#Osamu myia
lacharcutiere · 3 years
Can I request some sad angst please? 😞Headcancons or scenario - up to you! Kuroo and osamu wanting to get back with their ex because they realised breaking up was a bad decision. Unfortunately their ex has already moved on/don’t have the heart to be in a relationship with them anymore 😞
i know, i know that she hates me
[kuroo tetsurō, miya osamu]
hellooo anon i’m so sorry this ask is from forever ago so i hope u find this:,,,) but here u go !! in some sick way i enjoyed writing this whoops
sfw, angst // scumbag - goody grace & blink-182
haikyū!! masterlist
kuroo tetsurō [is typing]
Can we talk?
it’s been almost two months since he last heard from you, and tetsu knows he’s waited far too long. but, then again, he wasn’t waiting to reach out to you—he was waiting for that ache in the pit of his stomach to finally subside, to meet someone else, to be okay on his own again. it didn’t work out the way he hoped it would, and now, on the verge of forgetting the sound of your voice, he can’t take it anymore.
it takes a whole day to even get a response. he knows he can’t blame you—it’s his fault he’s where he is in the first place.
what about
two words, nineteen hours. it’s taken nineteen hours to get two words out of you, and his pride is too shattered to care about how excited he is to have gotten those two words. nineteen hours; he’s had trouble sleeping the past couple weeks. he’s had trouble sleeping since he started thinking about whether your bed is still empty, too.
us? Please
two more words; they take him seven minutes to decide on. he doesn’t even know how to answer you. or he does, he wants to talk about being with you again, he wants to talk about having you back at his side, even just for a night, but he doesn’t want you to think… he doesn’t even know. so instead, he keeps it simple.
it’s been months
his breath catches for a moment as he sees you typing out another string of words, hoping that you mean it’s been months, i’ve missed u or it’s been months and u think a text is enough? cal me or it’s been months, i kinda miss ur face.
instead he gets,
what’s left to talk abt now?
there’s no pride left for him to swallow, you were—you are—his pride. you are literally his pride and joy; there’s been none of that since he realized, like, really realized you were gone. there’s no pride left for him to swallow and so he doesn’t hesitate—doesn’t even think—before typing,
I miss you so much.
and hitting send.
so then what do u want?
To see you?
i know u
u change for like a week n then it will go back to how it always was
and you’ll be the one w the audacity to think i’m the problem again. its not worth it
tetsu holds his breath.
Do you miss me?
and your response brings him damn near tears.
yes, but that doesn’t make it worth it.
and then he sees you’re still typing.
god, he misses you calling him that. what comes next pushes him over the edge.
i love u
but we’re better off like this
a tear drips onto his phone screen as he types,
Can we at least be friends now?
tetsu, u know urself. and u know me
we’d never be able to just be friends.
he wonders how something could be so comforting and yet so painful to hear all at the same time.
miya osamu
looking back, samu doesn't know why he always used to pick fights with you. and he doesn't know what sort of fucked up thought process led him to using the fights that he started as justification to leave you. he doesn't understand how he could possibly have had eyes for anyone else while you were right in front of him—he'd never cheated, no, but god, did he revel in your jealousy.
and where had that gotten him? nowhere, evidently, but a lonely apartment downtown that never feels like home, no matter how long he's lived there.
it hurts him even more to know that it was you, the one without blame, who had called just days after he left, asking him to please just tell me what's wrong, just talk to me, samu. and all he'd given was some vague, half-assed response, and then he'd said nothing until you'd finally given up and ended the call.
she wanted me, he thinks downing the remnants of a can of beer, the untouched bowl of pork and rice in front of him too cold now to be appetizing anymore. she still wanted me; now, for maybe the first time, he understands how much that really meant. she gave up, and now it's just me.
it's just him; tsumu's never around much, always moving from one place to another with the team, and as much as samu loves to lose himself in his work, there's no human connection there. and anyway, it's not as fun without someone to come home to every night.
he reaches for his phone, ready to type a text out to you, until he opens his messages to find the last thing you sent him, now nearly three months ago.
can't we j figure something out ?
i don't think so
you hadn't responded to that. she gave up. but then it dawns on him, painfully, but i gave up on her first.
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pixelwisp · 3 years
Itadakimasu!! | Part 12: Macarons Are Advanced Wizardry
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A/N - finally caught up!! <3333 now bear with me while I finally work on chapter 13!! 
Taglist - 
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If you would like to be in the taglist, please feel free to reach out!! <3
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natriae · 2 years
“i’d rather have suna leak the worst photo he has of me”
Sakusa x reader
a/n: i had the idea and i need to get it out. I dont write so this is probably shit. I also haven’t proof read.
warnings: swearing, miyas being evil, skinny dipping
also tall y/n i guess, female y/n, described as European but doesn’t mean “white”
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“who’d have thought we’d all be together like a big family,” atsumu said as he looked around the group. The large fire between us roared, lighting up my face. Komori let out a small giggle till suna voice rang through.
“atsumu shut the hell up” Suna and Osamu came hiking up the hill from the lake. The cabins far out of sight leaving us to do whatever shenanigans we-atsumu- pleased.
Osamu’s large stature came to sit down next to me, s’mores supplies in hand, and a grin that i will never get used too. Knowing the miya’s since middle school is a blessing and a curse. A blessing that Atsumu introduced me to Sakusa Kiyoomi, and obviously my best friend's ,miya Osamu, wonderful food. Although if i didn’t love them so much the cons might have outweighed the pros. Through them i met suna. Only god knows how many terrible photos he has of me. Both of them use me as their fake girlfriend leading to many many uncomfortable rumors back in highschool. And lastly, both of them know about my “crush”, is it still called that when you’re 23, on Kiyoomi, and as you can guess they tease me everyday about it. Immediately I was able to guess what Osamu was going to say the minute he sat down with that ruthless grin on his face. “aww you’re little Omi-Omi can stop starting at you,”
“Osamu shut up what if he hears you,” I responded through gritted teeth. Blush engulfed my face which thank god i could blame it on the fire. Trying the change the conversation i bugged Atsumu if he came up with any games. Both ex-inarizaki and ex-itachiyama teams were here to celebrate everyone’s progress as adults. How did Atsumu get everyone together? I’ll never know. Clearly not everyone was here, like Ren and Aran were to busy, and shockingly the only ones of the itchiyama team still in contact was Kiyoomi, Komori, and Iizuna.
“yes as a matter of fact i did, TRUTH OR DARE,” boos could be heard around the fire. I glanced at Kiyoomi to see what he was thinking, but his face stayed the same. He seemed zoned out looking at the fire. How can someone be that handsome after all these years. ‘that haircut really made him even sexier’ i thought. “welp to bad were playing.” Atsumu’s words cut me out of my very very lovely daydream. “okay so were going to go around the circle starting with komori then Iizuna, suna, osamu, y/n, and then omi-omi. I’ll go last,”
“no fucking way piss head. Why do you go last,” suna snapped back.
“ because i picked the game e-boy. The dares and truths you skip will be tallied up. The two losers have to go skinny dipping in the lake,” camping with a man i thought could end up being an arsonist( *cough cough*suna) and kiyoomi next to me you would’ve thought it would be harder for me to develop more anxiety. But nope once again Miya Atsumu found a way to test my limit. The man who knows every dark secret is leading truth or dare. Either way i played this it will end up with me embarrassing myself in front of kiyoomi. “okay tiny man truth or dare,” Atsumu started the game.
Several uncomfortable dares and unusual truths later we found ourselves with a weak fire, and two mischievous myias giggling to one another. During the game i had wimped out and skipped most of my turns, because i realized maybe skinny dipping in front of the guy i liked wouldn’t be as bad as telling him i liked him…in front of all our friends when he hasn’t said a single word tonight. Osamu at some point left my side to go whisper something to his brother, and the stayed there. I should have known how this would have end up, but nope i had to be hopeful. Atsumu started speaking in a ridiculous announcer voice letting us know who won, “with Suna not backing out of a challenge for 7 straight rounds he is the champion!!..and sadly our poor y/n’s 4 skips put her in 2nd to last place meaning she will have to jump into that her lake over there,” while pointing over to the lake a little too excitedly, “wwwwwiiiithhhhh our very own Sakusa kiyoomi who skipped every single one of his turns because he would not respond. Is that right Mr. Miya”
“you are correct Mr.Miya,” Osamu responded in the exact same annoying voice. “chop chop little ones we don’t have all night,” Sakusa looked at me with pleading eyes as he stood up from the ground. Although i was pretty tall for a female, standing at 5”10(177cm), sakusa with out a doubt stood over me like a giant… i’d be lying to say i didn’t love it. Especially living in japan. We slowly made our way to the small ragged dock that lead deeper into the lake.
“go on strip,” Atsumu suddenly appeared behind us with his thumbs up and the widest smile gracing his features. I turned my head and glared at him. ‘i’ll get back at you,’ i thought to myself. Atsumu had a crush on Aran’s cousin from America. Her beautiful curly hair that she often styled in box braids made Atsumu go feral. I have too many stories, but thats for another time. Right now i have to worry about getting naked in front of sakusa…and i guess the camerA SUNA HAD OUT.
“sorry bestie,” Suna responded putting the camera way. Atsumu was now by his side with everyone else. When i turned back around i saw sakusa grasping his shirt not quite moving it up to take it off yet. He just stood there with it in his fist.
“are you okay sakusa? you know we don’t have to do this,” i told him to help easy his nerves.
“i’m fine just waiting for them to leave I know they’ll get bored of us just standing here,” and although that wasn’t completely a lie he’d told me he was right. With in moments the young men got bored, and quietly trailed back to their respected cabins. With in moments Kiyoomi had pulled his shirt off about to untie his athletic shorts to take them off. Whoa whoa whoa- I knew Kiyoomi was blunt. but i was not prepared for this.
“oh we’re actually doing this…okay,” i pushed out mainly to myself. I turned the other way now back to back with Kiyoomi and began stripping.
“it would be to awkward of we just stood here. Waiting for someone to start. As much as I didn’t want it to be me it seemed like it had to be,” I felt Kiyoomi walk closer to the edge of the dock about to jump in. I was to nervous to turn around because 1) he was naked and 2) I was now naked and what if he was looking at me… i mean i want him to but- ugh whatever it’s to much to be worrying about that. I jumped in quickly before my mind could run anymore laps. It seemed that Kiyoomi had already gone since when i came up I saw his head above the water looking at mine. “i’m sorry you had to do this,”
“Kiyoomi it’s okay i knew it was punishment. Plus at least i’m doing it with you,” why did i say that.
“yeah but I’m sure you're mad Osamu left you with me,”
“what why would i care if he left,”
“well i mean you’re dating. I feel like i’d be pissed if my girlfriend left me,Let alone naked, with another guy. Well i mean you guess have been together since highschool i’m sure he trusts you,” Kiyoomi rambled out not looking at me in the eye.
“ wait wait wait, first Osamu and I are not dating. I’d rather have Suna leak the worst photo he has of me then be caught dating a miya-Who told you that,” God he’s thought this since highschool. What how? Why? shit.
“oh… i just thought since you guys are so close,” he turned towards the vast lake the moon shone upon. “i remember seeing you guys at nationals. I mean I didn’t know you then, but i wanted too. You were always so close to him and called him ‘Samu , and I to this day have never heard of either one of you dating, so i just assumed. I'm sorry," Kiyoomi responded to my out burst. 'but i wanted too', 'but i wanted too' holy shit did i hear that right. Now i may be over dramatic or Osamu's words really are getting to be, but did Kiyoomi just admit that 16 year old him-super cute, quiet, pro volleyball player-want to know, 15 year old me, the annoying, European transfer student with braces, that definitely stood out in japan, BEFORE I KNEW HIM. okay maybe its just late, and i’m hearing things.
“Oh…well i’m not dating anyone, and Osamu has a crush on this customer- it’s a long story- but did you really want to get to know me back then,” ‘please say yes please’.
“yeah, I thought you we’re beautiful… not saying you aren’t anymore. You still are, even more beautiful- shit um,” he sighed and paused, “i’m just gonna be honest we’ve already gotten this far. I like you, and i have for years, and i was really jealous when i saw osamu whisper in your ear earlier,” he quietly chucked at that. ‘please do it again’ I thought.
“i don’t know what to say. I’ve liked you too. I don’t even know how long.” we smiled at each other. Excited to see what the future held for us.
idk how to end this im sorry
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wonderwomanfantasy · 3 years
Stress relief
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mind your bisnuess I’m working through some shit 
Atsumu x reader
warnings: smut, just- so much smut, Oral, car sex, fingering, Daddy kink, degradation, marking, ass play, dirty talk,Brat taming, slut shaming AND virgin shaming (we got it all folks), hair pulling, cum play, creampie, breading kink, drinking/ Drunk sex, angst annnnnd swearing. 
word count: 4,800 (about) (yes really get off my back)
summary: Atsumu is a dick, but he’s got a good dick at least you have no idea how mad I am I’ve already used the title Enemy with Benifits. 
“Are- Are you fucking kidding me?” you asked, Atsumu just shrugged. 
“No, I’m not fucking kidding you what’s your deal?” he said casually. You took a deep breath. You had been trying to work on your anger issues, Not blowing up on people over nothing. But this really felt like something worth blowing up over. 
“Myia, be honest with me, do you think I’m stupid?” you asked. He smirked.
“I think you’re a lot of things babe-” you stood up getting in his face jabbing your finger in his chest cutting off his no doubt horrendous flirting. 
“You fucking ripped off you’re entire part of the project! How the fuck did you think no one would notice?” you shouted. You had known this was going to be a train wreck the moment Atsumu was assigned as your partner. He was such a fucking moron, he’d only gotten into this College because of his sports scholarship. You would have been better working on your own.
“I cited the article I copied, what's the deal?” he snapped, the volume of your voice irking him. 
“That’s not how this fucking works you can’t just hit copy-paste and call it a day the point is you come up with your own ideas, although in your defense I’m not sure you’re brain could manage something like that,” you shouted. He sneared. 
“I’ll rewrite it just stop being a bitch alright?” he scoffed, turning to leave your dorm room. You wanted to hit him, how dare he call you a bitch when you were just looking out for his dumb ass. Even high schoolers knew you’d be expelled for plagiarising. Once Atsumu left you slumped back in your seat looking at the presentation open on your laptop. You were already so busy but somehow you’d have to find enough time to do half of the project unless you wanted to fail that was.
“Hey, you’re working with (y/n) on your project right?” Osamu asked, setting his volleyball up in the air over and over again. 
“Yeah, they totally blew up on me today so now I gotta redo the whole thing,” Atsumu sighed 
“They’re hot though,” his brother said. Atsumu smiled to himself, remembering your angry face as you chewed him out.
“Really hot,” he agreed. 
“Are you gonna fuck them?” 
“Of course, they might an asshole but they want me,”
“Hey (y/n),” you looked up at the sound of your name only to groan seeing Atsumu run towards you. He had clearly just come from practice, he was still in his jersey. Fucking jocks. 
He probably thought he looked hot, with a light sheen of sweat that made his skin glow and tousled hair. He did look hot, it made you want to kick his shins. 
“If you aren’t going to tell me that you finished your half of the presentation I don’t want to hear it,” you snapped.
“Well then you aren’t going to be happy then but there’s a game this weekend, you should come, cheer for me,” he said winking. You rolled your eyes. 
“I was already planning on going, but you’re nuts if you think I’m gonna cheer for you,” you snapped, still a little heated about your last encounter with him. 
“And why not?” he asked, smirking, it pissed you off. You just knew he thought he looked so cute smiling at you like that. 
“I cheer for winners,”
You and Atsumu were at each other’s throats for the rest of the year. Atsumu Gave up on his plan to sleep with you and you gave up on your anger management, at least around him. If other people were in this situation they might stay away from their sworn enemy, but not you two. 
You made it to every volleyball game just to tell Osamu how great he did and how handsome he was looking today. Atsumu sat next to you in every class you shared talking your ear off making sure that you didn’t learn a damn thing. 
It was annoying as hell, you wanted to strangle him, but it was nice in a kind of way. If you were stressed or pissed off you could drag Atsumu as a little fun. And even if nothing else in your life was going right. You could always count on this blonde dick to be the worst to you. 
“Damn we had the exterminator here last week but there’s a roach right here,” Atsumu sneered over the thumping music at the party. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. 
“You need to look up more insults you’ve already used that one,” you barked back, normally seeing Atsumu would be enough to dampen your mood but the booze must have been doing its job because you still felt all light and buzzed. 
“Beer?” he asked, holding up a bottle for you, ever the gracious host. 
“I’m good,” you said holding up the can of seltzer you’d been drinking out of it was fruity and only had a little bite to it, you were already on your third one. 
“Right I forgot that a baby like you couldn’t handle the taste of beer,” he scoffed, he was closer now, towering over you and pressing one of his forearms to the wall by your head as he leaned over you, shielding you from the rest of the party. You never realized before how big he was. Tall and wide. Muscular too, it was no wonder half the people at the Volleyball games creamed themselves just seeing him. 
“You’re such a dick, why do you always have to be so mean?” you asked before even realizing the words that you’d spoken.
“You aren’t exactly nice either princess, besides that’s how this works, that’s our dynamic,” he said. He must be pretty drunk too. Nothing he was saying was making any sense. 
“Still, how do you expect anyone to put up with you when you’re such a douche bag all the time?” you said the anger you associated with Atsumu finally setting in. 
“If it works it works, I mean you’re obsessed with me,” he said. You gagged and shoved his chest, he didn’t move, god how strong was he?
“Fuck off I hate you, why would I be obsessed with you? God you think that the world fucking revolves around you. How could any-”
His lips met yours effectively shutting you up. His hand came up cupping the back of your head and you couldn’t help but melt into the kiss, pressing your body against his and dropping your drink so your hands would be free to rake through his hair. You weren’t nice about the kiss either, your teeth gnashed against his when he tried to push his tongue into your mouth. You bit his lower lip and tugged at his hair, moaning against his mouth when he did the same to you. 
He broke away breathlessly, still holding you close to his body while you caught your breath. He was so pretty his cheeks flushed his lips wet and glossy. God, you wanted to kiss him again, even if he tasted like beer and he had been right in his assessment that you weren’t a big fan of the taste. 
“Good to know theirs one way to shut you the fuck up,” he teased. You groaned in frustration pulling him back down into another kiss. This one was just as passionate and fierce as the first. He pushed you against the wall and pulled up one of your legs and forced it around his waist so he could grind against you. You shuddered feeling him rut the seam of your jeans against your clit. 
“Woulda fucked you a lot sooner if i'd known you made such pretty noises when you were touched,” he muttered reaching up and palming your breast through your shirt. Atsumu started kissing, or maybe biting was a better word. The top part of your neck even pays some attention to your jaw and earlobe while he humped and groped you. 
“I knew you were a pervert but I never knew you were filthy enough to fuck me out in the open like this,” you gasped, tugging at his hair. You could feel your panties get sticky with your arousal and you wanted him to take you out of here and fuck you already. 
“You’re gonna let me fuck you?” he asked, pulling back so he could look at you and smirk. You smiled back, the fight wasn’t out of you yet. 
“Why would I do that? I’d rather sleep with someone who could make me cum,” you spat and his grin quickly fell, there was a competitive fire in his eyes that you normally only saw when he was playing.
“Oh Daddy’s gonna make you cum you fucking brat, I’ll make you squirt, you’re gonna cry with how good my dick feels,” he growled in a low voice you’d never heard before and suddenly you were regretting your comment. 
“Daddy?” you snorted
Atsumu detangled himself from you and grabbed you by the wrist tugging you out of the frat house and to his car. You shook your head and broke free of his iron-clad grasp. 
“I know you’re stupid but this is a new low, both of us are way too drunk to drive,” you shouted. Atsumu just laughed at you, opening the back door to his car. 
“We aren’t driving dumbass now get in,” he said. You bit your lip and slid into the back seat shortly followed by Atsumu who locked the door behind him. 
The seat wasn’t large but it was big enough to move around in. He pressed you onto the leather upholstery, your legs bent and splayed out at an awkward angle to fit him between them. He went back to kissing you sloppily while his hands went to work taking off your shirt and bra. 
Your nipples hardened once the cold night air touched you. “Wanted to suck on your pretty tits for the longest time,” he groaned quickly lowering his head, sucking one of your nipples into his mouth while he fingered the other twisting and pinching it. You yelped when his teeth grazed over the bud. His eyes flicked up to yours and he let go of the spit-soaked nipple blowing on it lightly making you shiver. 
“How long has it been since you’ve been fucked huh? So many guys want to fuck this sweet little pussy but you’re too stuck up to let that happen.” he snears sucking the other nipple into his mouth. 
“Bet you’re still a fucking virgin,” he said speaking around your mouth. 
“ I a-am not,” you whined, you’d lost your virginity in high school, but you really hadn’t gotten fucked since then. 
“Oh listen to you whine you totally are,” he scoffed 
“No I’m Not!” you protested he let go of your nipple and kissed you again threading his fingers through your hair and pressing your face to his. 
“Shut up you fucking virgin,” he said sweetly, before pulling off his shirt, and before you could admire his chiseled chest he distracted you by biting your neck again. You pressed your hand to the center console to keep from slipping off with one hand and clinging to his shoulders with the other. 
Atsumu deftly unbuttoned your jeans and shoved his hands in your pants touching your through your soaked underwear. You felt him smirk against your neck but he didn’t make any remark about it. Good thing for him too because you could feel his hard prick pressing up against your thigh and you were ready to drag him for it if he commented on your own arousal. 
God, you could feel his cock. It was big, heavy, and hard, pressed against your leg. You wanted to see it, touch it, feel it inside of you. He’d pushed your panties to the side now so he could push his large fingers inside brushing against your velvet walls. 
“A-Atsumu,” you said, pitching your leg up to rub against his dick.  “I want to suck your cock,” you whimpered. You felt him twitch. 
“Here I thought you were a virgin but you’re just a slutty whore aren't cha?” he growled against your neck picking your hips up and yanking your pants down your legs leaving them pooled around your ankles leaving you to kick your jeans off completely. You felt a little stupid naked except for your shoes but Atsumu quickly distracted you by folding you in half pressing your knees to your chest and leaving your pussy completely exposed. 
“I’ll fuck your throat later, right now I gotta make you cum remember?” he said playing his hands over your thighs keeping g you folded before lowering his head and diving into your folds like a man starved. 
Just like he kissed you, he was mean about it, sucking so harshly that you cried out and spanking your cunt just to make you jump. The only time he pulled back was to spit on your asshole lubing it up enough to slip a finger inside. 
“Sumu please,” you cried out as he filled you with his tongue pressing against your G-spot over and over again while he pinched your clit. You weren’t even sure what you were begging for. He just hummed in acknowledgment, whatever you were begging for he wasn’t going to have it. 
“Daddy,” you pleaded, finally caving. Atsumu smiled to himself. He wasn’t nice but he did reward good behavior. 
He switched it up sucking your clit into your mouth and plunging the fingers of his clean hand, the one that hadn’t just been your ass, inside of you curling up and pressing against your g-pot over and over again until you came screaming so loud that you were sure people back at the house could hear you. 
“See didn’t that feel good slut?” he cooed condescendingly. There was a pool of cum beneath you soaking into the leather seats. Good thing this was Osamus’s car. Now all he had to do was make you cry. 
“I-I’m not a slut,” you whined. 
“Oh? Which is it? Are you not a virgin or are you not a slut?” he asked, squeezing your cheeks. You didn’t know how to respond. 
“Well I think you’re a slut, Daddy’s little slut,” he snapped. 
There was a dark stain of precum staining his jeans where the head of his cock was leaking he quickly shoved down his pants and boxers before sitting down and pulling you into his lap. You hovered above him as he pumped his cock in his hand running the head of his cock through your soaked folds and bumping your clit. 
“You’re gonna be a good whore and ride Daddy’s cock right?” he asked, lining the head of his dick up with your entrance. You bit your lip and nodded, shakily lowering yourself down on him. Atsumu hissed feeling your tight heat wrap around him. 
You gripped his shoulders feeling how well he filled you up, the tip pressing against your cervix. You took a minute to adjust before lifting yourself up on your knees and started to fuck yourself onto him. 
Atsumu brought you close and kissed you again, one of his hands slipping between your bodies to stroke your clit while you bounced up and down on his cock.  You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth as he touched you. He filled you up so well, you had teased him about not being able to get you off but even you couldn’t deny how good it felt to have him so deep inside of you. 
“You feel that baby? You feel Daddy pressing up against your Cervix, I’m going to blow my fat load right into your slutty little womb,” he snarled his hips snapping up to meet yours. You whined, throwing your head back in pleasure, almost hitting your head on the headrest. 
“Gonna knock you up, gonna stuff this slutty pussy with cum,” he growled, he was talking more to himself but you couldn’t help but shudder at his words. You were on birth control but you desperately wanted him to fill you up. 
“Are you gonna cum princess?” He asked, “I can feel your cunt squeezing my cock like that, you’re gonna cum.” He was right, you could feel a second orgasm welling up in your core as his cock pulsed inside of you. 
“Atsumu-Daddy, I’m gonna cum,” you moaned kissing him sloppily, your hips faltered when you came but Atsumu’s hands went to your hips moving your body for you as he chased his own high, true to his word he came deep inside of you filling you up and pressing his cock against your cervix. 
You collapsed against his chest gasping for breath. He ran his hand soothingly over your back. 
“You look tired, you wanna crash somewhere babe?” he asked. 
“We’re still too drunk to drive,” you murmured. 
“I have a buddy in the frat house, I’m sure he’ll let me steal his bed for the night, especially for a cutie like you,” he said. You pulled back to look at him.
“You had a bed here this whole time and you still made me fuck you in the car?” 
When you woke up your whole body hurt. Your head ached your eyes stung and your body was littered with bruises. You didn’t even want to check in with the lower half of your body. You groaned sitting up in bed clutching your head. Then you felt the bed beside you shift, you froze remembering how you’d ended last night. 
Atsumu cracked one eye open and his face split into a huge grin. “I had the best dream last night-” he teased you and moved to hit him but he caught your wrist and flipped you on your back pinning you to the bed. 
He hovered above you his breath hitting your face in soft puffs. You leaned up and kissed him, suddenly you were a mess of limbs and hands trying to tear each other’s clothes off while you kissed. You hissed as his fingers grazed the bite marks on your neck. 
“Go easy on me I’m still sore,” you complained. Atsumu smirked.
“Did I wreck you that badly baby?” he asked, teasingly grinding his morning wood on your leg. You shuddered. 
“Shut up and fuck me asshole,” you demand. He tugged off your underwear and hooked your legs over his shoulders. 
“As you wish your majesty,” he scoffed and slowly pushed two of his fingers into you
Your cunt ached and it hurt to feel his fingers prod you open, but soon the pain dissolved into pleasure as he continued to finger you. 
“Such a pretty wet little cunt, so wet and sticky for me,” he purred, “you like this slut? You like getting fingered first thing in the morning?” he asked. 
“Do you like humping my ass like a fucking dog first thing in the morning?” you spat back. He grunted and roughly jerked his finger up hitting your G-spot making you cry out your back arching off the bed. 
“That’s what I thought,” he scoffed before completely pulling his fingers out and sticking them into his mouth sucking on your juices. 
“I’m not gonna fuck you if you keep being mean,” he said shoving down his own clothes 
“Shut up, I bet I’m the only one you know who lets you get your dick wet,” you growled. He snapped into you in one swift motion. You cried out your nails digging into his shoulders. It hurt but the pain sent a rush of endorphins making you moan. 
“Really you think that I could fuck you like this without any practice dollface? Don’t forget you’re the virgin here,” he teased drawing his hips back before ramming back into you. This pace was much harsher than what you’d set last night. You were helpless, and entirely at his mercy, he had you folded in half, and you could only moan and scratch at his back. 
“Imna fill this cunt with cum, nothing better than emptying my balls in your warm cunt first thing in the morning,” he muttered to himself as he continued to fuck you. 
“Already?” you teased.
“Fuck off or I’ll fuck you until you pass out,” he threatened. 
“Hurry up and make me cum, I’ve got shit to do today,” you snapped. 
“God do you ever stop being a bitch?” he asked, pulling out of you and flipping you over, jerking your hips up and sliding back into you. you moaned feeling his cock hit new sweet spots. You arched your back pressing your hips to his and burying your face into the pillows. 
The bed creaked with the force of his thrusts, the headboard hitting the wall with a loud bang. Atsumu brought his hand down on your ass making you jump, it stung and you were reminded of his killer serves that you had seen so many times. 
“There, no more bitchy comebacks? Have you gone braindead on my cock?” he mocked spanking you again. 
“Daddy!” you pleaded. Your thighs trembling as wetness dripped down your legs. 
“Awe theirs my sweet little slut, ready to be good now?” 
“Y-yes,” you whined desperate to cum.  Atsumu grunted and finally went easy on you, rubbing your clit and easing into you in slow, deep thrusts until he felt your pussy cream around him. 
“There you go baby,” he said pulling out of you, his hard cock dripping in your juices. “You still want to suck on my cock?” he asked. You bit your lower lip, embarrassed at the memory. You shifted on the bed settling in between his legs taking the head of his cock into your mouth and wrapping your hands around the rest of his dick. 
You licked softly at the slit in the head picking up the bitter precum with your tongue.  You slowly took more of his cock in your mouth hollowing your cheeks out around him. His dick was just too big for you to fit completely into your mouth so you moved your hands up and down his shaft while you took as much of him as you could, swirling your tongue around the head. 
“You’re doing so well baby,” he moaned, smoothing your hair back from your face. “I didn’t think a virgin like you’d be so good,” he teased. You glared up at him as you continued to suck his dick but you resolved to bite him if he made a comment like that again. 
“I think I like you better like this you’re so pretty when you shut the- OW watch the teeth,” 
You could taste it as the precum dribbled out of his cock smearing over your tongue, you were getting used to the bitter taste and it wasn’t that bad. You pushed your head down pressing his cock to the back of your throat suppressing your gag reflex. 
“Fuck, baby just like that i’m going to cum down your thoat,” he groaned his hips stuttering upwards pushing his dick down your throat deaper making you choke. Atsumu didn’t care,he was moaning loudly as his hips spasmed up into your mouth. 
You choked when his semen flooded your mouth. “Fuuck,” he sighed, pulling out of your mouth. You sluptered trying to catch the mess that bubbled out of your mouth. 
“Ah, swallow what you can baby,” Atsumu said, whipping your chin with his thumb. You did as he asked, choking down what you could. He pushed you back on the bed kissing your neck, his lips running over your bruises, 
“I like you like this, we should fuck more often he teased,” you shoved his chest, but weakly, it was clearly just for show. You didn’t want to admit it but you agreed with him. 
You kept seeing Atsumu after that. He was a little nicer with you normally. Or at least, he saved his mean side for the bedroom and was a little sweeter to you. If you were a little more naive you might have even started to fall for him a little bit. 
That was the Chliche right? You start out hating someone but then after a few nights of passion you were in love?  Bullshit, it was all Bullshit. 
you knew Atsumu hadn’t changed, and he wasn’t exactly saving himself for you. You couldn’t count how many times you’d walked in on him making out with some random chick, you’d even walked in on him while he’d been balls deep in some other girl. 
That being said, you hadn’t changed either. you still had a temper like no other and were quick to snap, especially at Atsumu. You didn’t have many friends who put up with your bullshit so why would He even fall in love with you?
You shouldn’t be in love with him. He was an asshole, a heartless fuck boy. So why did you like him so much? why did it sting when you thought about how hopless your whole situation. 
It sucked, this whole thing was just awful. That being said, you still jumped at the chance to see him everytime he called, you really were hopless. 
“Where are we going?” you asked as Atsumu drove. You didn’t recognize this street and you knew you weren’t going to his place. 
“It’s a surprise,” he said. You scoffed and crossed your arms. He pulled into a parking lot and you were surprised to see you were at a park. 
“What are you going to fuck me on the slide?” you asked, following him out of the car and into the park. 
“I used to come here all the time when I was a kid, me and my brother would play here,” he said, ignoring you and walking to the swings, you followed. 
“And I still come here a lot, it’s a good place to think and it’s just a really special place for me,” he said sitting on the swing and gesturing for you to sit on his lap. 
You did, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. “I don’t like where this conversation is going,” you said furrowing your eyebrows. It was almost the middle of the night so it was dark but you could still see the dopey lovestruck look on his face. 
“Stumu, you’re not supposed to call me for stuff like this,” you said unwrapping your arms around his neck, you were going to get off his lap but he wrapped his arms around his waist keeping you there. 
The two of you had agreed only to call each other when you wanted sex, this mushy romantic shit was defently not sex. 
“You’re so pretty baby, let me be nice to you,” he said kissing you and you melted into him, just like every time he kissed you. 
“You’re never nice to me,” you protested. He reached under your shirt groping you. 
“Because you never let me,” he protested. 
“What’s with you?” you asked, grabbing his wrist and shoving him away from you. 
“I love you,” he said. You couldn’t deal with this right now, you got off his lap and started walking back to the car
“Take me home,” you demanded.  “I don’t want to talk about this,” you said. 
“(y/n)-” he said running in front of you stopping you. 
“Please, I know you hate this shit, but please can we talk,” he pleaded taking your hands in his, 
“You can’t just say shit like that Tsumu! We’re not supposed to love each other we’re supposed to fuck and get under eachother’s skin and fight that’s how this works!” you shouted.
Atsumu kissed your knuckles, seeming to ignore your yelling. 
“We didn’t used to fuck either, we used to just get under eachother’s skin,” he pointed out. He wrapped you in his arms. You pressed your face to his chest and you felt your cheeks get wet with tears. You hiccupped and sobbed,  trying to keep your emotions bottled up was hard.  
“I love you,” he said again.  You shoved him and whipped your face. 
“I don’t want to do this Atsumu, take me home,” you demanded. He deflated. 
“Okay baby, let's go home, I’ll be waiting, when you’re ready,” he said rubbing your shoulders and taking you back to his car. 
You drove in silence. You hated this. Yout hated him. Atsumu was a playboy, an idiot and an asshole who only cared about Volleyball. You just wanted to insult him and fuck him to blow off steam. You weren’t supposed to fall for him. You weren’t supposed to love his cocky smile and his stupid jokes. His stupid flirty remarks weren’t supposed to make you blush. 
“Baby?” he prompted you blinked and saw you were sitting in front of your dorm building. “Hey,” he purred, wiping the tears off your cheeks. You didn’t need him to tell you that he loved you, you could tell every time  he did something like this. You couldn’t help but lean into his touch. 
“I really wished we’d had sex tonight,” you whispered. He laughed. 
“fuck am I really that ireaistable doll?” he teased, pinching your cheek as he pulled away. 
“I do love you Atsumu, I just- I just don’t know what to do about it,” you admitted. Atsumu smiled lazily. 
you meant it too, you loved him so much. but it was impossible to get the image of the time you walked in on him sleeping with another girl out of your mind. Was that what it meant to be in a relationship with him? If so then you weren’t going to do it, you weren’t signing yourself up for that kind of heartbreak. Maybe you should just give up on him and block him. 
“Like I said. I’ll wait for you, and next time I promise we’ll have the best sex of your life-Not that’s a hard bar to clear you virigin,” he teased. You smiled and playfully hit him in the arm. You got out of his car and walked into your building as he drove away, and at least for tonight. That was enough. 
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lacharcutiere · 3 years
contains mild nsfw
miya osamu
aged up!miya osamu x fem!reader | contains some nsfw
quick samu brainrot for @lovely-skele-puns ❤️
haikyū!! masterlist
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he rly rly likes laying with his head between your thighs—tons of “dates” are just that, just chilling in bed watching tv or reading or whatever while he lays between your thighs & you absentmindedly play w his hair. he just. loves ur thighs. like how they’re so warm & ur skin is so soft, doesn’t matter if they’re thin or thicc, he likes squishing them in his hands n kissing them n all that. he is so so gentle w u in general. unless,,, u don’t want him to be. in which case omg he switches up on u so fast. super relentless in bed—he’s down for quickies too, but if he’s got time OH MY LORD he lives to see u cum all because of him. the sheer amount of satisfaction he gets from it is,,,, astronomical. he also just likes to see u a complete mess lmao and idc that this is on the nose but he has defo asked u to try foodplay before jfjsjdhshd he thoroughly enjoyed licking whipped cream off ur tiddies
back to fluffy tingz tho, he just,, rly likes domesticity ??? sum abt having you doing chores w him makes them almost,, enjoyable ?? and he lives for late night grocery runs bc it reminds him of when you guys were younger & more free to be spontaneous bc u had less responsibilities to worry abt back then. if u ask him if he’d go back in time given the choice, tho, he’d say no, because he’d never trade anything for all the years & experiences he’s gotten to spend with u since then :,)
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haikyū!! masterlist
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