#Oz Hardwick
eunoiareview · 19 days
An Unnecessary Penance
I broke my fingers to stop them writing and broke my promises to keep myself from drowning. Every night I run a marathon in my sleep and every morning thieves are selling my gold medals on eBay. I’d buy them back but my fingers hurt too much. I’m told I should take more or less medication and that everything’s more or less my fault, including minor mishaps by the boating lake and everything that…
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scripta21 · 5 months
Fevers of the Mind Poetry & Art Digest, revue de poésie, N°12, avril 2024
« Sing Song », Fevers of the Mind Poetry & Art Digest, N°12, avril 2024, édition papier et kindle, URL : https://feversofthemind.com/2024/04/24/now-out-fevers-of-the-mind-issue-12-national-poetry-month-2024
Le numéro 12 de Fevers of the Mind Poetry, Art & Music célèbre plusieurs grands morceaux de poésie de Fevers of the Mind au cours des dernières années ainsi que de nouvelles contributions : David L O'Nan, HillLesha O'Nan, MS Evans, Scott Thomas Outlar, Anne Paulet (Scripta 21), Angela Kosta, Rachel Coventry, Jimmy Webb, Lorna Wood, Pasithea Chan, Anushna Biswas, Owen Bullock, Robin McNamara. , David Hay, Nina Parmenter, Steve Denehan, Cat Dixon, Victoria Leigh Bennett, Maxine Rose Munro, Petar Penda, Kevin Hibshman, Shobana Gomes, Gayle J. Greenlea, Oz Hardwick, Stephen Kingsnorth, Vicky Allen, Matthew Freeman, Barney Ashton- Bullock, Kathryn Anna Marshall, Tuur Verheyde, Anna Rozwadowska, Hiram Larew, Marie Little, Rickey Rivers Jr, Gordon Lewis, Colin Dardis, Karlo Sevilla, Michael Igoe, Sarika Jaswani, Kushal Poddar, Christina Strigas, Adrian Ernesto Cepeda, John Grey, Renee Williams, Peach Delphine, Stephen Watt, Jennifer Patino, Katrina Kaye, Paula Hayes, Ryan Quinn Flanagan, Tianna Godsey, Elizabeth Cusack, Khadeja Ali, Charlotte Oliver et Samantha Terrell
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ukdamo · 7 months
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Today's poem:
Worker's Playtime, by Oz Hardwick.
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eightmuppetynotes · 3 years
Muppet Song of the Day: "The Paperclip"
Music: Cheryl Hardwick
Lyrics: Luis Santeiro
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
TD Clues in the S11 Preview Special
Hey Everyone!
Who watched the S11 preview show? I did, and there were actually some fairly heavy TD clues in it. (Yay!)
I only got to watch it once live, and didn’t have the option to record it, so I probably missed stuff. If anyone noticed anything I didn’t, feel free to send it in. I’ll focus on 3 major things that jumped out at me.
So, Angela Kang was in the studio with Chris Hardwick, but Norman was there only via satellite from Georgia.
@wdway​ noticed that the music box was still sitting on the shelf behind Angela, which was cool.
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1. The first big clue we noticed came from Norman. Chris had asked him something like, how is this season was different from previous ones, or how has filming been different. Norman said everything was brighter and more colorful than usual. 
I think he probably means because of the Commonwealth. If you think of the CW sales video we saw in the coda of the trailer, everything looks new and clean and nice, and doesn’t have the bleak, dirty vibe of most of the rest of the show. Then he said (and I paraphrase) that a lot of it felt like they’d all “eaten the wrong mushrooms.” And by that, he means something hallucinatory. And that it seemed “like the Wizard of Oz.”
Yeah, massive hints going on there.
There has been a subtle but recurring mushroom theme in the show. It’s part of the overall hallucination theme, but goes back at least until S4 (you know, when Bethyl came from and center). It might be earlier than that, too, but that’s the earliest reference that comes to mind.
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Either way, Norman is furthering the idea of hallucinations and things not being as they seem.
And then there’s the wizard of Oz reference. I’ve literally done entire theories on this (X), (X). We saw it around Beth at Grady and also around Rick right before the bridge incident, where he disappeared into the CRM. Because of the way it’s used in both cases, I think the Wizard of Oz motif is specifically about the CRM. Dorothy was transported away from her family and to a whole new world. The same thing happened to both Beth and Rick and both times they went to a community with ties to the CRM.
The hallucination theme is also present in TWOO. People have written whole essays about how trippy the whole thing is and how it feels like an acid trip for Dorothy. That’s not the way it’s written in the show, but of course this film came out in 1939. For Dorothy, it was an elaborate dream. But that just makes me think of episode 6x12 of Fear the Walking Dead where an almost identical thing happened with Grace and the episode is even called In Dreams.
And I’m not at all saying the CRM isn’t real. I’m just saying they’re using these things as themes and we saw them back in S5 around Beth. I’ll have more to say about this theme next week when I discuss episode 11x01.
2. The next thing that struck us as suspicious is that Chris asked Norman, with this being the final season, what does he want for Daryl? 
Norman replied that wants Daryl to find happiness and “what he’s looking for.” And he very clearly meant emotionally. You could argue that he meant romantically but it could also just be in terms of life and familial relationships.
But you could also argue that he already has most of that. He has strong family and community relationships. He’s helping raise two kids. (In fact, very small spoiler for 11x01: at one point Daryl returns to Alexandria and we see both Judith and RJ run out and hug him. It’s very sweet. The point is, he pretty much IS their father for the time being.) And he has closer “family” relationships with those he’s closest to: Maggie, Michonne, Carol, Aaron.
So, the only thing he’s truly missing is the romantic element.
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@wdway​ also pointed out that the way Norman said it, it very much feels like something futuristic. Something he currently doesn’t have in his life. (Sorry Caryl and Donnie shippers.)
So yeah. That, and the “what he’s looking for” wording definitely made us side-eye.
3. Finally, near the end, we saw a sneak peek that comes from 11x02, and Dog enters a Dark Tunnel. 
The sneak peak is Daryl and Dog, alone together in the subway tunnels. Daryl finds a walker rolled up inside a sleeping bag, which he kills, and then Dog starts barking at something and runs away from Daryl, into a small, dark side tunnel.
So, the dark tunnel symbolism is HUGE around Beth and I’ve got theories about Dark Tunnel symbolism that are YEARS old (X).
And, until next week when everyone sees 11x01 and I’m safe to talk about it, you’ll just have to take my word for this, but they’re definitely using an S4/S5 Beth template for Dog this season. We already know from what’s been released about the season that Dog and Daryl will get separated and he’ll go looking for Dog. We already knew that. But when you see 11x01, it becomes even more evident.
So, Dog heading into a dark tunnel just backs up the Beth template even more.
But then, when they came back to TTD after the sneak peek, Norman started singing a song. Okay, I have no idea what it was. I didn’t recognize the tune and he did it very quickly. (If anyone knows what it was, let me know.) Chris clearly recognized it and started laughing, razzing Norman about how of all the songs he could possibly have parodied, he used that one. So, the lyrics weren’t real. Norman was making them up, overall.
But wanna know what lyrics he sang? He said (once again, I paraphrase) something like, “When Doggy goes into the tunnel, I know things are serious.”
So, he not only emphasized the importance of Dog entering the dark tunnel, he actually turned it into a serious/Sirius/return reference.
Me:  😲
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Okay, those were the three big things that jumped out at me. 1) Hallucination/Mushroom/Wizard of Oz references. Yes, all in one sentence. 2) Daryl finding happiness and “what he’s looking for.” 3) Dog in the tunnel = Sirius.
As I said at the beginning, there were probably other, smaller things I missed, but these were the ones that made me super happy.
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jadedzer0 · 3 years
Since I like gin and often run out of tonic, I am starting to experiment with martinis. I loathe trafitional ones because of white vermouth, so I am exploring variants since removing the vermouth completely or keeping it as a wash is akin to drinking gin straight. Thought I would log them for funsies and if I forget the formulas.
Tonight's concotion: Hardwick Homecoming
-0.5 oz dry curacao
-2 oz Bombay Sapphire gin
Pour curacao over ice. Stir and retain. Add gin. Stir. Strain into martini glass. Garnish with dehydrated orange slice.
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jackiekashian · 4 years
Dork Forest 2011-2020 Cheat Sheet
The votes are in for 2020! 
This is a list of Episode Numbers - Guest Name - Dorkdom.  I take votes for faves of the year and then add a couple for variety of topics that I really thought were fun. ALL THE EPS have something for someone and are great but here is a starter list if you’re thinking to start listening to TDF and are not a numerologist completest.
Note: show’s been going since 2006 but I’ve only been surveying since 2011.  The show is on all the platforms. Pandora, Spotify, YouTube. Start here if you like: www.dorkforest.com . Standup info and other podcast is at www.jackiekashian.com
2020 TDF EP 562 - Guy Branum - Mitford Sisters TDF EP 568 - Maria Bamford - Canadian Reality Shows TDF EP 599 - Jen Kirkman - Hallmark Christmas Movies TDF EP 565 - Darla Kashian – COOKING TDF EP 598 - Russ Kashian - Hallmark Christmas Movies TDF EP 549 - Tig Notaro – Veganism TDF EP 581 - Jenny Yang - Comfort Food TDF EP 591 - Amber Preston - Church Cookbooks TDF EP 574 - Ron Funches - Call of Duty and Animal Crossing TDF EP 577 - Barbara Holiday - Escape Rooms TDF EP 558 - Sarah Mowrey - Fleetwood Mac TDF EP566 - Matt Kirshen/Myq Kaplan - Advice Columns  TDF EP 595 - Kristin Key - Mad Libs TDF EP 576 - Robert Jenkins - Guns and Safety TDF EP 588 - Sofiya Alexandra - Wheel of Time books TDF EP 570- Jim Woster – Columbo TDF EP 573 - Robert Hurt - Babylon 5  TDF EP 550 - Danielle Perez - Mariah Carey TDF EP 583 - Dar Vendegna  - PIckleball  TDF SPOILER 3 - Andy & Jackie - Rise of Skywalker 
 2019 TDF EP 523 Lydia Popovich Dolly Parton TDF EP 511 Auggie Smith Dead Comedians TDF EP 535 Christopher Titus Prince TDF EP 530 Phil Kashian Hitchhiking TDF EP 532 Brian Posehn Heavy Metal TDF EP 549 Tig Notaro Veganism SP1 Endgame Spoiler Dork Out TDF EP 503 Wynter Spears Public Restrooms TDF EP 524 Sara Benincasa Frederick Law Olmstead TDF EP 529 Caitlin Gill Murder She Wrote TDF EP 545 Mary Becquet Chinese Ghosts Vampires TDF EP 525 Matt Oswalt Taking Pictures TDF EP 510 Gary Anthony Williams Birds TDF EP 531 Robert Hurt DS9 TDF EP 547 Thom Tran The Flash TDF EP 540 Brian Jacobovitz Cthulu RPGs TDF EP 515 Judith Stephen CosPlay TDF EP 528 Justin Hermann Heroscape TDF EP 538 Dave Ross Zelda and LINK TDF EP 544 Sharon Houston Netflix British Reality Shows TDF EP 505 Kat Burdick Next Generation TDF EP 509 Michelle Biloon NYT Crossowords
2018  TDF EP 487 Amy Miller - Dolly Parton TDF EP 471 Emma Arnold - BEES TDF EP 499 - Erin Foley - Hallmark Christmas Movies TDF EP 481 - Cheryl Jones - Maritime History TDF EP 471 - Andy Ashcraft - GenCon TDF EP 482 - Nato Green - Union Organizing TDF EP 473 - Tamra Brown - Tiki Bars TDF EP 493 - Nina Manni - Air and Hotel Points TDF EP 446 - Carlos Delgado - Great British Bakeoff TDF EP 495 - Alice Wetterlund - Sharks TDF EP 487 - Mark Waid - Superman TDF EP 454 - Open Mike Eagle - Wrestling  TDF EP 457 - Jean Grea - Ikea  TDF EP 447 - Gariana Abeyta - All Genres have Great Movies
2017 TDF EP 390 - Phil Kashian - LOTR and MY BROTHER TDF EP 422 - Steve Agee  - John Hughes Movies. Weird Science TDF EP 426 - Sara Schaefer - Cross Stitch  TDF EP 431 - Jenny Jaffe - Planners. Calendars. Stickers. All the things. TDF EP 405 - Rebecca Sugar - Musicals  TDF EP 438 - Jen Briney - freaking CONGRESS TDF EP 423 - Karen Rontowski - Moth Man TDF EP 401 - Jason Hatrick - Scuba diving  TDF EP 429 - Kyle Clark - Halloween Theme Parks TDF EP 417 - Nat Towsen - Speed Racer TDF EP 402 - Tyler Hinman - Escape Rooms TDF EP 428 - Solomon Georgio - Black Sitcoms TDF EP 403 - Hal Lublin - Saturday Night Live TDF EP 408 - Al Madrigal - Jack Reacher NOVELS TDF EP 435 - Wyatt Gray - HP Lovecraft TDF EP 442 - Doug Stanhope - getting naked and Leisure Suits TDF EP 404 - Julie Dixson Jackson - Geneology  TDF EP 427 - Lisa Allard – Quilting
2016 TDF EP 336 Jim Stewart Allen - Oregon Trail  TDF EP 383 Jenny Chalikian – Xena TDF EP 387 Caitlin Gill - Roald Dahl  TDF EP 358 Wil Anderson - Cricket TDF EP 359 Heather Simmons - Alice in Wonderland. TDF EP 340 Barbara Holm - Buffy the Vampire Slayer TDF EP 380 Beverly D’Angelo - things that Change your Life - Music, Places TDF EP 366 Karen Rontowski - Tarot Cards TDF EP 373 Stu Goldsmith - Boardgames with a STORY  TDF EP 364 Maria Bamford LIVE at JFL Montreal (Bandcamp)  2016 I really liked: TDF EP 385 Jenny Zigrino - Authentic Historical Costuming  TDF EP 347 Riley Silverman - The Potato. Mostly Frozen.  TDF EP 355 Ivan Van Norman/Andy Ashcraft - Zombies & pen/paper games TDF EP 341 Cathy Ladman - Knitting  TDF EP 349 Moon Zappa - The BIG questions TDF EP 368 Martha Kelly - Law and Order SVU TDF EP 367 Phil Johnson - Pirates TDF EP 362 Rory Scovel - Golf (quietly clap) TDF EP 339 Sovereign Syre - Spanish Invasion of Florida.  TDF EP 348 Dash Kwiatkowski - Superman TDF EP 338 TJ Chambers - Chess TDF EP 379 Michelle Thaller – SPACE! LIVE DC Drafthouse (Bandcamp)
2015 TDF EP 303 Matt Saxe – all Vice Presidents. TDF EP 298 Jason Klamm – Vice Presidents and Lego! TDF EP 312 Greg Proops at LA Podfest – 70s Movies TDF EP 320 Wil Wheaton – BEER and Boardgames TDF EP 287 Michelle McNamara – Robert Durst and more True Crime TDF EP 294 Retta – Purses. Handbags TDF EP 323 Chez Amanda – Xfiles. Finally. TDF EP 310 David Koechner – History dork! TDF EP 268 Tammy Pescatelli – Thrift stores and Vampires TDF EP 279 Brian Kiley – Presidential Biographic Minutia TDF EP 285 Ian Abramson – McDonald’s Land TDF EP 316 Breanna Conley – Old time Photo Booth collecting 2015 another 12 that I picked: TDF EP 329 Robert Hurt – Space Ships TDF EP 321 Ryan Stout – Injustice. AS USUAL. TDF EP 324 Suzy Soro – Ghosts. TDF EP 313 Danielle Radford – great “bad” movies TDF EP 305 Murray Valeriano & Monty Franklin – Surfin. TDF EP 269 Christian Brown, Roselle Hurley and Andy Ashcraft - LARPing TDF EP 271 Bridget Everett - Barry Manilow, Richard Simmons & Rudy TDF EP 273 Sean Crespo – DUNE TDF EP 284 Brian Upton - history and aesthetics of gaming TDF EP 293 Live at Bridgetown Branum, Kilgariff and Preston (Bandcamp) TDF EP 300 Amy Shira Teitel – SPACE TDF EP 325 Gail Carriger Live in SF – Anglophile. (Bandcamp)
2014 TDF EP 259 – Laraine Newman - Dubstep TDF EP 245 – Brittnee Braun - Cosplay TDF EP 249 – Brian Regan – Line Mentality TDF EP 215 – Robert Hack – Doctor Who TDF EP 264 – Joseph Scrimshaw – Star War Prequels TDF EP 227 – Emily Gordon – Breakfast around the world TDF EP 239 – Rhea Butcher – Back to the Future Movies TDF EP 260 – Jimmy Pardo – Chicago (the band) TDF EP210 – Corey Olsen – Tolkien TDF EP 258 – Emily Heller – ESM & HS Debate
2013 TDF EP 177 - Greg Proops - Ancient History TDF EP 172 – Janeane/Bamford - Beading/SuzeOrman TDF EP198 – Live Podfest w Kilgariff/Bamford/Anthony/Valeriano - Salad TDF EP 189 – Moshe Kasher - Religion TDF EP 199 – Michelle McNamara - True Crime TDF EP 203 – Ryan Stout - Traffic Court
TDF EP 150 – Gina Yashere - Ghosts/Elevators TDF EP 151 – Craig Shoemaker - Wizard of Oz TDF EP 207 –  Matt Mira - James Bond TDF EP 167 – David Huntsberger - Horses TDF EP 200 –  Andy Peters/Mike Schmidt - Wrestling TDF EP 190 –  Cameron Esposito - Lesbians TDF EP 202 –  Matt Weinhold/Dana Gould/ Shawn Sheridan - Halloween
2012 TDF EP 129 – Live with Michelle McNamara (True Crime) TDF EP 111 – Jim Gaffigan (obscure news personality) TDF EP 117 – Corey Olsen (TolkienProf) TDF EP 142 – Live with Retta, Rajskub, Kilmartin and Scovel TDF EP 94 – Mary Jo Pehl (reading and writing and more reading) TDF EP 133 – Kira Soltonovich (Korean Spas) TDF EP 113 – Jesse Schell and Andy Ashcraft (oh. Video Games) TDF EP 98 – Henry Phillips and Mike Phirman (Guitar Comedy and Music) TDF EP 139 – Joel Hodgson (ventriloquism) TDF EP 93 – Live with Ernie Cline (the 80s and Ready Player One) TDF EP 102 – Dan Telfer (Dinosaurs and science in general) TDF EP 108 – Al Madrigal (Sales and Cartoons) TDF EP 148 – Guy Branum - Canada TDF EP 95 – Live with Kevin Eastman (ninja turtles) TDF EP 97 – Rose Abdoo and John Matta (tiny tiny ART! And The Thing) TDF EP 99 – Asterios Kokkinos (Pokemon) TDF EP 100 – PF Wilson – (history of the various football leagues)  TDF EP 103 – Live with Andy Kindler (“indie” comic books) TDF EP 104 – Merrill Markoe (I feel like we talked dogs mostly)  TDF EP 110 – Patrick Brady (animation)   TDF EP 120 – Erin Foley (NY Giants) TDF EP 121 – Tom Franck (Art) TDF EP 130 – Lois McMaster Bujold (I dork out AT her. She talks writing) TDF EP 138 – Michael Everson (coding fonts for obscure languages)
2011 # 55 Greg Proops – Making Baseball interesting            # 67 Hardwick/Palascak – Harry Potter                       # 37 Karen Kilgariff  - Sandra Bullock                          # 16 Dana Gould – Planet of the Apes                         # 48 Aisha Tyler – girl on girl fandom                          # 24 Jen Kirkman/ Karen Rontowksi – ghosts/UFO                 # 49 Dana/James - HOLLYWOOD                                # 40 April/Vargus – TRIP TO MIDDLE EAST                                                   # 3 Madigan/Kilmartin – the KENNEDY’S  #42 Maile Flanagan/Yuri Lowenthal - Animation #50 Michelle McNamara – True Crime #30 Ed Brubaker / Kermet Apio – Comics #14 Thrilling Adventure Hour – so many things Origin Story – #69 Andy Origin Story - #71 Maria #73 Rich Sommer – Mad Men and Boardgames #77 Matt Weinhold/Ken Daly – Horror Movies #82 Chad Daniels/David Huntsberger – just hilarious #80 Bengt Washburn – Fine art #51 Andrew Solmssen - IT #28 Eric Drysdale - VIEWMASTER #58 Bees – uh, BEES #63 Perfume – and, PERFUME #44 Jim Coughlin – A4 Paper #91 Trains!    
NOTE Premium eps w/o iTunes:  Here’s how to download albums from Bandcamp:
1.    Download the .zip file from Bandcamp. 2.    Unzip the file to your Music folder. 3.    Rescan your Music folder. 4.    Open the music app and listen to your tunes.
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pankhearst · 4 years
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Escape from Alcatraz (dir. Don Siegel, 1979)*
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Brave (dir. Brenda Chapman & Mark Andrews, 2012)
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From Russia with Love (dir. Terence Young, 1963)
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Giant (dir. George Stevens, 1956)*
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Ghost (dir. Jerry Zucker, 1990)*
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Twilight (dir. Catherine Hardwicke, 2008)*
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The Madness of King George (dir. Nicholas Hytner, 1994)*
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In & Of Itself (dir. Frank Oz, 2021)*
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Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (dir. Jay Roach, 1997)*
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The Handmaiden (dir. Park Chan-Wook, 2016)*
*I watched THESE movies for the first time!
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showmethesneer · 5 years
my wife had me put together a list of horror film recommendations for her horror buff co-worker. this is what i came up with:
if you don't mind subtitles The Eye (the Pang Brothers, 2002) The Eyes Of My Mother (Nicolas Pesce, 2016)  The Housemaid (Im Sang-soo, 2010) El Orfanato (J.A. Bayona, 2007) Raw (Julia Ducournau, 2016) A Tale Of Two Sisters (Kim Jee-woon, 2003) Train To Busan (Yeon Sang-ho, 2016) White: The Melody of the Curse (Kim Gok and Sun Kim, 2011)
hostage situations Cabin In The Woods (Drew Goddard, 2011) Get Out (Jordan Peele, 2017) Red State (Kevin Smith, 2011) Ready Or Not (Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett, 2019) Saw (James Wan, 2004) Saw II (Darren Lynn Bousman, 2005) Saw III (Darren Lynn Bousman, 2006) Split (M. Night Shyamalan, 2017) Tusk (Kevin Smith, 2014)
that is fucked up From Hell (The Hughes Brothers, 2001) Gretel and Hansel (Oz Perkins, 2020) Hereditary (Ari Aster, 2017) Holidays (anthology, 2016) A Nightmare On Elm Street (Wes Craven, 1984) A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (Jack Sholder, 1985) A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (Chuck Russell, 1987) A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (Renny Harlin, 1988) A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (Stephen Hopkins, 1989) Suspiria (Luca Guadagnino, 2018) Tale Of Tales (Matteo Garrone, 2015) Wetlands (David Wnendt, 2014) Wishmaster (Robert Kurtzman, 1997)
emotionally distressing The Babadook (Jennifer Kent, 2014) Flatliners (Joel Schumacher, 1990) Flatliners (Niels Arden Oplev, 2017) Horns (Alexandre Aja, 2013) Midsommar (Ari Aster, 2019) Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer (Tom Tykwer, 2006) Personal Shopper (Olivier Assayas, 2016) The Sixth Sense (M. Night Shyamalan, 1999) The Taking of Deborah Logan (Adam Robitel, 2014)
zombie shit/the end of days Anna And The Apocalypse (John McPhail, 2017) Annihilation (Alex Garland, 2018) Bird Box (Susanne Bier, 2018) Cloverfield (Matt Reeves, 2008) Contagion (Steven Soderbergh, 2011) Cooties (Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion, 2014) Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (Don Siegel, 1956) Planet Terror (Robert Rodriguez, 2007) Us (Jordan Peele, 2019)
do not fuck with Her The Autopsy Of Jane Doe (André Øvredal, 2016) Christine (John Carpenter, 1983) The Craft (Andrew Fleming, 1996) Jennifer's Body (Karyn Kusama, 2009) Red Riding Hood (Catherine Hardwicke, 2011) Snow White: A Tale Of Terror (Michael Cohn, 1997) Teeth (Mitchell Lichtenstein, 2007) We Have Always Lived In The Castle (Stacie Passon, 2018) The VVitch (Robert Eggers, 2015)
campy/quirky American Psycho (Mary Harron, 1999) Mulholland Dr (David Lynch, 2001) Repo! The Genetic Opera (Darren Lynn Bousman, 2008) Secret Window (David Koepp, 2004) Theatre Of Blood (Douglas Hickox, 1973) What Ever Happened To Baby Jane? (Robert Aldrich, 1962)
you just need to leave this place 1408 (Mikael Håfström, 2007) Circus Of Horrors (Sidney Hayers, 1960) Halloween (John Carpenter, 1978) Halloween II (Rick Rosenthal, 1981) Halloween III: Season Of The Witch (Tommy Lee Wallace, 1982) Halloween 4: The Return Of Michael Myers (Dwight H. Little, 1988) Halloween 5: The Return Of Michael Myers (Dominique Othenin-Girard, 1989) It (Andy Muschietti, 2017) The Skeleton Key (Iain Softley, 2005)
please reblog with your additions to my list! I always want to watch more!
@wagnetic i know you have some really good recommendations. hit me.
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classicmollywood · 5 years
TCM’s 1939: Hollywood’s Golden Year Celebration Week 1
Every Friday during the month of July, Turner Classic Movies is highlighting the year 1939. Why is this year important 80 years later? Some of the best films in cinematic history were produced in 1939. The actors were fantastic, the directors were innovative, the stories riveting, and it felt like every film was a bit of a hit.
To honor TCM’s celebration and these films that are timeless (and perhaps have a bit of relevancy 80 years later with their themes), each week I will list the must see films airing on Friday on TCM! I will also give you a blurb about the film and why I find them must watches! 
Friday, July 5th Must Watch Films:
The Old Maid (airing at 1:45 pm)
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Starring: Bette Davis, Miriam Hopkins, and George Brent
Charlotte has a rendezvous with her cousin Delia’s ex-lover on the day of Delia’s wedding. Unfortunately, her love ends up dying in the Civil War, leaving Charlotte alone to have their child. Once Delia finds out that Charlotte has an illegitimate, she offers to take the child in as her own. Jealousy and family secrets threaten to strain the cousin’s relationship throughout the years.  
Why You Should Watch It: Bette Davis and Miriam Hopkins are delightful in the film together. The tension that they had towards each other on set actually really works with this film. It also has a pretty juicy story line for a Production Code era film. 
Only Angels Have Wings (airing at 3:45 pm)
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Starring: Jean Arthur, Cary Grant, Richard Barthelmess, Rita Hayworth, and Thomas Mitchell.
Bonnie is a cabaret singer who leaves her boat at a stop at the port of Barranca to go exploring. She finds some American flyers who take her to the hotel owned by their boss. Bonnie then meets Geoff, who is the leader of the flyers. Bonnie falls in love with Geoff, even though he doesn’t want to be attached to any woman  because he doesn’t want to be kept from flying dangerous flights. Then trouble starts when Geoff’s ex, Judy, and her husband, Bat, arrive.
Why You Should Watch It: Cary Grant is tough as nails in this film but so easy on the eyes. Also Jean Arthur is a delight! Rita Hayworth is great in this film, considering it was one of her first meaty roles! Also danger! Adventure! Planes!
The Wizard of Oz (airing at 8 pm)
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Starring: Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, Billie Burke, and Margaret Hamilton. 
Dorothy Gale gets swept away to the land of Oz during a tornado that touches down by her Kansas farm. She meets the Cowardly Lion, The Tin Man, and The Scarecrow. They all have a desire to go see The Wizard and ask for things they are missing. However, things don’t go as planned when they cross paths with The Wicked Witch of the West.  
Why You Should Watch It: This is one film I recommend everyone sees at least once. It has such a childlike innocence to it, and it really shows Judy Garland in one of her best roles. There is also some really interesting behind the scenes stories of this film, which are always fun to look up after you watch it!
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (airing at 11:15 pm)
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Starring: Charles Laughton, Maureen O’Hara, Cedric Hardwicke, Thomas Mitchell, and Edmond O’Brien
In 15th Century France, Quasimodo is sent by Frollo to kidnap Esmeralda. He gets caught and ends up getting flogged. Esmeralda is the only one who brings him water when he is tied up in the square and he grows a fondness for him. So when Esmeralda is accused of murder and sentenced to death, he tries to help clear her name.
Why You Should Watch It: Charles Laughton is absolutely WONDERFUL as Quasimodo. His representation of him is probably one of the most sympathetic! I also like how this film has a great Gothic feel to it. This is another film I recommend everyone watch once!
Gunga Din (airing at 1:30 am)
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Starring: Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Cary Grant, Victor McLaglen, Sam Jaffe, and Joan Fontaine
Three soldiers are stationed in British India during the Thuggee uprising. One of them wants to spoil their fun and leave the service to get married. The other two trick him into one last mission, which ends up having the three of them against the Thuggees as the rest of the British army is going towards a trap. 
Why You Should Watch It: Cary Grant and Victor McLaglen are hilarious in this film! The shenanigans they lead Douglas Fairbanks Jr. on are just so wild, they are perfect to watch! 
Come back next week and I will tell you some more 1939 films you should tune into!
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eunoiareview · 19 days
The Narrative I
All the suspicious messages arrive at once, their shifty eyes taking in all aspects of subjectivity. I is the confessional self, a construct of experience roped to tropes of lack and longing, belonging in terse verse but all at sea in the luxury lounge of a sinking ship. At the same time, I looks out for number one, to the extent that it’s virtually indistinguishable from number 1 when it comes…
0 notes
weirdletter · 5 years
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Folk Horror Revival: Urban Wyrd – 2. Spirits of Place, edited by Richard Hing, Grey Malkin, Stuart Silver and Andy Paciorek, Wyrd Harvest Press, 2019. Cover art by Jackie Taylor, frontispiece by Grey Malkin, back cover by Carmit Kordov, info: folkhorrorrevival.com.
Welcome to Urban Wyrd - Spirits of Place. Discover within its winding streets Psychogeography, Genii Loci, Edgelands, Urban Exploration, Weird Places and many other strange matters within film, TV, music, literature, life and culture. Perambulate in the company of such contributors as Will Self, K.A. Laity, Bob Fischer, Iain Sinclair, Diane A. Rodgers, John Coulthart, Karl Bell and many many more. Sales profits from this book purchased in our Lulu bookshop are charitably donated to the Wildlife Trusts at intervals.
Contents: Place: A Foreword Urban Psychogeography in History, Theory and Practice by Stuart Silver Spirit of Place by Andy Paciorek Through Purged Eyes: Folk Horror and the Affective Landscape of the Urban Wyrd by Karl Bell Glasgow's Occult Ancient Geometry: The Obsessions of Ludovic McLellan Mann and Harry Bell by Kenneth Brophy Post-Industrialism and Industrial Music by Simon Dell Towering Infernal: The Inner City in Contemporary Horror Films by Andy Paciorek God Will Forgive Them: Dead Man's Shoes by Andy Paciorek Phantoms and Thresholds of the Unreal City by John Coulthart Holy Terrors – Whitby & An Interview with Mark Goodall The Burryman of South Queensbury: The past Within the Present by Grey Malkin Saturnine: An Urban Meander by Andy Paciorek Devil's Bridge: The Satanic Rites of Acklam by Bob Fisher Urbex, Haiyko and the Lure of the Abandoned by Andy Paciorek Wyrd On-screen: Urban Fears and Rural Folk by Diane A. Rodgers Spontaneous Shrine (Flowers Taped to Lamposts) by Howard David Ingham Between Two or More Worlds: The Urban Mindscape of david Lynch by Andy Paciorek Run With the Dogs Tonight: The Suburban Wyrd by Richard Hing, Erin Sorrey & Andy Paciorek Welcome to The League of Gentlemen... You'll Never Leave by Jim Peters A Search for Aberdeen's Lost Treasures by Peter Lyon Scovell & Budden: Greenteeth by Andy Paciorek The Photography of Neddal Ayad City in Aspic: Don't Look Now by Andy Paciorek Bricks and Stones in The Pool of Life by Cat Vincent The Trumptonshire Trilogy by Andy Paciorek The Derive of Doom by Chris Lambert Review: Concretism – For Concrete and Country by Chris Lambert Iain Sinclair: Spirit Guide to the Urban Wyrd – Interviewed by John Pilgrim Shadow of the Cities: The Weird and the Noir by Andy Paciorek Black and White Dreams: An Interview with K.A. Laity Occult Detectives: An Interview with John Linwood grant The Art of Andy Copper Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles by Andy Paciorek The Photography of Peter Lagan Involute of Space / Time: An Interview with Will Self High Weirdness: A Day-trip ti Hookland by Andy Paciorek Cyclopean Ruins and Albino Penguins: the Weird Urban Archeology of H.P. Lovecraft's At The Mountains of Madness by Kenneth Lymer The Magic Kingdom: A Conversation with Walter Bosley by John Chadwick The Meltdown has Begun: Chernobyl (2019) by Andy Paciorek Sordid Smoke Ghosts: The Worlds of China Miéville by Colin Hetherington The City That Was Not There: 'Absent' Cityscapes in Classic British Ghost Stories by Anastasia Lipinskaya York: Albion's Capital of the North by Oz Hardwick and John Pilgrim Urban Folklore: An Interview with Diane A. Rodgers Place of Light and Darkness by Andy Paciorek Gripped: The Nine Lives of Thomas Katz by Howard David Ingham Service Station to Station by Andy Paciorek Miles Away: Hush (2008) by Andy Paciorek Edinburgh: The Athens of the North by S.J. Lyall Sorcerer's Appretices and industrial Witches: The Urban Wyrd as Magick in Leeds, West Yorkshire by Layla Legard The Photography of Erin Sorrey Comes With The Fall: The Apartment Trilogy by Andy Sharp Blood on the Walls of the London Town: The Mighty Boosh by Andy Paciorek Urban Wyrd Biographies Wyrd Harvest Press
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ukdamo · 1 year
I  Austerity: The Musical
Oz Hardwick
Warnings on the wireless hobble the morning, shackling it into a lopsided gait that twists the day ahead of itself. There are hulks in the estuary like rotten teeth, a murmur of dogs and whistles from the far-off marsh, and an endless play of Dickensian tropes spilled across the cobwebbed breakfast table. Lunatics and whores are paraded for entertainment, and the hungry and homeless are given songs and a few rudimentary dance moves. I missed the details, but the reports said something about ice, something about Russian planes. There’s what sounds like breaking glass, a rattle of chains in the kitchen, so I turn up the wireless, sing along: In this life one thing counts.
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bxdcubes · 6 years
Books I read in 2019
In an effort to go through the piles of books I’ve accumulated, but haven’t had the time or the attention span to read, this year I’m trying to tackle a book a week. (If not stated otherwise I read the book in Polish):
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry - Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Pocket Universe #1 beginnings. - an anthology (with Rat City by @lloydthefan) - EN
The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman
Brief Answers to the Big Questions - Stephen Hawking
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
Einfach Hawking! Geniale gedanken schwerelos verständlich - Rüdiger Vaas 
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe - Douglas Adams
Spoken Word London Anti-Hate Anthology (contains @kblairpoetry works) - EN
Ten Poems of Kindness - Selected and introduced by Jackie Kay - EN
Life, the Universe and Everything - Douglas Adams
Coraline - Neil Gaiman
Smoke and mirrors: Short fictions and illusions - Neil Gaiman
Death by Black Holes and Other Cosmical Quandaries - Neil DeGrasse Tyson     
Stardust - Neil Gaiman
Karkonoskie Tajemnice, czyli o Duchu Gór wieści zasłyszane - written down by Katarzyna Paczyńska
Mitologia Słowiańska - Jakub Bobrowski, Mateusz Wrona
Bestiariusz Słowiański t.1 - Paweł Zych, Witold Vargas
mleko i miód/milk and honey - Rupi Kaur - PL/EN
the princess saves herself in this one - Amanda Lovelace - EN
Czarty, biesy, zjawy. Opowieści z pańskiego stołu - Jakub Bobrowski, Mateusz Wrona
Journal 29: Interactive Book Game - Chassapakis Dimitris
Norse Mythology - Neil Gaiman
Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances - Neil Gaiman
Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman
The long way to a small, angry planet - Becky Chambers
A closed and common orbit - Becky Chambers
三体 / Three-Body Problem - 刘慈欣 / Liu Cixin
Bestiariusz Słowiański t.2 - Paweł Zych, Witold Vargas
the witch doesn’t burns in this one - Amanda Lovelace - EN
the mermaid’s voice returns in this one - Amanda Lovelace - EN
The Grand Design -  Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow
The Valley Press Anthology of Prose Poetry - edited by Anne Caldwell and Oz Hardwick, featuring quite a few artists, one of them being @kblairpoetry - EN
The Learned Goose - Jo Brandon - EN
Zielarskie praktyki Agaty - Agnieszka Barłóg
salt slow - Julia Armfield - EN
to make monsters out of girls - Amanda Lovelace
黑暗森林 / The Dark Forest - 刘慈欣 / Liu Cixin
the sun and her flowers - Rupi Kaur - PL/EN
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
Odd Hours - Dean Koontz
The World of Lore: Wicked Mortals - Aaron Mahnke
Księga smoków polskich - Bartłomiej Grzegorz Sala
Twas the Nightshift Before Christmas - Adam Kay
to drink coffee with a ghost - Amanda Lovelace - EN
Odd Apocalypse - Dean Koontz
Magiczne zawody - Paweł Zych, Witold Vargas
Odd Interlude - Dean Koontz (i know i read them out of order)
The Song of Achilles -  Madeline Miller - EN
Insektenes planet - om de rare, nyttige og fascinerende småkrypene vi ikke kan leve uten / Extraordinary Insects: Weird. Wonderful. Indispensable. The ones who run our world - Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson
Echa polskich legend - Marta Berowska
Carmilla - Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu - EN
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sophiaaknight-blog · 5 years
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Prose poetry is at the cutting edge of contemporary writing, freeing words from the bounds of traditional poetic grammar and bringing the magic of verse to flash fiction. In this ambitious, ground-breaking anthology, Valley Press showcases new work from a diverse range of UK writers, carefully curated by editors Anne Caldwell and Oz Hardwick. Featuring bite-sized morsels of original writing from newly-crowned laureate Simon Armitage, Jen Hadfield, Luke Kennard, Helen Mort, George Szirtes, Kim Moore, Inua Ellams, Carrie Etter and a host of other new and established talent, this is the ideal travelling companion for readers searching for a mind-expanding literary adventure. Full list of contributors: Astrid Alben, Nick Allen, Roselle Angwin, Simon Armitage, Liz Bahs, Becky Balfourth, Linda Black, K. Blair, Owen Bullock, Sue Burge, Jane Burn, Maggie Butt, Susie Campbell, Mary Jean Chan, Debjani Chatterjee, Becky Cherriman, Jenna Clake, Geraldine Clarkson, Claire Collison, Patricia Debney, Kym Deyn, Sarah Dobbs, Kristian Doyle, Charlotte Eichler, Inua Ellams, Carrie Etter, Ailish Fowler, John Freeman, James Goodman, Mark Granier, Jen Hadfield, Robert Harper, Ceinwen E. Cariad Haydon, Tania Hershman, Gaia Holmes, Helen Ivory, Haley Jenkins, Luke Kennard, Therese Kieran, Sophia Knight, Janet Lees, Ágnes Lehóczky, Michael Loveday, Lisa Matthews, Jane Monson, Helen Moore, Kim Moore, Helen Mort, Paul Munden, Winston Plowes, Katrina Porteous, Robert Powell, Angela Readman, Anna Reckin, Anna Robinson, Mark Russell, Anne Ryland, Miles Salter, Maggie Sawkins, Ian Seed, Mark Ryan Smith, Paul Stephenson, Hannah Stone, Nic Stringer, George Szirtes, Samuel Tongue, Helen Tookey, Julia Webb, Natalie Whittaker, Heidi Williamson, Cliff Yates, Tamar Yoseloff
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limejuicer1862 · 3 years
Eat the Storms – The Poetry Podcast – Episode 5 -Season 2 — Eat The Storms
Eat the Storms – The Poetry Podcast – Episode 5 -Season 2 — Eat The Storms
Podcast available on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Anchor, Breaker, PocketCast, Podbean and many more platforms This episode aired on 20th February 2021 and I was joined by poets Oz Hardwick, Leena Batchelor, Frances Corkey Thompson, Peter A and Elisabeth Horan The links to their websites, blogs or Twitter pages are all listed below… Oz […]Eat the Storms – The Poetry Podcast – Episode…
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