#Matthew Freeman
teddyniffler · 2 months
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"I'm sorry, Matt," Scott said. "They told me what to do. I didn't have any choice. "You don't have to blame yourself," Matt said. "I knew you were going to betray me." "You couldn't have known." Scott stared at Matt, suddenly angry. "If you knew, why did you come?" "I told you in the dreamworld. We all have a part to play. This is yours." "To betray you?" "Yes."
The Power of Five: Oblivion
Anthony Horowitz.
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artdork26 · 1 year
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It’s been a while since I made anything for the Po5 and I decided to make some sketches of them last night.
I only had enough energy for four of them but I like how they turned out, especially Scar. Hoping I can get back into this series
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sodamnbored · 25 days
This is how Oblivion went, right?
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scripta21 · 5 months
Fevers of the Mind Poetry & Art Digest, revue de poésie, N°12, avril 2024
« Sing Song », Fevers of the Mind Poetry & Art Digest, N°12, avril 2024, édition papier et kindle, URL : https://feversofthemind.com/2024/04/24/now-out-fevers-of-the-mind-issue-12-national-poetry-month-2024
Le numéro 12 de Fevers of the Mind Poetry, Art & Music célèbre plusieurs grands morceaux de poésie de Fevers of the Mind au cours des dernières années ainsi que de nouvelles contributions : David L O'Nan, HillLesha O'Nan, MS Evans, Scott Thomas Outlar, Anne Paulet (Scripta 21), Angela Kosta, Rachel Coventry, Jimmy Webb, Lorna Wood, Pasithea Chan, Anushna Biswas, Owen Bullock, Robin McNamara. , David Hay, Nina Parmenter, Steve Denehan, Cat Dixon, Victoria Leigh Bennett, Maxine Rose Munro, Petar Penda, Kevin Hibshman, Shobana Gomes, Gayle J. Greenlea, Oz Hardwick, Stephen Kingsnorth, Vicky Allen, Matthew Freeman, Barney Ashton- Bullock, Kathryn Anna Marshall, Tuur Verheyde, Anna Rozwadowska, Hiram Larew, Marie Little, Rickey Rivers Jr, Gordon Lewis, Colin Dardis, Karlo Sevilla, Michael Igoe, Sarika Jaswani, Kushal Poddar, Christina Strigas, Adrian Ernesto Cepeda, John Grey, Renee Williams, Peach Delphine, Stephen Watt, Jennifer Patino, Katrina Kaye, Paula Hayes, Ryan Quinn Flanagan, Tianna Godsey, Elizabeth Cusack, Khadeja Ali, Charlotte Oliver et Samantha Terrell
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belongstocaptaindoyle · 7 months
Andrew: Why are you on the floor? Corky: I'm depressed. Corky: Also I was stabbed, can you get Freeman, please.
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whoreofdilfs · 1 year
if u see ghostface running after me, look away! he didnt do anything wrong! if i die he caught me slipping! dont charge him anything! especially not for murder! it was my fault entirely!
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bobcatblahs · 5 months
Purple Shirt Brain Rot
You guys remember the purple shirt?
Because I dooooo
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didanagy · 9 months
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dir. lasse hallström and joe johnston
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ghostampire · 5 months
"You fuckin' hit me with the phone, dick!"
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gameofthunder66 · 11 months
'The Dark Knight Rises' (2012) film
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-watched 10/19/2023- 4 stars- on Max
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teddyniffler · 8 days
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All the Power of Five references in Alex Rider We are so starved for content that we have to be delusional and find our own.
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Who Was The Best Ghostface?
Ranking all Ghostface killers from the "Scream" movies in order of who was the best at being Ghostface, in my opinion. Taking into account a few factors; who had the better motives, how much they contributed to the attacks/killings, how far they got in their plan and how well they executed it and possibly some other factors. Some might out way the others but I'll try to explain my thoughts as best I can. So let's get started. 13. Jason Carvey: while his motive was fine, it wasn't one of the better ones. It was just a continuation of Amber and Richie's pretty much. However, since he was one of the opening kills it makes sense why they wouldn't waste a good motive on him and Greg. The fact he was found out and killed so quickly proves he's the worst Ghostface so far though.
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12. Richie Kirsch: this really depends on how you watch and analyze "Scream V" but from my point of view, Richie didn't kill anyone. The only confirmed attacks to be him were Sam and Mindy which both failed. The directors have already said in interviews that he barley did any of the work and Sam even mentions in "Scream VI" that "he made his girlfriend do all the killing." Like many fans of the franchise, you may be thinking "how could she possibly know that?" It's not that hard to figure out when for most of the movie/attacks Richie was with Sam or close by and with Gale's investigation instincts she could've easily found out where Amber and Richie were most of the time. Example: going to the hotel Richie was at and asking when he arrived there and if he left would help figure out if he actually participated in the killing of Judy and Wes. He basically let someone much younger than him do all the dirty work and pull the strings while thinking he was in charge the whole time. It would've been different if he betrayed her in the end like a couple of other who made it higher on this list but he never even got the chance. His motive was good though but not good enough to save him from being this low on my list.
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11. Stu Macher: okay, I know this is going to piss people off because he's one of the originals and a fan favorite so everyone hold him up on a pedestal along with Billy but again, like Richie, I guess it really depends on how you view the movie. Stu does the least amount of work and on top of all that he makes the mistake of trusting his partner and by doing so is almost killed and betrayed by him. Roman even mentions in "Scream 3" that he suggested Billy get a partner to frame in case he's caught. I have no doubt in my mind if they were successful that Stu would've ended up dead or in jail anyway.
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10. Quinn Bailey: she was a pretty decent Ghostface but honestly, I don't know how far she would've gotten if her father wasn't a detective or helping her. Faking her death was smart because not only does it take her off the suspect list but it allows her to do kills while her father and brother get alibis but again, without her father being a detective it would've made it much harder executing her fake death so because of that she still pretty low on my list but higher then they others because she actually did a decent amount of the dirty work and wasn't betrayed by her partners. Although it's widely disliked in this fandom, I actually liked their motive and the fact that it was a family seeking revenge, not just a parent or sibling.
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9. Ethan Landry: I decided to put Ethan a place higher than his sister because he seemed more aggressive and willing to me. He killed Quinn's hookup and then proceeded to take on three people (Sam, Mindy and Anika) at once and wounding two of them and then killing one of them. While not factual, I think he would have made it further without his father's help than Quinn did because while Wayne was the brains behind it I feel like he didn't help Ethan quite as much as Quinn.
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8. Wayne Bailey: since he was the mastermind and brains behind these attacks I think it's fair to place him above his kids. Being a detective put him at a higher advantage as well. Not only was he an aggressive Ghostface but I think his plan was well thought through and executed fairly well and as already mentioned, I actually really like their motive even if it's just another version of Nancy's motive from "Scream 2."
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7. Billy Loomis: his motive was to kill Maureen because she was sleeping his his father causing his mother to abandoned them. Which would've been okay if it stopped there but he kept going. It would've made sense if he tortured Sidney while Maureen was still alive. Since she's dead, what's the point? Sidney didn't do anything. At this point their just doing it for fun, I guess? Which is fine, I guess. I can look past that. What puts him kind of low on my list is that he and Stu start stabbing each other to paint themselves as victims before they kill Sidney and Neil. He was carrying out his plan pretty well before that. He killed Maureen, framed Cotton and got away with it for a whole year which is why I let him be a little higher on my list than I originally wanted him to be.
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6. Charlie Walker: this is another one that kind of depends on how you view and analyze the movie but in my opinion, Charlie kills everyone in "Scream 4" besides Trevor. With that, he's already a great Ghostface but what knocks him down to seventh place for me is that he was so blinded by his infatuation for Jill that he trusted her to wound him instead of doing it himself, leading to her betraying him and ultimately resulting to his death.
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5. Mickey Altieri: I'm putting Mickey right before Charlie because they're situations are very similar. While Nancy helped Mickey more than Jill helped Charlie, I think Mickey still did most of the dirty work but mostly because he wanted to since it's implied he was already a serial killer prior to the event of "Scream 2." Like Charlie he was betrayed by his partner but unlike Charlie it wasn't due to him being blinded by love or anything like that. It was rather sudden and caught him off guard. Ultimately, trusting a stranger and it leading to him being betrayed and almost murdered instead of staying on guard and killing her first loses him points. Plus, his motive was stupid and I didn't like it at all.
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4. Nancy Loomis: her motive is rather simple but it's one of the better ones: good old fashioned revenge. She was also smart enough to get someone on the inside (Mickey) because she obviously couldn't been seen by Sidney. She was also partnered with someone who was already a serial killer so it was smart of her to kill him before he could turn on her. Plus, his motive would've more than likely fucked her over which she was very much aware of.
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3. Amber Freeman: as I already mentioned when talking about Richie, I believe Amber did all the killing (or at the very least, most.) The directors/writes have basically confirmed in on and off screen that she was the mastermind but let Richie believe he was in charge and did most of the work. She wasn't manipulated into doing the killing, she wanted to and you can see that with how excited she gets after her reveal. She was the one who informed Richie Sam was the daughter of Billy Loomis and she more than likely told him to take Tara's inhaler because the spare one was at her house and she knew Tara would have to go there to get it (Richie literally says "I can't believe this worked" as if he doubted Amber.) Amber also killed a legacy character and wounded the other two. She took on Sidney and Gale, two full grown women, at the same time and even though she ultimately ended up dying she did some damage. Her motive was 10/10 for me. I don't know why people hate it because they literally sound like Amber and Richie complaining about it. She was a child carrying a full grown man. That's embarrassing, which is why Richie is so low but it's iconic for Amber to accomplish so much for being so young.
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2. Roman Bridger: he was the only Ghostface to go solo which means he did all the work. He deserves the recognition doing it all himself and getting as close as he did. He also technically started it all by convincing Billy to kill Maureen. I know a lot of people, including the cast, thought it was random for Roman to be Sidney's brother but I think it makes so much sense and I think they executed it well. The storyline wasn't anymore random than Billy having a daughter that no one knew about for years but Amber found out like nothing.
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1. Jill Roberts: in my opinion, she is the smartest Ghostface and quite frankly the best when it comes to planning and getting away with it. Sure, she made Charlie do all the Ghostface killings and kills only Trevor and her partner but that's the genius part. Her goal was to become the new Sidney so she had to keep her hands clean as much as possible. She was the only one smart enough to not let her partner wound her and instead betrayed him before he could her. She killed everyone (or so she thought) before beating the shit out of herself and making herself look like the victim. She's the one who got the closest to killing Sidney and getting away with it and shes the only Ghostface to not scream like a maniac when she “comes back” after being seemingly killed. Her motive was 10/10. I remember watching "Scream 4" for the first time and thinking how relevant it was at the time and it's only gotten more relevant with time.
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mikeyxfreeman · 6 months
ART POST!! got stuff I drew for my beloved's birthday so I'm posting it now, just a mix of diff pairings ahaha...
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annmaximoff18 · 16 days
Mayores Of Becky G describes my love for older men
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elsvenus · 11 months
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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 for ellie williams, abby anderson, lottie matthews, van palmer, nat scatorccio, amber freeman, hazel callahan, lupe garcía and jess mccready. the only male i write for is finnick odair as he is my comfort character please do not pester me about it, i am a lesbian and i do not feel comfortable with any others. soon to be found 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 here. no topics are off limits, i want to practice my writing so please submit requests.
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Morgan Freeman as Theodore Joadson, Chiwetel Ejiofor as Ensign Covey, & Matthew McConaughey as Roger Sherman Baldwin in Amistad (Film, 1997).
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