imagine: you get your memories back after years of amnesia to find out your whole species is dead and earth doesn’t exist anymore. that the only thing left of your culture is your weird ex and his busted honda civic that barely even works that he stole from the government when he was 13. And he’s been taking members of an alien species for trips in his honda civic and they’re all like “woah it’s so cool” and you get upset because it’s NOT COOL it’s a honda civic, the turn signals don’t even work “wow it can go up hills” yeah OF COURSE IT CAN GO UP HILLS EVERY CAR COULD DO THAT. but they’ve never seen a car before so everything it does is the coolest thing ever. And your ex’s only tool is a fucking screwdriver which is somehow also cool to this dumbass alien species even though it’s a fucking screwdriver so you just look like an idiot screaming about how none of this is even cool it’s actually really shitty but your whole planet is gone so you can’t even prove it but also you’ve had a constant drumming sounding in your head since you were 10 slowly driving you insane. I would become evil too.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
realized it's been 10 years since had to show id to see an age restricted movie...
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thatsrightice · 11 months
F-14 Tomcat Variants
A beginner’s guide to identifying and differentiating the different F-14 Tomcat variants using three distinctive, easy-to-spot features: Glove Vanes, Engine Exhaust Nozzle (aka “Turkey Feathers”), and Sensor Pods.
NUMBER BUILT: 637 total
INTRODUCED: 22 September 1974
The F-14A’s were the first Tomcats ever produced. The TF30 engines were initially an interim engine used during testing but it was later decided they would be used in full production of the F-14A. A total of 478 F-14As were delivered to the US Navy and 79 were delivered to Iran with the TF30-P-412A engine. Iran was supposed to receive 80 aircraft but the last one was given to the US Navy. Later in production, the final 102 F-14A’s were delivered to the US Navy with Pratt & Whitney TF30-P-414A engine.
The A-variant is the only variant of the Tomcat to have Glove Vanes. They were designed to automatically deploy when the aircraft was flying at speeds greater than Mach 1.4 and retract when below in order to correct the tendency for the Tomcat’s nose to pitch downwards at high speeds. They were notoriously difficult to maintain and the benefit was marginal at the speed they were designed for, so the glove vanes were disconnected entirely and welted shut. The glove vanes were not featured on new F-14 Tomcats, but the outline of the glove vane makes it easy to identify an F-14A or an F-14B/F-14D that was a rebuilt F-14A.
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When compared to the F110 engines, it becomes pretty easy to tell the difference. When you look at the TF30 engine nozzle, you’ll see a lot of small metal plates, “Turkey Feathers,” that expand and contract when the nozzle opens and closes. It’ll be easier to tell the difference once you take a look at the General Electric F110 engine used on later F-14 Tomcat variants. This is the BEST way to identify an F-14A.
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I recommend using the TF30 engine as the best way to identify an A-variant Tomcat as they are the only variant with those engines, however, I am choosing to include a section on the sensor pods for your reference as it is important for identifying the B and D-variants. The F-14A features a single sensor pod located below its chin but can come in a variety of configurations.
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F-14A+ aka F-14B
NUMBER BUILT: 81 Aircraft (38 new builds, 43 upgraded F-14As)
Initially designated the F-14A+, the upgrade is primarily characterized by the replacement of the Pratt & Whitney TF-30 engine with the General Electric F110-GE-400 engine due to being notoriously problematic. Many of the avionic systems and radars were retained, but the ALR-67 Radar Homing and Warning system was added. The A+was redesignated to the F-14B on 1 May 1891.
In the late 1990’s, the F-14Bs were upgraded again to extend its airframe life and upgrade the avionics system, but it was not given a variant designation due to the lack of major changes.
F110-GE-400 engines
ALR-67 Radar Homing and Warning system
As stated in the section for the A-variant, the glove vanes were welded shut and completely disconnected on all existing Tomcats. On new builds, they weren’t even included in the design, however, if the aircraft is an upgraded F-14A, you might see the glove vane outline. This would be a way you can identify which aircraft were originally F-14As (Rebuild) and which were completely new builds.
Because most of the F-14B models were upgraded F-14As, it’s a little tricky to tell the difference sometimes. The easiest way is the F110 engine nozzle’s large turkey feathers. In comparison, the turkey feathers on the F110 engine are significantly larger and fewer in number, making it easily identifiable.
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If you see a Tomcat with guide vanes and the F110 engine, then you can infer that it isn’t an F-14A. But to tell the difference between an F-14B and an F-14D, you’ll need to examine the sensors located below the chin.
Similar to the A-variant, the F-14B only has a single sensor pod located below its nose. The B model only had one true configuration with the Tactical Camera System (TCS), however, it may have an Aerodynamic Cover. This image from M.A.T.S. best shows the only possible sensor pod configurations for the F-14 A and B. The bottom two diagrams represent the B-variant.
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F-14D Super Tomcat
NUMBER BUILT: 55 aircraft (37 new, 18 upgraded F-14As)
The F-14D, much like the F-14B, featured many avionics upgrades, including a new AN/APG-71 radar radar to replace the AWG-9 used in the A and B-variants and digital avionics systems. The D-variant, also called the Super Tomcat, featured the same F110-GE-400 engine used on the B-variant. There were many other upgrades to the F-14 Tomcat’s systems in this variant.
F110-GE-400 engine
AN/APG-71 radar
Glass cockpit
As stated in the section for the A-variant and the B-variant, the glove vanes were welded shut and completely disconnected on all existing Tomcats. On new builds, however, they weren’t even included in the design. The rebuilds, however, might have the glove vanes if they were not removed during the rebuild process. F-14Ds upgraded from F-14As may also be designated F-14D(R)s, where R stands for rebuild.
Many of the F-14Ds were rebuilt F-14As, so it’s a little tricky to tell the difference sometimes. The easiest way, similar to the F-14B, is the F110 engine nozzle’s large turkey feathers. In comparison to the TF30 engine, the turkey feathers are significantly larger and fewer in number.
The main differentiating feature between the F-14B and D variants is the sensor pods located below the chin of the aircraft. This variant features two sensor pods as opposed to the one sensor pod of previous variants. This allows the aircraft to have both the Infra-Red Seeker pod and the Tactical Camera System (TCS). The F-14D is the only variant to have both, making it the easiest way to distinguish it from other variants.
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usafphantom2 · 2 months
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When Grumman flew F-14A No. 3 with the starboard wing locked fully forward and the port wing swept fully aft (Today this Tomcat is on display at the Cradle of Aviation Museum)
The F-14 Tomcat
Overall, the US Navy’s Grumman F-14 Tomcat was without equal among Free World fighters of the Cold War. Six long-range AIM-54A Phoenix missiles could be guided against six separate threat aircraft at long range by the F-14’s AWG-9 weapons control system. For medium-range combat, Sparrow missiles were carried; Sidewinders and a 20mm were available for dogfighting. In the latter role, the Tomcat’s variable-sweep wings gave the F-14 a combat maneuvering capability that could not have been achieved with a “standard” fixed planform wing.
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VF-2 F-14 Print
This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. F-14A Tomcat VF-2 Bounty Hunters, NK201 / 159625 / 1976
Designed in 1968 to take the place of the controversial F-111B, then under development for the Navy’s carrier fighter inventory, the F-14A used the P&W TF30 engines and AWG-9 system and carried the six Phoenix missiles that had been intended for the F-111B. A completely new fighter system was designed around these with emphasis on close-in fighting “claws” along with standoff missile fighting. From its first flight on 21 December 1970, the F-14A has come through five years of development, evaluation, squadron training and initial carrier deployments to become the carrier air wings’ most potent fighter. Technical and financial problems that received a great deal of publicity have been overcome in achieving this goal.
When Grumman flew F-14A No. 3 with the starboard wing locked fully forward and the port wing swept fully aft (Today this Tomcat is on display at the Cradle of Aviation Museum)
F-14A, Aircraft No. 3, BuNo. 157982 at the Cradle of Aviation Museum
F-14A No. 3
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F-14A [Aircraft No. 3, Bureau Number (BuNo.) 157982], the third Tomcat produced and one of the prototypes used in the early testing of the aircraft, is currently on display at the Cradle of Aviation Museum at Mitchel Field, Long Island.
Several things make this particular Tomcat significant. First, she is the oldest surviving F-14 in the world.
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When Grumman flew F-14A No. 3 with the starboard wing locked fully forward and the port wing swept fully aft (Today this Tomcat is on display at the Cradle of Aviation Museum)
F-14A, Aircraft No. 3, BuNo. 157982 at the Cradle of Aviation Museum
No. 3 first flew on Dec. 28, 1971 with Grumman Test Pilots Don Evans (pilot) and Dennis Romano (Weapon Systems Officer). As told by David F. Brown in his book Tomcat Alley: A Photographic Roll Call of the Grumman F-14 Tomcat, she was then delivered on Jan. 4, 1972.
The second interesting thing about BuNo. 157982 is that while operating out of the Grumman Flight Test Facility at Calverton, New York, No 3 was primarily used for determining the entire structural envelope for the F-14 and investigating certain flight characteristics under extreme conditions.
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When Grumman flew F-14A No. 3 with the starboard wing locked fully forward and the port wing swept fully aft (Today this Tomcat is on display at the Cradle of Aviation Museum)
One of these was in response to concerns raised by the US Navy regarding asymmetrical wing sweep. The asymmetrical wing sweep program came as a result of an incident in the fleet where the wings on one Tomcat in flight experienced a slight misalignment with the degree setting for each wing. This resulted in concern by the Navy if this problem persisted could the F-14 safely land as well as take off. No. 3 is best remembered for the photo shown above (The presence of a star and bar on both wings led some to believe that this was a cleverly-faked piece of photographic trickery, but in fact the photo really does show Tomcat 3 with her wings swept differentially, with the starboard wing locked fully forward, and the port wing swept fully aft).
Flight tests
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When Grumman flew F-14A No. 3 with the starboard wing locked fully forward and the port wing swept fully aft (Today this Tomcat is on display at the Cradle of Aviation Museum)
F-14A, Aircraft No. 3, BuNo. 157982 at the Cradle of Aviation Museum
As explained by William Barto, F-14 NATOPS illustrator, Historian and on the Board of Directors of the F-14 Tomcat Association and museum associate, Cradle of Aviation Museum, in an article for the F-14 Tomcat Association, a series of flight tests were conducted from December 19, 1985 to February 28, 1986. Grumman’s Chief Test Pilot, Chuck Sewell, conducted several trials with the right wing locked in the forward position of 20 degrees, and positioned the left wing at 35, 50, 60 and 68 degrees of sweep in flight. 60 degrees was determined as the maximum for landing. In the event of an operational in-flight malfunction, Sewell found the aircraft to be acceptable for carrier landings in this configuration.
The famous photo of asymmetrical wing sweep with the right wing at 20 degrees and the left wing at 60, proved in an extreme way that the jet could still perform.
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When Grumman flew F-14A No. 3 with the starboard wing locked fully forward and the port wing swept fully aft (Today this Tomcat is on display at the Cradle of Aviation Museum)
Tomcat No. 3 flew for the last time in 1990 and she was stricken on Sep. 20, 1994. Acquired by the Cradle of Aviation Museum in 1995, No. 3 is shown here on display in Hangar 2. It is also interesting to note that Tom Gwynne, Vice President for External Relations for the “Cradle”, and Grumman Test Pilot No. 72, flew No. 3 on several occasions.
F-14 pilot recalls doing a barrel roll over a Bear for the Soviet crew, F-4 pilot recalls a Tu-95 crew member holding up Playboy magazine in the window of his bomber
Photo credit: Grumman and William Barto
Dario Leone
Dario Leone is an aviation, defense and military writer. He is the Founder and Editor of “The Aviation Geek Club” one of the world’s most read military aviation blogs. His writing has appeared in The National Interest and other news media. He has reported from Europe and flown Super Puma and Cougar helicopters with the Swiss Air Force.
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ministeriofaladeus · 2 years
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Quando nossos pensamentos estão nas coisas do alto, nos preocupamos menos com as coisas da terra! As situações do nosso dia a dia podem desviar nossos olhos de Deus, mas ao colocamos nossas preocupações diante dele o Senhor nos sustentará. A comunhão do Filho com o Pai era tão grande que Jesus declarou aos seus discípulos que “Eu e o Pai somos um”. Jo 10:30. A vontade de Deus é que sejamos também um com Ele. Que a nossa comunhão seja perfeita, mas isso depende exclusivamente da nossa disposição de buscar a Deus, com todo o nosso coração. Deus afirmou ao povo de Israel, por meio do profeta Jeremias que quando aquele povo o buscasse de todo o coração eles O achariam. “Buscar-me-eis, e me achareis, quando me buscardes de todo o vosso coração”. Jr 29:13. “E serei achado de vós, diz o Senhor (…)”. Jr 29:14a. Independentemente das circunstâncias, busque a Deus sobre todas as coisas, grandes coisas Ele fará em sua vida, mas tudo dependerá da sua dedicação a Ele e de como está o seu coração para buscá-lo. Todos dependemos de Deus e precisamos nos aproximar mais dele. Quanto mais buscamos a Deus, mais crescemos e ele nos ajuda a superar as dificuldades. Quando estamos buscando primeiramente Seu Reino, estamos sob o Seu cuidado e todas coisas serão supridas por Ele. Deus abençoe! - Ministério de Evangelização Fala DEUS 📖🔥 - #bomdia #palavradedeus #bibliadiaria #deusébom #jesus #maravilhosagraca #salvacao #sabedoria #espiritosanto #jovemsabia #devocional #milagre #jesusteama #versiculo #reinodedeus #pensenisso #ministeriofaladeus https://www.instagram.com/p/CoHoq9GLPYz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scalehangar182 · 2 years
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Eduard resin/PE ejection seat for F-14A #scalemodels #modelkit #scalemodel #f14tomcat #plastickit #plasticmodels #resinmodel #ejectionseat #resinfigure #modelarstwo #modelismo #scalemodelkit #modelkit #photoetched #48scale #tamiya #f14 #navy #navy jet #tamiyatomcat #f14a https://www.instagram.com/p/CmMUbPPNK9j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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duckmodelkits · 2 years
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🦆🤖F-14A 1/72 Macross Zero #マクロスゼロ #macrosszero #マクロス #macross #modelmaking #duckmodelkits #modelkit #f14 (en El Ingenio, Cajón del Maipo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Coa-FAkJTUo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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podcasts-8-my-heart · 23 days
G, V, P, E for the music asks?
G - a song, album, or artist that you've tried to get into, but just can't
(Certain aspects of modern country music.) Keith Urban.
V - an album you never get tired of
Folie â deux- Fall out Boy
P - song by an artist that someone you love really likes
E - song without lyrics that you're fond of
Gonna give another.
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thatanthagirl · 4 months
* BibleStudyTools.com
How to Pray Through the Armor of God
The Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the church of Ephesus about the armor of God. Many of us are familiar with the armor of God, but may often wonder what this really means, and how it is relevant for Christians in today’s world.
“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:11-12).
This passage in Scripture alerts us to the reality of the enemy who schemes against us and attempts to cause destruction in our lives. The power of this passage is the significant reminder that we are not left unprotected. There is an armor of God that we can put on as we face battles and challenges. Truly, it is a visual of God’s love surrounding and protecting his children.
Putting on the armor of God demonstrates our trust in God, his love for us, and his power over our lives. We can put on the armor of God each day by reciting in prayer this passage in Ephesians.
What Is the Armor of God?
The Apostle Paul spent a great amount of time in Ephesus and ministered to that church longer than anywhere else he traveled. It is in his letter to the Ephesians that we find the passage about the armor of God.
“Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand” (Ephesians 6:13).
Paul wrote in this letter about the spiritual battles we face as Christians. Scripture acknowledges the reality of demonic presence and forces. The Bible teaches that we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against the dark forces of this world. This passage in Ephesians affirms that God has not left us on our own. God equips us to resist the enemy and be protected in these circumstances.
The analogies Paul uses match what a Roman soldier would have worn, which would have been easily understood by Paul’s original audience. Christians today can still envision the pieces of armor worn and how they protect and help us fight.
The pieces of the armor of God include a belt, breastplate, shoes, shield, helmet, and sword. The armor of God includes mostly defensive pieces, but the sword is the piece of the armor of God which we can use in offense. It is God’s word that we can use to fight false teachings and come against wickedness.
A Prayer to Put on the Belt of Truth
“Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist” (Ephesians 6:14a).
Gracious and Mighty Lord, today I put on the full armor of God, so that I can withstand against the wicked plots of the enemy against me. I know I do not fight against flesh and blood, but against evil spiritual forces. I stand firm, planted in you, my Savior. I put on the belt of truth around my waist. I affirm and believe in your truth alone, Lord, and will not fall into the trap of believing the lies of the world. Guide me in your truth, and to not lose sight of that. Help me to know your truth versus the deceitfulness of the enemy.
A Prayer to Put on the Breastplate of Righteousness
“…with the breastplate of righteousness in place” (Ephesians 6:14b).
Lord, I put on the breastplate of righteousness. For I know that I have been forgiven and freed from death because of Jesus. I live in Christ as a new man/ woman and pursue righteousness over sinfulness and the desires of my flesh. Help me walk in your ways of goodness, humility, and love, so that I live a life of righteousness that is pleasing to you and draws others to want to know more about you.
A Prayer for Feet Fitted with the Readiness from the Gospel of Peace
“With your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace” (Ephesians 6:15).
Lord, I pray that my feet would be fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. I step into that readiness and live out a firm foundation of peace in my relationship with You. You have empowered me to be a peacemaker. By your might, help me to foster real peace everywhere I go in your name.
A Prayer to Take Up the Shield of Faith
“In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one” (Ephesians 6:16).
Lord, I take up the shield of faith. I will not doubt. I will not worry. I will trust you to be faithful to your promises, and that you will provide all that I need. This shield of faith will quench every fiery dart the enemy throws my way. I will not be shaken, rather, I will trust in you each day regardless of my circumstances.
A Prayer to Put on the Helmet of Salvation
“Take the helmet of salvation” (Ephesians 6:17a).
Lord, I take and put on the helmet of salvation. My salvation in Christ is a gift. I believe with all my heart and mind that Jesus died for my sins and has saved me from death. I will not doubt my salvation; instead I will believe in the redemptive work Jesus accomplished on the cross and rejoice in His resurrection because I serve a living God who rose again. Thank you for saving me and offering the gift of salvation to the whole world.
A Prayer to Take Up the Sword of the Spirit
“[Take] the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17b).
Lord, I take the word of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Your word helps me know who you are, become aware of my sin, and to know your truth. I will use your word to fight against my enemies. Let your word be a lamp to my feet and allow it to purify my thoughts and intentions. I will read, learn, and live out what your word says so that I can share the Gospel and help others find their salvation in you.
Be Alert and Aware
As followers of Jesus, we can pray every day to put on the armor of God. It is what protects us and equips us to fight back against the schemes of the enemy. Paul concludes his armor of God discourse with a reminder to pray often, be alert to attacks, and pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people” (Ephesians 6:18).
When we are equipped with the armor of God, we can battle through prayer and by declaring Scripture over ourselves, our lives, and on behalf of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The Lord fights our battles and gives us protection from the enemy who tries to tempt and destroy the faith of believers. We are to be alert and aware of spiritual warfare taking place, and to be diligent in prayer as a way to fight these spiritual battles.
God’s love for his children is overwhelming in that he is always with us and gives us exactly what we need for every circumstance so that we will not be overcome by evil when we have put our hope and trust in him.
[Pamela Palmer is a writer, chaplain, and the founder of upheldlife.com, the platform on which she produces weekly devotionals and faith resource articles to inspire keeping faith at the center of it all. She lives and thrives on Jesus, coffee, and music. She is in pastoral ministry and gets to share in the emotional and spiritual lives of many people, being a small piece of each journey. Pamela married the perfect man for her and they have two beautiful kiddos. She has been published on herviewfromhome.com and you can follow her at upheldlife.com, or on Facebook.com/upheldlife.]
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celinetsengg · 5 months
Daily Blog 5/6 [2:18 a.m.]
hello blog today was mid af. I woke up at like 930 bye so tired and then me and natty poo walked to chem 14a lectureeee. then in the middle we got the announcement that this week would be online and I was like wut. then we got peets and I got a vanilla iced latte w oat milk as usual. then we went to sprounge and did some work. I got a rly mid chicken pesto sandwich from bcafe which was very depressing. I took like a 20 min break to watch some tv, and then I got in bed and did some work lol. but then I was feeling rly dizzy and light headed so I took a 20 min nap in the middle of doing work. then I met w yaz and chlo and we learned some dance. afterwards I went back to my room and ate some food really quickly. I had some instance rice and seaweed and miso soup it was p good. then we had our meeting which was quite a lot. after finishing up work me and natty poo got salpicon which was quite yummy. I think overall day rating 6/10 I was overall feeling unwell and did not eat enough today
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reinato · 5 months
Devocional diário Vislumbres da Eternidade
A morte e a vida estão no poder da língua; quem bem a utiliza come do seu fruto. Provérbios 18:21
Zumbis. É incrível o fascínio que surgiu no mundo literário e cinematográfico por esses seres meio mortos ou meio vivos que têm um desejo patológico de ingerir carne humana. Filmes, séries, livros, revistas em quadrinhos estão inundados desses personagens de ficção. Personagens de ficção? Evidentemente, os zumbis não existem, mas existem, sim, pessoas que gostam de “devorar” carne humana – e mais do que você pensa.
AVISO: O texto a seguir pode ferir sua sensibilidade.
H�� uma citação de Ellen G. White que é tão clara como contundente: “Aqueles que estão se alimentando daquilo que é o Pão da Vida, a Palavra do Deus vivo, e se deliciam com a medula e a gordura das grandiosas e preciosas promessas de Deus […], não [podem] ter nenhum desejo de se entregar a conversas tolas e de se sentar à mesa com caluniadores” (Carta 14a, 1893). Tenho certeza de que, se ela vivesse em nossos dias, teria empregado a palavra “zumbi” para se referir a esses “canibais”.
A morte e a vida estão à mercê da nossa língua. Podemos provocar sérios danos a muitos com nossas críticas, mentiras e maledicências. Isso nos deixará meio mortos – uns zumbis. Se você falar com bondade e afeto, receberá mais bondade e afeto. Se falar com maldade e desdém, receberá mais de uma mordida mal-intencionada. É curioso como alguns meio vivos só dedicam palavras de elogio aos mortos. Veja o que Ellen G. White disse sobre esse assunto: “Quantas palavras de amor são ditas acerca do morto! Quantas boas coisas em sua vida são evocadas! […] Se essas palavras tivessem sido ditas quando o fatigado espírito carecia tanto delas, quando os ouvidos as podiam escutar e o coração sentir, que aprazível quadro haveria sido deixado na memória! […] Sejamos atenciosos, agradecidos, pacientes e longânimos em nossas relações uns com os outros. Que os pensamentos e sentimentos que encontram expressão em torno do moribundo e do morto sejam introduzidos no convívio diário com nossos irmãos e irmãs em vida” (Testemunhos Para a Igreja, v. 5, p. 418 [490]).
As melhores palavras devem ser para os vivos. Esse não é um assunto sem importância. Que suas palavras vivifiquem e conduzam as pessoas à Fonte da vida!
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Crazy the Doctor has a 20% chance of dying from radiation poisoning
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busbarmachine001 · 6 months
Multi -station maternal row processing machine operation process (Chongqing mother -in -law arc processing machine manufacturer)
Cable processing tools: AV6320, 17190, 17220, 17230, 17240, AV6220, AV6310, AV6400, NP-400, WS-55, SP-87, WS-50A, BP-2A, TSC-40, P- 46, BX40, BX40B, BX90, KBX45, KBX65, LBX, WS-5A, WS-6s, WS-9S, WS-14A, WS-51A, WS-6WS-64, WS-70, SLX- AE6210, AG3010, TSC-40, SP-87
With the progress of electronic technology and automation technology, the application of the human -machine interface of the CNC system is becoming more and more extensive. The machine tool workbench is based on micro -rectification and a CNC equipment with large -scale integrated circuits as landmarks. The human -machine interface has been introduced and promoted in mass production and machine tool protection cover in batches in my country. They have created conditions for the progress of the mechanical manufacturing industry , Machine protective cover brings great benefits. Multi -site maternal arrangement processing machine operation process
Multi -functional busbar machine characteristics: This is a professional plan for a multi -functional combination of a combination of combination. Perfect considerations prevent human spoils, that is, provincial working hours, which meets the process of consistent homework, so that the personnel of the personnel are good, the perfect and high -quality perfect perfection equipment. Manual control direction valve clearly allocates the function of each operating machine.
The operation process of multi -station mobilization processing machine is made because the displacement sensor can be made according to different principles and different methods, and the "perception" method of different displacement sensors on objects is also different. Therefore, the common close switch has the following:
Increasing performance, the improvement of the performance of the ring -shaped parent line is for products. Performance is related to people's life span and other aspects of the product's life.
Ordinary steel plate: The box is welded with 5mm -6mm steel plate, and the panel is 10-12mm steel plate. Multi -site maternal arrangement processing machine operation process
The use of the busbal row processing machine is very widely related to all parts of its parts. It is precisely because of the perfect combination of each part that can make the busbal copper row processing machine better serve us!
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thatsrightice · 11 months
They had to duct tape the panels on the F-14As when it rained to protect the avionics.
The Navy plane. Deployed on aircraft carriers. In the middle of the Great Big Blue Wet Stuff. Needed to be waterproofed. With D U C T T A P E.
(Source: The F-14 Tomcast, episode 2 F-14A)
I K N O W, R I G H T ! ? ! ? !
Let’s just say the F-14 Tomcat has ✨issues✨
And salt is highly corrosive so it’s even more devastating when at sea on deployments. It’s literally insane.
I mention this in my post compiling all of the known mechanical issues of the F-14 Tomcat but I might have to make that a fun fact when I’m running low haha.
You have no idea how so unbelievably happy I am that you’re listening to the podcast (or at least a little bit of it!)!!!! My days been kind awful so this really made my day!!! 😌😌😌
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gdlcreflexiones · 9 months
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De chico con mi abuela materna, me llamaba la atención que sus hijas (mi madre y tías), le hacían regalos, preguntando en ocasiones: ¿Por qué no los usaba?, a lo que respondía:
- Ahora no chicas, cuando venga gente.
Al fallecer de 82 años y hacerse cargo de lo que dejó, encontraron regalos aún envueltos, por lo tanto, sin uso y sin saber que era, hecho que me marcó.
Más allá de la anécdota, esto surgió con fuerza al comenzar el camino del Señor, y descubrir que Dios nos ha dado regalos (Dones - Ef 4:8), que son herramientas (1 P 4:10), necesarias al transitar el mundo espiritual.
En lo natural un regalo es de quién lo recibe, así el Señor nos dice que esos dones que nos da son irrefutables (Ro 11:29).
La diferencia comienza al comprender que en lo espiritual se nos pide no descuidar ese don (1 Ti 4:14a), y quizás buscar otros (1 Co 12:31a), ya que hay diversidad (1 Co 12:4).
También importa y mucho, saber que cuando el Señor venga, pedirá cuenta de aquello que puso en nuestras manos (Mt 25:14-30), como los talentos.
La ignorancia en cualquier ámbito no es bendición, más en el mundo espiritual (1 Co 12:1), ya que desconocer lo revelado nos puede llegar a destruir (Os 4:6a).
Vale reconocer que ignoramos mucho, por ello, investigar en su Palabra, con hermanos maduros en El Señor y buscando la plenitud del Espíritu Santo, nos llevará a descubrir a lo que hemos sido llamados y por lo que seremos responsables, No dejando de crecer en el Señor (1 Co 12:31a).
Bendiciones Muchas.
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midnightactual · 10 months
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With the skin of her creatively-acquired F-14A finally sanded down—at last free of its incriminating identifying IRIAF markings—and opened up for inspection, Yoruichi was hard at work fixing up and replacing these and those structural airframe parts which had been just as creatively-maintained and replaced over the last few decades.
A remix of Storm Eagle blared on loop through the Marubeni Aerospace hangar she'd rented at Okayama Airport. It was difficult to get a private hangar big enough to accommodate a rather heavy military fighter pretty much anywhere in the world, but particularly so in Japan. She'd had to settle for this fairly obscure facility just over 500 kilometers from home.
She was eventually going to have to pull the original TF30-P-414A engines out and replace them with the F110-GE-129s she'd modified to fit the F110-GE-400 sizing specs, swap the Iranian-made radar for an AN/APG-82(V)1, completely redo the avionics and cockpit, and more besides. It was going to be a lot of work to get it up to modern standards... In due time it would be a Super Tomcat of Theseus—even more than it already was—and might be best called an F-14T, though it wouldn't really be a military aircraft anymore.
But right now, she first wanted it structurally sound and repainted. That would be good motivation for all the rest...
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