buckeyenative01 · 2 years
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Holiday Junction at Union Terminal So, taking a trip down memory lane here: Cincinnati Gas & Electric (CG&E nee Cinergy nee Duke Energy) used to have a holiday train display in the lobby of its headquarters at Fourth and Main in Downtown Cincinnati. My family went almost every year when we lived in Cincinnati in the 1980s and 1990s. The display moved to Union Terminal in the 2010s and me, chasing nostalgia and being in Cincinnati during the holiday season, my grandma and I went to see the trains. My grandpa worked at CG&E from 1957 to 1987. #holidayjunction #trains #modeltrains #oscale #unionterminal #hallofjustice #artdeco #trainstation #rotunda #architecture #cincinnatimuseumcenter #cincinnatiunionterminal #cincinnati #cincinnatiohio #ohioproud #ohio #buckeyestate (at Cincinnati Museum Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmA79XsMkn5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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plutoswrath · 2 years
ᴀꜱᴛʀᴏ ᴍᴜꜱɪɴɢꜱ 2: ʟɪʟɪᴛʜ - ᴀɴᴄɪᴇɴᴛ, ᴡɪʟᴅ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ
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TW: themes of abuse, power dynamics, sociology, misogyny. Astrology + politics mixed, I'm leftist after all, if that's not your cup of tea, skip this one and save yourself the rage quit lol. Women/femme presenting is an all inclusive term in this post!
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So since a long time now I've been very intruiged by Lilith (mean, true, asteroid and waldemarth) but since we're most familiar with osculating Lilith and Black Moon Lilith, I will focus on these two specifically.
Keep in mind that there are multiple stories (even if it's just the tiny details that alter the story) and thus interpretations about Lilith, Lilith is also still very much unexplored in astrology.
But the stories of Lilith all do unite in the themes of demand, oppression, shame, morality, breaking free of limitations, isolation/ostracization, rage and autonomy. It’s about power dynamics, you and your raw self, all the desires and needs in relation to others/society. Lilith is described as dark and hidden because that’s exactly what we are taught to do with Lilith energy: hide it. Lilith is therefore often described as off putting, because nothing can be as uncomfortable as going against all reasoning and what you were told was ‘good’ and instead going by instinct and impulse. Lilith deals a lot with survivial. It can be both, a blessing in disguise or at times, a snake biting it’s own tail.
And before we dive deeper into Lilith, I want to say a few words on the practice of astrology, so you can get familiar with the way I use and practice it too:
Astrology is a tool to research our society/world and self, thus Lilith is a reflection of our societal circumstances and therefore you can't discuss Lilith without getting political and talking about misogyny/oppressive systems.
This does not (!) mean Lilith and its effects are limited to gender by any means, but because gender is a social construct, Lilith and it’s effects are influenced by the way we are socialized and by who we are politically. This is why people constantly find these weird power dynamics between men and women who share strong Lilith synastry in the first place.
Gender as we define it is not inherent in the stars and astrology, but our socialization will direct or at least set off the tone in which way certain astrological facts can develop potentially. This is why - very different to my usual approach - I do in fact want to highlight the performance and construct of gender in this take, because the themes of Lilith represent in the different roles and scripts that exist for men and women in our heteronormative society. It shows in the power dynamic that is created between those who are politically men and women or rather said those who are straying away from the script they we're ought to follow by those who hold more power over them. This is an universal experience that can be experienced by everyone, but I want to say that private and political self intertwine and it’s very much present in the stories of those who have experienced strong Lilith influence in their life. If you want to read further on my reasoning and understand my approach to astrology, you can read it here.
⇨ Sociology and politics aside, let’s get back to Lilith:
Naturally, because there is still a lot of mystery and complexion around Lilith, she is a very hot topic in synastry. But the assumptions of steamy sex and kinky encounters aside, and from what I've seen and studied, right now I'll go so far to say that when we deal with a (perceived) hetero relationship, it can only truly work out if the man involved absolutely sees the woman as an absolute equal and treats her as such. Even if difficulties arise and are set off by Lilith, both need to remain an be seen as an independend being with agency and acknowledge that at all times, no matter the decision. It's a choice both should commit to at the very beginning.
You think this is common sense in partnerships (should be at least) but Lilith has a very unique and personal relationship with ostracization, shame, humiliation, oppression and anger.
I often read that prominent Lilith contacts in synastry (but I'd add composite to that too!) need both partners to be healthy, functional (or at least have an idea of what that should be and look like) and communicate effectively and clearly, be vulnerable and honest. While this is definitely true, any strong Lilith energy in relationships between a woman and a man needs the man to dissect his views and held notions of women, I believe. Not that anyone should dissect and deconstruct what their internalized held beliefs of what gender, and what femme and masculine is, to begin with (duh), but I repeat my previous statement about Lilith’s themes: Lilith ultimately finds itself battling and dealing with power dynamics, because it represents you and your raw self, all the desires and needs in relation to others/society. Lilith is described as dark and hidden because that’s exactly what we are taught to do with Lilith energy: hide it.
The woman in the connection, especially if she is Lilith, will be the woman that will mentally have the man on his knees because her mere existence can challenge his previously believed authority he has on her/women, as well as the way people are wired and set in position in society. We see him questioning the ‘script’ or holding close to it like a dogma. There is (sometimes watered down) anger and resentment a man will channel towards the woman he has Lilith contact with. It can often be thoughts of ‘how dare she’ and ‘I’ll stop her before she even gets the chance to start’. As much as the escapism we search for online think this might turn out in an overly romanticzed femme fatale fantasy, reality often hits us hard when we see dysfunctional relationships unfolding right in front of us.
She will be the announcement of a possible challenge, a test of character, which he'll fail or master. It's a question of morality, for both. Because Lilith here can be the person he always dreamed of, but always has been too afraid to engage with. There is something uttrely objectifying happening when talking about lilith and it's effects, even if you don't want to, it is bound to happen living in the world we are in right now.
And this has all to do with what Lilith stands for. Especially those who have strong Liltih influence in their chart (doesn't matter which Liltih you use) - I'm talking in angular houses, on the angles, in contact to personal planets or to the chart ruler - have undeniably an interesting relationship with and effect on those people who want them to 'follow the scrip' in the way society wants it. And very important (!!): just because someone has strong Lilith influence, doesn't mean that they are in any way better or worse than other women. I want to highlight this because women with Lilith energy will get shit from anyone (!!) who has strong internalized misogyny in them. Think about the way women are raised to compete with each other and follow the script in order to survive and get by in a patriarchal society. Of course someone who's very 'Lilith' will trigger them. Same with men who encounter someone who's very 'Lilith'.
Lilith can join the club of the outsider that you'll find at the metaphorical table that is placed in an imagined highschool's cafeteria: finding her place right next to Scorpio, shaking hands with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, nodding acknowledging to Cancer, Aquarius and Pisces.
I noticed women who have strong Lilith in their chart have had prominent themes of isolation, autonomy, exclusion and conflict in their life. Either born or forced in positions that has them relying on themselves and their gut instincts a lot (!) and the rest of their charts backed that up too. But whatever is touched by Lilith is bount to become fierce and brutal. Doesn't matter if it's natal, a transit, in composite; Lilith forces you to look within and unleash something inside of you, it works like a catalyst of some sort. Lilith also talks about demands. Think about how she demanded a different treatment, before she left the Garden Eden. Lilith's needs are that strong, that she is willing to face the brutal consequences of it. If anything, Lilith's pursue can be just as brutal (metaphorically, but perhaps phyiscally as well) as her will.
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Pop astrology makes Lilith out to be solely about the physical act of intimacy, and sexuality definitely is a theme for Lilith, but not in the way people think it is, I believe.
There is an undeniable generational trauma and influence Lilith has on those who are politically a woman (all inclusive term)/femme presenting.
I will be even bolder in my claims and say that we still view Lilith through the lense society views women that ultimately choose to abandon societal and cultural prestigue and status by choosing themselves no matter what will occure, especially if it also means having to play with those societal expectations or finding their own niche in those roles and scrips they have to follow to get by. And this is not me trying to #girboss Lilith, but rather me saying that our studies still integrate and reproduce held harmful beliefs of women.
Deciding to work with Lilith is deciding to choose yourself because you see beyond the oppression and injustice, no matter what you think that might be in your life or in the life of others. The reactionary nature is most of the times caused by pushing and pulling from those who want her to follow the script. But Lilith often wants to write her own script, or at least edit what people have been given to her.
This is why, for example, women with Lilith in contact with their Juno will be known as partners that are demanding in the eyes of those who want them to act as we expect women to be in relationships. They expect commitment that borders on obedience but these individuals will eventually combust under the pressure. They will find their way to assert their own role, but at the same time they can end up with people that are inherently lilith to them in the best or worst ways. Likewise, we see celebrity men with Lilith Juno contacts that are known to be immoral lovers, not caring if the spotlights are on them or not. The whole world is gonna see, how they want to have commitment and what it requires. (not to say that you are doomed to be a horrible partner just because you have Lilith-Juno contacts, this is just one way it can manifest!)
I believe that at it’s best and it’s very essence, Lilith is not about choosing hate over love, glorifying destruction over peace and community. I truly believe that at it's core and very best, Lilith is ancient and wise, she knows - because she has wisdom that is inherent to her - what is right and wrong for her and she downright rejects the status quo because she can see beyond the limitations and power plays people have put on each other. She is the link to our gut feeling, I believe. And it acts out, whenever something doesn't sit quiet right with us, or something might feel incredibly good (for better or worse). Again, Lilith was ostracized and forced to be alone, she had to be and sit with herself. That doesn't mean Lilith is the ulterior good, but rather the 'what if you would choose to not follow the script - what if you become mindful of your own and listen within yourself.'
She is very much wild and raw and instinctual as mother earth herself is (the sadow of the moon). Remember, after all, she is according to the stories the very first woman. She is following a very deep rooted beat of a drum, a melody, that will always guide her through life, she wants to connect to her own, inherent eco system.
When I research Lilith in astrological texts and read about her, no matter which Lilith it is, it most of the time feels almost like a caricature, oddly enough. If she's not 100% girlbossyfied, she is mostly only seen as the 'evil one' (or at least very constroversial figure). Despite the fact that she indeed can be bad, it's also a role Lilith was pushed to take on too, because after all, there hasn’t been any cooperation with her. So she doesn’t cooperate and rather does her own thing (for better and worse, but as long as it feels good to her, there's probably no one who can stop her). Looking at it from a more psychological and sociological lens, Lilith's story inherently integrates the idea of 'I play the villian you always thought of me as'. Which is in itself an (unfortunate) self-fulfilling and isolating prophecy. It's not inherently a cool, but rather a cruel thing, but she had to work her way around that too, I guess.
Growing up 'Lilith', I do want to talk about the many facettes she has. I don't think that the reduction of Lilith as a mere 'sexual' indication does her justice, even if the sexual part does play a role after all. Picking up the previous point about astrology and sexuality, I wonder how the extreme sexualization and fetishization of anything a woman does plays into the sex-focused interpretations of her (but I think part of the credit has to be given to the way sexuality - especially in women - is also used as a method and commodity).
I also often read about women that are Lilith and feel very wise and mature, being a spiritual teacher to their lovers. I personally agree. I feel the wisdom and knowledge of Lilith can get twisted - either she becomes the 'crazy one' or people take away her agency and personhood and reduce her to the (sexual) magnetism that she possesses by being deeply involved and concerned with her sexual energy (aka creative energy, it's the force we connenct with when we create ANYTHING). Thus, often resulting in her being very much in touch with it.
There’s also the concept of motherhood that I keep thinking about. After all Lilith made sure to revenge her killed children by.....kiling other children? Uhh, don't know really about that move but sure, you show them that was fucked up ig.
Since Lilith is the shadow of the moon, I wonder how much our upbringing, our mother figure and motherhood influence Lilith’s energy.
And of course: the other woman. Lilith came back to the Garden Eden just to find Adam with another chick!!! After she had to leave when she wanted to be treated with basic respect. And yes, she did take revenge on Adam too, but point is that Lilith also deals with betrayal and distrust.
There is so much I could write about Lilith. I feel one can't discuss and learn about lilith without getting sociological, political and a bit psychological as well. After all, she is one of the most complex and intruiging figures out there. Controversial. The dark side of the moon.
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bloggerattumbler · 10 days
Oscal Pilot 2
The Oscal Pilot 2 is the ultimate survival phone! It's waterproof, dustproof, and shockproof, so I don't have to worry about anything. Quite impressed with the performance by mediatek as well
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errrr-vent-blog · 3 months
confrontwd them foor making fun of my insecurities and i just got left on read oh how ilove making "friendships" in 2024
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8200mAh Batterie OSCAL Li348483HTT pour OSCAL DK069 Nouvelle
Si vous cherchez une nouvelle Li348483HTT batterie pour votre OSCAL DK069, le site Batterie Expert(batteriexpert.com) dispose d’une batterie pour OSCAL DK069. D’une capacité de 8200mAh et avec une tension de 3.8V, notre batterie est faite avec les meilleurs composants disponibles. Toutes nos batteries OSCAL Li348483HTT sont identiques aux 100 % compatible originals et au prix favorable! Haute Qualité, Prix bas, Livraison et Rapide!
8200mAh Batterie OSCAL Li348483HTT pour OSCAL DK069 Nouvelle
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OSCAL Li348483HTT Caractéristiques Techniques: Marca:OSCAL Batterie Tablette Capacité:8200mAh Tension:3.8V Technologie:Li-ion > La Li348483HTT batterie est neuve et composée de cellules de qualité. > Elle est 100 % compatible avec votre Li348483HTT batterie d'origine. > Longue durée de vie - Technologie Lithium sans Effet Mémoire. > Livraison rapide + 1 ans de garantie + Retour de 30 jours + Livraison Gratuite! Lien d'achat:https://www.batteriexpert.com/detail/OSCAL-Li348483HTT-1745813.html
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Cette batterie est compatible avec: for OSCAL DK069
Autres Magasins en Ligne: United Kingdom------------OSCAL Li348483HTT Li-ion Battery Germany------------8200mAh OSCAL Li348483HTT Akku Japan------------8200mAh Li348483HTT バッテリー the Netherlands------------OSCAL Li348483HTT Accu (3.8V, 8200mAh)
La batterie de mauvais qualité n'est pas stable pendant le fonctionnement, ce qui endommagera votre équipement et vous risquera la sécurité. Notre batterie de remplacement pour OSCAL Li348483HTT a passé des certifications délivrées par les autorités internationales, telles que CE, UL, ROHS, etc. Cette batterie pour OSCAL Li348483HTT est monté avec les cellules de la qualité A+ et les puces intelligentes de qualité supérieure TI. Elle se charge plus rapidement, a de meilleures performances et une durée de vie plus longue. Elle a une variété de fonctions de protection, qui peuvent efficacement prévenir les risques courants tels que le court-circuit, surchauffe et surtension.
Conseils d'entretien La batterie pour OSCAL DK069 doit subir au moins une charge par mois pour se préserver de l'effet mémoire et éviter que sa tension ne chute trop bas. Une Li348483HTT batterie au repos trop longtemps risque de perdre ses performances, voire de ne plus fonctionner du tout.
Ne laisser jamais descendre votre batterie Lithium ion Li348483HTT en dessous de 20% de capacité avant de la recharger.
La batterie pour OSCAL Li348483HTT est livrée avec un reliquat de charge. Il est nécessaire de la charger avant son utilisation. Il est également recommandé de charger et décharger votre nouvelle batterie pour OSCAL DK069 2 à 5 fois pour obtenir sa capacité maximale.
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kinatechs · 7 months
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abdulraheemnohri · 10 months
Oscal TIGER 12 handset is official with 120Hz display, 6nm SoC & more
The Oscal TIGER 12 smartphone is a brand new smartphone from the company. This is another budget smartphone that packs in a rather interesting spec sheet. It’s also aimed at younger generations. The Oscal TIGER 12 is here with a 120Hz display, DokeOS 4.0 & more The phone, as you can see, comes in rather interesting colors, and it’s quite boxy. Its sides are flat, while all of its physical buttons…
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onlinebuyinf · 1 year
This article is a review of the Blackview Oscal S80 Rugged Phone, a smartphone designed for those who require a device that can withstand extreme conditions such as water, dust, and shocks. The article highlights the phone's features, including its 13000mAh battery, 6GB RAM, 128GB internal storage, Android 12 operating system, and G85 processor. The phone's design and display, battery life, performance, connectivity, and features are discussed in detail. The article also lists the phone's pros and cons, including its IP68/IP69K water and dust resistance certification, MIL-STD-810G durability certification, and Corning Gorilla Glass screen protector, as well as its drawbacks such as its weight, lack of 5G connectivity, and design. The article concludes that the Blackview Oscal S80 Rugged Phone is an excellent choice for outdoor enthusiasts, adventurers, and professionals who require a durable smartphone that can withstand harsh environments.
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"Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul."
-"The Picture of Dorian Gray", Oscal Wilde
(One of the few books I have ever read that moved me)
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thecrimsonwords · 2 years
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Lying, The telling of beautiful untrue things is the proper aim of art.
— Oscal Wilde
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walmirlima44 · 2 years
Umboxing Blackview oscal c80 RAM 8gb + 128gb memoria
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thefivealphabets · 10 days
Blackview Oscal Pad 60
On this page, we have shared the Blackview Oscal Pad 60 Stock ROM Firmware (Flash File), which can be used to reinstall your mobile device’s operating system (OS). The stock ROM comes in a compressed file along with the flash tool, USB driver, and a how-to-install manual. Blackview Oscal Pad 60 Stock ROM Firmware (Flash File) The Stock ROM (firmware) can be used to reinstall the operating system…
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bloggerattumbler · 10 days
Oscal Pilot 2
I am quite Impressed with the Oscal Pilot 2's performance with mediatek and durability. It's the perfect companion for my hiking trips and camping adventures.
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kinatechs · 7 months
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onedirectdeals · 15 days
OSCAL FLAT 1C Mobile Phones Android 13 Smartphone, 6.52" HD+ Water Drop Screen, 4GB+32GB/TF 1TB, Octa Core, 4700mAh, 4G Dual Sim Phone, Face Unlock, GPS, OTG, Eye-care Mode, Power Saving Mode - Purple
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