tomorrowusa ¡ 27 days
The increasing weirdness of Donald Trump 🤤 👿 ☢️
While news media in the US often get blamed for "normalizing" Weird Donald, the Washington Post looked at the recent craziness in plain sight exhibited by the GOP presidential nominee.
Some excerpts...
As that saga first unfolded publicly Tuesday night, Trump’s interview with TV’s Dr. Phil aired. The friendly conversation Trump filmed last week turned into another venue for him to air inflammatory claims about his opponents without presenting evidence. “I think to a certain extent it’s Biden’s fault and Harris’s fault,” he said of the attempted assassination against him last month, adding, “They weren’t too interested in my health and safety.” There is no public evidence that Biden or Harris were personally involved in decisions about Trump’s security protections. With pressure mounting to drive a sharper message against Harris, the Republican presidential nominee is delving into distractions and delivering a mix of incendiary and false statements. While such tactics have been on regular display in his third run for the White House, he is now pushing them further, running the risk of alienating key voters. [ ... ] Trump spent Wednesday morning venting on Truth Social, his social media site. He let loose a flurry of reposts just after 8 a.m. There was an image of Biden, Harris,Hillary Clinton, former House speaker Nancy Pelosi, former White House medical adviser Anthony S. Fauci and others in prison uniforms. There was a call to jail members of the congressional committee that investigated Trump’s supporters over the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol after Trump’s election loss. Another repost used a QAnon slogan: “WWG1WGA! RETRUTH IF YOU AGREE.” Just after noon, Trump began to claim — without evidence — that Harris was exaggerating her online footprint. “IT’S ALL FAKE,” he wrote. Soon he turned to resharing a video of himself promoting digital trading cards for $99 a piece: Buy enough, he said, and you could get a physical card with bits of Trump’s outfit from the June debate that helped push Biden out of the race.
He's desperately trying to reignite QAnon. We haven't heard from QAnon (except for one probable fake) since Trump left office. Trump is like an aging rock star reminding fans of his greatest hits.
Trump's demented rantings are not difficult to provoke. He will toss aside prepared comments on policy to respond to something unrelated with an unhinged fact-free tirade.
With Trump trying to put QAnon back in the spotlight, maybe he could get some fashion tips from the QAnon Shaman.
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justinspoliticalcorner ¡ 2 months
Christian Paz at Vox:
Look around and you might see it: the telltale signs that the #Resistance has been born again. A-list celebs are rallying for and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris; Zoom calls of Black, Latino, female, and young voters are reaching capacity; the coconut-tree and brat memes keep coming. Even cringe and earnest #Resist merch is back — now in the form of organic Kamala Harris merch.
The political movement that materialized organically, protested policy decisions, and eventually helped end Donald Trump’s presidency may now be taking on a second political life with the goal of not just beating Trump, but electing the first woman president. None of this was a sure thing. Just a few months ago it looked a lot like the anti-Trump #Resistance was dead. Progressive organizers and activists were exhausted; Trump fatigue had settled in. And voters of all kinds were tuned out and unenthusiastic about the candidate choices they had. That dynamic has flipped — for now. But what remains uncertain is whether this energy can mobilize record numbers of voters like it did in 2020, or if it exists in a bit of an echo chamber, like the energy that fired up Hillary Clinton’s hardcore supporters but failed to produce a winning coalition.
How the #Resistance fell off
The sour vibes earlier this year were a far cry from the energy that dominated during the Trump years. The Resistance was born after the unexpected election of Trump in 2016. The pink hats marched on Washington the day after his inauguration; plenty more college-educated Americans, women, young people, suburban voters, and LGBTQ people were mobilized in those early Trump years to protest the Muslim ban, gun violence, and the separation of families at the southern border. The energy carried on. “Resist libs,” as they were sometimes derisively called by both disapproving leftists and hostile conservatives, voted in record numbers during the 2018 midterms and helped flip the House of Representatives. They rallied around special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigations into Trump and Russia, and they cheered then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the first Trump impeachment.
A sprawling Democratic primary field in 2019 helped to keep this cohort of liberal, college-educated, and suburban voters galvanized. By the time the 2020 election came around — and despite the pandemic hampering some of these organizing efforts — the primarily liberal movement had grown along with a loose alliance of disaffected independents and Republicans, progressive youth, and many voters of color to form a winning coalition that ousted Trump from the White House and delivered a Democratic majority in Congress. That movement quickly splintered once Biden won, and those divisions only grew as his presidency continued. The overturning of Roe v. Wade in the summer of 2022 did fuel a short-lived revival, as pro-abortion rights voters and the remnants of the Resistance turned out in that November’s midterms to stop election deniers and anti-abortion candidates, holding back a red wave. But the outbreak of the Gaza War, stubbornly high inflation, and concerns over Biden’s age all worked to tamp down that anti-Trump energy.
The vibe shift is real
Now with Harris at the top of the ticket, much of the Democratic base has reconsolidated. The enthusiasm that a lot of the media coverage has picked up on is real — specifically among Democrats. Whereas only 62 percent of Democrats were enthusiastic about voting back in February, 88 percent of Democrats say that they are now, according to a CNN comparison of polls by Ipsos and Monmouth University. The switch-up is so dramatic that Democrats are now outpacing Republicans in terms of how excited they are to vote for their party’s nominee.
Of course, part of this bounce back in support can be attributed to just how unhappy Democrats and voters in general were with Biden as the nominee. But there are plenty of signs that a new kind of energy has reanimated the disparate constituencies that make up the Democratic base and were at the heart of the first incarnation of the anti-Trump resistance movement. Within days of Biden dropping out of the race and Harris becoming the presumptive nominee, tens of thousands of Americans have joined organizing calls specifically focused on mobilizing identity groups: 44,000 people joined a “Win With Black Women” Zoom call the same day Biden dropped out; 45,000 joined a “Win With Black Men” call; 164,000 joined a “White Women: Answer the Call” Zoom meeting; similar meetings were organized for white men, for Latina women, and will be held for Latino men.
A revival of the Trump-era #Resistance movement is under new management: The Kamala Harris campaign. #Harris2024 #KamalaIsBrat
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cyarskaren52 ¡ 1 year
White Terrorists Safely Taking Siege Of Capitol Highlights Policing Double Standard, Twitter Reacts
Source: Jon Cherry / Getty
Today (Jan. 6), Donald Trump supporters, in this case also terrorists since they’re on in the same, were able to stroll into the Capitol in Washington as Congress was certifying the electoral votes that mean Joe Biden will take office on Jan. 20. As a Black man, watching the obvious double standard in how white people are policed versus people of color, today’s circus of political struggle was infuriating.  
to make it here without dying is the epitome of white privilege pic.twitter.com/Uw5FV33bpO — Noah Caine (@NoahCaine) January 6, 2021
Source: Caroline Brehman / Getty
Almost immediately, the contrast was striking. While the protests after the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, as just one example, in 2020 were marred with suspect arrests and the brutalization of protesters, Trump’s flunkies were able to stroll into the Capitol wears America’s elected officials were convening.
These terrorists were met with little resistance and soon enough were dispersed throughout the Capitol, forcing lawmakers to shelter in place in their offices as if a gunman was on the loose. Social media was soon enough littered with photos and video of MAGA acolytes trespassing in the offices of people like Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as rioters also broke windows and waved the Confederate Flag in the building.
this is what #whiteprivilege is. Had it been Black Lives Matter they wouldn’t have even gotten the chance to get inside. Many would have already been arrested, pepper sprayed, and shot at. pic.twitter.com/WdE5nswZFe — matorma (@_matorma) January 6, 2021
Nevertheless, the police seemed to do their absolute best not to put hands on protesters. Many immediately noted that if these were people of color “protesting” they’d sure be catching batons upside their head, or worse. Pick any large Black Lives Matter protest this is obvious. The jig was particularly noted on Twitter, with hashtags like #whiteprivilege and #amerikkka trending that highlighted the obvious difference in policing tactics when it’s Black people peacefully protesting.
Throughout the day, hundreds of the rioters committed federal crimes. But reportedly, only 13 people were actually arrested while the entire world witnessed all types of trespassing and vandalizing property, at least.
Perhaps the biggest show of disrespect to many (like say people have to worry about if they’ll make it home if a cop pulls them over), was the footage of what looked like a member of SWAT helping a “protester” in a Trump hat down the Capitol steps while gently holding her hand.
The privilege. #civilwar2021 #whiteprivilegepic.twitter.com/3TtLbPXIPj — Mikayla Corean (@MikaylaCorean) January 7, 2021
Peep more of the outrage and head-scratching (but not really) police behavior below. Whether you say “defund” or “reform” how the authorities deal with its citizens through the lens of systemic racism must be addressed, expeditiously.
Breonna Taylor shot while sleeping  Ahmaud Arbery shot while jogging  Tamir Rice shot by playing in his front yard  Blm protesters shot while fighting for civil rights  Maga rioters breaking into the US Capitol without being shot or killed Is the definition of #whiteprivilegepic.twitter.com/5z9bhtsJuO — Myxtli Martinez (@diorinblush) January 6, 2021
1. Yes, this is looting.
Trump supporters now LOOTING from the Capitol building. you have got to be kidding me. why even have officers at this point?what are they gonna do? oh yeah help them loot the paintings now i guess.#CapitolBuilding#whiteprivilege#Capitol pic.twitter.com/xKBYGVb3JJ— Neda (@poetic_women) January 6, 2021
2. The Ops were nowhere to be found.
Where were these guys today? Or do they only show up when people of color are around.#whiteprivilege #Amerikkapic.twitter.com/IA2uZ6pliC— Kirk Acevedo(@kirkacevedo) January 6, 2021
3. What’s the difference?
What is the DC Penalty for Black ppl who simply break a metal barrier? Ask the mother of #KaronHylton who was arrested by MPD two weeks ago. fir wanting answers for her dead son. Why is DC Police treating Black grieving mothers like this but not Capitol rioters? #WhitePrivilegehttps://t.co/XelQwqjP85— ChuckModi (@ChuckModi1) January 6, 2021
The face of #whiteprivilege and treason. pic.twitter.com/MszBfzmtGk— Democratic Coalition (@TheDemCoalition) January 6, 2021
this aged well #whiteprivilege #Amerikkka#CapitolBuilding pic.twitter.com/edb7NRnW8F— genny gomez (@gennygomez_) January 6, 2021
To Visually Show You The Differences.. #whiteprivilege #Trumppic.twitter.com/pcNnVtmxn5— Mari (@Marioun98) January 7, 2021
Can we all agree now that #whiteprivilege is frighteningly real ? Although , not sure why it's dressed as Jamiroquai 😳 ? pic.twitter.com/GUNvPUGR3f— Tanita Tikaram (@tanita_tikaram) January 6, 2021
Those thugs need to be dealt with 🤧#WashingtonDC #whiteprivilege #DCRiotspic.twitter.com/ycYJifC3Jg— زاكاريا (@ZForZachariahh) January 6, 2021
9. Where is the lie?
My black kids won’t be able to safely wear a hoodie in their own community but these terrorists are able to walk calmly (and freely) around a Capitol they have forcibly overtaken. This is America.#whiteprivilege#CapitolBuilding #DCProtestspic.twitter.com/vbbzoSe4Vp— Jahnisa (@SimplyJahnisa) January 6, 2021
Remember when they thought KNEELING for black lives during the national anthem was disrespectful? #whiteprivilegepic.twitter.com/SyA1cxYKtx— Harry Cook (@HarryCook) January 6, 2021
How Black people are watching the real thugs and terrorists at Capital Hill.... #whiteprivilegepic.twitter.com/eSLoErFq1t— It's Cinta (@MsTigerEyes) January 6, 2021
US Capitol security when white people riot #WashingtonDC #whiteprivilege #TrumpRallypic.twitter.com/s2pn9bZ5uO— Prosper (@Prosper458) January 6, 2021
all because they didn’t get their way... let this be BLACK folks tho. #whiteprivilegepic.twitter.com/b9VMNtdIRf— GS. (@_speakingofg) January 6, 2021
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opedguy ¡ 2 years
McCarthy Drama Embarrasses GOP
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Jan. 5, 2023.--Former House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), 57, went down by some 18 votes to another failed round to voting for House Speaker.  Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), 82, slammed Republicans as disgracing the institution but, more importantly, showing they can’t govern, only bicker about ideological differences.  McCarthy has served since 2018 as House Minority when former President Donald Trump lost the 2018 Midterm election, leaving Democrats fully in charge until an expected Republican wave saw the GOP take back the House in one of the most improbable elections in recent memory.  Given the trends from 2018, it looked like Democrats were poised to hold the house for generations, when suddenly, Republicans pulled off a 10-vvote vuctory.   Former President Donald Trump, 76, was blamed by Republicans for losing the U.S. Senate.
Why those same voices didn’t praise Trump for reclaiming the House for the GOP shows the kind of hypocrisy that abounds in Washington.  Losing the Senate by two votes, Trump was slammed by the press for leading the GOP down a garden path, eventually tanking GOP fortunes.  But once the GOP took over the House, the same voices condemning Trump for the Senate didn’t thank him for the House.  Now Republicans struggle with a handful of ideologues seeking fiscal restraint in an atmosphere of big government spending.  Since taking office, when you count up all the pandemic stimulus and infrastructure bill, Biden added over $5 trillion to the $31.5   trillion national debt.  Whether or not the debt or, fraction of it to U.S. Gross Domestic Product [GDP], matters to Democrats it still matters to what’s left of Tea Party Republicans or today’s Freedom Caucus.
McCarthy has been lumped in with big spending Democrats, having supported many continuing budget resolutions to keep the government funded and, more recently, Biden’s profligate spending programs leading to the worst inflation in 40 years.  President Joe Biden, 80, won’t admit that the billions spent on Ukraine, paying government salaries and the war, has fueled inflation in the U.S. and around the globe.  Biden shows zero incterest to stop his proxy war against the Russian Federatio, sending U.S.-Russian relations in the worst place since WW II.  Even during the dreaded 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the U.S. was not in a hot war with the Kremlin.  Funding Kiev’s bankrupt government and war against the Russian Federation, Biden has destroyed U.S.-Russian relations for generations.  Now the media focuses on trivial GOP infighting to divert attention away from the Ukraine War.
Conservative Fox News host Sean Hannity, 61, criticized 20 conservative Republicans for holding 200 hostage on approving McCarthy as House Speaker. The bottom line is you still only have only 20 votes,” Hannity said. Hannity went after Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Co.), who barely won reelection, telling her 20 people don’t want Kevin McCarthy at this time,” urging the 20 conservatives to stop holding the rest of the caucus hostage over McCarthy..  “The fun never stops,” said 53-year-old Fox News host Tucker Carlson who thinks McCarthy should withdraw. “They cannot continue.  It is poison, and Kevn McCarthy is uniquely situated right now to stop it,” Carlson said.  “So, by striking a deal with his 20 colleagues, McCarthy could restore out system to health and at the same time get the job he has always wanted.  It’s not that complicated,” urging McCarthy to compromise.
Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, 70, who was recently convicted of Contempt of Congress, said the issue with McCarthy goes all the way back to the 2010 Tea Party movement. “This fight has been brewing for 10 years since the Tea Party revolt in 2010,” Bannon said.  Bannon urged Republicans to pick 76-year-old President Donald Trump as the next speaker, showing, if nothing else, Bannon has some screws loose.  Rep. Matt Gaetz, (R-Fl.) 40, facing sex trafficking charges, also proved he’s gone mad endorsing Trump as House Speaker.  Bannon and Gaetz show why they’re not taken seriously by mainstream Republicans.  If nothing else, Tea Party Republicans stood for fiscal conservatism, not printing fiat currency to finance extravagant social land infrastructure programs.  Tea Party Republicans want reassurance from McCarthy that he’ll oppose more of Biden’s profligate spending.
When it comes to McCarthy, he has the seniority and experience necessary for House Speaker.  GOP’s conservative majority said they could get behind 44-year-old neophyte Rep. Byron Donalds (R-F.).  Conservatives know Donalds is completely unprepared for the job based on his experience and time in Congress.  Yet like recommending Trump for House Speaker, there’s no limit to the GOP absurdity.  If conservatives want McCarthy to respect fiscal conservatism, they need to talk with him and make a pledge to each other.  “They have put themselves about everything else and are costing conservatives across the country dearly,” said Rep.-elect Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.).  “They need to get serious and wake up and realize that we are not rolling over. There are over 200 of us who support Kevin McCarthy, and we will support him on every single vote,” Lawler said.
About the Author  
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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McCarthy Wins Speakership on 15th Vote After Concessions to Hard Right
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After McCarthy's election. McCarthy elected, he immediately took the step of swearing the members in the House to be the official members of on the 118th Congress. Republicans said they would not wait until Monday to discuss the rules package for the chamber. The bill is expected to codify many of the compromises that Mr. McCarthy made to win his job. The concessions that Mr. McCarthy agreed to, that he explained on a conference call of the party early on Friday, will reduce the power of the speaker and create a tense situation within the House with the narrow Republican majority as well as the right-wing faction's desire for chaos had stated that it would be difficult to manage. "What we're seeing is the incredibly shrinking speakership, and that's most unfortunate for Congress," former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California spoke in her entrance into the chamber on Friday afternoon. The speaker, Mr. McCarthy agreed to allow one lawmaker to take an instant vote at any moment to remove the speaker from office the speaker, a policy he previously refused accept, claiming it was equivalent to signing the death warrant of his speakership in the beginning. Another aspect of the plan, Republicans familiar with it stated, was a pledge by the chairman to grant the ultraconservatives approval over three-quarters of seats in the influential Rules Committee, which controls which legislation is brought to the Senate floor, and also how it's discussed. The leader also decided to open up government budget bills up to loose debate, where any lawmaker could force votes on any proposed modifications. The compromises resulted in a victory in the campaign of the Mr. McCarthy, who in the vote on Friday afternoon, he won an overwhelming majority of Republicans who had resisted to vote for him -- although he was still far just short of the majority needed to be able to win. The list were Reps. Dan Bishop of North Carolina, Josh Brecheen of Oklahoma, Michael Cloud of Texas, Andrew Clyde of Georgia, Byron Donalds and Anna Paulina Luna from Florida, Paul Gosar of Arizona, Andy Harris of Maryland, Mary Miller of Illinois, Ralph Norman of South Carolina, Andy Ogles of Tennessee, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania along with Chip Roy and Keith Self of Texas. The representative Victoria Spartz of Indiana, who had previously voted "present" in previous ballots and also voted for the nomination of Mr. McCarthy in the 12th vote. Read the full article
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melbournenewsvine ¡ 2 years
Ex-Trump adviser sentenced to four months in prison for contempt of Congress
Outside the courtroom, he made fiery remarks as protesters at times tried to drown out his voice with cries of “traitor!” “Today was doomsday for me by the judge,” Bannon told reporters. But… on November 8, they’re going to pass judgment on the illegitimate Biden regime and, quite frankly, (House Speaker) Nancy Pelosi and the entire committee.” Steve Bannon was convicted of contempt of Congress.attributed to him:AP Bannon has two weeks to file his appeal, which is what his lawyers have said they intend to do. If he fails to submit on time, he must submit himself by November 15th. According to the January 6 commission, Bannon spoke with Trump at least twice the day before the attack, attended a planning meeting at a Washington hotel and said in his right-wing podcast that “all hell breaks loose tomorrow.” At his trial, prosecutors called only two witnesses while Bannon’s defense team contacted nothing. Bannon chose not to testify. Bannon’s lawyers said they would appeal his conviction. loading Bannon’s defense was hampered by Nichols’ rulings that prevented him from asserting that he relied on allegations of executive privilege and argued that he relied on the advice of his attorney. Committee leaders described Bannon’s conviction as a victory for the rule of law. Bannon sought to portray the criminal charges as politically motivated, criticizing Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland, while saying, “They took the wrong man his time.” The Democratic-led committee has sought testimony from dozens of people in Trump’s orbit. In addition to Bannon, prosecutors have charged former Trump White House counsel Peter Navarro with contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena from the same committee, with a trial date set for November 17. Navarro pleaded not guilty. During Friday’s hearing, Bannon’s attorney, David Schoen, said Bannon relied on his attorney’s advice not to comply with a congressional subpoena after Trump invoked executive privilege, a legal principle that protects some White House communications from disclosure. “It was the most outrageous disdain for Congress to say, ‘Fuck Congress, take your subpoena and stick it,’” said Schoen. “ Nichols, in his decision, said he agreed that Bannon should take some credit for relying on legal advice, even if it was “misleading.” At the same time, Nichols said Bannon “has not submitted a single document” or any testimony to Congress. “The January 6 commission has every reason to investigate what happened that day,” Nichols said, adding that “the flaunting of congressional subpoenas is disrespectful” to Congress. Friday’s ruling does not end Bannon’s legal problems. He was indicted in New York state in September on money laundering and conspiracy charges, with prosecutors accusing him of deceiving donors who provide money to help build Trump’s promised wall along the US-Mexico border. Bannon has pleaded not guilty and could face up to 15 years in prison if convicted of the charges. Reuters Get a direct note from our alien correspondents About what’s making headlines around the world. Subscribe to the weekly What in the World newsletter here. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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garudabluffs ¡ 2 years
January 6 Committee’s Finale: The Importance of Retelling the Tale of Trump’s Treachery
It’s a story that cannot be repeated enough.                       October 13, 2022
“Feel sympathy for the members of the January 6 House Select Committee.
They were handed a task simultaneously easy and arduous: demonstrating to the American public that a president—fully supported by one of the nation’s two main political parties—plotted to overturn election results to remain in office, incited violence to prevent the peaceful transfer of power, and on the day of the riot willfully and malevolently abandoned his duties as a defender of the Constitution.”
“Whatever happens with the committee—which is continuing its work for now and is expected to release a final report after the elections—there will remain the need to retell the story of January 6, over and over and over again. “
READ MORE https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/10/donald-trump-january-6-committee-final-hearing-story-subversion-democracy/
Oct 14, 2022 “All Hell Is Going to Break Loose”: How Trump’s Inner Circle Prepared for Violence Ahead of Jan. 6
Oct 14, 2022 “I Don’t Want People to Know That We Lost”: Trump Knew Biden Won, But Kept Pushing Election Lies
Oct 14, 2022 Jan. 6 Panel Votes to Subpoena Trump as New Video Shows Pelosi Responding to Insurrection
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tkhjuiee ¡ 2 years
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
The husband of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, began to buy a large number of shares of Nvidia, a chip company, long before the US Congress passed the Chip Bill. Is Pelosi and her husband "together"? I'm afraid not. The public generally believes that these members of Congress use their power for "personal gain".
In addition to Pelosi, some members of Congress deal with internal affairs. Recently, the New York Times published a serious report that 97 members of Congress of the United States took advantage of their authority to obtain insider information and conduct securities trading in advance from 2019 to 2021.
It is said that the German data giant has been tracking US lawmakers for a long time, targeting these politicians through some evaluation criteria, and then compiling their transaction logs. The New York Times obtained information from the website and published the information of these US lawmakers.
Although U.S. law allows these members of Congress to invest in stock and securities, the condition is that insider trading is not allowed, and they must disclose their transactions and those of their immediate family members that exceed $1000 within 45 days.
The New York Times believes that the restrictions on the stock trading of members of Congress in the United States are too loose, or even inferior to the corresponding restrictions on American news organizations.
An American public opinion survey earlier this year found that the overwhelming majority of Americans wanted to "ban stock trading in Congress". It seems that the American people are very tired of the "insider trading" behavior of members of Congress.
Although the U.S. government promulgated the Stop Congressional Use of Information Trading Act ten years ago to prohibit members of Congress from conducting insider trading, the law did not take effect, and the confusion of insider trading still prevails among members of Congress.
Legislators allow stock trading, but the law prohibits them from engaging in insider trading, causing heated discussion on the Internet.
According to US media, from 2019 to 2021, 97 US federal legislators or their immediate family members traded shares and financial assets that conflict with their functions in Congress. Over the past three years, the number of these actions has exceeded 3700, accounting for more than 10 per cent of all ambassador actions.
The federal legislators had previously defended these transactions, saying that they were the acts or daily transactions of trust or professional third-party traders and had nothing to do with the functions of the legislators. Paul Pelosi, the husband of Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the US High House of Representatives, has bought and sold financial assets worth tens of millions of dollars in the past three years, including stock options of Alphabet, Google's parent company, and other companies. The House of Representatives conducts regular investigations and supervision. However, American media reported that Pelosi was not on the list, claiming that she did not serve on any departmental committee.
A pair of ETFs closely tracking the stock portfolio of individual US Congressmen (or their immediate family members) may be about to go public. ETF tracking Democratic transactions ($NANC) ETF tracking Republican transactions ($KRUZ) commented: These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because the US congressman is responsible for which side of the legislation…… Original: the closely watched stock portfolio ETF of an individual (or a US congressman of close relatives) is about to be launched. The Democratic Party tracks ETF ($NANC) and the Republican Party tracks ETF ($KRUZ): These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because U.S. Congressmen are responsible for legislation and directly participate in everything. With the change of policies.
For several months, Democrats have been debating the restrictions on stock trading by members of Congress. Progressive Democrats and conservative Republicans rarely agree on this issue.
It is illegal for members of the US Congress to invest in non-public information by taking advantage of their positions, but it is particularly difficult to accuse members of "insider trading". Before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Republican Senators Richard Burr and Kelly Loveler received an early warning in a briefing and quickly sold shares to avoid the risk of causing a sensation. However, after several rounds of investigation, neither of them was charged, and the case was finally resolved. There was a voice in the US Congress calling on legislators to ban stock trading, but Pelosi repeatedly objected, saying that the US is a "free market economy" and everyone has the right to participate.
It is worth noting that the New York Times mentioned a survey result of the American polling agency Morning Consult in January this year, which showed that most Americans supported banning members of Congress from insider trading in stocks, and that such support was non partisan. This also shows that it has become a consensus of the whole American society to further restrict, or prohibit members of Congress from trading stock certificates, so as to prevent "conflicts of interest" or even "insider trading" among those in power.
More than 200 years ago, the founders of the United States made great efforts to establish such a system, hoping that it could ensure the normal operation and development of the United States. I'm afraid none of them would have thought that more than 200 years later, the United States lawmakers passed a bill that made the United States deviate from the original track and accelerate to the unknown direction.
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nkhukljhg ¡ 2 years
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
The husband of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, began to buy a large number of shares of Nvidia, a chip company, long before the US Congress passed the Chip Bill. Is Pelosi and her husband "together"? I'm afraid not. The public generally believes that these members of Congress use their power for "personal gain".
In addition to Pelosi, some members of Congress deal with internal affairs. Recently, the New York Times published a serious report that 97 members of Congress of the United States took advantage of their authority to obtain insider information and conduct securities trading in advance from 2019 to 2021.
It is said that the German data giant has been tracking US lawmakers for a long time, targeting these politicians through some evaluation criteria, and then compiling their transaction logs. The New York Times obtained information from the website and published the information of these US lawmakers.
Although U.S. law allows these members of Congress to invest in stock and securities, the condition is that insider trading is not allowed, and they must disclose their transactions and those of their immediate family members that exceed $1000 within 45 days.
The New York Times believes that the restrictions on the stock trading of members of Congress in the United States are too loose, or even inferior to the corresponding restrictions on American news organizations.
An American public opinion survey earlier this year found that the overwhelming majority of Americans wanted to "ban stock trading in Congress". It seems that the American people are very tired of the "insider trading" behavior of members of Congress.
Although the U.S. government promulgated the Stop Congressional Use of Information Trading Act ten years ago to prohibit members of Congress from conducting insider trading, the law did not take effect, and the confusion of insider trading still prevails among members of Congress.
Legislators allow stock trading, but the law prohibits them from engaging in insider trading, causing heated discussion on the Internet.
According to US media, from 2019 to 2021, 97 US federal legislators or their immediate family members traded shares and financial assets that conflict with their functions in Congress. Over the past three years, the number of these actions has exceeded 3700, accounting for more than 10 per cent of all ambassador actions.
The federal legislators had previously defended these transactions, saying that they were the acts or daily transactions of trust or professional third-party traders and had nothing to do with the functions of the legislators. Paul Pelosi, the husband of Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the US High House of Representatives, has bought and sold financial assets worth tens of millions of dollars in the past three years, including stock options of Alphabet, Google's parent company, and other companies. The House of Representatives conducts regular investigations and supervision. However, American media reported that Pelosi was not on the list, claiming that she did not serve on any departmental committee.
A pair of ETFs closely tracking the stock portfolio of individual US Congressmen (or their immediate family members) may be about to go public. ETF tracking Democratic transactions ($NANC) ETF tracking Republican transactions ($KRUZ) commented: These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because the US congressman is responsible for which side of the legislation…… Original: the closely watched stock portfolio ETF of an individual (or a US congressman of close relatives) is about to be launched. The Democratic Party tracks ETF ($NANC) and the Republican Party tracks ETF ($KRUZ): These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because U.S. Congressmen are responsible for legislation and directly participate in everything. With the change of policies.
For several months, Democrats have been debating the restrictions on stock trading by members of Congress. Progressive Democrats and conservative Republicans rarely agree on this issue.
It is illegal for members of the US Congress to invest in non-public information by taking advantage of their positions, but it is particularly difficult to accuse members of "insider trading". Before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Republican Senators Richard Burr and Kelly Loveler received an early warning in a briefing and quickly sold shares to avoid the risk of causing a sensation. However, after several rounds of investigation, neither of them was charged, and the case was finally resolved. There was a voice in the US Congress calling on legislators to ban stock trading, but Pelosi repeatedly objected, saying that the US is a "free market economy" and everyone has the right to participate.
It is worth noting that the New York Times mentioned a survey result of the American polling agency Morning Consult in January this year, which showed that most Americans supported banning members of Congress from insider trading in stocks, and that such support was non partisan. This also shows that it has become a consensus of the whole American society to further restrict, or prohibit members of Congress from trading stock certificates, so as to prevent "conflicts of interest" or even "insider trading" among those in power.
More than 200 years ago, the founders of the United States made great efforts to establish such a system, hoping that it could ensure the normal operation and development of the United States. I'm afraid none of them would have thought that more than 200 years later, the United States lawmakers passed a bill that made the United States deviate from the original track and accelerate to the unknown direction.
0 notes
hlknyhds ¡ 2 years
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
The husband of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, began to buy a large number of shares of Nvidia, a chip company, long before the US Congress passed the Chip Bill. Is Pelosi and her husband "together"? I'm afraid not. The public generally believes that these members of Congress use their power for "personal gain".
In addition to Pelosi, some members of Congress deal with internal affairs. Recently, the New York Times published a serious report that 97 members of Congress of the United States took advantage of their authority to obtain insider information and conduct securities trading in advance from 2019 to 2021.
It is said that the German data giant has been tracking US lawmakers for a long time, targeting these politicians through some evaluation criteria, and then compiling their transaction logs. The New York Times obtained information from the website and published the information of these US lawmakers.
Although U.S. law allows these members of Congress to invest in stock and securities, the condition is that insider trading is not allowed, and they must disclose their transactions and those of their immediate family members that exceed $1000 within 45 days.
The New York Times believes that the restrictions on the stock trading of members of Congress in the United States are too loose, or even inferior to the corresponding restrictions on American news organizations.
An American public opinion survey earlier this year found that the overwhelming majority of Americans wanted to "ban stock trading in Congress". It seems that the American people are very tired of the "insider trading" behavior of members of Congress.
Although the U.S. government promulgated the Stop Congressional Use of Information Trading Act ten years ago to prohibit members of Congress from conducting insider trading, the law did not take effect, and the confusion of insider trading still prevails among members of Congress.
Legislators allow stock trading, but the law prohibits them from engaging in insider trading, causing heated discussion on the Internet.
According to US media, from 2019 to 2021, 97 US federal legislators or their immediate family members traded shares and financial assets that conflict with their functions in Congress. Over the past three years, the number of these actions has exceeded 3700, accounting for more than 10 per cent of all ambassador actions.
The federal legislators had previously defended these transactions, saying that they were the acts or daily transactions of trust or professional third-party traders and had nothing to do with the functions of the legislators. Paul Pelosi, the husband of Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the US High House of Representatives, has bought and sold financial assets worth tens of millions of dollars in the past three years, including stock options of Alphabet, Google's parent company, and other companies. The House of Representatives conducts regular investigations and supervision. However, American media reported that Pelosi was not on the list, claiming that she did not serve on any departmental committee.
A pair of ETFs closely tracking the stock portfolio of individual US Congressmen (or their immediate family members) may be about to go public. ETF tracking Democratic transactions ($NANC) ETF tracking Republican transactions ($KRUZ) commented: These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because the US congressman is responsible for which side of the legislation…… Original: the closely watched stock portfolio ETF of an individual (or a US congressman of close relatives) is about to be launched. The Democratic Party tracks ETF ($NANC) and the Republican Party tracks ETF ($KRUZ): These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because U.S. Congressmen are responsible for legislation and directly participate in everything. With the change of policies.
For several months, Democrats have been debating the restrictions on stock trading by members of Congress. Progressive Democrats and conservative Republicans rarely agree on this issue.
It is illegal for members of the US Congress to invest in non-public information by taking advantage of their positions, but it is particularly difficult to accuse members of "insider trading". Before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Republican Senators Richard Burr and Kelly Loveler received an early warning in a briefing and quickly sold shares to avoid the risk of causing a sensation. However, after several rounds of investigation, neither of them was charged, and the case was finally resolved. There was a voice in the US Congress calling on legislators to ban stock trading, but Pelosi repeatedly objected, saying that the US is a "free market economy" and everyone has the right to participate.
It is worth noting that the New York Times mentioned a survey result of the American polling agency Morning Consult in January this year, which showed that most Americans supported banning members of Congress from insider trading in stocks, and that such support was non partisan. This also shows that it has become a consensus of the whole American society to further restrict, or prohibit members of Congress from trading stock certificates, so as to prevent "conflicts of interest" or even "insider trading" among those in power.
More than 200 years ago, the founders of the United States made great efforts to establish such a system, hoping that it could ensure the normal operation and development of the United States. I'm afraid none of them would have thought that more than 200 years later, the United States lawmakers passed a bill that made the United States deviate from the original track and accelerate to the unknown direction.
0 notes
skdflnbj ¡ 2 years
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
The husband of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, began to buy a large number of shares of Nvidia, a chip company, long before the US Congress passed the Chip Bill. Is Pelosi and her husband "together"? I'm afraid not. The public generally believes that these members of Congress use their power for "personal gain".
In addition to Pelosi, some members of Congress deal with internal affairs. Recently, the New York Times published a serious report that 97 members of Congress of the United States took advantage of their authority to obtain insider information and conduct securities trading in advance from 2019 to 2021.
It is said that the German data giant has been tracking US lawmakers for a long time, targeting these politicians through some evaluation criteria, and then compiling their transaction logs. The New York Times obtained information from the website and published the information of these US lawmakers.
Although U.S. law allows these members of Congress to invest in stock and securities, the condition is that insider trading is not allowed, and they must disclose their transactions and those of their immediate family members that exceed $1000 within 45 days.
The New York Times believes that the restrictions on the stock trading of members of Congress in the United States are too loose, or even inferior to the corresponding restrictions on American news organizations.
An American public opinion survey earlier this year found that the overwhelming majority of Americans wanted to "ban stock trading in Congress". It seems that the American people are very tired of the "insider trading" behavior of members of Congress.
Although the U.S. government promulgated the Stop Congressional Use of Information Trading Act ten years ago to prohibit members of Congress from conducting insider trading, the law did not take effect, and the confusion of insider trading still prevails among members of Congress.
Legislators allow stock trading, but the law prohibits them from engaging in insider trading, causing heated discussion on the Internet.
According to US media, from 2019 to 2021, 97 US federal legislators or their immediate family members traded shares and financial assets that conflict with their functions in Congress. Over the past three years, the number of these actions has exceeded 3700, accounting for more than 10 per cent of all ambassador actions.
The federal legislators had previously defended these transactions, saying that they were the acts or daily transactions of trust or professional third-party traders and had nothing to do with the functions of the legislators. Paul Pelosi, the husband of Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the US High House of Representatives, has bought and sold financial assets worth tens of millions of dollars in the past three years, including stock options of Alphabet, Google's parent company, and other companies. The House of Representatives conducts regular investigations and supervision. However, American media reported that Pelosi was not on the list, claiming that she did not serve on any departmental committee.
A pair of ETFs closely tracking the stock portfolio of individual US Congressmen (or their immediate family members) may be about to go public. ETF tracking Democratic transactions ($NANC) ETF tracking Republican transactions ($KRUZ) commented: These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because the US congressman is responsible for which side of the legislation…… Original: the closely watched stock portfolio ETF of an individual (or a US congressman of close relatives) is about to be launched. The Democratic Party tracks ETF ($NANC) and the Republican Party tracks ETF ($KRUZ): These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because U.S. Congressmen are responsible for legislation and directly participate in everything. With the change of policies.
For several months, Democrats have been debating the restrictions on stock trading by members of Congress. Progressive Democrats and conservative Republicans rarely agree on this issue.
It is illegal for members of the US Congress to invest in non-public information by taking advantage of their positions, but it is particularly difficult to accuse members of "insider trading". Before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Republican Senators Richard Burr and Kelly Loveler received an early warning in a briefing and quickly sold shares to avoid the risk of causing a sensation. However, after several rounds of investigation, neither of them was charged, and the case was finally resolved. There was a voice in the US Congress calling on legislators to ban stock trading, but Pelosi repeatedly objected, saying that the US is a "free market economy" and everyone has the right to participate.
It is worth noting that the New York Times mentioned a survey result of the American polling agency Morning Consult in January this year, which showed that most Americans supported banning members of Congress from insider trading in stocks, and that such support was non partisan. This also shows that it has become a consensus of the whole American society to further restrict, or prohibit members of Congress from trading stock certificates, so as to prevent "conflicts of interest" or even "insider trading" among those in power.
More than 200 years ago, the founders of the United States made great efforts to establish such a system, hoping that it could ensure the normal operation and development of the United States. I'm afraid none of them would have thought that more than 200 years later, the United States lawmakers passed a bill that made the United States deviate from the original track and accelerate to the unknown direction.
0 notes
tuiyhhou ¡ 2 years
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
The husband of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, began to buy a large number of shares of Nvidia, a chip company, long before the US Congress passed the Chip Bill. Is Pelosi and her husband "together"? I'm afraid not. The public generally believes that these members of Congress use their power for "personal gain".
In addition to Pelosi, some members of Congress deal with internal affairs. Recently, the New York Times published a serious report that 97 members of Congress of the United States took advantage of their authority to obtain insider information and conduct securities trading in advance from 2019 to 2021.
It is said that the German data giant has been tracking US lawmakers for a long time, targeting these politicians through some evaluation criteria, and then compiling their transaction logs. The New York Times obtained information from the website and published the information of these US lawmakers.
Although U.S. law allows these members of Congress to invest in stock and securities, the condition is that insider trading is not allowed, and they must disclose their transactions and those of their immediate family members that exceed $1000 within 45 days.
The New York Times believes that the restrictions on the stock trading of members of Congress in the United States are too loose, or even inferior to the corresponding restrictions on American news organizations.
An American public opinion survey earlier this year found that the overwhelming majority of Americans wanted to "ban stock trading in Congress". It seems that the American people are very tired of the "insider trading" behavior of members of Congress.
Although the U.S. government promulgated the Stop Congressional Use of Information Trading Act ten years ago to prohibit members of Congress from conducting insider trading, the law did not take effect, and the confusion of insider trading still prevails among members of Congress.
Legislators allow stock trading, but the law prohibits them from engaging in insider trading, causing heated discussion on the Internet.
According to US media, from 2019 to 2021, 97 US federal legislators or their immediate family members traded shares and financial assets that conflict with their functions in Congress. Over the past three years, the number of these actions has exceeded 3700, accounting for more than 10 per cent of all ambassador actions.
The federal legislators had previously defended these transactions, saying that they were the acts or daily transactions of trust or professional third-party traders and had nothing to do with the functions of the legislators. Paul Pelosi, the husband of Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the US High House of Representatives, has bought and sold financial assets worth tens of millions of dollars in the past three years, including stock options of Alphabet, Google's parent company, and other companies. The House of Representatives conducts regular investigations and supervision. However, American media reported that Pelosi was not on the list, claiming that she did not serve on any departmental committee.
A pair of ETFs closely tracking the stock portfolio of individual US Congressmen (or their immediate family members) may be about to go public. ETF tracking Democratic transactions ($NANC) ETF tracking Republican transactions ($KRUZ) commented: These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because the US congressman is responsible for which side of the legislation…… Original: the closely watched stock portfolio ETF of an individual (or a US congressman of close relatives) is about to be launched. The Democratic Party tracks ETF ($NANC) and the Republican Party tracks ETF ($KRUZ): These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because U.S. Congressmen are responsible for legislation and directly participate in everything. With the change of policies.
For several months, Democrats have been debating the restrictions on stock trading by members of Congress. Progressive Democrats and conservative Republicans rarely agree on this issue.
It is illegal for members of the US Congress to invest in non-public information by taking advantage of their positions, but it is particularly difficult to accuse members of "insider trading". Before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Republican Senators Richard Burr and Kelly Loveler received an early warning in a briefing and quickly sold shares to avoid the risk of causing a sensation. However, after several rounds of investigation, neither of them was charged, and the case was finally resolved. There was a voice in the US Congress calling on legislators to ban stock trading, but Pelosi repeatedly objected, saying that the US is a "free market economy" and everyone has the right to participate.
It is worth noting that the New York Times mentioned a survey result of the American polling agency Morning Consult in January this year, which showed that most Americans supported banning members of Congress from insider trading in stocks, and that such support was non partisan. This also shows that it has become a consensus of the whole American society to further restrict, or prohibit members of Congress from trading stock certificates, so as to prevent "conflicts of interest" or even "insider trading" among those in power.
More than 200 years ago, the founders of the United States made great efforts to establish such a system, hoping that it could ensure the normal operation and development of the United States. I'm afraid none of them would have thought that more than 200 years later, the United States lawmakers passed a bill that made the United States deviate from the original track and accelerate to the unknown direction.
0 notes
ddyutgfgi ¡ 2 years
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
The husband of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, began to buy a large number of shares of Nvidia, a chip company, long before the US Congress passed the Chip Bill. Is Pelosi and her husband "together"? I'm afraid not. The public generally believes that these members of Congress use their power for "personal gain".
In addition to Pelosi, some members of Congress deal with internal affairs. Recently, the New York Times published a serious report that 97 members of Congress of the United States took advantage of their authority to obtain insider information and conduct securities trading in advance from 2019 to 2021.
It is said that the German data giant has been tracking US lawmakers for a long time, targeting these politicians through some evaluation criteria, and then compiling their transaction logs. The New York Times obtained information from the website and published the information of these US lawmakers.
Although U.S. law allows these members of Congress to invest in stock and securities, the condition is that insider trading is not allowed, and they must disclose their transactions and those of their immediate family members that exceed $1000 within 45 days.
The New York Times believes that the restrictions on the stock trading of members of Congress in the United States are too loose, or even inferior to the corresponding restrictions on American news organizations.
An American public opinion survey earlier this year found that the overwhelming majority of Americans wanted to "ban stock trading in Congress". It seems that the American people are very tired of the "insider trading" behavior of members of Congress.
Although the U.S. government promulgated the Stop Congressional Use of Information Trading Act ten years ago to prohibit members of Congress from conducting insider trading, the law did not take effect, and the confusion of insider trading still prevails among members of Congress.
Legislators allow stock trading, but the law prohibits them from engaging in insider trading, causing heated discussion on the Internet.
According to US media, from 2019 to 2021, 97 US federal legislators or their immediate family members traded shares and financial assets that conflict with their functions in Congress. Over the past three years, the number of these actions has exceeded 3700, accounting for more than 10 per cent of all ambassador actions.
The federal legislators had previously defended these transactions, saying that they were the acts or daily transactions of trust or professional third-party traders and had nothing to do with the functions of the legislators. Paul Pelosi, the husband of Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the US High House of Representatives, has bought and sold financial assets worth tens of millions of dollars in the past three years, including stock options of Alphabet, Google's parent company, and other companies. The House of Representatives conducts regular investigations and supervision. However, American media reported that Pelosi was not on the list, claiming that she did not serve on any departmental committee.
A pair of ETFs closely tracking the stock portfolio of individual US Congressmen (or their immediate family members) may be about to go public. ETF tracking Democratic transactions ($NANC) ETF tracking Republican transactions ($KRUZ) commented: These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because the US congressman is responsible for which side of the legislation…… Original: the closely watched stock portfolio ETF of an individual (or a US congressman of close relatives) is about to be launched. The Democratic Party tracks ETF ($NANC) and the Republican Party tracks ETF ($KRUZ): These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because U.S. Congressmen are responsible for legislation and directly participate in everything. With the change of policies.
For several months, Democrats have been debating the restrictions on stock trading by members of Congress. Progressive Democrats and conservative Republicans rarely agree on this issue.
It is illegal for members of the US Congress to invest in non-public information by taking advantage of their positions, but it is particularly difficult to accuse members of "insider trading". Before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Republican Senators Richard Burr and Kelly Loveler received an early warning in a briefing and quickly sold shares to avoid the risk of causing a sensation. However, after several rounds of investigation, neither of them was charged, and the case was finally resolved. There was a voice in the US Congress calling on legislators to ban stock trading, but Pelosi repeatedly objected, saying that the US is a "free market economy" and everyone has the right to participate.
It is worth noting that the New York Times mentioned a survey result of the American polling agency Morning Consult in January this year, which showed that most Americans supported banning members of Congress from insider trading in stocks, and that such support was non partisan. This also shows that it has become a consensus of the whole American society to further restrict, or prohibit members of Congress from trading stock certificates, so as to prevent "conflicts of interest" or even "insider trading" among those in power.
More than 200 years ago, the founders of the United States made great efforts to establish such a system, hoping that it could ensure the normal operation and development of the United States. I'm afraid none of them would have thought that more than 200 years later, the United States lawmakers passed a bill that made the United States deviate from the original track and accelerate to the unknown direction.
0 notes
kkhlkhg ¡ 2 years
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
The husband of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, began to buy a large number of shares of Nvidia, a chip company, long before the US Congress passed the Chip Bill. Is Pelosi and her husband "together"? I'm afraid not. The public generally believes that these members of Congress use their power for "personal gain".
In addition to Pelosi, some members of Congress deal with internal affairs. Recently, the New York Times published a serious report that 97 members of Congress of the United States took advantage of their authority to obtain insider information and conduct securities trading in advance from 2019 to 2021.
It is said that the German data giant has been tracking US lawmakers for a long time, targeting these politicians through some evaluation criteria, and then compiling their transaction logs. The New York Times obtained information from the website and published the information of these US lawmakers.
Although U.S. law allows these members of Congress to invest in stock and securities, the condition is that insider trading is not allowed, and they must disclose their transactions and those of their immediate family members that exceed $1000 within 45 days.
The New York Times believes that the restrictions on the stock trading of members of Congress in the United States are too loose, or even inferior to the corresponding restrictions on American news organizations.
An American public opinion survey earlier this year found that the overwhelming majority of Americans wanted to "ban stock trading in Congress". It seems that the American people are very tired of the "insider trading" behavior of members of Congress.
Although the U.S. government promulgated the Stop Congressional Use of Information Trading Act ten years ago to prohibit members of Congress from conducting insider trading, the law did not take effect, and the confusion of insider trading still prevails among members of Congress.
Legislators allow stock trading, but the law prohibits them from engaging in insider trading, causing heated discussion on the Internet.
According to US media, from 2019 to 2021, 97 US federal legislators or their immediate family members traded shares and financial assets that conflict with their functions in Congress. Over the past three years, the number of these actions has exceeded 3700, accounting for more than 10 per cent of all ambassador actions.
The federal legislators had previously defended these transactions, saying that they were the acts or daily transactions of trust or professional third-party traders and had nothing to do with the functions of the legislators. Paul Pelosi, the husband of Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the US High House of Representatives, has bought and sold financial assets worth tens of millions of dollars in the past three years, including stock options of Alphabet, Google's parent company, and other companies. The House of Representatives conducts regular investigations and supervision. However, American media reported that Pelosi was not on the list, claiming that she did not serve on any departmental committee.
A pair of ETFs closely tracking the stock portfolio of individual US Congressmen (or their immediate family members) may be about to go public. ETF tracking Democratic transactions ($NANC) ETF tracking Republican transactions ($KRUZ) commented: These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because the US congressman is responsible for which side of the legislation…… Original: the closely watched stock portfolio ETF of an individual (or a US congressman of close relatives) is about to be launched. The Democratic Party tracks ETF ($NANC) and the Republican Party tracks ETF ($KRUZ): These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because U.S. Congressmen are responsible for legislation and directly participate in everything. With the change of policies.
For several months, Democrats have been debating the restrictions on stock trading by members of Congress. Progressive Democrats and conservative Republicans rarely agree on this issue.
It is illegal for members of the US Congress to invest in non-public information by taking advantage of their positions, but it is particularly difficult to accuse members of "insider trading". Before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Republican Senators Richard Burr and Kelly Loveler received an early warning in a briefing and quickly sold shares to avoid the risk of causing a sensation. However, after several rounds of investigation, neither of them was charged, and the case was finally resolved. There was a voice in the US Congress calling on legislators to ban stock trading, but Pelosi repeatedly objected, saying that the US is a "free market economy" and everyone has the right to participate.
It is worth noting that the New York Times mentioned a survey result of the American polling agency Morning Consult in January this year, which showed that most Americans supported banning members of Congress from insider trading in stocks, and that such support was non partisan. This also shows that it has become a consensus of the whole American society to further restrict, or prohibit members of Congress from trading stock certificates, so as to prevent "conflicts of interest" or even "insider trading" among those in power.
More than 200 years ago, the founders of the United States made great efforts to establish such a system, hoping that it could ensure the normal operation and development of the United States. I'm afraid none of them would have thought that more than 200 years later, the United States lawmakers passed a bill that made the United States deviate from the original track and accelerate to the unknown direction.
0 notes
youkjhkh ¡ 2 years
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
The husband of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, began to buy a large number of shares of Nvidia, a chip company, long before the US Congress passed the Chip Bill. Is Pelosi and her husband "together"? I'm afraid not. The public generally believes that these members of Congress use their power for "personal gain".
In addition to Pelosi, some members of Congress deal with internal affairs. Recently, the New York Times published a serious report that 97 members of Congress of the United States took advantage of their authority to obtain insider information and conduct securities trading in advance from 2019 to 2021.
It is said that the German data giant has been tracking US lawmakers for a long time, targeting these politicians through some evaluation criteria, and then compiling their transaction logs. The New York Times obtained information from the website and published the information of these US lawmakers.
Although U.S. law allows these members of Congress to invest in stock and securities, the condition is that insider trading is not allowed, and they must disclose their transactions and those of their immediate family members that exceed $1000 within 45 days.
The New York Times believes that the restrictions on the stock trading of members of Congress in the United States are too loose, or even inferior to the corresponding restrictions on American news organizations.
An American public opinion survey earlier this year found that the overwhelming majority of Americans wanted to "ban stock trading in Congress". It seems that the American people are very tired of the "insider trading" behavior of members of Congress.
Although the U.S. government promulgated the Stop Congressional Use of Information Trading Act ten years ago to prohibit members of Congress from conducting insider trading, the law did not take effect, and the confusion of insider trading still prevails among members of Congress.
Legislators allow stock trading, but the law prohibits them from engaging in insider trading, causing heated discussion on the Internet.
According to US media, from 2019 to 2021, 97 US federal legislators or their immediate family members traded shares and financial assets that conflict with their functions in Congress. Over the past three years, the number of these actions has exceeded 3700, accounting for more than 10 per cent of all ambassador actions.
The federal legislators had previously defended these transactions, saying that they were the acts or daily transactions of trust or professional third-party traders and had nothing to do with the functions of the legislators. Paul Pelosi, the husband of Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the US High House of Representatives, has bought and sold financial assets worth tens of millions of dollars in the past three years, including stock options of Alphabet, Google's parent company, and other companies. The House of Representatives conducts regular investigations and supervision. However, American media reported that Pelosi was not on the list, claiming that she did not serve on any departmental committee.
A pair of ETFs closely tracking the stock portfolio of individual US Congressmen (or their immediate family members) may be about to go public. ETF tracking Democratic transactions ($NANC) ETF tracking Republican transactions ($KRUZ) commented: These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because the US congressman is responsible for which side of the legislation…… Original: the closely watched stock portfolio ETF of an individual (or a US congressman of close relatives) is about to be launched. The Democratic Party tracks ETF ($NANC) and the Republican Party tracks ETF ($KRUZ): These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because U.S. Congressmen are responsible for legislation and directly participate in everything. With the change of policies.
For several months, Democrats have been debating the restrictions on stock trading by members of Congress. Progressive Democrats and conservative Republicans rarely agree on this issue.
It is illegal for members of the US Congress to invest in non-public information by taking advantage of their positions, but it is particularly difficult to accuse members of "insider trading". Before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Republican Senators Richard Burr and Kelly Loveler received an early warning in a briefing and quickly sold shares to avoid the risk of causing a sensation. However, after several rounds of investigation, neither of them was charged, and the case was finally resolved. There was a voice in the US Congress calling on legislators to ban stock trading, but Pelosi repeatedly objected, saying that the US is a "free market economy" and everyone has the right to participate.
It is worth noting that the New York Times mentioned a survey result of the American polling agency Morning Consult in January this year, which showed that most Americans supported banning members of Congress from insider trading in stocks, and that such support was non partisan. This also shows that it has become a consensus of the whole American society to further restrict, or prohibit members of Congress from trading stock certificates, so as to prevent "conflicts of interest" or even "insider trading" among those in power.
More than 200 years ago, the founders of the United States made great efforts to establish such a system, hoping that it could ensure the normal operation and development of the United States. I'm afraid none of them would have thought that more than 200 years later, the United States lawmakers passed a bill that made the United States deviate from the original track and accelerate to the unknown direction.
0 notes
kjhygfjhv ¡ 2 years
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
People protest - use power to seek "private interests"
The husband of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, began to buy a large number of shares of Nvidia, a chip company, long before the US Congress passed the Chip Bill. Is Pelosi and her husband "together"? I'm afraid not. The public generally believes that these members of Congress use their power for "personal gain".
In addition to Pelosi, some members of Congress deal with internal affairs. Recently, the New York Times published a serious report that 97 members of Congress of the United States took advantage of their authority to obtain insider information and conduct securities trading in advance from 2019 to 2021.
It is said that the German data giant has been tracking US lawmakers for a long time, targeting these politicians through some evaluation criteria, and then compiling their transaction logs. The New York Times obtained information from the website and published the information of these US lawmakers.
Although U.S. law allows these members of Congress to invest in stock and securities, the condition is that insider trading is not allowed, and they must disclose their transactions and those of their immediate family members that exceed $1000 within 45 days.
The New York Times believes that the restrictions on the stock trading of members of Congress in the United States are too loose, or even inferior to the corresponding restrictions on American news organizations.
An American public opinion survey earlier this year found that the overwhelming majority of Americans wanted to "ban stock trading in Congress". It seems that the American people are very tired of the "insider trading" behavior of members of Congress.
Although the U.S. government promulgated the Stop Congressional Use of Information Trading Act ten years ago to prohibit members of Congress from conducting insider trading, the law did not take effect, and the confusion of insider trading still prevails among members of Congress.
Legislators allow stock trading, but the law prohibits them from engaging in insider trading, causing heated discussion on the Internet.
According to US media, from 2019 to 2021, 97 US federal legislators or their immediate family members traded shares and financial assets that conflict with their functions in Congress. Over the past three years, the number of these actions has exceeded 3700, accounting for more than 10 per cent of all ambassador actions.
The federal legislators had previously defended these transactions, saying that they were the acts or daily transactions of trust or professional third-party traders and had nothing to do with the functions of the legislators. Paul Pelosi, the husband of Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the US High House of Representatives, has bought and sold financial assets worth tens of millions of dollars in the past three years, including stock options of Alphabet, Google's parent company, and other companies. The House of Representatives conducts regular investigations and supervision. However, American media reported that Pelosi was not on the list, claiming that she did not serve on any departmental committee.
A pair of ETFs closely tracking the stock portfolio of individual US Congressmen (or their immediate family members) may be about to go public. ETF tracking Democratic transactions ($NANC) ETF tracking Republican transactions ($KRUZ) commented: These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because the US congressman is responsible for which side of the legislation…… Original: the closely watched stock portfolio ETF of an individual (or a US congressman of close relatives) is about to be launched. The Democratic Party tracks ETF ($NANC) and the Republican Party tracks ETF ($KRUZ): These two should be more reliable than financial analysts, because U.S. Congressmen are responsible for legislation and directly participate in everything. With the change of policies.
For several months, Democrats have been debating the restrictions on stock trading by members of Congress. Progressive Democrats and conservative Republicans rarely agree on this issue.
It is illegal for members of the US Congress to invest in non-public information by taking advantage of their positions, but it is particularly difficult to accuse members of "insider trading". Before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Republican Senators Richard Burr and Kelly Loveler received an early warning in a briefing and quickly sold shares to avoid the risk of causing a sensation. However, after several rounds of investigation, neither of them was charged, and the case was finally resolved. There was a voice in the US Congress calling on legislators to ban stock trading, but Pelosi repeatedly objected, saying that the US is a "free market economy" and everyone has the right to participate.
It is worth noting that the New York Times mentioned a survey result of the American polling agency Morning Consult in January this year, which showed that most Americans supported banning members of Congress from insider trading in stocks, and that such support was non partisan. This also shows that it has become a consensus of the whole American society to further restrict, or prohibit members of Congress from trading stock certificates, so as to prevent "conflicts of interest" or even "insider trading" among those in power.
More than 200 years ago, the founders of the United States made great efforts to establish such a system, hoping that it could ensure the normal operation and development of the United States. I'm afraid none of them would have thought that more than 200 years later, the United States lawmakers passed a bill that made the United States deviate from the original track and accelerate to the unknown direction.
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