#Oral Cancer Treatment in Gurgaon
muskaandentals · 1 month
Understanding the Causes of Gum Inflammation
Gum inflammation, also known as gingivitis, is a common yet serious condition that affects many individuals. If left untreated, it can progress to more severe dental issues, including periodontitis and tooth loss. Understanding the causes and taking timely action is crucial for maintaining oral health. For residents in Gurgaon seeking expert dental care, finding the best dental clinic in Gurgaon is essential. Muskaan Dentals is among the top dental clinics in Gurgaon, offering comprehensive care for gum inflammation and other dental needs.
Common Causes of Gum Inflammation
Poor Oral Hygiene
The most prevalent cause of gum inflammation is poor oral hygiene. Not brushing and flossing regularly allows plaque—a sticky film of bacteria—to build up along the gumline. This plaque hardens into tartar if not removed, leading to inflamed gums.
Smoking and Tobacco Use
Smoking significantly increases the risk of gum disease. The toxins in tobacco products impair the normal function of gum tissue cells and can affect the attachment of bone and soft tissue to your teeth.
Hormonal Changes
Hormonal changes during pregnancy, puberty, menopause, and monthly menstruation can make gums more sensitive, which might promote gum inflammation.
Certain medications can affect oral health because they lessen the flow of saliva, which has a protective effect on the mouth. Some medicines can cause abnormal growth of gum tissue, which can contribute to inflammation.
Medical Conditions
Conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and HIV negatively impact the immune system's strength, increasing susceptibility to infections, including gum disease.
Genetic Susceptibility
Some individuals are genetically predisposed to gum disease, meaning they may be more likely to develop gum inflammation regardless of how well they care for their teeth and gums.
Preventive Measures
To prevent gum inflammation, it is crucial to practice good oral hygiene. This includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antiseptic mouthwash to help reduce plaque. Additionally, regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential in preventing gum disease and early detection of any oral health issues.
When to Seek Professional Help
If you experience any signs of gum inflammation, such as red, swollen gums, bleeding during brushing or flossing, persistent bad breath, or receding gums, it's crucial to consult a dental professional. For those residing in Gurgaon, visiting a top dental clinic in Gurgaon, like Muskaan Dentals, can ensure you receive expert care and treatment.
Ignoring the signs of gum inflammation can lead to severe complications, including the loss of teeth. It's important to address the first signs of gum issues promptly. Residents of Gurgaon have access to some of the best dental care facilities. If you're experiencing any gum-related symptoms, consider Muskaan Dentals, renowned as one of the best dental clinics in Gurgaon. They offer expert dental care and can provide personalized treatments to manage and cure gum inflammation, helping you maintain a healthy, happy smile.
For further information and to schedule an appointment, visit Muskaan Dentals, a leading dental clinic in Gurgaon, dedicated to providing the best dental care to its patients.
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curenishant · 4 months
Dr. Biswajayoti Hazarika - Oncologist /Cancer Doctor In Gurgaon
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Dr. Biswajyoti Hazarika stands at the forefront of head and neck surgery, with over 16 years of dedicated experience in treating complex tumors and cancers in this critical region of the body. Renowned for his expertise and commitment to patient care, Dr. Hazarika has made significant contributions to the field of oncology, particularly in the areas of surgical innovation, functional rehabilitation, and academic research.
Specialized Expertise
As a highly skilled cancer doctor in Gurgaon, Dr. Hazarika specializes in the surgical management of tumors and cancers affecting the head and neck. This encompasses a wide spectrum of conditions involving the oral cavity, nose, paranasal sinuses, larynx, pharynx, salivary glands, thyroid, and parathyroid glands. With proficiency in both traditional and advanced techniques, including plastic reconstruction, endoscopic surgery, minimal access surgery, and robotic-assisted procedures, Dr. Hazarika offers comprehensive and personalized care to his patients.
Educational Background and Training
Dr. Hazarika's journey in head and neck surgery began with a fellowship at the esteemed Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology in Bangalore, where he honed his skills under the guidance of leading experts in the field. Subsequently, he completed his residency at Dr. B Barooah Cancer Centre in Guwahati, gaining valuable insights into the diverse nuances of head and neck oncology. His formative years at the Prince Aly Khan Hospital in Mumbai, under the mentorship of Dr. Sultan A Pradhan, further enriched his clinical acumen and broadened his understanding of complex oncological cases.
Leadership and Academic Contributions
Dr. Biswajyoti Hazarika's exemplary leadership and academic prowess have been evident throughout his career. His tenure as the Head of the Department of Head & Neck Surgery at Max Super Specialty Hospital, Saket, New Delhi, showcased his ability to lead and inspire multidisciplinary teams in delivering exceptional patient care. Additionally, his numerous publications in prestigious national and international medical journals, along with his contributions to medical textbooks such as the Atlas of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, underscore his commitment to advancing the field through research and education.
Current Endeavors
Currently serving as an oncologist at Artemis Hospital in Gurgaon, Dr. Biswajyoti Hazarika continues to push the boundaries of head and neck surgery, offering innovative treatment modalities and compassionate care to his patients. His unwavering dedication to improving outcomes and enhancing the quality of life for individuals affected by head and neck cancers exemplifies his status as a true leader and trailblazer in the field of oncology.
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akglobaldent · 6 months
Is Professional Dental Cleaning Important? 
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Apart from regular flossing and brushing, professional dental cleanings play a vital role in keeping the teeth healthy. Some individuals avoid getting their teeth cleaned as they believe it would be painful and might harm their teeth. However, the harm caused by not consulting an expert dental professional for regular cleanings outweighs the danger of the procedure in itself. Many individuals do not consider professional dental cleanings to be important. However, it offers a range of benefits. 
To provide readers with a detailed understanding of the effectiveness of professional dental cleaning, we have drafted this post by taking references from the experts at AK Global Dent. The dentists of this clinic are renowned for offering the best teeth whitening treatment in Gurgaon. Keep reading for more insights. 
What is a Professional Dental Cleaning?
An annual dental check-up, which also includes professional dental cleaning, is necessary at least once, if not twice, a year. Even if one thinks their teeth are clean, a dental expert should still do a comprehensive check to be sure, as gum disease can be difficult to detect in its early stages. 
Why is Professional Dental Cleaning Important? 
Professional dental cleanings may significantly improve one's overall health and can also keep the smile bright. Bad oral hygiene has been associated with several serious illnesses. In addition to numerous other conditions, associated medical and dental disorders include cancer, heart disease, strokes, and bone loss. While at-home brushing and flossing are paramount, one must schedule yearly dental cleanings and routine check-ups with a dental expert to ensure the teeth are completely clean and healthy. Following are some of the reasons as to why professional dental cleaning is essential: 
The dental experts will remove dirt, and buildups during a dental cleaning, which will remove most of the stains that discolor the teeth. With this, one will be left with a brighter and whiter smile.
Having clean teeth prevents gum disease, which leads to early tooth loss. 
There is also a connection between cardiovascular disease and gum disease. Therefore, one must get their teeth cleaned twice yearly as that helps prevent gum disease and reduces the possibility of heart attacks and strokes. 
Dental specialists can detect early signs of problems such as broken fillings and fractures during a professional dental cleaning.
Regular checkups and professional dental cleanings can resolve persistent bad breath. To seek help from a dental specialist, one can pay a visit to AK Global Dent, the best dental clinic in Gurgaon. 
How Often Are Dental Cleanings Required?
Dental cleanings are vital for maintaining the health of a patient's teeth and gums. They are an essential part of one's oral hygiene routine as they assist in the removal of plaque and tartar accumulation, which can cause dental decay and other oral health issues. Furthermore, there is a link between overall health and oral health. The cleaning can help remove unsightly stains on the teeth and help one feel proud of their smile. 
Now, one must be wondering how often dental cleaning is required. It depends on every patient’s oral needs as each patient is different. Some individuals are more prone to having dental issues. This makes it necessary for them to consult a dental professional more often. Other people won’t experience any dental issues, which implies that it is likely that they will have to get their teeth cleaned on a less frequent basis. 
However, one must make an appointment with a professional dental cleaning specialist every six months. While this is ideal for most patients, some will require it every three months whereas others will only need it every 9-12 months. 
What Happens During Professional Dental Cleaning? 
If it is someone’s first visit to a dental clinic, the dental experts will first begin by gathering all the necessary information to understand their needs and create a personalized treatment plan. An expert professional will perform a dental cleaning using special tools such as scalers to clean all the plaque and tartar from the teeth and gum lines. The teeth will then get polished in order to remove stains, and in some situations, a fluoride treatment will be provided to strengthen the enamel. 
Can Dental Cleanings Damage the Teeth? 
Teeth cleanings do not damage the teeth when performed by a trained professional. A teeth cleaning eliminates harmful materials from the teeth and assesses whether any infections and cavities have developed. 
What Can Be Done In Between Dental Cleanings? 
Every patient must take responsibility for their oral health in order to maintain a healthy mouth. Every patient has to clean their teeth thoroughly at least twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste. At least once a day, they also need to floss their teeth. In addition to freshening breath, using a high-quality mouthwash can help prevent harmful bacteria.
What are the Aftercare Tips After a Routine Dental Cleaning?
The following section describes what to expect and what to do after a professional dental cleaning: 
Wait For Some Time Before Eating or Drinking Anything 
The waiting period allows the fluoride treatment some time to bond with the tooth enamel. Consuming fizzy or acidic beverages will eliminate fluoride before it fuses with the minerals that form the surface of the teeth. The patient should only take a sip of water if they are thirsty.
One Must Avoid Hot Food and Drinks for 3 Hours After Teeth Cleaning
Hot drinks and food can dissolve the fluoride before it sets up permanently. The heat can also be uncomfortable for the patient who experiences tender gums and sensitive teeth after cleaning. 
Brush Gently Before Going to Bed
Use a toothbrush with soft bristles to clean the teeth, and be gentle with the gums and teeth. 
Final Takeaway 
Taking care of oral health is essential for one’s overall well-being. Poor oral health can lead to severe dental problems and can affect other areas of the body. Professional dental cleaning is also considered a safe and effective way to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent gum diseases. So, if one has not had professional dental cleaning in over six months, scheduling an appointment with a dental specialist is important. Regular professional dental cleanings can keep the teeth healthy, shiny, and bright in the future. 
To consult an expert dental specialist, one can visit AK Global Dent, the best dental clinic in Gurgaon. The dental experts at the clinic will examine the patient’s teeth and will prepare a customized treatment plan to meet their desired results. 
One must remember that prevention is always better than cure when it comes to oral health. So, do not wait; seek professional care and make dental cleanings part of your routine! Visit AK Global Dent for more details. 
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drpoojababbar123 · 10 months
best oral cancer doctor in gurgaon sec 51
 It seems like you might be asking about the best way to prevent or manage oral cancer. Oral cancer refers to cancers that develop in the mouth, including the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate, sinuses, and throat. Prevention, early detection, and appropriate treatment are crucial when it comes to oral cancer. Here are some important steps:
Regular Dental Checkups: Regular visits to your dentist are important for early detection. Dentists are often trained to identify signs of oral cancer in its early stages.
Tobacco and Alcohol Avoidance: Tobacco use (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco) and excessive alcohol consumption are major risk factors for oral cancer. Avoiding these substances can significantly reduce your risk.
Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables can provide the necessary nutrients to maintain oral health and reduce the risk of oral cancer.
Sun Protection: Lip cancer can be caused by excessive sun exposure. Using lip balm with sunblock and avoiding prolonged sun exposure can help reduce this risk.
Oral Hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene can prevent conditions that could lead to oral cancer, such as gum disease and persistent infections.
HPV Vaccination: The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a risk factor for oral cancer. Vaccination against HPV can reduce the risk of related cancers.
Awareness and Self-Examination: Regularly check your mouth for any unusual changes, such as persistent sores, lumps, or changes in color. If you notice anything unusual, consult a healthcare professional.
Professional Screening: Your dentist or doctor may conduct an oral cancer screening during routine checkups. This might involve a visual examination and, in some cases, palpation of the oral tissues.
Early Detection: Early detection is key to successful treatment. If you notice any persistent symptoms or changes, such as a sore that doesn't heal, pain, difficulty swallowing, or changes in speech, seek medical attention promptly.
Medical Treatment: If oral cancer is diagnosed, the treatment approach will depend on factors such as the stage of the cancer, location, and overall health of the patient. Treatment options can include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy.
Remember that prevention and early detection are crucial for improving outcomes when it comes to oral cancer. If you have concerns or questions, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance based on your individual circumstances.
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drgauravdixit · 1 year
Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that affects plasma cells, which are a type of white blood cell. The treatment approach for multiple myeloma depends on several factors, including the stage of the disease, the patient's overall health, and individual considerations. Here are some commonly used treatment options:
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy drugs are used to kill cancer cells or slow their growth. They may be administered orally or intravenously and are often used in combination with other treatments.
Targeted therapy: Targeted drugs, such as proteasome inhibitors (e.g., bortezomib, carfilzomib) and immunomodulatory drugs (e.g., lenalidomide, pomalidomide), are designed to specifically target cancer cells, disrupting their growth and promoting cell death.
Corticosteroids: Medications like dexamethasone or prednisone may be prescribed to help reduce inflammation and control the growth of cancer cells.
Stem cell transplant: High-dose chemotherapy, followed by a stem cell transplant, may be considered for eligible patients. Stem cells are collected from the patient's own body (autologous transplant) or from a donor (allogeneic transplant) and then infused back into the patient to help restore healthy blood cell production.
Radiation therapy: In specific cases, localized radiation therapy may be used to target and destroy cancer cells in a specific area, such as a bone lesion causing pain or discomfort.
Immunotherapy: Immune-based therapies, such as monoclonal antibodies (e.g., daratumumab) or CAR-T cell therapy, may be used to enhance the immune system's ability to recognize and destroy cancer cells.
Supportive care: This includes measures to manage symptoms and side effects, such as pain management, bone-strengthening medications (bisphosphonates), and supportive therapies like blood transfusions.
Treatment plans for multiple myeloma are often tailored to the individual patient, taking into account factors such as age, overall health, genetic markers, and response to previous treatments. The goal of treatment is often to achieve remission, manage symptoms, and prolong overall survival. The specific treatment plan should be discussed with a hematologist or oncologist who specializes in multiple myeloma.
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sayeedaqsa · 1 year
10 Best Mouth Cancer Treatment Hospitals In India
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Oral cancer cases account for 30% of total cancer cases in India. In women, 10.4% of all cancers are usually oral and are the second most common cancer in India. Mouth cancer is more common in rural areas of the country. Almost 14 lakh new oral cancer cases were detected last year in India alone. Early diagnosis of oral cancer is the only way to ensure a cure. Oral cancer is determined to be due to the human papillomavirus, alcohol use, betel nut, tobacco smoke components, chewing tobacco, asbestos, stem cell transplantation, and premalignant lesions. There are many other factors that are yet to be found out and could be responsible for it.
Oral cancer management would include surgery/neck management/ radiotherapy/ immunotherapy/targeted drug therapy/ chemotherapy along with rehabilitation. Cancer could be in the tongue, roof of the tongue, lips, the inner lining of the cheeks, mouth floor, gums, or cancer in the corner of the mouth. Oral cancer treatment can easily cost one around 4-5 lakhs. White or red speckles in the mouth, throat soreness, ear pain, facial numbness or pain, vocal changes, swallowing/ chewing, or speaking problems are some of the warning signs which indicate something is wrong.
Sarcomas, adenocarcinomas, lymphomas, and oral malignant melanomas are some of the types of oral cancer, and squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type of oral cancer found in people. The oral cancer survival rate in early stages is 80%-90% and thus being alert is the only way to detect it early to cure it completely.
Some of the best hospitals where you can get it treated in the best possible way are listed below for your convenience.
Top most oral cancer surgery hospitals in India
Standard hospitals against oral cancer are listed below for your reference.
1. Medanta - The Medicity, Gurgaon
CyberKnife technology, tomotherapy H-D, and Linear accelerators are some of the Avant technologies used in the hospital to treat oral cancer patients. Integrated brachytherapy units, Da Vinci surgical techniques, volumetric arc therapy, SBRT/SRS technology, and IGRT (image-guided radiotherapy) are some of the advanced therapeutic approaches that can be used based on the requirements of the patient. PET and C.T. scans are some of the standard testing techniques used by the hospital to detect oral cancer patients.
Address: CH Baktawar Singh Road, Sector 38, Gurugram, Haryana 1220
2. Columbia Asia Referral Hospital, Yeswanthpur, Bangalore
Usually, a proper diagnosis, clean surgery, prophylaxis, proper radiotherapy, and chemotherapy are possible within the hospital. They too have C.T. (computed tomogram) and advanced PET (positron emission tomogram) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) technology. The hospital also has specialized surgical facilities.
Address: 26/4, Brigade Gateway, Beside Metro, Malleswaram West, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560055
3. SL Raheja Hospital, Mumbai
An appropriate tumor board, proper treatment plan, targeted, hormonal, chemo, or immunotherapies are some of the facilities available within the hospital. Surgery is an essential part of oral cancer. Once the tumor board fixes the treatment regime for the patient, specialized surgeries are planned using specific modern equipment like Cyberknife technology and so on.
Address: Raheja Rugnalaya Marg, Mahim (West), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400016
4. Aster Medcity, Kochi
The hospital is a quaternary healthcare hospital present in Kochi, a flagship hospital of Aster D.M. Healthcare. The hospital provides medical/surgical/radiation oncology/ palliative care.
Targeted therapy, biotherapy, metronomic chemotherapy, and oral or complex chemotherapy agents can be administered to patients comfortably in this hospital as per requirements.
Address: Kuttisahib Road Cheranalloor, South Chittoor, Kochi, Kerala 682027
5. Apollo Hospitals Chennai
Apollo Hospitals Chennai is one of the premier organizations where every year, thousands of patients get treated for oral cancer from all across the country.
They can comfortably put you through advanced surgical procedures and also help you make appropriate therapeutic choices.
Address: No.46, 7th street, Tansi Nagar, Velachery, Chennai - 600 042
6. Sarvodaya Hospital, Faridabad
PET CT, Gamma camera, 6D LINAC, and international radiology are some of the specialties one can avail of in this hospital. Best surgery techniques & therapeutic options are provided to patients when the tumor board plans treatment.
Address: Sec-19, Gopi Colony Old Faridabad, Faridabad, Haryana 121002
7. Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon
The hospital can help in getting you the best possible treatment and surgery. PET scan, C.T. scan, other complex diagnostic procedures, and different therapy patterns are possible within the hospital. Brachytherapy and image-guided radiotherapy are some of the best technologies used by the hospital to treat patients.
Address: Sector 51, Gurugram,
8. Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai
The innovation of "extra cut" is a process that has been tried in this hospital alone. India has the highest number of oral cancer patients in the world so far. So patients have to undergo neck dissection to verify if they have oral cancer.
Volumetric arc therapy, SBRT/SRS technology, IGRT (image-guided radiotherapy), MRI, PET, CT, and brachytherapy is possible almost free of cost with this hospital.
Address: Dr E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400012
9. Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, Tamil Nadu
One of the best care can be availed with the oncologists and nurses serving and taking care of the patients in this hospital. Brachytherapy, CT, PET scans and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), biopsy, volumetric arc therapy, SBRT/SRS technology, and IGRT (image-guided radiotherapy) is possible with the hospital too.
10. Indian Cancer Society of Mumbai
The hospital can provide you with good care, can suggest appropriate cancer treatments and surgery facilities, and also helps you get back to normal after overcoming the disease.
To conclude, we would say that no cancer can be treated entirely. What we can only do is arrest its spread and remove the part that is affected. Sometimes chemotherapy and radiotherapy are used to kill the cancerous cells in a particular area.
Oral cancer is mostly preventable if people can avoid too much alcohol, betel nut, chewing tobacco, or cigarettes. If you have any other questions, you can always reach us through the comments section.
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Best ENT Cancer Specialist in Gurgaon: Top Experts to Consult
Are you searching for the best ENT cancer specialist in Gurgaon? If yes, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss the top experts you can consult for your ENT cancer treatment.
Table of Contents
Understanding ENT Cancer
Symptoms of ENT Cancer
Diagnosis of ENT Cancer
Treatment Options for ENT Cancer
Best ENT Cancer Specialists in Gurgaon
Dr. Sanjay Sachdeva
Dr. Rakesh Dhiman
Dr. Sumit Mrig
Dr. Ashok Gupta
Dr. Atul Kumar Mittal
Dr. Amitabh Singh
Dr. Suresh V Sharma
Dr. Deepak Sarin
Dr. Virender Singh
ENT cancer is a type of cancer that affects the ear, nose, and throat. It is a rare form of cancer, but it can be deadly if not diagnosed and treated early. Therefore, it is crucial to consult the best ENT cancer specialist if you suspect any symptoms of ENT cancer.
Understanding ENT Cancer
ENT cancer can occur in different parts of the ear, nose, and throat. The most common types of ENT cancer are:
Nasopharyngeal cancer
Oral cancer
Laryngeal cancer
Thyroid cancer
Salivary gland cancer
The exact cause of ENT cancer is unknown, but it is believed to be caused by genetic mutations, exposure to certain chemicals, and smoking.
Symptoms of ENT Cancer
The symptoms of ENT cancer may vary depending on the type and stage of cancer. However, some common symptoms include:
Persistent coughing
Difficulty swallowing
Ear pain
Hoarseness or change in voice
Lump in the neck or throat
Sinus infections
Bad breath
Unexplained weight loss
If you experience any of these symptoms, you should consult an ENT cancer specialist immediately.
Diagnosis of ENT Cancer
The diagnosis of ENT cancer involves a physical examination, medical history, and diagnostic tests. The ENT cancer specialist may perform the following tests:
Imaging tests (CT scan, MRI, PET scan)
Based on the results of the tests, the specialist will determine the stage and type of cancer and recommend the appropriate treatment.
Treatment Options for ENT Cancer
The treatment options for ENT cancer depend on the type and stage of cancer. The most common treatments include:
Radiation therapy
Targeted therapy
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first-tooth-clinic · 1 year
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Prevention of Oral Cancer | Bottle Caries Treatment- Firsttoothclinic
Prevention is key when it comes to oral cancer. You can reduce your risk by avoiding tobacco and alcohol, practising good oral hygiene, and getting regular check-ups with your dentist. As for bottle caries, it is a common dental condition that affects children. Treatment usually involves removing the decayed portion of the tooth and filling it with a suitable material. Parents can help prevent bottle caries by avoiding sugary drinks and encouraging their children to drink from a cup instead of a bottle. Regular dental check-ups can also help catch and Bottle Caries Treatment early on. Contact us for more info  Palam Vihar : 9910503844 | 8130023844 Gurgaon sector 86 : 7428301844
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wemedicalcare · 1 year
Get an effective cancer pain treatment in Delhi And Gurgaon at our pain clinic. Dr. Amod Manocha highly specialized in Treatment for cancer pain in Delhi and Gurgaon. Cancer Pain Treatment options available at our Pain Clinic - Nerve blocks, Radiofrequency & Neurolytic procedures, Radiofrequency procedures, Oral Medication, epidural, intrathecal pumps and Therapy.
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maxfac123 · 2 years
Causes, Symptoms, And Diagnosis of Bad Breath
Dental Implants in mumbai,
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Dental care is very important for people of all ages. It is becoming more and more advanced every day. Advance dental care in Mumbai is something that many people take for granted, but it is essential for your overall health. When you have good dental care, you are more likely to have healthy teeth and gums, which will help you to avoid oral cancer. A family dental clinic in Mumbai is excellent if you want to get your teeth cleaned and checked. They have a variety of services that they can offer, and they are always up for a new patient.
Children's oral health issues have been reported in 90 percent of major Indian cities, including Mumbai. Kantar IMRB surveyed Colgate-Palmolive (India) Limited, which included 1,080 children and 2,030 adults from different economic classes from Mumbai, Gurgaon, and other ten cities. Some children's most common oral health issues are visible plaque buildup, bad breath, gum inflammation, cavities, etc.
What causes bad breath?
Halitosis, a medical term for bad breath, can result from unsatisfactory dental treatment and various medical conditions. Most likely, you've been curious about what may be causing the foul breath you get in the early hours or when you're sick. The reasons are as follows:
Dental Problems
Dental problems, including cavities or gum disease, can lead to bad breath. Poorly fitted dental equipment or crowded teeth can also contribute to foul breath. To rule out any dental health concerns as the cause, see a dentist with advanced dental care in Mumbai. 
In Maharashtra, the price of a single dental implant might range from Rs3,000 to Rs18,000. The price of the treatment, the replacement tooth, and the dentist's services determine how much the surgery will cost.
Without thorough flossing, brushing, and routine dental appointments, bacteria cannot be eliminated from your mouth correctly. The accumulation of these glue-like bacteria can cause sour breath. You can control germs by adhering to the ADA's advice of brushing twice daily, flossing once daily, and scheduling frequent dental checkups.
Occasionally, when you're nervous, your mouth goes dry. The stress chemicals adrenaline, cortisol, and noradrenaline are to blame for this. These hormones can alter the development of the VSC bacteria, which causes your breath to smell foul when combined. A foul odor might result from certain drugs that decrease saliva production in the mouth. Medicines that treat depression, hypertension, and schizophrenia, for instance. Mumbai has seen significant growth in mental health problems (205 percent). The highest number of patients in need of mental health care—roughly 38588—live in Mumbai.
Dental Problems
A unique mouth odor that might linger for several hours may result from consuming alcohol. Additionally, chewing tobacco and smoking both contribute to foul breath.
Symptoms Of Haliotis
The most obvious sign is a persistent foul breath odor. A sour sensation may also be present on your tongue. Other symptoms of Haliotis include a dry mouth and a white layer on the tongue, particularly towards the rear.
Diagnosis of Hialotis
Bad breath can be self-diagnosed, but if the symptoms and signs last longer than 4 to 5 days, one may need to see a dentist. The dentist will examine the gums thoroughly and go through the medical, dental, and family histories. In addition, they will ask you if you are now taking any medications or have ever taken any.
Clinical evaluation might consist of the following:
Inspection of the mouth.
They may examine the coating on the tongue.
Showing mouth breathing.
Other oral factors, such as defective fillings, damaged dentures, etc.
The dentist might also do a thorough periodontal inspection, which may involve general cleanliness, brushing practices, gingival inquiring, and any prior instances of carelessness.
A family dental clinic in Mumbai has a staff of experts with many years of combined expertise. They know that individuals see dentists when they must, not always when they want to. In light of this, the team of professionals ensures that each process is as quick and painless as possible.
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akglobaldent · 1 year
Smoking and its Impact on Oral Health
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Smoking has been widely recognized as a hazardous habit due to its detrimental effects on overall health. However, one area that often gets overlooked when discussing the consequences of smoking is its significant impact on oral health. 
According to Dr. Aneesh Katyal, the best dentist in Gurgaon at AK Global, one of the most prominent consequences of smoking on oral health is an increased risk of gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Smoking weakens the immune system, making it more difficult for the body to fight off infection and inflammation. As a result, smokers are more susceptible to developing gum disease, which is characterized by swollen, bleeding gums, bad breath, receding gums, and even tooth loss. Smoking also reduces the effectiveness of periodontal treatments, making it more challenging to manage and control the disease.
Delayed Healing and Poor Recovery
Smoking significantly impairs the body's ability to heal and recover from dental procedures and oral surgeries. The chemicals present in tobacco smoke restrict blood flow, impairing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the oral tissues. This compromised blood flow hinders the healing process, leading to delayed healing, an increased risk of infection, and potential complications after procedures such as tooth extraction, dental implant placement, and gum surgeries. It is crucial for smokers to inform their dental professionals about their habit so they can receive appropriate guidance and care during and after dental treatments.
Stained Teeth and Bad Breath
Smoking is notorious for causing unsightly stains on teeth. The tar and nicotine in tobacco smoke can discolor tooth enamel, resulting in yellow or brown stains that are difficult to remove. Additionally, smoking contributes to chronic bad breath, also known as halitosis. The chemicals in tobacco smoke linger in the mouth, throat, and lungs, emitting an unpleasant odor. This can lead to social discomfort and impact self-confidence. To reverse the situation, one has to get a teeth whitening treatment in Gurgaon. 
Oral Cancer
Perhaps one of the most severe and life-threatening consequences of smoking for oral health is the increased risk of oral cancer. Tobacco smoke contains numerous carcinogenic substances that can damage the cells in the mouth and throat, leading to the development of oral cancer. Non-smokers face only a fraction of the risk compared to smokers when it comes to developing oral cancer, as smokers have a sixfold higher likelihood of developing this type of cancer. This condition can be life-threatening and may require aggressive treatments such as surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Early detection through regular dental check-ups is crucial for improving the prognosis of oral cancer.
Reduced Sense of Taste and Smell
Smoking can also diminish the senses of taste and smell. The chemicals in tobacco smoke can interfere with the taste buds and olfactory receptors, leading to a reduced ability to taste and smell food properly. This can negatively impact the overall enjoyment of meals and may contribute to poor nutrition and dietary choices.
The connection between smoking and oral health is undeniable. Smoking significantly increases the risk of gum disease, delays healing after oral procedures, stains teeth, causes bad breath, elevates the likelihood of oral cancer, and diminishes the senses of taste and smell. If you want the best dentist in Gurgaon, visit Dr. Aneesh Katyal at AK Global.
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drpoojababbar123 · 11 months
best oral cancer doctor in gurgaon sec 51
As an AI language model, I don't have access to real-time data or specific information about individual doctors. Additionally, the term "best" can be subjective and vary depending on the specific needs and preferences of a patient.
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best oral cancer doctor in gurgaon sec 51
To find the best oral cancer doctor for you or someone you know, consider the following steps:
Seek referrals: Ask your primary care physician or trusted healthcare professionals for recommendations. They may have insights into specialists who are known for their expertise in oral cancer.
Research online: Look for oral cancer specialists or oncologists in your area. Read patient reviews and check their credentials, experience, and expertise in the field.
Verify credentials: Ensure the doctor is board-certified and has the necessary qualifications to treat oral cancer.
Check affiliations: Look for doctors affiliated with reputable medical centers or cancer institutes known for their excellence in cancer care.
Consider experience: Look for doctors who have extensive experience in treating oral cancer cases.
Consult with multiple doctors: Schedule consultations with a few doctors to discuss your case or the specific situation. This will allow you to assess their approach, communication style, and how comfortable you feel with them.
Seek second opinions: Don't hesitate to seek a second opinion to confirm the diagnosis and treatment plan.
Remember that the best doctor for one person may not be the best for another, as personal preferences and individual circumstances can play a significant role in the doctor-patient relationship. It's crucial to find a doctor who listens to your concerns, communicates effectively, and collaborates with you in making treatment decisions.
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painspecialist · 2 years
Pain in cancer may arise due to many reasons and is often the presenting complaint leading to the diagnosis of cancer. It may be
Related to cancer itself or its spread to other body parts
A late presentation due to side effect of treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery
A result of extra stress placed on other body parts for example shoulder pain due to using of a stick for walking
A totally unrelated coincidental problem such as arthritis
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bestbackpaindoctor · 2 years
Pain in cancer may arise due to many reasons and is often the presenting complaint leading to the diagnosis of cancer. It may be
Related to cancer itself or its spread to other body parts
A late presentation due to side effect of treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery
A result of extra stress placed on other body parts for example shoulder pain due to using of a stick for walking
A totally unrelated coincidental problem such as arthritis
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drpriyatiwari · 3 years
0 notes