oysteringofclamelot · 8 months
That other anon is so wrong I love and am grateful for everything you write including the sad stuff
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oysteringofclamelot · 8 months
stop posting sad shit dinluke is a happy ship noone likes ti
ah fuck off
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oysteringofclamelot · 7 months
Hey, I just wanted to say I love I've Learnt to Feel what I Cannot See. Your take on the modern-but-not-really-our-world-au is so innovative I’ve never read anything like it before. And the characterization and the dynamic are just so ndjenanbdjabdbjwjsnnajajhdje. Honestly makes me want to write fanfic about your fanfic <3
ok like thank you that means so much!
I'm really enjoying bending and twisting the way a quasi-modern au would look and it's a lot of fun to set things back in time but forward in time and magically but so mundanely at the same time.
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oysteringofclamelot · 8 months
Are you no longer on ao3 then? Or just not operating in the SW fandom anymore?
I’m on ao3, though not nearly as regularly as I was, I even have a multi chap quasi-au police dude fic going on right now! I took a long break from writing, but I’m happy to be getting back into the swing of it.
but other than that I’m not really very active. I talk to my two fandom besties every day (love ya, clan of three) but the fandom at large isn’t something I really interact with.
I love asks and comments though, they’re a great way to connect with people 💛☺️
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oysteringofclamelot · 8 months
Wait are you the oystering who wrote the My Big Fat Greek Wedding Dinluke AU?? Because if so that's literally my favorite fanfiction ever. I've read like 4 times and I've been thinking about reading it again!!!
hello hello 'tis I, the Frenchiest Fry
(also yay I'm glad it makes you happy 💛)
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oysteringofclamelot · 8 months
I know it might not amount to much but I really like your fics. I'm your target audience.
💛thank you, and I also love your art
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oysteringofclamelot · 8 months
are u on the dinluke server?
nope 😊
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oysteringofclamelot · 3 years
When Din returns Grogu (not via SpaceFedEx)
Din: Skywalker, we need to talk.
Luke: Mandalorian. I see. Come into the Temple.
Din: I have some issues with your teaching methods.
Luke, hiding annoyance: Please, do share.
Din: Ok, first, he’s claiming you didn’t feed him, which I understand is a lie. However, the shirt is a little tight, so he’s definitely been sneaking things. You need to keep a closer eye on him.
Luke, nodding: I… understand.
Din: Secondly, the blaster machine.
Luke, internally panicking: I can explain –
Din: Just one blaster bolt? I understand he’s young, but we’re usually in ambushes so the number needs to increase. Only being able to dodge one at a time is useless in our line of work.
Luke: Uh-
Din: And the whole X-Wing thing? No matter what he tells you, he can’t fly a gunship, nor is gunship to fighter a transferable skill. I’d suggest you start with letting him handle a speeder and seeing where he goes from there.
Luke, confused: So I need to feed him less, shoot him more, and let him play on machinery?
Din: This is the Way.
Luke: …ok.
Din: Excellent, and here’s the custody agreement I drew up. Grogu drew the picture at the top.
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oysteringofclamelot · 3 years
A Lesser-Spotted DinLuke Rec List
I’ve noticed a lot of requests for fic recs lately (I know I’ve been wanting some!), but it seems like it’s always the same few getting recommended, and while I agree with those being good, I’ve already read those, and it feels like others have too.
So I set out on a little foraging quest with a few parameters laid down, in order to make a rec list that didn’t feature any stories that I’ve seen recommended before.
Those rules were:
1.       Completed fics only – this was for my sake as I didn’t want to be left wanting as I read these. 
2.       None of these were written by my friends, nor by me. I purposefully chose authors with whom I’ve never interacted, or at the very least, people whose Ao3 names I do not know. This list is based purely on the fic itself.
3.       No toxicity. No dark!character, no “possessive” behaviour, no SA, no rape, none of that. None. I don’t tolerate it.
4.       This is not an absolute list – and I urge you to take a deep dive into the tag. Want to avoid the Nasty Stuff? Here’s the link to the search I used, with the exclusions I used.
5.       Sorry, I didn’t rec fics that just aren’t for me and my preferences, again though, I urge you to take a look! There’s lots of treasures to be found!
6.       THIS IS NOT AN EXHAUSTIVE LIST IN ANY WAY! Go explore! Give some love to lesser-known fanfiction authors!
(Authors, if you don’t want to be on this list, please let me know, and I’ll remove you)
And now, my findings (under the cut):
5k and Under
Consultation – Jestana, G, 320 words, Pre-relationship, canon-divergence, discussions of the Force, short, sweet.
Devise – Rivulet027, T, 1k, pre-relationship, pining, crushes, discussions of being a Jedi, soft
Sunrise – Eccentric_Grace, G, 1k, fluffy, small hurt lots of comfort, Luke has PTSD, Din helps, very soft, very gentle, well written
Pink like the sun going down, maybe – SunshineAndaLittleFlour, T, 1.5k, Modern-AU, humour, slice of life, short but sweet
Organ Chords and Lightening – this_is_too_fyucking_much, T, 1k, Canon-divergence, sexual tension, competency is sexy, sparring, UST
bowie in the morning sun – bespokebones, T, 4k, Modern-AU, campy horror, mark Din down as scared and horny
the body was made soft to keep us from loneliness – torrents, G, 5k, Character study, canon-divergence, absolutely beautifully written
 6 – 10k
My Pain Fits in the Palm of Your Freezing Hand (Taking Mine) – Acespacedweller, G, 6k, Angsty, tbobf ep 6 feelings, Grogu’s choice, and whether he really has to make one.
Imposter Syndrome – motherofcorgis, G, 6k, Pre-relationship, crushes, self-doubt, what it means to be Luke Skywalker
winning love by daylight – sinkburrito, T, 9k, Sailor-Moon-esque AU, a delightful read, very fun, a little angst, action
 Over 10k
I have made this place around you – HeadOn_HelmetOff, T, 25k, Falling in Love, a little angst, pining, meet-cute, soft
The Way – 1am1ronman, M, 33k, Canon-divergence, Lightsaber training, beautifully developed relationship, Din Djarin Keeps the Helmet, (This is absolutely wonderful, a true gem)
 As stated above, this is in no way an exhaustive list, but I hope it provides a starting point for those who want to find more DinLuke, but are wary of where to look, or simply are overwhelmed by all the possible choices.
If you’re concerned about coming across works that are consistently untagged, incorrectly tagged, or cover subjects you dislike, I’ll direct you here to a post about how to block things on Ao3 using site skins.
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oysteringofclamelot · 3 years
Clan of Three
Din: I love three things in this galaxy. This magical green frog baby I found, this eldritch god wizard that found us, and my blaster.
Boba: Isn’t that... a little unbalanced?
Din: It’s ok they understand I’ve had the blaster longer.
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oysteringofclamelot · 3 years
Pop the Bubblewrap
omg Luke is such a meany parent and Din coddles his ikkle baby uwu
Luke: Hey I’m gonna teach Grogu to jump off cliffs today. Important Jedi Stuff y’know. 
Din: ...make him do a flip. 
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oysteringofclamelot · 3 years
What really happened with Grogu
Luke, serious face for Serious Jedi Things: your father’s life is much shorter than yours. If you pick the way of the Jedi, you will have to commit to it until you’ve learnt all there is, meaning you may never see him again. Or, you can get a new outfit, go back to your dad until he’s gone, and then be a Jedi. It’s like 50 years, you won’t miss much. 
Grogu: aight imma head out
 Luke, turning his back for a millisecond: ok! Good! Excellent! Ok so do you want a frog space lunchable or should we make sandwiches? Yoda never liked my sandwiches but he also liked to sniff me so we’re not unpacking all of that right now. I’ll wait until your dad’s arms are around me. Should I change? I look good in black but I could change it up? No... no... Posh Space said “Little space Gucci black dress” and it’s never failed me yet... Do you think your dad will like me? Should I take the engagement ring now or wait a bit? For a Jedi I’m rather flustered. 
 Turning around.   
 Luke: Grogu? 
Somewhere in hyperspace 
Grogu: Do you think he’s noticed yet? 
R2: he’s probably still doing his hair.
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oysteringofclamelot · 3 years
Din: So, what did you do today? 
 Luke: It was kinda slow... Saved a planet from some invading forces, rebalanced the Force, found some artefacts, attended a different war meeting for the Senate, argued philosophy with a ghost, and made some cookies. You? 
Din: ...Grogu and I helped an old lady cross the street. 
Luke: Awww, you're so amazing. 
Din: Sure. Let's go with that.
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oysteringofclamelot · 3 years
Din: So let me get this straight, cyare. Jedi are connected to everything that is, will be, and ever was. Your powers and the Force make you akin to a god? 
Luke: well not a god- 
Din: ...You destroyed the death stare- 
Luke: Star.
Din: You fought Darth Father and Emperor Palpitation...
Luke: I think you’re doing this on purpose.
Din: ...and yet, can openers are where we draw the line?
Luke: They’re minions of the Dark Side!
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oysteringofclamelot · 3 years
Beware of what’s lurking
Din: This place looks haunted, be careful.
Luke, ready to Jedi and lookin’ good: I ain’t afraid of no ghosts.
Yoda: Up wass
Luke: I’m afraid of one ghost
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oysteringofclamelot · 3 years
Falling for you
Honestly Dinluke is my perfect pairing because Jedi are canonically ignorant of gravity, and Din Djarin is canonically personally victimised by gravity. 
And that will never not be funny to me
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