#Angela Kosta
For My Mother and Other Poems
By Angela Kosta Translated by the Indian poet Dilip Mewada For My Mother… I have written several lines and endless verses with my tears, pain of love for her. Where are you, my mother? I wish to kiss your eyes with goodness once again! I want to caress your warm hands just the way you used to do. I want to feel the wrinkles of your untimely old age with my fingers, I don’t want to see you in…
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dedoholistic · 1 year
Un GRAZIE di cuore alla cara amica e collega autrice Angela Kosta per questo articolo che ha scritto su di me e sulle mie poesie “Oceano di Sensi”, “Tenebre” e “Notte d’Amore” e pubblicato su Perqasje.com
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scripta21 · 5 months
Fevers of the Mind Poetry & Art Digest, revue de poésie, N°12, avril 2024
« Sing Song », Fevers of the Mind Poetry & Art Digest, N°12, avril 2024, édition papier et kindle, URL : https://feversofthemind.com/2024/04/24/now-out-fevers-of-the-mind-issue-12-national-poetry-month-2024
Le numéro 12 de Fevers of the Mind Poetry, Art & Music célèbre plusieurs grands morceaux de poésie de Fevers of the Mind au cours des dernières années ainsi que de nouvelles contributions : David L O'Nan, HillLesha O'Nan, MS Evans, Scott Thomas Outlar, Anne Paulet (Scripta 21), Angela Kosta, Rachel Coventry, Jimmy Webb, Lorna Wood, Pasithea Chan, Anushna Biswas, Owen Bullock, Robin McNamara. , David Hay, Nina Parmenter, Steve Denehan, Cat Dixon, Victoria Leigh Bennett, Maxine Rose Munro, Petar Penda, Kevin Hibshman, Shobana Gomes, Gayle J. Greenlea, Oz Hardwick, Stephen Kingsnorth, Vicky Allen, Matthew Freeman, Barney Ashton- Bullock, Kathryn Anna Marshall, Tuur Verheyde, Anna Rozwadowska, Hiram Larew, Marie Little, Rickey Rivers Jr, Gordon Lewis, Colin Dardis, Karlo Sevilla, Michael Igoe, Sarika Jaswani, Kushal Poddar, Christina Strigas, Adrian Ernesto Cepeda, John Grey, Renee Williams, Peach Delphine, Stephen Watt, Jennifer Patino, Katrina Kaye, Paula Hayes, Ryan Quinn Flanagan, Tianna Godsey, Elizabeth Cusack, Khadeja Ali, Charlotte Oliver et Samantha Terrell
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planetdiaries · 3 days
Puerto Viejo / Costa Rica Kasım 2023
Sevgili Günlük,
Dünyanın dört bir yanına yaptığım seyahatlerde yeni diyarlar tanımak kadar bana keyif veren birşey varsa o da ilham verici insanlar tanımak.
Angela bu seyahatte karşıma çıkan meleklerden ilkiydi. Şili'nin Talca şehrinde yaşıyor ve fırsatını bulduğu her an patenlerini çantasına atıp  on onbes günüm var demeden  dünyayı geziyor.  Angela ambulansta hemşire, bugüne kadar binlerce hayat kurtarmış.
Onunla Puerto Viejo'ya  otobüs bileti almak üzere  gittiğim terminalde  baslayan yoldaşlığımız başkent  San Jose sokaklarından Karayip kumsallarina kadar  beraber akıyor.
Birlikte milli parklar geziyor, bakir kumsallar keşfedip, romantik akşam yemeklerine çıkıyoruz. 
Angela ile  yakınlardaki bir kumsala gitmek üzere   otobüs beklerken öylesine kaldırdığım  baş parmağıma duran ilk arabada Ella ve Angel-Leigh giriyor hayatıma. Hiç bu denli neşe ve coşkuyla bir arabaya buyur edildiğimi hatırlamıyorum. Bizi gitmek istediğimiz plaja bırakmakla  kalmıyorlar. Tanışmamızdan yarım saat sonra onlara kocaman dalgalı denizde body surf yapmasını öğretiyorum.
Sonraki gün  günbatimi için  kumsalin yolunu tutuyorum. Sahilde kendi kendine frizbi atıp tutan, rüzgara karşı tek başına frizbi oynayan bir adam görüyorum. Beni tanıyanlar iyi bilir. Frizbi gördüğümde retriever cinsi bir köpek yavrusuna dönerim.  Az sonra  birlikte frizbi atmaya başlıyoruz.  Jorge benden 10 yaş kadar büyük. Fotoğraf sanatçısı ve eğitmeni. Babasının Kosta Rika elçiliklerinde  diplomatlık yaptığı yıllarda çocukluğu ve gençliği  İsrail, Abd ve İspanya'da geçmiş. Birkaç yıl önce  ülkenin bu en sevdiği bölgesi olan Pueto Viejo'da  bir ev yaptırıyor. Evini airbnbden kiraya veriyor ve ayda bir birkaç gün de gelip  keyfini sürüyor.
Jorge birkaç yıl önce kanser olduğunu öğrendikten sonra yolu şifalı bitkilerle kesişiyor. Onların dilini öğrenerek kendisini kanserden iyileştiriyor. Ardından etrafındaki  insanlara bitkilerin yardımıyla kanser ve diğer hastalıklardan şifayı kavuşması için rehberlik etmeye başlıyor.
Bir süre sonra yeni arkadaşlarım Ella ve Angel-Leigh kumsala geliyor. Işıklı frizbimle gece karanlığında dördümüz frizbi oynuyor, denize giriyoruz
Sonraki günleri daha ilk görüşte kalplerini bana ardına kadar açan dünyalar güzeli bu iki güzel insanla geçiriyorum. Cangılın ortasında denize 50 metre mesafede bir ev tutuyoruz. Birlikte frizbi oynuyor, sahilde parendeler atıyor, içimizdeki çocuğu besliyoruz. Bir gece de arkadaşımız Jorge'nin cangılın derinliklerindeki evine akşam yemeğine misafir oluyoruz. Bizim için hazırlattığı Hint yemekleriyle ziyafet çekiyoruz. Ella'nın yaşama sevinci ve hayatı keşfetmeye dair o tutkulu halini aklıma getirdikçe gözlerimin yaşarmasına engel olamıyorum. Angel-Leigh'nin hayata dair duyduğu güven ve rahatlık ve her ikisinin de koşulsuz bir sevgiyle bana açtıkları tertemiz kalpleri. Angela, Angel-Leigh, Ella ve Jorge. Gema Oil'in Kosta Rika lansmanında tanıdığım Faco grubunun güleryüzlü çalışanları. Tanışır tanışmaz beni köylerine davet eden ülkenin dört yanındaki atölyelerde yağ değiştiren oto servis ustaları. İkinci dünya savaşından hemen önce Kosta Rika'ya gelip savaş çıkınca ülkesi Almanya'ya geri dönemeyip KR'da yeni bir hayata başlayarak KR'daki ortağımız Faco'yu kuran Amrheim ailesinin üçüncü kuşağı Franz Amrhein. Tüm samimiyetleriyle hayatın içinden gerçek insanlar. Her biri bana ilham veriyor. Her birinde bir parça kendimi görüyor, kendimde her birini görüyorum. Ve kalbim genişledikce genişliyor aşkla doluyor. ❤️
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nageh2023 · 7 days
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elmas-66 · 10 days
Angela Kosta traduce la poesia di Blerina Pëllumbi - Demo
Foto cortesia di Blerina Pëllumbi ANGELA KOSTA TRADUCE I VERSI DELLA POETESSA ALBANESE BLERINA PËLLUMBI (DEMO)Blerina Pëllumbi (Demo) è nata nella bellissima città di Korça, in Albania. Blerina è una delle giovani voci promettenti della letteratura albanese. Essa si è laureata presso l’Università “Fan Stilian Noli” come insegnante, perciò dopo i studi ha lavorato per circa 10 anni come…
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agathaandrea · 5 months
Segnalazione … Anime Di Maria Cristina Buoso
Ciao,  ringrazio  Angela Kosta per aver segnalato il mio libro Anime sulla rivista Dooley’s Books e sulla sua pagina FB. Grazie e buona lettura … https://www.dooleysbooks.com/product/13806887/anime-by-maria-cristina-buoso?fbclid=IwAR1MwgL5KWXVUXR9Mov5_aoyAouABlB9OEYHy8f16osk1S39shD7akphWZo
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rahleeyah · 3 years
I don’t really get why there is so much stuff out there about El hoeing around wanting to sleep around or whatever now that he is single for the first time since he is 17 when like that’s not what he wants to do at all?
That Angela kiss was a bad writing choice in s1, I’ll maintain that point forever probably. He had buried his wife of 35+ years less than 20 days ago, no way he wanted to kiss anyone, not even Liv, at that point. Yes grief makes you do dumb shit but he didn’t lose his best friend, he lost his wife, his romantic partner since he was 17, I think there is a big differance.
The young woman he made out with, who slipped him the drugs, Kosta sent her to him, not really much he could do. Kosta even later asked, “Dude why didn’t you sleep with the girl I sent you?”
If he wanted to sleep with her he could have done so when he was drugged, or at least tried to. But he got away from there as soon as he could and ran to Liv where he felt safe and needed to make his confession about the letter. That’s what he wanted to do. He didn’t think about the uc op in that moment, going to Liv was risky as hell.
Albi’s wife kept coming after him. He roofied her to search the house, if it was about sleeping around he could have done so and searched the house after, either while she was asleep or give her the drink with the drugs after (he didn’t know Albi would be home so soon).
At the RV she came to him again. Could he have gotten out of it if he really wanted to? Yes, probably. Might that have endangered his UC gig, yes. He was ready to die for that operation. If he didn’t think dying in that meeting with Kosta wasn’t a real possibility he wouldn’t have acted like he did before going to the meeting. So sleeping with someone to keep that op going even if he doesn’t want to isn’t that high on his list of sacrifices probably.
This man is as UNstabler as he has ever been right now. He should have never been allowed to go UC. I think he is using the op to punish himself. He barely gets to see his kids, he doesn’t get to see Liv unless by work related coincidences. He has to do all these shitty things. He took the UC job right after Wheathley came after Liv, and Kathy hadn't been killed all that long ago either, I think (I can’t find the title cards on L&O wiki).
This man isn’t trying to f-around in my opinion. This man is unstable, trying to punish himself, destructive, and borderline suicidal (going to that Kosta meeting).
Just to clarify this isn’t a response to anything I have seen from you or on your blog. I just wanted to share. Thank you for giving us the opportunity. It means a lot. I hope you have a good weekend and get to relax.
you know what? I'm with you.
I do think El went under to run away from himself, and that he's seeing the damage it's doing but he feels like he can't stop. i do think that he's not going after milf tiddies - or angela last season - bc he feels something for them or bc he wants sex; it's not about love or lust it's about him needing to feel something. and it doesn't feel good and he's not proud of it and he's not looking to start a ~relationship, he's chasing an escape and digging that hole deeper.
and i have said it before and i'll keep saying it until i'm blue in the face; i really think he wants Liv, but she has given him no sign that she's willing to be anything more than his friend, and he can't lose that friendship, that connection, is unwilling to risk losing the most important person in his world by trying to kiss her or pushing her for more than she wants to give him, so he's not going after her. he's not going after the person he wants because he thinks he can't. like if she was answering the phone or if she'd told him she loves him, too or any one of a hundred different things maybe he would have gone to her after the robbery, but he didn't, because doing so would put her in danger and risk liv walking out of his life and he can't take that.
elliot is falling apart. but i believe he's gonna put himself back together; he just needs time.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Minneapolis Braces for Verdict in Floyd’s Death (NYT) MINNEAPOLIS—Around midday last Monday, Samir Patel received a phone call from his friend, a dentist: Gunshots had rung out, his friend told him, and the contractors who were rebuilding the office he lost in last year’s unrest had fled. He was boarding up, and he told Mr. Patel he should move quickly to protect his own business, a dry cleaning shop. Elite Cleaners, Mr. Patel’s shop, is on a side street, not far from the shell of the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct station house, which burned last year in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death. The surrounding community of Lake Street, a corridor of immigrant-owned businesses—taquerias, furniture shops, liquor stores and cafes—was devastated by looting in the days of protests and the riots that followed. The city has said that the unrest led to $350 million in losses, with more than a thousand buildings either destroyed or damaged. As the trial of Derek Chauvin, the white former police officer charged with murder in the death of Mr. Floyd, a Black man, draws to a close, the city is on edge, fearing that a not-guilty verdict would bring anger, chaos and destruction once again.
New migrant facilities crop up to ease crowding, again (AP) For the third time in seven years, U.S. officials are scrambling to handle a dramatic spike in children crossing the U.S.-Mexico border alone, leading to a massive expansion in emergency facilities to house them as more kids arrive than are being released to close relatives in the United States. More than 22,000 migrant children were in government custody as of Thursday, with 10,500 sleeping on cots at convention centers, military bases and other large venues likened to hurricane evacuation shelters with little space to play and no privacy. More than 2,500 are being held by border authorities in substandard facilities. So many children are coming that there’s little room in long-term care facilities, where capacity shrank significantly during the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, minors are packed into Border Patrol facilities not meant to hold them longer than three days or they’re staying for weeks in the mass housing sites that often lack the services they need. Lawyers say some have not seen social workers who can reunite them with family in the U.S. Both Donald Trump and Barack Obama faced similar upticks in Central American children crossing the border alone in 2019 and 2014. The numbers have now reached historic highs amid economic fallout from the pandemic, storms in Central America and the feeling among migrants that Biden is more welcoming than his predecessor.
Students’ struggles pushed Peru teacher to run for president (AP) As schools across Peru closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, Pedro Castillo tried to find a way to keep classes going for his 20 fifth- and sixth-grade students. But in his impoverished rural community deep in the Andes, his efforts were futile. Seventeen of the students didn’t even have access to a cellphone. Tablets promised by the government never arrived. “Where is the state?” Castillo, 51, told The Associated Press after a day of planting sweet potatoes on his own land. It was the last straw for Castillo, who over 25 years had seen his students struggle in crumbling schools where teachers also cook, sweep floors and file paperwork. He’d already dabbled in activism with the local teachers’ union and helped lead a national strike in 2017. But now he went further, tossing his name into a crowd of 18 candidates in Peru’s presidential election. Defying the polls, the elementary school teacher came first in the April 11 voting, albeit with less than 20% of the overall vote. The stunning result gave him a place in June’s presidential runoff against Keiko Fujimori, one of Peru’s most established political figures and the daughter of former president Alberto Fujimori. It is her third attempt to become president. Castillo’s unlikely campaign comes at a turbulent time for the South American nation that has suffered like few others from the COVID-19 pandemic. It recently ran through three presidents in a week after one was removed by congress over corruption allegations. Every president of the past 36 years has been ensnared in corruption allegations, some imprisoned. One died by suicide before police could arrest him.
New direction needed: EU launches website for citizens to discuss its future (Reuters) The European Union launched on Monday a website for citizens to debate the future of the 27-nation bloc as the exit of Britain, climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of nationalism force the EU to reflect on how it wants to develop. The website, available for contributions in the EU’s 24 official languages, is part of what EU institutions call the Conference on the Future of Europe—a forum for debate to help identify issues the EU needs to address in the changing global context. “The conclusions of the conference could be the backbone for reforms in the Union in the future,” one of the leaders of the initiative, member of European Parliament and former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt told a news conference. The website prompts debates on subjects including climate change, the environment, health, the economy, social justice and jobs, the role of the EU in the world, values and rights, the rule of law, security, digital transformation, democracy and migration. Citizens can also launch their own topics.
Cheating at Greek universities (Foreign Policy) Greek universities are experiencing a crisis of confidence in their students as remote learning takes the place of traditional education. Professors have noted surprisingly high marks from previously poor students, raising suspicions that the students may be using underhanded tactics. “Result averages are up, and people we haven’t seen in years are showing up for exams because the system makes it easy to cheat,” Kostas Kosmatos, an assistant professor of criminology at Thrace’s Democritus University told AFP. Sofia, a psychology student, admitted to have taken two exams “on behalf of two of my friends and nobody realized.” Resourceful students have created technological workarounds to boost their chances during exams, crowdsourcing answers in live chats with students at the University of Crete even enlisting a linguistic expert to help them during exams. “But even he got a verse wrong,” Angela Kastrinaki, dean of the University of Crete’s literature department, told AFP. “So I got 50 papers with the same mistake. It was funny.”
Russia Expels 20 Czech Diplomats as Tensions Escalate (NYT) A day after the government of the Czech Republic blamed operatives from Russia’s military intelligence agency for a series of mysterious explosions at an ammunition depot in 2014 and expelled 18 Russian diplomats, the Russian government announced on Sunday that 20 Czech diplomats would be ejected in response. The expulsions signal further escalation of tensions between the Kremlin and western governments, reaching an intensity not seen since the Cold War. The spat between the Czech Republic and Russia comes just days after the United States imposed heavy sanctions on Russian government officials and businesses in response to a large-scale hacking of American government computer systems. In a statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry called the Czech accusations “absurd” and accused the government of being an American puppet. “In an effort to please the U.S.A. following recent American sanctions against Russia, the Czech government in this instance even exceeded its overseas masters,” the Russian Foreign Ministry statement said.
Montenegro’s billion-dollar dilemma (NYT) Few Europeans thought it was a good idea for Montenegro to take a mammoth loan from China to build a highway. Now the tiny, mountainous country is asking the European Union for help to repay the debt—and the answer, so far, has been no. The situation in Montenegro is the latest skirmish in an escalating global push for influence by China, which has made inroads in economically weak countries by offering loans that demand loyalty to Beijing but otherwise have few strings attached. Montenegro’s first debt payments are due this summer. The $1 billion loan is nearly a fifth the size of the country’s entire economy. Montenegrin leaders say they won’t miss their loan payment this summer even if no E.U. aid is forthcoming. European officials said they wanted to help Montenegro but were searching for a palatable way to do so. Linking the aid to the loan too directly could be politically difficult, since many E.U. officials do not want to be in the position of effectively paying down a Chinese loan that E.U. leaders warned against in the first place. “China has been filling any opening it felt it could,” said Vuk Vuksanovic, a researcher at the Belgrade Center for Security Policy, a Serbian think tank. “Local capitals were hungry for cash, particularly on big development issues like infrastructure. And the Chinese were willing to go places where Western institutions were not.”
Afghan Women Fear the Worst, Whether War or Peace Lies Ahead (NYT) Farzana Ahmadi watched as a neighbor in her village in northern Afghanistan was flogged by Taliban fighters last month. The crime: Her face was uncovered. People silently watched as the beating dragged on. Fear—even more potent than in years past—is gripping Afghans now that U.S. and NATO forces will depart the country in the coming months. They will leave behind a publicly triumphant Taliban, who many expect will seize more territory and reinstitute many of the same oppressive rules they enforced under their regime in the 1990s. The New York Times spoke to many Afghan women about what comes next in their country, and they all said the same thing: Whatever happens will not bode well for them. Whether the Taliban take back power by force or through a political agreement with the Afghan government, their influence will almost inevitably grow. In a country in which an end to nearly 40 years of conflict is nowhere in sight, many Afghans talk of an approaching civil war. “All the time, women are the victims of men’s wars,” said Raihana Azad, a member of Afghanistan’s Parliament. “But they will be the victims of their peace, too.”
Hard-line Islamists take 6 Pakistani security personnel hostage amid deadly clashes (Washington Post) A hard-line Islamist group on Sunday took six Pakistani security personnel hostage after days of deadly clashes in the northeastern city of Lahore over a French satirical newspaper’s publication of cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad and the arrest of the group’s leader by Pakistani authorities. A senior police officer and two paramilitary fighters were among those taken after protesters surrounded a police station and stormed the compound, according to Lahore police spokesman Arif Rana. A week of violence across the country has left at least four dead, according to the protesters. Police officials say thousands have been arrested. The tensions driving the protests, led by the Islamist party Tehrik-e-Labbaik Pakistan, have been simmering for months after French President Emmanuel Macron honored a teacher who was beheaded last year in France after he showed a class the cartoons depicting Muhammad. For many Muslims, depictions of the prophet are blasphemous and deeply insulting. Macron’s comments sparked protests across the Muslim world last year.
India’s capital to lock down as nation’s virus cases top 15M (AP) New Delhi was being put under a weeklong lockdown Monday night as an explosive surge in coronavirus cases pushed the India’s capital’s health system to its limit. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said in a news conference the national capital was facing shortages of oxygen and some medicine. “I do not say that the system has collapsed, but it has reached its limits,” Kejriwal said, adding that harsh measures were necessary to “prevent a collapse of the health system.” Similar virus curbs already have been imposed in the worst-hit state of Maharashtra, home to India’s financial capital, Mumbai. The closure of most industries, businesses and public places Wednesday night is to last 15 days.
Pacific Ocean storm intensifies into year’s first super typhoon (Reuters) Strong winds and high waves lashed the eastern Philippines on Monday as the strongest typhoon ever recorded in April barrelled past in the Pacific Ocean, killing one man and triggering flooding in lower-lying communities, disaster officials said. More than 100,000 people were evacuated from coastal areas, according to provincial disaster agencies. The core of Surigae, or Bising as the storm is known locally, is not expected to hit land. But with a diameter of 500 km and winds reaching 195 km per hour, parts of the eastern islands of Samar experienced flooding, while several communities lost power. The first super typhoon of 2021 foreshadows a busy storm season for the region in the year ahead, experts say.
Lebanon’s crumbling capital (AFP) Beirut’s roads are riddled with potholes, many walls are covered in anti-government graffiti and countless street lamps have long since gone dark. At night, car drivers creep cautiously past broken traffic lights and strain their eyes for missing manhole covers, stolen for the value of their metal. Many parking metres have been disabled in protest over an alleged corruption scandal, while cars are parked randomly on sidewalks. To many, the dysfunctional capital has become emblematic of a country mired in its worst crisis since the 1975-1990 civil war after decades of mismanagement and corruption. Much of Beirut’s infrastructure started falling apart long before last August’s massive portside explosion killed more than 200 people, levelled the waterfront and damaged countless buildings. Amid the crisis, the Lebanese currency has collapsed and continues its downward slide at a sickening rate that in itself is deepening the problem. As the currency has dived by more than 85 percent on the black market, wary contractors are steering clear of any municipal repairs that are paid for in Lebanese pounds.
Eleven dead, 98 injured after train derails in Egypt (Reuters) Eleven people were killed and 98 injured on Sunday in a train accident in Egypt’s Qalioubia province north of Cairo, the health ministry said in a statement. The train was heading from Cairo to the Nile Delta city of Mansoura when four carriages derailed at 1:54 p.m. (1154 GMT), about 40 kms (25 miles) north of Cairo. More than 50 ambulances took the injured to three hospitals in the province, the health ministry said. The derailing is the latest of several recent railway crashes in Egypt. At least 20 people were killed and nearly 200 were injured in March when two trains collided near Tahta, about 440 kms (275 miles) south of Cairo.
South Africa wildfire (Washington Post) Cape Town ordered precautionary evacuations of communities living along the edges of city landmark Table Mountain on Monday as firefighters struggled to contain a fire that gutted historical landmarks, including the oldest working windmill in South Africa and a library housing African antiquities at the University of Cape Town. The fire started Sunday morning near the memorial to colonial leader Cecil Rhodes and quickly spread uncontrolled beneath Devil’s Peak in Table Mountain National Park in an area popular with weekend hikers and cyclists. By Monday morning, strong southeasterly winds, which were expected to reach more than 30 miles per hour (50 km/h) later in the day, had pushed the fire toward densely-populated areas above Cape Town city. Well-known tourist sites, such as the Table Mountain aerial cableway, were temporarily closed. Heavy smoke engulfed the city forcing the closure of a major highway and other nearby roads. Hikers, park visitors, visitors to the nearby Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden and hundreds of students from the university campus were evacuated on Sunday.
NASA’s Ingenuity Makes First Powered Flight On Mars (NPR) “Orville and Wilbur would be proud. NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter has made the first-ever powered flight on another planet, 117 years after the Wright Brothers’ historic flight on this planet. The flight itself was modest. The 4-pound helicopter rose 10 feet in the air, hovered briefly, and returned to the Martian surface.
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serpientes · 6 years
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angela lindvall @ kostas murkudis spring/summer 1998
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visualsstuff · 6 years
Sea, Sex, Sun & Syriza - english version The ultimate Greek experience ! Fun, Beauty, Seduction, Hope, Sentiments, boldness, Courage, Erotism, Sex, Sweat, Treason, Bestiality, Violence, Crisis, Growth... What is left today ? Sea, Sex, Sun & Syriza ! 100 % Elliniko Proïon. With the kind support of The European Union. Featuring: Pepe Martín, María José Cantudo, Nikos Verlekis, Deborah Shelton, Christos Nomikos, Lefteris Giftopoulos, Tina Spathi, Giorgos Hristodoulou, Sylvia Lueff, Rena Kosmidou, Mimi Denissi, Samantha Romanou, Lakis Komninos, Elena Nathanail, Betty Arvaniti, Udo Kier, Yiorgos Gintis, Rosana Caskan, Lakis Xanthis, Andreas Barkoulis, Kostas Ginis, Lia Flessa, Nancy Kapetanaki, Pavlos Liaros, Anna Fonsou, Christo Spyropoulos, Angela Gianou, Vicky Pappa, Anda Vartholomeou, Giorgos Stratigakis, Lena Samiou, Kostas Gousgounis, Haris Tryfonas, Joanna Papa, Yannis Papathanasis, Kostas Karagiorgis, Eleni Anousaki, Giannis Poulopoulos. Music by Giannis Poulopoulos + Eleni Anousaki. From - I eromeni (1982) / Omiros Efstratiadis - Anomalo fortio (1977) / Kostas Karagiannis - Gymno fotomodelo (1978) / Omiros Efstratiadis - Diamantia sto gymno sou soma (1972) / Omiros Efstratiadis - Agouri sarka (1974) / Panagiotis Konstadinou - Lesviakos Avgoustos (1974) / Erricos Andreou - Zo gia ton erota (1976) / Omiros Efstratiadis - Diastrofes (1974) / Yiorgos Nomikos - To koritsi vomva (1976) / Nico Mastorakis - Mikaela, o glykos peirasmos (1975) / Dimis Dadiras - Ekeino to kalokairi... (1971) / Vasilis Georgiadis - Oi erotomaneis (1973) / Omiros Efstratiadis - Nefeli (1980) / Omiros Efstratiadis - To nisi tis amartias (1973) / Kostas Doukas - To koritsi kai to alogo (1973) / Vangelis Serdaris - Pio thermi kai ap' ton ilio (1972) / Omiros Efstratiadis - Gynaikes pou zitousan ton erota (1975) / Ilias Mylonakos - Spiti stous vrahous (1974) / George Zervoulakos - To akrogiali tou erota (1976) / Yiorgos Nomikos - Diestrammenoi apo tin genna tous (1974) / Chris Liambos - Sex... 13 beaufort! (1973) / Chris Liambos
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laurasocasfinearts · 4 years
O wow I’m a sculptor now :P
First round
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I finally had he time to tryout the gray clay that I bought.
I must say I’m surprised, not as bad as a thought, and when I say that, I mean that it was easier to do what i intended to than I thought. The clay is so maleable and sturdy at the same time. I was used to polymer clay and somehow this was a lot easier. It might also be because i went for a bigger size than usual, and i used to do ti I miniatures that were very hard to handle. Although I can’t say that I like the earthy texture and how easy it crumbles.
I tried to do the head of the snake-cat of one of my previous drawings and i also did a couple of smooth churros for the snake body, i went through almost 3 of the five kilos i had bought, even when I used some aluminium foil and to create volume strcture underneath. It worries me that that might create air bubbles or interfere with the drying process.
The cat head looks a bit fox like. I will add moe volume to the forehead and try to make the eyes a bit bigger, since i think cats are a lot more flat faced. There is a technical problem with the fangs. How do I make something so small an in such awkward position?
Second round
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I think the cat face is done. I only need to add the fangs. I brought some toothpicks to mate a structure to build arround, but it didn’t work at all, so I decided to make them and stab them with the toothpick, when they are dry ( I left them outside) i will stab them on the face and problem solved, hopefully the wil dry well and wont crumble.
When using grey clay, small amounts tend to dry really fast and crumble, it makes me want to go back to polymer clays. I have a small pot of epoxy air dry clay that I still haven’t used. If only it wasn’t so expensive...
I also had some time to build a leg around a wire. I had some problems when the wire started to poke out of the delicate sculpting of the foot, but i think I sorted it out. It is a bit of a chubby leg, i like it.
I has take me 2 three hour sessions to get to this point. I’m worried about my productivity levels, since the sculpting is tied to my studio time, I wonder how many sessions is this going to take me to build it to completion. Then I think about Angela making all the window exhibition in about the same time and it makes me feel hopeless.
For me the magical part will happen when I paint it, so I’m doubtfull between adding texture or try to manage texture by painting it.
In my chat with Kostas, we talked aboutt sealing it afterwards with resin, to avoid any cracking due to the fragility of the clay. and I’m quite excited for the porcelain-like effect that should happen.
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dedoholistic · 1 year
Un GRAZIE di cuore alla cara amica e collega autrice Angela Kosta per questo articolo che ha scritto su di me e sulle mie poesie “Oceano di Sensi”, “Tenebre” e “Notte d’Amore” e pubblicato su Orfeu.AL
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19. Bölüme Dair...
-Bombanın patladığı sahne sinematografik açıdan çok başarılıydı. Türk televizyonlarında böyle bir sahne görmek gerçekten gururlandırdı. Müziklerin kullanımı olsun, sessizlikle çığlığın birbirine karışması olsun, ailenin birbirinden ayrı düşmesi olsun ince düşünülmüş güzel bir sahneydi.
 -Yakup sen gerçekten bir "sıkı çocuk"sun. Bir ara ödümü patlattın, "akıllı mantıklı tek bir karakterimiz var o da gidiyor" dedim ama neyse ki kurtuldun.
-Yıldız'ın yaralanması beklenilen bir şeydi. Özellikle Azize'nın Yıldız'ı delirmiş gibi dövdüğü bölümden beridir bunu bekliyordum. Yıldız'ın birkaç bölümdür aile tarafından dışlanması bunun ayak sesleriydi. Ama... Yıldız o kadar antipatikleştirildi ki sahnelerden etkilenemedik. Aslında Yıldız Osmanlı'ya kızgın ve yaşamak isteyen bir kız ve dönemdeki önemli bir zihniyeti yansıtıyor. Ailesi bu kadar gözü kara bir şekilde kendilerini tehlikeye atarken aslında Yıldız hep "insan"ı öne koydu ve böyle adım atmaya çalıştı. "Osmanlı ölüyor diye ben de ölmek zorunda değilim. Üstelik Osmanlı şimdi nerede? Bizim için savaşıyor mu? Ben yaşamak istiyorum." diyor. Hilal'in pervasız asiliklerini farklı düşünceleriyle önleyebilecek, kardeşinin kendine sorular sormasına neden olacak bir karakter aslında. Aynı şekilde Hilal de Yıldız'a neden işgale karşı direnmeleri gerektiğini gösterebilir, Yıldız'a kendini anlatmaya çalışabilir. O nedenle dikkatli yazılmalıydı ama kara çalı olarak kullanılması tercih edildi. Bu yaralanması da o nedenle pek etkili olamadı. Ama yine de Yıldız'ın ailesi tarafından hatırlanması iyi oldu. 
-Ali Kemal-Yıldız sahnesi çok kısaydı. Ali Kemal "Bir daha seni bırakmayacağım" deyip kız eve geçince bir kez bile yanına gitmedi. Bu ne perhiz bu ne lahana turşusu? Ali Kemal Yıldız'a güven verse Yıldız'ın yumuşadığını göreceğiz. Ama bu iki inatçı kişilik birbirlerine adım atmayı gururlarına yediremiyorlar. Ali Kemal şu noktada Yıldız'ın Leon'u sevmediğini biliyor ama Yıldız "Ama Eleni... Ama Ali Kemal beni yarı yolda bırakır..." korkusu içinde. Ali Kemal, ne olursun şu kızla bir ilgilen sonra ona buna sarıyor. 
-Yıldız'ın Leon'u sallamaması ve uyanır uyanmaz ailesine "Sizin yüzünüzden yaralandım! Beni oraya zorla götürdünüz!" dememesi beni birazcık umutlandırdı. Hadi Yıldız, hadi... Yapabilirsin! 
-Bir tek Cevdet'in Yıldız başındaki konuşmasını beğendim. Sonuçta bir tek Yıldız Cevdet'i sadece babası olduğu için bağrına bastı. Cevdet'in onunla ilgili ne hissettiğini merak ediyordum, cevabımı aldım. Destek olmuş, teselli olmuş Yıldız Cevdet'e, doya doya sarılabildiği tek evladı sonuçta... 
-Sarılmak demişken... Hilal'le Cevdet'in o sarılma sahnesi... Baba-kız sahneleri oldum olası beni çok çok etkilemiştir. Hilal'in de dayanamayıp babasının sevgisi karşısında gardını indirmesi çok hoşuma gidiyor. Böylece Hilal'in yumuşak taraflarını görebiliyoruz ve Cevdet'in hasreti birazcık da olsa diniyor. 
-Tevfik ve Hamilton şerefsizlikte her bölüm level atlıyorlar. Onur Saylak-Okan Yalabık ikilisini izlemek çok güzel. Özellikle Hamilton'ın Türk halkını saatin parçalarına benzettiği sahne on numara, beş yıldızdı. Yine de bu ikilinin sahnelerinin tadında bırakılması kanaatindeyim. Fazla kötülükten canlı yayın kasıyor. 
-Tevfik sayesinde Cevdet-Yakup-...-Mustafa Kemal yolundaki "..." adamları da görmüş olduk. Bayağı bir dolambaçlı yollarla bilgiler ulaşıyor-muş... Full zarar ziyansın Tevfik. 
-Vasili'den ikinci bir "AaaAAaaaAAAaaaaAaaa" vakası geldi ve ben bölümün gergin atmosferine rağmen kahkaha attım! Baki Davrak harika bir detaysınız. Vasili de bu aralar iyi şanssız he... İlk önce Kosta, sonra Hamilton... Gelen vuruyor giden vuruyor. Acaba Vasilicim sende gerekli komutan vasıfları bulunmuyor olabilir mi? 
-Stavro, bu bölüm korkutucu bir sessizliğin vardı. Bu bize yol, su, ELEKTRİK olarak geri dönmesin? Halit İkbal'i bulacağım derken Halit İkbal'le birlikte Andreas Akis'i de yakacakmışsın gibi bir his var içimde... 
-Lucy de iyi saf çıktı he... Hiç böyle beklemiyordum. "Gerçek aşkı arıyorum" dedikten birkaç saat sonra Cevdet'in odasına girip adama aşık oldu ya... Tamam sen de haklısın Cevdet'in lanet olasıca bir karizması var ama ne yaptın odasına yayılan parfümüne mi aşık oldun? Sen yine de çok aşık olma, yoksa bu Azize seni verem ed--doğru ya hali hazırda veremsin zaten. 
-Lucy Veronika dostluğunu sevdim. Hadi Leon'u da alıp ooooperalara gitsinler. Çocuk o kadar vuruldu, bir istirahat dönemi olur herhalde? 
-Veronika'nın gülen yüzünü, umudunu severim. Ali Kemal'le çok uğraşacak gibi duruyor ama olsun oğlu yaşıyor ya... Veronika'nın geçmiş olsuna gitmesi çok güzeldi. Azize-Veronika-Hasibe arasındaki dostluğu, kader ortaklığını seviyorum. 
-Hasibe ya... Bir baktı şıp gebesin dedi. Aklında ne tilkiler dönüyordur şimdi. "Bebenin adını Abbas koysak da rahmetli sevinse" falan diyordur. 
-Azize'nin neşterli sahnesi... Ve Leon... Leon ya... Bu bölüm seni analı, oğullu, kızlı öldürmeye çalıştılar bu ne bahtsızlık! 
-Eşref... Vatansever değilsin, sen Eşrefseversin. Egomanyak. Düşmanla işbirliği yapmak haaa? Keşke o barutları çoğaltsalardı da Cevdet -ve tüm vatan- zamanında kurtulsaydı senden. 
-Mehmet seni taktik maktik olmadan bam bam bam... Bak vatanperversin dedik de bu iş iyice kiralık katilliğe gidiyor oğlum. Bir de Hilal'le Ali Kemal'i satıp gittin. Ya sen ne ayaksın? Fragmanda Leon'a da sallıyorsun. İyice bir sinir bozmaya başladın. İnsan sevmeyi bilmeyen memleket sevdasını nereden bilecek, diyor ve bahsini kapatıyorum. 
-Eftalyacım ve muhteşem dönüşü... Ay ben bu kadını çok seviyorum. "Miralaaaaağğğy"ın sonu elinden olsun istiyorum. Bu arada herhalde Eftalya hafızasını kaybettiğine dair oyun oynuyor ama bunu biraz daha mı açık etseydik, senaristcim? Bir Eftalya oluyor, bir Angela... 
-HiLeon sahnelerindeki müzik adeta "Bölüm sonunda Hilal Leon'u vuruyor" denilen cinstendi. Huzursuz ediciydi, çok yüksekti, replikler altında ezildi. Beğenmedim. Ayrıca Ali Kemal-Leon sahnesinde silah ateşlemeyince Leon'dan çıkan "ouff" sesini de müzik yüzünden duyamadık. 
-Ali Kemal'in Mehmet'ten farkının belirtilmesi çok güzel oldu. O da insan öldürmek istemiyor. Ortalarda kabadayı gibi dolanıyor ama aslında yüreği çok yumuşak, kimseye de kıyamıyor. Ben senin o yavru köpek bakışlarını severim! 
-Son sahnede Cevdet'in bakışları çok iyiydi. "Allah'ım sen beni nelerle sınıyorsun?" gibiydi. Ayrıca sahnenin çekim açısı da süperdi. Cevdet, ortada yıkılmış bir Leon, şok içindeki Hilal ve babasına silah doğrultmuş bir Ali Kemal... 
-Bölüm aksiyonu yüksek, önyargılı izlediğim ama izlerken keyif aldığım bir bölüm oldu. Geçen bölümün durgunluğunu götürdü, iyi oldu.
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nageh2023 · 10 months
شكرا صاحبة السمو الملكي سمو الأميرة سفير السلام الحقوقية الإنسان نوراة لبنان الدكتورة نارزين بني هاشم الهاشمية الشاعرة الشامية الشهمة النبيلة ، و صاحب السمو الملكي سمو الأمير سفير السلام الحقوقي الإنسان نور لبنان الدكتور أحمد الصمد الهاشمي الشاعر الشامي الشهم النبيل على هذا الإنجاز العظيم ، والمسابقة الأدبية السنوية للعام 2023 - 2024م لاتحاد نخبة المبدعين العرب على مستوى العالم و بكل لغات الدنيا نستقبل إبداعات صفوة البشر من كتاب و أدباء و شعراء يخدمون البشرية و يسعوون إلى لم الشمل لكل الفكر و الثقافة والسلام في الكون في ديوان ورقي إلكتروني موحد للعالم ، ثمرة جهد كبير و عطاء من الجهد و الوقت والمال و السهر من أجل كوكب السلام العالمي ، دمت بخير و دامت عطاياكم تنير الكون.@الجميع ، متابعيندعو @الأصدقاء الكرام بالمشاركة.(المسابقة الادبية السنوية )يسر ادارة اتحاد نخبة المبدعين العرب أن يعلن عن اجراء المسابقة الادبية السنوية  والتي تشمل ( الشعر . والقصة  . والمقالة  ) فعلى الادباء الراغبين بمشاركة منجزاتهم الادبية   ارسالها بالتعليقات لاختيار عشر فائزين وذلك حسب التقييم الصادر  من قبل اللجنة الخاصة بالمسابقة ولتوثيق ابداعهم بديوان ادبي خاص والمتكون من 200 صفحة يصدرة الاتحاد في مطلع العام الجديد 2024  كما سيصدر ديوان اخر يضم كافة  المشاركات مرفقة بالسيرة الذاتية لكل كاتب و سيكون الاهتمام بالدقة وسلامة اللغة من ضمن  درجات التقييم  راجين عدم ارسال النص مصور وتدوين اسم الكاتب والبلد مع صورة شخصية واضحة ترسل السيرة الذاتية عبر الايميل  [email protected]علما ان اخر موعد لاستلام المشاركات يوم  20 ديسمبر مع امنياتنا بالتوفيق للجميع المنسق العام للمسابقة The general coordinator of the competition, DrAngela Kosta تقبلوا تحيات  رئيس مجلس الادارة                        سمو الاميرة د.نارزين بني هاشم النائب العام سمو الامير د.أحمد الصمد  Ahmad Al Samad المدير العام و مدير البرامج Suhail Suhail نائب رئيس مجلس الادارة د.عقيلة بعبوش عقيلة بلقاسم بعبوش مدير العلاقات العامة د.ناجح ناجح أحمد المستشار العام د. Luma Al Rubaie رئيس اللجنة  د. ايمن العجمي نائب رئيس اللجنة الاستاذة المستشار النفسي الباحثة د.أميرة عبدالمجيد أشرم سوريا د.أميرة أشرم The management of the Arab Creators is pleased to announce annual literary competition, which includes (hair and the story), and the questionnaire), and literature, wish to share its literary achievements, sent comments to choose ten winners by assessing the Special Committee For special and exported literary principles in the previous year 2024 and another will be issued through all the following biography and will pay the accuracy and safety of language from within the scores Rajin evaluation does not send the text of the photographer and take the text of the photographer's name and country name with clear personal image Your CV via [email protected] Note that the last date for jobs on December 20 with the success of our wishes for all our greetings Chairman SMRI HRH Princess D. Narzine Bani Hashem
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elmas-66 · 2 months
Le poesie di Graciela Diana Pucci presentate da Angela Kosta che ne ha curato la traduzione
Foto cortesia di Angela Kosta e Graciela Diana Pucci POESIE DA GRACIELA DIANA PUCCI (ARGENTINA) Graciela Diana Pucci Fontana è nata a Buenos Aires, in Argentina, dove risiede ancora oggi.Lei è di nazionalità: Italo – Argentina.Graciela è l’editore della sua rivista Letteraria e d’Arte “Literarte”, dichiarata con interesse culturale dall’Onorevole Consiglio Deliberativo di Vicente López, Buenos…
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