nancylou444 · 9 months
Random question, but have Hellers ever acknowledged Mish Mash admitting to oogling underage girls when he was filming Karla? What about him trying to take upskirt photos? How about when he essentially pulled a Jussie Smallet and lied about being mugged?
The old stand by. "Misha being Misha."
They refuse to see him as anything less then a saint.
Even his "coming out" as bi then back pedaling to declare his straightness is now played for a joke by THEM and HIM.
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giggly-squiggily · 10 months
Okay I got through watching this Christmas movie with Aimee Garcia, and she can sing and dance, and I'm just like okay... Aunt Nelly can sing and dance. I don't make the rules here.
Aunt Nelly singing along with her favorite songs as she makes cookies, her scrubs replaced with comfy sweats as she sways and steps around the kitchen. She pulls Vlad into it; he's a bit clumsy in the footing but he's having so much fun he forgets he's supposed to act like he hates it lols (he might give her some reluctance- a dramatic eye roll and groan that's so fake he can't even hold it without grinning) Through her he learns to dance, and he's able to impress Snow with his dance moves when they eventually get together kjarkjajerej
With Otis? They're slow dancing 100%. She'll guide him in her arms until he takes charge, slowly rocking her around the kitchen as she sings love songs to him. He can kinda sing? Not nearly as good as her but he can hold a tune. They perform little duets that end with them kissing and Vlad has to literally evacuate the house before he pukes rainbows from how lovey dovey they are akjlrejkarjej (JK he's beyond happy for them, but he does leave before things get...interesting)
Thank you for sharing friend!
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bibibbon · 2 months
I don't even know what to say about the ending, because my expectations for it were so non-existent, but I will say this:
1A as a found family? Not canon. It really makes 1A look bad that once Izuku becomes Quirkless again, they don't talk as much anymore. It's only when he becomes Iron Izuku that they start talking to him again. Izuku even says how lonely he is now that his classmates are heroes and he isn't!
Hori's message that anyone can be a hero, even without a Quirk? Complete and utter bullshit. Again, without Iron Izuku - which took 8 YEARS to develop, he didn't stand a chance. Even All Might could only be a hero after Kamini Ward with Iron Might and that only lasted like 5 minutes.
The hero ranking system and hero culture as a whole? Basically the same as before. Apparently, the low crime rate has concentrated the pool of heroes to those who have strong Quirks.
Literally the only good thing about the ending is that Bakugou didn't become the #1 hero, and even that shows that because he NEVER FUCKING CHANGED, he's dropping in the ranks.
Hi @nutzgunray-lvt 👋
Honestly, same all I can do to describe the ending of MHA is underwhelming and horrible.
Moving on you are right 1A didn't have a good found family bond and canon even shows this and supports this. After they graduated and became heroes it seems like they lost contact with eachother and didn't meet eachother for casual talks or just hanging out because they're days off didn't align or their just wasn't and effort made. Heck we don't see a little reunion or even simple text messages it just seems like they drift apart and no one seems to even comfort izuku when he is officially quirkless.
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I have said it and I will say it again I hate the whole concept of iron might or iron Izuku. I don't know why but I simply don't like it and the fact that it proves that you do need a quirk to become a hero. The series seems to have horrible messaging and the whole definition of hero seems to stick to the same definition in chapter one "a job, a career" that's it not it being "to help people and help society". "Anyone can be a hero" but you can't if youre quirkless I guess🤷‍♀️ .
I stand by my point that izuku could of became a quirkless hero. Not a hero like all might but a hero for sure and at this point it seems sad to see izuku lose OFA and just become iron Izuku it's just pitiful and empty and bland and bleak and well you get the jist of it.
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Hero culture and heroics is still toxic. Heck I think you could argue that it's become even more toxic that the hero environment has been saturated by those that have strong quirks. It also seems like hawks really didn't do anything at all to change the system except of add a bit so other people can be celebrated but the hero polls still stand with bakugo being aggressive as ever and again showing us that he hasn't changed and his treatment to izuku seems to be the only thing that hori focuses on even though there is no focus on it from Izuku's perspective aka making all of bakugos development that is only towards izuku null.
May I also bring the point that it wasn't hawks who even tried introducing a new quirk counselling system but it was ochako?!?!!! Iam sorry it was ochako who even introduced it and is changing it like why isn't hawks there helping he is after all the head of HPSC after all. Also, the whole idea of heroes only being people with strong quirks and that the crime rate is low maybe because of it paints a horrible picture. This whole idea also proves that history is just rhyming and will soon probably repeat itself sooner or later that is.
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 month
I'm crying. In 430, Izuku actually calls Aizawa out on doing jack shit about Bakugou's behavior, and I think that's beautiful.
"Weren't you going to clean up his act? So much for that happening."
And the best part about it is that Aizawa doesn't even have anything to say outside of his 'Todoroki's going to overtake him' thing.
Hi @nutzgunray-lvt 👋
Have to applaud Izuku here for calling Aizawa out on his failures as a teacher, it is really the bare minimum at this point.
I also have to think Aizawa deflecting and talking about Todoroki and Bakugou in the rankings is an attempt at deflection.
Focusing on Todoroki and Bakugou's successes and failings now, as young adults, means the focus of the conversation is being drawn away from Aizawa's responsibility in how Bakugou specifically has been failed by him.
It's pretty manipulative actually, I have to wonder how many times Aizawa talked circles around Nedzu like this to keep his job despite his B.S methods.
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rewrittenmha · 26 days
Final Exams Arc
Okay, let's get into this.
Izuku Midoriya & Katsuki Bakugou vs All Might:
I know, I know. Just hear me out, okay?
I was absolutely going to change this matchup (@nutzgunray-lvt had brought up Momo and Izuku vs Midnight and I really loved that idea). But I did say before that some of Aizawa's worst tendencies would still be around. He thinks Izuku and Bakugou's relationship is because of both of them not being able to cooperate. This is the opportunity to teach him a well-deserved lesson.
So, I would say most things go the same. Bakugou is being a bitch uncooperative and making things harder. But once Bakugou punches him, Izuku starts to contemplate a lot.
Logically, he knows that while All Might is focused on Bakugou, he could escape. Bakugou wouldn't let All Might ignore him and he could use the cover of the smoke from the debris and Bakugou's gauntlets.
But it feels so... unheroic. He isn't supposed to run and leave his teammate behind. A true hero would stand and fight, even while facing certain death. He's not sure he could abandon his ally, it feels cowardly. Especially because Bakugou could be seriously hurt as All Might wasn't going easy on them.
Part of him argues that Bakugou wouldn't care if he was the one being beat to a pulp.
Ironically, it's Yaoyorozu who comes to mind. Izuku knows the two of them are very different, but he really does admire her rationality and planning. She would make the argument that coming back with reinforcements isn't leaving a teammate behind, it's presenting an opportunity to save them.
Izuku doesn't think he would actually be able to do this in a real situation. He wants to save people, he wants to make people smile. Has he ever made Bakugou smile?
But this isn't a real situation, is it? Maybe just this once, he didn't have to intervene.
Izuku turns around and runs for the exit, successfully escaping while Bakugou is fighting All Might alone like an idiot.
He tries to ignore the guilt he feels at what he's done and wonders if All Might is disappointed in him.
Momo Yaoyorozu & Shoto Todoroki vs Eraserhead
Honestly, as far as this fight goes, it's one of my favorites of this arc. I feel like the characterization for both of them is pretty good. They both play off one another really well.
However, the way I've had it set up, Yaoyorozu had been learning to think on her feet. So, obviously, I have to continue with that.
Unintentionally, Todoroki tries to brush Yaoyorozu aside because he thinks he can handle it without causing her harm. He admires her intelligence and proficiency with her quirk, but thinks that he could probably mange to apprehend Aizawa on his own.
Yaoyorozu vehemently protests. She acknowledges that she has hesitated before, but that this was different than the Sports Festival. She knows that she can do better if he gives her the chance.
Todoroki is taken back by this and doesn't notice Aizawa suspended from the rafters. But Yaoyorozu does out of the corner of her eye. She moves him out of the way and creates a pipe that Aizawa's capture scarf wraps around.
She can't hesitate here, she needs to act quickly. She releases the pipe and the force drives it towards Aizawa. He dodges it easily, but he was momentarily distracted which gave Yaoyorozu and Todoroki time to hide and regroup.
Once they're out of his sight, Todoroki apologizes. He tells her that he wasn't trying to make her feel inadequate, he just wasn't used to relying on others. He tells her that he thinks that she's very capable and has a high opinion of her, which was why he voted for her for class representative. He tells her he'd ready to listen to whatever plan she has.
Yaoyorozu is genuinely touched and accepts his apology. She admits that she understands how it's hard to connect and work with others and has trouble with coming off as unfriendly and unapproachable and tends to overthink too much. She actually talks about Izuku and Uraraka and how she's somewhat jealous of them because they're able to act without thinking.
So the two of them make a plan.
Yaoyorozu "ambushes" Aizawa with a smoke bomb. This doesn't work because his goggles allow him to see heat signatures (my own addition, I feel like it makes sense). She attacks him with a staff she made. She knows that she's outclassed, but manages to defend against his blows. She isn't thinking, she's fighting on instinct and she's actually managing to hold her own.
But Aizawa is more skilled and experienced. He knocks her down and captures her with his scarf. But suddenly he can't move. He looks down and sees that his feet are frozen to the ground. He turns around to attempt to find Todoroki and negate his quirk when a handcuff is clasped around his wrist.
It had been a diversion.
Yaoyorozu managed to free herself by cutting through his scarf with a dagger and cuffed him when he was focused on finding Todoroki.
(Yaoyorozu leans balance between planning and taking action while Todoroki learns how to rely on others and seem them as equals. Yay character development)
Ochako Uraraka & Yuga Aoyama vs Thirteen:
I'm keeping this mostly the same, but without Aoyama's teasing. But instead of Uraraka being embarrassed and letting go, she asks Aoyama to use his laser to momentarily blind Thirteen the minute she lets go. He does so, and Uraraka allows herself to be sucked in and propelled at Thirteen, where she takes them (referring to Thirteen neutrally because her gender hasn't been revealed at this point) down and cuffs them while they can't see.
I think I'll be keeping every other match the same. EXCEPT for Mineta and Sero versus Midnight, Sero doesn't take the fall for Mineta and Mineta falls victim to his own weakness. It's Sero who saves him and carries him to the exit.
(I changed this because I'm going to give Mineta a little bit of growth and reflection. Having him lose here means that his perversion isn't only gross, it's hindering his work as a hero and he needs to do better)
After the exam, Aizawa commends Izuku (in private) for thinking logically for once, but questions why he would leave his teammate behind because it seems unlike him. Izuku confesses that he tried to plan and work with Bakugou, but he simply wasn't listening. He figured he could save both their grades if he successfully escaped.
He feels guilty even as he says this. How can he call himself a hero if he left his teammate to suffer at the hands of a villain?
Even if it was Bakugou.
Aizawa thinks about what he's being told for a long time. He knows that Bakugou has been violent with Izuku. He had assumed that they were rivals who couldn't get along, which was why he had paired them together. He had noticed that All Might looked like he wanted to protest this arrangement, but hadn't.
All this time, he had thought Izuku was part of the problem. But there was a bruise on the kid's cheek even though he hadn't sustained any injuries from All Might. It didn't take a genius to figure out what had happened.
And suddenly he feels guilty for not nipping this in the bud sooner.
Aizawa tells Izuku not to worry about it and that he had done the right thing. Then, he goes to confront All Might. He asks All Might what the real nature of Izuku and Bakugou's relationship is. All Might doesn't want to tell Aizawa for three reasons: a) it was Izuku's business not his, b) he didn't want Aizawa to accuse him of favoritism again and give Izuku and even harder time, and c) he didn't have the full truth himself, just speculation.
(I initially wrote this to be an argument, but I feel like All Might probably wouldn't argue with Aizawa. Plus, he feels guilty about not addressing this sooner)
Aizawa feels like an asshole (he is), but decides that he's going to try to do better by Izuku and all of his students.
Yuga Aoyama: PASS
Mina Ashido: FAIL
Tsuyu Asui: PASS
Tenya Iida: PASS
Ochako Uraraka: PASS
Mashirao Ojiro: PASS
Denki Kaminari: FAIL
Eijiro Kirishima: FAIL
Koji Koda: PASS
Rikido Sato: FAIL
Mezo Shoji: PASS
Kyoka Jirou: PASS
Hanta Sero: PASS
Fumikage Tokoyami: PASS
Shoto Todoroki: PASS
Toru Hagakure: PASS
Katsuki Bakugou: FAIL
Izuku Midoriya: PASS
Minrou Mineta: FAIL
Momo Yaoyorozu: PASS
Bakugou is pissed when the results are announced. He rages, demanding to know why worthless Deku passed and he didn't. Izuku is also shocked (and guilty, because he had assumed escaping would secure both their grades. He wouldn't have done it if he had known Kacchan would fail too!). But Aizawa silences Bakugou with a nasty glare.
He reprimands Bakugou, telling him he had warned him about acting irresponsibly. Not only had he refused to cooperate and put himself in unnecessary danger, but he had assaulted his teammate. Aizawa bluntly tells him that a strong quirk isn't everything and that he can't act however he wants and still get his way in life. Reality would force him to face more severe consequences unless he gets his act together.
(Despite this, Izuku still feels like he should have failed too. He had abandoned his teammate, wasn't that the opposite of being heroic?)
Aizawa announces that everyone will be going to the training camps (there was no logical ruse because that shit is dumb and canon Aizawa doesn't know any other ways to teach).
While gathering allies to form the League of Villains, Tomura is introduced to two candidates: Himiko Toga and someone who introduces himself as Dabi. They both sought the League out because of Stain.
(Also, I just confirmed that Dabi did not have a notable record prior to joining the LOV. Keep that in mind)
This pisses Tomura off. He hates Stain for turning him down and doesn't understand his ideals. Society was wrong and heroes were two-faced liars who perpetuated it. Why not wipe out everything? Why not destroy it all? He expresses this to the new candidates.
Dabi rolls his eyes and calls Tomura an idiot without a real cause. He doesn't care about what or who gets destroyed, but he admires Stain because he spoke out against false heroes. He claims that false heroes are the real blunder on society and if they can be purged, humanity might get their shit together.
Toga doesn't talk about false heroes, but she does want a world where everyone can be accepted no matter what he quirk is. She wants to be herself and have people to accept and care about her. She felt a kinship with Stain because of the similarities in their quirks and thought that the League would accept her because of this.
Tomura is frustrated because he doesn't understand what the hell these people are talking about. He tries to kill them and they go to defend themselves only for Kurogiri to intervene. He tells Tomura that he needs all the forces he can get and that maybe he should actually listen to what these two have to say.
Grumbling, he goes to the mall to clear his head.
This happens to be when 1A also goes to the mall to prepare for the training camps. Izuku, Iida, Uraraka, Tsu, and Yaoyorozu form a small group as they look for things to buy. Yaoyorozu's made an itinerary and hands everyone a list of basic necessities. The girls break off from the boys, wanting to see if they can find more comfortable clothes to wear.
Iida expresses his gratitude to Izuku, not for saving him, but for showing him what it means to be a hero. Izuku blushes and stutters, telling Iida he really doesn't need to thank him. Especially because he doesn't think he did the right thing during the final exam. He confesses what happened to Iida and that he feels like he betrayed his morals.
But Iida assures him that he didn't do anything wrong. Bakugou was risking both their grades and was never in any actual danger. Izuku says that even so he should have tried harder. Iida's quiet for a moment, then asks Izuku how he feels about Bakugou.
Izuku is confused by the question. He admires Bakugou's strength and dedication. What more is there? Why is Iida asking him this?
But before he can say that, a hooded figure shows up and starts touching Izuku (stranger danger) while expressing how much of a fan he was. He goes on and on about how he was so cool during the Sports Festival and facing Stain (chronic yapper). Both Izuku and Tenya are tense, especially when the stranger reveals that he didn't think they would meet again.
They both realize at the same time that the man is Tomura Shigaraki, the one who led the attack on the USJ.
Iida immediately moves to do... something (attack? Call for help? He doesn't know!) only to watch with horror as Shigaraki's fingers close around Izuku's neck, leaving his middle finger off him.
Shigaraki tells both of them to calm down unless they want Izuku to die. But Izuku assures Iida that it doesn't matter if he dies, he just wants him to stop Shigaraki. If he makes a scene, the heroes will show up. However, Shigaraki tells them that he'll kill everyone he can before the heroes get there if either of them draw any attention. Iida wasn't planning on risking it anyway.
Shigaraki tells them that the Hero Killer is bugging him. Both of them are confused; they assumed that Stain was working with him. Shigaraki tells them that wasn't the case and that he's jealous of all the attention Stain is getting. He doesn't understand the difference between them.
Iida asks what Shigaraki's goal is. He hates Stain, but he knows that Stain had a goal. One that might not have been as baseless as he originally thought. His brother, who he had thought was a virtuous, noble hero had done something wrong. If he was right about Tensei, wasn't it possible that he was right about all of them?
Shigaraki answers that he wants to destroy everything.
Izuku says that's why he isn't getting any attention. He had been thinking a lot about Todoroki and what he had told him about Endeavor. If the #2 hero was that bad, what were other heroes getting away with? How much did society overlook about someone just because they were strong? It's hard for him to admit through his admiration for heroes, but he thinks Stain made some sort of sense. He tells Shigaraki that Stain had a goal and a reason for doing things, while Shigaraki causes destruction for no reason. Izuku doesn't agree with what Stain does, but his ideals make some sort of sense.
Izuku tells Shigaraki that he suspects that Stain wants to fix things about society and that correlates to killing false heroes. He doesn't understand how quite yet, but he assumes him and All Might were spared because they put others first. They were "true heroes," according to Stain.
(He really doesn't feel like a true hero after what happened in the final exam. He feels like a fake)
Shigaraki thinks about his answer. He thinks about what Toga and Dabi said. He knew society was wrong, Sensei had always told him that. But he had always said the answer was destroying it and Tomura had always agreed.
But fixing it? He doesn't understand the point of that. Tomura had never fixed anything in his life. He had always just destroyed and killed whatever irked him, whatever made him angry. And Sensei had encouraged it. He's a villain and he had never denied that. He doesn't want to fix anything.
He just wants to destroy it.
Didn't he?
But Stain's goals seemed to get attention. He could use that to his advantage. Then everyone would have to pay attention to him. He could make Stain's followers his own. Starting with those two fools who followed him so devoutly.
The girls return. Uraraka and Yaoyorozu ask who their friend is, but Tsu instantly realizes who it is. She had been a second away from dying at his hand. She could never forget that face. She freezes, which makes the other two girls realize something is wrong. They demand that Shigaraki let go of Izuku.
Shigaraki chuckles and does as they say. He thanks Izuku and Iida for the help and leaves, warning them not to follow. Izuku asks what All For One is after, to which Shigaraki replies he has no idea. He then tells Izuku to worry about himself because he'll kill him next time they meet.
Once he's gone, Uraraka frantically asks what happened and if they're alright while Yaoyorozu tends to Tsu who's gone pale. Uraraka calls the police while Iida tries to shake Izuku who's unresponsive.
He can't bring himself to respond to his friends. All he can think about is how he was going to stop Shigaraki and All For One before they can hurt more people
Aizawa redemption anyone?? He's going to be a better teacher from here on out. Still an asshole, but his goal is going to be actively working to improve his students. Letting Bakugou's behavior go unchecked to where he felt comfortable attacking his teammate was the wake-up call he needed
I intentionally didn't have All Might talk to Izuku. He's still grappling with his own views about heroics at the moment and he suspects that Bakugou is a bully, so it doesn't occur to him that Izuku might thing he was disappointed in him. They're both really bad communicators
It was a weird choice on Horikoshi's part to make Sero pay for Mineta's shortcomings. He could have used this to address Mineta's actions, instead he more or less rewards it. Feels like something he does a lot with Mineta (he also did it during the JTA), which is part of the reason why he's so hated
I swear Uraraka is so much more enjoyable as a character when you take away her crush on Izuku. Rewriting this damn story is reigniting my love for her
So, Shigaraki. What I'm doing here is trying to a) give him agency and b) have him overcome AFO's manipulations. Shigaraki's hatred of heroes and society comes from AFO taking advantage of what happened that night he killed his family. These aren't Shigaraki's real feelings, he doesn't have enough agency to have real feelings at this point. My changes here were to a) give him a real goal and b) show that he and Izuku are kind of coming to terms with the same thing. That's also why I steered away from him wanting to kill All Might, I want their interaction to be driven away from their mentors. They're kind of coming to the same conclusions, but on opposite spectrums
I kept Iida around because I wanted him to also reflect on Stain and Tensei. Also, he's a good friend
I know it might feel OOC to have Izuku leave Bakugou. I felt weird writing it. But this is supposed to be representative of a few things. Izuku's views are changing and evolving. He's being affected by the people around him, most noticeably Momo who's kind of his opposite here. He knew he wasn't ready to fight All Might and knew it was pointless to get Bakugou to cooperate. He was thinking objectively and allowed himself to do so because it was a school assignment and not real life (he wouldn't be able to do this in a real situation). It also isn't a coincidence that this happened after Bakugou punched him. He's coming to terms with how much Bakugou's treatment has affected him over the years. After all that's happened- his friends' and All Might's concerns- Izuku is beginning to separate himself from Bakugou, even if he hasn't realized it yet. This is actually what Iida was going to suggest was happening before Shigaraki showed up
Dabi is way closer to being morally ambiguous than an outright villain here. I mean, in my opinion, that's how he was originally. Him and Toga are both following Stain's ideals more closely, although Toga doesn't really understand them to the same extent (I noticed that Shigaraki seemed to assume that Toga didn't actually care about Stain's goals despite admiring him but didn't include Dabi in that. It implies that his goals always aligned more closely with what Stain wanted. Horikoshi why did you ruin him)
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Its been quite the ride everyone, and eventhough I'm glad mha is ending (finally)....
...Ya that's it, can't think if anything else to say about the series other then the fact that I got to read some really cool analysis from all of you and made some friends.
Maybe the real mha were the friends we made along the way?
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theuntamedangel · 9 months
Alot of you guys here are working on your own MHA rewrite. So here's my question
How would you guys rewrite Overhaul in your story and also, would you guys still include Eri or completely remove her from the narrative. It's impossible to have Overhaul without Eri. Would he still be imprisoned and if so, after the prison break arc in S6 of MHA how would you guys go about handling him.
Overhaul is a hideous, diabolical and a greedy monster with zero moral compass. A true villain that MHA never deserved. Heck, shigaraki should've taken down notes on how to create fear, terror and rule with an iron hand from Overhaul.
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theloganator101 · 11 months
Blaming Kids for Shit Beyond Their Control... WTF Hori?
So this post was inspired by another post when @sapphic-agent answered an ask by @nutzgunray-lvt about Victim Blaming and how people in BNHA seems to think it's 1-A's responsibility to be people pleasers to "make up" for the trouble they caused.
Uhh, excuse me?
What trouble DID they cause?!
Getting stuck in situations that weren't any of their faults?
Getting injured and even traumatized during those events?
Hori, I have to ask... have you ever met another person? Or even see how others act when a group goes through some shit? Because I can tell you they would NOT blame the group for being in the center of shit that just happens to them!
People are not this stupid and ignorant when it comes to this kind of topic Hori!
Sure there might be some assholes that might try to victim blame, but most of them would try to be sympathetic and reassure them that everything will be okay!
They WOULDN'T be acting like they CHOSE to go any of that just to get popular and as far as I know, none of them ever talked about the shit they went through would probably get them more recognized!
Fuck Aizawa for letting it happen and just letting others talk shit about 1-A!
Fuck the stupid-ass people blaming for getting in situations that was beyond their control!
And fuck the writing for NEVER going deeper into this and having the kids call this shit out!!
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zi-o3 · 7 months
mha rant # 11- consequences what are those
consequences are supposed to help people grow, but what happens when their isn't any consequences at all or if they kind fall flat. Mha's bakugo is proof of that because their are three instances of this statement.
The house arrest (otherwise the downfall of the deku squad.)
The provisional license exam
The card game ova
This goes to show that even if bakugo faces consequence, he still wins. (The amount of plot armor he has should be illegal). Seriously fu hori and fu bakugo katsuki.
(and question should I make positive mha content here? Because don't get me wrong bashing on bakugo and stuff is cathartic, but I fear that this may become a hate account someday. Also I'm thinking of doing other things when it comes to mha. What are your opinions on this.)
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mystwrites · 1 year
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Here it is! I hope you like it!
Tanjiro was running.
He quickly rounded a corner, trying in vain to bite back the laughter threatening to spill over as he resisted the urge to peek back at his pursuer. He knew he was close behind him - he was a Hashira, after all - and he slapped a hand over his mouth to muffle the squeal that escaped his lips.
Not that Mr. Uzui wouldn't have heard that. He had an extraordinary sense of hearing, after all.
Tanjiro should have known that something was up during training that day. He should have seen it in the smug expression the ex-shinobi gave him as he completed his sword swings. He should have known that his time was up when the older man not-so-casually brought up tales of revenge as the burgundy haired boy put the training dummy in its place. In hindsight, he really should have gotten the message when Mr. Uzui talked about how little babies needed to be taught lessons more than once about how the world worked, but he had been dragging himself to the bath so he let it go in one ear and out the other.
Mr. Uzui's always been weird, so this isn't nothing new, his tired mind had rationalized it away at the time.
It wasn't until Tanjiro was greeted from his bath with an evil smile and wiggling fingers that his mind placed the pieces together, and through his pleading laughter as the man approached him, he realized what this had to have been about.
A couple of weeks prior, Tanjiro had been caught in his horribly ticklish grasp for a reason he couldn't even remember at the time (then again, Mr. Uzui once told him that he didn't need a reason to tickle him. As the God of Flashiness and Festivals, his logic was incomprehensible to mere mortals like Tanjiro). All he could remember was a thumb drilling into the soft spot under his arms as his arms were held above his head. In the midst of the goofy mush his brain had always become when being tickled, only one thought came to mind: ESCAPE! ESCAPE! ESCAPE!
He did just that.
With a loud screech, he landed an impressive kick to the older man's shin, causing him to grunt in surprise as his grip on Tanjiro loosened. Him stomping down on his foot as he ran away wasn't planned, but it worked all the same. As he made it far away from his tormenter's reach and caught his breath once more, it dawned on him what he had done. He let out a low whimper and covered his face.
Tanjiro Kamado was a dead man.
Mr. Uzui always took him fighting back in stride, seeming incredibly amused by the display as he could always just immobilize him with ease. However, this was the first time he ever landed a direct blow on him that led to him escaping, and he knew the man wouldn't take that lying down.
"Perhaps he'll take it as a message to not attack you so brutally next time," Lady Shinobu offered with a serene smile. "You may have scared him off this time!"
"There's no mercy for the brash, Tanjiro," Muichiro said, seeming to be genuinely warning the boy. "But maybe he forgot… did I forget, too?"
"If he remembered, you'd be dead by now," Genya bluntly said. "He would have killed you."
The word of two of the Hashira had been reassuring at the time, as had that of his three friends, who either didn't want to hear any of it or who promised to become God of the Mountains. Nezuko's earnest nod was the final seal in the coffin, and Tanjiro took that as a sign to head on his merry way.
Until today.
Never abandon your kindness, but always stay on guard, his father's voice rang through his head.
If only he had not forgotten those words.
Now, he was most likely going to die here in the Demon Slayer Headquarters, because it was evident that Mr. Uzui had not forgotten about the foot stomping incident like he had been led to believe.
Why do I have to be so trusting in everyone?! He asked himself as he tried rounding another corner, only to bump into something warm and solid. He screamed and squeezed his eyes shut, thinking that the Sound Hashira had managed to cut him off, but when he opened his eyes, he saw it was Mr. Rengoku.
He was saved!
"Why the rush, Young Kamado?" the Flame Hashira asked cheerfully, squeezing his shoulders reassuringly. "You just completed your training for the day! Haven't I told you that a watched pot never boils?"
"Mr… Mr. Rengoku…!" Tanjiro panted, trying to catch his breath. "Help! I-I stepped on Mr. Uzui's foot two weeks ago on accident… I think he's going to kill me! Please! Help!"
Mr. Rengoku closed his eyes and appeared to be deep in thought, oblivious to how Tanjiro immediately jumped to hide behind him. He didn't know if Mr. Uzui was still hot on his trail or not, but if he used the Flame Hashira's height as a barrier, then he wouldn't find out.
"Mr. Rengoku! If he catches me, I'll be dead! Please, you've got to help!" he frantically whispered, gripping onto the man's haori. "Please."
Mr. Rengoku shifted, spinning to face his Tsuguko with an all too familiar smile… a smile that he himself had before tickling the lives out of his younger siblings. Tanjiro felt his face pale, and before he could start backing away and begging for his life, he was completely immobilized.
"Tengen! The elusive foot stomper has been successfully apprehended!" he announced, holding Tanjiro in the air, his fingers set over his ribs in a clear warning that already had the boy in stitches. "We're over here!"
"I must say, that was a flashy trick you used to get him off his guard, Rengoku," Mr. Uzui said as he rounded the same corner Tanjiro had crossed not long ago (had he been hiding there the whole time?). His arms were crossed over his chest as he sauntered over to the pair, grinning wickedly as Tanjiro tried and failed to muffle his apprehensive giggling.
"I see your little Tsuguko feels no remorse for his actions," he observed offhandedly, raising his hands and wiggling his fingers at the boy. "Such shamelessness is the height of unflashiness, wouldn't you say?"
Mr. Rengoku gravely nodded, ever so slightly digging his fingers into Tanjiro's ribs, making him squeal and slap his hands over his mouth.
"I'm afraid I must agree with you, my friend," the Flame Hashira said with mock disappointment. "I've tried teaching him the importance of respecting all of the Hashira… but for him to perform such a brazen act… we must rectify this at once."
He dug in again, and Tanjiro let out a low whine as his giggles slowly turned to laughter. Biting on his lip, he shook his head. Mr. Uzui was so close now, he was going to get him along with Mr. Rengoku, and it was going to be so bad, so bad, so bad -
"M-Mr. Uzuhuhuhui! Dohohon't!" he pleaded through muffled hands.
The look on the Sound Hashira's face was so patronizing that it made Tanjiro's cheeks flush in embarrassment, and his growl turned into a surprised yelp as Mr. Rengoku easily spread his arms out and held them away from him, leaving his entire torso and underarms completely vulnerable.
"Don't what?" Mr. Uzui asked excitedly.
It was a trap. It had to be a trap. Don't fall for it -
"T-Tickle mehehehe!"
Both men burst out laughing, and Tanjiro groaned. He couldn't believe he fell for that… again. No matter how many times this happened to him, they always baited him and he always took it.
"Why of course we'll tickle you, Young Kamado, don't you worry!" Mr. Rengoku reassured him. "Why else do you think we're here with you?"
He didn't know if it was a rhetorical question or not, so he opened his mouth to answer… only for Mr. Uzui to immediately start digging into his ribs. Tanjiro let out a shriek and burst into loud laughter as tried kicking and squirming his way out of Mr. Rengoku's grip.
"Mr. Rengohohohoku!" he whined. "I-I meheheant me! H-Help mehehehe!"
Mr. Rengoku laughed warmly.
"You should have been more specific!" he countered. "Besides, Tengen here is one of my dearest friends! It wouldn't be nice of me to let the elusive foot stomper who brutally attacked him go free, would it?"
Oh no.
It was starting.
He could already feel his brain turning into mush, his muscles weakening under the teasing. It was just words! Why did they affect him just as badly as the tickling?! He'd always playfully made fun of his siblings for falling apart like this when they were in his position, so he should have already known better!
"B-But Mr. Uzuhuhuhui w-wahahas the one tickling mehehehe!" Tanjiro whined, jolting as the man in question pinched at his lower ribs. "W-Whahahat was I s-supposed to dohohoho?"
Mr. Uzui shook his head and tsked.
"We use our nice words to talk to people, Tanjiro," he said as though he were talking to a five year old rather than a fifteen year old. "We don't kick them or stomp on their feet. That makes people sad."
Tanjiro growled, something that didn't quite have the effect he wanted to due to how much harder he had started laughing. He couldn't believe that he, a fifteen year old who had killed countless demons, became such a mess from being talked to like a baby while being tickled.
It was mortifying.
He would have came back with some not so nice words had he not been giggling so much from Mr. Uzui spidering his fingers up and down his sides. He wasn't even digging in or squeezing, so how was it affecting him this badly?!
"Awww, poor little baby can't handle some light tickling on his sides?" the Sound Hashira cooed over Tanjiro's laughter. "He can help kill an upper rank demon, but he can't escape a little bit of tickling? What has the Demon Slayer Corp come to?"
"Sh-Shuhuhut up!" he weakly objected, trying to aim a kick at his stomach. The older man laughed at the feeble attempt before looking over to Mr. Rengoku.
"Get him on the ground for me," he said. "It'll be easier to keep him from fighting back."
"Good idea!"
A change in position was coming, and Tanjiro naievely believed that if he timed it just right, he'd be able to get free. But as sure as the sky was blue, he blinked, and he was flat on his back. He pouted up at Mr. Rengoku, who grinned happily (if not evily) down at him as he took his wrists in one hand.
"We can't have you fight back too much, Young Kamado!" he explained as the boy gasped for air. "You might run away on us!"
"That or you might kick me again, won't you?" Mr. Uzui asked as he straddled Tanjiro's waist.
"Wh-What's wrong?" the burgundy haired boy asked through his gasps for air. "The God of Flashiness and Festivals can't handle a little kick to the shin?"
Mr. Rengoku laughed heartily at the remark, and even Mr. Uzui looked amused as he cracked his knuckles.
"That was a flashy comeback, kid. I'll give that to you," he praised. "But you forget that I'm a Hashira, which means that in every way, I'm. Better. Than. You."
He punctuated the last four words with pokes to his ribs. Immediately, Tanjiro glared at him and gritted his teeth, refusing to give him the satisfaction of laughing. Mr. Uzui looked up at Mr. Rengoku, waggling his eyebrows.
"What's this?" he asked. "Your Tsuguko doesn't want to laugh for us anymore, Rengoku!"
The Flame Hashira's smile matched Mr. Uzui's too much for Tanjiro's liking, and he began shaking his head as his superior said, "Well that won't do, will it?"
Giving his hair a quick ruffle, he immediately went to work with itching a single finger on Tanjiro's underarm, causing the boy to let out a small squeal and a wobbly smile to appear on his face. He bit down on his lip, shaking his head as he tried to think about anything, anything other than that awful finger -
"Why are you shaking your head, Young Kamado?" Mr. Rengoku conversationally asked, adding a second finger to the torture. "Is something the matter? You're smiling so widely just from me scratching under your arm! Could it be that you're ticklish here?"
Rapidly breathing in and out through his gritted teeth, he nodded on reflex (he could never lie). Mr. Rengoku gasped in pretend shock, causing a few giggles to almost escape Tanjiro.
"I see! Well, this is certainly a shocking development!" The Flame Hashira exclaimed, moving to gently pinch his uppermost rib, laughing when his Tsuguko let out a shrill, strangled shriek, squeezing his eyes shut as he began fighting even more than before. It was getting harder and harder to hold his laughter back. That was a particularly bad spot of his, and he knew that if he stayed there any longer, he'd crack.
"Tengen! I've made a fascinating discovery about my Tsuguko here!" he announced in an overly serious tone of voice.
No, please don't play 'doctor'! Tanjiro pleaded to himself. You know I can't keep a straight face when you do! I hate playing 'doctor'!
"It appears that if I pinch right… here," he did just that, making Tanjiro let out a barely muffled whine as more and more giggles started trying to escape. "He appears to find it hilarious. However, he's trying to hide his laughter for whatever reason. What do you think about this?"
He heard Mr. Uzui sigh with pretend annoyance, and could feel the tall man looming over him as he said, "Hmmm… looks like we're going too soft on him. It's understandable, since he is just a little baby, after all. We need to try out another spot to confirm your findings. Fortunately for all of us, I know how to make him crack… in a flashy way, of course."
Oh no.
"Oh Tanjiro!" he cooed in a sing-song voice, his hand resting on his stomach in a claw formation. "I know a certain little baby who loves having his tummy tickled!"
No, no, no, no, no! Shut up, shut up, shut up! I'm fifteen, not five! Fifteen not five! Fifteen -
"Kitchie kitchie koo!" he sang, clawing his fingers into his stomach.
It tickles! It tickles it tickles -
The weird growl/whine combination Tanjiro let out made both men laugh themselves, and within seconds, his own repressed belly laughter had joined the mix. He tried to curl in on himself to protect his torso, but the weight on his thighs prevented him from doing so.
"There's the flashy reaction we were hoping for!" Mr. Uzui cheered, digging into Tanjiro's lower stomach and similarly relishing in the shrieking laughter the action produced. "Getting his belly never fails to work, does it?"
"It is one of his worst spots!" Mr. Rengoku commented as he tweaked one of Tanjiro's lower ribs, talking about him as if he wasn't present. "Though given how ticklish he is, you could say that about anywhere, can't you?"
"That is true. He's one of the most ticklish slayers I've ever met!"
"I-I'm rihihihight hehehehere!" Tanjiro tried snapping through his laughter. His abdomen ached horribly, and he could feel tears prickling at the corners of his eyes from how hard he was laughing. He was reaching his limit, and he was sure that he would lose his voice if they kept at it any longer.
Mr. Rengoku beamed down at him, switching to spider his fingers gently along his neck, causing the burgundy haired boy to start kicking his feet out and shake his head in an effort to shake him off.
"You sure are, Young Kamado! Aren't you having so much fun?"
Honestly, Tanjiro was having fun. He was having the time of his life. Sure he'd whine and put up a fight, but having these moments where he could set his worries aside in favor of laughing and screaming his head off was something he'd quickly grown to crave. He'd almost always been in their position growing up, and it made the tables being turned on him all the more exciting.
Even if Mr. Uzui's baby talk made him want to crawl in a hole and die from embarrassment.
"Awww, were you sad no one was giving you any attention?" Mr. Uzui asked as if he knew that Tanjiro was thinking about him. "Don't worry! I know how to cheer you up!"
Abandoning his stomach, the Sound Hashira scooted down to Tanjiro's calves. Almost immediately, he began kicking his feet in earnest, whining in frustration at how they barely budged.
"Nononono! Mr. Uzuhuhuhui plehehehease! Plehehehease nohohoho - hic!" he desperately begged as he felt his left zōri being removed. "I'm -"
"Oh, I know how ticklish you feet are," Mr. Uzui said smugly. "And since it was my left foot that you stomped on, I think it's only fair that I get some revenge on you in a similar manner, wouldn't you say?"
In a combination of resignation and desperation, Tanjiro tried to threaten to stomp his right foot instead. All that got him was an evil smirk and five evil fingers attacking his defenseless foot.
Despite his tabi defending him from the worst of the tickling (unlike other times), he was reduced to howling, screaming laughter. Mr. Uzui was merciless, scratching his painted nails into his sole and arch, and when Tanjiro tried to scrunch his toes up to protect them, he was chastised for 'trying to get in the way of a Hashira's revenge,' and held his toes back to get at the incredibly sensitive spot underneath.
By the time he finished his revenge with a game of 'Little Piggy' (as it did every time Mr. Uzui tickled his feet), Tanjiro's laughter had gone mostly silent. Tears ran down his beet red face, and when the two Hasira finally finally stopped and released him, he immediately curled in on himself and gasped for air in the midst of his residual hiccupping and giggling. Both Mr. Rengoku and Mr. Uzui chuckled at the state they reduced him to, but their smiles were kind as they ruffled his hair and helped him sit up.
"Alright, alright, up you go," the Sound Hashira coaxed, clasping a hand onto his shoulder. "Deep breaths, kid. Take deep breaths."
As the burgundy haired boy obeyed, he felt the Flame Hashira brace him into a sitting position. Though still more than a little amused by his Tsuguko's torment, his eyes practically screamed, 'are you okay,' as he helped him get his bearings back.
"As fun as this wound up being, I need to get some training done," Mr. Uzui announced, giving Tanjiro's hair one last ruffle before getting up. "You behave yourself, kid, or else I won't be as nice next time."
Tanjiro smiled at the familiar threat, and as he watched the ex shinobi walk away, he let himself be helped to his feet by Mr. Rengoku.
"Well, Young Kamado! All of that fun has worked up quite an appetite in me!" he commented, smiling down at him. "Why don't we eat some lunch at the restaurant nearby? It'll help you to regain your energy."
Tanjiro smiled back at him and nodded. This was another part of the routine, and he looked forward to it just as much as he did the tickling itself.
All of it was great.
"Of course!"
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sapphic-agent · 9 months
Sorry @nutzgunray-lvt it happened again😭 I'll post the screenshots so others can see what you asked.
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It's all just wasted potential. Hori wants us to believe that 1A cares about Izuku and that they're all a family, but he doesn't care to spend time developing those relationships
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nancylou444 · 5 months
My favorite thing is seeing A list celebrities looking like they're being held at gunpoint when they take pictures with Misha 😂.
LMAO, because they have NO idea who he is therefore they wonder if he's dangerous.
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giggly-squiggily · 10 months
More headcanons if you don't mind!
Otis and Vlad have to watch medical shows behind Nelly's back, otherwise she's just nitpicking all the medical inaccuracies and berating the TV characters. But really, Vlad finds it funny and Otis finds it kind of hot.
Also, I'm not sure if they ever say what nurse she is, but I headcanon her either being surgical or ICU. I also think she uses optimism to cope with what she sees and to not get burned out (a la That 70's Show when Eric asks Kitty how she gets through her days at the hospital).
PFFFT YES! Those medical dramas are beyond over the top! Nelly would have a FIELD DAY pointing out all the things wrong: "Why are they not cleaning the area first?" "Where are his gloves- that's beyond unhygienic!" "Malpractice! Malpractice all around!" Meanwhile Vlad's giggling like a goon in his hands and Otis is all but swooning over Nelly cause like you said- he just finds her passion incredibly attractive <3
They watch when she's not home; and then they tell her about it just to get her going off in spanish as she makes dinner akjjkearjkeajrj
Possibly? I always assumed she'd be an RN or maybe emergency? She has access to blood (she's raising a growing vampire afterall) so I'd imagine her nursing would fall within something like that. And oh my god YES. Optimism and Otis' bad jokes. Bad jokes get her through the day akejkarjajkrjej XD (I haven't seen That 70's show but I trust your headcanon! :3)
Thanks for sharing, friend!
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bibibbon · 1 month
Tbh, I've never understood people saying "because Quirklessness is rare, people don't discriminate against it." This is Japan, a country that enforces conformity. If anything, they WOULD discriminate against the Quirkless because it's different.
I agree with you that the heroes (at least in good consciousness) wouldn't go as far as leaving Quirkless people to the wolves, but you'd definitely see it in the attitudes people have towards their supposed usefulness. Izuku and All Might believed they were useless without a Quirk, and Aoyama's parents went as far as to go to All For One of all people, because they knew how Aoyama would be treated for being Quirkless. That clearly didn't come out of nowhere.
If Hori had the foresight to develop Izuku and the world of MHA more in depth, we most likely would have seen it in action.
Hi @nutzgunray-lvt 👋
I personally do think that quirkless discrimination exists but I do see people who say that it's just there to belittle Izuku or that its not there in the narrative because let's be real we see the effects of quirkless discrimination but not how, where or who or why it exists!
The story is literally about how people aren't born equal yet society limits them into one little box that they must try to fit into and conform into. We see many characters struggle to do this and either feel useless or be labeled as villains or outcasts of the story.
The problem is we see the supposed effects of quirkless discrimination and that's it. We see Izuku and all might have a huge feeling of uselessness, we see yugas parents do anything for their son to be normal and have a quirk even if it hurts him, we see bakugo say that he thought that he (someone with a superior quirk) should be on top of a quirkless being, we see ochako comment to izuku in disbelief that he is going to fight quirkless, we see nighteye's reaction to all might making a quirkless child his successor, we see inko's reaction to izuku being diagnosed quirkless and so on and on.
Like you said reactions like these don't come from anywhere there must be something that causes them. Heck Iam not saying that quirkless discrimination is quirkless people being experimented on or anything like that but they are literally people who don't have an "individuality or quirk" they by society would be seen as people who aren't special and who can't do anything.
I wish we got to see make of quirkless discrimination and in all honesty it made sense if we did since 1) izuku is the main character 2) it would be crucial worldbuiling and 3) it was already something hinted at the beginning of the series.
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Heck it's stated that quirkless are shunned away from society but we don't get any more development or Intel other than that
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doodlegirl1998 · 2 months
Literally the ONLY good thing about this ending is that Bakugou is said to be dropping in the rankings due to his attitude, which just goes to show that he ultimately never changed. He's a grown ass man still acting like this.
Hi @nutzgunray-lvt 👋
It was a welcome surprise that Hori actually had Bakugou DROP in rankings due to his abhorrent behaviour.
For the longest time, I had presumed Hori would make Bakugou Number One instead of Izuku and thank fuck he didn't.
Side note : Just imagining a grown ass man acting as Bakugou does terrifies me, especially in a position of power like being a Hero.
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venting-corner · 10 months
As @nutzgunray-lvt wrote on his vlog, Aizawa was ... Let me check the papers. *Eye squint* Scolding Midoriya for.. being responsible and trying not to let himself and Kota die at the hands of a crazy, powerful murderer... I believe this warrants me writing that scene in a satirical way
Aizawa: Midoriya, How dare you try defeating the villain and saving a child.
Aizawa: I and other heroes gathered money for Kota's assassination. Everything should have looked like a great tragedy!
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