#Ovarian Cancer Doctor In Ahmedabad
oncologycare · 2 months
Top Ovarian Cancer Doctors in Ahmedabad With Dr. M. I. Laxmidhar at Raj Surgical Oncology Care
Ovarian Cancer Doctors in Ahmedabad With Dr. M. I. Laxmidhar at Raj Surgical Oncology Care, Ovarian Cancer Doctor In Ahmedabad – Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the ovaries, the female reproductive organs responsible for producing eggs.
Best Ovarian Cancer Doctor In Ahmedabad – When faced with a cancer diagnosis, selecting the right doctor is paramount.
Ovarian Cancer Doctor In Ahmedabad, OVARIAN CANCER DOCTOR IN AHMEDABAD, Best Ovarian Cancer Treatment Doctor in Ahmedabad, Best Ovarian Cancer Treatment Doctors in Ahmedabad, Ovarian Cancer Surgery in Ahmedabad, Best Doctors For Ovarian Cancer Treatment In Ahmedabad, Best Ovarian Cancer Treatment Doctors in Ahmedabad, Best Ovarian Cancer Doctors in Ahmedabad, Ovarian Cancer Hospital in Ahmedabad, Ovarian Cancer Specialist in Ahmedabad, Best Doctors for Ovarian Cancer in Ahmedabad, Ovarian Cancer Treatment Specialist in Ahmedabad, Top Ovarian Cancer Treatment Doctors in Ahmedabad, No 1 Ovarian Cancer Treatment Doctors in Ahmedabad, Ovarian Cancer Treatment Doctors Near Me, www.rajsurgicaloncologycare.com, www.rajsurgicaloncologycare.com/ovarian-cancer-doctor-in-ahmedabad.php, Raj Surgical Oncology Care, Dr. M. I. Laxmidhar
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Cancer Surgeon | Cancer Doctor In Ahmedabad,Gujarat | Find a Best Cancer Doctor & Cancer Surgeon
if You want Cancer Treatment In Ahmedabad, Dr Nitin Sighal Is One Of the Best cancer Doctor,Surgeon In Ahmedabad, Gujarat,India. He is a Provide Best Treatments to all Patients Regarding All Types Cancer.
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anumberofhobbies · 1 year
"On Nov. 22, three inspectors from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration arrived at the sprawling Intas Pharmaceuticals plant south of Ahmedabad, India, and found hundreds of trash bags full of shredded documents tossed into a garbage truck. Over the next 10 days, the inspectors assessed what looked like a systematic effort to conceal quality problems at the plant, which provided more than half of the U.S. supply of generic cisplatin and carboplatin, two cheap drugs used to treat as many as 500,000 new cancer cases every year.
Seven months later, doctors and their patients are facing the unimaginable: In California, Virginia and everywhere in between, they are being forced into grim contemplation of untested rationing plans for breast, cervical, bladder, ovarian, lung, testicular and other cancers. Their decisions are likely to result in preventable deaths.
Cisplatin and carboplatin are among scores of drugs in shortage, including 12 other cancer drugs, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder pills, blood thinners and antibiotics. Supply chain issues left over from the COVID crisis and limited FDA oversight are part of the problem, but the main cause, experts agree, is the underlying weakness of the generic drug industry."
Article also available reprinted/shared here,
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kdblossomhospital · 1 year
When Is One Ought To Visit A Gynecologist?
Visiting a gynecologist is an important part of maintaining overall reproductive and sexual health for women. It is recommended that women visit a gynecologist at least once a year for a regular checkup and pap smear.
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What is Pap Smear?
The Pap Smear is a test that screens for cervical cancer and can detect abnormal cells before they turn into cancer.
Most women in Ahmedabad are either ashamed or embarrassed to visit a gynecologist, because they fear being judged. Although you must know that it is super important and healthy to go for a vaginal checkup once or twice a year just like you do for your outer body checkup. The gynecologist can help you in several issues that you may not know about, it is good to have a checkup annually.
Is There A Specific Time To Visit A Gynecologist?
Well, there is no specification of time to visit a gynecologist for a checkup. After the age of 21, a woman is recommended to see a gynecologist for a checkup once a year or whenever you have any concerns about symptoms for pelvic exam, vulvar, or vaginal pain or unusual uterine or vaginal bleeding, or anything that is abnormal or out of the blue.
Additionally, it is important to schedule an appointment with the gynecologist if experiencing any unusual symptoms such as irregular periods, abnormal discharge, pelvic pain, or changes in breast tissue. It is also important for sexually active women to schedule regular gynecological exams to screen for sexually transmitted infections. Women should discuss with their healthcare provider the appropriate frequency of visits based on their individual health needs.
Are you finding the best gynecologist in Ahmedabad? KD Blossom provides outstanding treatments with necessary support and the best gynecology services in Ahmedabad:
Irregular period cycles
Menstruation disorders
Premenstrual syndrome
Vaginal discharge
Chronic pelvic pain
Menopause-related disorders
Problems of the reproductive system related to vaginal odor, vulvar and vaginal ulcers, ovarian cysts, and others.
Sexual maladjustments and more
Although there is no specific or recommended time period to visit a gynecologist, it is best for you to visit for a pelvic exam, which is essential for detecting any abnormalities or disease.
A gynecologist should be seen between the ages of 14 to 16. A girl or a woman should be taught to feel comfortable while talking about menstruation, sexuality, vaginal problems, etc from a young age itself, hence they do not feel embarrassed later in life and build a healthy habit of seeing a gynecologist once a while. This also allows the doctors to provide long-term guidance for a woman’s general welfare through counseling on health & lifestyle issues.
Why Is It Crucial To Visit A Gynecologist?
Sexually transmitted disease
Vaginal cancer
Yeast infections
Vaginal dryness
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Urinary tract infections
Signs Or Symptoms You Need To See A Gynecologist
It is vital to do a regular checkup, although there can be some symptoms or signs you need to visit a gynecologist, these include
Frequent changes in your menstrual cycle
In case of no menstruation or a period cycle lasting for more than 7 days
In case of missing a period or symptoms of pregnancy
Abnormal vaginal bleeding, vaginal odor, abnormal discharge, change in the color of the discharge, or itching or burning around your vagina.
If it is your first appointment, there is no need to be scared or embarrassed, you can communicate with the gynecologist comfortably about your issues or any problem you’re facing. Women gynecologists are recommended to girls and women who are at first not comfortable talking or discussing vaginal health or problems. At KD Blossom Hospital, our gynecology services are open for all different women, especially those from the economically weaker sections of the society who don’t have access to quality health care. We care for young women concerned with irregular cycles, contraceptive technology, urogynaecological problems, and preventive gynecological care to deliver the highest quality care and services to women throughout their life cycle. There is a team of the best and most experienced gynecologists in Ahmedabad to deal with adolescent, reproductive, menopausal, urinary incontinence, pelvic prolapse, and other vaginal issues along with other consultative and surgical care needed by women.
As women age, it becomes increasingly vital to schedule regular gynecological exams. This is because the risk of certain conditions such as breast cancer, osteoporosis, and menopause-related issues increases with age. It is important to note that every woman’s healthcare needs are unique. Women should discuss with their gynecologist or healthcare provider the appropriate frequency of visits based on their individual health needs. This can be determined based on factors such as age, sexual activity, and overall health.
It is vital for women of any age (especially young adults) to not ignore a routine checkup. This is important for several reasons, including the fact that it can help detect ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, PCOD/PCOS, etc. The checkups are usually pain free and quick, hence there is no need for you to panic. We, at KD Blossom Hospital, are committed to providing the best care for women and educating or guiding them about overall vaginal health.
Original Source: https://kdblossom.co.in/blogs/when-is-one-ought-to-visit-a-gynecologist.html
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divawomenshospital · 1 year
Most Common Questions to Ask Your Gynecologist
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A different smell down there? Sex during the period? Vaginal itching? Leaky bladder? All of these questions often promote women straight to the gynecologist they are comfortable with. Does this sound awkward? It is completely fine to feel awkward, but remember, speaking up about your doubts is your job. Your doctor’s responsibility is to answer awkward and uncomfortable questions. There are some questions mentioned below that you must ask your gynecologist.
A Question to Ask About Menstruation
A woman’s period begins between the ages of 8 and 15 and lasts until she reaches menopause.
How heavy or light should my menstrual flow be?
Women are different when it comes to their period cycle, from heaviness to the length and time of their blood flow. A woman’s blood flow range remains from heavy to light, but it varies as per her hormones, diet routine, lifestyle factors, activity level, etc. If you are experiencing heavy flow for more than 15 days, then you must visit the best gynecologist near you ASAP.
How many times do I menstruate?
A woman menstruates once a month regularly until she starts to walk into the menopause phase. Missing periods can be a sign of pregnancy, perimenopause, stress, or different kinds of changes in your daily health and lifestyle. If you experience such symptoms, you must consult the best Gynec around you, Diva is one of the Best Gynecology Hospitals in Ahmedabad with a well-experienced team of doctors.   
Is it a fearful thing to have irregular periods?
Most women face irregularities in their period cycle that are caused by various factors. It also reflects their lifestyle factors and hormonal changes that come with age. It is best to consult with your gynecologist if you are experiencing irregular periods for a long period, as PCOS and PCOD can be the reasons for this problem.
Questions to Ask About Your Regular Check-up?
How can I reduce my risk of breast cancer?
Experts advise that women must know the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. Also, if she notices any changes in her breast, such as pain, redness, nipple discharge, or a mass, she should consult with a gynecologist she is comfortable with.
Test for BRCA Mutations?
A woman has a higher risk of ovarian and breast cancer if she inherits BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 gene mutations. However, it is also essential to note that not every woman with this gene will develop cancer. Hence, having a conversation with your doctor could help you with early detection, which can further help to treat cancer more effectively.
A Question to Ask About Safe Sex
Protection Options
There are various options available for both women and men if they are looking to prevent pregnancy or STIs. The best-known birth control methods are condoms, birth control pills, and many more. Consult your gynecologist about the best and most appropriate option for you based on your health conditions.
Do I need any kind of vaccinations?
Your gynec would suggest you have a vaccination if you are sexually active, just to reduce the risk of infection during intimation.
How to know about STIs?
The most common symptoms of STIs involve genital pain, vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, and painful urination. However, STIs can be asymptomatic, so you must visit your doctor to get the treatments done at the right time.
Questions to Ask Related to Pregnancy
How long will it take to get pregnant?
Discussing getting pregnant with your gynecologist is normal for both you and your husband, and you will learn what to expect before you expect too much. If you live in Ahmedabad or near Ahmedabad, contact Diva Women’s Hospital, the best maternity hospital in Ahmedabad with the best gynecologists. As soon as a couple tries to conceive, this process doesn’t happen right away as it takes time. A woman between the ages of 25 and 30 has a 20% chance of getting pregnant in a month.
How can I increase my fertility?
Knowing your fertility status and tracking this regularly is the best way to enhance the chances of getting pregnant when you try to conceive. Within 28 days of your cycle, ovulation occurs on one day between the 11th and the 21st day of your cycle. The best gynecologist always suggests using a fertility tracker so that you can have an insight into your fertility.
How to get rid of using birth control:
If you are using birth control methods such as; pills, IUDs, patches, or any kind of protection, then you must consult with your doctor about when to stop using them, when trying to conceive. This is the most asked question, and the answer varies from woman to woman based on their body and the birth control methods they are using.
When can I go for fertility treatment?
There are various options available for a woman if she wants to have a baby with the help of technology if she is not able to conceive naturally. Ask your gynecologist about which fertility treatment would be good for you based on your health and wellness.
Questions to Ask During Pregnancy?
What can I do to keep my baby healthy?
The best way to keep your baby healthy is to make sure you are healthy. For this, have a proper meal, have a proper rest, and avoid heavy exercise or any kind of heavy physical activity. Make sure you consult your doctor before taking any kind of supplements or medication, as it can negatively affect your baby’s health.
How to figure out if I am having labor?
The most important question to ask your gynecologist is when you should expect labor pains or symptoms and what they might feel like. Also, your gynec is the best resource to know whether your body is fit for vaginal delivery or not. Feel free to mention different stages of your labor to your gynecologist so that you can make an informed decision on when to go to the hospital.
A woman faces different kinds of problems and experiences throughout her life that require the proper advice of experts who can guide her throughout her journey of being a mother. Have the best child and maternity services at one of the best women’s hospitals in Ahmedabad, Diva Women’s Hospital.
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cancerclinix · 2 years
A Leading Cancer Hospital in Ahmedabad
Cancerclinix is one of the best cancer hospital in Ahmedabad for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. Our doctors are experienced in treating kidney, prostate, uterus, cervix, and ovarian cancer in all stages. Book an appointment with our cancer surgeon in Ahmedabad today.
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The fear of death in most of the people’s mind and in the minds of their near and dear once gives motivation to live a second inning of life. Thus at this point of time a person search for the best Ovarian Cancer doctor in Ahmedabad.
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pooma-health · 3 years
Breast cancer for men too!
Cancer is not a disease. Normal cells undergo cell division during its growth. There is also a gene to control this. Some cells sometimes lose control of growth in division and divide as they wish to swell too fast. They even unjustly snatch and eat the food they need from the cells on the side. This is what cancer is all about. There are about 200 types of cancer in the world. Of these, only about 10–15 species are widespread. The most important of these are found in the breast, cervix, and abdomen of women, and in men, in the prostate gland, and in the abdomen and kidneys.
¶ Some tips on cancer:
• Normal cell division occurs uncontrollably and that is what causes cancer. The cells in it can penetrate the neighboring house and its adjoining areas without anyone's permission.
This is a very satirical cell. Quietly destroying the tissues in that space.
When the cells in it mature, they leave just as we travel around the city to look around the rest of the body.!
Don't they need a vehicle to board? That is the lymph vessels and blood vessels. These can be loaded and unloaded at desired locations throughout the body.
Go down wherever you like and multiply her chicks there .. Abundantly. These are the special function of cancer cells.
If detected early, it can be completely cured. .
There are about 200 types of cancer.
It must be said that cancer has an impartial purpose. It is cancerous to touch and persecute children, young people, the elderly, the poor, the rich, men and women alike.
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in developing countries.
Even though cancer is a devastating disease, with a little care and careful handling, most of the deaths can be avoided. 30% of cancer deaths are preventable ..!
• Others can be completely cured if diagnosed and treated early.
¶ Factors of cancer
The exact cause of cancer has not yet been determined. Everyone has a factor.
Tobacco users are more likely to get lung cancer. But air pollution and radiation can also lead to lung cancer.
Cancer is a 90-95% environmentally related disease. Only 5-10% comes from traditional genes.
Cancer Research Centers are known for their causes:
1. Tobacco: 25-30%
2. Obesity: 30-35%
3. Radiation: up to 10%
4. Stress, lack of physical training & environmental pollution..15-20%
As of February 2011, there are 1.2 crore people living with cancer in India. Most of these are caused by tobacco.
55% of this number is cancer preventable. 65% of cancer patients are diagnosed with stage 3 & 4. When this condition is known, their treatment is difficult.
¶ Cancers affecting childhood
Childhood cancer in general is rare. About 1/600 children under the age of 15 get cancer. But the factors are not yet clear. Globally it is only 1%.
They do not get lung, breast, stomach and rectal cancer in adults. Over the last 10 years the treatment for this has increased and their lifespan has been saved.
¶ Places where cancer can come
3. Male reproductive organ
5. Female reproductive organ
6.Urinary tract
8.Dining path
12. Blood
15. Endocrine glands
¶ Breast cancer that can be easily cured
Breast cancer has become something that is bound to be treated. The main reason for this is the currently increased awareness and the availability of mammograms and CT scans to test it.
It can be easily removed by surgery without any problem. If detected early, it can be treated with chemotherapy and radiation after surgery.
¶ How to find a thief ..?
If cancer is suspected, it is very easy to diagnose it with a medical test. Their nature can be seen by examining the cells taken from that area. Cancer can be easily treated with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery if it is known to have developed.
Fixing it depends on how brave you are, where it is and what its development is.
¶ Symptoms of cancer
Usually the symptoms of cancer vary according to the type of cancer. However, there are some common symptoms.
Usually for all cancers, weight loss, there is a tumor somewhere. Occasionally there is fever, anemia, and night sweats.
Denmark has the highest rate of cancer in the world. About 100,000 women die of ovarian cancer in India every year
¶ Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is most prevalent in urban & rural India. Breast cancer accounts for 28% -35% of cancers in cities like Chennai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Delhi and Mumbai.
This is mainly due to age change / reduction. Previously it came to 50-60 year olds and today coming to 30-40 year olds is very worrying and informative information.
Because hospitals that do not have a lot of cancer centers treat breast cancer, many of these problems and substandard surgeries are performed, which can reduce a patient's life expectancy.
¶ Imaginations and misconceptions about cancer
Cancer is not a contagious disease from one person to another. Cancer is entirely physiological. Cancer does not develop through localization. It is a misconception that the wrong diet is the cause of cancer. Even people with poor eating habits can get cancer.
¶ Things to do to prevent cancer ..!
1. Be first and foremost about life, with unwavering, unwavering confidence and good sense.
2. Eat lots of plant foods, legumes.
3. Drink plenty of water.
4. Use natural products at home and outside.
5. Keep body weight under control.
6. Drink less alcohol.
7. Exercise more.
¶ Breast cancer ..
It is a bitter truth that one in 14 babies born now has a chance of getting cancer in the future ..! Men also get breast cancer. Its symptomatic, and all treatment is feminine.
Breast cancer is caused by the muscles of the breast. Breast cancer usually develops from the mammary glands / gland flap / folds. Breast cancer is a human / mammalian disease. Although it is a disease that affects both men and women, 22.9% of women worldwide are affected by breast cancer. In 2008 alone, 458,503 women died of cancer. This is 13.7% of women worldwide who die of cancer.
About 1% of men develop breast cancer. Each year the number of new breast cancer patients increases by 300 in Europe and 1,910 in the United States. Breast cancer is found in 0.7% of male cancer patients in India. The number of breast cancers in women has increased by 12% in the last 5 years. Similarly, the number of breast cancers in men is increasing. In February 2011, doctors reported a 1.5-2% increase in the incidence of the disease in men, especially urban men.
Breast cancer for men can come at any age. But usually, it comes in the 60s-70s. In February 2011, a friend in Erode contracted the disease at the age of 40 and died. Excessive radiation, high secretion of the hormone estrogen (a hormone for women) and a few traditional factors such as having breast cancer in someone in the blood relationship in the family. Excess estrogen is produced by hormones, drugs, obesity, and liver disease. And male breast cancer is also caused by bad, chronic alcoholism. Most male breast cancer is caused by Klinefelter syndrome (a genetic disorder, having XXY chromosomes) and an unexpected genetic mutation in the BRCA. But researchers have found that most cancers are caused by unexpected genetic mutations.
The symptoms of male breast cancer, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and alternative medicine are all similar to those of breast cancer in women. Men do not have mammary glands. Sweat glands act as mammary glands in the breast tissue. For it to function, it needs stimulation of the hormone estrogen. In men, the hormone androgen, which is secreted from their sperm, does not allow breast tissue to grow. That is why men have very little breast tissue. With less breast tissue, breast cancer is more likely to spread quickly to nearby organs.
Male breast cancer, as in women, can be diagnosed with symptoms such as a lump in the breast, drainage, pulling of the breast inwards, chronic swelling in that area and a lump in the armpit. Its treatment is similar to that given to women. If someone's mother, sister, etc. get breast and ovarian cancer, they are also less likely to get breast cancer.
According to a September 2011 medical study, the number of male cancers is higher than ever before. Not only that, but breast cancer in men is more likely to be diagnosed at a more advanced stage than in women. This information was provided by Dr. Sharon Giordano, a female oncologist doing research at the Anderson Cancer Institute in Houston. He also says that in the last 25 years, breast cancer in men has increased by 25%. Breast cancer in men is a cancer that spreads and goes everywhere because there are no muscles to breastfeed. So usually men go to the doctor when the disease is advanced.
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diyashukla · 3 years
Pregnancy in Covid pandemic
Motherhood is the most beautiful feeling for every women, it opens new chapter in their life. Whole family begins to prepare for the welcome of new member in the family; they leave no stone unturned to keep the mother to be and her growing child in the best health.
Like other vulnerable categories, pregnant women are also on high risk of Corona. Women who are due for deliveries during the pandemic should take extreme care. They should be in the contact of Best Gynecologist & Obstetrician Doctors in Ahmedabad.
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High risk
·         The SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19 has a unique inclination for the cells that make up the inner walls of blood vessels.
·         Therefore, organs with a enormous number of blood vessels are particularly at risk. The placenta is a unique organ during pregnancy and a source of nutrition for fetal growth. It is rich in blood vessels.
·         Subsequently if the mother is tests positive for the infection, the likelihood of the embryo getting influenced is additionally high.
·         Studies have shown that mothers who contract the virus close to childbirth can infect the placenta.
·         A small percentage of newborns of infected if the mother will be infected.
·         Vertical transmission, called direct infection from mother to fetus, has so far been very low. In some cases, the infants may not develop clinical disease.
·         On the off chance that the virus can infect the placenta during full-term pregnancy, it can also infect the placenta during the first trimester of pregnancy (early trimester).
·         Since that is a critical time of development or organogenesis, it may cause congenital (structural and developmental) abnormalities.
·         According to the World Health Organization, there are no known differences in the clinical manifestations of Corona virus between pregnant and non-pregnant women of childbearing age, but pregnancy can cause changes in the body that increase the risk of infection.
·         The new Covid virus chain cannot rule out the complications of male infertility.
Pregnant women have a very low overall risk of contracting COVID-19. However, pregnancy increases the risk of serious illness and death from COVID-19. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pregnant women with COVID-19 appear to be more likely to have respiratory complications that require intensive care than non-pregnant women. Pregnant women are also more likely to use ventilators. In addition, black or Hispanic pregnant women seem to be disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 virus infection. Pregnant women with underlying diseases such as diabetes may also be at higher risk of serious illnesses due to COVID-19. Some studies have shown that pregnant women with COVID-19 are also more likely to have premature delivery and cesarean section. Their babies are more likely to enter the neonatal ward.
If you’re also looking for a Gynecology clinic, services, or the Best Gynecologist & Obstetrician Doctors in Ahmedabad, your search ends here. Now you may find an experienced, well-qualified and the best Gynecologist & Obstetrician in your locality with Spirals Health.
Procedure of GYNECOLOGY
·         Hysterectomy
·         Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (TLH)
·         Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy
·         Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy
·         Fibroid Removal
·         Laparoscopic Myomectomy for Fibroids
·         Hysteroscopic Myomectomy
·         Ovarian Cyst Removal
·         Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy
·         Treating Adhesions
·         Laparoscopic Lysis of Adhesions
·         Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
·         Removing Uterine Polyps
·         Hysteroscopic Polypectomy
·         Hysteroscopic Endometrial Ablation
·         Hysteroscopic Sterilization
·         Robotic-Assisted Surgery  
Diseases that a Gynecologist can treat
·         Irregular menstruation
·         Vaginal infections
·         Conditions that cause pain during sex
·         Cancers of the reproductive system
·         Prolapse of pelvic organs
·         Endometriosis
·         Cervical and vaginal polyps
·         Ovarian cysts
·         Uterine fibroids
Our online healthcare scheduling system makes it easy to search for the best specialist doctor in all city of India and book an online appointment within seconds. You may also compare your doctor’s rating with other best Gynecologist & Obstetrician Doctors in Ahmedabad. We will help you to find everything you need for your treatment.                
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anupsingh11-blog · 5 years
Best IVF Clinic In Ahmedabad | ElaWoman
The satisfactory fertility clinics in Ahmedabad incorporates of fine fertility medical doctors in Ahmedabad. Wellspring IVF and Womens Hospital along with Sneh Hospitals and IVF Center rank high within the list of nice fertility clinics in Ahmedabad. IVF success costs are the best at the nice fertility centres in Ahmedabad.
List of 5 Best Fertility Clinics In Ahmedabad:
Wellspring IVF and Womens Hospital
Sumiran Womens Hospital
Dev ART IVF and Shachi Womens Hospital
Sneh Hospitals and IVF Centre
Vani IVF Centre
In Vitro Fertilization
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) describes a way wherein a lady’s eggs and man’s sperm are combined in a special laboratory if you want to create an embryo(s). Depending at the prognosis and age of the woman, an embryo or embryos are transferred to the girl’s uterus through her cervix to enhance the probabilities of pregnancy. The first beginning as a consequence of IVF changed into in 1978 in England. When this generation was first delivered, IVF was simplest encouraged to girls with blocked fallopian tubes. Currently, IVF achievement prices have improved dramatically, and IVF is used for heterosexual and equal intercourse couples experiencing infertility and even unmarried ladies pursuing parenthood.
The IVF procedure can be explained in those four steps; however to actually apprehend how IVF can work for you, please visit a reproductive endocrinologist or fertility health practitioner.
Step 1: Ovulation induction
Your doctor will display your ovaries main as much as and at some point of the IVF process to make sure that you may release eggs to be fertilized at a selected time. Most of the time medicinal drugs or hormones are used to stimulate the ovaries to provide one or more eggs.
Step 2: Egg retrieval
Under mild ache medicine, your physician inserts a totally skinny needle thru the higher vaginal wall and cast off fluid, which includes eggs, from the follicles of the ovaries.
Immediately after retrieval of the follicle(s), the egg is positioned in a dish and transferred to an incubator.
Step 3: Fertilization
A sperm pattern is secured, both from your companion or a donor, and analyzed and brought to the egg(s) retrieved. Sometimes your medical doctor can also choose to inject the sperm at once into the egg to optimize fulfillment. The physician and embryologist then video display units the fertilization procedure to make sure a healthful embryo is advanced.
Step 4: Embryo switch
Once your physician and embryologist decide that the embryo(s) is prepared for transfer, you move back for “switch day”. This is a day complete of exhilaration mixed with anxiety due to the fact whilst you’ve reached the very last step of the IVF technique, there are nevertheless many unknowns. The doctor places a speculum into your vagina and switch the embryo(s) through a small plastic tube positioned through the cervix into the uterine cavity.
Why is IVF used?
IVF may be used to treat infertility inside the following patients:
Blocked or broken fallopian tubes
Male thing infertility inclusive of reduced sperm matter or sperm motility
Women with ovulation problems, premature ovarian failure, uterine fibroid
Women who've had their fallopian tubes eliminated
Individuals with a genetic ailment
Unexplained infertility
Side outcomes of  in vitro fertilization
Although you could want to take it clean after the system, most ladies can resume normal sports tomorrow.
Some side outcomes after IVF may consist of:
Passing a small quantity of fluid (may be clear or blood-tinged) after the manner
Mild cramping
Mild bloating
Breast tenderness
Wellspring IVF and Womens Hospital
Wellspring IVF and Womens Hospital has end up famous as satisfactory and low-cost Ahmedabad IVF & Fertility Center / Clinic, Ahmedabad, India, which was hooked up through DR.PRANAY SHAH so that you can deliver happiness to couples who are going through troubles and seeking out an approach to their infertility.To take this medical institution at new milestone, we've a distinctly skilled and devoted crew. So that we can ensure suitable fertility treatment as per sufferers’ various problems. As one of the main IVF centers of India, the Wellspring offers all pleasant services underneath one roof for the childless couple at economically costs by means of using advanced reproductive technologies with high success charges and it is one of the Best IVF Clinic in Ahmedabad.
Sumiran Womens Hospital
Sumiran Womens Hospital India's Leading IVF centre with all cutting-edge facility, At Sumiran Women’s health center we've got one of the most successful IVF centres Our success rate is alongside the road of 58 to 85%. We've got a World Class infrastructure, Latest technologies, instrumentation and experienced Doctors team. Sumiran Women’s Hospital is one of the high-quality Fertility and Surrogacy Hospitals situated in Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The health facility offers an appreciable range of gynecology and fertility treatments including In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Ultrasonography, Laparoscopy and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). Apart from fertility treatments, the medical institution is likewise prepared to offer Maternity Care, Assessment and treatment for Normal, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Routine & Special Checkups and Facilities for Painless Deliveries.
Dev ART IVF and Shachi Womens Hospital
Dev ART IVF and Shachi Womens Hospital is brought to you by using the promoters of Shachi Women’s Hospital, and we're keen to copy the earlier fulfillment and benchmark created by us in fetal treatment, 3D – 4D sonography, maternal, fitness and gynec care. Our intention is to deliver the best first-class of care to our sufferers in a friendly and comforting surroundings. DEV-ART Fertility Center pursuits at pleasant the desires of the patients with the finest possible care and generation at par with international standards. India has very restrained alternatives in IVF treatment and different infertility treatment alternatives. DEV-ART Fertility Center intends to exchange that with its group of rather professional docs and embryologists blended with kingdom of the art technology and scientific facilities in Ahmedabad. With our complete variety of treatments at your disposal and an excessive fulfillment charge we offer you the pleasant risk at concept and it is one of the Best IVF Clinic in Ahmedabad.
Sneh Hospitals and IVF Center
The team of doctors of Sneh Hospitals and IVF Center is dedicated to provide the coolest healthcare facilities to the community with the very best ability and care at inexpensive fees.We are the group of notably certified, prompted and humble doctors, who're very understanding and sympathetic to your fitness troubles and could provide the coolest of the treatment. Sneh IVF Center is one of the exceptional IVF hospitals located at Khokhra Mehmadabad, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The middle offers a spread of offerings inclusive of Infertility treatment, Pelvic Sonography, Family Planning Services, Cancer Screening And Prevention, Adolescent Health Problems, Menopause Clinic, and Gynecology Endoscopy. Certified below ISO 9001:2008, it's miles a cutting-edge vacation spot for couples who need to conceive. The center has a totally prepared operation theatre for performing all obstetrics and gynecology operations and it is one of the Best IVF Clinic in Ahmedabad.
Vani Hospital
Vani Hospital is a Fertility and IVF Clinic based totally in Maninagar East, Ahmedabad. The health facility became installed in the 12 months 1999. It turned into installed with the aim to provide first-rate services to infertile couples such that they can get the happiness of becoming dad and mom. The Vani Hospital gives treatment for Infertility, Ovarian Cysts, and different Gyne problems. The middle also renders an extensive variety of healthcare offerings including Infertility Assessment and Treatment, Infertility Tests, IUI, IVF Treatments, Pap Smear, Cervical Cerclage, and Normal Vaginal Delivery Procedures. The independent IVF lab is one of the salient capabilities of Vani IVF Centre and different facilities which include Color Doppler, USG Machines, Benchtop Incubators, and CO2 Incubators. The medical institution is thought for presenting IVF and Surrogacy in Ahmedabad with stringent International Standards.
For more information, Call Us :  +91-8929020600
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bavishifertility · 4 years
IVF at Bavishi Fertility Institute, Ahmedabad
Anything which occurs outside the body is called in vitro and when fertilization of egg with sperm occurs outside the body it is called “IN VITRO FERTILIZATION”. The first In Vitro fertilization was done in the test tube and that is why it is popularly known as Test tube Baby.
The process of fertilization which normally in fallopian tube of the woman and the fertilized egg than moves into the uterus of the woman. It an implants there in to the uterus and developed into the baby. When for some reason this process of fertilization cannot take place naturally or sperm and egg cannot be transported naturally to the tube or from the tube to the uterus or either is egg having some problem or the sperm.
Some problem in fertilization during test tube baby process we need to asses the fertilization to help fertilization we take out of the egg from the wife of egg from the woman’s ovary and in control lab and environment we fertilized egg with the help of sperm of her male partner. After fertilization the fertilized egg are cultured into the control laboratory environment to form pre-embryos and this pre-embryos are then transferred back into the uterus of the woman. If they implant and grow become the pregnancy, and hence test tube baby is most convenient process.
IVF – Step By Step
Preliminary testing
This includes first consultation, blood tests culture if necessary, hysteroscopy, D21 visit i.e. mock transfer trial, semen freezing and serum progesterone.
First consultation
We will complete a history and physical examination of both partners.
Transvaginal sonography of female partner and semen examination of male partner and culture of it, if necessary. It is helpful to bring of your old medical reports, if available.
First consultation
We will complete a history and physical examination of both partners.
Transvaginal sonography of female partner and semen examination of male partner and culture of it, if necessary. It is helpful to bring of your old medical reports, if available.
Base line blood investigation
This includes D3 FSH, LH, PRL, TSH, Major pre operative profile and other special blood investigations if necessary This will help us to choose best stimulation (Medication) protocol to complete your IVF cycles.
If you have previously had a hysteroscopy please bring their reports. This test must be scheduled to be completed on days 5-11 of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation must be absent for this test to be done.
D21 visit
Semen freezing
Mock transfer trial
Serum progesterone
Semen freezing: It is necessary to freeze a semen specimen before your IVF cycle starts. This sample is used only as an emergency back up for the day of retrieval. We prefer to inseminate the eggs with fresh semen if possible. We will discard the sample after completion of cycle except if you choose to have another IVF cycle.
Transvaginal sonography will tell us thickness of endometrium on D21.
Serum progesterone level estimation.
Mock transfer trial: Embryo transfer is very important procedure and it is usually done without anesthesia so, on day 21 we will do mock embryo transfer to anticipate any difficulty and solution far it before actual transfer. It is painless procedure.
Development of oocytes (Eggs)
It is necessary to stimulate the ovary to produce multiple follicle (the sac that contains the egg), in order to improve your chances of a successful outcome from an IVF cycle. After the consult with the doctor, you will receive prescription for a specific type of medication stimulation protocol. There are many different medication protocols that the doctor may prescribe for you. This decision is based on factors such as your age, infertility history, a past response to these medications, and a base line FSH level. The fertility medications that are necessary to stimulate the ovary are unfortunately all injectable medications. Doctor and nurse will explain you the dosage and method of administration.
Fertility Medication
If we have more than one egg we have better chance of pregnancy of in IVF cycle. To get more eggs we stimulate the ovaries with stimulation drugs called gonadotrophins. Gonadotrophins can be manufactured from urine or by recombinant DNA technology. Appropriate type of gonadotrophins and dose of administration are selected for individual patients. Available gonadotrophins include HMG, FSH and recombinant FSH manufactured by different pharmaceuticals.
Side Effect Of Fertility Medication
Over stimulation of the ovary, It can occur to varying degrees: mild, moderate or severe.
Multiple births:
The risk of conceiving a multiple pregnancy during and IVF cycle is dependent upon your age, response to the medications, the quality of the embryos, the number of embryos replaced into the uterus and other unforeseen factors are considered when judging your specific risk of multiple births.
Common complaints:
Pain at the injection site, headaches and fatigue.
Special note:You may have read reports that fertility drugs increase the risk of ovarian cancer. To date there are no conclusive studies that identify an association between taking fertility drugs and ovarian cancer.
GnRH analog (Lupride)
This medication is administered by subcutaneous injection. It is given to prevent premature release of the oocytes (eggs). Side effects may include: localized skin reaction, allergic reaction, headaches, hot flashes and mood swings. If your scheduled menstruation is late while on Lupron, you should have a pregnancy test.
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)
You will be given instruction for the exact time of this injection. It is generally taken 34-36 hours prior to the egg retrieval. This medication should be injected into the muscle. This medication completes the maturation of the egg.
You will begin talking this naturally occurring hormone on the next to egg retrieval. This medication, assist the embryo to attach to the uterus.
The side effects that have been reported include: breast tenderness, headache, nausea, fluid retention, fatigue, mood swings, depression, pain at the site of injection (in the case of injectable progesterone).
Vaginal itching and irritation (in the case of vaginal form). If you have a history of blood clots or thrombophlebitis you should alert the medical staff.
Sperm Collection And Insemination
While the egg retrieval is underway, you will be notified by the andrology/embryology staff that a sperm sample is needed. The specimen will be processed in our laboratory and prepared for egg insemination.
Please discuss with the embryology staff if any question or concern you may have prior to the day of egg retrieval. Frozen specimen collected will be used only in case of emergency (illness, inability to procedure a specimen etc.)
Oocyte (Egg) Retrieval  
The egg collection process (retrieval) is usually accomplished using the Ultrasound-guided trans vaginal method. Other methods of retrieving oocyte that are rarely utilized in our practice but are sometimes necessary, include Laparoscopy or a Trans-Abdominal approach.
This ultrasound-guided trans vaginal method of egg retrieval allows this procedure to be done in an out patient setting. A vaginal ultrasound allows for visualization of both ovaries.
A needle is inserted through the vaginal wall in the ovary. Each follicle is punctured individually and the fluid containing the egg is examined by the embryologist under the microscope until the egg is found. The duration of this procedure is usually less than 45 minutes.
This procedure is done under general anesthesia.
Incubation And Fertilization Of Oocytes (Eggs)
The eggs and sperm will be placed together in a special culture fluid and kept in incubators in our laboratory. This procedure is called insemination.
Formation And Cleavage Of Embryos
The eggs will be examined 16-20 hours after insemination for signs of fertilization. If fertilization occurs, the fertilized eggs are now described as pre-embryos or zygotes. When they divide to at least 2 cells they are called embryos.
The laboratory environment is conducive for fertilization to occur, however, it cannot be guaranteed that fertilization will occur. Typically, 60% of the eggs retrieved will be fertilized. This percentage may be higher or lower depending on each couple.
Embryo Transfer
Embry transfer (ET) usually occurs forty eight to seventy two hours post retrieval. The time of transfer will be designated by the IVF staff. The embryo(s) that is (are) assessed to be developing normally will be considered for transfer. Although a recommendation (3-5 embryos) will be made regarding the number to transfer, the final decision resides with the couple and the doctor.
Transferring multiple embryos may result in the growth of more than one foetus. If you have extra embryos after the transfer, they will be cryopreserved if they have demonstrated appropriate development.  
The method used for transferring embryos is similar to that of the mock transfer. ET is performed by inserting a small catheter through the cervical opening into the uterine cavity. The embryo transfer is usually a painless procedure. There is a recommended rest period after the transfer. You will be given specific instruction prior to the transfer regarding your medications, future testing dates and activity restrictions.
Within 13 days post-transfer, hormonal levels and a pregnancy test will be done. If a pregnancy has occurred, further blood testing blood work and ultrasound will be required to assess normal progression.
Cropreservation (Freezing) Programme
The purpose of embryo freezing programme is to give a couple participating in the IVF programme the best chance to achieve a pregnancy with a maximum of safety. At the end of an IVF cycle there are often multiple embryos available for transfer. It has been found that transferring more than four embryos caries a significant risk of multiple pregnancies, while it does not increase the singleton pregnancy rate proportionately. The advantage of cryopreservation is that there may be an increased chance of pregnancy without the necessity of multiple stimulation cycles and oocyte retrievals. 
The frozen embryo transfer takes place in an identical manner to a fresh embryo transfer.
Embryo selected for cryopreservation will be frozen up to three days after the egg retrieval. The embryos will be placed in a cryopreserved media and frozen in a step-wise manner. At the end of the cryopreservation procedure the embryos will be stored frozen in tanks filled with liquid nitrogen. Brought back to normal life. There is no guarantee of the survival of human cryopreserved thawed embryos. If they have not survived (as seen at the time of thawing), they will not be transferred. We consider couples whose eggs and sperm become an embryo to be the owners and persons who control their embryos. However, there is a time limit on this ownership and control. 
The method used for transferring embryos is similar to that of the mock transfer. ET is performed by inserting a small catheter through the cervical opening into the uterine cavity. The embryo transfer is usually a painless procedure. There is a recommended rest period after the transfer. You will be given specific instruction prior to the transfer regarding your medications, future testing dates and activity restrictions.
Within 13 days post-transfer, hormonal levels and a pregnancy test will be done. If a pregnancy has occurred, further blood testing blood work and ultrasound will be required to assess normal progression. 
For more such blogs, please visit- http://www.ivfclinic.com/blog/
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oncologycare · 2 months
Best Ovarian Cancer Treatment Doctors in Ahmedabad | Ovarian Cancer Doctor In Ahmedabad - Raj Surgical Oncology Care
Ovarian Cancer Doctor In Ahmedabad - Raj Surgical Oncology Care is provide the best ovarian cancer treatment doctors in Ahmedabad, Ovarian Cancer Treatment Doctors in Ahmedabad. Book appointment with the top Ovarian Cancer Doctor in Ahmedabad.
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Ovarian Cancer Treatment with Hipec In Ahmedabad,Gujarat,India | Information Regarding Ovarian Cancer
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Ovarian Cancer Treatment with Hipec In Ahmedabad is claiming the lives of millions of women around the world, even in countries that are too conservative to be leaders in medical technology. In fact, it is the lack of medical technology that results in many ovarian cancer deaths, as there is no screening method that can officially detect the disease. And yet, they can still help a woman save her life, if she knows when she should get tested. If you need help making such a determination, read on as this article will provide 5 information about ovarian cancer you must know.
 1: Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer Can Take Years to Develop The first fact of 5 parts of information about ovarian cancer you should know is how the symptoms of the disease develop. Basically, the tumor can grow inside you for a very long time and you may not be aware that you have ovarian cancer. And when symptoms do begin, it can mean that the cancer has reached a point where it cannot be easily treated.
  2: If ovarian cancer is caught at an early stage, it has a 90 percent survival rate The second fact of 5 parts of information about ovarian cancer you should know relates to survival rates if the cancer is caught early. It can be up to 90 percent. Yet, only 25 percent of women are affected by the disease in these stages. Why is this? Well, women who are at high risk of ovarian cancer are tested at the same time that there is something wrong with their bodies, (sometimes even earlier). You may be in this category primarily if you have a history of the disease in your family. When you have a gynecological examination, see your doctor to be screened for ovarian cancer. Be careful if you do this and you are not in the high risk category, as ovarian cancer screening unfortunately has a high rate of misdiagnosis, (which is why it is not encouraged for the general population ). ,
3: Breastfeeding and having children lower your chances of getting ovarian cancer Of the 5 facts you should know about ovarian cancer, the third is related to childbirth and breastfeeding. Breastfeeding your first child at age 20 significantly lowers your chances of developing ovarian cancer. However, you don't get this benefit if your first child was in your teens or if you have a child after 35.
 4: Taking Birth Control Lowers Your Ovarian Cancer Risk Four out of 5 facts about ovarian cancer you should know about birth control. The contraceptive is thought to be effective in helping to prevent ovarian cancer because it lowers a woman's level of estrogen, which is known to be a prognostic factor. Be careful, though some women may not be able to take contraception due to certain risk factors.
5: Hysterectomy or Removal of   Ovarian Cancer Treatment with Hipec In Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India  If You're at High Risk The last 5 information you should know about ovarian cancer related to hysterectomy or removal of one's ovaries. Hysterectomy offers protection for almost any period of uterine cancer, but it can significantly reduce sexual pleasure. This is why if a woman is not at risk for another type of reproductive cancer, doctors may instead choose to remove just her ovaries.                        
You Want about Ovarian Cancer Treatment with Hipec In Ahmedabad [https://www.drnitinsinghal.com/ovarian-cancer-treatment-with-hipec.php] as well as ovarian cancer symptoms [https://www.drnitinsinghal.com] on my website.
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arvindvk · 5 years
Surrogacy Cost in Ahmedabad
Surrogacy Cost in Ahmedabad |Milann Fertility Center - Ahmedabad | Elawoman
Surrogacy Cost in Ahmedabad
There are two sorts of surrogacy — conventional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy. In conventional surrogacy, a surrogate mother is misleadingly inseminated, either by the intended dad or an unknown benefactor, and conveys the infant to term. The tyke is accordingly hereditarily identified with both the surrogate mother, who gives the egg, and the intended dad or unknown donor.In gestational surrogacy, an egg is expelled from the intended mother or a mysterious giver and treated with the sperm of the intended dad or mysterious benefactor. The treated egg, or incipient organism, is then moved to a surrogate who conveys the infant to term. The youngster is in this manner hereditarily identified with the lady who gave the egg and the intended dad or sperm giver, however not the surrogate. Some lesbian couples find gestational surrogacy appealing in light of the fact that it grants one lady to contribute her egg and the other to convey the child.Traditional surrogacy is more questionable than gestational surrogacy, in enormous part on the grounds that the natural connection between the surrogate and the tyke regularly entangles the realities of the case if parental rights or the legitimacy of the surrogacy understanding are tested. Subsequently, most states disallow customary surrogacy understandings. Moreover, numerous states that license surrogacy understandings forbid pay past the installment of medicinal and legitimate costs incurred because of the surrogacy understanding.
Milann Fertility Center - Ahmedabad
Built up in 1990 by Dr. Kamini A. Rao, Milann has been redefining innovative fertility care in India by offering individuals access to cutting edge therapeutic conclusion and treatment choices accessible in the field of Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART). It brings together a group of exceptionally experienced fertility specialists including clinical masters, embryologists, attendants and other social insurance laborers who are represented considerable authority in the field of infertility, lady's wellbeing and regenerative medicine.Formerly known as Bangalore Assisted Conception Center (BACC), the organization was re-marked as Milann when it entered a vital association with Health Care Global Enterprise Limited (HCGEL) in 2013. The Milann group today works flawlessly together and its prosperity can be credited to its remarkable work ethos, investment into world class infrastructure for fertility treatment and a methodology dependent on current science towards fertility. Milann as an association, empowers the coming together of similarly invested clinical authorities to make the accepted procedures in fertility care available to all. With medicinal specialists who have all obtained their postdoctoral association and having widely trained in regenerative endocrinology, ovarian science, conceptive immunology and the hereditary qualities of fertility, Milann is at the lead of fertility experts in India. Administrations Offer by Milann Fertility Center Infertility Services Supported by a portion of India's leading specialists in the field of regenerative medicine, world-class infrastructure, Milann guarantees that each patient gets the most ideal treatment, to understand their fantasy about becoming guardians in a calm domain. Gynecology and Endoscopy Healthy Reproductive Health goes past Fertility. Milann offers specialists in Obstetrics and Gynecology, maternal and fetal medicine, Gynecologic medical procedure and Cosmetic gynecology which oblige a lady's wellbeing needs from pre-adulthood to menopause.
Obstetrics and Pediatrics Good medicinal choices rely upon great quality information. Milann has invested in demonstrative and bolster administrations, for example, Fetal Ultrasonography, Pediatrics and Neonatology benefits just as in authorize research facilities, to guarantee that each patient gets the privilege clinical conclusion and treatment.At Milann our group of specialists have specific and trained for a considerable length of time with their spirit center around finding one of a kind answers for male and female infertility issues. Be it drug, medical procedures, hormone treatment, or some other Assisted Reproductive Techniques, we got you secured.
Book Appointment Milann Fertility Center - Ahmedabad
To be the leading super forte clinic in providing care and treatment in the fields of Assisted Reproductive Technology. Obstetrics and Gynecology, Prenatal Diagnosis and treatment through:Developing ability through continued training and research , Commitment to quality and administration conveyance , A moral methodology towards patient's needs , Adopting the most recent innovation. Vision of this center To guarantee that each lady appreciates the essential appropriate to conceive an offspring. At Milann we are focused on providing magnificence in quality administration, care and treatment using the world's best principles and applying them to our quality frameworks. Usage of ISO for over 10 years, accreditation with NABL and application for NABH has guaranteed hierarchical and basic changes, for example, introduction of value control frameworks, and quality-related councils, which have encouraged a methodical issue recognizable proof and critical thinking process, resulting in streamlining of treatment conventions and practices, which in turn has brought about improved results. A solid quality review has guaranteed that the achievement rate showed at the parent Center could be repeated in the more up to date Centers. This attention on brilliance earned Milann different honors and awards throughout the years
Dr. Purvi Dave
One of the leading gynecologists of the city, Dr. Purvi Dave (Parth Women Clinic and Infertility Center) in Bodakdev has set up the clinic and has gained a devoted customer base in the course of recent years and is likewise often visited by a few big names, aspiring models and other respectable customers and international patients also. They likewise plan on expanding their business further and providing administrations to a few additional patients owing to its prosperity in the course of recent years. The productivity, commitment, exactness and sympathy offered at the clinic guarantee that the patient's prosperity, solace and needs are kept of top need. The clinic is furnished with most recent sorts of hardware and gloats exceptionally progressed careful instruments that help in undergoing fastidious medical procedures or strategies. Locating the human services center is simple as it is Judges Bunglow Road.Dr. Purvi Dave (Parth Women Clinic and Infertility Center) in Ahmedabad treats the different sicknesses of the patients by helping them experience superb medicines and methods. Among the various administrations offered here, the clinic gives medications to Uterine Fibroids or Myomas, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary Problems, Vaginal Discharge, Subfertility, Menopause, Gynecological Cancers, Abnormal Pap Smears - Pre-Invasive Cervical/Vaginal Disease and Vulva Conditions. The specialist is additionally recorded under Gynecologist and Obstetrician Doctors, Infertility Doctors, Pathologist Doctors. Moreover, the patients likewise visit the clinic for Contraception Advice, HPV Tests, and Biopsy Tests and so forth.
Sumiran Womens Hospital
Sumiran Women's Hospital India's Leading IVF center with all cutting edge office, At Sumiran Women's hospital we have one of the best IVF center Our prosperity rate is along the line of 58 to 85%. we have World Class infrastructure, Latest advancements, instrumentation and experienced Doctors team.IVF : Best, Economic and Result situated unnaturally conceived child center, Ahmedabad.
ICSI : Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection system if there should arise an occurrence of azoospermia, oligospermia and asthenoteratozoospermia. It is cheerful method. PGD : Preimplantation of hereditary determination. PGS : Preimplantation hereditary screening. Most recent Facility-Real 3D Laparoscopy (RichardWolf Germany) One of The Best Technologies in Laparoscopy in Todays World , Real Minimal Invasive e Surgery.Homely Atmosphere , Co-usable Staff
Book Appointment Sumiran Womens Hospital
The main Indian Doctor to get the Award of Excellence from Richard Wolf Germany is Dr. Mehul Sukadiya (Sumiran Woman's Hospital).Gold Standard Tehnique of Total Laprascopic Hysterectormy – book distributed by Dr. Mehul Sukadiya Dr. Mehul Sukadiya (Sumiran Woman's Hospital).1st IVF infant tenth August 2010 with in excess of 3000 comparable ongoing cases.For them each Customer is King and King Never Bargains so at Every Customer the Cost of Services is Same and Will Never Change Because of which any kind of extortion or Misrepresentation won't Happened and Customer Transparency will be Maintained as Prime Objective.Book Your Free Appointment at Sumiran Womens Hospital
For more information, Call Us:  +91-8929020600
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kdblossomhospital · 1 year
Things To Know About PCOS And Fertility
Polycystic ovarian syndrome, which is commonly known as PCOS, is a condition related to hormones where the ovaries don’t always release eggs at the end of the menstrual cycle. This is not good for women as it can create pregnancy complications in the near future. Though this is common in India, where 1 in 10 women has this issue. You must consult a doctor and be in touch with your OB/GYN regularly if you have PCOS or PCOD. If you are looking for the best PCOS and PCOD management in Ahmedabad, then call KD Blossom Hospital immediately. Furthermore, you must also have basic knowledge of PCOS symptoms, causes, and treatments so that the chances of being at higher risk can be mitigated.
Remember, having polycystic ovaries doesn’t mean that you are affected by PCOS, as PCO simply means your ovaries are slightly different, while PCOS is a disorder that is linked with hormonal imbalance.
Symptoms of PCOS
More facial hair on face and body
Acne and oily skin
Missed periods, very light periods or irregular periods
Ovaries are larger or having many cysts
Weight gain, especially around abdomen area
Small pieces of excess skin around neck or armpits
Thick and dark skin patches
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What Are The Causes Of PCOS?
The exact cause of PCOS is still not clear, and this varies from woman to woman. As such, it can be genetic, while some women have PCOS because of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance means your body can’t use insulin well, and hence, insulin levels build up in your body, causing higher androgen levels. Furthermore, women who have PCOS must maintain their weight because obesity increases insulin levels, which make PCOS symptoms worse. Women with PCOS have higher androgen levels than normal women, and this prevents the ovaries from releasing an egg that causes acne and extra hair growth. Therefore; proper treatment and precaution is needed as it can create complications later in married life.
Can I Still Get Pregnant If I Have PCOS?
Yes, this is a fact: PCOS causes difficulty getting pregnant, but having PCOS doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant. PCOS is one of the most common types of disorders in women, but it is treatable. You must consult your doctor about how to increase your chances of getting pregnant when you have PCOS. You can also use an ovulation calculator to know exactly which day is most likely to be fertile in your menstrual cycle. You must follow a balanced diet and a healthy routine in order to remain fit and active during pregnancy while having PCOS. You must also have a detoxification session because going through different treatments can be complicated and stressful, as well as making you anxious.
Is PCOS Linked To Other Health Problems?
Yes, medical studies have clarified that PCOS is linked with various health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnoea, unhealthy cholesterol levels, endometrial cancer, depression, anxiety, and so on. Also, it has been found in research that more than half of women with PCOS will have diabetes by the age of 40. Furthermore, women with PCOS have high chances of LDL and low chances of HDL. Women with PCOS must take care of their cholesterol level because it can raise the risk of heart disease and stroke. Depression, anxiety, and sleep apnoea are also common among women with PCOS, and it raises the risk of heart disease and endometrial cancer. If you are looking for a doctor or hospital that can treat PCOS and PCOD disorder effectively and more efficiently, then give us a call. KD Blossom has a team of experienced gynecologists and specializes in mother and child care.
How Does PCOS Affect Pregnancy?
PCOS can be dangerous for you and your baby, hence proper treatment and precaution are needed for a safe and healthy pregnancy. Women with PCOS also have higher chances of miscarriage, caesarean sections, gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia than normal women. Furthermore, your baby also has a higher chance of spending more time in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and a higher risk of having heavy macrosomia. You can lower the risk of problems that you might face during pregnancy while having PCOS. For instance, by maintaining a healthy weight before you get pregnant. You must also reach a healthy blood and sugar level and have a balanced diet with enough nutrients, proteins, and vitamins.
There is a myth that PCOS extends your fertile window, but this is not fact at all. Whether you have PCOS or not, your chances of conceiving are higher in your 20s, and they drop by 5% in your 30s. Visit KD Hospital for the best PCOS treatment in Ahmedabad. With our best gynecology services, we also care for young women who are concerned about irregular cycles, contraception technologies, urogynaecological disorders, and preventive gynecological care.
This information was originally posted on KD Blossom Hospital. To read more, Visit Things To Know About PCOS And Fertility
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elajyoti-blog · 5 years
Affordable Laparoscopy Doctor in Ahmedabad | Wings Hospital
Affordable Laparoscopy Doctor in Ahmedabad
Pelvic laparoscopy is a surgery involving an instrument called a laparoscope. A specialist inserts this instrument through a little incision in the guts.
Restorative groups often use laparoscopy to analyze issue and ailments of the pelvis, uterus, and urinary bladder.
These little incisions are just approximately 0.5 inches long. Thus, laparoscopy maintains a strategic distance from the requirement for an open surgery. Doctors commonly allude to laparoscopy as minimally invasive medical procedure or keyhole medical procedure.
A specialist commonly plays out the system while the patient is under general sedative. Individuals will as a rule be totally sleeping when undergoing a laparoscopy. Nonetheless, local sedative can be utilized when appropriate.
Albeit a laparoscopy can be utilized in various medicines, for example, abdominal hernia fixes and removing the appendix, this article will concentrate mainly on the gynecological utilization of pelvic laparoscopy.
What is a laparoscopy?
A laparoscopy is a demonstrative system.
A specialist utilizes a thin gadget with a connected light and camera to help them all the more unmistakably envision organ harm and infection.
During a laparoscopy, the social insurance supplier inserts the laparoscope into the stomach area through a little incision in the belly. They will at that point utilize a catheter, allowing for more clear imaging of the organs in the guts and pelvis.
On occasion, a specialist may bolster a laparoscopy with extra careful instruments, which they can insert through the incision locales. An individual undergoing a laparoscopy can often expect up to four little incisions.
A medicinal professional carrying out a laparoscopy may likewise utilize an uterine manipulator is inserted into the vagina, cervix, and uterus to take into account pelvic organ development to see distinctive pelvic anatomy.
When the strategy is finished, the specialist will evacuate the vast majority of the carbon dioxide from the stomach area, expel all instruments, close the incisions with join, and spread the zone with little bandages.
Following the technique, the individual may feel worn out or sick because of the anesthesia.
The vast majority are released from emergency clinic upon the arrival of medical procedure, in spite of the fact that hospitalization might be vital for certain individuals to empower a full recuperation, for example, after a laparoscopic hysterectomy that involves evacuation of the uterus.
A laparoscopy can happen for some reasons, wellbeing conditions, and judgments, including tubal ligation, analytic strategies, and the treatment of certain conditions.
Common explanations behind undergoing a laparoscopy include:
the finding and treatment of endometriosis, incessant pelvic pain, pelvic inflammatory infection, and reasons for infertility
the expulsion of fibroids, uterus, ovarian sores, lymph hubs, or an ectopic pregnancy
the treatment of a scope of disarranges, including urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and certain types of malignant growth
evaluating certain malignancies, including those of the ovary, uterus, and cervix.
Here the List of Affordable Laparoscopy Doctor in Ahmedabad
Wings Hospital
Wings Hospital is a condition of workmanship forte emergency clinic arranged in Thaltej, Ahmedabad. The prime focal point of the emergency clinic is to give comprehensive and excellent consideration to the patients who are consulting the doctors at the medical clinic. The Hospital at the Ahmadabad gives best quality, exhaustive, all encompassing consideration to women of India at a sensible expense. The WINGS Women’s Hospital has been structured and outfitted to give an abnormal state of Fertility care with solace and protection. It includes open and private spaces for its patients. The engineering is soothing and stately, with a perfect, present day structure. The emergency clinic is having India’s first 0.3 micron clean air IVF treatment lab. It likewise involves committed division for Surrogacy medicines. In any case, the interior infrastructure of the Wings Hospital is with the end goal that nature gives massive harmony and unwinding to the patients who are receiving treatment at the clinic. The WINGS Hospital has particular fetal consideration focus which gives far reaching scope of administrations to screening, conclusion and counseling and the board of fetal irregularities during pregnancy. It is all around furnished with cutting edge conclusion ultrasound machine with 3D/4D and ultrasound screening is performed by a senior advisor.
Vani Hospital
Vani Hospital is a Fertility and IVF Clinic situated in Maninagar East, Ahmedabad. The medical clinic was built up in the year 1999. It was set up with the expect to give best administrations to infertile couples to such an extent that they can get the happiness of becoming guardians. The middle gives treatment to Infertility, Ovarian Cysts, and other Gyne issues. The middle additionally renders a wide scope of social insurance administrations including Infertility Assessment and Treatment, Infertility Tests, IUI, IVF Treatments, Pap Smear, Cervical Cerclage, and Normal Vaginal Delivery Procedures. The independent IVF lab is one of the notable highlights of Vani IVF Center and different offices which include Color Doppler, USG Machines, Benchtop Incubators, and CO2 Incubators. The medical clinic is known for providing IVF and Surrogacy in Ahmedabad with stringent International Standards. Dr. Kamini R Patel, a prestigious Gynecologist rehearses at this inside. She is known for her high achievement rate and well disposed conduct. The medical clinic has won numerous honors for its best benefits. It has distributed numerous national and international papers. It is among the early enlisted IVF Clinics of India. The surrogacy program at this emergency clinic is particularly financially savvy when contrasted with other surrogacy focuses in Gujarat, with extremely high achievement rates
Dev ART IVF and Shachi Womens Hospital
Dev ART IVF and Shachi Womens Hospital is a Gynecology and Fertility Hospital situated in Subhash Bridge, Ahmedabad. The inside was built up in the year 1992 which offers best IVF treatment and administrations relating to Surrogacy and fertility medicines. Moreover, the middle is very much prepared to render administrations, for example, Infertility Evaluation and Treatment, Hysteroscopy, Advanced Laparoscopy methodology and High-chance Pregnancy Care. The inside targets fulfilling the necessities of the patients with the most ideal consideration and innovation at standard with the international standards. The gynecologists, Dr. Nisha Patel and Dr. Saumil Patel visit this clinic.
Sneh Hospitals and IVF Center
Sneh Hospitals and IVF Center is a standout amongst other IVF medical clinics arranged at Khokhra Mehmadabad, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The middle offers an assortment of administrations, for example, Infertility treatment, Pelvic Sonography, Family Planning Services, Cancer Screening And Prevention, Adolescent Health Problems, Menopause Clinic, and Gynecology Endoscopy.
Affirmed under ISO 9001:2008, it is a cutting edge destination for the couples who need to conceive. The middle has a completely prepared activity theater for performing all obstetrics and gynecology tasks. It has 8 Sonography machines, CT SCAN machines and additionally ultra current ICSI MACHINES, IVF Laboratories honing MINK INCUBATORS and full time committed Embryologists who deal with the Cryopreservation division. The middle is consistently at the bleeding edge with the most recent innovation and experienced female staff to give social insurance administrations to women. It is a one-stop community for all gynecology and infertility issues
Wellspring IVF and Womens Hospital
Wellspring IVF and Womens Hospital is one of the most moderate fertility medical clinics situated in Ahmedabad. It provides food benefits in gynecology and fertility issues and unravels them effectively since the hour of its foundation. The medical clinic has an exceptionally gifted and submitted group that leads it at another milestone. It guarantees appropriate and dependable fertility treatment dependent on the restorative instance of the patient. It is one of the leading IVF focuses of India and offers all the best benefits under one roof. The medical clinic serves different medications at financially rates by utilizing progressed conceptive innovations with high achievement rates. Be that as it may, the main target of Wellspring IVF and Womens Hospital is to give financially savvy fertility administrations bundles to its patients.
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