#Thanks tumblr for ruining the quality of the first image
galaxytoons · 15 days
it’s recently come to my attention that I’ve hit 201 followers! This means a lot to me, thank you all for your support :) I thought I’d do a fun little DTIYS in celebration of that, and since spooky season is coming up, I’d make it Halloween themed! So allow me to present…
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…The DTIYS! (Tumblr ruined the quality :[ ) There WILL be prizes in the form of drawings for the top 3 winners, and honorable mention sketches for 4th and 5th, and a surprise for everyone who participated after I announce the winners!!! Let’s lay some ground rules though, first.
1: You can change the background, poses, dynamic of the characters (Zade, Zadf, Zadr (I don’t necessarily ship zadr but I don’t mind if you do it for the dtiys as long as it’s nothing sexual and they’re depicted as the same age/your headcanons of the equivalent of dib’s age for Irkens 👍)) as you wish! Just try to keep the theme of Dib and Zim dressed up for Halloween :]
2: it should be obvious…no NSFW please. Some blood is fine as long as there’s a trigger warning :3
3: NO AI GENERATED IMAGES, PLEASE. I do NOT consider that “art”. I’m sorry if my opinion contradicts with yours, but I’m against AI images being claimed as “art”. It’s taking away the spotlight of actual artists that put their heart and creativity in their hard work. AI just types some words in a text box and creates an image. That is a generated image created by a computer, not a piece of art created by a human. (Disclaimer: I’m not Anti-AI. I think it can be very helpful to assist people and make their jobs easier and more efficient. I simply think that it shouldn’t completely take those jobs away by doing all the work for them. It should ASSIST, not REPLACE people.)
4: No tracing :)
5: have fun!
1st place: Fully rendered drawings of 2 characters of their choice (can be 2 characters in the same drawing, or 2 separate drawings of 1 character each)
2nd place: Fully rendered drawing of 1 character of their choice
3rd place: Colored, not rendered drawing of 1 character of their choice
4th + 5th: Sketches of 1 character of each of their choosing
Everyone who participates: you’ll see ;)
post it and tag me (@GalaxyToons), or DM me! :)
For now, I’ll say October 20th, but if more time is needed later on, DM me and I’ll stretch it out!
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thekidsarentalright · 2 years
‼️ dear fob fan reading this ‼️
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all of the results are below the cut, as otherwise this would be wayyy too long (warning ahead of reading: this is long but worth the read i promise)! Thank you again to everybody who participated in this, this year the census received double(!!) the amount of responses as it did previously!! i hope you all enjoy the results and find them as interesting as i do, lets get into it:
A couple small disclaimers before the results: due to some technical difficulties i had to make this whole post on mobile, and because of that had to deal with tumblr mobiles image limit! that's why some questions are paired with others even if there isn't a theme between them. Along with this, tumblr naturally ruined the quality of the images a bit, clicking on them helps if you wanna see more detail! hopefully these things don't disrupt the viewing experience too much! enjoy <3
Questions #1 + #2: Eras
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Question #1: Here it was asked what era you became a fan, and the era with the largest response was Save Rock and Roll, with just over a quarter of you all having become a fan in 2013/2014. The most notable thing to point out here is that over half of you become fans after the hiatus! With a good amount becoming fans (8.5%) in just the last couple years!
Question #2: This question was also about the era's of fob, but asking what your favorite era is personally. Coincidentally (or perhaps not 👀), Save Rock and Roll came out on top in this question too as a majority of peoples favorite era of fob (thus far).
Questions #3 + #4: Favorite + Best Album(s)
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Question #3: Here you were asked to pick which album is personally your favorite, with Folie a Deux being over a quarter of respondents favorite album. This was not too shocking, as Folie came out on top the past two years as well. The love for that album is incredibly strong and unwavering!
Question #4: In this question, the distinction was made in asking which of fobs albums is objectively their best. Part of me knew to expect the answers would be the same as the last one, part of me wondered if maybe things would be shake up- they were not! The only thing that changed was slightly less people believing Folie is their best album, rather than it being their personal favorite (39.7% vs 39%)
Questions #5 + #6: Least Favorite and Worst Album(s)
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Question #5: Here you were asked the flip of question 3, that being which album is personally your least favorite. Here, the answers were not too shocking (but hurtful) to me as abap stan #1 with over a quarter of you all voting abap as your least favorite fob album. Notably, but perhaps not surprisingly, here is that all the albums people voted as their favorites had a Very minuscule amount of people saying they were fobs worst.
Question #6: Just as the last question, this one was a flip of question 4, and as questions 3 and 4, the top answers for these two were the same. However, the order partly flipped, with take this to your grave being considered their worst album, and abap and mania trailing close behind. Interestingly, despite a large majority of people considering folie their best album, it was not the album with the least votes here- Infinity on high is.
Questions #7 + #8: Eps and Music Videos
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Question #7: Number 7 asked you all to pick which Ep of fobs was your favorite, with My Heart (etc etc) pulling ahead to be your #1 favorite. Interestingly here, this was the first year i included project rocket... And only 2 people picked it. Perhaps it will be the last time i include that option...
Question #8: Unrelated to the previous but they're together anyway lol, this question was a new one asking you all what music video is your favorite! Sixteen candles won by a relatively large margin, though several music videos got shown a lot of love. Essentially, despite there being a clear majority favorite, almost each of their music videos got at least one vote, which is pretty cool to me!
Questions #9 + #10: Your babygirls both fob and otherwise
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Question #9: Though it goes without saying that we all love and support each member of fob very very much, we all have our special babygirl, and that was shown here. It appears that a majority of census takers are Patrick girlies (gnc), though each member got a large chunk of votes!
Question #10: Every year this question goes the same, with my chemical romance coming out on top as your guys' favorite fob related/adjacent artist. It feels this year the love for them was even stronger, which is interesting to me! Their resurgence can be felt even in other fandoms, like in this case, which is prettyyyy cool!
Questions #11, 12, + #13: First, Favorite, and Best songs
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Question #11: This question made a comeback this year asking which fob song was the first you ever heard. I want to acknowledge that i included an option for can't/won't remember, as i understand that can be a difficult thing to remember sometimes! That answer, rightfully, came out as the second most answered option. However, i wanted to show the actual top songs, so just put those! Something else to note is the shocking wide variety of first songs for people! Very cool.
Question #12: Here you were asked for your personal favorite overall song, with probably no one being surprised that disloyal order came out on top, dominating any other song, as per usual! The love for Folie truly is so song, with 3 of the top 5 songs being songs from Folie.
Question #13: And here you were asked objectively what your favorite song is andddd... disloyal order won this one as well, perhaps rightfully so. Interestingly here, (coffee's for closers) dipped from the list where it was 5th in peoples favorites, being replaced by the ever so popular dance, dance! What a catch makes an appearance here too, maintaining a majority of the top 5 songs being ones from Folie.
Questions #14 +#15: Under and Overrated songs
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Question #14: One of my favorites to ask every year so far, this one asks which song you believe to be fobs most underrated. Surprisingly to me, Snitches came out as the most underrated. It was interesting to see which songs were chosen for this one, as I feel a lot more mania/posth songs were considered underrated, despite less often being considered favorites!
Question #15: On the flip side, this question asked what fob song is most overrated. Every year, the answers here are very consistent: centuries is their most overrated song. Abap is the album with the most overrated songs. In that way, one could consider abap the antihesis of Folie lmao
Questions #16: Seeing fob live
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Question #16: Interestingly to me, last year the results were flipped with more people having seen them live than not. However this year, with some newer fans that previously, more people have not seen them than have. hopefully this changes soon!
Questions #17 + #18: This or That
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Question #17: Here, I took the top 2 answers for what your favorite fob song was and put them up against each other. The entire time the census was open, this was so so insanely close. A majority of the time, hum hallelujah was beating disloyal order. However, at the last minute, the two songs tied. So i guess we have to wait till next year to see the true favoritez
Question #18: And with this one, these two were the top two answers last year for the most overrated fob song. Centuries was absolutely decimated by My songs, truly solidifying this fandoms apparent distaste for centuries.
Questions #19 + #20: Album Covers and Lyrics
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Question #19: A census first, this question asked which album cover is your guys' favorite cover. I was super interested to see how the results of this one came out, as i had my own perception of what i thought is their best cover, but really didn't know what everyone else thought. and infinity on high came out on top! (with me agreeing with that heavily)
Question #20: Last but certainly not least, question 20 asked you all to pick which fob song has the best lyrics. We experienced a tie here, with an interesting variety of songs here. Hum hallelujah, like it has in past years, came out as number 1! Interestingly, despite Folie being the fan favorite and alleged best album, only one Folie song is present here, with a majority of them being from Infinity on high!
And with that, the 2023 fall out boy census has come to a close. Once again, thank you all for participating in this and indulging me and my love for data and statistics lmao! i really do hope this is as enjoyable for everyone else as it is for me. i look forward to year 4 next year, as by then we'll have an entirely new album to add to the mix! mwah <3
I want to add lastly that if you have any further questions, data you wanna see, or general comments about this please feel free to come into my inbox and chat with me!! :D
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concert-business · 4 months
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5 Seconds of Summer/ April 3rd 2022/ 3Arena Dublin, Ireland.
My first proper show I can actually remember, was hyper fixated on them when I went so it’s one of my favorite shows I’ve been to 🫢
(Also Tumblr try not to ruin my image quality thank you?)
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yibo-wang · 2 years
Summary of what happened at the Hidden Blade Guangzhou RoadShow.
I have been away from my phone all day today so I only found out about what happened a few hours ago. I don't like bringing weibo/twitter drama to tumblr but everything that's been happening made me really angry.
It was expected that the antis would definitely try and ruin it as much as could cause they've done that every single time something important happened in yibo's career. But to think they would sink as low and involve big directors and actors for their petty and selfish acts is a new low even for them.
While yesterday was Hidden Blades first release in cinemas, it did exceedingly well for a film that's undoubtedly different from the usual spring festival movie genres. The GP and fans both had positive reviews about the movie and Yibo's acting.
As far as I know the hateful words and reviews against Yibo have been increasing. Antis who weren't even in China were sending reviews that they hated the movie etc when the movie hasn't even been released anywhere else? Give me a break. (Below antis leaving reviews but their location is from out of China)
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They're trying to suppress the positive response from the public on weibo, saying hurtful things towards the movie, director and actors. It's really disgusting.
You see Cheng Er and the rest of the cast and crew and anyone Yibo has worked with before know how sincere and dedicated he is to his work. For Hidden Blade especially they've praised his acting, his professional behaviour and it's not just one person it's the director, it's Tony Leung himself, it's Wang Chuajun, Da Peng and so many others.
It's actually breaking my heart when I saw the videos from today because why do they forget he's also a human being? That's he's only 25 years old?
Idk what image everyone has of Yibo in their mind but to me he's really very innocent at heart. Never in my years of watching him have I seen him have malice or hatred against anyone.
At the Roadshow today, despite everything that was happening he was really very thankful towards everyone who came, especially to the audience who came to watch the movie more than once because they loved watching it the first time and enjoyed the details.
One encounter today that really moved me was between him and a fan who was sharing her experience of watching the movie.
Translation: I would like to add one more thing. I was asked to convey this message from our group. Though we are Yibo's fans, after watching Hidden Blade, we turned from his fans to his movie fans. Thank you for being a good actor. We wish hidden blade success.
Yibo was really holding back tears 🥺
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Cheng Er talked about how he really appreciates the sincerity the audience who watched the movie showed towards the film and how much he appreciates Yibo as an actor.
You see this is probably the first time Cheng Er had to experience such disturbing behaviour towards his film. Yes he's a grown man with years of experience with him but this is not negative reviews because people didn't like the film. This is because of their hatred for Yibo. And Cheng Er knows all of this cause repeatedly he has spoken or either posted against whatever lies the antis have spewed against the film and Yibo.
Cheng er: As all of you are audiences who really watched Hidden Blade, I believe our efforts including yibo’s will live up to your expectations. He has worked really hard —his image & expression in his eyes. I'm very thankful to such an excellent actor. I only dare to say this because all of you have watched the movie. I don’t dare to praise him recently because… [Audience asking that he should praise Yibo more] so I hope people who really watched the movie can sincerely spread the true situation and quality of our movie (link to video)
Once again despite everything, Yibo isn't forcing anyone to like him. All he asks is to be sincere in their remarks about it cause the movie isn't just him. These blackened tags and reviews affect all the people who have worked day and night for Hidden Blade to come to life. He accepts the criticism if it's genuinely because of his acting but not if it's just because their hatred for him.
Yibo: Like what the director and that audience said, a movie can create a lot of thoughts but you still need to continue with your life. For Hidden Blade, I hope we can exchange sincerity with sincerity. We made this movie with our heart, so we sincerely hope that people will like the movie. I also hope that audiences can sincerely appreciate the movie. Of course, you can also not like like the movie after watching it, there’s no problem. [Fans: we like it!] Exchange sincerity with sincerity. Thank you.
I do want to say that despite the antis efforts for the smear campaign, the passerby comments and almost all of the general public had a good experience while watching the movie and relayed good reviews. (Some of them down below + Link to one of the film critics review)
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The thing is I'm really happy with how the GP is talking about HB. Infact Yibo was very happy during the other times in the roadshow. He kept smiling, talked so animatedly and with enthusiasm it was delightful to see him that way. But what bothered me most about the whole thing is that this situation was big enough for Yibo (who doesn't let useless remarks affect him) and Cheng Er to be bothered by it.
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Diabolik Lovers 2021 Survey Results
First of all a massive thank you to everyone who participated (and apologies for being so late with this post)! This year we got over 150 responses, which is more than any other year I’ve run this survey and I’m really happy to see that the fandom is still going strong after 10 years. 
I’ve changed the way I’ve formatted the results this year (partly as I think Tumblr have changed their image limit and also to make everything look at least semi-professional. If you cannot view the results on Tumblr (i.e. if the images won’t load or Tumblr has ruined the quality) then you can access them here. 
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Commentary from me:
After winning this year and in 2018, Laito is now the only character to have won the popularity part of this survey twice (does this make him the most popular character overall in the Tumblr DL fandom?). In terms of other surprises, Yui did very well this year, while Subaru went from 1st to 10th place which I was definitely not expecting.
Carla is still easily the most popular Tsukinami brother (sorry Shin) while Kou and Kino once again came last out of the boys. Kino’s place doesn’t surprise me too much as he is the character people tend to know the least about but I’m still not sure why Kou is a lot less popular in these surveys than he is in the official polls. 
Dark Fate once again proved to be the fan favourite of the games, although More Blood did a lot better here than in previous years. I do find it interesting that a fairly large number of people said that, if we get another game, then they’d like it to be like VC or LP, considering that those games seem to be the least popular of the franchise.
In terms of drama CDs, the solo CDs always tend to be more popular than CDs with multiple characters (with the exception of the bonus CDs) and the Daylight series is no exception to that. As I haven’t listened to any myself (I preordered Shin’s over a year ago OTL), I’m not sure whether this is because they’re the latest release and are therefore fresh in people’s minds or whether they really do hold their own against fan favorites like the Bloody Bouquet, Para-Selene and Zero.
Even though the Daylight CDs did very well in the drama CD section, it doesn’t surprise me too much that Young Blood was easily the favourite release of 2021. People have always been fans of anything that provides nuggets of lore (even if it does conflict with information we already have) as well as content with information on the characters’ childhoods. I personally am still a little bitter that I have yet to get any mini-Shin content, but it’s been good to see fans enjoying Young Blood regardless.
It was really interesting to see everyone’s comments on why they like their favorite characters/games/DL as a whole. I’m sorry I couldn’t include all of the answers I got but you guys really exceeded my expectations with how many of you gave lovely detailed responses. I may make a separate post with every comment I got for the survey later on (and I’ll come back to this post and add a link if I do) but right now I’m going to take a break from looking at spreadsheets ^^;;
Thank you again for participating. I hope you’ve found the results as interesting as I have (and enjoyed the new format). Here’s to another year of fangirling over DL!
For comparison: 2018 results, 2019 results, 2020 results
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cal-kestis · 3 years
Helloooo! I’ve been really loving your Star Wars edits (especially the ones of Rogue One/Diego Luna) <33 Thank you for the content! I wanted to ask, do you have any tips on managing a Tumblr & making edits? I’m planning to maybe post things like gifsets to start my blog :)) I’m new to Tumblr but I really wanna connect with the community so I’m taking all the advice I can get :>> Thanks in advance!
hello there! first, welcome to tumblr and thank you for the kind compliment! it's so exciting that you'll be making new content! and I'd be happy to share some tips under the cut :)
tips for your mental wellness: - set boundaries for yourself and your blog. tumblr should be a safe and happy place for YOU, so it's completely valid for you to make clear what you will and won't post about - as soon as creating feels like a chore, take a step back. it's easier said than done, but try not to feel the too-common pressure to constantly produce content - be selective with who you follow — don't let the bad apples ruin your experience here - don't feel bad about blocking someone! if they make you feel uncomfy in any way (or if they're stealing your creations), block 'em!
tips for managing your blog: - create a tagging system! this keeps your content organized and help your followers filter things like potential triggers - use the queue to keep your blog active even when you're offline! I currently have mine running to post 5 times a day between 6am-11pm (US/Pacific time). currently, tbobf is increasing the amount of new content — but I usually have it set to 3 times a day between 8am-12am when there's less new content - make a tracking tag so people can show you stuff they've made! generally, people use the #username format (like mine is #usernik) — but you can make yours whatever you want. put it in your blog description so people can see it when they visit your blog! (and again, be clear about what you don't want to be tagged in — I do this in my about/nav page)
tips for tumblr etiquette: - when applicable, ALWAYS link inspo in your caption! there are so many talented creators on this site who spend hours making gifs/edits — and it sucks when you see someone recreate your idea without linking back to what inspired them - if you "like" something, reblog it too! that's how we show support to fellow creators and increase their visibility - don't be rude in your tag commentary. no one wants to see #i love everyone in this set except [character name] - be kind and respect other people's boundaries! - post replies under a gifset aren't for conversations with friends, so use DMs instead - tag potential triggers to keep your followers safe! and if someone asks you to tag a trigger, be respectful and don't invalidate them - and of course, always reblog and never repost. even if you put an image source link under, the creator would prefer a reblog
tips for making edits/gifs: - use the highest quality files you can find. when I can, I always use 2160p files for gifs (aka 4K). if I can't get 4K, then I'll do 1080p with the biggest file size I can find. here's a helpful tutorial! - I use photoshop, but I know there are other software people use to make gifs. find what works for you! - here's a basic gifmaking tutorial! (I also love their sharpening action) - my ideal gif speed is 0.05 sec. this is a preference but 0.05 is pretty standard with most gifmakers I know! I sometimes use a faster speed when giffing video games like JFO - put photography credits in your caption if you edit photoshoots! - the file size limit for gifs is 10mb (more info here) and the maximum width is 540px (here's a guide on image dimensions!). also, the gutter size is 4px - establish a creations tag and link it in your blog description. for example, my creations tag is #myedit* - how to get your creations seen: tag other people in your fandom (most people love to be tagged, but you can always check with them if it's ok!), tag appropriate source blogs (for star wars creations, you can tag #starwarsblr — or for diego luna creations, you could tag #diegolunasource), tag appropriate edit tags (for example, #swedit for star wars)
tips for connecting with people in your fandom: - leave nice comments in the tags of your reblog! most friendships or follow-backs I've made have started with super kind tags in reblogs of my sets :') - see if there's a discord server you can join to connect with people who love what you love! I'm part of a few servers for creators and one with some of my mando friends <3 - again, tag people in your gifsets! - apply to source blogs and networks to be part of a group of like-minded people in your fandom! - start a conversation in DMs! or if you're feeling shy, you can submit an ask with one of those "chain mail" things like "send this ask to 5 people you follow to brighten their day" - make an about page! this will help other people get to know you and the things you love! but of course, be safe and don't give away info that could put you at risk!
I hope this helps! and again, welcome to tumblr!
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 2 years
stares insanely... coins spreadsheet...
Ok tumblr is gonna ruin the quality of these images so you WILL have to click on them to read. But yes hi I collect coins, both old shit and shit from around the world. And I have a pretty big collection (about 600, just under I think) so I decided to record all the coins in a spreadsheet. I would’ve graded them too but honestly this took long enough. I’m gonna post the spreadsheets now with little fun comments because I’m fun. Here we go!
Pics under the cut for the sanity of people who just wanna scroll...
First up we have my home, England (more accurately, the UK)! This is the biggest portion of my collection, with 150 coins. It is a lot to get through so I’ll let it speak for itself, though my favourites in the collection include the inexplicable 4 pence piece from 1848, and the gold half sovereign which my dad bit into when he was a kid.
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Next up we have the Euros. Pretty average stuff, still used in most of Europe today, nothin’ special. However, you will note that I have two seperate tables for these. This is purely because I have two different books of coins and needed to differentiate which book the coins are in. That is all, you will see it throughout.
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Now onto my second largest part of the collection, the French coins. Ah, the French. I like how some of the coins have a rooster on them. Also, my 1 franc coin from 1941 is made from different material than the others, likely because of the war! What an interesting history some of these coins tell...
Additionally, you may notice some of these coins have the same value, but are listed in different sections of the table. This is because they are different versions of the coin, aka circulated at different times and therefore have a different design.
Also, Belgium is here too!
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Next on the list is... Italy, San Marino, and Malta! (I’m certainly trying to get my hands on something from the Vatican City, to complete the set!) This selection is pretty small, but I enjoy the coins nonetheless. They have braille on them!
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Now we move on to... uh... well, I call this my ‘fuck it, Europe.’ section. I only have a few coins for a lot of central, northern and eastern European countries, so I put them all together in what seems to be a declaration of world war three. Whoops!
Interestingly, Switzerland calls itself Helvetica on its coins, which took me way too long to figure out. Google describes Helvetica as the ‘female national personification of Switzerland’... okay. Also, Sweden and Norway have very similar coins, which caused me a whole lot more confusion. These coins took a whole lotta Google-ing in general.
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Now we have Greece and Cyprus, lovingly placed together. These ones were quite fun, as they gave me a little challenge (not all in English/similar to English) while not forcing me to spend hours learning a new language to translate them. For that, Greece and Cyprus, I thank you.
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Next up, SPAIN!! (And Portugal, and Barcelona?). The first coin, the 4 reals, is the most interesting to me, as it is attached to a brooch of some kind, which I think is also made of silver. Also of note is the fact that Spanish currency, up until 1982, doesn’t have the true date simply written on the front like most coins do. No, that is the date of authentication, while the actual date is found in a tiny 6-pointed star on the back. Why? I assume purely to fuck with people. Had to get the magnifying glass out for this one...
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Last on the list for Europe, we have the wonderful islands. This includes Ireland, but also some islands such as Jersey and The Isle of Man. Very basic stuff, as they use the same currency system as the UK, at least until Ireland changed over to the Euro!
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Now we move on to the Middle East and Asia, which were perhaps the hardest coins to translate out of all I will show here. Learning the numbers 1-9 in Arabic was fun, but I did have to scroll through coin collection forums trying to find exact matches to some of the coins, as I could only describe them in the vaguest ways. The dates on the Japanese coins were quite a challenge, but after some researching, I managed to translate the dates as accurately as I could. They have a very interesting date system for currency!
No idea if some of these are right, but we hope and pray.
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We travel down to the third smallest part of my collection: Africa! I only have a few coins from Africa, but they are an interesting part of my collection nonetheless. You may notice, from the previous pic and this one, that some dates are written in brackets. This is to account for countries that use a different calendar to the traditional Christianity-based one most Western countries use! This caused me a lot of confusion at first, but I eventually figured it out.
It’s also worth noting that I don’t know where many of these coins came from. I did not buy any of them; they are all handed down from family members. Some make sense, such as the European coins (mostly) and some others where family went on holiday (Tunisia, Dominican Republic) but some I just don’t know. Nonetheless, it is super interesting to discover these things and to wonder how you ended up with them!
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Now for my second smallest group in the collection: Oceania! Consisting of only three countries (despite Oceania containing many more) this group is by far my favourite in terms of coin design. I mean, the Australian coin has a platypus on it! Again, not sure how I got these, especially the French Polynesian one, but it’s nice to have :)
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Next, approximately, The Caribbean! Sort of. Okay, I’m pretty sure the Dominican Republic is only an honorary member of the official Caribbean? Oh well, I didn’t know where else to put it, haha.
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Now it’s time for the big guns, North America! What fascinates me about American (USA) coins is that they have stayed relatively the same for... 80 years. As someone from Europe, that is insane to me!
P.S. No idea how I got the coin from Panama! The Mexican coins were a present from a friend, though :) and I love Canadian currency- it’s so fun!
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Now, to complete the continents (barring Antarctica) we have the smallest part of my collection: South America. Two countries, Brazil and the Falkland Islands, the latter of which has cute penguins on their coin! I was very happy when I got these, as they completed my goal of getting a coin from each continent. These are the last coins on the list for countries/states that still exist today.
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Lastly, we have coins from states/countries/colonies that do not exist anymore. In Europe, this includes Yugoslavia. In Africa, this is Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), and in Asia, this is the East India Company and Ottoman Empire. Sadly, several of these coins carry the weight of colonisation with them, which is part of the reason I will not sell them or advertise them as purely ‘interesting’ like some of the other coins in my collection. These coins are part of history, and I aim to be respectful in my documenting and keeping of them.
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I hope you have enjoyed viewing my documentation of my coin collection! I know it’s a bit boring to most people, but hopefully this will reach some folks who are interested! I should really get around to posting more of the actual coins, but they are all individually kept inside plastic sleeves, so that’ll have to wait until I get some free time, haha.
Thanks for reading, peace out!
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demonslayedher · 3 years
Any Kny character you've grown to love/appreciate more??
Thanks for waiting, Anon, I have been trying to really, really hard to narrow this down, but the answer remains: the vast majority of the cast. The only character I loved right away was Tanjiro and that love kept me watching, as with almost every new character I was like, "ugh, I hate this guy. Here I was, having fun being emotionally invested in a high quality anime, and this might ruin it for me." But then the instant I see a different side of their character, I'm like, "...Oh." To go into some examples...
Zenitsu: I could not stand him right away, I hate womanizers, and his conniptions would go on so long that they held up the story. But Gotouge/Ufotable strung me along perfectly, the first glimpse of Thunder Breath made me immediately pay attention and think, "oh, that was cool. I want to see more of that." Seeing him protect the box pretty firmly put him in the "I need to protect this child" box in my heart. And then the spider demon happens, and I'm sending desperate reaction messages to a friend like "NOOOOOO!!!! BABBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYY!!!!" And then he annoyed me all over again at the start of Functional Recovery, ahaha. It's hard to remember how annoyed I was because I'm such a Zen Stan now, and he was a very firm favorite of mine by the time I finished binging the anime up to the last couple episodes, which I waited for as they came out. Inosuke: He was one of the reasons I was curious about the series, I saw some promotional art and was super curious about Nezuko's muzzle (I was one of the people who thought it was some ancient scroll or something, haha) and the kid with the boar mask. The art I saw showed his face, and I assumed he'd be some kid with a cracking voice performed by a female seiyuu. As much as I love Matsuoka's performance now, initially, since I knew what his face looked like, I found it grossly off-putting the moment I heard it. Then every chaotic thing Inosuke did dug a deeper hole; I very quickly decided I hated him, especially when he started beating up on the kid I was starting to like. As his chaos subsided he just became a character I tolerated, and then this happened:
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Images you can hear, am I right? This immediately flipped the "BABY" switch in my heart. It was also a lot of fun to understand the Inosuke memes I was seeing everywhere. So by the end of the anime, I loved, loved, loved, loved the Tanjiro/Zenitsu/Inosuke interactions and desperately wanted more (still didn't like how Zenitsu bothered Nezuko, though). I was so impatient for more, but the manga art looked disappointingly off-putting. I figured the anime was successful enough that there'd eventually be more of it, and I wanted to be patient, but then I poked around, read some spoilers, got back into Tumblr to look at fanart and memes, saw a spoiler image of Tanjiro affected by Muzan's poison and the binge-read began. (That's kind of a lie, but I'll get to that.) Let's back up a few episodes. There I was, having a great time, the guy who I forgot about from Episode 1 was back and haha, I guess everyone hates him, and the chick who I figured was going to be a medic who saves Zenitsu in the nick of time turned out to be savage, awesome. I was sending reactions to my friends who were ahead of me, and then we left off seeing the Pillars staring down Best Boy. And I...
Well. Uh. Here, I've dug up an old convo for you, my comments are in blue.
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Immediately followed by a passionate vocal rant, which I have transcribed here:
“I feel like what happened was that the mangaka was sitting around with his assistants and was like, ‘welp, gotta make this whole cast of characters, they gotta be so-o-o-o many more levels of extreme than all the other characters I’ve had so far, which isn’t hard, because all of the background characters are cannon fodder and I’ve just gotta leave them all with black hair and no personality traits. So! Gotta go to the opposite of the spectrum with the BIG! POWERFUL! People so no-o-o-body can be normal.’ And so he and his assistants sat down, and they all wrote down just random words or traits, and them put ‘em all in a hat. And then for each character, they pulled out a few of them and said, ‘OK. We’re gonna put these things together, now we have a character.’ And he was probably also like, ‘Iiiiiiiiiiiii’ll flesh them out later. For now, they just need t’… be there, and make an impact. How do we make an impact? By making sure it’s super, super clear what their character traits are. Here, we’ll have this guy repeat the word //HADE//…. ////HA DEEE//// over and over and over… to show that he’s a /showy/ person. Because he /cares/ about that. And he //should// care because that is his character and that’s why he’s powerful.’ OH MY GOSH, it’s so dumb.”
......orz I feel like Genya looking back at how he acted at the end of the Final Selection. I'm sorry, Gotouge, I had not even encountered your love for these characters yet in your little alligator form. Nor had I encountered the yet unseen-sides of these traumatized dragons and tigers. ...*coughs* Um. So. I was pretty harsh.
So this was my mindset, I went into the manga not caring about most of these characters and just wanting more Kamaboko squad interactions and wanting to hurry up and catch up to the battle with Muzan. And it's worth stating that I didn't mean to read it at first. I encountered a few spoilers, and just wanted to look for the context surrounding those parts, and then hunt for the (non-existent) build-up to those parts, and so... uh.........
I read a lot of the manga out of order, and yeah, that did affect how much I cared about what was going on. I didn't actually properly process a lot of it until later re-reads. But to try to state some things simply about each Pillar:
Giyuu: He was just 'ok' to me for a long time, I could see the appeal for why people I knew were fangirling over him but he didn't do it for me. His soft spot for Tanjiro was indeed endearing, though, and I firmly liked him by the time chapter 200 came out and I was properly heartbroken on his behalf.
Shinobu: She was intriguing, and then I liked her as soon as I saw her savage side, she was one of the characters I went hunting for spoilers for.
Rengoku: That stare really put me off at first, but I fell for him over the process of Tanjiro falling for him. When I first finished the train arc I sat back and said, "wow! That's going to make for a good movie!" and then in psyching myself out for the movie several months in advance, I fell hook, line, and sinker and was totally excited for him each time I saw the trailers. And then the movie was *stunning* and I love him even more. Uzui: He was the Pillar I hated most upon first meeting them. I blame the repeated use of his catchphrase. But then when he let his hair down to sell the kiddos the change in design helped warm me up more to him, like, "oh, there was a human in there." It took a long time for him to become more interesting to me, and an uncharacteristically subtle journey to becoming a character I liked. I am currently getting more and more psyched out for him and eager to see how much more I'm going to like him with the shiny Ufotable treatment. Mitsuri: At first I didn't remember her name, I had code-named her as "Boobs." But I kinda had a feeling she was going to grow on me quickly, and I was right, she's one of my easy favorites now. Muichiro: Who? Oh yeah, that kid who always kinda fell to the wayside in my attention. I'd see a lot of Muichiro-themed blogs and hear a lot of little girls looking at merch and showing a clear favoritism of him, and I'd like always react like Muichiro and just be like, "...", and then when I read his major battles I was more emotionally invested in things going on concurrently with other characters, and I was still like, "...", and then two days ago I revisited a Muichiro scene and was suddenly like, "......OH!!! MUICHIRO!!!!!" Himejima: I never really hated Himejima, even if I found his first impression kind of wimpy (haha... oh, I was so wrong). I had a pretty easy acceptance of him too, so I would generally count him among characters I like, but if you were to ask me why, I'd draw a blank. It's kind of a weirdly mature, subdued appreciation for him rather than passionate fangirling. But weirdly when I was daydreaming the other day I found myself thinking, "if I had to marry someone in the KnY cast, it would be Himejima." So like, not a fiery romance, but I see him as my dependable, sturdy rock to grow old with??? What is up with you, sub-conscious?? Iguro: My interest in him rises and falls. Being a Mitsuri fan helped warm me up to his character in the first place, which was the emotional tie I needed since his backstory didn't grip me much (I found it a frustrating distraction while I was desperately reading weekly updates). Reading more subtle details about his character in the fanbooks has brought me around and made me more curious about him, like I'd really like to be a fly on the wall for the conversation he had with Uzui one day about their pasts.
Sanemi: Hahaha, wow. He was so unlikable in the beginning, wasn't he? His character design (yeah, the eyes) was really off-putting too. But then I got to know him and there was no going back, I got totally played. He's a character I'm pretty fond of now and one of the characters I've enjoyed delving into most in fanfic. To keep this answer from getting too long, for the vaaaaaast majority of the cast, I was initially like, "meh" or "OK" or "ew" but now am like, "EEEEEEEEE, I LOVE THIS TOTALLY RANDOM UNIMPORTANT SIDE CHARACTERRRRRRR" so you know... times change. And the more time I spend obsessed with Kimetsu no Yaiba, the more I like them all, so even the characters I'm lukewarm on will probably have their eventual days when they take over my heart and smash it.
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murumokirby360 · 3 years
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My Essager USB Type C Cable 3A review w/ my Accezz  Type-C To Micro USB Adapter  (w/ my Paper Dolls) - Part 3 [Mar 30, 2021]
Hi! Here’s my part 3 of my Essager USB Type C Cable with my Accezz USB Type C to Micro USB Adapter and my paper dolls.
Much like my other item(s), I haven’t made a continuation since Jan of this year, so if you want to see my previous part of the same topic review then please [CLICK ME!].
So in this part, I’m about to make a conversion with my USB Type C Cable and a USB Adapter to make a regular Micro USB, and see how it works with my recent smartphone - Honor 8C.🖥️📲 Sure, Type C formats will become the “new standard” and the predecessor will soon phased out but we sometimes using a converting adapter to access other old tech stuff. Such the case with this one, that I’m attempt to.
BTW: •#1: Some of my photo(s) are combine into one image using my GIMP (v 2.10.22) art software, despite tumblr’s limitation of 10 photos per one post(s).🖼️🖌️ •#2: From 7th to 11th Images, I use my father’s smartphone (which we’re the same phone brands and models) during my connection test.
So without further ado, let’s get started:
1st & 2nd Image(s): • Here are my two items I need, in order to form a regular Micro USB Cable. • My paper dolls saying that they’re both shiny metallic silver (or gray) color are perfectly matched. Hmm are they? Let’s find out...🤔
3rd Image: • Here’s a comparison between the two. And in my photoshoot, they seem to be a bit matched. But according to my eyes, I’d say they’re “not”. Because, the Accezz USB adapter (on the right) has a bright shiny silver color compare to Essager’s dark shiny gray color. Bottom-line, they’re unmatched.🤷
4th Image: • Unlike their colors, both of them are on the same formats between the port and socket of the USB Type C formats. • BTW #3: My single left hand sometimes shaking during my photoshoot, and it ruined my photo quality. So I need my phone stand as a support, plus this is best photoshoot I get. I tried to get closer on their ports but it cause blur with a flash.🤳
5th & 6th Image(s): • Next, with combining two items I could now connect and plug it with any Micro USB format devices(s). • My paper dolls say they’re wrong all along about their color matches, but they say they’re both good look. Yeah, I know.🙂
7th & 8th Image(s) [Combined]: • My first test out is my recent smartphone, Honor 8C. My paper dolls and I are eager to test out (well not really though, this is gonna be a normal test 😅).☺️
9th Image: • Here connecting my combine cable adapter through my Honor 8C phone is a snug fit. Although it wobbles when I tilt the adapter, at least it’s perfectly secure.
10th & 11th Image(s): • Finally for the moment of truth. When I plugging my combine cable adapter on my phone, it works normally as usual. I’m switching at transfer files though, because I want to move my photoshoots onto my computer; like these photos, that you saw before.😊🖥️📲 In fact, this is quite better than my usual yet normal Huawei micro USB cable from the inclusion box. • You see, I’m having a issue using my included Huawei micro USB cable... Well at least one though, and that’s lost connection during my transfer file(s). And hoping my Essager USB Type C cable and my Accezz USB adapter will not cause this problem. • My paper dolls saying that they’re 100% agree and quite impress. Thanks, you two.😊
Overall: • I think this is a very satisfy test with my combine micro USB cable from Essager and Accezz, and this will be my main cable for transfer files and charging as well. •And speaking of charging, I haven’t test it out yet with my Honor 8C. So I’ll be waiting until my recent smartphone will drain down 0% as my next topic.😉⚡📱🔋
BTW #4: •A year ago (2020), I purchased this Micro USB to USB Type C Adapter from !ACCEZZ brand for ₱107 discount (now it’s ₱114) from their Lazada’s store [CLICK ME!], and yes it’s two 2 pieces for a fair price.
Well that’s all for now. And if you want to see my previous parts of the same topic review, then I’ll provide some links down below.↓😉
My Essager USB Type C Cable 3A: • Part 1 [Jan 4,2021] • Part 2 [Jan 22, 2021]
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @bytern, @gibsonfreak49
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tuesday again
i don’t have a snappy joke to kick this one off
listening ty @andmaybegayer​ for reccing me this song, which is just a coupla dudes showing off in a church. no lyrics. three and a half minutes of the most technically skilled prog/electronic rock/metal you will hear today. my wrists hurt for them
reading A Touch of Ruin and A Game of Fate by Scarlett St Clair, a modern AU hades & persephone romance that's for a new adult audience i think? sometimes, you need to read something where the female lead faces zero consequences for any of her actions and scream about it with your best friend. i cannot recommend this in good faith bc it really needs a copy editor and also a story editor- there are some lines that made me gasp, and this could be really fucking stellar if i had just a little bit more information. i don’t expect to have to put a lot of thought into unraveling a character’s motivations in this flavor and format of romance, and the author’s style of frequent tangents into scene setting and backstory does not encourage me to do so.
same goes for the other book in the series i CANNOT find a high-quality image for. the author pulled a stephenie meyer and rewrote the first book from the male love interest’s perspective which amuses me as a concept? that one (A Game of Fate) got more into the good good juicy politics and power dynamics of the world she’s created but also suffers from the same problems as the other two hades/persephone books.
these have been fun! i enjoyed them! i’ll probably read the third one when it comes out next year! i know the author has a tumblr and i know the publishing and agent process is weird and difficult and i wish that she had the editorial resources available to her to make these a little more polished!
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watching i loved bon appetit before it imploded on itself and i am so so so happy to see sohla have a chance to really shine. i feel like this new series will scratch all the same itches gourmet makes did- watching a skilled professional break down why something is the way it is and make it better.
playing the outer worlds is what i thought it would be and everyone’s criticisms are pretty valid imo, but it’s so fuckin nice to have another one of this flavor of game.  i like a game that lets me poke around and explore and meaningfully rewards me for poking my nose into every crevice and lets me talk to a million people and do errands and also listen to fun party banter. this isn’t a fast food hamburger, it’s like a bespoke hamburger, but it’s still a hamburger and i enjoy it very much so far thank you. this is fallout in space and it is a game for Me thank you very much i will eat all of it.
also i would die for pavarti.
making poking along realllllllll slow on this dumb joke thing for my sister. the light in here is terrible it feels like it’s going to pour any second
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6ad6ro · 5 years
hi everyone. absolutely awful news for all giffers!
TLDR: webp has been enabled as the default way to display gifs within web pages on not only chrome, but now firefox as well. this affects everything including the tumblr dashboard. that means your beautiful gifs will display improperly and look hideous on almost everyone’s browsers by default. this can also affect the upload process on tumblr (gifs permanently converting to webp). pixel/retro gifs are especially ruined by this.
SOOOOO i just went through hours of hell trying to figure out why tumblr was converting my 168k pretty gif as a 1mb hideous blurry webp. this was happening on desktop (firefox 68.0.2) as i uploaded it.
well turns out that google is spreading it's diseased buggy webm/webp compression format as a sort of new “standard”, and firefox has stupidly enabled it as the default with it's most recent update. and it was not only displaying all gifs as ugly webp (have fun saving em to your hd), but actually UPLOADING them as webp files as well.
example of first frame of gif animation as GIF (clear, vibrant, beautiful, no visible compression, perfectly square pixels, zero distortion, total filesize of 167k):
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example of first frame of same gif animation as WEBP (blurry, dull, ugly, extremely visible compression, fuzzy pixels, bad distortion, total filesize of 1mb):
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(the actual webp in motion looks 100x worse than the still image example). i solved the display and upload issue on my firefox by typing “about:config“ into my address bar. searching for “image.http.accept“ and then deleting “image/webp,*/* => */*” from the entry. so now on MY specific browser i am no longer displaying gifs as webp, and all gifs uploaded to tumblr stay as GIFS instead of auto-converting to goddamn webp. the continuing MAJOR problem is 99.9% of the people LOOKING at my content are still using browsers that default all gifs on here to webp. meaning any gif i upload, regardless of the quality, will look like absolute shit to them. this has probably been the case for chrome users for a while... ironically the stupid app still displays gifs as gifs? though (old news) it compresses gifs badly and hyper-compresses all images that you use it to upload so it almost doesn’t matter. so far it seems like still image formats like png have not been affected. at least on firefox. on chrome i’ve noticed some cases where png will be displayed as jpg for no good reason? hopefully it’s just a fluke on my end but... i fully expect google to standardize unnecessary and awful still image compression in the future as well. so hey thanks to easily the most evil current tech corporation? OUR ART IS TOTALLY FUCKED. (i did a lot of research/testing to figure this stuff out today, but i could be wrong about a few things. if anyone else knows what the hell is going on, please tell me. i really want to be wrong about this. this feels like a nightmare. i only just got back into giffing again in past few months, but this alone would kill my art dead.)
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segersgia · 4 years
Looking back: Part 2 - Death Guard - Infantry
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8th edition needed a big baddie for the new Primaris Marines to combat, and Mortarion was very eager to oblige in this front. The Death Guard are by far my favourite Heretic Astartes faction just by aesthetic alone. Nurgle is my #1 Chaos God. I like his focus on pestilence and decay and the fact he is technically a rather benign god. 
I love the Death Guard because of their doctrines and their design. They make use of chemical warfare and just slowly advance like a poisonous cloud towards their foes.
So it was very exciting to see a full army being made out of them.
This army is very difficult to rate and review, because unlike the Space Marine line, every little model in their range is unique in some way. Every little miniature you get for this army has different weapons, helmets, and different armour patterns. This means that one unit will both have ace looking models and models that look like hot filthy garbage (in a bad way).
Let’s begin...
Plague Marines:
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The main boys of the Death Guard army are definitely the much-loved Plague Marines. These are your mainline infantry boys and make up the majority of the Death Guard Army. They are a result of what happens when a Chaos Space Marine starts worshiping Nurgle a little too much. They begin transforming into these bloated and disease ridden humps of rotten flesh and rusted armour. The Plague Marines themselves love this. They feel no pain and see every little malady as another gift from their god. 
The first Plague Marines came into existence during the Horus Heresy. When the Death Guard attempted to join the Siege of Terra, their fleet got lost in the Warp and the legion became infected with Nurgle’s Rot and the Destroyer Plague. Their Primarch Mortarion, in an attempt to save his legion from the torture and suffering, sold his soul and his legion to Nurgle. 
Plague Marines slowly advance on their enemies, bolters firing without mercy. Some carry rusted weapons that are infused with Nurgle’s Rot. One small cut and your infected.  When injured, they won’t even flinch, since they absolutely feel no pain whatsoever.  
Plague Marines are a truly decisive bunch of miniatures. You have four different kits to choose from (three, since Dark Imperium has been discontinued) and each of them has some very good models and some very bad ones. 
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I do think that they are very busy and in some parts overdesigned. Some models have like three different Plaguebearers fused to their armour for example. I do like their armour though and the ones wearing the Mark 2 helmet are by far the best looking of the bunch. 
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I would say that the best box out of the four would be the basic Multi-kit, since they are the most consistent in quality. However, all of my favourites strangely come from the discontinued Dark Imperium Box Set. 
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The Walking Pox is a very infectious disease that is just awful to have. Your organs start failing one by one and you eventually turn into a zombie, fully conscious of your actions yet without any control over your body.
Poxwalkers shamble like undead in search of flesh to consume. They have these long horns sprouting out of their heads and all of them constantly smile like they’ve been injected with Joker laughing gas. The worst part about them is that their groans and roars can infect those who hear it with the Walking Pox disease. 
The walking Pox spreads auditory. It can spread through the vibrations of sound. 
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I love these models. There is nothing really bad to say about them. They completely succeed at what they are supposed to convey and resemble. Some of them hint at their former professions, like the one dressed as a doctor. Some of them also wear clothing similar to that the Genestealer Hybrids, so they stay very consistent. They look creepy and disgusting and I love it.
Blightlord Terminators:
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These fellas are even more diseased than their normal Plague Marine counterparts. Their steps corrode and rust the ground beneath them and even being touched by them could spell your very painful death.
Blightlord Terminators excel at ship-to-ship-combat and boarding actions against enemy spaceships. Since they are Terminators, they can teleport aboard enemy vessels, and they use this tactic to cause mayhem and to spread the gift of Nurgle. 
The Blightlords are surprisingly less busy than I would’ve expected and it makes them a better looking unit for it. These models found a way better balance between clean and diseased. I think that some of their weapons do look a bit oversized. Overall though, the designers aced this unit.
My favourite one out of the bunch is the Insectoid Blightlord with the extra limbs. That is just clever design and a fun way to visualize Nurgle’s corruption.
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In the olden days of the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy, the Deathshroud were the personal bodyguards of Mortarion. They were his version of an Honour Guard and were chosen out of the sole survivors from destroyed Space Marine squads. They completely forsook their identity, never taking of their masks and conducting a vow of silence. They are considered at that point killed in action. 
They still largely form Mortarion’s personal guard even after his ascension to Daemon Prince. However, Mortarion also sends them to check up on those he favours. They fight alongside Chaos Lords and the like and act like judges. If a Chaos Lord does well, the Deathshroud leave in peace, but if the Chaos Lord failed in the eyes of Mortarion, then he gets executed by these bodyguards. 
Deathshroud carry Power-scythes called Manreapers, which are rumoured to be dipped in the filth of Nurgle’s Throne itself. They also come equipped with custom Hand Flamers that shoot chemical ammunition. 
The Deathshroud have a very good design that is very similar to the Blightlords. There is however some waste in potential. These are Mortarion’s most trusted warriors and they just look like a hooded version of the Blightlords. I kind of wished the designers took some inspiration from this artwork and made them have more ornate features.
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It would certainly distinguish them more from their brethren better. 
I also take some offence that in the images, one of them has no helmet on, which kind of ruins the point of a voiceless and faceless warrior. You do have the option of giving the squad leader a helmeted head, so this is kind of a none-issue. 
Plague Marine Icon Bearer
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The Icon bearers of Nurgle carry an Icon of Despair. This banner creates an aura of hopelessness around the area, and the thoughts of surrounding foes become filled with the idea of inevitable death. It basically turns enemies into nihilists who’ve become depressed.
What makes me sad about this unit is that there is no mention of these guys anywhere on the different wiki’s, which is kind of a bummer since he looks like a solid Plague Marine. Yes, it is just a Plague Marine with a Chaos Icon, but he should at least be mentioned somewhere. Don’t be mean to him. He is a good looking Plague Marine. 
I do wish that the Icon he carried didn’t have the weird helmet pressed in it. The fly motive is nice though.
So all in all, outside of some outliers, the Death Guard infantry is a very solid line of miniatures that is very varied in appearance. You could apply the “Goldilocks Effect” to it; some are too busy, some are not busy enough, and some are just just right.
Next up, I’m going to tackle the Craftworld Aeldari Faction, which will be a short one and will probably come a little sooner than normal. After that, I’ll be looking at the Vanguard Primaris infantry units. I want to spread them out somewhat so that everything stays interesting, but I also want to get the Primaris overviewed as quickly as possible. 
Thank you for reading my stuff so far. It is fun to overview the design and lore of these different factions. It also is a learning experience for me. For example; Tumblr has a Max-10 image cap per post and this means that this series will probably list a lot longer than I’d imagine. Still, it will be a fun ride for me.
‘Till next time.
previous posts: Primaris Mainline Infantry
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𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓻𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓫𝓪𝓵𝓵 🔮
Hello everyone! For some years I started divination with the crystal ball, I wanted to share with you what I learned! Prepare yourself that it will be a bit long (there are many things to say) but I hope you will find it interesting. Prepare a tea, get in your favorite armchair and let's start! 🍵
⚠️ WARNINGS ⚠️ The crystal ball is not a game to spend an alternative evening with friends. It is a lens through which you will see the deepest part of your intimate or that of another person, just for this prepare yourself psychologically. You may see things you may not want to see. Avoid using the sphere if you are easily emotional.
🔮 𝓗𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓒𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓑𝓪𝓵𝓵 The art of reading the crystal ball is called Clairvoyance (= being able to see something hidden). This form of divination is the evolution of other divination methods, first of all Lecanomancy which consists in observing a liquid (usually water or oil) in a black basin. This practice is already in use among the Babylonians and the ancient Greeks. In this way, physical sight is lost in indefinite forms that are interpreted by fortune tellers. The use of the crystal ball, on the other hand, is relatively recent. The first information dates back to the early Middle Ages. But to have tangible proof of the use of the sphere, we must wait for November 21, 1582, the day on which John Dee (mathematician, geographer, astronomer, astrologer, alchemist and necromancer) claimed to have received the crystal ball from an angel. The object in question was a 5 cm diameter beryl sphere now preserved in the British Museum.
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🔮 𝓢𝓬𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓲𝓬 𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼 Meanwhile, let's begin to understand the assumptions on which the crystal ball is based. We assume that what surrounds us undergoes two important variations: the first inside our eye, the second inside our mind. To reach the word clairvoyance which means precisely being able to see what is hidden, a conscious vision must be replaced with an unconscious vision and this occurs thanks to the alteration of the physical and actual vision and it is not our natural process. For example, if you stare at an object without blinking after a while due to the effect of color saturation, you will start to see a kind of aura emerging from the edges of the figure. Magic? No simply optical effect, the real magic begins when thanks to this altered state of physical vision you can make energies that come from the deep unconscious flow. There is an exact point where conscious and unconscious come together or when our mind joins the 7 cycles per second called precisely alpha state. A very low speed of thought, just think that during a conversation our mind oscillates between 21 and 12 cycles per second. The real basic problem is that the conscious is expressed through verbalized concepts and with words, the unconscious is expressed through images.
🔮  𝓒𝓻𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓑𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓣𝓲𝓹𝓼 1. A crystal ball of at least 5 cm is recommended, not so much because it influences the quality of the reading, I am sure that those who are practical can read safely in a marble, but for convenience. 2. Only the clairvoyant must touch the sphere since it becomes in any case our very intimate object. 3. Possibly keep it covered with a black cloth when not in use, or any case not dry in the sun, this rule is mainly not to ruin it. 4. Using a ritual before and after use, I recommend performing a protective ritual before using it, which can also be simply creating a circle with salt (preferably black) and a purification ritual after use, not it must be something very long, just use the white sage smoke. The important thing is that it is always the same ritual. 5. When you decide to start reading, put yourself in as dark a space as possible and put a black cloth at the base of the sphere, perhaps the one you use to cover it so as not to create reflections in the sphere. 6. As a source of light (because you will have to see something) put a candle maybe behind you. 7. Wash the crystal ball, many say they do it under running water, I try to do it as little as possible to make it charge pretty well.
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🔮𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝓽𝓸 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓻𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓫𝓪𝓵𝓵  Now let's move on to how the magic sphere is used. After having done your protection ritual, sit in front of your sphere, possibly positioned on a table, more or less at the same height where you put the plate to eat. Observe it intensely without blinking until you see beams of light coming out of it. Close your eyes and try to enter the alpha state, that is the point where the mind empties at 7 cycles per second and imagine diving into the sphere, while doing so, slowly open your eyes. There are mainly two ways to read the sphere: stand in front of it and let the images flow, which I recommend if you are looking for something inside yourself. Or interrogate her, keep in mind that the sphere still answers through images, so don't ask too specific questions, for that use the pendulum or the ouija board, and not even too general, for those there are tarot cards. An example question may be: the birth of the child, the description of the new job, we could see mourning or how a distant person is, or even where there is something we have lost. Having asked the question, we must wait for the answer, the first few times you use it, it will probably not show up because your thoughts tend not to believe what you are doing. You will understand that the answer is forming when you see what many call the fog, after which you start to see images that are often symbols, flowers, animals, alchemical symbols and so on. At first they are only flashes, then with practice the visions will last longer. The biggest mistake is to force the response and therefore instead of seeing an image you create it, this usually happens when you ask for something whose answer you don't want to see. If you want to start this practice, I recommend you keep a notebook in which you write down what you see.
Well guys, that's all, of course there are many different methods and traditions on the use of the crystal ball. This is what I learned. Hope you enjoyed this article. If you found it interesting, check out my tumblr profile or my instagram profile. Thanks  ❤️
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luna-lina · 4 years
Hiii! 10, 35 and 47?
10. What was the first gif you ever posted?
I think it’s this one. It was made in some gif converter lol
35. Do you change your giffing style a lot or do you have a set routine?
(already answered but I’ll copy the answer) I have a set routine now. I changed it several times in the past. Now I just change the coloring
47. Any advice for novice gif makers/people who want to start making gifs?
Look at a lot of tutorials. If something is not explained properly in one you’ll probably find it explained better in other tutorials. You can find tutorials on Youtube or here on Tumblr at @chaoticresources. Try to download high quality videos. Tumblr has dimensions for photosets (for 1 picture - 540 pixels width, for 2 pictures - 268px + 268px, for 3 pictures - 177px + 178px + 177px) it’s important to follow those so the quality of the gifs/images doesn’t get ruined.
Thank you for sending!
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Send me a question for gif-makers
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saizoswifey · 6 years
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AKA our favorite thing in the world !!!!!!! jsjsjsjdfkjsfj I love you so much thank you for this ask @catchthespade !! I’m not replying to this directly because I wanted to add images and going right from the ask makes the layout stupid lmao. (and I fucking hate tumblr because you can’t add text between nicely bunched images and it downgrades the quality to fucking hell but here we are)…
This gets semi-N//SFW
Okay SO. Saizo is one of the most intensely jealous characters in the game. He even gets jealous of Yukimura:
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I’ll put the rest under a cut for length purposes….this is LONG [seriously] and also mild spoilers for event stories to (hopefully) come…
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Obviously, he is pissed but not going to hurt Yukimura in any way. I think in a lot of ways he turns his jealous feelings into teasing/poking fun at the person he is jealous of. It’s his defense mechanism and he likes to push their buttons or make them look like a complete idiot in order to ease his anxieties and make himself feel better. 
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We know his jealousy goes far enough that in canon he keeps MC from screaming during sex so Yukimura does not hear it, and he also has been known to keep Yukimura and Chibi Sasuke busy in order to not be interrupted with MC. 
Saizo literally gives ZERO FUCKS about what is going on around them when it comes to MC and his jealousy. He’ll ruin anything, he’ll stop anything, he’ll make the biggest fucking scene. We saw it in his route when he swiped her up from the faux wedding. There’s another event upcoming, in which MC is chosen for a lead part in a performance (in which she must kiss the male lead). At first, the male lead chosen is Yukimura, and Saizo seems to not care one bit, he doesn’t seem threatened. And I mean, Yukimura is his bestie and he trusts him so that makes sense, it’s a play kiss with no meaning. However, Yukimura gets sick and the part lands on Sasuke (BIG ninja Sasuke, not chibi). Saizo. Is. Pissed.  He literally jumps on the stage and ruins the whole fucking things by stealing MC and running away before they can kiss because he won’t allow it. 
Now, these are all “friendly” encounters with jealousy. However. I think Saizo has a very dark side to how possessive he can be when it comes to MC. 
We’ve seen in canon him mentioning several times that he will kill men if they try to see her intimately. In an upcoming ES we see just how pissy Saizo can get when he gets jealous of someone who ISN’T a friendly threat but a random stranger. MC volunteers to help at a nearby school but the teacher ends up being a real creepo. Saizo knows it right away but MC doesn’t listen or understand and continues to go there despite the fact that she is starting to receive letters from an unknown stalker. Saizo goes into freak-out mode and keeps watch of her from a distance 24/7. He shows up at the school purposefully to send a message to the guy, and the moment he DOES end up making a move, Saizo reveals himself AND HIS SWORD. 
Saizo may be the kind-hearted softie when it comes to MC and Yukkins, but the cold and calculating, unflinching Saizo is still very much a part of him. He has no qualms with murder and death, and since he holds all of like 3 people dear to him, he will do whatever it takes to keep them safe. 
SO, what sets his jealousy/possessiveness off the most? 
When someone has known MC longer than he has/someone who appears to be very close with MC. Saizo may have met MC long ago but he wasn’t able to be by her side and he’s pretty self-conscious about that fact. He doesn’t like it when someone tries to show they know her more intimately than he does. 
MC talking about other men, ESPECIALLY when they’re in bed together or have alone time. It’s few and far between they get quiet moments together so the last thing he wants to hear is about another guy no matter the context. 
MC not listening when he tries to warn her about someone or tell her not to do something. He’s got a sixth sense for trash people and he’s usually pretty easy going, so when he tells you to stay away from someone its for a good reason. Not to mention the fact that it’s hurtful to have your S/O ignore your advice in order to spend time with someone else. 
Anxiety after almost dying or losing MC. 
Of course, there are lots of other reasons, but I think these are the most prevalent, the ones that will actually get a huge rise out of Saizo. As far as other random jealousy/possessive HC’s, Dare I say……yandere???: 
Absolutely keeps tabs on you like at all times. If it’s not him himself(which it usually is) he sends Kiyohiro to watch and report back. If he even so much as WHIFFS someone is being creepy towards you he is ending that shit right away. 
How he takes care of them depends on the level of creep. And maybe how he’s feeling that day. If they can be scared off easily he could simply drop into their room in the dead of night, wake them up with a blade to the throat, “shhh, quiet now or I may just slip.” Perhaps he slips something into their evening tea and carries their unconscious body to the nearest cliff or into the woods. Maybe he writes a “love letter” in MC’s hand and lures them to a remote area, sword ready and Utsusemi ready to gobble some plucked eyes. Either way, MC will be none the wiser. 
“Hm? The grocer disappeared? That is strange…so what’s for dinner, little lady?” 
Has no qualms being vocal about his jealousy (most of the time). If it strikes his nerve just right he’ll come out and say he doesn’t like XYZ and wants you to stop. Other times, you have to pay attention to when he is being bitchy and distant. 
If he could, he’d keep you locked away all to himself. He has real issues with love/ownership/things because of his childhood. He’s never known how to have things, especially not precious things. So how does he control himself? He knows it’s not right to keep you locked away, so instead, he controls what he can keep to himself. Your ears showing, your skin showing, your dango, your blush/pleasured expressions, your moans. He doesn’t want anyone else experiencing this stuff of yours. 
That being said, he WOULD 100% lock you the fuck up if you were down for it. He’d get you a pretty little ribbon to tie around your neck and a comfortable room with things to keep you occupied, he’d bring you your meals and feed you, he’d bathe you, he’d tie you up sometimes when he was feeling extra anxious. 
On the off-chance someone actually did hurt you, its game over. It doesn’t matter if they had their hands on you, they left a small wound/mark, or something worse–they’re dead. Saizo will go into autopilot and obliterate the person. Bloodbath. 
In his efforts to keep you safe, he sometimes loses his sense of what is right and wrong with control. At his worst, he WILL refuse to allow you to leave his sight. By any means necessary. 
Blocking exits. Tieing you up (he knows the best and most efficient ways to immobilize you in seconds). Drugging you (such as putting you to sleep). 
When he’s feeling extra insecure he’ll claim you for himself. Tear your clothes off and tease you until you admit he’s the only one you love. He’ll make you say his name over and over again, and hearing it will ease his worries. He may even be inclined to break his own rules and let someone hear him fucking you so they know you belong to him. 
If you’re out in public and he starts to get jealous, he’ll pull you roughly into a dark secluded corner or onto a rooftop and tease you, pull at your collar and grip your face so you can’t look away from his intense expression
“Keep this up little lady, and I’m going to have to punish you.” He nips at your exposed clavicle. “Or…was that what you were hoping for all along?” 
Out of spite and pure jealousy he would 10/10 fuck you in a space such as a person’s bedroom or work, or with an item of that person’s. A way to get back at them and know he’s claimed you there or while you were wearing that (like fucking you on top of someone’s haori or with a hairpin they gave you in your hair before he gave it back to them) and they will never know. 
Has NO PROBLEMS talking about having sex with you. As long as they don’t see you its chill. He will let it out that he just had your legs spread 10 minutes ago and smile. He’ll go into detail. Especially when someone is trying to intimidate him over you. 
“Sorry, she won’t be able to meet you tomorrow like she promised. She’ll be quite sore…if you get what I mean. She looks quite sweet and docile but don’t let that fool you, she’s a different person when the lights are off. It’s no myth some women are wild in bed when you least expect it. Some night she asks for it so many times I have to wake up and check for bruises ^^ well, anyway, look at me going on when I’m sure with a face like that all of this is completely foreign to you. Don’t be discouraged, someone always has to be the late bloomer on the branch, hm?”
Definitely has a mental list of all of the people he’s threatened or killed over you 
Sometimes Kiyohiro has to step in and warn people to GTFO and leave before Saizo ends up murdering them 
Has had the urge to kill Inuchiyo more than once LOL 
Sometimes uses his Kotodama when he’s jealous. 
Maybe it’s during an interrogation of the person trying to steal you from him or harm you. If they deny, he’ll use his power to get them to confess the truth before torturing them. Maybe they lose an appendage for every time they lied or stalked MC. 
He’ll use it to keep you near him, keep you still, after your life was threatened. He needs time to look over your body, check for injuries, make sure you’re okay and tell you how much each finger and tear mean the world to him. 
HATES WHEN OTHER MEN TOUCH YOU. It disgusts him if they had ill intentions and he hates to think that you had to endure that. He’ll order you to strip and ask you where they touched you. He’ll wash the areas himself and caress you with his hands. He’ll whisper in your ear how you belong to him, and kiss over the areas until his anxieties disappear and he feels like he can no longer smell them or feel their energy. He’ll dispose of what you were wearing in an effort to rid you both of the memory completely. 
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comicsnsuch · 5 years
Tales from the Dark Multiverse
Hi! Thanks for finding this tumblr. The plan is to share and write about comic books, comic book art, other things that interest me and such, thus the name of the tumblr. Maybe you share some of the same interests, or maybe you’ll discover something new.
I’m going to try to post as frequently as possible, but that frequency will vary depending on what real life is like week to week. On slow weeks, there will be more stuff, on busy weeks less.  You get it.  Hopefully if you check in now and then you’ll find some new content.
I work (worked?) in a comic book shop, but as I have been recently reminded, due to the COVID-19/Coronavirus epidemic, I am non-essential.  Thanks State Government! Always good to have a self esteem boost! 
Anyway… I love comic books, reading them, talking about them, (thinking about) making them and so on. Always have, always will. I wanted to have an outlet for sharing that while I can’t be in the shop doing it face to face with customers and random strangers. 
I’ll be writing short reviews for what I’ve been reading, new stuff, old stuff, posting pics, etc.  
 Feel free to comment, but please keep it friendly. Assholery will not be tolerated.
To start with I just finished reading all of DC Comics Tales of the Dark Multiverse one shots. 
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                                     I made this in MS Paint!
These started coming out in 2019 and the last one was released in early 2020. The idea behind each is Tempus Fuginaut, a sort of Watcher type character for the DCU (who I think debuted, or at least I fist remember seeing in the Sideways ongoing, a Dark Nights Metal spin off) observing the multiverse and introducing a story that takes an important moment in DC history and asks “what would have happened if things had gone differently?” DC’s version of What If?  in a nutshell.
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       That’s Tempus Fuginauts big ol’ head in case you were wondering
 As the “Dark” in Tales of the Dark Multiverse might imply, these are not happy stories.
The first one shot that was released was Tales of the Dark Multiverse Batman Knightfall by Scott Snyder and Kyle Higgens with art by Javi Fernandez.  
This was probably my least favorite of the five issues. Since the “No Justice” mini series event I’m over Scott Snyder. I feel he has so many ideas rattling around in his head that he begins one story, gets too excited about the next one and leaves you underwhelmed with the current arc but dying to read the next. (That being said I of course checked out Batman Last Knight on Earth, having read his and Capullo’s entire New 52 Batman run I didn’t want to miss their “final” word on Batman, but have not read his just wrapped run on Justice League which I hear was quite good). 
I read this one right when it was released a few months ago, so my memory of it might not be the best.  
This one centers around the Knightfall event where Bane breaks Batman’s back and Jean Paul Valley/Azrael takes on the role of Batman. In this reality Bruce never recovers and Jean Paul remains Batman becoming Saint Batman, a Bats Azrael mash up. Javi Fernandez does a great job on the art and Snyder loves chopping people up. 
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Definitely worth the read if you’re interested in it or are a fan of Batman or just the Knightfall era. If you grab this series in collected format it’s not so bad that I recommend skipping it, just not my favorite from this batch of books. 
Next up is Tales of the Dark Multiverse Death of Superman by Jeff Loveness with art by Brad Walker and Andrew Hennessey. I really enjoyed this one, it was a good quick read and had a nice arc to it. One of the better issues from this series if you’re asking me.
Right after Superman dies defeating Doomsday in the Death of Superman story arc, the rest of the Justice League shows up, literally as the blood is drying.Ten seconds too late. Lois Lane blames Supes’ death on the heroes for not being there to aid him. 
She makes her way to the Fortress of Solitude and thanks to the Eradicator gets herself all the powers of Superman. She then goes about dishing out justice, with extreme prejudice, to the villains the heroes normally let the revolving doors of the DC justice system handle. This involves a couple of great scenes with Batman and Lex Luthor. Loveness nails the dialogue and the character arc he puts Lois on is great to read. 
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                                  Walker and Hennesey do it again!
There’s more to this story than I’ve put here, but I don’t want to say too much and ruin your enjoyment of it if/when you read it.
Special shout out to the art team of Brad Walker and Andrew Hennessey. I feel like they don’t get enough love. They killed it on the Demon Hell is Earth mini, and from what I can tell are crushing it on Detective Comics. Dudes can draw. Spread the word!
Then we move onto Tales of the Dark Multiverse Blackest Night by Tim Seeley and Kyle Hotz. 
This one was a bit wordy, but a lot of fun! I would put this one in the middle of the pack. 
Seeley brings together an interesting bunch of characters including Sinestro, Dove, Lobo and the New Gods! The plot is a little complex, but basically after the Color Corps lose the battle against Nekron in Blackest Night, Sinestro is looking for a way to undo the damage done and becomes a pawn in Scott Free’s plot to do the same. 
Give Seeley a Lobo book or a Hawk and Dove book, or a Mister Miracle book!. He gives each character a unique voice which makes their joint travels through the plot that much more fun to read.
Kyle Hotz’s  art in this issue reminds of a 90’s Image Comic in the best possible way. Lots of detail and cool poses. I also see a lot of Bernie Wrightson in there with Hotz’s heavy use of black and the sinewy musculature of the characters. The book is worth the price of admission to see his renditions of Dove and Mister Miracle. 
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 I’m glad to see Hotz working more or just seeing more of Hotz’s work. I don’t know if he fell out of the industry after drawing the original The Hood mini for Marvel with Brian K. Vaughan, working with Eric “The Goon” Powell on Billy the Kid’s Old Timey Odditys, doing art on Carnage Mind Bomb and more I’m sure ( I just can’t remember it all), or I just wasn’t paying attention to what he was working on. If it’s the later, shame on me, if it’s the former, welcome back Mr. Hotz, you’re crushing it and I look forward to seeing more from you. Check out more Kyle Hotz work by following him on Instagram @kylehotzcomics.
Let’s not neglect the oft overlooked inkers! I’m not sure who inked what, but on a guess, Dexter Vines and Walden Wong brought a smooth, cleanness to the proceedings with lots of nicely tapered lines. Again just guessing here, because I don’t know for sure, but Danny Miki used a finer line bringing a scratchy-ness the others didn’t but also amazing detail and clarity on some of the portraiture in the later half of the book. 
Who’s next? Why it’s Tales of the Dark Multiverse Infinite Crisis!
This one may have been my favorite. When the original Infinite Crisis series came out it was a period  where, due to personal lack of enjoyment, I wasn’t reading much of DC’s output, but I did read the Countdown to Infinite Crisis one shot this issue takes as it’s jumping off point. After having read this issue, it makes me want to go back and read Infinite Crisis. I would say that’s the sign of a good issue.
In this alternate reality Blue Beetle, Ted Kord, kills Maxwell Lord instead of vice versa, making himself the head of Checkmate. He then goes about trying to prevent the coming crisis. It’s kind of a tale about absolute power corrupting absolutely, it’s also an underdog tale about getting in over your head.
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                Sorry if these images aren’t the best, I’m new at this!
James Tynion IV does a great job catching you up on any old DC continuity plot points you may have forgotten or never knew about in the first place.If you’re reading Tynion’s current run on Batman, or his work on Detective Comics and Justice League Dark, you know he can handle a complex plot like this and does a great job condensing it all down to a single issue.  Aaron Lopresti and Matt Ryan handle the art and they do a great job. Always happy to see Lopresti’s name on a book I want to read.
Bonus points: You can never have too many Ted Kord, Blue Beetle comics, especially when Booster Gold pops up, even if only momentarily. 
If this series leaves you wanting more Blue and Gold action may I direct you to Booster Gold (2nd series) #32 thru about 38ish for some quality comics.
Final one, Tales from the Dark Multiverse the Judas Contract!
I’m not as old as my writing may imply so I had to read the Judas Contract in collected format about 20 years after it was originally released and after having seen it on many a fanzine’s (Wizard) best of list.  When I finally got to read it I wasn’t super familiar with the Titans of the era and already knew the big twist in the story, so it just washed over me without any great effect. None of the shock that someone who was reading it fresh in the 80’s might have experienced. 
I ended up liking this twisted take on the Judas Contract much more than when I read the original. “Sacrilege!” I know, I know, but like I said there was no surprise when I first read it, while this one zigged instead of zagging multiple times and kept upping the ante in scale. 
Kyle Higgins and Matt Groom do a great job reinventing a classic that I’m sure many people had high expectations for. This was a fun faced paced tale.  I enjoyed the hero moments Dick Grayson and Wally West were given. Like the Knightfall one shot Higgins co-wrote with Snyder there’s no shortage of dismemberment and disfiguration, which is neither a plus or minus in this situation, just thought it was worth noting.
Tom Raney handles the art chores here and he does a fine job.  Some of the figures seem a little squat, and their heads are too big in certain panels. Could I do better? No, so who am I to say anything? I just noticed it, here and there, it took me out of the flow of the story every now and then. That’s all. Big fan of his work on Stormwatch and Outsiders with Judd Winick. I also hear he’s super nice, so if you’re ever at a convention where Tom Raney is, seek him out! 
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                                      They seem squat, right?
It’s worth mentioning these books are all done in DC’s prestige format and are extra long at about 48 pages each. All covers are by the fantastic Lee Weeks. A nice way to spend the afternoon.
There’s the first post. A little longer than I thought it would be. If you made it this far, I hope it was clear and you understood what I was saying and I hope you liked it and want to return for more. 
Until next time!
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