#Orient Manga 02
legendheroes · 1 year
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Welcome, this blog is full on delusional and crossover art/stuff between the Digimon TV series protags. Ah, and stuff from that peculiar XW AU setting i didn't shut up about on my artblog last year LOL.
Expect chaos and shitposts here. Also some canon divergence because some series i didn't rewatch for a long long time ago.
There's only love and unhinged energy here. Daisuke might be present in most of those because yeah, i love this kiddo a lot.
I won't tolerate any series/game/manga hate in this space. If you don't like any of them, please unfollow/block me instead.
Askblog → @tomorrows2top Artblog → @digitalgate02
Call me Ni (she/they), btw. Please be over 18+ to follow this blog, since some stuff might be not recommended for minors (mostly language, i don't draw/write NFSW/smut stuff). And don't steal or edit my stuff please! If you don't agree with my headcanons or ideas please politely block or mute this account 💦 I accept fact checking/corrections, but as long they're done in a non-passive-aggressive or non-mockery sense. And yeah, my English my not be perfect as well (and i can only read kanji and so little stuff in Japanese, having to double check stuff with friends with better skills than mine orz)
Blog status: Currently on depression season + trying to work on a few personal projects (YPD is one of them)
↓ Some important things to be said regarding asks are below the cut ↓
I won't write/draw AUs or Stories/Fanfictions, OCs or even headcanons/theories from other people. Even the old ones i've collaborated with i prefer to not touch them again (because, i lost contact with people and also lost all the posts/details of them )
Please avoid sending me many of "what do you think of [X]" questions because sometimes those kiiiinda make me get no idea what to answer, or perhaps i've been answered/posted something related to it before. Even so, if you would like to send one of those, first check if i hadn't answered it or something similar to it first!
At this moment, this blog is me being delusional about the AU thingy on the pinned post. Most of those posts might be about them.
My memory is foggy about certain series, so if i end up misremembering something... Yeah, please contact me asap.
I know i've said this on countless accounts but, I have little to zero knowledge of the American dub, so my portrayal/answers/headcanons/etc are all based on the original Japanese version and sometimes stuff borrowed from the BRPT dub (which is mostly the same as the original JP for most of the series -- except Fusion). So please, don't assume that I had watched the US dub or that I am American.
My stance on the digimon (monsters) are that there's more than one of each species within the multiverse. So, Daisuke's V-mon/Magnamon, OG & Reboot Taichis' Agumon/Omegamon and Takato's Guilmon/Dukemon are not related to the Royal Knights.
I will follow all canon material if possible when working with canon versions of the characters, BUT only what i can work with. If something gets in conflict with the main TV series (Adv99-02-Tamers-Frontier-Savers-XW-Appmon-Adv2020-GG) i will reject the contradictions and use only the stuff not affected or influenced by it. Basically playing with the idea the events we know in certain media are played differently in-universe, adopted from Pixiv Dictionary. Explained better by Shiha in this post here.
I don't like passive-aggressiveness. If you have something to correct in my posts, please do it politely.
Usual common etiquette -- No hatred towards people's religions, sexual/romantic orientation, gender (or lack of), PoC, ethnicities, etc. I won't hesitate to block if needed.
Do not edit my art or repost it. If you wanna use it as an icon/sidebar, ask first. And no, you cannot use my art on A/I & N/F/T for ANYTHING. If you do that, I will block you immediately.
If you like, ship them in the age of the AU setting, please don't ship the adults with the minors. I beg you to not tag me in anything suggestive about 20yo!Daisuke/Tagiru. Please. (however i do accept any adult Daisuke/Takato and adult Takuya/Daisuke SFW content.)
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itsdanystormborn · 6 years
Orient 2 Full Translation.
Orient 2 Spoilers
This is only a fan translation. Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
Thank you to @midenm for the preliminary info. You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 2 : “Malevolent God”
Color Page
The 2nd of this new series! with 50 pages that include color pages!
In the next page there is a  special feature article which consists on a fully detailed explanation about the world of “Orient” 
Story 2: “The malevolent Gods” 
  Turn the world upside down !!
Page 79
Check the 2 previous color pages first!!
9 years ago. Tatsuyama town.
TN: This is a flashback to Kojiro’s past. It shows us a scene that took placec at School.A little boy is being scolded by a teacher because he forgot his homework.
Sensei: Very bad, Gorou-kun! You forgot your homework! didn’t you?
Gorou: I’m sorry, Sensei!
 Sensei: Go stand in the hallway. You will receive the “Samurai penalty” as punishment!!
TN: Gorou stands in the hallway with a katana hanging off his neck and an apron that has “bushi” (Samurai) written over it”
Gorou: I’m so embarrassed…
Girl: Ew! He’s wearing a Kanata just like the “Samurai”
Boy: HIHIHI!, he is!
TN: Kids start looking towards Kojirou while they gossip (SFX: chira chira) Kojirou is on his seat, with a real katana chained around his body. What are you doing to my bby you monsters…
 Sensei: All right everyone, don’t look towards Kojiro! It’s time we resume the class! Open your books from the chapter about “*Oda Nobunaga’s misdeeds” ….
TN: (*Oda Nobunaga is a famous daimyou from the Sengoku era. Please read about him!)
   Page 80
TN: Kids keep looking at Kojirou and making fun of him, while he’s looking upset on his seat. He holds the Katana with one hand, while he writes with the other and tries not to look up.
 Kanemaki Kojirou (6)
TN: Later, at Kojirou’s house. Kojirou is in the garden, and he’s very upset; he throws the Katana to the ground ( it’s still chained to his body) and then he sits next to it, hiding his face in his arms.
Kojirou: This damn thing !!!       (TN: The kanji is that from “Katana” but the furigana says ”thing”)
Kojirou: I don’t wanna wear the stupid Katana anymore! Why did I have to come from a “Samurai household” ….?                                                                              
TN: Someone calls Kojirou…
Person: Kojirou
   Page 81
TN: Kojirou’s dad!! He’s so cute!! Pretty eyebrows and cool scar on his face. He has his Kanata chained around his body too. 
He gets closer to Kojirou ( who is crying.. ) and tries to calm him down caressing his head.
 *Kanemaki Jisai. Kojirou’s Father                      
(TN: *Kanemaki Jisai is the name of a real person, please read about him)
 Jisai: Come here…. I’ll tell you a secret story.
Kojirou: Father…
TN: Inside their house, they sit facing each other
Jisai: You see…
The “Demons” are monsters. They are not guardian gods at all.
The only warriors who fight them are the “Samurai”
 Kojirou: “Samurai” …
 Jisai: That’s right… They are *our ancestors.                        (TN: “yours and mine”)
TN: But Kojirou doesn’t look convinced by these words.
 Kojirou: ….
Jisai: ….
  Page 82
Jisai: Kojirou… I know what kind of disgusted looks you receive every day in town…
All because you have inherited my blood….    (TN: because you are my successor)
 Jisai: … I’m sorry.
 Kojirou: ….. …..
Kojirou: Don’t say that, Father…
 Jisai: But I want you to know this…  While the adults of this country abandoned their pride and gave up on fighting against the “Demons” …
Jisai: The “Samurai” are the only ones who continue fighting in order to restore the human world….
 Jisai: Kojirou…..
You are not scum.
 Jisai: You are the descendant of a *brave and highly proud household.
Please don’t forget that.                  (*TN: Brave/Heroic)
 Kojirou: …. ….
Kojirou: Yes Father….
TN: And then, Jisai takes the Katana that’s chained around Kojirou.
Jisai: And about that….
Kojiro: ?
  Page 83
TN: Jisai pridefully holds the Katana in fron of him while he speaks to Kojiro
 Jisai: A Katana is a Samurai’s “pride” itself.
Jisai: Don’t lose it!   
TN: And then, Jisai hands the katana back to Kojiro, who accepts it with tears in his eyes. 
 Kojirou’s thoughts: A katana is a Samurai’s pride…
Kojirou’s thoughts: …. Is that how it is?
TN: Then, someone interrupts the scene… I wonder who that might be? ;D
 Musashi: Hey Kojirou! Let’s do some *fencing training!!
TN: Kojirou looks at Musashi while he tries to hide his tears, cleaning them with his hands. then he starts scolding him for just barging in. Jisai looks very amused!
  Page 84
Kojirou:  I’ve told you not to barge in so rudely!
Jisai: HAHAHA! It looks like you’ve recently made a fencing friend !
Kojirou: He’s such a weird guy…
Jisai: What did you tell me his name was?
 Kojirou: … … ….
TN: This scene throws us back to the present!  The people are really scared of the Oni ( Oni chase them), Musashi is slicing some more Oni in half. Then he jumps on Kojirou’s motorcycle. 
Page 85
Musashi: Take this!!!
TN: They run over some Oni and people run away from the mess
 People: Uahh!
 Officer: Our lord, the *God demon, has arrived! Retreat for now!
   Page 86 
TN: Musashi and Kojirou ride in the motorcycle towards the Kishin. there’s some more oni in their way. Ohhh they are gonna get slain!
Text box: 151# kiho school year. Tatsuyama’s mine prospective employees. Entrance ceremony.   (TN: Kiho *demon support/ demon protect)
   Kojirou: I’m surprised nonetheless!
Musashi: About what, Kojirou!?
Page 87
Kojirou: About the fact that “Demons” were truly monsters! I reached the point where I trusted in the town’s common sense.
Kanemaki Kojirou (15)
Kojirou: They say “Demons are guardian gods”!
Musashi: I’ve believed in your dad’s story all along! He said that “Demons are scoundrel, Samurai are heroes”!!
Musashi (15)
Musashi: I’m so excited!! Now we’ll finally be able to fulfill that vow we made 5 years ago!!
 Flashback: When we become adults, let’s become “Samurai”. We’ll form a “*Samurai group” and start a journey to exterminate the demons!
TN: *bushidan.
TN: Kojirou doesn’t look so sure..
 Kojirou: …..
Kojirou: Yeah..
 Musashi: We’ll make a name for ourselves in this world with nothing less than our own swords!!
Kojirou: hmm…
So, about being a “Samurai”….
 Musashi: “hmm… So about being a Samurai”!? What’s wrong, Kojirou?
Page 88
 Kojirou: Well…..
Kojirou: To put it frankly….
  Kojirou:  I don’t care….
Kojirou: About becoming a “Samurai”
 Musashi: …..
Musashi: Huh?
 Musashi: Why are you saying this, Kojirou!?
Weren’t you excited too just a moment ago!?
 Kojirou: Well, I let myself be carried away in the moment and I ended up saying “Yeah”!
Kojirou: If I think about it well… I’ve thought about wanting to leave this town all along, but…
Kojirou: I’ve forgotten how it felt…. Wanting to become a “Samurai” and exterminate the “Demons” …
  Page 89
Musashi: ….
Kojirou: Even if I say “The Samurai” are heroes, I don’t find the idea very appealing.  ( TN: “it doesn’t hit home”)
Kojirou: Not even finding success in the world with the katana does…
Kojirou: A Katana is not such a great thing….
Musashi: ….
Musashi: Kojirou…
TN: Musashi looks at Kojirou, like waiting for him to say something or understand what he means
Musashi: ….
TN: They look at each other
 Musashi: Hu-huh?
 Kojirou: Wha- What’s with that face?
Musashi: Anyway, we’re already at the summit of the mountain, so let’s beat that “*God demon”  (TN:* Kishin)
Kojirou: Did you even listen to what I just said?
   Page 90
 Kojirou: I said that I don’t care about being a “Samurai” or about the “Demons” anymore!!!
Musashi: It’s all right.
Kojirou: Because you’ll definitely get it when you do it.
Koujiro’s thoughts: I’ll get what?
Koujiro’s thoughts: Why is this guy being so pushy?
TN: they reach the summit and…. Is that a chicken-like demon or what? xD
 Kishin: HOO.!
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  Page 91
Musashi: Is this thing a “God demon”!?
The “chief” of the demons can’t be this little thing!!
 Kojirou: Don’t let your guard down!
Musashi: I know!
TN: So, Musashi cuts the chicken kishin  in half
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  Page 92
Kojirou: Are you done? Then, let’s leave town right away….
Musashi: Noo! It’s not dead yet!!
TN: It’s mutating!
Page 93
Musashi:  It revived!?  What do we have to do to beat a “God demon”?
TN: Officers come in with a lot of metal to feed the kishin. Carriage says “offerings”
 Officers:  Our Lord, God Demon!!
Musashi&Kojirou: ..!?
Officer: Please enjoy these metals that we present you as an offer!
TN: The chicken kishin  eats the metal. And Kojirou points at something
  Musashi: What’s that? That thing is eating the metal….
Kojirou: LOOK!!
 Page 94 and 95
TN: …. HOLY KISHIN!  the chicken demon evolved into…. A super thing!
Musashi& Kojiro: A… AHH…!!!
  Page 96&97
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Page 98
KISHIN (God Demon) “ENGOKUTENGU” (TN: Which would be something like “hellfire goblin”)
Musashi&Kojirou: It’s… It’s huge!!!
  Page 99
TN: So, the thing crushes its foot on the ground and everything flies away. It does crazy and starts to destroy everything. Miners run away from the mess
  Page 100
 White hair boy: Wha….
Dark hair boy: Wha…
White hair boy: What is this monster!!?
  Page 101
Miners: Hii…
Lord, God Demon… Please calm down...
 Officer: Oh! Lord, God Demon… After 5 years you’ve revealed us your true form...!!
TN: Meanwhile Musashi is unconscious on the floor from when the Kishin went crazy and started to destroy everything, and Kojirou has to face this by himself. He stands up, supporting himself with his katana.
Kojirou: T….
  Page 102
Kojirou:  Is this… a “God Demon”?!!
 Kojirou’s thoughts: It’s too big, fighting him is out of question! Either way, better to retreat for now.
TN: But Kojiro realizes Musashi is still unconscious. Then he looks back at the kishin and holds his katana in position.
 Kojiro: Musashi….
TN: But the kishin is standing right in front of them! He opens his mouth ready to… eat them?
Kojirou: will we be eaten!?
  Page 103
TN: But the kishin takes him by the katana, with his claws!!! And slowly lifts him.
Kojirou: !? This thing wants my Katana!?
 Some guy: IDIOT! The katana is made of metal too, so he’ll eat it! Throw away that Kanata as fast as you can!!
 Kojirou’s thougths: Did he say I should throw away…..
Kojirou’s thougths:  My katana…?
  Page 104
 TN: BUT instead of doing that, Kojiro tries to free himself and his katana of the kishin’s gold, pulling it towards himself with strength!
The guy from before: huh!?
Same guy: That guy…
Why is that katana so important to him!?
 Another guy next to him:  who knows… I can’t understand what this Samurai guy is thinking!
TN: Meanwhile. With Musashi and the 2 boys that I wish had a name so I could stop writing dark and white hair every time….
Both boys: Are you all right? Musashi!?
Musashi: *looks up*   Ko.. Kojirou…
  Page 105
TN: Musashi looks at Kojirou struggling to free his katana out of the kishin’s hold!. Meanwhile, Kojirou has an internal monologue.
Kojirou: Throw away my katana….!?
Certainly… It’s this thing’s fault that I’ve received disgusted looks since long ago…!!
Officer: Aki’s military laws, article 9, clause 3!
In order to identificate them, the people who belong to “Samurai households”, will be forced to carry their katana!
(TN: “Akishohatto”. Aki: Hiroshima’s former name and the rest “shohatto” makes reference to “bukeshohato” which are a series of laws/ regulations for warrior (samurai) households)
Officer:  “Samurai households” Are the great sinners of the Sengoku era.
Girl: really!
  Page 106
More flashbacks: TN: People gossip about Kojirou.
People: A child of a “Samurai household”…
People: A “Samurai” household offspring!
 Kojirou’s thoughts: Even so…
Kojirou’s thougths: This is my father’s keepsake.
Kojirou’s thoughts: this Katana is with me in every single one of my happy memories…
--- Flashbacks: Jisai watching Musashi and Kojirou play
Musashi: Kojirou! Let’s do some fencing training!
Kojirou: Father! Today I did 100 practice swings and 100 counterattacks!
Musashi: I did 10 more than him!
Kojirou: And then, I did 10 more than him!!
  Page 107
More flashbacks: Kojirou and Jisai training.
Kojirou: 1!, 2!, 3!, 4!
Kojirou: Father… Why when I swing the katana, I feel like clinging tightly to it?
Jisai: That’s due to the “Samurai” warrior blood that flows through your body…
  Page 108
Kojirou: Even if I lose this… I won’t die.
But, I feel like i’ll end up loosing something too precious to me...!!
 Flashback- Jisai: “A Katana is a Samurai’s pride itself, don’t lose it!”
Kojirou: That’s why…
I’ll never let it go!!!
  Page 109:
Kojirou: Give it back…
  Page 110:
 Kojirou: It’s mine…!
TN: But the kishin is finally able to take the katana off kojiro’s hands and it’s about to eat it!
Page 111
TN: And the kishin eats it…
People: …. ….
Guy: Oh boy! He ate it…
White hair boy: well…  Never mind! To lose 1 Katana or 2 it’s nothing…
Kojirou: …..
TN: But Kojirou is in despair ☹
 Kojirou: Damn it…!
Page 112
TN: But then, Musashi runs towards the kishin with the pickaxe katana ready to attack.
 White hair boy: Musashi!? What is that guy planning to do!?
Dark Hair boy: He’s trying to take that “God Demon” by himself!? There’s no way he can match it, he’ll die!!
Page 113
TN: Musashi climbs the kishin. Stands on its… stomach?
Musashi: It’s here inside, huh?
 White hair boy: He’s standing over the God Demon’s stomach…!?
Kojirou: !
Kojirou:  No way he’ll….
  Page 144
TN: Musashi does his move…
  Page 115
TN: The kishin tries to fight back.. but Musashi avoids the hit on time.
  Officer: HAHAHA!! It’s heaven’s punishment! That’s what you get for annoying our lord, the God Demon, while he eats his meal!
Musashi: … “Our lord, The God Demon”, huh ?
Musashi: … That Katana belongs to Kojirou…!
  Page 116
Musashi: watch me smash your dirty guts!!!
  Page 117
TN: Wow... he landed a big hit, the stomach sort of cracks…! Kojirou is shook too haha. The kishin screams!
White hair boy:  Is the “God Demon” screaming!?
Kojirou: …. Musashi …
  Page 118
TN: Musashi keeps landing blows on the kishin’s stomach.
Officer:  What should we do? This is becoming dangerous for our lord, the God Demon!!
Officer 2: It’s all right, there’s no way that guy has the strength to break him by himself!
TN: Then the kishin gets really mad and tries to smash Musashi. But he ends up punching himself xD
Officer: Oh… Our lord, God Demon, you must calm down your anger…. You are punching your own body..!!!
  Page 119
TN: Musashi keeps hitting until its stomach breaks. Ew… guts! Musashi goes to take a swim inside the kishin’s gusts and his friends get worried.
White&dark hair boy: Musashi!!!
White hair boy: is… Is he dead…!!?
Kojirou: Musashi…
TN: But then there’s a little movement among the liquid insides of the kishin.
  Page 120&121
TN: Musashi lives and he has Kojirou’s katana!
  Page 122
TN: RIP Kishin. Musashi walks towards his friends with the katana in hand. Then he stands in front of Kojirou.
Kojirou: ….
Musashi: Here
Musashi: You dropped this!
TN: Then he hands it to Kojirou, who gets sentimental.
 Kojirou: …
  Page 123
Kojirou: Tha- Thank you
Kojirou:  This is…. super important …
Musashi: I know! It’s something precious to you!
Musashi: Don’t lose it!
TN: So… right in the kokoro? Musashi repeats Jisai’s words from the past…
Kojirou: !!
Kojirou: ah!!
 Flashback- Jisai: Kojirou…
You are not scum
You are the descendant of a brave and highly proud family.
And, about this…
  Page 124
Flashback- Jisai: A Katana is a Samurai’s “pride” itself…. Don’t lose it!
 Kojirou: …!
 Flashback: Jisai&Kojirou
Kojirou: Father… Why when I swing the katana, I feel like clinging tightly to it?
Jisai: That’s due to the “Samurai “warrior blood that flows through your body…
  Kojirou’s thoughs: I see…!
Kojirou’s thoughts:  My precious possession… Since I was born I’ve had this proud feeling
This is something I don’t want to lose!
I didn’t notice it myself but…
 Flashback to the beginning of the chap: Musashi&Kojirou
Kojirou: I said I don’t care about being a “Samurai” anymore!
Musashi: It’s all right! You’ll definitely get it when you do it!
  Page 125
 Kojirou’s thoughts: This guy knew, huh….
 Musashi: Phew, I’m so glad!
  Page 126
TN: Dead kishin lies dead there…
 Musashi:  This guy’s…. not moving huh…. It means we won!?
Kojirou:  Let’s get out of this town before we get into trouble….
 Musashi:  Yeah! By the way, what is this weird horse-like thing!?
 Kojirou: No idea! It was my father’s…. I wonder what could it be?
TN: OHHHH YES! In that moment, more “weird horses” ( lol) approach the scene! It’s seems like a bushidan ( samurai group) will make their entrance!  
 Narration: A warrior group riding metal horses approaches! The rebelion is unavoidable!!
Continues on next issue: “ Bushidan ( Samurai group) raid”
Thanks for reading!
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thedemonlady · 6 years
ORIENT 02 (Part 2)
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Here is the second part of the new chapter, enjoy it! :D
Visit the tumblr of @itsdanystormborn​ to read the translation of this chapter! :3
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iceicewifey · 3 years
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ABOUT    ༝    Design    ༝    Stand    ༝    Voice    ༝    Toyhou.se
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      𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗰 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼.
Full Name ::   Shaylee Disa Malmsteen Japanese Name ::   D.シェイ Nickname(s) ::   Shay, Dee (by Hol Horse) Namesake(s) ::   DJ Deshay, Yngwie Malmsteen Stand ::   「 Quiet Riot 」 Birthday ::   August 12th 1967 [Leo ♌︎] Age   ::   21 [SDC]   ⁞   44 [SO] Identity ::   CIS Female [she/her] Orientation ::   Mspec Nationality ::   American [½ Swedish] Hometown ::   Miami, FL Known Languages ::   English, Swedish, minimal Spanish [nonfluent] MBTI ::   ESFP Affiliation ::   The Agents of DIO Occupation ::   Mercenary / Errand runner Playlist
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      𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 & 𝗱𝗲𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘀.
Skin ::   'Sunkissed' tan from constant sun exposure Hair Color ::   White 'Scandi' blonde [Anime] ・ Sandy blonde [Manga] Eye Color ::   Icy blue [Anime] ・ Gold [Manga] Height ::   5’4” / ~162cm Weight ::   ~137lbs / ~62kg Bust ::   36E Scars/Birthmarks ::   Numerous scars all over her body, most notably her on arms, hands, and torso Tattoos ::   Palm tree on left ankle ・ Barbed wire around right wrist ・ Heart with a devil tail on lower back Piercings & Jewelry ::   Ear lobes; silver crescent moon worn on left ear only, two silver hoops on right ear ・ silver stud on left helix ・ silver nose stud on left nostril ・ several intimate piercings Cosmetics ::   Thick black mascara ・ pink creme lipstick ・ Black nail polish Dominant Hand ::   Left
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Idol ::   Evel Knievel Religion ::   Agnostic / N/A Education ::   Public school; dropped out in 11th grade Fears ::   Drowning, being strangled, witnessing the deaths of her loved ones Disabilities & Impairments ::   ADD  [diagnosed in 1976; originally mistaken for "hyperkinetic reaction of childhood"] Substances ::   Ritalin (prescription), nicotine (addiction) Strengths ::   exceptional motorcycle handling & driving skills ・ unmatched stealth ・ high pain tolerance Weaknesses ::   impatient ・ self sabotaging; automatically resorts to vices ・ tendency to run from problems ・ invincibility complex; rarely considers the consequences of her actions ・ prideful; difficulty accepting help even when obviously needed Traits & Attributes ::   loyal ・ openly affectionate; will make sure loved one know they're loved ・ motherly instinct; surprisingly good with children ・ good listener; always keeps secrets ・ determined ・ masochistic ・ reckless ・ hedonistic ・ naive ・ aggressive ・ promiscuous ・ apathetic
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Color ::   Phtalo green  ❤︎ Food ::   Chicken shawarma with tahini and diced tomato Dessert ::   Kladdkaka Drink ::   Rum cocktails Scent ::   Banana Boat sunscreen Artist ::   Judas Priest TV Show ::   Miami Vice Movie ::   Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 Sport ::   Billiards Weather ::   Bright and sunny with a cool breeze Motorcycle ::   1973 Harley Davidson FL Electra-Glide Likes ::   hard rock & metal, shooting pool, trashy TV, cheesy slasher movies, Dr. Pepper, skin tight clothing (particularly leather), Harley Davidson motorcycles, wrestling, chicken shawarma, Dolph Lundgren Dislikes ::   her stepmother, spring breakers, formal clothing, authority figures (i.e. the police), Lebanese style falafel, sandstorms, running out of hairspray, Italian motorcycles, high category hurricanes, comments about her hand scars, driving in Cairo
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✦    Lars Malmsteen  —  Biological father ✦    Noelle Saraya  —  Mother  [d. 1965] ✦    Sharise Malmsteen  —  Twin sister ✦    Lydia Anderson  —  Stepmother ✦    Adam Anderson  —  Stepbrother ✦    Viggo Malmsteen  —  Half brother ✦    Rita Saraya  —  Cousin ✦    "Ozzy"  —  Unofficial adoptive father
Romantic Relationships
✦    Vanilla Ice  [m. 11/17/1989]
Closest Friends & Companions
✦    Neneh Cherry  ( best friend ) ✦    Terence T. D'Arby ✦    Enya ✦    Mariah ✦    Boingo
Enemies / Disliked Individuals
✦    Estefania Santamaría Torres ✦    Nukesaku ✦    Jotaro Kujo ✦    Jean Pierre Polnareff
✦    Noel el Farouk  [b. 02/18/1991] ✦    Aaliyah el Farouk  [b. 11/04/1993] ✦    Kasim el Farouk  [b. 07/20/1995]
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     𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 & 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁.
D. Shay, more commonly referred to as just Shay, is a teritary antagonist and user of the stand Quiet Riot.  A born and raised Miamian, Shay takes great pride in her home city, despite her delinquent past. She’s a woman of short stature with a sharp tongue and even sharper blades hidden in her boots. She’s rather secretive about her past and as such, not much is known about her; rumor has it she’s a former teenage runaway. Other sources say she’s a vagabond that holds connections to some of the most dangerous motorcycle gangs in all of Florida… You can ask, but she won’t tell. She finds herself in a dark and dusty old mansion inhabited by a supposed vampire and his subordinates, nestled deep in the heart of historic Cairo. One of his most trusted servants, she serves as a ‘go-fer’ or errand runner of sorts for DIO, Enya, and the other mansion residents... Until she gets fed up and decides that it's time for her to eliminate The Crusaders herself. She’s typically quite laid back, but can also be a bit snarky. She tends to come off as apathetic and abrasive to people she doesn’t know, which many would equate to rudeness. Truthfully, she isn’t the type to be rude without a prior reason. She's experienced a lot in her short life and she wears her scars with pride, thinking of them as trophies of sorts. Beneath her 'tough as nails' facade, she's incredibly sweet and loving with her loved ones. Beware her fiery temper however, it tends to flare up over the littlest reasons. She’s incredibly stubborn, often doing the opposite of what she’s told to do and butting heads with authority figures more than she’d like to admit. She’s also a bit of a thrill seeker, almost always willing to do anything exciting, no matter how dangerous or what consequenses it may have, which has landed her in hot water countless times before.
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© 𝕀ℂ𝔼𝕀ℂ𝔼𝕎𝕀𝔽𝔼𝕐   𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯   ⁞   𝗥𝗘𝗕𝗟𝗢𝗚𝗦  >  𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘𝗦! Do not copy any part of this post or it's layout without permission. All graphics and banners used in this post and other related posts are my own unless specified otherwise. 𝗗𝗢 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗨𝗦𝗘 𝗠𝗬 𝗚𝗥𝗔𝗣𝗛𝗜𝗖𝗦. 𝗗𝗢 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗥𝗘𝗣𝗢𝗦𝗧 𝗠𝗬 𝗔𝗥𝗧. 𝗜 𝗗𝗢 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗧𝗔𝗞𝗘 𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗗𝗟𝗬 𝗧𝗢 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗔𝗥𝗜𝗦𝗠.
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awzer · 3 years
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Longest Tag: 14 characters
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i think thats it
64 notes • Posted 2021-08-30 02:16:10 GMT
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89 notes • Posted 2021-09-11 17:00:36 GMT
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93 notes • Posted 2021-05-22 06:36:07 GMT
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João Victor Medeiros
129 notes • Posted 2021-02-25 22:25:13 GMT
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by awzer
409 notes • Posted 2021-02-16 21:18:49 GMT
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jello-fello · 3 years
For the ask meme- yes. The whole fucking alphabet. Any fandom of your choice for any of them -kipp
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Honestly besides the Constant love for Mell and Kai, Ash and Eiji from banana fish, and Reki and Langa and Joe and Cherry from sk8 right now. Also i like Lawlight from specifically the 2015 death note tv drama. OH. AND ALSO. SEKI AND SHIMIZU FROM OYASUMI PUNPUN I LOVE THEM
(Side note ngl Detective Roberts and His Ex-Wife are v nice together i like them)
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
Uhhh idk I never thought about it. Ig i’m not really a fan of Aizawa/All Might? that’s the first ship to come to mind. oh and also Hawks/Endeavor. not my cup o tea, never will be
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
Any ship with Tanaka from haikyuu that Isnt him and kiyoko. like art of him and enoshita or him and noya are Cute, but i just dont ship it
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
Does writing “Regenerate, Fate” count
I also have Goose Yagami meme and the yelling cat meme but it’s death note
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
BNHA fandom has been since... november 2017ish
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)
(ngl i dunno what this Means so sorry if my answer doesn’t make sense but-) I really like anime and animation, but also i really like comics and manga, more so now that im Making a comic
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
I don’t think tumblr’s ever stopped making me like a fandom, but just like. stop going in tumblr’s tag for it. for example 15ish year old me was NOT ready to see the things in the undertale tag that i did. oh god the horrors.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
i dont think tumblrs ever led me to starting a show/getting into a fandom, but pinterest has. most of my fandoms have been through seeing random things on pinterest ngl
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
Vigilantedekus is The Best and I Love Them
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
Matsuda from death note might’ve been played as the “Funny because he keeps fuckin up” kinda chara, but i do like that he was the one to shoot light and that he had that kind of outburst about light’s dad. BUT ALSO MATSUDA’S THEORY IN THE END OF THE MANGA? RIGHTS.
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
i dont have anything specific in mind, but all fandoms have DOPE artists
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
head empty no thoughts
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
Right now “The mind electric” reminds me of Jamie from SA, “Butterfly’s Repose” reminds me of Mell And Kai
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
uh uh uh uh Self Aware but without Aviancorp. That’s the only difference. The au is just what kind of ripple effect it would have on everyone and their lives
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
nothing’s coming to mind
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Sobs. Seki and Shimizu from Goodnight Punpun. I only say them for this because theres So Little People who know them
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Athen (my oc, Choosing(02)) wants to see hatsune miku because he uses a voicebank to speak and “! she sounds like me!” 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
I’m going to do these with my OCs instead. because while im the author, they’re headcanons because most of them i cant Really make canon: 
Athen has a mothman pajama set. He and adam have matching “Humanfucker”/”Robofucker” shirts
athen Has seriously wondered if adam would leave him for mothman
athen gets a pet roomba named Hal
Jamie would be a good parent
Sam (one of the dead kids from Subject 402/SA-) would’ve been a soccer player if she lived
Letho (the Other dead kid) would’ve been an art student
if jordan(Kai) had a Normal Life and WASNT a human experiment, he wouldnt be very accomplished in school despite being a genius, he’d be kinda a delinquent and getting in trouble a lot
If mell had a younger sibling, people would probably think HE’S the youngest one. they would not believe he were older if they were close in age
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Mob from Mob psycho
L and Light are tied
Aizawa and Shinsou and Deku are top faves ig
ash and eiji from banana fish. love them. AND SHORTER> LOVE HIM
i like punpun as a character but if i had the chance i would prolly throw hands
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Mell and Kai - Self Aware
Shindeku OR tododeku - bnha
(Letho and (Redacted)) - Self Aware (but like. the au if letho Lived)
Ash and Eiji - Banana Fish
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
I think we all know my fave ships from this post so far. no need to do this question lmao
ngl there aren’t many Precious Babies. like I’d say Hinata is a precious baby but haikyuu ends when he’s like fuckin 30 so what counts as a precious baby hmmm
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
my dash gets so much TMA
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
this post is long enough,,,
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Smash!! 01 and 02: Smash!!Might is a Fucking Menace
okay, so. I have about a million other things I should be doing instead, including (1) responding to asks and/or finishing in-progress metas, (2) reading Vigilantes, and last but not least, (3) actually making a dent in the ever-increasing backlog of Actual Work That I Really Should Be Doing Instead.
so naturally I’m procrastinating by taking my first stab at reading BnHA’s cute 4-panel omake spinoff series, BnHA Smash!! IT JUST MAKES SENSE. look, I have exactly one thing I felt like actually doing and not procrastinating today, so I might as well do the thing. basically it’s my attention span’s world and I’m just living in it.
anyway! so apparently this series was scanlated by good ol’ Fallen Angels. that’s right; prepare yourselves for some very creative cursing, fellas. other background info for anyone who, like me, is unfamiliar with this spin-off: this series debuted on November 9, 2015, a little over a year after the original series. said original series was currently at chapter 66, meaning the Final Exam arc was just wrapping up.
so now that we’re all properly oriented, let me go over a few disclaimers real quick and then we’ll get started!
all comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity afterward, and added a few ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.
I’m aware that not everyone may be familiar with Smash!! even if they’ve read/watched the original series, so I’ve tried to make this recap comprehensible even if you haven’t read the spin-off. that being said, it’s probably more enjoyable if you have, so you can either purchase the first volume from Viz here, or read the chapter online (I don’t want to link directly, but the spin-off is available on most of the usual sites. literally just google “read mha” and you’ll find some good options).
this readthrough contains a handful of sorta-kinda spoilers for the BnHA manga, although there are no direct spoilers. just an indirect reference to a joke in chapter 242, as well as a reference to a theory which as of now is in no way canon. but just to be on the safe side I’m posting a heads-up.
and I think that’s it! so here we go.
so we’re opening with a brief summary of the series. people have superpowers and shit’s nuts. you know the drill
there’s also a brief description of the way that the superhero economy works, complete with Mt. Lady’s employees unionizing and demanding better pay
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guys I keep staring at this and thinking that surely, SURELY it doesn’t say what I think it says. sidekick... what... manager??
you know what? Viz unfortunately doesn’t include this series as part of their subscription package (WHAT AM I PAYING YOU FOR, VIZ), but it does at least include a free preview of Smash, and I bet you that this, the first fucking page of the series, is a part of that preview. so... let’s see...
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okay, see, this actually makes sense! so did the FA scanlating team collectively all have a fucking stroke?! just, what??
this is one of the reasons why I had difficulty reading Vigilantes too, tbh. those early chapter scans were, uh. but at least Vigilantes has a Viz scanlation too. I don’t want to spend 10 bucks just to read one volume of this, but we’ll see. anyways
so now there’s a strip about baby!Izuku watching his favorite clip of All Might saving one hundred people from a bus accident or whatever
lol Inko you should not have left your shrewdly calculating four-year-old son unattended omg
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and this is why you don’t leave your credit card info saved on the computer when you have kids. life lessons learned today
this is the first indicator we have ever had that baby!Izuku wasn’t perfect and was, in fact, capable of being a little shit and giving his mom plenty of gray hairs in his own special way. ngl, I fucking love it
also 12,800 yen is about $118 USD, which is honestly a really good deal for a year’s worth of textbooks. he got three boxes of books! I just googled the average cost of college textbooks, and the google article said the average student spends about $1200 a year. so this is a fucking steal tbh
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at least install a fucking adblocker ffs. you’re lucky quirk supplement ads are the worst of the ads he’s getting! PARENTAL CONTROLS
now we are cutting to a comic about baby!Izuku defending another boy from my problematic fave, as seen in page one of the original series!
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I’m not clear on how much of this spin-off can actually be considered canon. my understanding is that it is Horikoshi-reviewed and approved, even though he doesn’t actually write it. but it’s obviously a humor series, so a lot of it is just going to be jokes. that being said, I think my approach is going to be “if it’s not completely ridiculous and doesn’t contradict the actual manga, go ahead and consider it canon”
(ETA: I might change this up after reading the first two chapters. most of these strips would have terrifying implications if they were actually canon sob.)
anyhoo, this actually does contradict the manga in that we saw this encounter play out very differently. but I kind of wish it was canon regardless because looool. these cocky preschoolers and their fucking Battle Tears
the next comic is Mt. Lady accidentally stepping on a guy’s face and the guy being way too fucking happy about it (read: having a fucking nosebleed and taking an upskirt shot). we’re just going to skip this entirely. this is another problem I was having with Vigilantes too. you know, for all my complaints about Mineta and such, BnHA as a whole is so much tamer than it could be, and I need to give Horikoshi credit for that. he mostly knows where to draw the line, and to his credit he’s also much, much better about this kind of thing than he was when he first started. maybe Mineta’s standings in the character poll results are helping to clue him in
anyway, I’ll mostly just skip past the iffy stuff because I don’t have patience for it and there’s still plenty of other stuff to cover. so on to the next strip
which features a bunch of reporters fawning over Mt. Lady’s flashy quirk while Kamui Woods laments in the shadows
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and yet we know this kid will have a prominent rise within the next six months. it’s so strange to revisit the start of the series and see how much things have changed in such a short time
oh my god
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no one who dresses up as a giant mushroom could possibly have good intentions. I. just
and look at the fucking disappointment in Deku’s eyes. KAMUI WOODS HE BELIEVED IN YOU!
now some strange man is coming up to Deku and is all HEY YOU, YOU’RE A HERO OTAKU, TELL ME WHAT TO BUY MY SEVEN-YEAR-OLD SON FOR HIS BIRTHDAY. better not ask him unless you’re prepared to shell out $120 bucks for some fucking textbooks
hey, what!!
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WE DIDN’T EVEN GET TO SEE WHAT HE BOUGHT HIM? unless it’s the action figure the kid appears to be holding? but I’m just going to go ahead and assume Izuku recommended the number one best gift that any seven-year-old child would love, i.e. a giant sword
now it’s a sludge monster omake!
so Izuku is trudging home all depressed after CERTAIN INCIDENTS, and Sludgey is glooping his way out of a sewer towards him
oh no All Might
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my biggest takeaway from this is the fact that the entire second half of chapter one takes place after All Might has emerged from a fucking sewer. I forgot all about that somehow. or maybe it never fully processed until just now. but omg. this entire chapter must have smelled so fucking bad. these poor kids
wow All Might
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sure called that one wrong. ah well nobody’s perfect
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lmao, Smash!!All Might appears to be quite a bit more vain than the original. wow dude
btw, friendly reminder (and I think this is something that was actually pointed out to me after one of the recaps; that’s one of my favorite things about doing these) that All Might, after saving Deku, actually read his notebook before signing it. super-fast, I guess, because he’s the best. but yeah, so he knew exactly how smart and observant Deku was, and how much he wanted to be a hero. his decision to pick him as his successor didn’t just come out of the blue; even before the “my body moved on its own” thing, there was a lot Deku had going in his favor. this is one of those little details of which BnHA has so many, and which I love
lmao what the fuck
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ngl this version of the series would have been amazing in its own way. but yeah. so this is why we clearly can’t assume everything in Smash!! is canon lol. but I can already tell I am going to enjoy the shit out of this series
now we’re cutting to Deku running at Sludgey in order to save Kacchan, oh shit. the most dramatic part of chapter one. clearly no moment is sacred
sob what
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I don’t understand this strip at all. is this supposed to be a serious moment inserted unexpectedly among this multitude of joke strips? or did I miss the punchline? heeeeelp
(ETA: okay so. my best guess is that All Might wrote all over Deku’s life-saving advice, and so the joke is that Deku no longer knows what to do when assaulting sludge men because HIS NOTES ARE RUINED. idk. what does 25 P mean??)
now All Might has Done The Thing and saved my boys, and now Mt. Lady is helping with the cleanup. scooping up all the bits of sludge and putting it in trash bags
oh my god
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nope nevermind. nope. nope
-- shit. okay, you know what? this first chapter has been a real in-your-face reminder of the fact that the sludge monster was not made of cute sparkly 2018-trending-fad slime, but was in fact composed of RAW FUCKING SEWAGE. (ETA: to be clear, I’m pretty sure the joke in this strip is that she accidentally picked up dog-doo during her clean-up. but still, the fact that it was indistinguishable from the rest of the gunk speaks for itself.) I think I forced myself to gloss over this fact originally due to the nope factor. but just. Izuku and Katsuki were both choking to death on this shit?? and just, how the fuck did they make it out of this not traumatized
and also, like. All Might was straight up going to leave Izuku alone afterwards, just, “well enjoy your autograph, fine citizen” and blasting off out of there. and everyone fucking saw Katsuki almost suffocate to death later on, and after giving him a pat on the back they fucking let him go off on his own too? and you can’t even make the argument that this was Just Another Day In Quirk Society either, because more than a year later, Katsuki is still a bona fide fucking celebrity from the media coverage of his attack. it clearly was not something that happens every day. in conclusion, these kids are resilient as fuck, and thank god for that because people apparently just do not give a shit, holy christ
anyway. at least Mt. Lady had gloves
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Smash!!Might is so fucking shady omfg. probably sells cheap counterfeit electronics on Amazon
oh shit and that’s the end of the fucking chapter lol. that’s it?? that was only eight pages. fuck it, let’s read another. but first here’s Horikoshi’s note on the spin-off
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so he really feels that Neda gets the spirit of the series and understands him. that’s very encouraging. the best spoofs and parodies are done out of love. I really think I’m going to enjoy this series
so! onward to chapter two
so here’s All Might dressed as Mr. 2 Bon Clay from One Piece, I guess??
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“you know what’s funny? dressing a man in girl’s clothes LOL.” guys can we grow the fuck up. and also acknowledge that All Might can look good in anything, so this questionable gag wouldn’t have even landed anyway. you work that tutu All Might
lmao check out the past users of OFA here
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All for One for All theory fucking confirmed lol. just look. that’s him in the back of the conga line. clearly
so Deku is all “hell yes why would I possibly say no??” but then
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HIS LIMBS. lmao. sign here
in all seriousness, given the shit this kid has been through since the part of the series, All Might probably should have gotten him to sign a liability waiver of some sort. not that it would have stood, since Deku is underage! anyways Deku you totally have grounds to sue the shit out of the Symbol of Peace should you ever choose to do so. and the trend of Smash!!Might being shady af continues yes please give me more I love it
so now All Might is giving Deku his fitness plan which has a really elaborate name
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given that this is Smash!!Might, I can’t help but wonder if this plan is in actuality some sort of MLM scheme. All Might are you trying to get Deku to do Herbalife
lol what in the fuck
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the original series skipped right over a hell of a lot, it would seem. like the time Deku traveled to Arizona and fought coyotes in a poncho
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I’m starting to suspect that Neda-sensei might be on some sort of substance. “let’s see what jokes can I make about chapter 2 of BnHA. I know, I’ll send the protagonist to a fictionalized version of the American Southwest in a sombrero, and then turn him into a 65-year-old oil tycoon.” naturally
lmao that’s really it, that’s the strip. moving right along. okay??
now Izuku is staring at the intimidating piles of Beach Trash and is all “I HAVE TO PICK ALL THIS SHIT UP?”
omg Deku no
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somebody call Marie Kondo. Deku none of this is salvageable. not even to reuse in a color page photoshoot spread four years from now
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anyways I don’t know what Smash!!Might is so upset about. he probably wove some kind of clause into the contract Deku signed that allows him a percentage of the profits. unless Deku already spent it all on textbooks
what the fuck is this fucking series lmao
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time for a round of “what is All Might casually crushing in this panel?” is it (a) a cardboard box, or (b) like, a mini-fridge or some fucking shit. IT COULD BE EITHER. IT MAKES EQUALLY AS MUCH SENSE EITHER WAY. “HEROES THESE DAYS ARE [FLEEEEEEX] OBSESSED WITH BEING FLASHY” 
holy shit no wonder he ran away to the Sierra Nevada. it’s only a matter of time before this freak fucking kills someone
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my jokes about the mangaka being high as a fucking kite when he wrote this are gradually becoming less jokes and more serious inquiries??
lol so he coincidentally just stumbled across All Might and Deku at this exact moment
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do you guys remember during the final exam when All Might beat the everloving shit out of Deku and Kacchan, and everyone was all “JESUS CHRIST WOULD YOU LEARN TO FUCKING HOLD BACK A LITTLE THEY ARE CHILDREN YOU MANIAC.” but now we can see plain as day that he was, in fact, holding back. anyways Smash!!Might is terrifying as shit and if this had been the main series I would have already pegged him as the final villain by this point
here he is now wearing an old-timey bathing suit but looking more like an escaped convict than anything else
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this panel is actually canon. I’ve decided. this 100% definitely happened at some point. especially the swimsuit
now two bikini babes are walking up and they’re all “IS THAT ALL MIGHT??” with excited sparkly eyes because they don’t know that he’s actually a deranged con artist who crushes refrigerators like empty soda cans. this spin-off has truly opened my eyes
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now Deku is approaching his mom all serious and says he wants to change up his diet
and she’s looking at the menu he prepared all impressed and thinking that she might join him. as long as it’s for your health, Inko. if this manga starts making jokes about your weight, I will beat it over the head with Deku’s textbooks
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THIS WENT IN THE EXACT OPPOSITE DIRECTION I WAS EXPECTING, AND THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING THING I’VE EVER READ WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. the whole fucking family is on the juice. and the fucking mangaka is on some special juice of his own oh my stars
now we’re cutting to Mt. Lady stomping on a car
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thank fuck no one was actually in there. also does she not wear shoes
and also, it only just occurred to me that she must be another person with a special quirk costume, because her suit shrinks and expands along with her. Hagakure and Momo are really getting shafted by the costume design team here. they need to fire some people
anyway so Mt. Lady slipped on this carelessly placed vehicle and fell down and crushed an entire building whoops
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bruh, you think you’re “ow.” let’s hope that building was empty too
and now she’s toppling another building just fucking because, I guess. and saying she can’t do urban areas
lmao and now the sidekick [CENSORED] manager from chapter one is back to guilt-trip her omg
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I need this man to show up in every freaking chapter. please. respect my wishes
and now Izuku is standing on top of his collected pile of garbage screaming in victory
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I only just realized that there’s still a big old Pile O’ Trash on this beach, though. someone needs to haul all of this junk away. or else get All Might and Mt. Lady to crush it all with a combined effort
oh shit here it comes y’all, the famous “eat my hair” scene. potential comedy gold right here omg
lol what the fuck
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this man is a fucking billionaire and he’s out here clipping coupons and deleting pictures of his son in order to make room for them smdh
okay now we’re doing the hair scene
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oh. oh no. I know where this is going sob please keep this comic rated PG for the children Neda
motherfucker they really --
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Smash!!Might is a straight-up felon. this man has no fucking scruples. that’s okay Midoriya-shounen, if you don’t want to eat my hair we could just try some REDACTED, jesus christ I am going to need some bleach for my eyes after this
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lmao sob. well, two chapters in and we’ve established that no territory is off-limits here. it’s a brave new world. wow
 so that’s it! our introduction to BnHA Smash!! I enjoyed it a lot and I will definitely be reading more! I’m not sure what kind of schedule I’ll keep, but this is a really good procrastination manga thus far, so knowing me I might actually work my way through this relatively quickly. especially since the Manga At Large is on break this week. anyways my deepest apologies to the many people who have been requesting for me to start Vigilantes instead. I just need something lighter right now, and this is a good fit. one of these days I’ll get my shit together with the other two spinoffs as well.
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redsnerdden · 4 years
One-Shot Death Note Available to Read Now
One-Shot Death Note Available to Read Now #DeathNote #JumpSQ #VizMedia #ShonenJump #Manga #PowerofKira #ShueishaInc #Ryuk #Shinagami
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Four weeks ago, Shueisha Inc’s Jump SQ announced that Death Note would have a special One-Shot printed in the March issue, taking place after where the original manga ended, we follow Minoru Tanaka as he becomes the new holder of the Death Note; Ryuk has his work cut out for him with Technology becoming more advance and pervading, the Death God will have his work cut out for him. The United…
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kiiruna-a · 5 years
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full name : mei katsura. nickname : KIRA 02. specie : human/cyborg. age : twenty. gender : cis female. pronouns : she / her. nationality : japanese. residence : superhero academy, location top secret. occupation : student & achieving superhero .
hair : thick, pitch black bob with bangs. eyes : dark brown, bordering on black. skin : tan. tattoos : n/a. body type : 160cm, inverted triangle (wider in shoulder than hips), slim but with toned muscles.
favorite color : black, purple & red. favorite animal : cat, racoon, panda & leopard. favorite food : mostly anything mcdonalds. favorite drink : coca cola, monster energy & black tea. favorite place : big city, cinema, arcade, cat cafe & in bed. favorite sparetime : browse the internet, play videogames, eat, get into fights, watch anime, doodle, beat up a punching bag, shop for clothes, experiment with make-up, take pictures & selfies, feed stray cats & go rollerskating.
positives : daring, honest, independent, passionate & unfoolable.  negatives : abrasive, arrogant, disobedient, irresponsible & lazy. fears : hospitals & thunder. theology : atheist. orientation : grey - biromantic bisexual.  shipping status : dualship, single in both verses.
     ( warning for ableism/audism ) mei was not born with any extraordinary powers, no mutated genes & no extra limbs. no, she was born an ordinary girl, with the exception of the fact she was deaf. she came into this world with the fate of being just like any other girl, ordinary hobbies, ordinary school, ordinary friends, only without one of her senses. that was proven when the doctors decided together with her parents to do surgery on her infant body, giving her a cochlea implant in hopes to “fix” her. it didn’t work. sadly, it’s not a 100% success rate, the doctors informed the parents. it should have stopped there. her fate was decided.     if only her father hadn’t taken it into his own hands.     her father worked with medical engineering, & a perfectionist, & was said to have a bit of a god complex. he did not want a daughter that was handicapped, he said as he started working on new ways to “fix” her. he developed the cochlea implant, making it bigger, making it more complex, & with help from his wife the nurse he wasn’t scared to perform surgery at home on their screaming child. it was the abuse mei grew up with. never good enough, as none of the methods worked.     mei proceeded to attend a school for the deaf, centered around oralism, meaning she was taught how to speak more than she was taught how to read or count. in recess, all the children would sign with each other, play with each other, make friends with each other, but in the classroom it was a hell not much unlike what mei experienced at home. never good enough. pronunciation not quite right, lip reading not quite good enough, rendering the young girl scared of the world, & especially the adults in it.     it was when she was thirteen years old that mei was pulled out of school, because her father, who was still obsessed with inventing a hearing aid with 100% success rate, was not scared to turn her into more machine than she was a person. the wiring was all the way through the air canal, to the skull, to the brain, anything in order to make her “normal”. she had mechanisms as big as earphones stuck to her, & wires she had no idea what they did. it hurt. infections, imperfections, yelling, isolation.     until the day something that wasn’t supposed to happen, happened.     with an electric shock, mei could suddenly hear. it wasn’t the sound of her father’s voice, however. it was a scream, a high-pitched scream like the heavens had opened & every angel was screaming down at her. she screamed back as loud as her vocal chords could manage, & tried to turn the machine off. she had her eyes closed, rolling out of the table & onto the floor where she curled into a ball & desperately grippled at her head to try find a way to turn it off. eventually, she did. everything was quiet. everything was familiar. her head was hurting, her eyes full of tears. if that was what hearing was, she did not want any of it.     when she finally dared to open her eyes, however, she noticed something wasn’t quite right.     the whole room was torn to shreds. shelves were knocked over, things had somehow flew across the room. her father was laying on the floor, knocked out by a vase that had somehow hit him straight in the forehead. papers were lying across the floor, books & medical equipment. had the angels really been here? had they done it?     or was it her?     scared, mei ran away from home, now fifteen years old. she found her way to one of her friends from school, & when they all saw the condition she was in, the police were involved. medical professionals. the sign language interpreter translated for her: we can’t take it off. we might damage your brain. you might die. it’s a miracle you haven’t already.     mei was then put into the foster care system. she was adopted by a sweet family, one that learned to sign just for her. that was more than her parents had ever done. at first, she didn’t want anything to do with them; her trauma was too big. she was a troublemaker, she didn’t want to go to school & she didn’t want to stay in her room, but would escape out the window constantly. her coping mechanism was to lose herself in video games, manga & anime. that became her entire life. luckily, there was another girl in that household, one many years younger than mei, who was also into the same things. eventually, mei would let said girl into her room so she could borrow her comics & read them. that girl eventually became the one mei would consider her sister.     when mei was eighteen, the two had gotten incredibly close. it was the first time that the young girl also dared to ask mei about the machinery around her ears & neck. the little girl thought it was insane, that he didn’t give up when it didn’t work. mei, however, signed to her in soft motions: it did work. i can do a lot more than hear, too.      in secret, mei had turned the implant on, trying to tame it, master it, figure it out. the condition the room was in after it had first turned on, it haunted her. she knew it was her. she knew that those electrical shocks had eventually done something to her, & she was going to figure out what. telekinesis. once the screams of angels in her ear had become something that she could handle for at least a short amount of time, she practiced, practiced & practiced those powers. for the first time in her life, she did feel like she had just that--- power.     she got a little too ambitious & arrogant, a little too vengeful. she used the powers on her school that she hated so much, the one who wanted her to conform to a norm & society she did not belong in. the one who forbid her from signing, but wanted to teach her to hear, who robbed them of their language & their ability, who cracked their souls from the day they first step into the premise. she decided to hit back. she decided to tear the place to shreds.     she expected to perhaps be turned into a correctional facility, but what came was worse. much worse.     men dressed in all black suits, black sunglasses & shaved heads came to pick her up. they didn’t look like police, because they weren’t. they were government. they were the ones to take her far, far, far away from home, only to lock her in a cell where her powers didn’t work. a cell where she was malnourished & interrogated. they told her through notes pressed against the glass that she was unique, they needed her, they needed her powers. they’d teach her to use them for good. mei, however, was not going to listen to any tyrant again. she was tired of her father, tired of her school, tired of everyone telling her who she can & can’t be.     after being locked in for a month, however, she can’t fight them anymore. she’s weak & broken down, crying. the gate opens. a note reads: welcome to the academy for superheroes, mei. 
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t-unmasked · 5 years
5 of the Greatest Unsolved Sailor Moon Mysteries
5 of the Greatest Unsolved Sailor Moon Mysteries #SailorMoon #SailorMoonCrystal #セーラームーン
Perhaps you may be able to help solve a (Sailor Moon) mystery
In case you haven’t noticed yet, I’m a firm believer that you can answer — or at least come up with a sufficient explanation — almost any question as long as you have the right data to work with. Be it information provided in the anime/manga, from official interviews, or even offhand comments made by characters, there are a lot of Sail…
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operationrainfall · 5 years
With VIZ Media reintroducing the Urusei Yatsura manga series into circulation this February, what better time than now to revisit the accompanying anime series? As one of Studio Pierott’s first endeavors, it would end up proving quite successful over in Japan. By the arrival of its finale, the series had been steered by 2 different directors, 3 different writers, and 2 different animation studios (Studio Deen took the reins for seasons 3 & 4). Originally airing in October of 1981 and running through March of 1986, Urusei Yatsura spanned 4 seasons, 194 episodes, and over 80 hours of content in total.  Numerous movies and OVAs were also released in tandem with the series. The last OVA actually appeared relatively recently back in 2010.
I initially felt compelled to watch this series because of its first director, Mamoru Oshii. Oshii is known for his creation of the long-running Kerberos franchise, directing the Patlabor animated series, and (of course) directing my favorite film of all time- Ghost in the Shell. To me, Urusei Yatsura is really segmented into two parts. Seasons 1 and 2 were animated by Studio Pierott and a number of the episodes exhibit that overly-philosophical vibe that Oshii is known for. Seasons 3 and 4 saw a bit of a shift as Studio Deen took over the animation role. These were directed by Kazuo Yamazaki, whose style I actually ended up appreciating more than Oshii’s by the end. That’s no surprise though, as Yamazaki also directed Maison Ikkoku, which is another series that I hold in deep regard.
The story of Urusei Yatsura is very loose and centers around the misfortunes of one high-school student- Ataru Moroboshi. Ataru is a self-described playboy and one of the most one-dimensional characters that you will ever encounter. Because of his incessant lust for women and inability to take no for an answer, he spends the majority of his time hitting on, creeping on, or being a bit too touchy-feely with every woman that he encounters. In the pilot episode, his life is changed forever when an invading alien race decides to pay a visit to his home. The Oni people (lead by Mr. Invader) have decided to invade Earth, but they are giving its people a fair chance. Out of over 7 billion potential Earthlings, their supercomputer has randomly selected Ataru to play a game of tag with someone from their own race. His opponent is Lum Invader- a bikini-clad Oni princess and the daughter of Mr. Invader. Needless to say, Ataru is immediately on board with the prospect of chasing after her. He eventually succeeds in grabbing her horns and saving the Earth, but now faces a bigger problem. During the commotion that follows his victory, there’s been a slight misunderstanding. Against Ataru’s wishes, he’s now inexplicably married to Lum and will spend the remainder of the series dealing with her jealousy towards other women.
Rest assured that the entirely of that last paragraph only contains story content from the first episode. The remaining 193 episodes don’t really offer much in the way of a central narrative. What they do offer is the pure insanity that surrounds Ataru as he repeatedly encounters misfortune, suffers for his infidelities, and emerges each week having learned no valuable lessons. As I mentioned before though, Ataru is a pretty unsavory human being. The fact that he has little to no redeeming qualities, never learns his lesson, and is completely impervious to discouragement makes watching his antics incredibly enjoyable. There’s also the overwhelming irony of his relationship with Lum. Despite being obsessed with women and spending each episode trying to hook up with them, he’s already engaged to a woman who cares about him and who’s envied by every other male at his school. This envy ends up causing Ataru even more issues as Lum’s unofficial group of admirers (calling themselves “Lum’s Stormtroopers”) repeatedly take their anger out on Ataru because of the way that he treats her.
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Before you decide to go head-first into the series, there are a few things to be aware of. One: there are no rules. Anything that can happen, will happen. Since Lum is an alien, she’s brought with her a number of alien devices and objects that can do things seemingly impossible to us on Earth. For example, in one episode she uses a miniature time machine to transport herself (and eventually Ataru) back into the past. This device allows her to shrink down to a near atomic level and use a cup of tea as a portal to the past. Another episode has her baby cousin, Ten, using a fertilizer from his planet to grow a plant that gains sentience. Other instances come off as less alien and more supernatural. In one of the earlier episodes, Ataru’s rival Mendou takes a picture of him using a cursed camera. This transports him into another dimension that can only be accessed from a random window within his classroom. Really, it’s best to throw out all ideas of reality and go in expecting anything.
Second- there are zero consequences. Any unfortunate or horrific occurrence in the series is completely forgotten about in the proceeding episodes (with some minor exceptions). To give you an example, in one episode Ataru’s psyche is changed into that of a woman’s. In another he actually becomes a woman. In yet another he transforms into a giant bear. There are also a multitude of episodes in which his house is completely destroyed beyond repair. None of these events ever have lasting effects and simply exist in the moment for the sake of a quick gag. With no rules and no consequences, I think that one of the liner notes from the original AnimEigo releases translated the series title perfectly: It’s Japanese for “Totally Insane”.
Ataru’s dad is the only real victim in this series.
The art style of the series evolved gradually across all 4 seasons and this is evident if you watch them all in order. Season one was initially aired in short, 11 minute segments between other shows. In fact, the first 20 or so “episodes” are actually each comprised of two smaller ones. Likely as a result of this and the fact that Studio Pierott was still pretty green at the time, the quality of season one’s artwork and animations is a bit lacking and shows a number of noticeable flaws and shortcuts. Mind you, there are definitely some more detailed shots, but things really start to improve in the later seasons. By the end of the last season, putting a picture of Lum from first and fourth seasons side-by-side shows a night-and-day difference. In my mind, this kind of adds to the show’s charm and allows you to watch the series grow and mature over time.
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When I say that the series matures, I mean it. While I love Oshii’s style and appreciate his direction in the first two seasons (and second movie), I must admit that I found seasons 3 and 4 to be far superior. Season 4 was actually my favorite, but both of these later seasons really ramped things up. For one, the character development (for everyone but Ataru) is noticeably better. Characters like Shinobu, Mendou, Ryunosuke, and even Megane are a lot more fleshed out than before. Shinobu in particular receives her own little story arc involving a fox, which is a nice change of pace since the focus is mainly on Ataru and Lum. I would also argue that the various scenarios laid out in each episode tend to be more interesting in these seasons. If anything, I’d say the fact that the series continues to improve with each subsequent season is reason enough to keep watching.
Rumiko Takahashi is arguably best known for creating Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2, but her first venture into creating manga continues to stand on its own two feet today. Urusei Yatsura remains just as enjoyable now as it was 37+ years ago. As one of the earliest examples of a magical-girlfriend anime, it tries to be so many different things at once and does a fantastic job with all of them. There are a plethora of comedic moments, a generous sprinkle of romantic ones, and a perfect dash of serious ones that help each episode stand on its own. Because of this, the viewing order really doesn’t matter after season 1 since all the major characters have been introduced by then. If you’ve never seen the anime or read the manga, I’d highly suggest doing one or both. Unfortunately, there are currently no paid streaming services that allow you to watch the anime. Having said that, with VIZ releasing new deluxe editions of the manga this year, perhaps we may see the anime get re-licensed and made available for streaming as well.
Anime of the Past: Urusei Yatsura With VIZ Media reintroducing the Urusei Yatsura manga series into circulation this February, what better time than now to revisit the accompanying anime series?
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vinodiriso · 6 years
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FULL NAME ヨシノ, Yoshino. Her maiden name is ユキノハナ, Yukinohana from the tribe she was born in, then after she married she took her husband's surname: 奈良, Nara. NICKNAME(S) Shishi, only for the one closest to her. ALIAS(ES) Other Konoha clan heads call her "Kage no Mibojin", the shadow widow. Back when she was part of the short-range attack squadron, people would address her as "swordsgirl". When she became Shikaku's second in command, comrades teased her by "Ni" nickname. TITLE Temporary head of the almighty Nara Clan from Konoha. AGE Fourty-one (41). DATE OF BIRTH 23/02. ORIGINS From Land of Fire, not Konohanian. ORIENTATION Repressed bisexual, acts like a heterosexual but when younger she was in love with a girl. GENDER & PRONOUNS Female, she. RELIGION Pantheist.
FACE CLAIM Otsu from "Vagabond" manga series by Takehiko Inoue / RL faceclaim: Keiko Kitagawa. HEIGHT 153 cms. WEIGHT 43 kgs. She is a little underweight because of her genetic disease. EYE COLOUR A shade between hazelnut and milk chocolate. HAIR COLOUR + STYLE Dark brown, mid-spine lenght. She usually ties it up in a bun with a white silk ribbon. DOMINANT HAND Born left-handed, she trained to become ambidextrous. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES She is pretty plain-looking, according to her. Men acknowledge she is a fierce woman but delicate in her features. Her stature may be considered atypical. ACCENT + INTENSITY A slight, faint Chinese accent she has slowly lost during the years. Sometimes it comes back when she is distracted. TATTOO(S) A snowdrop. It starts from her left heel and ends on her ankle. SCAR(S) Many scattered across her body. The most relevant are the ones on her legs (signs of the torture she received at the age of 18), and one that runs all over her spine. ANY DISEASE(S)? She has been diagnosed with a rare genetic mutation known as chakra virus. It prevents her from using chakra in combat and affects her physically, making her weak and fleeble. Click here to learn more about it.
JUNG TYPE INFJ MORAL ALIGNMENT Chaotic good. Used to be chaotic neutral. TEMPERAMENT Hard on the outside, may seem distant and cold, aggressive when being attacked, fierce and fiery. Hides a softness that she had to kill when she was a child because of her life as a kunoichi. ANGER Could be either flaming hot or freezing cold, it really depends on what triggers her fury. One thing is assured: none would like her angry. APPROACHABILITY She is usually guarded and extremely wary, tries to be detached enough to see the whole picture instead of analyzing the details. INTELLIGENCE TYPE Matemathical intelligence paired with strategical inclinations. That won her the place of second in command in Konoha’s High Quarter. IQ~ 99, it has raised to 103 in recent years. DETERIORATION The desire to be loved (deteriorates into the desire to be needed). NEURODIVERGENCE(S) Besides PTSD and fear of abandonment, none recognizable. AT RISK Will develop Alzeheimer’s disease in later years, which will make her suicidal tendencies emerge.
HOMETOWN Yukinohana Shokumin, a small village at Land of Fire borders. CURRENT RESIDENCE Konoha. LEVEL OF EDUCATION High, acquired bits by bits. LANGUAGE(S) SVLS (Standard Villagers Language System) [Japanese] and her tribe’s language [Mandarin Chinese]. She understands some Land of Fire dialects, but she cannot speak them. SOCIAL CLASS Upper PARENTS Yukinohana Xuanyuan, later known as ‘Kenshin’, and Kokuyoseki Chihana, who became Iwagakure no Chihana after her enslavement. RELATIONSHIP STATUS Widow of Shikaku Nara. SIBLING(S) One older sister, Yukinohana Ainai. CHILD(REN) One son, Nara Shikamaru. ADOPTED? Adopted by her aunt, Yukinohana Nuwa, and her husband, Ikeda Akio, at the age of 10.
SMOKES? No. DRINKS? Yes, but not as much to consider it an addiction. She usually drinks sake or hon mirin. DRUGS? No. VIOLENT? She has been a very violent teenager and is still now a somewhat verbally aggressive adult, although she tries to keep calm as much as possible. ADDICTION(S)? Aside from sweets, she is training-dependent. She couldn't stay a day without working out. SELF-DESTRUCTIVE? Yes. She has buried suicidal tendencies that will eventually lead her to her death at an advanced age. HABIT(S) Waking up very early, drinking tea, cleaning the compound, checking on her clansmen, taking care of her son in any way she is allowed to. HOBBIES Training, reading, cloud watching, deer tending, swords collecting, shakuhachi playing. LIKES Nature, long walks, maths, snow and rain. DISLIKES Loudness, irrespectful people, excessive heat, clicking sounds. FEARS/PHOBIAS Heights, health problems that could prevent her from being the person she is, Shikamaru inheriting her genetic mutation, her torturer. TIC(S) Lip biting, inspecting fingernails, foot and finger tapping, twirling hair, cracking knuckles, finger pointing, hands on hips, jaw-clenching, eye-rolling, head-tilting, humming, fidgeting. OBSESSION(S) Perfect mental and body health. COMPULSION(S) Protecting the ones she cares for or that cannot protect themselves.
RANK Chuunin (before retiring). NINJUTSU 1 TAIJUTSU 4 GENJUTSU 1 INTELLIGENCE 4 STRENGHT 4 SPEED 5 STAMINA 3 HAND SEALS 1 TOTAL 23 DESCRIPTION Yoshino was trained since childhood as a mano-a-mano fighter, because of her lack of chakra due to genetic mutation affecting her. Her taijutsu and swordsmanship are connected to Yukinohana Kazoku's fighting style, whose name is Petal Bonecrusher. In battle, she uses the Twin Dao Swords, which are inheritance of her ancestress Yingtao Yukinohana, better known as The Two-Sworded Priestess of Cherry Flower Demon. She can handle nearly every kind of swords, western types or eastern ones that be, but her all-time-favorites are dao's in first place, then katana's. The thing that really distinguish her from other ninja's though is her ungodly thinking rate, which allows her to recreate all the possible scenarios of a fight inside her head and naturally decide what move is the best, through mathematical calculations. When she needs to focus, she makes a seal with her hands: she unites all ten fingertips to form an upward-facing triangle.
HOUSE Ravenclaw. See Hogwarts verse. ARCHETYPE The Survivor. ZODIAC Pisces. VICE Wrath. VIRTUE Charity. ELEMENT Fire ANIMAL A feline.
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thedemonlady · 6 years
ORIENT 02 RAW (Part 1)
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Here is the first part of the new chapter, enjoy it! :D 
 Visit the tumblr of @itsdanystormborn​ to read the translation of this chapter! :3
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multiversitycomics · 6 years
This Week in Shonen Jump: September 10, 2018
Matt and Rowan check in with Blue Exorcist and the Promised Neverland.
Welcome to This Week in Shonen Jump, in which a rotating duo of Multiversity staffers take a look at two stories contained in each installment of Viz Media’s Weekly Shonen Jump. For the uninitiated, Weekly Shonen Jumpis an anthology that delivers more than 200 pages of manga of all varieties. We hope that…
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angel-tears1004 · 3 years
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I posted 1,339 times in 2021
76 posts created (6%)
1263 posts reblogged (94%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 16.6 posts.
I added 418 tags in 2021
#manga - 59 posts
#b/w - 56 posts
#manga aesthetic - 55 posts
#black and white - 55 posts
#bnha - 44 posts
#my hero academia - 41 posts
#mha - 41 posts
#boku no hero academia - 39 posts
#manga boy - 14 posts
#deku - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 109 characters
#i almost got robbed once and while i avoided it while it happened i was unable to scream for help or anything
My Top Posts in 2021
I never heard of Q-force until yesterday when I accidentally found it on Netflix, flashforward to today and I already finished it and I'm soooo hoping it gets a S2 cuz it's great! I can't believe people are hating on it.
Not only is it super diverse with the body types, orientations (and their portrayal) and funny af but it's not anti-women and they show dicks! I've literally never seen that being done and that's a huge deal to me cuz every fucking piece of media is always showing half naked women (who sometimes are minors on the show) in a super sexualizing and gross way but the dicks and male nudity is always 0. I'm not saying dudes should get the sexualization treatment and the cool thing is the show doesn't do that either, they simply don't shy away from it.
Shout out to that scene where Deb just takes her fucking shirt off and everyone is just chill about it, I wish real life were more like that to those who enjoy walking around with their titties out.
25 notes • Posted 2021-10-10 02:27:14 GMT
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29 notes • Posted 2021-05-16 05:22:44 GMT
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29 notes • Posted 2021-07-19 06:36:20 GMT
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72 notes • Posted 2021-10-31 06:04:52 GMT
[RANT] Why do the few sub!shoto fics that exist always portray him like a dumb 5y/o who just discovered he has a dick? They always write him all "why is my pee-pee hard?" Like bitch, yes he had a different, more sheltered childhood but he's from like a rich family so he probably went to private school and shit, not only that but he's also mad smart and he's fucking 15 (and older in the fics).
Being a virgin/inexperienced does not equal being a TOTAL clueless moron
74 notes • Posted 2021-07-23 06:13:34 GMT
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afkmanga · 3 years
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『 Nouveautés Manga 』 ๑ Alice In Borderland Retry T.01 ๑ Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Jojolion T.22 ๑ Blue Lock T.05 ๑ Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun T.05 ๑ Orient Samurai Quest T.11 ๑ Quintessential Quintuplets T.12 ๑ Magic Knight Rayearth T.06 ๑ Drifting Dragons T.10 ๑ Karate Heat T.03 ๑ Yûna De La Pension Yuragi T.23 ๑ I'm Standing On Million Lives T.03 ๑ Blue Exorcist T.27 ๑ Rinne T.33 ๑ Insomniaques T.03 ๑ The Elf & The Hunter T.03 ๑ Jeune Dragon Recherche Appartement ou Donjon T.06 ๑ Promesses En Rose T.04 ๑ Ookami Rise T.02 ๑ 20Th Century Boys T.10 ๑ La Reine Des Neiges II 《 Alice In Borderland Retry 》 Alice, aujourd’hui adulte et marié, attend son premier enfant avec Yuzuha. Alors qu’il se rend dans un temple, il est de retour dans le Borderland suite à un accident. Il doit, à nouveau, participer à des jeux pour gagner des jours de vie. Dès la première épreuve, Alice se retrouve avec cinq personnes étranges et un mystérieux cadavre. Disponible dans votre Librairie ⛩ @afkmanga ⛩ @delcourttonkam @pika_edition @kazefrance @editions_soleil_manga @paninimangafrance @editions.nobinobi #afkmanga #manga #anime #librairie #librairiemanga #mangastagram #mangaaddict #mangabook #mangalover #instamanga #instalibrary #japan #shonen #shojo #seinen #josei #WeLoveManga #aliceinborderland #jojolion #jojosbizarreadventure #bluelock #toiletboundhanakokun #hanakokun #thequintessentialquintuplets #orientsamuraiquest #blueexorcist #20thcenturyboys (à AFK Manga) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWqC5-2s_Wt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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