#Oona Bartolini
nonsimsical · 2 years
| Best Friends for Life |
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"I could not have asked, or DREAMED, of a better friendship than this. She is my spirit animal!" - Oona Bell Bartolini
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blessyourpixels · 2 years
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More waterpark fun!
Side note, Dani makes the prettiest sims, like look at these models! @nonsimsical
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ohsimtastic · 5 years
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Tobyn and the boys went to visit Oona and Theo! Henry missed his “Noona” a lot.
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charsimatic · 7 years
It’s Not Your Fault.
She hated this place. She always had to be quiet, she hated how sad and scared everyone looked all the time, too. Daddy had told her the name of this place in the hospital was the ICU. She didn’t know what it stood for, but she didn’t like it one bit.
She hated it even more because her mommy had to be in it. Her mommy hadn’t woken up in an entire week, and she missed her. She missed her mommy’s smile, her mommy’s hugs. She missed her mommy kissing her and reading her bedtime stories.
Her mommy was broken. Daddy had told her she was hurt really bad, but Sophia knew her mommy was broken, or else she’d wake up and tell her everything would be okay.
Or maybe she’d be mad at her, because she caused everything to happen. Eli wouldn’t have hit mommy if her mommy hadn’t tried to protect her. Eli got mad and hurt her. And it was all Sophia’s fault.
She sat quietly in the waiting room, watching other kids play with the toys Aunt Jaymie had told her not to touch, because sick kids played with those toys all the time. They didn’t look like fun toys, anyway.
She looked around, eyes resting on the door. Her daddy said he’d only be five minutes, but that was a long time ago. She was bored, and this place reminded her of how bad she was. She wanted to go home and go to sleep. She was usually too upset to do much of anything else these days, especially since nightmares woke her up multiple times a night.
She sighed, resting her chin on her hand.
“What’s up kiddo?” Aunt Oona asked, looking at her with concern.
“Nothing.” She said sadly.
“You know I don’t buy that.” Oona put her hand on Sophia’s back, rubbing it gently, just like her mommy used to do whenever she was scared or didn’t feel good. “What’s the matter?”
“I’m sad.”
“I know, me too baby.”
“Will mommy wake up?” Sophia looked up at Oona, and saw her visibly collect herself, like grown-ups did before they told kids a lie.
“Your mommy is hurt, Sophie.”
“I know.”
“The doctors said she’s doing good now, but, honey, we don’t know exactly...what happened up here.” She pointed at her head. “They think she will wake up. But they don’t know when. And they don’t know what she’ll be like when she does.”
“What do you mean?” Sophia cocked her head to the side. Oona sighed, picking Sophia up and putting her on her lap.
“When people’s brains get hurt, a lot of different things can happen, and no one knows what until the person who got hurt wakes up. They might not remember what happened, who they are, who the people they love are…” She looked down at Sopha, whose lip trembled, but she nodded. “They also might not remember how to walk or talk, or do other things like that. Do you understand?” Sophia nodded, and Oona held her tighter. “I don’t know what’s going to happen when your mommy wakes up, Sophie, but I’m absolutely positive, after a little while, everything will be just fine.” Sophia sniffled, imagining her mom not remembering who she was.
“It’s all my fault.” She whimpered quietly.
“What baby?” Oona leaned closer.
“It’s all my fault!” Sophia started sobbing, covering her face in her hands. A few of the other people in the room looked over, the children with curiosity, the adults with concern and heartbreak.
“Sophia Grace! What makes you say that?” Oona turned Sophia around so she was facing her, pulling her hands away from her face.
“Cause...cause...if I wasn’t there, Eli wouldn’t have hurt mommy.” She wailed. “She tried to protect me!”
“Sophia…” Oona hugged her tightly again and rocked her back and forth. “Sophia, listen to me. None of this is your fault.” Sophia looked up at her. “Of course your mom was trying to protect you. She loves you very, very much. She would be very upset with herself if anything happened to you. And Eli hurting her had nothing to do with you. That was his fault.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Actually, Sophia, you saved your mommy.”
“Daddy did.”
“Daddy came because you called him. You did exactly what your mommy told you to do, Sophie, and that was so brave.” Oona choked up, blinking rapidly to keep herself from crying as she kissed Sophia’s forehead. “If you wouldn’t have called your daddy, help might have come too late. You saved your mommy’s life, baby.” Sophia sniffled again.
“Really really. You’re so brave, just like mommy.” This time, Sophia’s eyes lit up.
“I am?!”
“You are!” Sophia flung herself at Oona, wrapping her tiny arms around her neck. Oona bit her lip to keep herself from crying, but was saved by the door opening and Freeman walking in, looking tired, but optimistic. He smiled when he saw his daughter hugging Oona.
“Daddy!” Sophia squealed, jumping off of Oona’s lap and into Freeman’s outstretched arms. “Aunt Oona told me I was brave, just like mommy!”
“She did?” Freeman smiled at her, then turned to Oona with a questioning look.
“I did. She was afraid…” Oona looked at Sophia.
“I told her it was all my fault that mommy got hurt, but Auntie Oona told me I saved her, and that I was very brave.” She grinned. Freeman visibly relaxed.
“All of that is very true, Bug.” He hugged her tightly to him. “You’re very brave.” He set her down, rubbing his face afterwards.
“She’s stable. The doctors are saying the swelling in her brain has gone down significantly. Her bruising is going down, she almost looks like a person again.” He sighed, placing his hands on his hips. “They’re pretty sure she’s going to wake up now, they just don’t know when, since the swelling was pretty severe there for a while. And they don’t know what her mental state will be, either.”
“Well...it’s good news, at least. She’s healing.” Oona stood, wiping her palms on her jeans. She looked up at Freeman, whose lips were pressed in a thin line and his brow was furrowed together in worry. The stress of the situation was etched onto every part of his face and in the rigidness of his body.
“She’ll be fine. It’s Faye.” Oona smiled at him.
“Yeah, you’re right.” He half smiled, but his body didn’t relax. “Let’s go get Amora from school. Wanna go get sissy, Bug?” Freeman asked, holding his arms out.
“Yeah!” Sophia, who hadn’t been going to school for the past week because of the emotional trauma she had gone through, was beginning to get antsy and was asking how many days until she could go back. Because her therapist had seen an improvement, he had cleared her to go back that next Monday, as long as her teacher was aware of the situation and the fact that Sophia could have moments where she was upset and frightened easily. Freeman thought she was going to be just fine, and the doctors were overreacting. Sophia was just like her mother- a fighter. She climbed into Freeman’s arms again, and the three of them left the family room and stepped outside into the bright sunlight.
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myamazingsims · 8 years
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nonsimsical · 2 years
| My Bartolini Girls |
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Oona, Theo and Cora
..so happy with them now!
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nonsimsical · 2 years
| Lakeside |
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.. I love their friendship
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nonsimsical · 2 years
| Poor Louie |
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..getting ganged up on by his best friend and his little sister! Bwahaha
He's a good sport!
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nonsimsical · 1 year
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Oona Bell Bartolini
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blessyourpixels · 2 years
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There’s nothing like a day at the waterpark to start your summer off right! Pro tip, if you go on a week day when it first opens, you might get lucky enough to get the waterpark to yourself!
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nonsimsical · 6 years
L.N. 2
"Are you fielding your calls now?" She demanded to know as soon as she answered his call.
"Hello, Braylie. I'm fine, how are you doing?" Lucca asked, sarcastically. A smile stretching across his face.
He could hear her sigh and take a deep breath before she spoke. "I'm fine. How come you didn't answer when I called you the first three times?"
"Because I thought my cell phone could use a swim."
"Nothing. I didn't hear it. What's up?"
He could almost hear her roll her eyes at him. "Have you talked to Nova yet. You know? About what you asked me..."
"No, I haven't." He pulled a couple dead leaves off of the Tomato plant in front of him, sighing out loud. "I planned on doing it this weekend."
"Why are you putting it off. I've already called and spoke to some lawyers. I can help you guys pay for the retainer fee." She offered. "Not that you couldn't afford to on your own, but I want this for you both just as much as you do. Well, maybe not as much as you do.. it feels that way though." She paused. "Anyways, it's just a precaution. If what you and Nova told me were true, he may not even fight you guys on this."
He raised his eyebrows, sighing. "Yea, well.. First I need to talk to Novalee and make sure she's ok with it."
"Braylie, I know you. What do you want to say."
She sighed into the phone, "Go ask her now! I want to know!"
He chuckled. His family has always adored Nova since they were little. The fact that they were together and having children literally 'tickled them pink' to quote his Mother after Braylie had called and told her they were officially an item. "She's not home right now. Harper's in town and Nova wanted her to meet her nephew."
"How is Harper? Does she know anything about Oona?"
Oona, their little sister, had suddenly decided to strike out on her own almost a year ago. No one had really heard from her since their niece was born on June 20th when she appeared quiet suddenly at his side looking pale and distraught at having missed her arrival. He knew something was off with her, but he never tried to question her. He wished he had, especially after seeing her at the hospital that night. Maybe he could of prevented her from cutting ties with them all and taking off, but she was almost 20 years old. An adult. He knew from personal experience that you can overcome any odds as long as you were determined and Oona definitely was that.
"I don't think so. Last Harper saw Oona was when they were 14 years old and she'd visited her in Italy." Lucca reached down and scratched Bird, his Englishe Springer Spaniel, behind the ear. "Besides," he took a deep breath letting it out slowly. "Nova isn't the type of person to pry into people's personal lives unless she felt it was necessary. Oona can take care of herself."
"But she shouldn't have to! She's only 19." Braylie whined.
"I know you miss her. I miss her, too, but we have to trust her and respect her decisions, Bray. She'd only end up resenting us if we forced her to stay."
"I don't know, something just feels... off? She was so excited about being an Aunt. Getting that new job at Logan's parents cafe. I just don't understand why she'd suddenly just up and vanish and not tell me where she was going. Or Logan, poor guy. He was beside himself!" She drew in a shaky breath. "But that isn't why I called. I know Nonno is keeping tabs on her, so if she gets in trouble or is hurt, I know he’ll be right there to jump in. I was calling about Millie. I want to throw a party if it happens. Small, just family. Maybe some close friends. Kind of like.. a meet and greet after a baby's born?"
"You're so weird. She's not a baby and she would be very upset if she knew you were comparing her to one." He chuckled, imaging Amelia stomping her little foot, mouth pursed in disgust, the little v forming between her eyebrows when she's upset or concentrating on something hard enough.
Braylie giggled, probably imagining the same thing he was. "Ok, ok. Just... let me know. And if it's positive then I'll ask Nova how she feels about the party."
"I will, but I'm going to say no to the party." He paused, "If my vote counts for anything."
"Probably not little brother, but I'll keep it in mind. Love ya!" With that she hung up the phone.  
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nonsimsical · 2 years
| School Days |
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..last few days of school are approaching fast! I can't believe Oona is about to be a Mom to a 2nd and 1st grader!!
Tell me Logan's Mom, how does he feel about being a Dad to children that are in 1st and 2nd grade!?
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nonsimsical · 3 years
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| Happy Halloween |
..from Oona, Theo, Cora and Meatball!
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nonsimsical · 3 years
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| Mommy -n- Cora |
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nonsimsical · 3 years
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| Bartolini Girls |
..Oona w/ Cora and Theo..
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charsimatic · 7 years
The Waiting Room
Jaymie watched, without interest, as the happy dancing flower on the receptionist’s desk waved back and forth, dancing a little dance that felt horribly out of place in the yellow lighting of the waiting room.
Around her, members of the Ross and Rodriguez families sat, wearing expressions identical to her own- worry, sadness, guilt. They all felt the same things- if they had reached out sooner, would this have happened?
She leaned forward in her seat, pressing her palms to her eyes to prevent herself from crying for the millionth time since she had gotten the phone call.
“Jaymie…” Madlaina had sounded strained, tired, exhausted, and like she was about to cry herself. Jaymie, who had been cleaning up after dinner, sighed deeply. Madlaina had evidently found out about what Freeman was doing, despite Freeman’s attempts to keep them from her.
“Mads, I wanted to-”
“Jaymie, Faye is….” Mads broke down, then. Jaymie stood, rooted to the spot, feeling her world start to spin around her.
“Faye is what, Mads?!” The hysteria in her voice had caught Christian’s attention, who had been sitting on the couch watching the highlight reel from the baseball game. He turned to look at her in concern. Madlaina only continued to cry.
“Madlaina! Tell me right now! What’s going on with Faye?”
“She’s in the hospital, Jaymie!” Mads gasped out. “Fr-freeman got a c-call from Sophie. He had t-to go g-get her and...and…” She dissolved into tears again. There was a fumbling with the phone. Jaymie’s heart beat out of her chest. What was going on?
“Benji, please, what’s going on with my baby sister?” Christian had come up to her, looking at her in alarm. Jaymie put the phone on speaker and held it out so Christian could hear.
“Jaymie, maybe you should come to the hospital…”
“TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON.” Jaymie yelled into the phone. Christian put his hand on her shoulder. The kids were just upstairs, playing.
“Oh, Jaymie…” Benji sighed. “Freeman got a call from Sophia. She told him Eli was hurting Faye.” Jaymie’s stomach dropped.
“What do you mean he was hurting her?”
“Freeman went over there, and...and he saw Eli standing over Faye, she was bloody and unconscious.”
“Oh my GOD!” Jaymie wailed, her knees buckling beneath her. Christian caught her, putting her up on a stool. His face was white as a ghost.
“She was still breathing, she’s alive, Freeman got there just in time and called the ambulance. He also got Sophia.”
“Is..?” Jaymie couldn’t finish the sentence. She handed the phone to Christian and turned away, sobbing.
“Sophia is just fine. She’s being checked over now, but she didn’t have any blood or bruises on her.”
“Where is Faye now?” Christian asked. Benji hesitated on the other line, clearly unsure if he should tell them when both Madlaina and Jaymie were in the state they were. He sighed.
“She’s in surgery. She had...multiple contusions and was losing a lot of blood. She went in about a half hour ago.” Jaymie cried harder.
“Fuck.” Christian whispered. He placed a hand on Jaymie’s back. Jaymie straightened and turned back around.
“What hospital. What floor.”
“Simvita General Hospital, 8th floor.” Benji replied curtly. “We’re on our way there now. Freeman and Sophia rode with Faye in the ambulance.”
“She was alive, though?” Jaymie asked tentatively.
“....yes.” The pause didn’t go unnoticed.
“Look, get to the hospital, we’ll tell you everything when you get here.” He had hung up without saying goodbye to avoid any more questions.
Jaymie had since learned Faye’s heart stopped multiple times in the ambulance. The thought terrified her. What if it stopped on the operating table, and they were unable to bring her back?
What if she never got to tell her little sister goodbye? What if Faye died, not knowing that Jaymie regretted ever letting Faye cut contact with her? She looked over at Sophia, who had been discharged almost as soon as they had arrived. Her cheeks were tear stained, she was curled up in Freeman’s lap, sleeping soundly. What if Sophia had to grow up without her mother? Jaymie knew exactly what it was like to lose a parent, but she hadn’t been as young as Sophia was.
Would Faye follow in their parents footsteps, and leave her daughter at such a young age?
Freeman scanned the room, then caught her eye. He gave her a half smile that didn’t go anywhere near his eyes. Jaymie couldn’t imagine walking in on the scene he did, but was entirely grateful that his quick thinking and quick actions possibly saved her sister's life. She closed her eyes again, imagining the last time she physically saw her sister. It was right before they had moved to the new place, Faye had come over with Sophia, looking tired and emotionally drained. They had stayed the night, Sophia had woken up screaming, and Jaymie had credited it due to the kidnapping incident.
The door opening made all of them jump in the otherwise still room, and all pairs of eyes looked up towards the newcomers.
Braylie and Oona had arrived, both looking as if they too, had been crying. Oona, without saying a word, walked over to Sophia and scooped her up.
“Oona?” Sophia said sleepily, in her tiny voice.
“Yes, Princess Sophie, I’m here.” Her voice was strained with the effort of her holding back tears. “I’m going to take you to Aunt Jaymie’s house, okay? Uncle Tyler is there right now with Avery, Adelynn, Noah, and Amora.” Sophia’s eyes widened.
“Amora is there?”
“She is, baby.” Freeman stood, wiping his palms on his jeans. “Abuela took her there just a little while ago.” He walked over and kissed the top of Sophia’s head, smoothing back her hair. Jaymie could see his eyes misting up.
“I miss Abuela.” Sophia whispered.
“You’ll see her soon, baby. For now, go see sissy and your cousins, okay?”
“Where are you going, daddy?” Freeman smiled at her.
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here, to make sure mommy is okay.”
“Mommy is hurt.” Sophia whispered again, frowning. Freeman nodded.
“But you helped save her, bug. She’ll be okay.” His voice cracked audibly at the last word. He kissed her forehead one more time, nodding to Oona afterwards.
“Thank you.” She nodded, turning and walking out of the room with Sophia, whispering to her quietly. Braylie stayed behind.
After another hour of waiting, the door leading back to the patient ward opened. A tall doctor stood there, holding the door open.
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