giggly-squiggily · 10 months
More headcanons if you don't mind!
Otis and Vlad have to watch medical shows behind Nelly's back, otherwise she's just nitpicking all the medical inaccuracies and berating the TV characters. But really, Vlad finds it funny and Otis finds it kind of hot.
Also, I'm not sure if they ever say what nurse she is, but I headcanon her either being surgical or ICU. I also think she uses optimism to cope with what she sees and to not get burned out (a la That 70's Show when Eric asks Kitty how she gets through her days at the hospital).
PFFFT YES! Those medical dramas are beyond over the top! Nelly would have a FIELD DAY pointing out all the things wrong: "Why are they not cleaning the area first?" "Where are his gloves- that's beyond unhygienic!" "Malpractice! Malpractice all around!" Meanwhile Vlad's giggling like a goon in his hands and Otis is all but swooning over Nelly cause like you said- he just finds her passion incredibly attractive <3
They watch when she's not home; and then they tell her about it just to get her going off in spanish as she makes dinner akjjkearjkeajrj
Possibly? I always assumed she'd be an RN or maybe emergency? She has access to blood (she's raising a growing vampire afterall) so I'd imagine her nursing would fall within something like that. And oh my god YES. Optimism and Otis' bad jokes. Bad jokes get her through the day akejkarjajkrjej XD (I haven't seen That 70's show but I trust your headcanon! :3)
Thanks for sharing, friend!
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