the child detention camps, too. Many of them are survivors of sexual abuse, many have already undergone some kind of horror on their journey, and the conditions in the camp now put them and their babies at risk.
The phrase crops up, for example, in descriptions of the facilities’ “isolation rooms” for sick detainees: “There was one child-mother who took her baby [into isolation], because the baby got the flu,” law professor Warren Binford, who has interviewed the children, tells the New Yorker. “And then the mother, because she was in there caring for the child, got the flu as well. And so then she was there for a week, and they took the baby out and gave the baby to an unrelated child to try to take care of the child-mother’s baby.”
The girls’ basic bodily needs are being neglected by facilities that were never built nor intended to care for pregnant bodies. Advocate Elora Mukherjee tells the Atlantic that young girls who are lactating are left to sit in shirts soaked with breast milk. Though nursing causes ravenous hunger — for good reason; if a mother loses too much body fat, her milk dries up — these girls are just as malnourished as all the other detainees: “Everyone gets an identical tray [of food] regardless of if you’re a 1-year-old, or you’re a 17-year-old, or a breastfeeding teenage mother who has higher caloric needs,” Mukherjee says.
These conditions will almost certainly prove lethal at some point. We’ve already gotten close: Earlier this month, a 17-year-old girl who had given birth to a premature baby was found filthy, sick, and confined to a wheelchair in Border Patrol custody. The wheelchair was a result of “complications” from an emergency C-section. She’d received seemingly no aftercare for the procedure. If she were free, she would have received inpatient care, serious pain medication, and follow-up visits to a doctor. In custody, the girl was in so much pain that she could not leave her chair. She said she’d been taken to the hospital “at least once” for pain medication. Her baby, meanwhile, had received no medical care at all. When human rights lawyers found the family, the baby had not cried in five hours, was “weak and listless,” and its body temperature was rapidly dropping. Had the lawyers not intervened, it likely would have died.
We still have no word on how well the girl and her baby are recovering, or how many other girls and babies like them are in those camps. The horror only deepens when you realize why all these pregnant little girls are showing up in the first place.
A 2018 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees report on female asylum-seekers found that 64% of the women cited “direct threats and attacks by members of criminal armed groups” as their reason for leaving and that those “attacks” very frequently included rape. They also found that the asylum-seekers had often experienced “repeated physical and sexual violence at home,” including “repeated rapes, sexual assaults, and violent physical abuse, such as beatings with baseball bats and other weapons.” To get out, they have to face even more sexual violence: Statistics indicate that between 60% and 80% of women and girls are raped or sexually assaulted during the migration journey.
There is a mass of sexually traumatized little girls arriving at our border, and in these camps, and we should assume that many of them will be pregnant, or already have babies, as the result of their assaults.
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