#Or La vallée de Dana
spaceoutdreamer · 1 year
Garçon - Koxie
In French, ç is pronounced as a ss sound while a regular c is (usually) a k sound. "Con" means dickhead, "gare" (in this context) means watch out. Basically, this song uses a pun that can't really be translated.
Earlier, I was driving on my scooter in Paris From a car, at the red light, some guy tells me "Hey ma'am, what time is it ?" I answer "12 pm" He tells me "Hey ma'am, you're crazy hot, how about you give me a lil treat ?" His buddies laugh, I didn't understand at the time. I say "Hey dude, you don't speak to people that way, you wouldn't like people talking to your mother that way." The dude looks at me with a guard doig's face and goes "Ayo, don't talk about my mom or I'll fuck you up" I answer "Calm down Alphonse. I don't know you, you attack me, what's up with that lack of finesse ? Nobody told you to treat women like princesses ?" He goes "Yeah, fuck you !" I tell him "You're not, that's where the issue lays"
Did you know that if you take the cedilla out of of garçon, you're left with garcon, and watch out for dickheads girl, watch out for dickheads Watch out for dickheads, watch our for dickheads that lose their cedillas If you take the cedilla out of of garçon, you're left with garcon, and watch out for dickheads girl, watch out for dickheads Watch out for dickheads, watch our for dickheads that lose their cedillas
I go my way, next light I hear "Hey slut, I can take you whenever !" Yet again it's Alphonse with his stupid face I tell him "Come on, you're digging your own grave, that's cringe. Can't believe you dude, get real ! You think you're Tony Montana, you don't even have pubes." He says "Stop being crass, see where I'm gonna put it in" "You're calling me crass ? Talk about pots and kettles. What a joke. Who do you think you are ? Stop that now" I get off, he gets off, I tell him "Your head's a mess. What are you gonna do now ? Aren't you in a situation. I want an apology, I'm waiting, and I'm not leaving without it." He tells me "No, YOU apologise you crazy witch" "That's a good one, I gave you the time, I shouldn't have bothered"
Did you know that if you take the cedilla out of of garçon, you're left with garcon, and watch out for dickheads girl, watch out for dickheads Watch out for dickheads, watch our for dickheads that lose their cedillas If you take the cedilla out of of garçon, you're left with garcon, and watch out for dickheads girl, watch out for dickheads Watch out for dickheads, watch our for dickheads that lose their cedillas
Here's how some boys talk. How shameful. They deserve a good talking to. Wanna play ? Let's play I tell him "Take your pants off. Lots of talking, not a lot of doing You asked me for a blowjob." Suddenly Alphonse snaps out of it. He stands down and tells me "Ok, fine, leave me alone, sorry." I tell him "Good, you look less stupid. Talking to women that way isn't normal There's a serious education issue. And even so, I'm sure you're not such a bad guy." He tells me "You're right, I feel stupid ! My buddies are pressuring me !" I tell him "Ok, no need to cry !" That's the last thing I needed Alphonse breaks down in my arms I tell him "You look like you need some loving. Come here, give auntie a kiss"
Did you know that if you take the cedilla out of of garçon, you're left with garcon, and watch out for dickheads girl, watch out for dickheads Watch out for dickheads, watch our for dickheads that lose their cedillas If you take the cedilla out of of garçon, you're left with garcon, and watch out for dickheads girl, watch out for dickheads Watch out for dickheads, watch our for dickheads that lose their cedillas
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✨ 🎶 when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶 ✨ <33
Just choosing 5 is haaaaaaaaard!
Already just with Scorpions or Dire Straits/Mark Knopfler I could have given you a top 10. 😂
And because rules are meant to be broken, here is a 6th (a classic of my generation in France).
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dans la vallée OOoo de dana lalila dans la vallée OOoo j'ai pus entendre les écho
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pilvidor · 30 days
jpp la vallée de dana dans le métro en sortant du boulot
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yuneu · 11 months
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shingia · 3 years
summoning my french followers if i have any :
headcanon pour timeskip!tendou (vivant en france du coup) : il connaît les démons de minuit par coeur et il crie « QUI ÇA? QUI CA? » a chaque refrain. parce que c’est un vrai lui <33
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jeunefemmeenfeu · 4 years
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albertinefloyd · 2 years
Samedi 10 septembre 2022.
Depuis quelques temps, Dana découvre la motricité fine. Elle s'éclate à tout attraper entre son pouce et son index : asperges, carottes, jouets, oreilles du chat...
Mais ce qu'elle aime le plus, c'est attraper la peau de mon ventre. Le soir, quand je lui donne la dernière tétée de la journée, elle s'en donne à coeur joie. Elle pince et tord et griffe la peau de mon ventre de toutes ses forces. Et si j'ai eu le malheur d'oublier de lui couper les ongles, je me retrouve avec plein de griffes rouges sur le ventre et la poitrine. C'est une sensation particulièrement désagréable où j'ai l'impression d'allaiter un chaton enragé.
Et si j'essaye de l'en empêcher, elle s'énerve, arrête de téter, se débat dans tous les sens. Alors je sais, autorité, obéissance, blablabla. Mais il est tard et je suis fatiguée et j'ai envie d'en finir au plus vite, alors je sers les dents.
Dans la vallée, oho, de Dana...
Je suis très fatiguée ce soir, et j'ai pas trop le moral. Pourtant, fait exceptionnel, Dana a fait sa nuit. Elle a dormir de 23h à 5h30 d'une traite.
Je devrais pleurer de joie. Mais c'est pas en une nuit que je vais rattraper tout le sommeil qui me manque. Et puis cet aprem j'ai mis une heure à l'endormir, et ça, c'est usant. Une heure dans les cris et les larmes, à la maintenir tant bien que mal dans mes bras pendant qu'elle se débat. Dans ces moments, moi aussi j'ai envie de pleurer en me roulant par terre. Ou alors j'ai envie de me cacher sous le lit, sans un bruit, jusqu'à ce que le reste de l'univers oublie mon existence.
En plus j'ai fait quoi, une fois qu'elle s'est finalement endormie ? Bah je me suis pris la tête. Parce que le foutu émulateur d'Android foutu Studio refusait de marcher. Blablabla error 5554, package atk mon cul not found. Et vas y que j'écume des posts Reddit de 2017 et que je regarde des vidéos YouTube sur comment régler le problème pendant 1h30, et putain mais ça marche toujours PAS.
Je sais, je sais. C'est samedi. J'aurais pu simplement faire autre chose. Jouer à Going Medieval, par exemple. Mais j'avais pas envie. Tout ce qui m'intéressait, aujourd'hui, c'était d'avancer sur mon projet d'appli.
Parce que les jours filent à une vitesse folle et que la plupart du temps, sur une journée, je peux consacrer seulement une heure, parfois juste une demi heure à ça. Et qu'à ce rythme là Dana ira à la fac avant que je ne sache coder une vulgaire appli de sudoku.
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teamroscoes · 2 years
dans la vallée oh oh de dana lalilalaaa
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Oh you think French Culture is about the baguette? That since you said "omelette" you're in a total immersion? Lemme tell you something, if you never did a joke about Michel Drucker being immortal, never said "Tu tires ou tu pointes ?", sang "La vallée de Dana" or whine "Je suis pas venue ici pour souffrir okay ?!" you're not quite French.
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spaceoutdreamer · 5 years
Music asks: ALL OF THEM
1:A song you like with a color in the titleI haven’t found one yet so unless I do, that’s the one
2:A song you like with a number in the titleDo you know how long this is taking me ? I’ve legit been stuck at this question for like 10 minutes trying to navigate all the songs I have. I don’t even think I know one ? Edit: I do not
3:A song that reminds you of summertimeGood time
4:A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget aboutI will always think of you
5:A song that needs to be played LOUDSince you’ve been gone
6:A song that makes you want to danceBittersweet
7:A song to drive toWhen I’m gone
8:A song about drugs or alcoholBig fun
9:A song that makes you happyDreaming of you
10:A song that makes you sadAmsterdam
11:A song that you never get tired ofDiscord
12:A song from your preteen yearsLa vallée de Dana I guess ????
13:One of your favorite 80’s songsNuit de folie
14:A song that you would love played at your weddingA bitch has never thought about wedding or being married or whatever but since this is apparently a question I have to answer
15:A song that is a cover by another artistAccording to you
16:One of your favorite classical songsLmao(In case you don’t get it)
17:A song that would sing a duet with on karaokeIs that a proposition.
18:A song from the year that you were bornDude, what ?
19:A song that makes you think about lifeOne headlight
20:A song that has many meanings to youC’mon
21:A favorite song with a person’s name in the titleI’m ASSUMING Laura Palmer is a name because otherwise, I don’t know what the deal is
22:A song that moves you forwardLarger than life
23:A song that you think everybody should listen toSeason’s greetings
24:A song by a band you wish were still togetherI don’t have any band like that but here you go I guess
25:A song by an artist no longer livingTechnically, this song fills the criteria
26:A song that makes you want to fall in loveI will follow you into the dark
27:A song that breaks your heartThe Yawhg
28:A song by an artist with a voice that you loveWhen you outgrow me
29:A song that you remember from your childhoodSociété
30:A song that reminds you of yourselfI think I’m okay or Stupid or even St Bernard, I couldn’t choose
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pallas-cat · 5 years
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antikorg · 3 years
La plus belle réserve naturelle de Jordanie menacée par une mine de cuivre
La plus belle réserve naturelle de Jordanie menacée par une mine de cuivre
2021-09-13 09:48:24 https://reporterre.net// Dana (Jordanie), reportage Le soleil se couche sur le camp de Rummana, au cœur de la réserve de biosphère de Dana, en Jordanie. Des chants d’oiseaux rythment le crépuscule. Furtif, un bouquetin de Nubie (Capra nubiana) jaillit d’entre les rochers massifs de la vallée, où seule une poignée de tentes blanches marquent discrètement la présence…
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oscar-piastri · 3 years
c’est mort j’ai la vallée de dana dans la tête aussi maintenant 😭😂
mais c’est horrible surtout que les paroles sont glauques des fois 😭😂
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redthepear · 7 years
Shouldn't have listened to La Vallée de Dana in a sudden nostalgia for drunken singing that shit is gonna stick in my head for the neXT three days
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Wadi Dana
Après une traversée du désert, nous voilà arrivés dans la vallée de Dana ! Et non nous ne sommes pas allés ici juste pour pouvoir chanter, le coin est vraiment à voir. Notre village de vielle maison retapées donne sur une immense vallée de roche et de végétation, ça nous change.
Nous avons pu faire une randonnée avec notre super guide adepte de la parité. Il nous a fait escalader les rochers (pour les hommes) ainsi que du maquillage et des photos (pour les femmes).
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