#P100 survivor thinks that no one in this game is a killer main- and if they are. they have to be a blight/nurse/wesker main.
forcedhesitation · 7 months
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cypher-ghost · 1 year
Dead by Daylight FAQ
Here are some questions that are asked about my DBD gameplay as well as some disclaimers <3 hese will be updated or more q&a will be added in the future <3
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Q: Do you prefer survivor or killer?
A: I prefer survivor but recently got into killer so I don’t mind either! I am a bit more uncomfortable as killer so you will find me apologising a lot for what I do even though I tend to let everyone go XD
Q: Which Character are you trying to get to prestige 100?
A: I am working towards getting Leon to P100 but I am trying to level up all my survivors to P1 to try get all the perks unlocked
Q: Who is your survivor main?
A: I main either Leon mainly but like playing Vittorio (who I hope to P100 after Leon!), Rebecca & Ada
Q: Who is your killer main?
A: I am still figuring that out but I like playing Wesker, Plague, Trapper and Trickster <3
Q: Which killer do you not like facing?
A: I don’t really like facing the doctor as I have a fear of distorted faces, funnily enough I don’t mind the likes of billy or other distorted face killers. I also don't like facing skull merchants; all the games i faced her in the person is either really salty and rude in end game chat or the games last centuries XD
Q: Which killer do you love facing?
A: Trickster's & Wesker's (bonus points for S.T.A.R.S uniform) <3
Q: When did you start playing DBD?
A: Back in 2020, I started out playing on the switch until I got a gaming laptop in 2021! 
Q: What are you great at doing in DBD? 
A: I ain’t a competitive player so I really don’t be great at a lot of things XD I guess I can do gens and always try to save my teammates! 
Q: What are your favourite perks?
A: I love aura reading perks, I often run Windows of Opportunity and Alert. As a Leon main I always run iron grasp (those know why lmao). As for killer, I don't have a favourite perk at the moment but from a survivor's POV, there are certainly a few I don't like XD
- Any comments made towards killers such as “no bubba, don’t camp me you idiot”, etc, are not towards the player! Even with survivors, we are all human so I understand mistakes lmaoo.
-  I don’t care if I lose or anything but if you throw salt at me, I will yeet a sprinkle back or straight up ignore you lmaoo. It's a game bro, Tóg go bog é XD
- No comments of he/she are towards the person playing so please don’t think I'm misgendering you!
- I am not a pro player so don’t expect a lot from me pfff. I try my best and thats the best I can do 🙂I have had such sweats come into my chat complaining about be dropping a pallet or stupid things, honestly if you're doing that please take a break and drink some water, don't burst a vein over a few of pixels
- When playing on stream, I tend to only allow viewers I know well to be nice to the community or friend to play with me. If I say no to you and you are a new or new-ish viewer, please don’t take it badly I just want to keep things safe even though I am sure you are really nice!
Want to catch one of my streams? Here are the links to my twitch & other socials for updates on when I am live!
Twitch: CypherGhost_
Twitter: @ CypherGhost_
Instagram: @ cypherghost_
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