What are your thoughts on...00Q? :D
My thoughts on 00Q?
My opinions on 00Q??
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A++ OTP (and I say otp having a million otps BUT STILL)
Okay, so I love the James Bond world. I have always loved it. The cool tech, the badass chicks, the espionage. It’s such a sexy world, but I was in no way prepared for the emotions this friggin’ ship has instilled in me.
Pining from the other side of the world.
Not Actually Unrequited Feelings
Q taking care of Bond
Seriously, give me aching tenderness and I am here for a ship. Give me conceived one-sided pining when the other one aches just as much.
I played this super cute fangame for like two hours literally just last night. I read like 30 different fics a week after I was introduced to the ship and wrote two lil’ fics for the ship in the same month.
I don’t even have words, man. I just... I love someone taking care of a big badass. (It’s why I love Geraskier so much.) And I love the possibilities of the unreliable narrator trope (my favorite instance of that in Yuri!!! On Ice) and I love two opposite but equally powerful people in their own right eating at fancy restaurants (Good Omens) and I just---
00Q with Bond in some foreign country and Q the comfort, the familiarity, THE HOME, in his ear. Bond on home soil slowly taking care of Q because Q takes care of him. The snarking, teasing behavior. Bond’s flirtatious nature matched with Q’s own attitude. 
There will always be something so appealing to me about the romanticism of the spy world, but something about Q grounds that into reality (grounds James Bond, keeps him from floating away) and IDK MAN IM JUST WEAK FOR THAT SENTIMENT. FOR LIKE COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT PEOPLE RELYING ON EACH OTHER.
I can’t even put into this post how much I have fallen in love with this ship (and I’ve only been here for,,, a month and a half? Maybe? Oh boy.)
that got long whoops i squealed
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gerlat-apreciation · 4 years
🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.~🌼
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witcher-not-quitter · 4 years
mel rambles
Epic rounds of gwent with some of my mutuals, who are just freakin AMAZING!!Every single one of you are so wonderful!! The matches had me on my toes and I had such a blast. 
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 years
Infinity thots (TM) is beautiful and I would watch and read that SO FAST. No war just the power of the thots
Truly Infinity Thots(TM) will save us all.
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gridelincarver · 4 years
@kateis-cakeis tagged me !!! thank you pal :’)
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know get to know better
Top 3 Ships:
rn im having a lotta iorveth feelings so geralt/iorveth
geralt/regis & regis/geralt/dettlaff
davekat is my Forever Ship
Lipstick or Chapstick: chapstick i have so many different flavors... mr. burts bees owns my ass. i just love the colors and collecting things im a goblin
Last Song: "Divide” by Bastille bc i had my iorveth playlist on shuffle while i walked my dog.....
Last Movie: im pretty sure it was Prince of Egypt bc i made my family watch it after our passover seder and that movie’s music SLAPS bro
Reading: im bad at reading books ok ive just been reading a whole lot of fanfic.... (i’ve read thru the entire geralt/iorveth tag on ao3 except three fics bc of their tags n i was like No)
Three random things that make me happy:
growing plants!!  i get these lil microgreen seed quilts and i grow them and theyre really yummy (from here, also this isnt sponsored lmfao)
talking to my friends ! i know its quarantine and ive been feeling isolated so calling and hanging out and watching dumb shit is a good way to feel connected
am i allowed to say iorveth. ive been hyperfixating okay. also regis
uhhhh i dont know if i can think of 9 people but uhhh i have a bunch of great new witcher mutuals so !! @shadowy-dumbo-octopus @usedupshiver @oversharingskeptic @sincthulhu 
(also feel free to do this if u see it and u want to)
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edensbuttercups · 4 years
Character Tag
i was tagged by @1orweth! Sorry that this took so long! I started doing it and ended up thinking about what to answer so much that I eventually forgot about it 😂  I had lots of fun doing this, so thanks again!
NAME:  Jaskier
EYE COLOUR: Cornflower blue
HAIR STYLE / COLOUR: light-ish brown hair
HEIGHT: 1.82cm
CLOTHING STYLE:  Colourful, pretty doublets, fancy.
BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE: Personal opinion but his face?? Also honorable mention: his chest hair
FEARS: that he will be forgotten, that he isn’t truly appreciated 
GUILTY PLEASURE: sex (though he surely doesn’t feel guilty about it) and nice, very expensive clothes.
BIGGEST PET PEEVE: Valdo Marx, people that mock whoever/whatever he admires and loves.
AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE: write the best ballad, a song sang across the whole Continent, a song that everyone likes. 
FIRST THOUGHTS WAKING UP: embracing life, feeling the warmth on his skin, or the cold air against his cheek or the sweet sound of the birds singing outside the window.
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT MOST: his prose, his music, trying not to fall off a cliff as he strums on the lute, his next conquest
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT  BEFORE BED: some days he’ll go through the events of the day, trying to remember any small detail for his future songs, other days he’ll think about his future, his dreams, the people he loves, misses or admires.
SINGLE OR GROUP DATES:  Single dates, as to dedicate all of his attention to his date
TO BE LOVED OR RESPECTED: be loved (although I feel like he’d be willing to fight whoever doesn’t respect him or his friends)
BEAUTY OR BRAINS: brains. He loves academics and loves to talk about deep things, he is a very intelligent person, but he does in any case see the beauty in everyone. 
DOGS OR CATS: both, but he loves small stray kittens with all his heart.
LIE: Absolutely.
BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES: yes, most days.
BELIEVE IN LOVE: Yes, but for now he’s okay with falling in love with everyone he meets. That is love too, after all. 
WANT SOMEONE: yes, but he’s a free spirit, so he wants someone willing to follow him or wait for him. 
BEEN ON STAGE: most days!
DONE DRUGS: probably.
CHANGED WHO THEY WERE TO FIT IN: he’d rather be true to himself and not fit in than vice versa; he believes that a life spent in the shadow of who you could’ve been is one of the worst mistakes one could make.
FAVOURITE COLOURS: Blue, specifically the color of the sky on a hot summer day.
FAVOURITE BOOK: An epic story, with magic, dragons and love.
FAVOURITE GAME: He’s a sucked for hide and seek, especially if it ends with a kiss 
DAY THEIR NEXT BIRTHDAY WILL BE: I feel like he’d be born in the summer, August maybe?
HOW OLD WILL THEY BE: "You are almost 40, you look 30, you imagine you're 20, and you act like you're 10.
LAYER 09: I...
I LOVE: singing, people, adventure, art. 
I FEEL: content, proud.
I HIDE: my fear of being forgotten, my serious side, 
I MISS: A place to call home
I WISH: I could prove my worth to everyone. 
i'm tagging @temerianwitch @gharashambles @witcher-not-quitter @oversharingskeptic (if you guys want to, I’d love to read the answers you end up giving!) and anyone else who would like to do it, please tag me, I’m curious! Let me know if the answers seem right or if you don’t agree about something, I do love talking about this bard 🤔
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I was tagged by @gharashambles the fabulous soul who runs a bomb ass witcher blog( who’s tags always make me smile)
Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better/catch up with.(don’t really have too)
Three Ships in any order: 1. Dettlaff x my oc Dessi; 2. Geralt x Regis; 3. Elliot x Parker x Hardison (Leverage fan here)
Last Song:  Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - "Bellbottoms"
Last Movie: Into the Tall Grass (horror, and its eh in my opinion. just bored)
Currently reading: All the fanfics. But i did finish the latest update in  The gemstone of repetition by Ratatosk_the_old_squirrel just like an hour ago.
Currently watching: Netflix Space Force and Leverage
Currently consuming: Coffee and it be almost 6pm centeral time now(not the latest time I have had my coffee)
Food I’m craving right now: Sea food. or sweet and sour chicken
tagging: Anyone who wants a go(I never know when to tag new peeps cause i’m nervous like that so have a go if you want to do this). @temerianwitch @oversharingskeptic
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Thank you for the ask! I'll start working on that story soon :D I hope you're doing well, my friend!
Hello, friend! I’m super excited for any and all of your works high-key so I eagerly (but patiently) await! I’m doing alright. Having a rough time of it this morning but already doing better tonight thankfully. Hope you’ve been doing well and staying happy and healthy :D
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Just stopping by to say, you deserve all of the kudos for that story! :D
You're too sweet and I'm literally about to explode with happy tears. I'm so grateful ;~; I have so much fun writing for this fandom but even one person liking my writing??? I ascend. I feel my heart fill. I have had such lovely receptions to my writing that I'm surprised I haven't already combusted. So thank you for being one of the many people who make this fandom so sweet and enjoyable. 💞
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rayshippouuchiha · 6 years
Ray you have to stop being so amazing. I cannot take your awesomeness, it's overwhelming. But for reals though I LOVE LOVE LOVE you're writing and am obsessed with Toni. Thanks for being cool ❤️
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🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.~🌼
You're too kind ;;~;; 💞💞💞🌺💞💞💞 thank you so very much
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gerlat-apreciation · 4 years
Vampiric Protectors Part 1
Ciri, Geralt, and Avallac’h are travelling worlds and about to go home, when Ciri, low on energy and distracted, teleports all three of them to a separate place. Geralt finds himself in a world seemingly like his own, but Regis and Dettlaff are younger, and one is much much more drunk.
This was beta-read by @oversharingskeptic !! Thank you hun for the help!
Also!! I’d like to thank @witcher-not-quitter , @gridelincarver , and @sosaisdming for helping with the idea!
Geralt gripped onto Ciri’s hand, their fingers intertwining. Ciri and Avallac’h’s harsh breaths ringing out from the poisonous gas that filled their lungs. Geralt, was unaffected. Witchers could hold their breath much longer than any human or elf ever could. Speaking of elves, the witcher's eyes met the sage’s from behind Ciri’s back, grey meeting brilliant gold, They both immediately glared at each other, Geralt taking the time to bare his sharpened teeth, the elf returned it, albeit with much blunter teeth. Geralt stifled a laugh.
“Are you two ready?” Ciri breathed, looking at them, who suddenly had innocent looks on their faces. Ciri huffed in disappointment, and Geralt suddenly felt guilty, but, taking one last look at the stunning but brutal world around him, he nodded, a soft grunt in his throat to speak for him, his throat felt raspier than usual. He waved it off to the gas, and let the feeling of his daughter moving worlds overcome him.
Time itself seemed to slow, which gave the witcher enough time to be overcome with a feeling. Pride. Pride for his daughter, who had come so far from the little girl running the halls of Kaer Morhen, following around Eskel, or Vesemir like a baby duckling, chirping for stories, or someone to play with her. Geralt had to admit to himself, she was very good at emotional blackmail. He was proud of that too, just like Lambert.. he couldn’t say no to the tiny thing, clinging to his thigh and giving him the dreaded puppy eyes. If Geralt could shiver he would, those puppy eyes forced him into an odd tea party here and there, and now he permanently holds a teacup with a pinky out. No matter how much his brothers told him his courtly manners would be godlike, he didn’t agree.
He was brought back to himself by the sharp sting of hitting the ground, on his back. He opened his eyes and was met with the bright sun, he groaned. What the hell, he thought, a scowl forming on his face. Slowly, he sat up, taking in his surroundings slowly, letting it sink in. During their travels with Ciri, they got separated often, but quickly came back together. But earlier, Geralt reminded himself that Ciri told them both her energy was going low, and that this teleport would be the one that would take them home.
So he was stuck here for a little bit, okay. That was fine. As Geralt drew into a stand, he groaned once more, hands going over his head and curling his back. A simple stretch that popped his back in the same go. Afterwards, Geralt adjusted his many belts, potions, and bombs, then sniffed the air, once, twice, thrice. Soon after the smell of civilization filled his nose, mostly cow and pig shit, but the faint tones of human sweat. There was something about it that made it significantly human. Probably the large amounts of salt? There was something about it that smelled like a bad mix of salt and onion, where and why they ate that much salt Geralt didn’t know, neither did he know about the onion thing. He’d have to ask Regis if he ever got the chance again. Not that he would, or could, Regis was in Nilfgaard, after he hunted down Dettlaff.
Geralt sighed once again, brooding at the loss of his trusty companion, who was always by his side. Sadly Ciri couldn’t teleport him, Avallac’h, herself, and Roach travelling different worlds, but it would have been nice to be able to ride his mare the long distance to the village. But without his trusted companion and confidant, he would have to walk, and of course, Geralt being himself, would complain the entire way there. What was stopping him? Gaunter?
Geralt held back another laugh, he wouldn’t be bothering anybody anytime soon.
So he turned his attention back to following the scent of humans, brooding and complaining the entire way there, in his head of course. Vesemir would have his ass if he found out he complained in view of random people.
“You can’t possibly be asking that much for a zeugel!!”
The human male gasped. He was reaching his fortieth winter, with two healthy girls who currently had their heads pressed to the bedroom door, watching them argue. Geralt resisted the urge to eat him instead of a turkey from a nearby inn. Of course that was a joke, he wouldn’t leave the girls without a parent. So, Geralt just sighed in reply.
“150?” He offered. Eyebrows pinching in suppressed anger, he could feel his mutations working overtime to pull back the surprisingly powerful urge to punch this man. But, as if Gaunter himself, the man of mirrors, dickhead extreme, pressed a gentle kiss to his left ass, because the man instantly nodded, and relief flooded each man.
Maybe Gaunter was back..
Geralt grunted in agreement, and turned on his heel, slamming the door shut as soon as he exited, and made his way to the location provided, a sewer entrance a little out of town, which flowed into a river that curled around a mountain that the little village was nestled in. It was..quaint..the white haired witcher kneeled in front of the entrance, taking his silver sword and a sharpening stone, raking it quickly against the sides, not enough to chip or damage, the smooth movements calming the swordsman.
Soon after he stands once more, downing a blizzard and a wraith decoction, just to be safe. Geralt was experienced, yes, but even master witchers had trouble with grown zeugls. As the potions slipped down his throat, he shivered, the tingling sensation of his quickened movements caused him to move with an inhuman swiftness, more so than he already did. With grace, he stepped into the sewer tunnel and directly into the flowing water of it. The wolf had no time for disgust, he had a job to do. Walking down the tunnel once more whilst trying to push out every thought of how disgusting it is, he came into a larger room with thick brick walls, and while the entrance was now far far back, he could still see enough to not have to down a cat. Piles and piles of trash, knick knacks, and whatchamacallits that even a blacksmith had no name for, he sniffed the air. Of course the first thing that he smelled was the invasive and frankly rude scent of the piss and shit of the larger (and wealthier) civilization down the road. Of course they built through the mountain, and allowed the probably humongous zeugl to be the villagers problem. This was another of the many reasons on Geralt’s list that he didn’t like nobles in the slightest. But, under all the stench he smelled rotting flesh and the unique rancid stench of a zeugl.
Now that he knew where it was, he started looking closely. He was most likely sharing a room with the thing.
With a little bit of help from his nose, he found a tentacle resting on the edge of the side path. As the Witcher stepped towards it to cut it off and initiate the fight, the floor suddenly cracked, and broke.
He was falling.
And falling.
And falling.
And now he hit the ground, sword tightly gripped in his palm.
There were many many hisses, hisses of Arachas in fact. Fuck.
Geralt sprang up, inhumanly fast and cast a stream of ingi, momentarily lighting the five Arachas (five Arachas too many) on fire. Geralt then, in a smooth movement, flittered to one and started cutting. 1,2,5. Twirling around and snapping his wrist left and right in the move affectionately named ‘Whirl’ by Vesemir. Very soon after the Arachas was very dead, and he moved onto the next one, the others were still on fire. Repeating the move on the second Arachas, they were quickly downed as well. The shrieks of death and the ones on fire filling his ears like daggers.
Not soon after, he had three of them on both his left, right, and front. Geralt in response lurched to the side to get the one on the left, only for the ones on the middle and right to attack him from behind. He growled, rolling away from the three quickly.
There was another, fourth hiss. One of a venomous Arachas. Geralt’s heart was too busy pounding in his ears for him to be able to tell where it was coming from. Grabbing a dancing star from his hip, he slung it in an arcing motion, the Arachas in turn light right back on fire.
But, while attacking, he, in a rookie move, forgot about the very venomous and very dangerous Arachas behind him, and he felt a bite in his thigh and venom filling his muscles. Vision dizzying, he stumbled, gasping and growling desperately to stay awake. But the world was swimming, Geralt couldn’t keep his balance and his vision was going dark. In the commotion Geralt’s sword slipped from his hand causing the Witcher to panic, he keened, and then everything went black. The last thing the Witcher saw was a figure surrounded by smoke lurching at the Arachas from the shadows, claws extended and teeth bared as smoke twisted around their form.
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Another tag game I’m a wee bit late for since I’m getting back to it!! This time I was tagged by the lovely @doubleoh7q​ This time I’m meant to list my top ten favorite female characters from ten different fandoms and tag ten people!!
Here’s some Lady Love in no particular order:
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tagging @mishandjen-tellmehow​ @morai-the-swann-king​ @animesfavoriteweirdo​ @mcthedoodler​ @darkqueen-of-asgard​ @paliseizy​ @damejudyhench​ @oversharingskeptic​ @todorokisrose​ @anyone who wants to do this or maybe anyone who shares at least one favorite gal pal with me ;)) 
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gerlat-apreciation · 4 years
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No context.
@sosaisdming @witcher-regis @oversharingskeptic @dandelion-bastard
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witcher-not-quitter · 4 years
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Tagged by @shadowy-dumbo-octopus so enjoy my shaky drawn on lines. Never drew a straight line in my life and I think that goes to show that nothing about me is straight. 
The witcher fandom is the latest thing I have been a part of for the better part of a year. Wasn’t till last Dec. that I posted my first chpt fic ever, out of all my fandoms I have been a part of. It also hasn’t been until the past two weeks that my awesome mutuals Inspire and encourage me in the content I post as of late. I can say I haven't had that support before and I am grateful to you all. I honestly never wrote so much and with such enthusiasm as I do now because of you guys. If you see the smut part marked off but haven't seen that work I will tell you, yes I have smut fic and stuff but not yet posted. 
Tagging @temerianwitch @oversharingskeptic @costivox Everyone is welcome to do this or not. 
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witcher-not-quitter · 4 years
Thank you for tagging me, @oversharingskeptic @temerianwitch✨😊
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know get to know better
Top 3 Ships:
Of course I would have to say Regis/Geralt. It was the pairing that got me started in the witcher world after I saw so much great art of them together
What I never really thought I would go for but found so damn fulfilling is the Dettlaff/Geralt/Regis. either that or geralt/dettlaff or regis/dettlaff. I mean they just balance each other out and its so damn lovely
Dettlaff/Oc has been my jam. The man deserved so much better and I am jumping with joy with a rise in that ship lately in AO3. 
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick. Cause when my lips get dry, It gets DRY and Cracked! 
Last Song: Apashe & High Klassified - I'm Fine (ft. Cherry Lena)
Last Movie: Master Z: Ip Man Legacy (Being a martial artist makes me a sucker for these movies)
Reading: A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas. Look the series is awesome. Protag Is a woman who gets sucked into an abusive relationship and later finds her worth and also her Mate. A world of Fae where women are just absolute badasses?! Hell to the yeah!!
Three random things that make me happy:
Having other people laugh. I love happiness and want to spread it.
That roll on perfume that is fan made to smell like Regis. You know I wear that all the time.
Being able to sit by large bodies of water. One of the few places I find my peace.
Okay sooooo I’ll tag (If you got double tagged by someone else, sorry, I try to check to see if you weren’t)
@red-ekimmara @usedupshiver @dravenxivuk @eviltemplarknight @give-me-them-vampire-cheeks Anyone who I did not tag but wants to do it.
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