#Mel answers a tag
mspoodle1 · 2 years
Another Get To Know Me Tag!
Tagged by my favorite @curmudgeonness curmudgeon. 😛
1. What do you have under your bed?
Nothing actually. I got a new mattress this year and changed my bedframe. I think I had a suitcase under there that I donated. So at the most there's a random Coco the cat under there at times when he's being naughty.
2. Favorite candy?
Millionaire$/Turtles or Mounds/Almond Joy
3. Describe your favorite shirt
A lavender Polo T-shirt that is a billion years old.
4. The last thing you drew/doodled was:
That birthday card I drew and painted for my Mother in law. I'm behind on my christmas cards this year. Usually I have them done already. *sigh*
5. Are you completely sober rn?
Yes No...but the night is still young. lol I have a cold right now, so it's not advised for me to be tipsy. (it's why I haven't been posting, playing sims, or doing my cc reblogging. *blah*)
6. What’s the one thing that annoys you more than anything?
When Coco decides to help and cover the bathroom floor with cat litter.
7. Have you ever gotten your tongue stuck to a cold pole during winter?
No. But considering I live in MS where it's always humid and hot, I'm not sure that's even possible. (well, it is, but considering I haven't turned the heat on this air quotes "Fall/Winter", you can see why it would be rare.)
8. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
Hmmm...I'm a real home body. I like being at home.
9. What was the single last word you spoke?
"Meow, do you need a hug?"
Have no idea who to tag since I've been off of the internet for a few days. *looks at my activity page* Ok, only do this is you feel like it, tagging @omedapixel, @misspats3, @nornities, @danjaley, @desiree-uk, @batsheba, @modestpixels, and anyone who wants to give it a go.
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Tagged by @shadowy-dumbo-octopus
Tagging @platypusafro @gharashambles @deacf-coffee-is-a-sin and anyone else who even thinks about doing this, you’re tagged too!💙 no pressure though!
3 Ships:
Geralt/Regis(witcher): This is the first paring I was introduced to in the witcher fandom years back and it has and never will leave my brain. The monster hunter x monster pairings has my soul in a vice grip and it aint ever letting go. Those two old farts will forever hold a dear spot in my heart.
Dettlaff/witcher oc (witcher): I can’t help but ship my OC Dessi with that sensitive dark hair and brooding vampire because she is the light that will never burn his gentle soul. The games did that man dirty in the dlc at the end. Like how the fuck do you make the manipulated victim the monster and killing him the good ending while saving his lover(human) who practically tortured the vampire by making him believed she was being held ransoms/in danger, so she can make him kill what he believes are innocent people with the lover’s sister being the last(does not quite happen) victim. (I can write a damn paper on how I feel about that dumb deal)
The Commander (OC)/Trahearne (Guild Wars 2) I am so in love with this MMO and when I first met Trahearne and through out the core story as he grows as a leader, I just couldn’t help but imagine how my character would be falling in love with that sweet salad. Still grumpy how they did him in the Heart of Thorns expansion because people wanted to complain. 
First ship
Honestly can’t remember but I know they were self inserts. I know they were with the supposed ‘villains’ of the stories because apparently i’m just like that. Shoot I had a crush on Crowley from supernatural that a friend and I both cowritten our OCs with mine of course with the king of hell. 
Currently consuming:
Soon to be coffee as I got it brewing. (I got distracted with the coffee and then other things happened and didn’t come back to continuing this post till hours later...oops)
Currently watching:
Does watching a game playthrough count? cause it is GOW: Ragnarok but only a lil bit at a time since i’m either working or sleeping. but OMG Kratos growing into being a proper dad and of course I have a soft spot for talkative know-it-alls that support the main character AKA Mimir. 
Last movie:
It was a while back but it was The Old Guard. That shit was amazing, and I need a sequel like PRONTO!
Last song:
Filthy Freaks by Bones UK
Currently reading:
I was reading the witcher series but after the last move, I have all the books packed up and i’m going to move again in a month or so i guess so I just haven’t unpacked them..but I probably should get those books out since my counselor said it would help with my creativity and since reading has always been a positive impact on myself. 
Currently craving:
A really good soup. like eggdrop soup or french onion soup. I’m always in the mood for a soup. Updated, I found some canned Potatoe leek soup and got excited thinking it would taste the same as what I would get in the college dining hall but alas, the cooks would make it from scratch and from a can its only ‘meh’.
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mel-loly · 5 months
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Thanks to @nysnextd00r for answering me and “helping” me with this post <3
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narumi-gens · 8 months
Mel you get it because to have Suguru look like “that” *gestures at his character design* and not give him tattoos would be a crime
“that” of course means “should be covered in tattoos and smoking early in the morning on the balcony with his hair loose as he drinks his morning coffee that he made with his french press”
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melit0n · 5 months
Thank you to @moonchild-in-blue and @lifemod17 for tagging me <33
-> Using only song titles of one artist or band, answer the questions!
Artist: The Oh Hellos
What is your gender: Passerine
How do you feel: This Will End
If you could go anywhere: On The Mountain Tall
Favourite mode of transportation: Trees
Your best friend: Hello My Old Heart
Favourite time of day: Like The Dawn
If your life was a TV show: The Lament of Eustace Scrubb OR I Have Made Mistakes
Relationship status: Caesar
Your fear: I was wrong
Some no pressure tags are @hookedhobbies @branches-in-a-flood @cinnamo6 @kkarmatic @missilesilo and anyone else who wants to join :D
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aliferousdreamer · 5 months
mel from arcane for the ask game!!
mel medarda, my beautiful beloved 👑💎
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thank you!! <3
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melonlthawne · 11 months
Oooh, how would meloni raising Thad change things? Bc I’d imagine it’d change a lot lol
HI. sorry this took a bit. im notoriously terrible at answering asks or like anything at a practical pace so i had to get my brain into the mood to answer. but thanks for sending i really appreciate it!
so yes the short answer is that A LOT changes. i think the main aspect here is that thad is actually raised as a wanted, loved child with his own thoughts and feelings that matter versus president's thawnes upbringing of him only being useful when he can be used as a tool to terminate bart or hurt the flashfam. though meloni definitely wasn't expecting another child in this au, she welcomes thad in with open arms knowing that if he's raised by eobard, thad won't be loved and she would never want that if she could help it. so the best option she has is to take him home and raise him herself.
she's not the best parent ever. no one is. but if there's one thing meloni can ensure she does is make sure thad knows hes loved and appreciated no matter what his origin is. when thad is older she probably explains the complex situation to him so that he doesn't have to find out in some other way that could be traumatic.
assuming things go to plan, mel would encourage thad in any way she could much like how she does with bart canonically in the very little time they have together. in this au/verse, bart's rapid aging either doesn't exist or is solved when hes still a baby which makes things a bit more normal though i imagine raising any speedster child can be a nightmare at times.
i'm sure some traits that thad has typically still show up, like him being very dedicated to whatever his tasks/responsibilities are, maybe being a little unintentionally rude or blunt, and he and bart would probably still bicker and fight a lot but not physically or to an extreme degree. just like typical sibling junk. but because from the moment they got him thad isn't "trained" to be evil or whatever he probably just ends up in a sort of chaotic good position or maybe even chaotic neutral but NOT evil. he still has the potential to be bad just like we all do but it would only end that way if he has some other influence outside of mel bart & don that is frequent and persistant enough to outshine mel's well intentioned upbringing.
he'd probably still end up as a hero. idk if he'd still be inertia maybe cause its just a cool ass name but maybe with a different suit that isn't inverted-color impulse since he has his own life now and has different interests and thoughts outside of his genetical coding being identical to bart. he's allowed to become his own person no matter what his dna says. he's not constrained to JUST be the better or inferior bart/bart-clone. and meloni and don would make sure thad always knows he is his own person and he's not just an extension of bart. they may be brothers but they are not the same person.
i could probably ramble even more on this and i will probably. i have that fic i plan on touching after like a year and a half of nothing. i have a surgery coming up and a buttload of time to recover so i might get some writing done soon. if you're interested in this stuff, keep an eye out! plan to get more art and writing in this verse asap : )
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eastwindmlk · 1 month
fake fic title: Jealousy (Keeps Following Me)
Okay, so my first instinct here would be just as James and Lily start to get close and the entire castle starts noticing strange things start to happen to James.
And it isn't anything bad, no painful hexes or big mishaps. Just minor inconveniences almost tripping over untied shoelaces or burping really loud in a quiet classroom. And he never seems to have the right books on him.
It only really happens when Lily is around and it always ends in them getting closer. He stumbles into her arms, where they laugh about it and walk on arm in arm. Lily laughing so loud that they both get told to wait in the hallway to compose themselves. The pair of them sitting extra close to share her book.
Which all to the delight of their friends, though one particularly greasy haired Slytherin just simmers in the background.
Give me a fic title and I will tell you what I would write for that!
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librathefangirl · 10 months
actually scratch the list i need to know EVERYTHING
Well, let me tell you about a few more then. Let's talk about these:
The Loss in Victory (Emptiness)
Losing a Part of Me (Is Like Losing a Part of You)
Mel with tiny horns and wings
As the Night Falls
Pirate Melban AU
The Loss in Victory (Emptiness)
This is the Zeldris angst fic I was talking about back in... September, I think it was? It's supposed to be for Day 31 of Whumptober, and the prompt "Emptiness". (So the actual fic title is just "The Loss in Victory"). It's a hurt/no comfort fic taking place during the First Holy War. Basically, Zeldris struggles with the news that Meliodas is dead, and also struggles with the fact that it is actually hitting him that hard because:
He should be happy about this, yet all he felt was like someone had taken a big chunk of him out, leaving an empty nothingness where his hearts were supposed to be.
And here is a longer sneak peek:
As Zeldris made his way down the hallways, they parted before him. Anyone standing in his way quickly moved out of the way, letting him pass without any hesitation. If anything, it seemed people kept their distance from him more now than ever. Perhaps it was due to the urgency of his walk, or the tension in his posture, or maybe it was whatever showed across his face. Zeldris couldn’t tell. It was all a blur to him, nothing but the insistent need to get away, get away, get away! He was desperately holding onto the last shred of his composure like a lifeline. He was exposed out here, feeling the gazes of everybody he passed. He had to get away, to his own room. There, at least, nobody was watching, granting him the small piece of privacy he needed right now.
Losing a Part of Me (Is Like Losing a Part of You)
And here we have another demon bros angst fic. Also focused on the effect of the war/them being on different sides/Meliodas' curse. This time with focus on Meliodas. You can actually thank @hihopelessromantics for binging my attention to a post about Meliodas and Ludociel having scars from training their brothers, which is what inspired this fic. I saw that post and mind immediately went "oh I can make angst out of this".
So, as for the fic, it focuses on this idea of Meliodas having these scars that Zeldris gave him. Scars that he treasure a lot. They remind him of moments he got to have with Zel as kids, of training together or sneaking off from the castle together or even just finding a chance to goof of together. Big or small, they are moments he got to have with his little brother, where he got to be a brother to Zeldris. They mean a lot to him but - uh oh! - the DK and his assholery enters the scene. With the curse, Meliodas body is healed every time he is resurrected, including the scars from Zeldris. Meliodas struggles with losing the scars Zeldris gave him, feeling like he is losing those good memories of them together, and losing Zeldris in a way.
(Unfortunately, no sneak peek available for this one).
Mel with tiny horns and wings
Now onto happier - oh wait, this one is actually angstier than I originally planned... Anyway! This one is inspired by a conversation I had with @zorria about Meliodas with horns and wings. I wanted to write about that, but also make it really tiny and adorable.
Meliodas has an impressive set of wings and horns, but, given the whole hiding he is a demon thing, he needs to hide them. Problem is, he can't actually make them go away. All he can do is shrink them (think the sizes of a baby goat or tiny fairies). Normally, his hair and clothes are enough to hide them, but the Sins discover them anyway. And here the angst comes!
Actually, this was supposed to be a silly little fic about Mel having some adorable demon features with a side of angst in the form of his fear of them rejecting him. But then Meliodas fell in a lake! Okay, the falling in the lake was always going to be a part of the fic because I needed to get him wet, but the amount of angst that came with it was unplanned. As was my mind deciding that what if in this au Meliodas can't swim...
Sneak peek time! I've actually already shared a snippet from this one (here), so here's another one:
Which was the real problem that sunny late afternoon, wasn’t it? Meliodas couldn’t swim. If you have ever been in a situation where you are faced with the possibility that you could die right then and there, you know the feeling. The pure panic that overtakes your body. The way you fight with everything you have; frantically, desperately, without control. Meliodas had been there too many times. He’d also gone one step further, been faced with the inevitable realization that he was going to die. The moment where there was no fight left, the resigned acceptance. Maybe that had gotten worse with the years. If Meliodas died, he wouldn’t really die. Even if he accepted it, even if he actually welcomed it. There was no end to this life.
As the Night Falls
This is another fic inspired by Zorria. It's about Meliodas struggling with his nightmares (because we all know that man's gotta have nightmares after his 3,000+ years of hell), featuring a worried Elizabeth and a sleeping Tristan.
Not sure I have much more to say about this one, so here's a sneak peek:
“Hey, hey, you’re okay, we’re okay. I promise, we’re okay.” Elizabeth’s voice was a light to a dark cave, wrapping around him like a blanket and zapping away all the tension. Meliodas slumped back against the leg of the bed, head thumping lightly against the wall. Gods, it felt like he hadn’t slept all night – but clearly he had. His eyes finally decided to focus, giving him a close-up of Elizabeth’s worried frown as she crouched before him.
Actually I couldn't decide on which sneak peek to share, so here's another:
Meliodas tried to not react to the mild accusation, but she saw right through him anyway. Elizabeth always seemed to know what was going through his head. After all this time, he couldn’t hide. She sighed softly, sitting down on the floor beside him. “I worry about you, you know,” she mumbled, leaning her head against his shoulder. “We all do.” Meliodas grimaced at that; he had thought he’d hidden it better than that. Clearly he’d lost his touch. He supposed sleep deprivation did that to you.
Pirate Melban AU
Now I know you know a bit what this one's about. But I don't think I've actually talked about specific plot, just the general concept of Pirate!Ban and Merman!Meliodas. So, let me tell you a little about the start of our story. We meet Ban, a young pirate with a foul mouth and a bad habit of getting himself into trouble, who is (once again) finding himself without a ship to call home. While running from the consequences of his actions (literally), Ban ends up taking shelter in a cave. He's not the only one though, because further into the cave he comes across a wounded merman. Ban has grown up hearing (horror) stories of the merfolk living deep in the sea, so what if he ends up a little too curious about the stranger - he can't help it, especially after discovering the he has an attitude to match Ban's own.
A new little sneak peek (previous one can be found here):
How the fuck did he keep getting himself into these situations? Not that his one was his fault. Nope. The captain was the one who'd decided to cut his losses - meaning Ban - once they got into port. Ungrateful son of a bitch! Ban had given years to the Raven and now he was going to be left with nothing – just like that? Fuck no! So, Ban had helped himself to a little – okay maybe not so little – of their loot. So what? He'd helped get that, he deserved his cut.
Actually, since it's probably gonna be a long while until this fic is finished (I'm not the best at focusing on long multichapter fics lol), here's another sneak peek too:
With the first roar of thunder sounding, Ban surveyed his safe haven for the night. It really was an ugly cave. Cracks ran over the walls, splitting the brownish-gray color. From the outside, the cave had looked unstable, but inside it seemed sturdy and strong. Well, at least he wouldn't get crushed to death. Ban pushed off from the wall, walking further into the cave. It wasn't that big, narrowing off into a smaller tunnel the further he walked. A section of the ceiling suddenly dipped down, causing Ban to smack his head right into it. "AH fuck! Shit, that hurt."
WIP Tag/Ask Game!
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buckleydiazmp4 · 5 months
GOOD morning don't mind me just gonna be reblogging your entire blog 🌹. In the meantime, gimme your thoughts on the episode!
HIIIII asjdkshjs go ham!! there's wonderful posts in there that really reflect my experience these past two days lol
hmm. what do i think abt the episode. well
ZERO notes about the bi buck storyline. tommy is the PERFECT choice for his first boyfriend omg it's actually surreal how good he is and he is rapidly acquiring exorbitant levels of beloved blorboism i really really reaaaally hope tim decides we can keep him bc he's just SO dear to me
eddie is um... going through the wringer (in my eyes. which is ironic because he thinks he's doing great!! and if he feels like he is well i will support him bc he is everything to me but by GOD is it painful to see marisol just all up in his lifeeee eddie babygirl pleaseeee when will your time come!!)
the marisol topic is. well. really something. let's just say maybe if i had actually felt some sort of progression of her becoming this important to eddie then i would be thinking differently about it but i guess this just feels kinda rushed :/
maddie looked so STUNNING in her dress i was squealing with joy omg she's the prettiest girl ever
and then what came afterwards lmao it looks INSANE i cannot wait for the new ep it's gonna make me spin around like a crazy person it'll be SO fun and i can't wait to see tommy and buck all dressed up and dancing after they've saved chimney and also i will CRY when chim and maddie are finally husband and wife <3
(also i miss christopher pleaseee bring him back to me i am itching for his opinion on buck and tommy and i want to know how he really feels about the marisol thing ok bye this answer is getting way too long now hdjshdjsh)
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gardenerian · 9 months
Mel! I think I might have mentioned this before but I 100% think that Mickey scoffs at Ian when he’s like, ‘let’s watch this Downton Abbey show’. But then, when they watch it….Mickey’s like, ‘ok, maybe this is alright’, trying to be cool, which translates to ‘Thomas is really hot and also a dick and he’s tall and that’s very attractive’. I just feel like Mickey would really like Thomas as a character.
CALLI. YES. my partner does this thing where he'll walk by when i am watching something (downton abbey, pride and prejudice, all my period miniseries basically) and scoff like 🙄 why are you rewatching this again 🙄 and then the next time he walks by he stands there for a minute..... next time he'll perch on the arm of the sofa..... maybe he'll chuckle at something or ask me a question.... before you know it he's fully on the couch, feet up on the coffee table, shouting at matthew to just walk home god dammit ⚠️
mickey does this when ian and debbie binge watch (probably with fiona via facetime). by the time they're halfway through the first season, mickey has wedged himself between them, loudly proclaiming his correct opinions. 🤷🏻‍♀️ thomas is evil? 🤷🏻‍♀️ they should let him be as evil as he wants, actually 🤷🏻‍♀️ look at him, ian jesus fuck 🤷🏻‍♀️
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strayklds · 1 year
@lee-minhoe made me custom pcs of my bias line and i’ve been crying like a baby for the past 5 minutes
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melverie · 8 months
Hi Melody! I hope you're having a lovely day/evening!
I am here because I want to know more about your OC Marchosias and to that end I have questions from your ask game! Hopefully these haven't already been sent to you lol but if so please ignore them.
02: Do they have a nickname? 12: What makes them soft? 08: Anything you heavily associate with them? A color, a word, a picture, or something else? 09: How close are they to falling? If they are a fallen angel, what made them fall? 08: Have they given anyone their grimoire?
I hope that's not too many but oh I am curious... also please take your time 💕
Heya CC! Today was a little stressful but overall it was nice. I hope your day is/was also great! 💚
So two of your questions have been asked by others as well, but I have a few more things to say about those, so I'll just answer them again >:)
Also, no amount of questions are too many if I get to talk about my girl Marchosias in return ♡ I'm suffering from brain rot, sent help
⸺ GENERAL INFO 02 ⸺ Do they have a nickname?
So I already answered it over here, but I have two more for her!
The first one is either 'Eden's Apple' or 'Arcadian Apple' (I'm not really sure which one to go with yet whoops). It's only really used in the Celestial Realm and the seraphs were the only ones that referred to Marchosias that way, though Lucifer and Simeon have put a conscious effort into not calling her that anymore. Raphael meanwhile is the only seraph that does not call her that at all
Also, we started calling her Mazey-baby in my friend group recently so uuhhh, yeah I guess that's another nickname of hers now lol
⸺ RELATIONSHIP & PERSONALITY 12 ⸺ What makes them soft?
Oh, there are a few things!
"""Kidnapping""" Mephisto's younger brother, taking him to Devil's Coast and seeing how his face lights up with pure joy every time. Cerberus's existence. When a friend of hers insisted on winning a zombie iguana plush for her from a crane game. Some of the silly little things humans do to show affection toward others (such as warming someone else's hands). First time seeing a firefly. Seeing Luke happy. That one time she and Mephisto wanted to get parfaits at their usual place and the owner rushed over to tell them they have created a new parfait in their honor. Staring at the stars for a while
⸺ CONCEPT AND DESIGN 08 ⸺ Anything you heavily associate with them? A color, a word, a picture, or something else?
One of things I associate with her is parfaits, because I one day randomly decided that she and Mephisto often get parfaits together and gossip talk about RAD News related stuff
The others are stars, because I decided pretty early on that I want her to be fascinated by the night sky which is also why star-related days have a little star on their banner over on @today-in-the-devildom >:) It's kind of ironic though. She is a wingless demon, so even when the stars shift close enough for demons to fly through them, all she can do is watch with longing in her eyes from the ground
⸺ ANGEL 09 ⸺ How close are they to falling? If they are a fallen angel, what made them fall?
Okay, this one is a little tricky to answer, because a) she didn't fall in the classic sense, and b) it requires a lot of background info about how I headcanon things to run in the Celestial Realm
But the short short version is that she was meant to be Raphael's first mission and therefore be killed by him, but he ultimately couldn't bring himself to go through with it and instead helped her escape. She obviously survived, and Raphael was able to avoid punishment
⸺ DEMON 08 ⸺ Have they given anyone their grimoire?
She tried to give it to Lucifer once shortly after the brothers fell, but Lucifer obviously refused to take it. I could explain the reason but it's....long 😭 Just know it's related to something that happened back in the Celestial Realm and she wasn't in the best headspace at the time
Anyway, Barbatos then took it to ensure she wouldn't do anything stupid with it or give it to the next best person and put herself in danger. It's been in his possession ever since and he'll continue to keep it safe until Marchosias decides she wants it back
Right now (aka in the OG timeline) she's considering giving it to my MC. But the idea of giving up so much control over herself is something she still struggles with immensely, despite knowing that my MC wouldn't ever really use it against her in the first place, so she's still debating if she should go through with it or not
-> to the ask game -> to all asks about Marchosias
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cb-writes-stuff · 26 days
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I see. That’s pretty impressive.
Don’t you do this pretty often?
(Not that you can reblog to answer, since you’re post-limited… Eh.)
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boabelboo · 2 months
Our names kinda rhyme🤭
bel and mel🤭🤭🤭
they do!!! el's does too!
there r lots of -el's in this fandom<3
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thevamplelio · 10 months
Trick or Treat
This meme. / @rosenundraben / I suppose it is happy holidays at this point, but here you go!
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(They need to stop bickering and kiss/f*ck already)
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