#P.S. this first chorus I keep hearing and i know it's not the lyric
an-enigmatic-mind · 1 year
He did it in Like Real People Do with "should not- could not- will not- ask"
And on my current fixation, he says "all that we intend is scrawled on sand". that evolved to "built on sand" at the end
Also he says "should not change our plans." At the beginning, feeling like however minute there is a feeling of uncertainty; which then evolves to "will not change our plans" that feels to me a greater signifier of certainty; a decision being made to be dedicated.
And the bridge growing in repetition of "we begin again" feels like a score counter but also an affirmation of persistence. That although all things end. Inevitably. This won't be how we end.
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thesunsethour · 2 months
welcome back to part 3 of eve procrastinating her final exams by ranking her favourite songs by her favourite artists. today it is The Beatles' turn
(as always i must stress this is my opinion only. but i am also very nosey, so please tell me *your* opinions too)
(i'm ignoring songs in different languages, naked versions, and also any cover songs, so focusing exclusively on anything penned by lennon-mccartney or harrison or starr)
(this took me a week and a half. for context my killers' list took two days and hozier took four hours)
without further ado:
189. Wild Honey Pie (spoiler alert: i'm not a white album fanatic)
188.       Dig It (vibey but odd little song)
187.       Maggie Mae (didn't know for years this was a liverpool folk song)
186.       Only A Northern Song (not weird enough to justify itself)
185.       Revolution 9 (it achieves john's goal. still hate it though)
184.       All Together Now (worse precursor to the frog chorus)
183.       It’s All Too Much (i would like to apologise to yellow submarine)
182.       Flying (criminal that this is so far down actually. i only have myself to blame)
181.       I’ll Get You (bit samey)
180.       Savoy Truffle (i wrote down 'harrison's own muzak')
179.       Everybody’s Got Something to Hide Except for Me and My Monkey (wtf john)
178.       Thank You Girl  (harmonica has been utilised better)
177.       Every Little Thing (pretty okay)
176.       You Like Me Too Much (george still in songwriting training)
175.       I Want To Tell You (the beginning of george's 'i don't know' refrain in his songs. keep an ear out)
174.       The Inner Light (SO very george)
173.       Her Majesty (i'm irish so this had to be this low)
172.       You Can’t Do That (great john vocals here tbh)
171.       Honey Pie (you can so clearly hear the music hall inspiration. very paul)
170.       When I Get Home (bit samey but catchy enough)
169.       There’s a Place (better harmonica)
168.       I Need You (lovely harmonies)
167.       Not a Second Time (i always forget this song exists sorry to john lennon)
166.       It’s Only Love (i always think this ones on rubber soul)
165.       I’ll Cry Instead (conversely this is very beatles for sale coded i think!)
164.       Little Child (i am a sucker for the harmonica it has to be said)
163.       You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) (really campy ad-libs. a fan)
162.       I’m a Loser (john's voice is so deep in this one??)
161.       I Don’t Want to Spoil the Party (little foot tapper of a song)
160.       Piggies (george had been reading orwell! good for him)
159.       Don’t Pass Me By (ringo! hello!)
158.       I’ll Be Back (solid enough)
157.       Doctor Robert (one of the earliest examples of 'we will sing a song about a little random man')
156.       If I Needed Someone (solid george effort)
155.       Why Don’t We Do It In The Road (apparently about two monkeys fucking. okay paul)
154.       Baby’s in Black  (clever little lyrics)
153.       It Won’t Be Long (adore the coming home line)
152.       All I’ve Got to Do (sweet enough little thing)
151.       Hold Me Tight (classic paul asking for love. a staple of the genre)
150.       What Goes On (hiiiii Ringo!)
149.       Yer Blues (my notes say 'proto-morrissey-esque, but worse)
148.       Good Night (reminds me of a musical song. also originally thought this was a paul song)
147.       She’s a Woman (really dynamic paul vocals)
146.       What You’re Doing (solid paul job)
145.       No Reply (i cannot think of this song without hearing the bloopers of YOUR FACE)
144.       Happiness Is A Warm Gun (i may get killed for having this so low. reminder that this is only my opinion)
143.       Don’t Bother Me (i *think* this is the first album song that george ever wrote!)
142.       P.S. I Love You (he loves his epistolary songs does Paul)
141.       I’m Just Happy to Dance With You (another solid foot tapper)
140.       Any Time At All (love the piano in this)
139.       I’m So Tired (same)
138.       Birthday (i hate the beginning of this song with a visceral passion. rest is grand)
137.       The Night Before (very '50s)
136.       Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (the only bad thing about this song is that it means the album is over)
135.       Another Girl (bitchy little paul song)
134.       Tell Me What You See (song gets better as it goes on i think)
133.       The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill (hello yoko)
132.       Long, Long, Long (reminds me of my sweet lord)
131.       Ask Me Why (real jazzy like)
130.       Rocky Raccoon (i'm not mad on this song but the middle is so catchy it reels me in)
129.       Old Brown Shoe (ringo reference check!)
128.       Revolution 1 (not as good as revolution the single)
127.       Cry Baby Cry (love paul's little jaunty section)
126.       Yes It Is (sexy)
125.       Dig A Pony ("everything has got to be just like you want it toohoohoohoohoohooo"
124.       The Word (reminds me of grease)
123.       Hey Bulldog (some bits of music here remind me of 'Across the Universe')
122.       I’m Looking Through You (GREAT guitar)
121.       Sexy Sadie (can't remember which journalist said that AM's 4 out of 5 has this vibe and YEAH)
120.       I Me Mine (i will always adore the "flowing more freely than wine" lyric. thank you george"
119.       Things We Said Today (paul's so good in this one)
118.       Tell Me Why (catchy bop)
117.       Run For Your Life ("that's the end" SO good)
116.       Good Day Sunshine (nicely jaunty)
115.       Rain (love the instrumentation in this one)
114.       I Will (quintessential mccartney this)
113.       Love You To (making this list and hearing george's improvement as a songwriter was amazing actually)
112.       Octopus’s Garden (bless ringo)
111.       I Feel Fine (SO catchy)
110.       With A Little Help From My Friends (ringo's very best)
109.       Martha My Dear (i'm scared of dogs but i'll let this one go)
108.       Drive My Car (the beeps beeps always annoyed me as a kid)
107.       For You Blue (it is what it says - sweet and lovely)
106.       Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (love the laughter in it)
105.       Good Morning Good Morning (the guitar here is simply too cool for this song. elevates it greatly)
104.       You’re Going To Lose That Girl (beach boys vibes?)
103.       She Said She Said (john and george buddies and pals)
102.       Wait (john and paul's voices go SO well together do you ever get emotional)
101.       Think For Yourself (ANOTHER great foot tapper)
100.       I’m Down (well *somebody* thinks they're elvis)
99.         Misery (just. great structurally)
98.         I Should Have Known Better ("this could only happen to me" oh, john)
97.         Can’t Buy Me Love (one of the more Lennonesque mccartney songs)
96.         One After 909 (how did paul not know what this was about for over a decade)
95.         I’ve Just Seen a Face (absolutely gorgeous guitar)
94.         This Boy (thaaaasss boyyyy)
93.         You Won’t See Me (fab little chorus)
92.         Maxwell’s Silver Hammer (BANG BANG MAXWELL'S SILVER HAMMER CAME DOWN UPON HER HEAD 🔨 🔨🔨)
91.         Dear Prudence ("the clouds will be a daisy chain" is a line i've always adored)
90.         Yellow Submarine (i remember being 6 and our teacher playing this for us on her guitar)
89.         Mean Mr Mustard (love when john does a bit of narrative songwriting)
88.         Revolution (superior revolution version)
87.         Now and Then (cried on the tram on the way to college listening to this when it came out. as you were)
86.         Polythene Pam (love when their accent peaks through)
85.         Baby, You’re A Rich Man (a true lennon-mccartney collab with john not finishing something and paul adding his two cents, or rather, ten or twenty cents)
84.         Hello, Goodbye (i love the end of this song so so much)
83.         Mother Nature’s Son (soft and sweet, poignant but not sappy, one of the most underrated beatles songs of all time)
82.         Free As A Bird (cried listening to this too)
81.         Glass Onion (intertextual metanarrative: the song)
80.         Taxman (baby's first political song <3)
79.         I Wanna Be Your Man (hiiiiii again ringo)
78.         From Me To You (harmonica time again baby!)
77.         Being For The Benefit of Mr Kite! (i think of this as a spooky halloween waltz)
76.         Within You Without You (quintessential george)
75.         I’m Only Sleeping (underrated on revolver methinks)
74.         Your Mother Should Know (these songs WERE a hit before my mother was born)
73.         All My Loving (pure vintage mccartney)
72.         Do You want to Know a Secret (baby george and his fab vocals)
71.         Here Comes The Sun (okay nobody kill me. stop looking at me like that. its been winter for seventeen months george i can't fucking see the sun)
70.         Julia (so beautiful)
69.         Love Me Do (how were they pop song professionals already?)
68.         I Saw Her Standing There (paul loves a good scream in the middle of a song)
67.         A Hard Day’s Night (most iconic beginning of any song ever)
66.         Magical Mystery Tour (he loves a bus does paul)
65.         And Your Bird Can Sing (john's vocals are GREAT here)
64.         Sun King (the superior sun song on abbey road)
63.         Please Please Me (just. iconic)
62.         Eight Days a Week (for how good it is i can't believe paul didn't play it live till like 2013 or smth)
61.         Real Love (i never knew this was a beatles song when i was a kid!)
60.         The End ("the love you take is equal to the love you make"... yeah...)
59.         Back in the USSR ("my-my-my-my-" very billy joel actually)
58.         Ticket to Ride (mouth-watering guitar)
57.         For No One (the wario of 'And Your Bird Can Sing' no i won't explain further)
56.         All You Need Is Love (the she loves you yeah yeah yeahs at the end...)
55.         Blue Jay Way (so wonderfully eerie to me)
54.         She Loves You (love the long and powerful held note on the last "glad")
53.         I Want To Hold Your Hand (they were children my god)
52.         Across the Universe (some of my favourite vocals)
51.         Carry That Weight (paul going through it, writing bangers)
50.         Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (desmond and molly jones are close friends of mine at this stage)
49.         Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (overrated a bit imo but still simply iconic)
48.         Penny Lane (sorry paul, john won the MMT round w strawberry fields but its okay this song still is a bop)
47.         Tomorrow Never Knows (fucking well done on this one lads. love it)
46.         Getting Better ("a little better all the time" v "it can't get no worse" is just. peak lennon mccartney)
45.         Got To Get You Into My Life (INSTANT banger)
44.         Michelle (i am a sucker for french as long as its not spoken by french people <3)
43.         Lovely Rita (i always loved this one because paul says "book" like how my nanny says it)
42.         Helter Skelter (loud, fast, and brilliant)
41.         Get Back (billy preston the man that you were)
40.         She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (best of the abbey road medley)
39.         I’ve Got a Feeling (i LOVE paul's deep voice)
38.         When I’m Sixty Four (i love paul's granny music. sue me)
37.         Come Together (john was so good at writing these nonsense songs)
36.         The Fool on The Hill (adore the "ohHhHhHhHhHhh")
35.         Fixing a Hole ("when i'm wrong, i'm right" is so very paul)
34.         Girl (BRILLIANT middle)
33.         Help! (vulnerable without overdoing it. just fantastic)
32.         Day Tripper (unashamedly sexy)
31.         And I Love Her (i love basically everything about this song. ranking got so hard from here)
30.         You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away (john was ON IT for Help!)
29.         Nowhere Man (my brother thinks this will be the name of john's biopic)
28.         Lady Madonna (my favourite genre of paul songs are songs where he voyeuristically imagines someone's life. they always slap)
27.         Paperback Writer (i also write at shitty newspapers and want to be a paperback writer. this song feels too targeted)
26.         In My Life (so pretty. SO pretty)
25.         The Ballad of John and Yoko (imagine the vibes in the recording studio. john. yoko. paul. and yet they made this banger)
24.         Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) (my first ever favourite beatles song. has since been demoted but i still adore it)
23.         I am the Walrus (john at his weirdest best)
22.         She’s Leaving Home (i love when they write narratively)
21.         If I Fell (angelic harmonies)
20.         Don’t Let Me Down (fifth beatle billy preston supremacy)
19.         Because ("love is all, love is you"
18.         I Want You (She’s So Heavy) (vocals, instruments, lyrics, vibes, all incredible)
17.         Two Of Us (and if i said this was the best album opener?)
16.         Here, There, and Everywhere (paul says this is his favourite beatles song and you know what? he's so right for that)
15.         Oh! Darling (wario of the long and winding road. no i will not elaborate either)
14.         You Never Give Me Your Money ("OUT OF COLLEGE MONEY SPENT SEE NO FUTURE PAY NOT RENT" that is... me right this actual moment)
13.         Something (george said is anyone else gonna write one of the best love songs of all time? no okay i guess i will. and he did.)
12.         Golden Slumbers (cried to this as well. must stress i am not one to cry)
11.         Eleanor Rigby (the pinnacle of the MVS - McCartney Voyeuristic Storytelling)
10.         A Day in The Life (orchestra used to scare me when i was younger)
9.           While My Guitar Gently Weeps (george's best beatles song hands down)
8.           I’ll Follow the Sun (THE MOST UNDERRATED BEATLES SONG and i will die on this hill
7.           Yesterday (my father's favourite beatles song)
6.           The Long and Winding Road (my go to song to sing in the shower for some reason?)
5.           We Can Work It Out (pure lennon-mccartney baby!)
4.           Let It Be (the first and only song i ever learnt on ukulele and i was so proud of it)
3.           Strawberry Fields Forever (do i even have to say anything?)
2.           Blackbird (everything about this song is so beautifully perfect. paul mccartney is the best songwriter of all time okay. i've spent days upon days at this list and it's now making me emotional)
1.           Hey Jude (there's a reason it tops so many best songs of all time lists. a perfect 10. no notes. iconic. the first beatles song i played on repeat. would die slash kill to experience this live)
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matchamorphosis · 3 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞
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𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 | ღ | 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 || what seems to be a normal rich summer morning with the women who lives across the honeysuckle boulevard from his cottage lies something else. a buttery rich feeling that spreads deep within Bucky’s heart as he takes his neighbor, alongside Alpine to the farmers market for coffee.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 || fluffy fluff! ➳ part one
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 || retired!bucky barnes × neighbor![black//woc]reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 || 3K ➳ 𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭 || @firefly-graphics
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 || if you think long walks with bucky and alpine in the sunny countryside are warnings then so be it but there is lots of food mentioned. ღ also reader owns a flower shop, not a warning thought just some info!
𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 || this version of cherry wine by hozier ღ this version of mystery of love by sufjan stevens ღ
𝐰. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 || eeeeep!!! so this is my first bucky with alpine fluff and i’m very glad to have it be the first for my fluffy mini series that i’m doing for this month! ღ I don’t describe reader too much throughout the story but what is clear is that I don’t specify on skin tone but yes the person in the moodboard is a woc! ღ anyways I hope you cherubs enjoy reading! ღ
+ p.s || do not repost, republish or plagiarize my work on any other fanfic platform such as: wattpad, ao3, tumblr, etc or steal my work all together. do so and i will rip your spine from your scumy asshole and shove it down your talentless throat. ♡♡♡  
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it was a lavish affair when Bucky found himself tangled with you in the bed of a million perennial petals.
clothing falling and bodies twisting themselves against each other in not lust but emotional apprehension. the soft petals of rose, carnation and violet keep pouring like blissful rain, entangling in his hair and in the crooks of your body.
enough to suffocate but enough to make him feel enveloped in the fantasy- the divination of you you you and only you.
for you are butterscotch benevolence that he will let pool like ambrosial nectar in the cavernous hollows of his collarbones. your tears of seventh heaven euphoria trickling onto his skin forming constellations- like the paint speckles on the forlonged artists canvas of his naked soul.
you are honey sunlight oozing from the basin of the candy floss sky, lacing with the shedding petals that continue to powder in their divine scent and morality. his fine pink sheets soft and silky as the rose petals of Heliogabalus, he’d sigh in heavenly pleasure to be buried alive in petals if she was drunk of the love he has for her.
he sees her playing, singing, dancing and bringing her virtuous spring song deep within the glossy shine of her honey hive eyes. love seeping in the melancholy streams leaking through the old creeky floorboards of his home and straight into the chambers of his heart.
so promising yet so grandeur as he feels his chest warm with her very touch, the ivory bow encased in the virtuous flowers of her emblem garden in his hands- he’d think that he was Cupid but oh how he’s been struck by his own arrow in great surprise. straight into the once extravagant chamber of his heart.
the spiraling golden arrow destined to pierce and rip through the tender muscle of breast to the beating vessel that writes a tragic tale of eternal ravishment in the movements of lyrical beats. muttering with languor-glazed lips, he’d keep her love like a an old locket against his chest for it’s what reminds him of home whenever he feels the cold element on his skin.
there are pieces of you scattered in the wonderous arteries of his heart.
nestled in the folds of the beating muscle, take heed.
for that is his home.
y/n is his perennial feelings left unsaid, exquisite pain yet ethereal serenity. his soft bed of roses and his deadly golden arrow, all meant to give his heart hope.
that he was- however it seems the bed of roses and all the lovely elements it holds have come to a staggering pause.
now as the sun hits the past super soldiers eyelids that dream of flower petals and the heavenly vision of you disappear. they flutter open to meet the single stream of sunlight that has slipped past the slit of the sheer bedroom curtains. brightening up the somewhat clustered space of the room with its single golden string.
Bucky sighs in defeat, this is the fifth dream he’s had of you in a month and he was barely pushing past the second week of May. before he didn’t mind the dreams, they calmed his mind while he layed in slumber during the thunderstorms of April but now they were resilient. it wasn’t no regular thing to dream about the women across the boulevard in the haven of flower fields and maple trees.
Bucky knew this but he couldn’t help but not treat these dreams sweetly. they were the definition of sweet torture, you never hurt him in those dreams as he did to himself but it was a pain to know that you probably don’t think of him the same way. for goodness sake ever since he and Alpine moved the only interactions he had with the maiden were just acknowledgments as they passed each other on their daily errands.
he shouldn't be this infatuated with someone who he's only met.
the soft hum of a purr finally awakens Bucky, his cats paw brushing against the half covered skin of his fleshed bicep. it takes a pat or two to make Bucky open his eyes to find Alpines blue hues staring back at his and he gives his furry friend a crooked smile. a chorus of meows welcoming him to another sunny morning in the peaceful and harmonious countryside.
“morning pal, ya slept well?” Bucky smiles as he lazily lifts his hand to scratch the right spot behind Alpines ear.
stretching out of bed till his feet touch the cool wood flooring, following the simple path from the bedroom to the kitchen he pours Alpine his dish of cream and gets started on his own breakfast. whisking hen eggs his neighbors from afar gifted him the day before and toasting the freshly baked loaves of bread he bought specially from the market yesterday.
Bucky normally didn’t take any gifts from anyone, he wasn’t that type of person to feel comfortable with those sort of things but as the days gone by the cheerfulness of the communities welcoming energy towards him has soften his doubt.
eating his simple breakfast paired with coffee, Bucky bites into his buttery egg toast whilst quickly scribbling down his to-do list for the day. of course there isn’t any tasks that the hundred and ten year old man has to get done but there were things that Bucky did look forward to ever since he settled in a month ago. the country was a lovely peacefulness he had forgotten about ever since he was a boy.
traveling to his grandparents farm away from the city for memorable childhood summers in the sun and fields. turning his head to meet the white linen sheets that draped over the kitchen panels, Bucky can see the herd of brown and black spotted cows from the distance. tapping the pencil against the shiny polish of the kitchen table he bites his lip on what else to add on.
his head lifts up to see through the other window that casts its lovely light against his paper. blue eyes meeting the toffee cobblestone path that led to her cottage, hidden amongst the shrubbery of acorn trees and flower budded bushes. hearing from lots of locals in the cobblestone village near the sparkling sea that she owns a little orchard of peach and cherry trees, a few strawberry patches amongst the vegetation.
it made sense why he sometimes finds a large wooden basket of those ruby fruits at his doorstep from time to time. a card inviting him over for some tea that he would agree to yet he would always call you the next day a stuttering mess canceling it over some important errands. nonetheless it made Bucky's heart swell how understanding you were, sweet just like the ripe fruits you pluck for him on Sundays.
Bucky would make copplers and sometimes pies out of them and if he wasn't so scared of the possibility of being too attracted to you he'd head over to your place so he and him would eat them in your gazebo. but of course he can't do everything his heart implores him to do. was it bad to want to get to know you and imagine what it would be like to befriend you?
maybe do lots more than just befriend you...
sometimes he would find a glimpse of your form in the distance as he headed for the lake neat the lavender fields up north to fish something for dinner. humming while you cared for your flowers, singing to them as you danced along the vintage radio. Bucky could see himself singing and dancing alongside you. caring for your precious tulips, primroses and other beautiful flowers that you sold.
those pretty flowers sweet and divine just as her lips and voice when the two first met, when he arrived in the too expensive car that stood out amongst the scenery. arms occupied with bouquets upon bouquets of trimmed flowers that practically shielded her face, his body ran straight into yours when he got out of his car. flower petals falling with the impact and him apologizing one thing led to another and he helped her with her bouquets all while being stricken when he got a clear look at her.
a clear look at you.
lovely in your sundress that flowed beautifully against your bodies soft planes, there was something about the sparkle in your eyes that made him start to stutter. something about you that made his heart bloom in a recherché flower he still can’t understand because he can still hear the velvety tone of your voice speaking your own name when giving each other’s your introduction.
from there on out a glowing ember of clustered stars burned in the pit of his belly when you spoke his name and he spoke yours. it was soft and innocent as the flowers in your arms but the introduction was cut off far too short for Bucky's liking but he promised you a coffee when he was completely settled in. having to do something so he could see you again cause oh how he wishes to hear you speak his name again and again and again till the flowers sprout, bloom and decay with each coming season.
maybe he should pay you a visit and bring up that coffee...
the music from the radio filling the bright cottage kitchen sweetly alongside the birds singing their song outside. Alpine takes his seat across from him, yawning over the new day that brings nothing but lazy laps and baked fish treats. forking a few honey drizzled raspberries in his mouth, Bucky walks to the front door and just in time the daily paper plops down on his feet from the passing paper boy whipping through the grassy roads on the shiny steel of a ringing bicycle.
bending down to retrieve the newspaper, he passes through the sidewalk of petunias and violets till he reaches his mailbox. the wood creaky and the metal rusty but the daisies that sprinted around the opening was a pretty site to see before Bucky grimaced at people from the outside world wanting to invade his privacy. grabbing the letters before smelling the sweet daisies, Bucky looks through the letters one by one. ripping some that had no use for to be used as fire food for his fireplace, grunting that even though he’s away from the tabloids and cameras there are still people eager enough to want something from him.
a soft voice from the distance pulls him out of his annoyance, it makes his eyes lift from his dreaded mail to the women a mile away singing her song as she reaches her mailbox. Bucky can’t help but look at her from afar; and maybe Alpine knows this to as he watch his lovesick owner admire the maiden from the kitchen windowsill.
with some obscene fortune he notices you checking your mailbox as well. heart pacing in his chest, he wishes he didn’t go outside before showering and at least brushing his hair for your waving to him from the distance.
“hello hello Bucky!” your sweet voice exclaims and it just adds onto the heaven that is the morning it makes his cheek hurt from how much he’s smiling.
“hello hello to you y/n. how is the shop coming along?” Bucky shouts and his heart sinks when you wave him over to you.
despite his mind telling him to not pursue closer his heart makes him walk his way to you standing next to your Valentine shaped mailbox. his worries slipping away when there's a underlying comfort in your posture and aura, alluring like the bees are to the flowers. welcoming and warm and he can't help but feel that way every time he's near you.
speaking of you, its reassuring to also know he wasn't the only one to wear pajama's out since your still in your blue silk nightgown. matching silk slippers adorning your feet, you sip from your tea cup as you read what he believes to be a Cosmopolitan.
“it’s coming along great, thank you! a bit slow the first week but that’s how any business starts but I just received my tenth loyal customer and i’m more than certain i’ll be selling lots of flowers today.” you spoke as you smiled to yourself then up at him.
checking your mail, Bucky’s surprised that you have quite a handful of letters and boxes. all written in lovely cursive and packaged nicely, almost like love letters and gifts. it makes Bucky’s heat sink, knowing that he might not be the only one who’s fallen head over heels for you. by all means you probably have the whole village under a spell with just the way you smile alone but he wants to see that smile the most.
he wants to be the reason for that smile.
“that’s sounds wonderful y/n, maybe I could stop by and pick a pretty bouquet or two," you only smile wider upon those words and much to his excitement you even brush your hand against his.
"oh really? have a special someone in your life who needs some loving?" you perk as you open an envelop but the question makes Bucky's throat dry on how he should answer.
you seem like the type of maiden who loves an honest man- yes, he should be honest.
"well... there is this one special lady." Bucky lingers and that makes you snap your attention away from the letters in your hands. voice dying in your throat at those words and heart beat hitting pause.
"I always thought Alpine was gonna be the only one to get to my soft spot- we sleep in the same bed together," he stops to laugh a bit, rubbing the back of neck with his metal arm and you laugh along with him.
"how is Alpine? i'm noticing he's getting into a routine with sleeping in my chamomile beds in the afternoon," you smile and bring your tiny tea cup to your lips. "would you care for a cup Bucky? this just so happens to be chamomile,"
"Alpine is doing good and thank you for bringing that up I was beginning to wonder where that rascal has been leaving for. will have an important talk to him once I get home and- I was going to ask you something," Bucky speaks while admiring how your thick lashes curtain your honey hive hues as you sip the steaming golden liquid.
no one should look that beautiful just drinking tea yet here he is, breathless on the simple action. if he truly wanted a cup he'd wish to drink from your tiny cup, to press his lips upon the porcelain rim where yours once brushed against. drink the sweet sunshine to experience the closest thing to your honey kiss...
"don't worry it's alright! I love looking over at him when I have tea at the back patio, he's quite a lovely guest. very well mannered, and yes Bucky is there anything I can help you with?" you cannot deny that your heart is practically skipping beats in your chest, fast and lively like the flutter of a butterfly wing.
Bucky runs his fingers through his hair, for someone who has done the simple thing of asking someone out for couple hundreds of times a hundred years ago from now it’s a disappointment that he’s lost his touch. however you don’t seem to notice or care but that doesn't mean he should give up. not when you're right here glowing in your morning dew radiance, anticipating the next words to slip past those lips.
it's now or never.
"h-how do you feel about that coffee I promised? today? I have a few errands to run in town and I was wondering if you would accompany me- on my errands... if that doesn't bother you,” Bucky rambles to a stop and he's thankful you're still smiling that closed lip grin against the porcelain of the cup.
"yes Bucky I would love that! there's a coffee cart near the shop I work at but what about your lady? she wouldn't mind us going out for coffee, would she?" you speak as you gather your letters in your arms. glancing up at Bucky to receive some conformation and Bucky bites his lips.
"I don't think she'll mind. in fact... I think she would love me to go out once in a while. I have a habit of only going out when necessary, coffee with you wouldn't hurt,"
"that's perfect, i'll see you at twelve then Bucky. you can help me open shop to," you smiled and Bucky returned an even warmer one back.
filling your heart with a rush of liason, like a tea cup filling with tea. something meant to be full and warm, embraced with someone's touch and lips as they drank each fluttering honey glazed sensation they have for one other.
something that seems to be happening right now before they break their strong eye contact, wiry- crooked smiles still embellishing their sun-freckled faces.
you wish you could kisses each one off his clean shaven cheeks right now, slightly rosy but oh how it would feel like peach skin against your lips.
Bucky wishes to kiss yours, the shine of your lips the form of heart shaped clouds and he just can't seem to get his head out of the amorous blue you cast him into.
"i'll be seeing you in an hour Bucky," you draw before walking away with a cheeky wink, your eyes still locking with his before you get to the rosy sunflower porch.
"and i'll be waiting for you doll,"
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♡♡♡ thank you for reading part one! ♡♡♡ pretty please like, reblog and/or comment what you think and if you enjoy this join my taglist to be notified of my future works! ♡♡♡
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sadienita · 4 years
A Song For You
Jihoon x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Genre: Fluff
Requested by @im-not-an-egirl-im-baby: Hi, I was wondering if you could possibly do a fic where the reader confesses to Woozi by using a song they wrote? And it's pretty fluffy? Thank you! P.s. I love your writing!
Your fingers lifted off the keys slowly as the last chord resonated, the sound slowly dying away.
“So you’re gonna play it for him, right?” your friend asked, leaning against the wall of the practice room.
“I can’t it’s not ready,” you muttered, grabbing your pencil and erasing a few notes, adjusting them slightly.
Your friend rolled her eyes. “It’s been ready for weeks. You’re just scared.”
“It’s not ready,” you hissed. “Some of the chords still aren’t right, and there’s that bit in the bridge where the melody doesn’t work, and then the leading notes here are all-”
“You’re making the same changes!” she cried, exasperated. “You’ve been making the same changes to the song for the last three weeks. You’re going back and forth but the song is done.”
You slumped back, sinking into the piano bench. “He’s gonna hate it,” you sighed.
“Oh my god!” She pushed away from the wall. “He is not going to hate it and and do you know why? Because he likes you! He definitely has feelings for you!”
“He’s nice to me, we’re friends that’s how that works,” you mumbled.
“He tolerates me, he tolerates most of us and he’s nice to his friends. You really don’t see how he looks at you?” she asked.
You gave her a confused look and she groaned.
“My dude, he looks at you like the sun shines out of your ass. How do you now see that?”
You chewed on your lip nervously before taking a drink from your water, stalling. You really hadn’t seen what she seemed to. She couldn’t be right could she?
You second guessed everything when it came to Jihoon. You read everything as him being nice to you or being your friend because that’s what he was. You knew he didn’t have lots of friends, he only got really close to a few people. But you had a hard time believing he had fallen for you. You didn’t know why you’d even written the song in the first place. There was no way you would ever have the nerve to show it to him.
“I don’t…” you mumbled.
She cursed under her breath as she left the practice room, looking like a woman on a mission. You peeked after her, both nervous and curious as to what her plan was. You watched as she walked down to the end of the hallway, listening at a door before knocking. You felt yourself flushing as Jihoon opened up the door with a slightly annoyed look as she said something quietly and pointed towards the room you were in.
You slammed the door quickly, feeling slightly panicked as you heard his footsteps coming down the hallway. You were going to kill her, you were really going to kill her.
You squeezed your eyes shut, wishing you could disappear as Jihoon knocked on the door.
“Hey, you friend said you had something to show me?” his voice was muffled through the door but not enough that he wouldn't know what you were saying.
“Y-Yeah,” you replied shakily. You were sure he would figure it out if you tried to come up with a lie now. You opened the door slowly and he met you with a small smile as he stepped into the small practice room.
“Are you okay?” he asked carefully. “You look kinda stressed.”
“I’m fine,” you squeaked, shifting from one foot to the other. A moment of silence stretched between the two of you and you felt yourself wilting.
“So… you had something to show me?” he asked.
You glanced at the piano and he followed you gaze, noticing the sheet music. A smile broke across his face as he moved towards the instrument.
“You’ve been composing?” he asked, clearly excited. He knew you loved writing and he’d helped you keep with theory class in your first year so the fact that you were composing now, a few years later, you knew excited him.
“Y-Yeah,” you mumbled. “Yeah I’ve been working on it. I-It’s not perfect yet…”
He shook his head. “It never feels perfect. Can I hear it?”
You nodded numbly, sitting at the piano bench. He perched on the edge of the bench, watching you excitedly.
You took a few deep breaths, stalling for a moment as you shuffled around the papers a little before sitting up properly. You shook out your hands and just barely caught the small smile on his lips. Sure, he was nervous when he played things for you or showed you what he was working on but he really didn’t know what you were about to play.
You brought your fingers to the keys, relaxing as you played the intro of the song. You tried your best to think of it as a performance, to block everything out. It was like a recital, like a jury, like studio. People listened to you play all the time. This was no different. You kept telling yourself that as you focused on the keys under your fingers and the lyrics falling off your lips and you hoped that he would get the hint and hoped he wouldn't all at the same time.
You still felt heat rising in your cheeks as you sang the heartfelt lyrics. You weren’t sure if you had ever wanted him to hear the song but he was hearing it now. You tried not to let the thought of him rejecting you seep into you mind as you entered the final chorus. You knew your voice wasn’t as good as it could have been, and you were kicking yourself for the sour note that you should have changed. It felt now like there were so many mistakes, like you had missed so many things. Jihoon was here for composition, what were you even thinking writing him a song?
You lifted your fingers off the keys as the final notes of the song slowly decayed. You kept your eyes on the sheet music, not daring to look at Jihoon, not even daring to asked what he thought. You were far too scared of his reaction.
“Did… Is this… Did you write this for me?” you couldn’t read his tone and it was killing you.
“Yeah,” you shifted uncomfortably. “There’s- I mean it’s not very good I just noticed a bunch of stuff I could have done better and I’m sure you heard them and my voice was pretty shaky anyway s-”
Your words died on your tongue as Jihoon hugged you tightly. You sat there, stunned as you processed his reaction, trying to figure out what it meant.
“D-Did- Do you-”
“I loved it,” he hummed, pulling back enough to look at you. There was a blush on his cheeks and you suspected that he did, in fact, understand the meaning in your song. “Why didn’t- You could have told me how you felt.”
You felt heat licking up your cheeks. “I couldn’t. Why would I? You’re incredible. You’re so smart, and talented, and you were so patient with me when we worked on theory and you’ve been such a good friend and I’m-”
“Just as fantastic?” His voice was a little unsteady as he spoke. “You- I mean I feel-” he took a deep breath. “Do you wanna go out, sometime? Or something?”
It took until that moment for relief to wash over you, a smile tugging at your lips.
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haosvteen · 4 years
i said i was going to post my slept on kpop playlist, so here it is!! this is just my favorite boy groups because that’s like...who i listen to lol :) i hope you like it!!
if anyone wants to read my rambling thoughts and favorite lyrics from each song, they’re under the ‘keep reading’ cut :) it took me like two hours to do, so if you wanna take a quick peek at me talking about “vibes” of songs and coming up with dumb little scenarios for the songs, please do :)
p.s. feel free to take a look around my spotify, i have a bunch of dumb playlists lolol
7 Days - NCT Dream: i just love the vibe of this song, it’s one of my faves to just chill and dance in my room to || ‘7 days a week, i’ll always / hover by your side / so just tell me comfortably / whenever you call me, / i can just run to you’
Break Your Rules - The Boyz: idk why but this song reminds me of a montage in a show of a boy falling in love with a girl...basically i just wanna fall in love || ‘my dreams are filled with you all night / now is a chance to make them come true’
Let me hear you say - Seventeen: you know i had to put this in like it’s probably my favorite song from an ode. just the pre-chorus, the chorus, the whole thing...*chef’s kiss*. minghao really shines in this song too (proud of my bby) || ‘i only wish for you yeah / you’re the only one sailing in my heart’
Not Alone - NCT 127: nct is typically known for “noise music”, but i don’t think people really take the time to look into songs like this that are just so pretty and beautiful || ‘even if the black night gets longer / i`m not afraid / embrace my dream more’
Drift Away - Seventeen: this song!! it’s just the sweetest sounding song, like it really is just like honey to me. that’s weird, i know, but it just makes me so happy and reminds me of like walking through a park in spring with flowers on the trees and blowing through the wind || ‘you who’d lean on me during hard times / walking slowly and heavily / and then you became a part of my memories’
Best Friend - NCT Dream: just another cute lil song that’s fun and makes me happy hehe, leave it to the dreamies || ‘you came out a bit late / but I’m used to it / because of you it’s okay yeah’
Playdate - EXO-CBX: omg can someone please just come sweep me off my feet for a casual, fun date in the city...that’s what this song reminds me of ugh i want it so bad!!! || ‘are you ready to be loved? / i'll catch a shooting star / and place it in your hand’
Hello - Seventeen: jun, seokmin, mingyu unit let’s get it!!! i love this song so much, it’s just a great song about having a lil crush and it makes my heart happy..also makes me want someone to have a crush on me like so badly. side note, but can we please talk about mingyu’s part in the bridge?? || ‘You, more than my heart / i’m curious about your heart / you, from now on / i want our days to be each other’s days’
Get Cool - Stray Kids: just a super fun, chill song to listen to maybe while by the pool or on the beach. this song it suuuch a personality song like it’s so fun || ‘let's not worry so much / just for today’
1 to 10 - Day6: this viiiiibes of this song holy sh*t. and like i don’t know anything about music or anything, but the way the notes sound at the end of the chorus?? are so?? perfect?? like they just sound so great to my ears. is this a normal thing? someone lmk || ‘i know you / no one knows you / nobody loves you / more than me baby’
I Do Love U - Monsta X: yet again just another fun song that makes my heart happy, like i love listening to this song on drives with the windows down. another song about a crush, further proving that i want someone to have a crush on me || ‘i like you, i like you / even explaining it with words, it’s lacking / i love you, love you / expressing these words / i do love you’
Love Me Now - NCT 127: nowowowow yeah, i love this song. it’s a super chill song to listen to and very easy to sing along to, so great for drives. i really love haechan’s voice in this song, he has an add-in during the second chorus, i think, that i really like || ‘when I walk the path, your scent is passing by / so I subconsciously looking for you again / the rain is pouring and it takes me back to that time / on that street where I kissed you’
WITH U - Ateez: so basically this song makes me want to have someone who is in love with me and wants to spend time with me. it is just such a romantic song and i can’t want to be with someone who i’m completely in love with and who is completely in love with me and we slow dance in the living room to this song || ‘do you remember? / the promise I made to you that I would never stop / i'm still walking / no matter what difficulties may interrupt me’
Sun&Moon - NCT 127: this was actually one of the first nct songs i heard!! i really love the pre-chorus of this song, like okay get into it!! very romantic song and imo also pretty sexy vibes || ‘even if you’re in a place / where I can’t touch you / i can feel you’
Love Again - Baekhyun: alright this song...does things to me. like...the lyrics i- maybe it’s because baekhyun is my exo bias, but like...boy can get it...immediately. (also if joshua hong is bored and wants to cover this song...that would be appreciated) || ‘say that you love me again / don't leave me alone baby / just stay for the night baby, yeah’
I Wish - Seventeen: okay so i’ve barely seen anyone talking about this song and uh??? what’s up w that??? this is actually probably my third favorite from heng:garae after l&r and mymy. it really just reminds me of walking down a snowy street at night, hand in hand with the love of your life || ‘sometimes I think of you / i cry and I laugh / i'm trying to erase you / with a broken heart’
Trauma - EXO: bruh the very beginning of this song, i think someone is right in my ear. this song gets me hyped, no lie, like i dance to this in my room like at least five times a week and pretend i’m in a club or something. it’s so fun imo (if nct dream is bored, do they wanna cover?) || ‘the wounds come back to life / i try to avoid them but get hurt every time / i know, it can’t just be me’
Save You - GOT7: hm, i can see this playing when y/n rolls up to jackson wang’s pool party. this is just a super chill, fun song i really like!! also can we talk about that pre-chorus || ‘i'll find you / you don't have to call me / always be with you oh’
Fronting - Seventeen: THIS SONG, i listen to jihoon’s bridge every day and i’m not even kidding. this song is such a bop. this is one of the top kpop songs that gets stuck in my head. honestly, please just look up all of the lyrics to this song because it’s actually very iconic imo || ‘i woke up, even in dreams, baby / i still dream of chasing you, what should i do? / there is no other girl like you / seventeen can’t control these feelings’
Betcha - Baekhyun: this was probably my song of the summer in 2019, i listened to it first thing every single time i got into the car to go anywhere. i can’t even describe like?? why i like it so much?? it just makes me feel special, like if you think about the lyrics while listening...perhaps i feel like the only girl in the world...perhaps || ‘it's just the two of us / what you waiting for? / you're my soul / we're gonna be perfect for each other / i believe it, no doubt’
Network Love - Seventeen: int’l line, let’s get it. this is just a super fun song that (once again) i love just jamming out to in my room. also minghao is super impressive in this song imo :,) || ‘before i meet you / i don’t know where / the world is so big’
See You Again - Monsta X: lowkey, don’t clown me but i’ll listen to this song in the car and pretend my “boyfriend” & i just broke up and i’m driving away from his place. why am i so dramatic, guys i am actually the most dramatic individual on earth. nonetheless, this song is fire (wish hyungwon had more lines but you know...life isn’t fair so) || ‘when I finally open my black eyes now / i end up feeling this void / i beg you to grab my hand / so that I can feel happy again’
#Summervibes - GOT7: they did not lie when they called the song summer vibes, but it really is. this song makes me feel like i’m on a romantic vacation with my “boyfriend” (jinyoung wya) and we’re just having fun in love and OOO possibly we’re dancing with each other late at night at a beach club or something and we’re both a lil tipsy and i’m going to stop before i write a whole scenario (psst i know this is japanese, but still it’s a bop so i included it) || ‘the dazzling prism of a diamond ring is shining on you / the waves ripple disorderly / shooting a cinematic scene so it doesn’t disappear / i wanna let it remain in my heart’
Swimming Fool - Seventeen: y’all knew it was going to be on here like it’s me we’re talking about here. do i even need to explain?? like this song made me a better person and change my life, it is so fun and i want to see it live one day however i know that it’ll never happen, but i can dream. this song is one of the best of seventeen’s entire discography and i just love it so much everyone listen to swimming fool and give it love because maybe if we show it enough love, then perf unit will perform it live again pls pls pls. and also let’s take a moment to discuss the lyrics because this song isn’t simply about some buys having a fun time swimming. no, it’s all a ~metaphor~ because like you’re the pool/water and they’re a swimming fool because they are just so entranced by you and in love with you. and i think that’s beautiful. in this essay i will... || ‘because i’ve fallen for you / i’m drowning in you / my movement becomes slower / and i start to lose my breath / i’m a swimming fool’
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c-e-d15 · 5 years
Have you all heard Lauren’s unreleased song “Always Love”??
Give it a listen! It screams CAMREN ahhhhh.
U can hear the pain in Lauren’s voice and I’m willing to bet she wrote this song about Camila. P.S I bawled the first time I listened to it ..
It’s kinda hard waking up in the morning without you
When I reach over and realize it’s over I just
Let the memories wash over me through me and out of me but they’re still on the sheets and they stay there so I’ll lay there with you
And even though we didn’t work it was always love always love
And even though we hurt each other more than once it was love always love
For all those times we locked eyes when I was yours and you were mine
Was always love always love
Verse :
Nobody talks about walking away when they’re still in love
Feeling so far after being so close is a mindfuck
But you helped me grow into me so I couldn’t help but change, but changing not seeing some things that
I just couldn’t change
The lyric “for all the times we locked eyes” instantly made me think of all the Camren interactions in interview from fetus to 2017
Also, “feeling so far after being so close” line is VERY similar to Camila talking about I have questions in the interview with genius where she says regarding the person(s) she wrote IHQ “I had like a friend and we were like so close, and literally it was like a day after, we didn’t even know each other” Although I always suspected IHQ was written about mostly Dinah/fifth harmony, there are still instances in interviews where you can see that Camila and Lauren are just not the same after a certain point. Their relationship was strictly one word answers and occasional laughs :(
And of course the entire chorus screams Camren to me. All of us knew that Lauren SEEMED to be the most fine and outwardly attempted to show just how okay she was when any interviewer would mention Camila’s departure. One interview in particular reminds me of this, when the interviewer asks if there’s still unfollowing drama between them and Camila, and Lauren quickly responds with “We were on FALLON girll”. The chorus talks about how Lauren’s relationship with [this person] didn’t work out and they both hurt each other at different moments, she still always had love for this person, even if it wasn’t obvious.
Also in the second verse “you helped me grow into me” can be interpreted as the girls growing up together when fifth harmony was first formed. They were extremely young and insecure (as Lauren mentioned in an interview regarding her bisexuality growing up as a teen). And in one of Camilas interviews where she answers questions sent to her by fans, one of the questions is what to do if my girlfriend isn’t comfortable yet with disclosing our romantic relationship. To which Camila responds along the lines that you don’t know what her relationship is like with her parents maybe it’s new to her. All you can do it make her feel supported and loved, and she’ll do it when she’s ready. Also the famous line she uttered “I’ve learned that”, implying that she’s been in the same situation before. (Perhaps with Lauren??)
Also the line “nobody talks about walking away when they’re still in love”. Maybe she’s talking about their management that was tearing them apart coupled with whatever other issues that were taking a toll on their relationship that inevitably forced them to break up.
Perhaps this whole song is Lauren telling [Camila] that she appreciates her for all she’s done for her, made her the person she is today. And even though they’re not together at the moment, she still loves her and regrets everything that happened.
Edit 8.1.19: Maybe they’re still together right now?? Because we all know shawmila is PR lolz
Thanks for reading :)
Keep the boat floatin’
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joemazzhello · 5 years
Got To Be You - Part 1
joe mazzello x reader
just concert fluff
a/n: i wrote this because i was thinking on yesterday about how i really wanted to go and see Don Broco, who played Wembley on Saturday night, and how i wished I had gone. Then I was thinking about how Joe is also in London currently. And then I decided to write out what would be my perfect night based around Don Broco and Joe being in London for the BAFTA’s. Again I wrote this for myself and it’s based on my idea of don broco concert but it could be any concert really and it’s not perfect cuz i’m shit blah blah blah. and it’s two parts. enjoy
playlist (includes the song this is based off)
let me know if you want to be tagged for part 2
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Maybe this was a bad idea. You stood there in the cold February wind, nothing only a thin cardigan to keep you warm. You refreshed twitter again. Nothing. Looking up, you were reminded of how far back in the queue you were. Groups of friends laughed around you, keeping themselves occupied as you waited for the doors to open. Only one more hour. You’re going to have a great time. You tried to reassure yourself that it was going to be worth going to this concert alone. Maybe you shouldn’t be so spontaneous. You slightly shake your head, caught up in your own thoughts. Only a few hours ago you had decided to grab a last minute ticket to see your favourite band playing in London, only an hour and a half away. You had felt the urge to get out and do something, feel something. If you didn’t come you would’ve regretted this. You aren’t going to regret this. Repeating this to yourself in your head, you go back to your phone, scrolling endlessly through any social media to keep your mind off the time left before the doors open.
A few minutes pass before you look up from your phone again. When you do, you immediately catch eyes with a handsome man with dark ginger hair in the next group in the queue. His beautiful brown eyes hold yours for a few seconds before you break, averting your eyes. Wow. You look at the ground for a few seconds, twirling your phone in your hands. Looking up again, you can’t help but stare straight at him. His band t-shirt was hidden underneath a deep black leather jacket and black skinny jeans led down to brown suede boots. He looked incredible. Your eyes make their way up to his face again. He was laughing at something one of his friends said. Wow, you thought to yourself again. You couldn’t drag your eyes away. So when he caught your eyes again and gave you a small smile. you were quite shocked. This time, you quickly averted your eyes and turned around, trying to hide the embarrassment showing on your face. You whip out your phone, trying to distract yourself from what just happened. Suddenly, you feel a tap on your shoulder.
“Hi, I’m Joe.” You turn around, the ginger man now standing right in front of you and staring directly into your eyes. A smile crept across his face.
“Hi.” You awkwardly reach out your hand to shake his outstretched one. “I’m Y/N.”
“I just noticed you were alone. The doors don’t open for another hour, are you waiting for someone?” His American accent was prominent now, an accent you hadn’t heard for a long time.
“No actually, I came alone. This was kind of a spontaneous trip,” you laughed, attempting to hide your anxiety. “I thought I would regret not seeing my favourite band while they are in town.”
“So you live around here?”
“Close enough. I can tell you don’t.” You raise your eyebrows and smile up at him.
“How could you tell?” He pretends to be shocked, his face contorting to fake horror. But the humorous gleam in his eye encaptured his face and he couldn’t help but smile at you. “I’m actually just in London for a couple days on business with the boys.” He gestured behind him to three men, who hastily averted their eyes to pretend they hadn’t been listening into your conversation the whole time. You laughed.
“What kind of business?”
“Oh, it’s nothing really, I just do a little bit of acting...” 
For the next hour, you chat and laugh away, getting to know each other. Joe tells you all about his hometown of New York and how much he enjoys coming to visit London. You tell him how much you hate visiting London, the only good thing being how many things there are to do.
“And you get meet some interesting people.” You say, holding his gaze for the longest during your conversation so far. He hums in agreement, silence filling the air for a few seconds and you stare at each other, unable to look away. Finally he breaks the silence with an awkward laugh, looking down at his feet. You get back to talking, barely even noticing that the doors had opened and the queue was quickly moving along. As you make your way inside, still chatting, you don’t even think twice about spilting from Joe. Absent-mindedly you follow him to the middle of the room, as far forward as you can get. As the floor around you starts to get packed, you are suddenly pulled out of your conversation and into your surroundings.
“Oh! I hope you don’t mind me joining you, I didn’t even realise that we were inside,” you chuckled, looking out over the ever-growing crowd. 
“No, it’s no problem, I’m glad you could join us.” Joe smiled at you, his brown eyes piercing you once again. 
When the lights start to dim and the screens on the stage light up, you and Joe stop conversing. The screams from the crowd had drowned out your chatter and you and Joe just exchanged a knowing glance, and and faced towards the stage. The first support act was good, but you didn’t know any of their songs. The second was better, and you had heard a few of their bigger hits. As they reached the end of their set, the excitement inside of you was building. Finally when the smoke machines started to spill onto the stage and the lights flashed like crazy, you couldn’t help but glance up at Joe, who was stood next to you. A smile light up his face as he was staring straight forward at the stage. Abruptly. he looked down at you, his grin growing even more at the sight of you looking straight at him. For a second, it’s just you and him, smiling at each other.  As the screams grow louder you turn both look back to the stage and the band appears in front of you.
For the next hour and a half, you and Joe rock out to some of your favourite songs. You find yourself being pushed closer and closer to Joe, shoulders touching as the crowd around you dances and moves along to the music. You can’t help but keep glancing at him, occasionally catching him watching you dance along to the music. About halfway through, you hear a very familiar introduction.
“This is my favourite song!” you lean in and whisper in Joe’s ear. He pulls back, a grin appearing on his face again. 
“Mine too!” he gestures over the music. Although still a rock song, this was was known as one of their more romantic songs. Joe moves closer to you, gently wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You lean into him, letting him know you want him there. You continue singing along as you have been all evening, Joe’s voice loud in your ear. As the chorus kicks in, you look up at Joe and find yourself lost in his eyes as he stares down at you. You continue singing along, now finding yourself singing the lyrics to Joe. As the music swells to it’s instrumental part and the lead singer emotionally belts out, Joe leans down and kisses you passionately. For that moment, in a room of 12,000, it’s just you and him.
part 2 coming whenever i can be bothered to write it
p.s if you listen to Got To Be You by Don Broco the bit where i’m imagining you kiss is about 2:04 i’m really invested in this i hate myself i’m sorry
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morningcool · 7 years
Hurts - Desire (review) 'From B to M'
It’s been only 721 days waiting, and now it’s started all over again, we got the Desire. (Actually we can’t complain ‘cos we were patiently waiting 943 days for the Surrender, and 917 for the Exile) and the dynamic this time seems to be nicer. *kidding) For me, waiting is such an exciting journey itself, ‘cause musicians ain’t entertainers, they are ordinary people, you know. The thing about the good ones is that some of them have a blessing to hear music and a talent for bringing it to life. And here’s my traditional third review of an album we’ve all just received. With a little heart melting (hopefully) story as a bonus (in P.S.). Like Adam said in his letter, “during the last year(s) I have come to understand the true value” of a living the same time with Hurts. Their “importance in my life and the salvation” they offer me. And yes, being their “professional” fan is more than something I do for a “job”. (you should laugh here) So, here’s my private, a bit crazy and very subjective opinion. *winking
Anyway, no more words, let’s get down to music.
(Can’t not mention the release date of the first single, please, listen ‘The Beautiful Ones’ by Prince, before tasting the whole album, not only ‘cause of the date, but because of the mood or technique and even a points of view Prince brought from his universe into our world. You might feel it too. HE’S “THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME.” OUR HERO.)
“Beautiful Ones” – first Hurts statement. Which reminded me of a John Lennon’s mankind hymn, called ‘Imagine’. The song raised a theme of a musician responsibility to talk about the societal aspects of life. Which actually is quite a good thing to do. Unexpected, loud but I guess an important step forward. I can remember my first reaction was: “Hey, it’s such a pop song”. I mean they did it before, but this one is something new, with the mood of Sia’s songs (she’s gorgeous for me). And that’s what I love about Hurts promo releasing songs. With the first song they’re always knocking you down, so you could see a new horizons when you’ll rise up on your feet again. (Of course it will only happen if you really love music, you’re open minded, you’re able to accept the changes and have a wondering heart.) I should also admit that I completely understand how it feels like to be an outsider, guess all Hurts fans do. That’s why we all found “peace” in a Hurts Family escaping quite a hopeless place called modern life. And I’m absolutely happy that the guys staying in the best Hurts tradition where the lyrics contrasted to music. Which seems so festive. I like the opened beat and that soft cross-over from the first verse to the chorus with a sound of fingers snapping (for me that sound like a calling card of the whole album), amazing. And that guitar solo (my little reminder of a great Prince loss) which finally celebrates Adam’s abilities. I can already hear it live and it turns me inside out.
“Ready To Go” – an unexpected love from a first listening. Second piece of a puzzle we were waiting for so long that almost despaired to get it, aren’t we? I already wrote: “Perfect ending of this summer! I couldn’t stop dancing, like I’m again 17 myself! Hurtsy, catchy, fresh! The melody feels a bit like a folk one or even a bit jazz-y (or should I better say blues-y), that is so sweet and saucy at the same time, and those claps and fingers snapping in the final bridge (which feels like a 100% gospel choir thing) makes it so alive. And it’s a girlish story and she has a character. Oh, delight!” The first impression is still working for me. And I already heard it live, I must say it reminded me of ‘Lights’ with it’s energy. The lyrics that exacerbating a life taste that’s what I call iconic pop music. Bring me a fire extinguisher, please.
“People Like Us” – a new Hurts-brand flag wave. From the first note it feels to be inspired with an arabian music, isn’t it? (weirdness, here you are) And then that guitar sound and a lovely personal beautiful story. Like a snapshot from the sweet memories we all have in a corner of our minds. (Can you hear fingers snapping?) And again that “arabian” chorus exhilarating, (slightly reminding of a desert heat or is it just a heat of a somebody’s body hugging you under the sheets). It’s a mix of two different worlds european and asian culture in one piece of art, that completing each other into the whole brand new experimental Hurts sound. I found it brilliant, when the story comes and flows over to the chorus I’m drowning in the feelings. And I’m literally having a goosebumps through the whole body. Can you see these cute happy faces? Can you imagine the fire dancing in the man’s eyes, his straight and hungry gaze. And that guitar reef that tells his own story, complementing the lyrics line in the chorus. Mind Blowing. If they wrote that song on a final period of the album! I wanna say: keep working on new music, we can wait for the tour. (kidding) We’re so lucky they get a chance to release it on that album.
“Something I Need To Know” – a Heavy artillery. He is an open target, so shoot! It’s such a openhearted personal story. So vivid, that you can almost saw them. Which is a bit embarrassing on one hand ‘cause it feels like you’re looking into someone else’s life, but on the other, what if those strangers you’re looking at is actually you and your lover. The lyrics – a heartbreaker. Haven’t we all saw that look of someone else’s eyes. “There’s so much words we’re not saying”. Who the f*ck didn’t call you right back? Who treated you like that? Who else had the desire to take the sword on these bridge? But who we’re to judge her. But sorry girl, he might be anyone even paranoid, but you’ve got no right to cause him pain, it’s all coming back. There’s so much onerous pain and fatigue, and a heartrending call for help to cut the knot, between the lines of the lyrics. And the sound is so classical Hurts and so soothing in a way, but also a bit rebellious. Yes, it’s a pure art.
“Thinking Of You” – a youthful amorous mood. Hey boy, you’re daydreaming honey. “Get down” - can you hear your mum’s voice from below? (kidding) Such a light bright story of the most naive life period when you’re falling in love. Lyricly it reminds me of an absolutely 100% Prince’s inspiration. Even with the sound of the line “Whatever I do, I’m thinking about you” in an intro or in an outro. This song takes me back to those childish amorousness that infatuated a young head. Aren’t we all turning back kids when love knocks us off our legs. I’m glad they got a chance to bring light-heartedness into their work. This playful mood seem to be very similar to a Hurts addicted fans. (And, yeah, you might hear a fingers snapping here too). And I love the guitar part, and what is it in a final part, seems like it’s a kind of a reverse or something?
“Wherever You Go” – a heavy dependence. If someone in 2011 would tell me Hurts gonna write such a song I would be the one to burst of laugh and say: “you’re might be crazy”. This huge pop song, reminds me of a reggie tricks. Can you seriously sit on your chair listening to it. I’m instantly dancing. (and yes, fingers snapping) Is it even indian motives in the end of a first chorus. These a bit dubstep blotches, with the echoing effects, interesting aren’t they? Chorus is an absolute killer, with those high notes. He’ll be the one! This song is something quite special. And that extinguished introduction! And the lyrics of course! Do you know that (like once in ‘Some Kind Of Heaven’) the poetry can be totally readdressed to the band. (well, I do it) Being alone, imagine how hard the feeling of loneliness is pressing on a personal view. I mean, when you’re such a handsome men. It’s even harder to find the right words to explain your position (feelings) to the one who you’re interested in. Look what a gorgeously graceful and light form has this look. I think it’s amazing. A perfect piece of art!
“Chaperone” – a complete heartbreaker. So touching. Once again, such a new theme in the lyrics, I found it so vulnerable and susceptible. Have we ever heard something like that before? No, absolutely not. And it’s such a beauty, that the song comprises the piano part, which replaced bass line and everything else. The idea of such an apparent ease reminded me of a Prince’s ‘When Doves Cry’ where there is just drums and piano like a weird sound, but in this one on the contrary. And those fingers snapping (*winking) diluting “сomputer blue” Theo’s voice, an amazingly fresh and alive decision. The song seem to be clearly laid out on a direct frets. From the first seconds it reminded me of a Francis and the Lights manner of making music. Which I find quite interesting, ‘cause Theo was the one who introduced Francis to me. (Find his song called ‘Friend’ if you’re still haven’t heard it.) And the outro, it’s like a japanese wind brief. Does he means, he’s deleting the message from an answering machine or is it a reversed “desire” little trick? (If so, I feel like I won a little undeclared game) And that wind instrument like an icing on the cake! The thing is that, I bet lots of us can only wish somebody could ever cared of us even a half of that way.
“Boyfriend” – a shameless trick. Dirty is such a well-worn word. But this story is so frank and straight that disarms from the first beat. I can remember my amazement when I first heard ‘Sandman’ - so same emotion here. Delight, such an experiment. An exciting subject, a bright sketch of a non-verbal chat encapsulated in a literally tangible alive musical masterpiece. Is it actually Hurts? Yes, 1000% in a playful mood. A Vapors of an alcohol, saturday night out and you’re witnessing this yourself. (Aaand a fingers snapping, and claps) Love a rare drum sticks hits. The guitar is singing as if it was a duet. And all you can answer is: Yes, man I get it. (While thinking: You know your power.) *Impressive claim. Can you hear “Kiss” by Prince? (winking)
“Walk Away” – an amazing offer. Such a bitter confession wrapped in a colorful cellophane. Hurts-y thing in one hand but on the other reminded me of an African music or even an american musical scene (with a group of dancing teenagers). Don’t know why, crazy mind, I warned you. But I’m still wondering whether I ever wanted to be a heroine of such a contrast. I mean you’ve been in relationship, broke up. And then become a girl from such a bright carefree and even a bit celebrative mood of the song about your quite dramatic experience. Honestly, I really don’t think so. Listening to the whole song over and over I was asking myself, why all these people are joyfully dancing in my head ? What are they celebrating, but then I realised that the girl is free now. She’ll find a better guy. And to make her leaving easier it’s justified to let her go with a smile on his face. So she’ll save him in her memory as a happy man, even if it’s not true. Anyway, it’s a great experiment. Distracted from such an eclectic contrast, music seems to be very interesting, fresh and multilayered. Classical fingers snapping, curious receptions with backing vocals in the outro when they’re mixed with something echoing, such a warm sound that immerses me in a very nice atmosphere, so I can finally relax and let a girl in my mind set herself free. (To write the impression about this song was the hardest part, hope it wasn’t so hard to read, if so, I’m really sorry, next one should be easier. A shy smile.)
“Wait Up” – a new intimacy. An intro actually blew my mind (can you see we’re falling through the thick of a London clouds and then floating over the narrow streets, approaching to the scene of events, beautiful, isn’t it?) and then here we’re it’s a classical 4 in the morning. I feel a huge hole instead of my heart because of the lyrics. So honest so woeful oh, heartbreaking. The hero is a slave of his instincts. Such an amazing bluesy music, with a crying on a backing vocal. I can already see this composition in a terribly sad movie scene, ‘cause the story is so vivid. Is it actually a heroine from a ‘Wings’ video? This song seem to be one of the saddest Hurts songs ever. The irony of this song is also in a thing that it comes after ‘Walk Away’. The Hurts story about Beauty and the Beast. And the scariest thing about him is that he eats himself alive while doing these meanness. His remorse unscrew your hands girl, but are you sure you have that big heart to accept him with such a defect? Is your unrequited love enough to heal him, ‘cause he doesn’t seem to strive for this. Are you still waiting for him? Listening to this song made not only my head ache, but even my hair feeling a nagging pain. *I got dizzy
“Spotlight” – a slowly spinning disco ball discarding a solar bunnies on a velvet nightclub walls. Is this the type of a heroine that ruins our hero from the previous song? She caught his attention and he wants to play tonight. Tons of an alcohol and the night is turning from a dancing show into a spectacle under dark curtains. He’ll regret it in a taxi cab only, now he’s a Superman. (Am I actually turned into a grumpy old lady? Seems so, excuse me *giggling) I love the musical paсe of the song.It reminded me of a spinning vinyl record or something. And the reverse trick is so catchy. The attractive light sound of the song is so relaxing and I like it. But there was no fingers snapping, why? (smiling) But wait a minute is there a clapping sounds? (winking) I wanna watch how Theo does a dancing moves while singing this song, do you?
“Hold On To Me” – a personal drama. Every line of the lyrics tightens the rope around my neck stronger and stronger. Listening to this song for the first time let all the air left my lungs. How do they affect me that way? Actually I have no words to talk about the song and feel like there’s no need. Can you hear a sax singing with Theo? Melting heart moment, so cosy, sending shivers from tip to toe. And the final note with the voice only. Brilliant story. A true emotional waterfall. (curtain, sorry, I can’t)
“Magnificent” – the truth. A perfect celebration of a true feelings. The absolutely anthemic song! It’s sparkling because of an inner light, amazing! And it starts with a classical piano, gorgeous. And then the pace changes, it’s a guitar time (with a bit funny phase with a “Ouuu” backing) and then back to the piano and the strings, lovely, isn’t it? That’s how a musical escape looks like. It might be a friend, lover or a fan story between the lines which I find quite exciting. Don’t know why, but for me this song contains a little associations with a country style in some parts. Maybe because of the vocal manner. (my eccentricity is back, giggling) But when the outro piano part is back it seems to me like a best gospel thing. And all I want is to make the sound louder and dissolve in it’s bright glow. Overwhelming experience.
If you’re still here, reading, you’ve just amazed me. Such a long boring story might lulled you in the middle. (smiling) Anyway thank you for your attention.
Look how lively the album is because of the multiplicity of fingers snapping and clapping and some other natural sounds. Yes, I love the ‘Desire’, hope you’ll find a place in your heart to cherish it, like I already do.
It’s a huge risky step forward and I found it as a part of an amazing journey guys are sharing with us. And I’m ready to continue our common path and can’t wait to hear some new stuff live. I bet it would be brilliant. The album is none of I expected but it’s everything I needed. Hope you found something dear in my crazy thoughts.
And as my own odd tradition says it’s time to bring my personal Hurts oath back. Now I can prolong my oath for the third time: ‘To be your faithful fan in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to respect you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and inspire you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you from this day forward until the day when your fifth album will be released. Hutcherson.’
P.S.: Promised bonus.
I must say that I was blessed to be the one of a few happy fans who took part in the pre listening one week ago. And also an unhappy one to be taking part in 4 silly competitions to get a chance. (Sorry, my optimistic side is back and I’ll continue.) I can’t tell how unexpected it all happened, how joyful and delighted I was. Sitting in a very cosy little room, which was a tiny cinema hall for 30-36 places only. Almost dying of anticipation, and Hurts videos on the screen were torturing the nerves. (By the way, all Hurts music video was made to watch it like that on a big screen, like one big movie, amazing experience.) But when the music finally hitted me I fall in a rabbit hole and was spiraling out of control for eternity. Until the moment music stopped and the doors were opened. Theo and Adam entered the room.
Should I say it was unexpected or should I say it was a surprise? Do you know what? I was frozen in a complete shock, sliding down my chair. I haven’t heard what Theo was saying all I was capable to do at that moment was to catch his gaze and I did it. He was just looking back. And it stopped the time. He started climbing up the stairs, where I was sitting with the word “I’ll try to give a hug to all of you”. There were ladies who came up to him and I was just sitting and staring. He rose to my place hugging people but still looking at me, and then not stopping the gaze he spread his arm wide open and said: “Come on, come here” And he hugged me, and I was like a kid, a mom and a lover in one moment. Felt like home, felt like I’ve been loved and cherished. We were standing like that I was drown in emotions, I bet he felt himself weird and uneasy, ‘cause he was holding stranger in his arms. And I’m ok with it. (Sorry, tears. (few minutes later) I’m back.) And then one thought hit my mind: he must be extremely terrified to share their album with the fans for the first time. And I whispered into his ear: “You did an amazing work”. And I saw a joy in his eyes and some kind of relief. Then said that I’ve been a fan for more than 7 years and some other silly stuff. Later I shared a quite special moment with Adam. He ruins my walls and my heart every time I met him. But unfortunately, an unexpected moments like these, are turning fans mind into a jelly. And you not always have a strength to overcome your emotions to free your mind and say the things you really want to or should say to when you get a chance to see them face to face. The only thing I must add is that I got a chance to say one, but I feel like satisfying, phrase to Theo. When they were ready to go away I was speaking to him again and turned our conversation back to the record. It felt like I was drawing the conclusion of our meeting, so among other things I said that: “Despite the fact the album sounds very modern it’s a classical pop album, it’s an absolutely timeless pop album”. That was it, Theo was shining with a huge smile from ear to ear and answered: “That’s all I wanted to hear, really”. And they were gone. (A curtain)
If you’re still alive, you can also read my Exile and Surrender reviews, they are much shorter (giggling).
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deviloof · 7 years
DEVILOOF MAGAZINE vol.1 // Album Commentary
1. Devil’s Proof
K: Ryo Trackmaker arranged the guitar riff and the rhythm I came up with. D: We put Ryo in charge of the SE. We’ll probably use it at the beginning of our shows so clap your hands and shout when you hear it.
K: I hope you’ll enjoy the brutality and catchy tempo of this song. R: I think this song is befitting for our revival. The PV kicks asses too so if you haven’t seen it already, get your diapers ready. S: It’s a song we used for our MV so it has a twin guitar solo. That’s the best part. D: I guess you could say this song is like the new DEVILOOF’s business card. During shows, just headband and go nuts. H: This song is brutal.
3. Natural Born Killer
K: Executioners are entertainers. In this day and age, spectators who praise them are impudent. But I don’t think our human nature has changed. We’re just hiding it. R: It’s a really coarse and really crazy song! S: It gives the feeling of running at full speed so it’s pretty upbeat for DEVILOOF D: It think it’d be fun to mosh to. H: This song is brutal too.
4. Return Of The Curse
K: The chorus has a triadic harmony in 9th chord, bringing about a tragic feel we didn’t have until now. I think the scale-out in the melody line also gives is an ominous feeling. R: This is not your typical DEVILOOF song. I think you’ll understand why they say I’m a vocalist. S: This is a song in which you can hear Ray’s gorgeous voice. D: I guess this is DEVILOOF’s very own interpretation of a typical visual-kei song? Ray is singing in the chorus so pay attention to that part. H: This is a trendy brutal song.
K: For this song, it was the first time I let another member in charge of the melody and lyrics, but it turned out to betray my expectations in a good sense. It allowed us to discover new possibilities. R: It’s a song that starts to the sound of my guitar so I’m really worried about screwing up during shows. It’s a Ray-killer song. I hate you sensei (lol) S: The best parts are the vocal’s melody and each instrument’s solo. D: It’s the first time I came up with the lyrics and melody. In any case, I hope everyone will sing along with it. Everyone, pump your fists! H: This is a slightly brutal song.
6. Lover
K: This is a song we’ve been playing at shows since we first started and that we arranged so it would fit in this album. Love can take a thousand different forms. R: It’s a song that we used to play at shows but we revamped it so it could be on the album. I loved the old “Lover” too but I love the new one even more!! S: I like the riff in the intro. D: Fist pump > jump > headbang. If you can do that, everything is gonna be ok. We’ll make you break your neck. H: It’s a kind of brutal song.
7. InCipit
K: This is an instrumental song which combines transcendence with wailing guitars played by our very own guitar prodigy, Seiya. The melody is beautiful. S: Our first instrumental song. D: Seiya’s solo. He’s playing his heart out, if anything. I think he’s really good and has the spirit of a prodigy.. H: It’s a brutal instrumental song.
K: The guitar solo in the chorus is magnificent, so the lyrics are magnificent too. I think I’m singing the most magnificent things out of all of DEVILOOF’s songs. R: It’s an extremely cool song! I guess I’m hoping you do a WOD at the beginning of the first verse. S: It’s a melodious song with guitars like you can’t hear in any other DEVILOOF songs. D: Do you know what WOD stands for? Wall of death. Keep that in mind. And do two-step. Let’s have fun at lives. H: It’s a little bit brutal song.
9. M.F.JAP
K: I made this song from scratch all by myself. I’d always wanted to do something modern. R: It’s a manly song that makes you want to jump and is unlike other DEVILOOF songs. Let:s all shout “Stand up” together! S: It’s an upbeat song different from others until now. D: It’s Keisuke’s song. It’s really upbeat but it’s a song that brings a breath of fresh air. H: It’s a relatively brutal song.
10. 怠惰の罪 (Taida no Tsumi / Deadly Sin of Sloth)
K: I think human beings are really annoying and pitiful beings, but if we took away that part of us that makes us illogical, we wouldn’t be human anymore. It’s difficult to convey this through the lyrics alone so to make it easier to understand, I made the title into Japanese R: Deviloof’s songs are usually pretty busy, but the rhythm guitar during the solo is probably the busiest out of all the songs in this album! I hope everyone will enjoy it as much as it’s busy (lol) S: It’s a creepy song. D: I really like this one. It’s really metal (lol) H: It’s a so-so brutal song.
K: If you kill one person on a street corner, you’ll be branded as a murderer, but killing thousands on a battlefield makes you a hero. Just like for “Natural Born Killer”, the lyrics focus on the act of killing people. What do you think about it? R: Just like “Lover”, it’s a song you’ve probably heard at shows before. But we revamped it and it’s really different from the original song. When I’m practicing, I get confused because I still have the old version stuck in my head, so it’s kinda difficult! S: I hope you will shout along during that song. D: Let’s shout “Oi! Oi!” together. Until you run out of voice. And headbang until you neck snaps. H: It’s a brutal-ish song.
P.S. Hi everyone, I’m Daiki, the editor in chief (?) of Deviloof Magazine. We were able to make this free paper with the collaboration of many people. In the future, we’re thinking about releasing more periodically so keep an eye out. The band already has a lot of plans from January to December next year! I hope you’ll be looking forward to that!  If I may say something a bit smug, we’re looking for people to share our dream with us. In any case, come to our shows if you wanna go nuts. Well, see you later.
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Opinion: Shakira’s new album is a refreshingly upbeat record compared to the rest of the poposphere, but the Hungarian Suicide Song is a refreshingly upbeat record compared to the rest of the poposphere, so, take that with a grain of salt, because either way it’s shitty for the most part.
Okay so I’m listening to the Shakira album and I’m on track one (she just rhymed Mojito with Mojito btw) and it’s basically just a bland pop album, but much more upbeat. You know, you could actually dance to this first track, but only in like a fun mom-in-the-car-wants-to-embarass-her-child, ‘cause it’s very quiet. 
I skipped the second track because it’s a very lame piano ballad. 
The third track opens with those GOD-AWFUL HIGH PITCHED VOICES THAT EVERY SONG HAS NOW. I at least appreciate how backseat it is, making me think it was the label that forced her to add it for the contact or something. In fact, here’s what I think happened.
Label: “Shakira, really cool song, awesome rapping, super cool beat, but it needs more Crazy Frog.”
Shakira: “What?”
Label: “It needs more Crazy Frog voices, Shakira. Ask your hips.”
Shakira’s hips: “They’re right, sweetie, it could use some pitch shifted orgasm noises in the song.”
Label: “The hips don’t lie, Shakira. Do they?”
Shakira: “I mean, sometimes-”
Shakira’s hips: “Don’t even start with that slander, Shakira. Now go back to the studio and add some more beats that resemble deflating balloons on a roller coaster for the first time.”
Shakira: *drops her head slightly in defeat*. “Yes, hips.” *walks back to studio slowly*
Shakira’s hips: “That’s right, baby girl, I’ll be sure to protect your arteries on the way, just like I always do. Kisses!”
Other than that, low-key banger. Check it out. 
This fourth track is a bit too bland, however. I like the lyrics, and her voice has a nice latin tint, even though she speaks in english, which is beautiful juxtaposed against the god-awful phone accents white chicks use today to get on the radio. Except for the ultra-repetitive post chorus; 
It’s beat makes it almost unbearable.
Now we’re back to Spanish on this fifth track, and I can’t be bothered to translate the lyrics because I’m tired and that’ll probably ruin the song for me. It’s also too bland to be interesting, so I skipped it.
The sixth track feels like every other Pop Latino song. The vocals are good, and the drum machine is very cool, but the weird synth beat sounds like somebody spilled water on their keyboard while it was on the most obscure setting possible. Bad song.
This seventh track is pretty cool, I guess. I’m trying to keep my poptimism up, here, but this is kinda WOAH THE FUCK WHERE DID THAT TRAP BEAT COME FROM GODDAMN SHAKIRA aaaaaaaaaaand it’s old now. oh wait it’s kicking up it’s kicking up IT’S BANGIN’! IT’S A BANGER! BANGER. FOR. THE. AGES. MY NIBBA! oh wait it’s just boring now. OOOH HEY NOW WE’RE GETTIN’ DOWN and no. OOH SHIT SHAKIRA WE’VE GOT SOME FIRE BEATS HERE RIGHT NOW I’M FEELING IT! I’M FEELING IT! FUCK A GUITAR SOLO I JUST CAME IN MY PANTS OKAY THIS SONG IS FUCKIN’ BEAUTIFUL CHECK IT OUT. AH, YES, GUITAR aw the songs over.
Now this eighth one is supposed to be the banger. Ooh, they get right down with that drop, very spicy. Vocals are kind of annoying. It’s got a nice beat behind it, and Black M seems to be having fun. But am I? No. Not really. But kinda.
 Now track nine, I can dig this. The guitar is kinda lame, but it works with the easy-on-the-ears feel. Wait, what’s that? Am I hearing influence from The Whitest Boy Alive? I don’t know why they specifically came to mind, because there’s better examples out there, but this reminds me specifically of something by The Whitest Boy Alive. I don’t know what, but I really like it! However, the lyrics are embarrassing. But fuck that! TWBA!
Hey, this tenth baby, very fun! And Shakira kicks in. I’m getting sick of her voice. I really can’t stand it ten songs in a row. I’m gonna possibly drop out of talking about this album. But the so far instrumentals, especially the first two tracks, and track seven and nine, are very good. Better than whatever The Chainsmokers are shitting out right now, I’m sure.
Okay, this eleventh track is winning me back. The vocals are really getting on my nerves, but the instruments are slowly improving. This one feels like legitimate latin music. Oh, that’s because it’s listed as “Musica Tropical” on iTunes. Different genre than Pop Latino, I guess? I like the tiny trap beat on this one too.
I don’t need to hear the twelfth track ‘cause it’s just the english translation of the eighth one.
This closer, this is cool. Bland, but tolerable. It’s also relatively simple, which is a nice closer to this crazy album. This is more of a mom-pop song, but meh, it’s okay.
Overall, I would not download the album. It’s only good if you imagine it on the radio, blocking out all the other shittier pop artists. And it’s really boring to hear a full ALBUM from Shakira. Pop artists make singles, and that’s what they’re best at. On an album, it’ll get repetitive at some point. But the first two tracks are really powerful.
Why the fuck did I write this? 4.5/10.
P.S., The Hungarian Suicide Song made me cry, but I did not commit suicide, so fuck you, Billie Holiday! I’M GONNA LIVE FOREVER! UNLIKE YOUR LOVER! HAHA! BYEEEEEEEEEEETCH, FUCK SUICIDE, I LOVE LIFE! WOO-HOO, PART-AY!
P.P.S. When I say, “First Two Tracks” I mean tracks one and three, because 2 is a piece of shit.
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wknc881 · 6 years
Black & Mild: Black Wayne - pat junior
Pat Junior. What can i say about a man who has come to be a staple in the NC Hip-Hop Community… For those of you who don't know Pat Junior’s work, he is a writer, rapper, and producer from Brooklyn, NY. Pat moved down to Raleigh and began to make a name for himself in the Music community here. In 2016, I was introduced to his music. Pat has been putting out work ever since and his growth as an artist and musician is evident in his sound. His newest album “Black & Mild: Black Wayne” is no different. He continues to grow the themes of getting laid off and wanting to support his dreams as well as his wife and family in both an emotional sense and financially. Leading up to this project Pat had been laid off four times in the past seven years. He speaks on this often in his lyrics and you can tell that this has had a huge impact on his outlook on life and music. This is where Black Wayne starts.
All, now
The project opens with pat speaking on themes he has rapped about in the past. He's been laid off again and is starting to realize that he wants more than he has. He wants to be more for his wife more than anything but i think this can extend out to his friends and even to himself. The first track especially feels like he has been broken for the last time but for the first time, he says he needs a pivot. Pat makes it known that he is moving away from working a regular job because the pain of losing his job so frequently showed him that music should be his path in life.
In his music this point in time was visible. His production became more polished. His rhymes and comparisons became smoother and intelligent, yet still digestible. You could even hear a shift in his voice. Passion that was always present in his work became magnified and clear.
The transition is very natural from “All, now” into “to The Dawn.” His production experience shines on this track. The beat is smooth but still has the edge as he raps lines about pushing forward through his pain and past experiences. The listener can hear that he wants to push his own boundaries because he wants to be the best he can be and then some. He has made it so far already that he has to keep pushing forward. This really reminds me his song “always forward ft. thedeeepend” that was released on his first Black & Mild project (Highly recommend the Sinopsis remix of this track). While these two songs have similar themes in my opinion, you can hear the new found edge in Pat’s voice on “to The Dawn” and in the second verse that edge creates a huge musical impact. He speaks on other more mediocre rappers getting the same acknowledgement from crowds even though Pat is pushing the boundaries with his lyrics. This transitions into the chorus and then into the smooth track “an ode to a jumpoff.”
an ode to a jumpoff.
This is a song that had me grooving from the time I heard the first beats. Timmy V kills it with the production using moody synths that have a melancholy decay to them that really complements Pat’s voice and cadence. The lyrics are relatable and when combined with the production, it creates one of my favorite Pat Junior tracks of all time. Pat shows off his lyrical skill on “an ode to a jumpoff.””You always ruining the best times/ Keep me company but kill mines/Always blocking out the sunshine/You go again and come again with each climb” is the hook and it really shows that even though this person (or thing) comes up at the worst time and he feels like he could jump, he doesn't because he has to keep pushing forward.
smoke break // two
This instrumental interlude really shows off some of Pat’s production skill and gave me a minute to process everything i had heard up to now in this album. Pat speaks on some dark topics and the track leading up to this interlude is pretty heavy once you break his metaphore. This track also does a good job at changing the pace a little and transitioning into the second part of the project.
let it… (breathe)
This track is the deepest on the project. Pat talks about letting go of problems and talking to people despite your problems. Pat is saying that by putting conflict out in the open and being real with someone you can maintain relationships and not just keep things pent up inside. While i love the message, this has to be one of my least favorite songs from Pat. It feels like it drags on with the chorus at the end. This may have been an effect he was going for but it feels like a marathon. It keeps listeners in the same tone that is provided by “smoke break // two” and then transitions until the hardest tracks on the project.
the ride ft. Jodi
This was the single from this project and rightfully so. “The ride” is a good summary of the whole project. Pat hits a lot of the same themes as he has throughout the project and communicates his need to leave his mark. He knows that people are going to hate but he just wants to do this for himself and his wife. The production on this track complements the contemplative nature of his vocals. He is deep in thought and that translates well to the listener.
aye, aye. Ft. Swade
This is classic pat junior flow on a refined lyrical plane. He knows his mission in the game now and is going to do whatever it takes. It's almost like he was given orders by a higher power and he will do anything it takes to fulfill them. His flow in the first verse is insane and the lyrics match.
“Really been guarding my space, up/Light saber knight with the ace, tucked/Biting every bullet til I taste, bucks/Chucking dead weight to the waste, yuck” Pat is about to do anything it takes to make it in the game and the way he portrays this in both black and mild projects is brilliant. Swade also bodies the second verse and plays on the themes of the album. He talks about just wanting to provide for his mom and that he wants to “be a king but [he] can’t be rodney” in a reference to the late rodney king. He continues to speak he preaches peace but that would change whenever someone tried him. The pairing on this track creates an insanely cohesive song and i hope that we can see more from the pair in the future. This leads us into my favorite track and the first I heard from Pat.
Stepping out the batcave. Pat makes alot of refrences to Batman and gotham city in all his work and it works for him. This track has been a hit of his for some time now, but this was the first time it was used as more than just a single. It fits and is a great closer for this project. Pat has pushed passed his fears and is determined more than ever as he steps out of his batcave and enters his personal gotham city. He doesn't know what to expect, but he is ready for anything. The production is also the hardest on the album and the way he uses repeating beats and pitch bending creates an erie vibe and really complements his lyrical style.
black & mild: black wayne is an awesome follow up to the first black & mild project. It shows Pat’s growth as a musician and artist. His writing on the project blew me away compared to his past work even though it was already at such a high level. Everything seemed to come together on this project for Pat. Its deep and shows a vulnerable side to the artist that we have caught glimpses of in the past but has never been fully fleshed out like it is on black wayne. This project has me really excited for the first full length from Pat.
P.S. Check out Smoke Signals by pat junior and Sinopsis. It is the first black & mild project remixed by a great producer and provides a different vibe from the original. Highly recommend.
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