zyuna-arts · 7 months
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ARTFIGHT 2023 | 02-08
Revenges and attacks I did for people who included my characters in attacks (:
Late post here as I've been lazy to update tumblr, it's been up on insta/twt earlier ashjkdas
Characters: 1. Basilisk (IcyFeathers) 2. PADro (HoneyshuckleEX) 3. Aldorhierde Gorse (@osherrie) 4. Will Wilderfrill (Kiwibot) 5. Spider-Wolf/Zyuna (my Spidersona) | Wolf-Spider/MJ Watson (PoddleWasIt) 6. Chrysanthemum (@cherrycoloredphoenix) 7. Sevillin (@circadiancrunch)
Art © zyuna
SOCIALS: Linktree
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frosted-cinnagrifs · 7 years
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*finger guns*  more ship pixes
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annefiction · 6 years
An Open Gate, A Flawless Sky
Red vs. Blue. Carolina/Kimball and Ohio/Sherry. 3900 words. Rated T. A few years in the future, Carolina meets a friendlier face from her past.
A lot of this is @redteamshark​‘s fault. ;) I started this months ago after a conversation we had about what it would be like if Carolina and Ohio met someday, and ended up putting it aside because something was still missing. As it turns out, season 15 gave me some relevant new material to work with, and I decided I’d finish this up for the end of the year. The setting is partially inspired by this post.
Many thanks to @tuckerfuckingdidit​ for the beta read. <3 All remaining mistakes are mine.
The planet is really bright in the sky, mottled white and blue-green and taking up a lot of the view, though you can still see the dark around it, and if you look far enough from its bright rim, some stars. Carolina hasn’t felt so light in years, literally—the moon Kage, though larger than Luna, is still a lot smaller than Chorus, its gravity gentler. The air’s crisp and cool on her skin.
Strings of colored lights line every building, inside and out, and every street, and the city square. To an Earther, it feels festive, even though it isn’t—just a way of life on a tidally-locked moon whose inner hemisphere gets direct sunlight at sporadic intervals not corresponding to 24-hour days and nights. Tonight, Kage sits directly between Terasa and her blue giant sun. While Kage eclipses a tiny circle of shadow over Terasa’s equator, the light the gas giant reflects bathes the dark side of the moon in cool blue light.
It’s a long time since Carolina has seen Vanessa laugh this much. Her hand doesn’t leave Carolina’s, and she keeps leaning in close, the spiked-up blue tips of her hair tickling Carolina’s forehead. She’s had a drink or two. Carolina hasn’t picked up the name for the local spirit but it’s good stuff, strong with a bright floral burn.
Read on AO3.
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gdipalomo · 7 years
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Haven't really had time to draw this week, but wanted to get something done for rare pair week c: I've fallen in love with @cerealmonster15 ‘s facecanons so just had to draw these two 
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cerealmonster15 · 7 years
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femslash february osherry request for @gdipalomo !!! I’ve been meaning to draw these two / something for FF anyway, so this was really fun!!
[i had her send me a pose from here bc i want to draw all of them]
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sushler · 3 years
After 2 days it closes, the bazaar can attack anyone in the meantime. Until then, here are the characters of these people.
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1. @ayay-captain
2. @osherrie
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relationshipcrimes · 6 years
S, T, U and V if you haven't already done them :)
S: What’s a headcanon you have?
when epsilon cheered up carolina when she was feeling down about herself and her abilities, he did it with the intention of teaching her how to talk positively to herself, because he knew he didn’t have long to live considering AI lifespan and he didn’t want her to rely on him for positive self-talk. she did learn, and when she stops negative self-talk in her own head after he’s gone, she imagines it in his voice and doesn’t even feel that bad about it, because she knows that that’s what he wanted anyway
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships?
m/m ships: grimmons, chucker, locus/recovered sense of self and better decision-making. shout out to joe nicolosi who already made one of these canon
f/f ships: OSHERRY THE BEST THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. also please please let the rvb16 new villain and dylan andrews interact so i can ship that; both of their voices r so hot. if we’re going into other fandoms, i also ship urbosa/zelda’s mom like a motherfucker
U: What are your favorite male/female ships?
u know im a huge slut for carolocus 
also for botw, i ship mipha/link because i love pain
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
carolina/york/delta lololol 
i’m 99% certain that carolina and york never fucked in freelancer, especially since her whole……. everything…… was rapidly descending into terrible mental health territory, but also……. york getting topped as fuck by both his strong gf and the AI in his head ;)))
there is no character to york but he is excellent mancandy and I LOVE the gender reversal politics of church/tex vs carolina/york
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notjustsharksfanart · 8 years
osherry is a cute ship name ;w;
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annefiction · 7 years
Snowflakes that Stay on My Nose and Eyelashes
Red vs. Blue. Agent Ohio/Sherry. Rated T. 2400 words. Warning for canon-typical violence.
When you're stranded in an icy chasm with no way in or out, you learn to appreciate the good things, like hot cocoa and stolen kisses.
It’s snowing over Messina Chasm, which means it’s a little warmer than usual. The shimmer of flakes coming down steady in the silver-white light makes it feel almost cozy. Well, admittedly, it’s easier to feel cozy in temp-controlled armor. Could be cozier. A cup of hot cocoa would be nice.
Agent Ohio wonders idly what time of year it is back on her home colony, if in fact her home colony hasn’t been glassed yet in the months she’s been cut off from news of the war. The UNSC standard calendar is based on Earth, somewhere Ohio’s never been and will almost certainly never go. And here in the antarctic region of Charybdis X (the barely-habitable poles were the only part of the planet to escape Covenant glassing years ago), there are no seasons, just ice and cold and the occasional snow, though often it’s too cold even for that.
Ohio peers through her rifle scope, trying to get a clear view across the bridge through the snow, which seems to be falling thicker with every passing minute. That plus high winds over the chasm brought their morning skirmish to a halt. Shame. She was really looking forward to infiltrating Outpost Scarlet today. The objective: hot cocoa mix. Idaho’s intel suggests their enemies have been sitting on a cache. Possibly even with mini marshmallows.
This will not stand.
Keep reading on AO3.
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relationshipcrimes · 6 years
B, C, and L!
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
grimmons. no im serious. i was like “theyre friends but idk if there’s much romantic tension there plus im not really down for the way that simmons is so nasty to grif” and then i read honey whiskey and i saw the light
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can’t.
kimbalina lol
i honestly would kill for a good f/f ship and ive thought about genderbending grimmons more than once just for that. kimbalina just doesnt do it for me and unfortunately it’s one of the more popular f/f ships in rvb, with the only one coming in as a close second being osherry but the triplets’ episodes are ironically so well done that i dont feel the need to really write fic for them
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
i’d probably request fanart of either your exlover is dead or selkie au!!
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