#Oumsai Fankids
kinoronpa · 6 years
More ocs since y’all like them
Saiouma kiddos edition!
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Sachihiro Ouma - SHSL Crime Scene Leader
TW: Mentions of Ab/se, Kidnapp/ng.
Sachi grew up with his two brothers and sister. He lived in a good household with his parents Kokichi Ouma and Shuichi Saihara/Ouma. He was best friends with Mikkusu Iruma, even to a point of helping him program a chip he needed to code his personality. His parents shipped them off to different relatives to get to ‘know the family’ more, Sachi was sent to a cousins house which leads to leading a false hope to kids he had kidnapped, one being Daichi. After a turn of events, he left to go attend his brother's side in a different housing. Currently, he is now a haunted AI. He was killed in chapter 4 by Azamuku. His boyfriend brought him back to life- surprisingly. He highly damaged Mikk’s eye to the point of being unrepairable until further notice, due to wanting Mikk to use his audience to get his cousin off trial. Though, since then he has apologized and has given away the current location of his cousin. Which will be taken to higher authority once out. He has also apologized to Daichi, which was accepted- but Daichi has made it clear not everything will be forgiven. Though, he understands.
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Suchiru Ouma - Shsl Conspiracy Theorist
TW: F/ghting, Break up.
Suchiru is one of the more sane ones next to Irei, he’s very calm and collected- mostly. He gets most of his personality from Saihara. He normally escaped through backdoors of where they were currently living at and went to meet up with his girlfriend. After a few months he went where they usually met and ended up meeting a guy there. He had thick naturally red hair and a cloak. Things take a turn for the worst and they’re fighting, which the girl he was dating was calmly watching from her room window. Suchiru left with a few bruises- nothing too serious. He constantly has memories of the night, and needless to say he avoids going around that place anymore. He blocked the girls number to be safe, too. Only Shai knows about this.
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Shai Ouma - SHSL “Crime Scene Technician” Liar
TW: Fight/ng, Bu//ying, Bl/ood, Manipu/ation
Shai looks alot more like Kokichi, and is very prominent of features that can be traced back to him. He grew up like his brothers and sisters did, though he was picked on for being the more timid one. In school he was bullied, as such. He got into countless fights and began fighting back. It resulted in more cuts and scrapes though. Eventually, he began lying and manipulating his bullies. Which was completely believable to them, which gave him the Ultimate talent Liar- and which also gave him the ability to lie about his talent. He has a more Pregame Kokichi-esk look to him at first, which can shift into a more Pregame Saihara mentality. (All of this is a subject to change, currently rewriting his character.)
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Irei Ouma - SHSL Planner
TW: ??? Is breaking an exes car up a tw-
Irei- probably one of the more badass kids grew up normally but mostly around Kokichi. She’d challenge him to play fights when she was 8 and sometimes she’d win. She considered herself a kick ass bi until she broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years. She realized “ Well, fuck that! “ because her boyfriend had been seeing other people without her knowing- plus was a pretty much overall douche. She trashed his car and then fuckin’ yeeted. She also was not to be messed with, she will kick someone for her brothers. She’s now just a big butch lesbian with a lil bit of chub! Funfact: She can chew icecream and anything cold!
OKAY THATS ALL THE MAIN ONES. I HAVE TWO MORE BUT THEY’RE NOT IN THE SAME RP AS THESE FOUR. God now I gotta go take a shower i’m yeeting to mod kiyos play today and I need one :pensive emoji: 
- 🍀
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