saydams · 6 months
the usa senate passed the budget that banned all aid to UNRWA and Biden signed it.
the senators who voted for this budget (preventing usa from funding UNRWA) are under the readmore. if your senator is on this list, call (202) 224-3121 and demand they find another way of funding relief to palestine.
Tammy Baldwin Wis.
Richard Blumenthal Conn.
Cory Booker N.J.
John Boozman Ark.
Katie Britt Ala.
Sherrod Brown Ohio
Laphonza Butler Calif.
Maria Cantwell Wash.
S. Capito W.Va.
Benjamin L. Cardin Md.
Tom Carper Del.
Bob Casey Pa.
Bill Cassidy La.
Susan Collins Maine
Chris Coons Del.
John Cornyn Tex.
C. Cortez Masto Nev.
Tom Cotton Ark.
Kevin Cramer N.D.
Tammy Duckworth Ill.
Dick Durbin Ill.
Joni Ernst Iowa
John Fetterman Pa.
Deb Fischer Neb.
Kirsten Gillibrand N.Y.
Lindsey Graham S.C.
Chuck Grassley Iowa
M. Hassan N.H.
Martin Heinrich N.M.
John Hickenlooper Colo.
Mazie Hirono Hawaii
John Hoeven N.D.
Cindy Hyde-Smith Miss.
Tim Kaine Va.
Mark Kelly Ariz.
Angus King Maine
Amy Klobuchar Minn.
Ben Ray Luján N.M.
Joe Manchin III W.Va.
Edward J. Markey Mass.
Mitch McConnell Ky.
Robert Menendez N.J.
Jeff Merkley Ore.
Jerry Moran Kan.
Markwayne Mullin Okla.
Lisa Murkowski Alaska
Chris Murphy Conn.
Patty Murray Wash.
Jon Ossoff Ga.
Alex Padilla Calif.
Gary Peters Mich.
Jack Reed R.I.
Mitt Romney Utah
Jacky Rosen Nev.
Mike Rounds S.D.
Brian Schatz Hawaii
Charles E. Schumer N.Y.
Jeanne Shaheen N.H.
Kyrsten Sinema Ariz.
Tina Smith Minn.
Debbie Stabenow Mich.
Dan Sullivan Alaska
Jon Tester Mont.
John Thune S.D.
Thom Tillis N.C.
Chris Van Hollen Md.
Mark R. Warner Va.
Raphael G. Warnock Ga
Elizabeth Warren Mass.
Peter Welch Vt.
Sheldon Whitehouse R.I.
Roger Wicker Miss.
Ron Wyden Ore.
Todd Young Ind.
14 notes · View notes
e-o-t-w · 2 months
Eyes on the world #202
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Che. Settimana. Infinita. Mai viste così tante news in soli 7 giorni da un bel po’. 
È necessario prendersi del tempo, c’è moltissimo di cui parlare. Dal tentato assassinio a Donald Trump alla conseguente Convention Repubblicana, dal gigantesco blocco informatico che ha fermato mezzo mondo alle ultime su Israele e Hamas, senza tralasciare le nomine a capo dell’UE e la vittoria europea spagnola. 
Troppa roba. Seguitemi che oggi si viaggia 👇 
1) Iniziamo con la notizia della settimana, che arriva dritta dagli #USA. Durante un comizio a Butler, Pennsylvania, Donald #Trump, candidato Repubblicano alla presidenza degli Stati Uniti, è stato ferito da colpi di arma da fuoco. L'assalitore è stato ucciso dagli agenti del Secret Service, con il procuratore generale della contea di Butler, Richard Goldinger, che ha confermato anche la morte di un altro spettatore. La foto di Donald Trump scattata subito dopo l'attentato, che lo ritrae dal basso con il sangue sulla faccia e il pugno alzato, è diventata simbolo tra i suoi sostenitori. L'immagine, realizzata da Evan Vucci dell'Associated Press, mostra Trump mentre viene protetto dal #SecretService con una bandiera statunitense sullo sfondo. Questo scatto, enfatizzato dall'atteggiamento teatrale di Trump che ha insistito per rimanere sul palco, sta rafforzando la sua immagine di eroe e uomo forte. I media statunitensi, come il New York Times e Politico, hanno evidenziato come questo episodio incarna il legame di Trump con i suoi sostenitori e la sua abilità nell'uso dei media. La foto, secondo diversi analisti, potrebbe influenzare significativamente la sua campagna elettorale. 
Tornando al fatto, poche ore dopo il tentato omicidio, l’#FBI ha identificato l’attentatore come Thomas Matthew #Crooks, 20 anni, di Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. Crooks, come detto, è stato ucciso dal Secret Service subito dopo aver sparato da una posizione sopraelevata. Le informazioni su di lui sono scarse e le motivazioni del gesto non sono ancora chiare. Crooks, armato con un fucile semiautomatico AR-15, era appostato a meno di 150 metri dal palco, in una posizione definita "punto perfetto" per sparare. Un poliziotto aveva individuato Crooks sul tetto, ma si era ritirato quando lui aveva puntato il fucile. Crooks è stato poi colpito dai cecchini del Secret Service. Accanto al suo corpo è stato trovato un fucile AR-556 acquistato legalmente. Crooks è stato identificato tramite test del DNA, viveva a Bethel Park e aveva esplosivi nella sua auto. Non aveva legami militari né con organizzazioni terroristiche, con i media che hanno tentato di raccogliere informazioni sul passato di Crooks, descritto come solitario e timido, senza risultati significativi. Era iscritto come elettore repubblicano, ma aveva anche donato a un gruppo democratico nel 2021. La dinamica dell’attentato ha fatto emergere dubbi sull’efficacia della sicurezza. Esperti e membri delle forze dell’ordine hanno criticato le misure adottate, e la House Oversight Committee ha avviato un’indagine sul Secret Service. L’FBI sta investigando l’attacco come un possibile atto di terrorismo domestico. Ex agenti di sicurezza hanno espresso sorpresa per la mancanza di sorveglianza sull'edificio da cui ha sparato. Durante l’attacco, cecchini e membri della squadra di contrattacco del Secret Service erano presenti, ma non sono riusciti a prevenire l’attentato. Una conferenza stampa è stata tenuta dalle forze dell’ordine, senza i portavoce del Secret Service, e le autorità hanno sottolineato le difficoltà di garantire la sicurezza in un evento all’aperto. L’FBI ha interrogato oltre 100 testimoni, perquisito la casa della famiglia di Crooks e ottenuto l’accesso al suo smartphone, senza però trovare spiegazioni sul motivo dell’attentato. 
Joe #Biden ha richiesto un'indagine indipendente sulle misure di sicurezza, mentre una commissione del #Congresso ascolterà la direttrice del Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, il 22 luglio. Negli ultimi 15 anni, il Secret Service è stato coinvolto in vari scandali ed errori, nonostante le riforme interne. Fondato nel 1865 per combattere i falsari, l'agenzia ha assunto il compito di proteggere il presidente dopo l'assassinio di William McKinley nel 1901. Le responsabilità dell'agenzia si sono ampliate, ma la competenza non è sempre aumentata di pari passo, con addestramenti inadeguati e attrezzature obsolete. Diversi scandali hanno minato la fiducia del pubblico, tra cui la cattiva condotta di agenti in Colombia nel 2012, la guida in stato di ebbrezza e casi di omicidio. Altri episodi recenti includono intrusioni alla Casa Bianca, inefficienze e il mancato rilevamento di attentatori. L'attacco al Congresso del 6 gennaio 2021 ha ulteriormente esacerbato la situazione, con la perdita di messaggi cruciali. Nonostante i tentativi di riforma, il Secret Service continua a essere sotto scrutinio per la sua efficienza e affidabilità. 
2) Trump, dopo un breve ricovero, ha ripreso la sua agenda, partecipando alla #Convention dei #Repubblicani a Milwaukee, Wisconsin, con una vistosa medicazione all’orecchio. Le Convention, tenute ogni quattro anni, servono a nominare ufficialmente il candidato del partito e presentare le proposte elettorali. Trump ha ringraziato i delegati, che lo hanno accolto calorosamente, e si è seduto ad ascoltare gli interventi della giornata. Trump ha scelto come candidato vicepresidente #JDVance, senatore dell’Ohio con un passato di povertà, studi a Yale, servizio nei Marines, e una carriera di successo come manager e scrittore. La scelta è vista come un’investitura per Vance, posizionandolo per una possibile successione a Trump. Il tema della prima giornata della convention è stato l’#economia. Tra i sostenitori di Trump che sono intervenuti, ci sono stati l’imprenditore David Sacks e l’influencer Amber Rose, insieme a figure di rilievo del partito come Tim Scott, Glenn Youngkin e Marsha Blackburn. Molti interventi hanno criticato l’amministrazione Biden per l’#inflazione e l’#immigrazione irregolare. Particolare rilievo ha avuto il discorso di Sean O’Brien, leader del sindacato degli autotrasportatori, che ha elogiato Trump e chiesto più difesa per i sindacati. Questo, insieme alla scelta di Vance, suggerisce un tentativo di avvicinarsi alla classe operaia. La giornata si è conclusa in un clima di unità e festosità, con i delegati molto uniti intorno a Trump, percepito come una figura quasi messianica dopo l’attentato. I sondaggi danno per la prima volta il candidato Repubblicano in vantaggio, e Trump e i suoi hanno deciso di moderare i toni dei discorsi alla convention, concentrandosi sull’unità nazionale. 
Dopo una prima giornata, la convention è tornata a toni estremi e apocalittici, focalizzandosi sul tema della #sicurezza. Gli oratori hanno collegato la criminalità all'immigrazione irregolare, ignorando che i reati violenti erano aumentati sotto l'amministrazione Trump e sono poi diminuiti sotto Biden. Ted Cruz ha citato casi di violenza da parte di immigrati irregolari, mentre Tom Cotton ha difeso le politiche di Trump e criticato Biden per la sua gestione dei confini. Il discorso più toccante è stato quello di Madeline Brame, che ha accusato i #Democratici per la morte del figlio, vittima di un omicidio a New York. Altri interventi, come quelli di Jim Justice e Kari Lake, hanno ribadito il sostegno a Trump e criticato i Democratici, esattamente come Ron DeSantis; anche Nikki Haley ha dichiarato il suo sostegno a Trump nonostante le critiche passate. Vivek Ramaswamy ha riservato il suo discorso alle critiche contro i Democratici, ottenendo molti applausi. L'attentato recente contro Trump è stato menzionato frequentemente, con molti oratori che hanno suggerito che la sua sopravvivenza sia dovuta a un intervento divino. 
Alla terza giornata della convention del Partito Repubblicano a #Milwaukee, il momento clou è stato il discorso di J.D. Vance, annunciato ufficialmente come candidato alla vicepresidenza accanto a Donald Trump. Vance ha presentato la sua storia personale e politica, parlando delle sue umili origini e criticando l’establishment di #Washington. Ha ribadito temi cari a Trump, come la difesa delle "persone dimenticate" e ha utilizzato le parole "speranza e cambiamento", simboli delle campagne di Obama. Durante il discorso, Vance ha criticato Joe Biden per il suo supporto al NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), agli accordi commerciali con la #Cina e alla guerra in #Iraq, pur sottolineando che queste iniziative furono principalmente repubblicane. Ha espresso posizioni protezioniste in economia e isolazioniste in politica estera, ottenendo applausi dai delegati. Ha criticato le multinazionali e #WallStreet, posizioni che sembrano più di sinistra radicale che di destra. Vance ha evitato di parlare di aborto e ha discusso l’immigrazione solo in termini economici. Ha anche accennato a un possibile disimpegno militare degli Stati Uniti in caso di vittoria di Trump. La giornata si è conclusa con interventi critici verso Joe Biden e il ritiro dall’Afghanistan. 
Durante la giornata di chiusura della convention, Donald Trump ha mostrato due facce: una pacata e ottimista nel discorso preparato, e una più familiare e istintiva nei momenti in cui ha parlato a braccio. Il discorso è durato oltre 90 minuti, concludendosi a mezzanotte. Trump ha iniziato ricordando l’attentato subito, esprimendo gratitudine e promettendo di non parlarne più. Ha dichiarato che intende essere il presidente di tutta l’America, facendo promesse ambiziose come eliminare l'inflazione e concludere le guerre con una telefonata. Ha criticato Biden e ha dipinto un quadro fosco dell'America attuale, sebbene alcune affermazioni non corrispondano ai dati reali. Nonostante il tentativo di mostrarsi più moderato, Trump non ha resistito a criticare duramente Biden e i Democratici, usando termini sprezzanti e riprendendo temi controversi come l'immigrazione. Il discorso ha riflettuto la tensione tra il tentativo di mostrarsi cambiato e la sua inclinazione a dichiarazioni divisive e provocatorie. La convention, che per quattro giorni aveva presentato un partito ottimista e unito, si è conclusa con un discorso che ha messo in dubbio il presunto cambiamento di Trump, ricordando al pubblico le sue precedenti sconfitte elettorali. Mentre i Repubblicani guardano alle elezioni con fiducia, i Democratici avranno la loro occasione per replicare nella prossima convention a #Chicago dal 19 al 22 agosto. 
Parlando proprio del Partito Democratico americano, giovedì un gruppo crescente di esponenti ha esercitato nuove pressioni su Joe Biden affinché ritiri la sua #candidatura alle elezioni presidenziali del 5 novembre, a causa della sua età, problemi di salute e una recente infezione da coronavirus. Secondo il Washington Post, l'ex presidente Barack #Obama avrebbe espresso privatamente dubbi sulla vittoria di Biden. Nancy Pelosi, ex speaker della Camera, ha manifestato personalmente a Biden il suo pessimismo. Anche Chuck Schumer e Hakeem Jeffries, importanti leader del Congresso, avrebbero chiesto a Biden di ritirarsi, mentre Adam Schiff ha pubblicamente suggerito che Biden passi il testimone. Biden sta diventando più ricettivo alle richieste di ritirarsi, ma non ha ancora preso una decisione definitiva. La sua nomina ufficiale di Biden come candidato del Partito Democratico potrebbe avvenire durante la convention di Chicago del mese prossimo. 
3) Ieri molte società a livello globale hanno affrontato gravi problemi a causa di un #aggiornamento difettoso del software di sicurezza informatica Falcon di #CrowdStrike, utilizzato su sistemi #Microsoft. Questo malfunzionamento ha bloccato i computer aziendali, compromettendo le operazioni per ore. L’incidente informatico si è manifestato con la nota schermata d’errore blu, conosciuta come “blue screen of death” (#BSoD). Per risolvere il problema, gli utenti devono accedere con un account amministratore, avviare Windows in modalità provvisoria o di ripristino, e cancellare un file specifico nella cartella CrowdStrike. La BSoD può essere causata da problemi hardware o software, come surriscaldamento della CPU o file danneggiati. La schermata blu esiste dai primi anni di #Windows, introdotta da John Vert negli anni Ottanta per garantire un'esperienza visiva uniforme. Dal 1993, con Windows NT 3.1, la BSoD ha assunto la forma attuale, fornendo informazioni sugli errori. Oggi può includere anche una faccina triste, come quella vista dagli utenti affetti dall’errore di CrowdStrike. Gli esperti ritengono che sia uno dei peggiori guasti informatici mai avvenuti per le sue conseguenze. Le compagnie aeree sono state tra le più colpite, con oltre tremila voli cancellati a causa di problemi informatici o ritardi accumulati. Gli #aeroporti maggiormente interessati sono stati Shenzen (Cina), Amsterdam (Paesi Bassi) e Atlanta (Stati Uniti). Anche banche, catene di negozi, tribunali, borse e servizi sanitari in vari paesi hanno subito disagi.  
In #Italia, il guasto si è fatto sentire specialmente nel settore dei trasporti, colpendo duramente soprattutto gli aeroporti. Sono stati cancellati oltre 50 voli e si sono registrati ritardi ovunque, con lunghe code ai controlli e ai banchi del check-in. Gli aeroporti di Roma Ciampino, Fiumicino, Malpensa, Venezia, Catania, Bologna, Bari e Brindisi sono stati i più colpiti. #ENAV ha dichiarato che i sistemi di controllo del traffico aereo non sono stati impattati. Ryanair e Wizz Air sono state tra le compagnie aeree più colpite. La società Autostrade per l’Italia ha evitato disservizi grazie a un sistema interno. Al porto di Pra’ a Genova, i controlli dei tir sono stati interrotti, causando ingorghi. Anche la #Borsa Italiana ha subito ritardi nell’aggiornamento dell’indice FTSE MIB. Le principali banche italiane non hanno registrato disservizi significativi. Problemi sono stati riportati nell'accesso allo SPID e nei servizi di alcune aziende sanitarie private, mentre Enel Energia ha riscontrato problemi nei servizi clienti.  
George Kurtz, fondatore e CEO di CrowdStrike, si è scusato per i problemi causati dall'aggiornamento, spiegando che è stato necessario riportare il software a una versione precedente e che il ripristino dei sistemi richiede interventi manuali complessi. Tra ieri sera e stamattina, alcuni servizi sono tornati operativi. Sabato mattina, alcune compagnie aeree asiatiche hanno iniziato a riprendere le operazioni, mentre altre, come le statunitensi American Airlines, Delta Air Lines e United Airlines, hanno ancora voli cancellati e problemi con la prenotazione online. Negli Stati Uniti, JPMorganChase sta ripristinando i servizi bancomat e Downdetector mostra una diminuzione dei siti malfunzionanti. Aziende e servizi pubblici, come Amazon e ospedali in vari paesi, devono ora gestire un arretrato di lavoro, complicando ulteriormente la situazione. Nel frattempo, truffatori online stanno sfruttando il caos creando siti dannosi. L'Agenzia per la sicurezza informatica degli Stati Uniti ha consigliato di seguire solo le istruzioni da fonti affidabili. 
4) Andiamo alle ultime sulla guerra tra #Israele e #Hamas. Lo scorso weekend, il ministero della Salute della Striscia di #Gaza ha riferito che almeno 90 palestinesi sono stati uccisi in un bombardamento aereo israeliano nella zona di #AlMawasi, nel sud della Striscia. Prima della guerra tra Hamas e Israele, iniziata nell'ottobre 2023, Al Mawasi era pressoché deserta, ma ora è densamente abitata da rifugiati. Da settimane, l'esercito israeliano monitorava l'area di Al Mawasi, considerata sicura, ma che ha bombardato ugualmente uccidendo decine di civili palestinesi. L'obiettivo era una villa della famiglia di Rafa Salameh, comandante di una brigata di Hamas, sospettato di avere contatti con Mohammed #Deif, capo delle Brigate al Qassam e figura chiave di Hamas. Già sopravvissuto a numerosi tentativi di assassinio, Deif ha un ruolo significativo nella costruzione della rete di tunnel sotto Gaza e nell'organizzazione di attentati suicidi in Israele. Il bombardamento è stato ordinato quando si credeva che Deif fosse nella villa. Nonostante la mancanza di certezze sulla morte di Deif, Salameh è stato confermato morto. L'operazione ha suscitato critiche poiché Al Mawasi era designata come zona sicura, violando così il diritto internazionale. Nell'attacco sono morti 90 civili, metà dei quali donne e bambini. Deif continua a essere un obiettivo prioritario per Israele. 
5) Lunedì, la #CommissioneEuropea ha chiesto ai suoi membri di boicottare le riunioni informali organizzate dalla presidenza ungherese del Consiglio dell'#UnioneEuropea, inviando al loro posto semplici funzionari. Questa protesta è una risposta alle azioni del primo ministro ungherese Viktor #Orbán, che ha condotto missioni in Russia, Ucraina e Cina senza consultare gli altri leader europei. La presidenza ungherese, iniziata il primo luglio, è già problematica a causa delle decisioni unilaterali di Orbán, come l'incontro con Vladimir Putin, considerato una violazione dei trattati europei. Orbán si è difeso affermando che questi incontri erano in qualità di primo ministro ungherese, non come presidente di turno dell'Unione. La Commissione Europea e altri stati membri, come Svezia, Finlandia e Polonia, hanno deciso di boicottare le riunioni informali ungheresi. Alcuni europarlamentari hanno chiesto misure più dure contro Orbán, inclusa la sospensione del diritto di voto dell'Ungheria al #ConsiglioEuropeo. Si discute anche di convocare una riunione ufficiale del Consiglio Affari Esteri per contrastare l'influenza ungherese. La possibilità di terminare anticipatamente la presidenza ungherese è complicata, richiedendo un ampio consenso tra i membri del Consiglio. 
Martedì 16 luglio è iniziata invece la nuova legislatura del #ParlamentoEuropeo a Strasburgo, Francia, con l'elezione di Roberta #Metsola, del PPE, come presidente per i prossimi due anni e mezzo. Metsola, europarlamentare dal 2013 e già presidente dal 2022, ha ottenuto 562 voti su 623. L'Assemblea ha eletto anche 14 vicepresidenti, tra cui le italiane Pina Picierno e Antonella Sberna, e nei prossimi giorni saranno eletti i 5 questori che compongono l’Ufficio di presidenza. Mercoledì si voterà la composizione delle commissioni parlamentari e si discuterà del sostegno all’Ucraina, con una risoluzione prevista alle 17. Il nuovo Parlamento riflette cambiamenti significativi, con un rafforzamento dei partiti di estrema destra che ora detengono quasi 190 seggi. I principali gruppi sono il Partito Popolare (188 membri), i Socialisti e Democratici (136), i Patrioti per l’Europa di Viktor Orbán (84), Ecr (78), Renew Europe (77), i Verdi (53), La Sinistra (46) e Esn (25). Alcuni parlamentari non sono iscritti a nessun gruppo. 
Giovedì pomeriggio infine il Parlamento Europeo ha rieletto Ursula #vonderLeyen presidente della Commissione Europea con 401 voti a favore. Von der Leyen, membro del Partito Popolare Europeo (#PPE), necessitava di 361 voti per la rielezione. Il voto, sebbene segreto, ha visto un sostegno decisivo da parte del gruppo dei Verdi, nonostante iniziali resistenze dovute a preoccupazioni sul #GreenDeal. La sua alleanza precedente con PPE, Socialisti (S&D) e Renew Europe, che insieme contavano 401 europarlamentari, non era garantita. Tuttavia, gran parte dei Verdi ha votato a favore dopo il discorso della von der Leyen che ha riaffermato il suo impegno per il Green Deal. Durante il discorso, von der Leyen ha toccato temi cari ai vari gruppi parlamentari, tra cui competitività, difesa, crisi abitativa e diritti dei lavoratori, diritti umani, criticando inoltre il primo ministro ungherese Viktor Orbán. Nonostante tentativi di collaborazione con i Conservatori e Riformisti Europei (ECR), il partito di Giorgia #Meloni ha votato contro von der Leyen a causa del suo avvicinamento ai Verdi. La delegazione di Fratelli d’Italia ha espresso apprezzamento per la collaborazione con von der Leyen, ma ha ribadito che il sostegno ai Verdi era incompatibile con i loro principi. 
6) La #Spagna ha vinto gli #Europei di calcio battendo l’#Inghilterra 2-1 nella finale di Berlino, grazie alle reti di Nico Williams e Mikel Oyarzabal. Allenata da Luis de la Fuente, la Spagna ha mostrato un gioco eccellente sin dall'inizio del torneo e dimostrato di essere la squadra da battere, sconfiggendo nazioni del calibro di Germania, Francia, Inghilterra, Croazia, Italia, Albania e Georgia nel corso del suo cammino verso la finale. Si tratta della quarta vittoria agli Europei per la Spagna, dopo i trionfi del 1964, 2008 e 2012. L'Inghilterra, invece, ha perso la sua seconda finale consecutiva dopo quella del 2021 contro l'Italia e non vince un grande torneo dal 1966. La finale di #Berlino ha visto gli iberici dominare il possesso nel primo tempo, senza mai concludere o creare grandi occasioni, mentre il secondo tempo è stato più vivace. Nico Williams ha segnato il primo gol, seguito dal pareggio di Cole Palmer per l’Inghilterra. La Spagna ha continuato a dominare, trovando il gol della vittoria con Oyarzabal su assist di Marc Cucurella. Nonostante il forcing inglese nei minuti finali, la Spagna ha mantenuto il vantaggio e portato a casa il trofeo. Premi individuali sono stati assegnati a Lamine #Yamal come miglior giovane e a Rodri come miglior giocatore. 
Tante, ma tante brevi 👇 
🇨🇳 Il terzo plenum del Partito Comunista cinese si è concluso a #Pechino, con un'attenzione particolare all'economia. La crescita del 4,7% nell'ultimo trimestre è considerata insufficiente per le esigenze di sviluppo della #Cina. Durante il plenum, la leadership ha discusso misure per contrastare la crisi economica, ma senza avviare grandi riforme, concentrandosi invece sulla repressione del dissenso e sulle priorità politiche. Il #Comitato centrale, composto da 376 funzionari prevalentemente maschi, ha tenuto la riunione a porte chiuse, probabilmente all'hotel Jingxi. La Cina sta affrontando un rallentamento economico, con un tasso di crescita del #PIL che potrebbe essere inferiore ai dati ufficiali. Le cause includono il crollo del settore immobiliare e una bassa fiducia dei consumatori e delle imprese. Gli analisti suggeriscono che la Cina debba passare da un modello di sviluppo basato sugli investimenti a uno basato sui consumi, necessitando di grandi riforme economiche e sociali. Tuttavia, il presidente #XiJinping sembra riluttante a perdere il controllo rigido del #PartitoComunista. Il plenum ha evidenziato il dilemma tra mantenere il controllo sociale o avviare riforme economiche rischiose. Il comunicato finale enfatizza la necessità di riforme ma insiste anche sulla stabilità sociale. Xi Jinping punta su settori tecnologici avanzati come auto elettriche e intelligenza artificiale per far crescere l'economia senza liberalizzarla. Tuttavia, l'orientamento verso l'export potrebbe causare tensioni internazionali, con vari paesi che impongono dazi per proteggere le proprie industrie. La strategia di Xi potrebbe richiedere riforme più strutturali per essere sostenibile a lungo termine. 
🇧🇩 Almeno 19 persone sono morte durante scontri tra la polizia, sostenitori della prima ministra Sheikh Hasina e gruppi di studenti universitari in protesta contro il governo. Le manifestazioni in #Bangladesh proseguono da settimane, con violente #proteste all'Università di #Dacca che hanno causato almeno 25 morti e centinaia di feriti. Giovedì a Dacca, alcuni manifestanti hanno assaltato la sede della televisione pubblica e incendiato la reception. Nel quartiere Uttara, manifestanti hanno bloccato le strade e la polizia ha risposto con manganelli e gas lacrimogeni, causando la chiusura di centri commerciali e limitazioni del trasporto pubblico. Gli studenti protestano contro un sistema di assegnazione degli impieghi pubblici basato su quote riservate ai familiari dei veterani della guerra di indipendenza del 1971, che considerano discriminatorio. Il governo di #Hasina aveva sospeso il sistema delle quote nel 2018, ma l'Alta Corte lo ha ripristinato il mese scorso, provocando le attuali proteste. La Corte Suprema dovrà pronunciarsi definitivamente sulla questione il 7 agosto. 
🇫🇷 Giovedì è iniziata la 17esima legislatura dell'#AssembleaNazionale francese, dopo lo scioglimento deciso da Emmanuel #Macron e le elezioni anticipate. La sessione inaugurale è avvenuta in un contesto politico incerto, senza una maggioranza e con il governo uscente incaricato solo degli affari correnti. Yaël #BraunPivet è stata rieletta presidente dell'Assemblea con 220 voti, grazie al sostegno della Destra Repubblicana, suscitando critiche dal Nuovo Fronte Popolare (NFP), che ha parlato di "forzatura democratica". La questione se i 17 ministri-deputati potessero votare è stata contestata ma ritenuta legale. La nuova Assemblea è divisa in tre blocchi principali: #NFP, la coalizione centrista di Macron e l'estrema destra del Rassemblement National, nessuno con una maggioranza autonoma. La Destra Repubblicana, alleata con i macronisti per la rielezione di Braun-Pivet, ha avanzato richieste per importanti nomine future. Macron ha accettato le dimissioni del primo ministro Gabriel #Attal, che rimarrà in carica fino alla nomina di un nuovo governo, il cui tempismo è incerto. La formazione dei gruppi parlamentari, necessaria per l'attribuzione di funzioni importanti, riflette l'instabilità e la mutevolezza del nuovo parlamento. 
🇺🇸 Torniamo per un attimo a parlare di Donald #Trump. Una giudice federale, Aileen M. Cannon, ha archiviato il processo penale contro l’ex presidente riguardante #documenti riservati trovati nella sua villa di #MaraLago, Florida. Cannon ha dichiarato incostituzionale la nomina del consulente speciale Jack Smith, che aveva condotto le indagini. Probabilmente ci sarà un ricorso, e il caso potrebbe arrivare alla #CorteSuprema. La decisione è stata comunicata mentre iniziava la Convention del Partito Repubblicano a Milwaukee, dove Trump è stato formalmente nominato candidato per le elezioni presidenziali del 5 novembre. L’archiviazione segue altre notizie favorevoli per Trump, come la sentenza della Corte Suprema che ha stabilito una parziale #immunità per gli ex presidenti. Trump era stato incriminato nel giugno 2023 per presunto occultamento di documenti riservati, intralcio della giustizia e violazione dell’Espionage Act. Le indagini erano iniziate dopo una richiesta della National Archives and Records Administration, che aveva scoperto che Trump aveva portato via dalla #CasaBianca documenti riservati, violando il Presidential Records Act. L’FBI aveva poi perquisito Mar-a-Lago nell’agosto 2022, trovando oltre 13mila documenti, tra cui un centinaio classificati come riservati. Oltre a questo caso, Trump è coinvolto in altri due processi penali per tentativi di sovvertire l’esito delle elezioni del 2020 e di alterare i risultati elettorali in Georgia. È stato già giudicato colpevole per pagamenti illeciti all'attrice #StormyDaniels. 
🎾 Carlos #Alcaraz ha vinto il torneo di #Wimbledon per il secondo anno consecutivo, battendo Novak #Djokovic in tre set con un punteggio di 6-2, 6-2, 7-6. Alcaraz ha dominato la partita, sorprendendo tutti per la sua superiorità schiacciante. Nei primi due set ha mantenuto un vantaggio costante, con Djokovic che non è mai riuscito a recuperare. Nonostante qualche difficoltà nel terzo set, lo spagnolo ha concluso vittoriosamente al tie-break. Questa vittoria segna il quarto titolo del #GrandeSlam per Alcaraz, che ha già vinto US Open nel 2022 e Roland Garros nel 2023. Djokovic rimane a 24 titoli del Grande Slam, mantenendo il record assoluto, mentre il ranking mondiale vede ancora l’italiano Jannik #Sinner al primo posto (fermatosi ai quarti contro Medvedev), seguito da Djokovic e Alcaraz. 
⚽ Restiamo in ambito sportivo. L'#Argentina ha vinto la #CopaAmérica battendo la #Colombia 1-0 con un gol di #Lautaro Martínez al 112º minuto. La finale si è disputata all'Hard Rock Stadium di Miami (USA) con l'Argentina, campione in carica, che ha conquistato il suo 16º titolo, superando l'Uruguay. Sotto la guida di Lionel Scaloni, ha vinto infatti anche la Copa América 2021, i Mondiali 2022 e la Finalissima giocata contro l’Italia campione d’Europa. La partita contro la Colombia, che non perdeva da 28 partite, è stata l'ultima per Ángel Di María in Nazionale. Lionel #Messi, infortunato durante la partita, potrebbe invece continuare fino ai Mondiali 2026. Il tutto si è svolto non senza problematiche, dal momento che la partita è iniziata con oltre un'ora di ritardo a causa di disordini fuori dallo stadio, dove migliaia di tifosi, molti senza biglietto, si sono accalcati tentando di entrare. Alcuni sono riusciti a superare le barriere e la sicurezza, provocando feriti lievi. La polizia ha tentato di controllare la situazione e verificare i biglietti durante il match. Incidenti simili erano già avvenuti durante il torneo. Le autorità locali hanno espresso indignazione e preoccupazione, considerando che gli Stati Uniti ospiteranno proprio i Mondiali del 2026 insieme a Messico e Canada. 
Alla prossima 👋 
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Wie der #Wahlbetrug bei den #Midterms2022 in #Arizona Dank @KariLake & @realMikeLindell auch die große Lüge aufdecken wird:
Biden ist kein rechtmäßiger Präsident!
Komplettes Video:
#Karizona #Trumpwon #electionfraud #riggedelection #riggedelection #USA
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olehswift · 2 years
Joe Biden, Nyarlathotep on background really spoils everything, as well as Butterfly Year. Ari is right (Though I was right too--but my way with 119/29 would require more explanations. But I know what I am doing when brining 11.99 to 29 and 09.11.000(-1) to 09.11.0099 (In fact, in both cases we are willing to work only with 1/100 precision) (There is also a way with 09.11.9999--then sum of numbers is 56, [ Taylor Swift ]*) But if we do in straightforward way: 09.11.000(-1) (As 3,3,-6--334--Blank Space) 09.11.0009 See 9119 And what Butterfly Nest is (Room 202)--just 11.99 So this is just 9119 and 1199--the reason why I was connecting BN to 09.11 But as I said--BN is worse than 09.11 There are at least two events connected to BN--09.11.2001 and assasination of Elizabeth II So it's already gained weight more than 09.11 But it's even worse than that
But look at the sweetest part 9119 and 1199 Sums are 20 in both cases This is Nyarlathotep the Crawling Chaos (1433) and this is my sigil So there is no space left neither for muks nor for tup
And you know why it's good--because I am not asking much, only for my puspus to be fine. But if somebody as tup would be able to claim 09.11.2001--just imagine how it would reinforce pro-Russian political circles in USA
That's why Ukraine was so against (At least locals) the fact that I was creator of Blue Whale F57
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creepingsharia · 4 years
California congressman, Michigan governor honor terror-linked Muslim group ICNA
Democrats Lou Correa and Gretchen Whitmer laud those linked to South Asian terror.
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The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) has a long history rooted in terror. However, recently the group has been giving out food, in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Can a few bags of fruits and vegetables remove ICNA’s horrors of the past and threat to the present? Two lawmakers, US Congressman Lou Correa and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, seem to think so, as they have showered ICNA with praise and commendations, while ignoring the organization’s extremism and bigotry. Correa and Whitmer should rescind their unwarranted words and awards immediately.
ICNA was established, in September 1968, as the American arm of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), the largest Islamist group in South Asia. Not long after ICNA’s founding, JI’s then-paramilitary wing, al-Badr, was helping to massacre people in East Pakistan, what is now called Bangladesh, in a genocide that took the lives of up to three million individuals. One of al-Badr’s commanders, Ashrafuz Zaman Khan, who was sentenced to death (in absentia), in November 2013, for multiple murders, held the positions of Vice President of ICNA National and President of ICNA-New York and, according to his LinkedIn page, is still involved with ICNA.
In August 2006, JI announced on its website that its charitable apparatus, the Al-Khidmat Foundation (AKF), had taken a delegation to the Damascus, Syria home of then-global head of Hamas, Khaled Mashal, presenting Mashal with a check for $100 thousand. Mashal thanked the delegation and said that Hamas would continue terrorist activities against Israel. At the time of the transaction, ICNA was a partner to AKF and topped the list of donors on AKF’s website. AKF’s current President, Muhammad Abdus Shakoor, is a former Secretary General of ICNA; ICNA continues to be a partner to AKF; and JI continues to openly support Hamas.
In December 2017, ICNA’s overseas relief function, Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD), organized an event masked as something to help people with disabilities that featured representatives from AKF as well as the Timergara, Pakistan chief of Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation (FIF), Qari Rehmatullah. In November 2010, the US government designated FIF a front for the Pakistani terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).
In October 2000, on the homepage of the website for ICNA’s South East Region, links could be found to the official websites of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Taliban. The group also published a link to qoqaz.net, a now-defunct financing and recruitment website for al-Qaeda. The webmaster of the ICNA site, Syed Khawer Ahmad, was also a webmaster for Hamas, itself.
Syed Ammar Ahmed is the Government Affairs Specialist for ICNA Relief USA, the division of ICNA that has been giving out food during the coronavirus pandemic. In February 2010, following a debate he participated in at a school, Ahmed wrote on Facebook, “I hate white people” and joked that he “should have threatened to blow up the school.”
None of this should be overlooked. Yet, two powerful lawmakers have ignored all of it.
Last month, on May 21st, US Representative Jose Luis Correa presented ICNA with a Congressional Certificate of Special Recognition. And not only did he honor the group, but he made it seem as if the entire US Congress did so as well. With the Congressional Seal atop the certificate, Correa wrote, “I join with Congress to recognize your outstanding and invaluable service to the communities of Anaheim in hosting food distributions for families in need during the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
On May 27th, Governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer penned a letter of praise to ICNA. It says in part, “On behalf of the state of Michigan, I would like to extend my utmost gratitude for the caring and compassionate services you have provided to people across our state and nation during the COVID-19 pandemic… ICNA Relief’s sacrifice and service reflect the compassion, generosity, and leadership of its members and have been crucial to providing valuable resources... to those in need of help. Your actions have made a positive difference in the lives of many people and have become an inspiration to myself and to countless others.”
While it is indeed commendable to provide food to the needy, for ICNA it is only seen as a method of whitewashing the group’s extremist and bigoted past and present. Congressman Correa and Governor Whitmer, who is also reportedly a consideration for Vice Presidential running mate of Democrat Joe Biden, should consider this and rescind the certificate and letter immediately. By not recognizing the terrorist and hateful relations of ICNA, the two lawmakers are legitimizing it.
Congressman Correa and Governor Whitmer, do the right thing. Rescind your awards and words honoring the terror-linked ICNA, now!
For those who wish to contact Congressman Lou Correa to demand he rescind his certificate, call (202) 225-2965 and/or (714) 559-6190. To contact Governor Gretchen Whitmer to demand she take back her letter, call (517) 373-3400. Please be respectful in any and all communications with these individuals and their offices.
Here is a letter from from Congressman in 2019 warning of the ICNA/JI threat that you may be helpful. https://cloudfront.timesnownews.com/media/20191101_AmbSales-MOC.pdf
Lou Correa is the same California Dem Who Refuses to Remove Muslim Statue of Liberty Painting from Office.
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a1detective · 5 years
< —————— ——————- >
Nancy Pelosi will be dead because she’s already 79 and will be like around 84 or something, when Donald Trump leaves the office of President in about 2024.
Nancy’s imminent death—as a reportedly diseased Older Woman—will  be for the stated reason of her stunning alcohol bill (which you paid.)
It reads like a dream order for some wild frat party: Maker’s Mark whiskey, Courvoisier cognac, Johnny Walker Red scotch, Grey Goose vodka, E&J brandy, Bailey’s Irish Crème, Bacardi Light rum, Jim Beam whiskey, Beefeater gin, Dewars scotch, Bombay Sapphire gin, Jack Daniels whiskey … and Corona beer.
But that single receipt makes up just part of the more than $101,000 taxpayers paid for “in-flight services” – including food and liquor, for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trips on Air Force jets over the last two years. That’s almost $1,000 per week.
Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by Judicial Watch, which investigates and prosecutes government corruption, show that the Pelosi incurred expenses of some $2.1 million for her use of Air Force jets for travel over that time. [2010]
It’s said elsewhere that “Nancy Pelosi is either alcoholic or senile.” If she’s indeed playing in adult beverages, it’s likely—at her advanced age—that she has kidney, liver, bladder, or brain problems.
I picture a magnificent DC funeral with grand procession down Pennsylvania Avenue. Gucci boots in the stirrups are reversed—a prancing magnificent stallion. Or one that identifies as gay?
Nothing is spared in this opulent funeral for a woman whose net-worth is said to be $121,000,000 (million).
Ocasio-Cortez—gentle and child-like—salutes  (tight three-shot on Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, and Omar. Zoom back to show mob of 75 people overwhelming that small section of  street. Try to cover up that Tlaib is laughing….)
Tlaib, Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, all looking sad – a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com
Mitt Romney reads a glowing funeral oration written by Hillary Clinton, and passed to some English chap, who slips it to Mitt.
A Tearful Mitt Romney Reads Funeral Oration – .com
Trump tweets somberly, funereally.
Actually it seems Donald Trump is Nancy’ Lugosi’s biggest problem. She and other out-of-control Democrats been fruitlessly trying to destroy him for at least three years. “At all costs.” No matter what. I think he noticed.
For Pelosi, who has clearly lost control of her drove of sheep in the House, this once powerful woman has succumbed to her basest instincts: destroy the opposition at all costs.  This time, the cost may be, as it was for Ahab, her ultimate humiliation and that of her party.
It does appear that Nancy has “lost control” of her Democrat Party, which now seems to be lead by media-darlings, Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Omar, and other America-haters. This may play well to “the insane, Democrat Base.”
But—it seems to me—a majority doesn’t like it one bit.
And—oh damn. “Majorities,” am I right, I no, right? Majorities tend to be majorities and to do majority stuff. Such as—oh—all, like, say: winning the next Presidential election?
The mad pursuit of Donald Trump could end up throwing him the 2020 election. It could be the end of the Democrat Party’s party. For a hundred years Democrats have played fast and loose with American traditions, laws, and ways.
Leftist Democrats have tried to destroy America and its life-blood of democracy—in order to replace it with their own, dark, twisted “socialist” mania.
Democrats want a “socialized,” communist world where the worst are defined as the best. Where the poorest are mostly Everyone—all of us dragged down to the lowest Level.
Except for themselves. The Democrats. As they Rule the World, anonymously, from sumptuous dachas by the sea. As they accumulate total wealth and power.
Joe “Baldy” Biden and his props
Joe Biden looks like Roy Scheider because, in addition to Biden’s hair plugs, phony teeth, Ray-Bans, “everyman” ice-cream cone, blue collar cash-in-hand, and half-jogs to microphones—he’s being re-worked by aliens from space, known as the Star People.
Millions of years ago the Star People built pyramids and left us canabis, horses, and Mastiffs, to help make a more perfect Earth.
But theStar People’s latest “gift,” is the hybrid jackass-shark, Joe Biden.
(Insert theme: “dum dumb dum dumb dum dumb….”)
JOE “GREAT WHITE” BIDEN -i.ytimg.com
      Why Nancy Pelosi Will Already Be Dead When Trump “Leaves Office,” and WHY Joe Biden Looks Like Roy Scheider. SATIRE: BY—ALCOHOL AND DRUG FREE—JEFFREY A. FRIEDBERG < —————— ——————- > Nancy Pelosi will be dead because she’s already 79 and will be like around 84 or something, when Donald Trump leaves the office of President in about 2024.
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justmcqs · 2 years
CSS Current Affairs MCQs 202
CSS Current Affairs MCQs 202
Following are the members of QUAD: (A) USA, Australia, India, Japan(B) USA, Indonesia, India, New Zealand(C) USA, UK, Australia, Japan(D) None of these The answer is: (A) USA, Australia, India, Japan In 2008 Barack Obama received highest ever number of popular votes in the elections. In the recent presidential elections, which candidate broke his record? (A) Joe Biden(B) Donald Trump(C) Both…
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massielandnetwork · 3 years
Thriving in an Economic Bubble during Anarchy
9. The Christian Succession – A Very Dangerous Two Universes
Somehow, I missed the memo about Biden’s name change and his new official salute. Did you see the video of him last week when he arrived in Pennsylvania? I always thought his first name was Joe but I must be wrong. He was greeted by thousands of folks standing along his motorcade route shouting his full name “F*** Biden” and displaying the Hawaiian Peace Salute (middle finger raised while the other fingers are curled into a fist). Is that his given name or a nickname? Maybe he played a sport and earned that nickname. Either way, those in the crowd were enthusiastically shouting it while displaying the new official salute.
I noticed that most of the attendees were saluting with both hands but a some had Trump signs, American flags, or phones recording the procession of vehicles so they could only salute with one hand. But even those giving single handed salutes were enthusiastic. Does the double official salute mean something significant such as twice as much joy or enthusiasm?
Apparently, his full name is also appearing on signs in folks’ yards and other places around the country. One community sued two homeowners because they had a sign in their yard with Biden’s full name. The suit got dropped when the ACLU announced they were going to represent the homeowners. That created an odd experience for me. It was the first time I ever have agreed with the ACLU and felt I should send them a contribution. Maybe I will wait and see if this is the beginning of a trend with the ACLU or just an outlier experience. I did notice some signs where his name was misspelled - “Buck Fiden”. Is that the result of public schools teaching CRT not spelling?
Maybe the folks in Pennsylvania had relatives of the 80 American being held by the DM Justice Department because they were identified as being in DC on January 6? Reportedly, those 80 Americans are being denied showers, toiletries, clean clothes, and living in squalor that make a Cuban prison look palatial. Is F*** Biden creating his own DC equivalent of Guantanamo Bay? Some Republican members of Congress requested to see the 80 Americans but the DM DOJ declined. Bank of America identified to the FBI cardholders that were in DC on January 6. I closed my accounts with Bank of America. Have you? This behavior is reminiscent of Hitler’s Brown Shirts in Germany and confirms the DM coup. Meanwhile Hunter Biden has used his laptop exposure to sell his paintings for $500k.
Another other interesting video last week was seeing some Antifa punks get their collective butts (using F*** Biden’s terminology) “wiped” in Southern California. They were resplendent in their all-black outfits and loudly shouting their slogans but faded quickly with the first punch. One Hispanic wiped the sidewalk with a white Antifa boy, but it did not look like the Antifa punk really wanted to clean up the city.
With the Delta variant of the Wuhan Virus now running rampant, it was interesting to read the report that the French intelligence agency in 2015 warned the Obama Administration that the funds being provided to the Wuhan Bioweapons lab were being used to weaponize the bat virus into what we now call Wuhan Virus. No wonder Fauci wants to cover up his dangerous, stupid, if not treasonous decision. Are the rumors true that he also invested in companies that would benefit from producing vaccines? The DM’s Keystone Cops known by the oxymoron Department of Justice apparently do not care.
Meanwhile the demand for forensic audits continued to spread through various states. In addition to Arizona other states including but not limited to Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and even Texas are moving in that direction. Recent polls show that the majority of Americans now realize the November 202 0 election was full of fraud. Only one Republican Senator in Virginia has spoken in favor of a forensic audit, Senator Amanda Chase. The other Virginia Republican Senators and Delegates should be embarrassed.
The DMs and their enablers, RINOS, are celebrating their $1 Trillion “infrastructure” bill with pretend “Pay Fors”. Did you see that Senator Manchin (D – WV) got the “Infrastructure” bill to include $1 Billion given to the Appalachian Commission? You will recall that Biden appointed Senator Manchin’s wife to a Commissioner on the Appalachian Commission with a salary of $165k. You have to admire Senator Manchin’s ability to play politics and so blatantly feather his nest by claiming to be independent. He stands on Principal not Principle. But he is nothing compared to Obama’s $5 Billion gift. Sometimes, the Silver medal is great.
Reality is that the USA cannot afford its current debt at normal interest rates so this is beyond dangerous. With our economy running a full throttle amid labor shortage created by paying folks not to work, this fiscal stimulus is the equivalent of gas being thrown on a raging fire. During hyperinflation in Germany in 1918 – 1923, incomes rose and the interest paid to savers was below the rate of inflation so anyone saving money in a bank account looked foolish. Therefore, the consumers bought anything and everything. Retail sales were impressive. Prices for good rose because demand seemed to exceed supply constantly. The stock market soared. But the buying power of the currency constantly declined. Does this sound familiar?
Above is a picture of a stamp collection from one of the readers of this blog. It shows German stamps produced in 1923 that demonstrate the hyperinflation they were experiencing. Notice the original value and the reprinted value of the stamps went from tens of Deutschmarks to millions of Deutschmarks.
The DMs are forcing us towards expensive and unreliable electricity, increased taxes, higher interest rates, while pursuing their culture wars to create panic. Ultimately, the DM universe and the average Joe and Jane universes will collide. Perhaps when our economy crashes and a lot of folks experience serious pain. I pray you are not one of them and that you are in a position to help those that will need help.
Every portfolio must have some cash but a great piece of land remains The Best investment long term. Capitalism builds wealth, Marxism/Socialism consumes it in self destruction. Pray for a return to honest and audited elections in the USA. God is in control. Men make plans, but God ALWAYS wins.
“I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage, I have conquered the world.
(John 16:33) New Revised Standard Version, Oxford University Press)
Stay healthy,
August 4, 2021
Copyright Massie Land Network. All rights Reserved.
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Biden aumenta el límite de refugiados en medio de presión
La administración del presidente Joe Biden planea remodelar el sistema de inmigración entero por medio de una reforma integral. Inicialmente, el presidente Biden y su equipo se han enfocado en remover las restricciones o políticas estrictas implementadas por la administración previa sobre el sector de la inmigración para allanar el camino y poder reestructurar y modificar la mayoría de procesos migratorios existentes.
La estrategia de la administración de Biden también incluye los programas humanitarios disponibles para las comunidades de inmigrantes más vulnerables como los solicitantes de asilo y los refugiados. De hecho, hablando específicamente del proceso de refugiados, el presidente Biden aumentó recientemente el límite anual de refugiados a 62.500 para el Año Fiscal 2021 (Octubre-Septiembre).
Para entender el problema en cuestión, es importante explicar dos cosas:
La administración del país debe establecer un límite anual de refugiados para cada año fiscal. Si hay cambio de administraciones, como es el caso del año fiscal 2021, la nueva administración tiene la potestad de modificar el límite de refugiados si lo considera prudente y necesario.
La administración de Trump (2017-2021) estableció el límite de refugiados más bajo en la historia reciente de los Estados Unidos, 15.000 refugiados para el año fiscal 2021.
También vale la pena mencionar que la administración de Biden había declarado que mantendría el límite de refugiados de Trump por el resto del año fiscal, pero se retrajo prontamente de esta declaración después de recibir innumerables críticas por parte de activistas y defensores de los derechos de los inmigrantes, quienes instaron al presidente a cumplir su promesa con respecto al límite de refugiados.
Siga el consejo de expertos durante su viaje de inmigración. ¡Contacte a Motion Law hoy y programe una Consulta GRATUITA!
Refugiados admitidos en USA no alcanzarán el nuevo límite
A pesar de que el presidente Biden aumentó el límite de refugiados, es muy posible que el número de refugiados admitidos en los Estados Unidos durante lo que queda del año fiscal 2021 ni siquiera supere el límite establecido por Trump.
Esto se debe principalmente a que:
La pandemia global de Coronavirus afectó el procesamiento de casos de inmigración, incluyendo las solicitudes de refugio, durante la primera mitad del año fiscal 2021 y Estados Unidos solo ha recibido un par de miles de refugiados en lo que lleva del año fiscal.
Ciertas políticas restrictivas de Trump y la crisis sanitaria aumentaron la acumulación de casos de inmigración pendientes, afectando también el procesamiento de casos de refugiados.
Añadiendo a eso, varios activistas declaran que el presidente Biden no actúo a tiempo durante sus primeros 100 días en el cargo para acelerar el procesamiento de solicitudes de inmigración y aumentar el límite de refugiados, lo que retrasó inclusive más la habilidad de los Estados Unidos de recibir más refugiados en lo que queda del año fiscal 2021.
De hecho, de acuerdo con la estimación de activistas, el país admitirá entre 10.000 y 15.000 refugiados, lo que significa que posiblemente ni siquiera superará el límite de Trump.
¿Necesita asistencia profesional para su caso de inmigración?
A pesar de que hay una acumulación de casos de inmigración, eso no significa que usted no pueda iniciar su proceso de inmigración, aprovechar su tiempo sabiamente y presentar una solicitud sólida para recibir una respuesta positiva.
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architectnews · 4 years
All Architects Must Be Covid-19 Architects
How the Georgia Senate January 5th election will affect global architects, President Biden Architecture, US Building News
All Architects Today Must Be Covid-19 Architects
Historic US Election Review of Architectural Aspects: Architectural Column by Joel Solkoff, PA, USA Dec 21, 2020
Architecture under President Biden Part III
Joel Solkoff’s Column Vol. VI, Number 6
Reproduced by permission toybox tech; available as a poster https://ift.tt/2J9bkdV
“You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” — Abraham Lincoln
Representative Marcia Fudge, Democrat, Eighth Congressional District of Ohio. Photo in the public domain
No New Housing: Impact of the Trump 2020 HUD Budget
On March 11, 2019, the Trump Administration released its Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Summary. The White House is proposing more than $9 billion in cuts to critical housing programs. The House of Representatives FY 2020 Spending Bill would increase the funding levels of those programs by more than $3 Billion.
Selected ProgramsFY19 FinalFY20 Trump ($/% Change)House FY20 ($/% Change)Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)$3.365 B$-3.365 B / -100%$0.235 B / 6.98%Public Housing Capital Fund$2.775 B$-2.775 B / -100%$0.08 B / 2.88%Public Housing Operating Fund$4.653 B$-1.79 B / -38.47%$0.1 B / 2.15%HOME Investment Partnerships Program$1.25 B$-1.25 B / -100%$0.5 B / 40%Housing Choice Voucher Renewals$20.313 B$-0.197 B / -0.97%$1.087 B / 5.35%Section 202 Housing for the Elderly$0.678 B$-0.034 B / -5.01%$0.125 B / 18.44%Section 811 Housing For Persons with Disabilities$0.184 B$-0.027 B / -14.67%$0.075 B / 40.76%Project-Based Rental Assistance$11.747 B$0.274 B / 2.33%$0.843 B / 7.18%Total For Select Programs$44.965 B$-9.164 B / -20.38%$3.045 B / 6.77%
Thank you www.affordable housing.com
DATELINE Saturday December 19, 2020. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York. I have moved to New York City, where I was born. to escape the inpending death toll rural Lycoming County will experience within the next few weeks. After the virus is controlled, I will return to beautiful Williamsport Pennsylvania and its architectural treasures on February 14th. I am currently in the hospital to take care of a series of too long neglected health problems anticipating that I will receive the coronavirus vaccine shortly.
I took this self portrait in June 2015 of the less than friendly disability entrance to Trump’s International luxury hotel and apartment condominium complex at Columbus Circle. Following the principles of unversal design would have been preferable if Trump’s de facto instructions were not based on stairs and hoopla.. I waited an unnecesryily long time for the elevator and became soaked as a consequenc. Hell of a way to treat a cancer patient returning to my friend’s place after therapy. This is how The New York Times described the building in April, 1996:  “Fancier than Trump Tower. Glitzier than the Trump Taj Mahal. Pricier than Trump Palace or Trump Parc. Its glossy brochure trumpets Trump International as ‘the most important new address in the world.’
How the outcome of two senate races in Georgia will affect global architecture commisions
Let us start the analysis of the Georgia January 5th election with the big picture.
The big picture: As of yesrerday, 313,797 children, women and men have died from the crnavirus according to the Centers for Disease Control base in Atlanta. On the glass is half filled for architects, take joy from President elect Joe Biden’s selection of Rep. Marcia Fudge to run the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Here is Rep. Fudge from her official website: “Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge is a committed public servant who brings a hard-working, problem-solving spirit to Congress and to the task of creating jobs, protecting safety net programs, and improving access to quality public education, health care and healthy foods.  First elected in 2008, she represents the people of the 11th Congressional District of Ohio.
Congresswoman Fudge serves on the Committee on House Administration, House Committee on Agriculture and House Committee on Education and Labor.  She is the Chair of the Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Elections and Chair of the Committee on Agriculture Subcommittee on Nutrition, Oversight and Department Operations.  She serves on the Subcommittees on Conservation and Forestry (Agriculture), Civil Rights and Human Services (Education & Labor) and Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions (Education & Labor). In the 115th Congress, the Congresswoman served on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce Subcommittees on Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education and on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions.  She also served as Ranking Member on the House Committee on Agriculture Subcommittee on Conservation and Forestry and a member on the Subcommittee on Nutrition.  She is a member of several Congressional Caucuses and past Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. ++++
++++ Congresswoman Fudge consistently fights for voter protection, equitable access to a quality education from preschool through post-secondary programs, child nutrition, food stamp (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) recipients, access to locally grown, healthy foods, fair labor practices, and civil and human rights, among other issues. Additionally, she remains a steadfast advocate to strengthen and preserve Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Congresswoman Fudge has served the people of Ohio for more than three decades, beginning with the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office.  She was later elected as the first African American and first female mayor of Warrensville Heights, Ohio, where she led the city in shoring up a sagging retail base and providing new residential construction. Congresswoman Fudge earned her bachelor’s degree in business from The Ohio State University and law degree from the Cleveland State University Cleveland-Marshall School of Law. She is a Past National President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and a member of its Greater Cleveland Alumnae Chapter. Congresswoman Fudge’s work ethic, problem-solving approach, and ability to build collaborative relationships have earned her a reputation among her colleagues in Washington and at home as an insightful leader and knowledgeable legislator. As a dedicated public servant, she begins each morning with a firm promise “to do the people’s work.” It is this simple philosophy that defines Congresswoman Fudge as a Member of substance and character who always keeps her promise.” ####
Our Delusional President Trump flew to Georgia this week to campaign for Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler
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Senator David Perdue, Incumbent Republican
Wikipedia – David Alfred Perdue Jr. (/pərˈduː/; born December 10, 1949) is an American businessman and politician. A member of the Republican Party, he has served as the senior United States Senator for Georgia since 2015.
After 12 years as a management consultant, Perdue became the senior vice president for Reebok. He later joined PillowTex, a North Carolina textile company.[2][3] He subsequently served as CEO of Dollar General.
Perdue ran for U.S. Senate in 2014, defeating Democratic nominee Michelle Nunn. He is running for reelection in 2020 against Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff. As neither candidate received more than 50% of the vote in the November 3 election, they face each other in a January 2021 runoff election. After the November election, Perdue called for the resignation of Georgia’s top elections official and claimed without evidence that there were unspecified “failures” in the election. He later supported a lawsuit by Trump allies seeking to overturn the election results.[5]
Perdue was linked to the 2020 Congressional insider trading scandal for allegations of STOCK Act violations. The allegations arose after he sold stocks before the 2020 stock market crash using knowledge speculated to be from a closed Senate meeting After reviews by the Senate Ethics Committee and the U.S. Department of Justice, Perdue was not charged with any crimes. The Justice Department closed its inquiry in mid-2020.
Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff
N.B. Two years ago I doanted $18 to Jon Ossoff’s campaign for the House of Representatives from Georogia. The election was to fill a vacant seat that happened when Re. Azar left thye House to become a an awful Secretary of Health and Humman Services for President Trump. The number 18 has spritual signifcance because the Herew alphabet applies numbers to lwtters. The Hebrew word for life [chai] is 18. In synagogues, i ndoners add 18 to their conytibutons to their synagogue. Also works for causes. In 1952 and 1956 my mother donated $18 to the Presidential campaigns of Adkai Stervenson.Photo in the public domaine.
Wikipedia: Jon Ossoff: “Thomas Jonathan Ossoff (/ˈɒsɒf/; born February 16, 1987) is an American politician and investigative journalist. He is the Democratic Party nominee for the 2020 U.S. Senate election in Georgia, running against Republican incumbent Senator David Perdue. Neither candidate reached the 50% threshold on the November 3 general election, triggering a runoff election on January 5, 2021.
Ossoff was the Democratic nominee in the historically expensive 2017 special election for Georgia’s 6th congressional district, which had long been considered a Republican stronghold. After finishing first, but without a majority in the all-party primary election, he lost the runoff with 48.2% of the vote to Republican Karen Handel‘s 51.8%. Since 2013, Ossoff has been managing director and chief executive officer of Insight TWI, a London-based investigative television production company that works with reporters to create documentaries about corruption in foreign countries. ####
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e-architect’s Architects for Change Webinar Sereis resumes Valentine’s Day February 14 2021
Stay tuned to our calendar for details
Coming soon to Joel’s problem, further analysis of the Georgia senate race and the impact of its outcome on the country at large.
My editors beckon: “All right, stop writing, Joel.”
Isabelle Lomholt and Adrian Welch, Editors at e-architect Joel Solkhoff, PA, USA: Selfie, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA Please feel free to phone me at US 570-772-4909 or send an e-mail [email protected] Copyright © 2020 by Joel Solkoff. All rights reserved.
The firm produced BBC investigations about ISISwar crimes and death squads in East Africa. Ossoff was also involved in producing a documentary about the staging of a play in Sierra Leone.
’Joel’s previous article Nov 12, 2020 Architecture under the Biden Presidency Sen. Kelly Loeffler And Raphael Warnock Face Off In Georgia Senate Runoff Debate – NBC News NOW – YouTube The election is on January 5, 2020.
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American Architecture American Architects Joel Solkoff’s Column Vol. IV, Number 2 Joel Solkoff’s Column Vol. IV, Number 1 Special Wooden Floors for the Whitney Detroit will be a Trendy City Belt and Suspenders Routine – Joel Solkoff’s Column Joel Solkoff’s Column Volume II No. 6 Joel Solkoff’s Column, Vol.II, Number 7 Comments / photos for the Architecture under President Biden – page welcome
The post All Architects Must Be Covid-19 Architects appeared first on e-architect.
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Trump wants to stop people seeing ad full of his embarrassing coronavirus comments
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Donald Trump is trying to block a commercial that reveals him likening the coronavirus disaster to a ‘Democrat hoax’ at a campaign rally. The ad was launched by Priorities USA, a political action committee backing former Vice President Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election, last week. It displays Trump making a series of comments downplaying the coronavirus outbreak alongside a chart of the rising circumstances within the US. Throughout the video, quotes are performed verbatim from the president, together with when he stated ‘We have it totally under control,’ ‘One day it’s like a miracle, it is going to disappear,’ ‘We really think we’ve performed an awesome job in keeping it down to a minimal’ and ‘I like this stuff. I really get it.’ In response, Trump’s lawyers sent a cease and desist order to TV broadcast stations across the country to stop them from playing the ad.     Trump refused to take the threat of the coronavirus seriously, now he won’t take responsibility as his administration has been totally unprepared for this crisis. pic.twitter.com/Jdh1GY9HHS— Priorities USA (@prioritiesUSA) March 23, 202 In the letter, the president’s lawyers call the ad ‘patently false, misleading and deceptive because of an edit in the video of Trump saying ‘Coronavirus. This is their new hoax,’ during a campaign speech in South Carolina. However, during the actual speech, Trump also brands the impeachment inquiry and investigation into Russian meddling hoaxes. The quote of Trump calling coronavirus a hoax within the ad was spliced collectively from an extended rant he made on the rally, which noticed him inform supporters: ‘Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. You know that, right? Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it. We did one of the nice jobs, you say, “How’s President Trump doing?”, “Oh, nothing, nothing.” They don't have any clue, they don’t have any clue.’   ‘They can’t even count their votes in Iowa, they can’t even count. No, they can’t. They can’t count their votes. One of my people got here up to me and said , “Mr President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.” That didn’t work out too properly. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on an ideal dialog,’ Trump continued, referring to his phone call with the Ukrainian president. ‘They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they’ve been doing it since he received in. It’s all turning, they misplaced. It’s all turning, think of it, think of it. And that is their new hoax,'” TRUMP, ONE MONTH AGO TODAY:“Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus…This is their new hoax.” “We have 15 people in this massive country because of the fact that we went early, we could have had a lot more than that.”TODAY: 120,000 cases within the US; almost 2,000 deaths. pic.twitter.com/P3SNMeFIPw — Tim Hogan (@timjhogan) March 28, 2020   ‘Your station has an obligation to cease and desist from airing (the commercial) immediately to comply with FCC licensing requirements, to serve the public interest, and to avoid costly and time-consuming litigation,’ the letter from Trump’s legal professionals reads. The letter goes on to say: ‘Your station has a duty to “protect the public from false, misleading or deceptive advertising”…your failure to take away this misleading ad…might put your station’s license in jeopardy.’ Priorities USA is pushing again towards the president and is constant to run the ad in Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The group mentioned they are going to be airing the business in Arizona over the following few weeks as properly. ‘The fact that Trump is going to such great lengths to keep the American people from hearing his own words adds to the urgency of communicating them far and wide,’ mentioned Priorities USA Chairman Guy Cecil mentioned in an announcement. ‘Trump doesn’t need voters to know the reality. We is not going to be intimidated. We’ll hold telling them the reality and holding Donald Trump accountable.’ The president has since changed his view on the outbreak and appears to finally be taking it seriously after White House health officials reportedly told him that up to 200,000 could die from the virus. Trump recently extended the national social distancing order to the end of April – a decision he is said to have made after seeing the projections. As of Wednesday morning, more than 4,050 Americans have died from Covid-19 and over 188,000 cases of the virus have been confirmed.   Read the full article
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engrqamarabbasme · 4 years
Bill Clinton to rip Trump for bringing 'chaos' to Oval Office in DNC speech  New York Post
US Democratic party holds convention to nominate Biden  Al Jazeera English
The Daily 202: Four years later, Michelle Obama redefines the meaning of ‘going high’ catchphrase  Washington Post
'Sleepy Joe' Biden set a trap for Republicans — and they just walked right into it  The Independent
'Over her head': Trump slams Michelle Obama's DNC speech as 'divisive' and unworthy of 'fawning reviews'  USA TODAY
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Wie der #Wahlbetrug bei den #Midterms2022 in #Arizona Dank @KariLake & @realMikeLindell auch die große Lüge aufdecken wird:
Biden ist kein rechtmäßiger Präsident!
Komplettes Video:
#Karizona #Trumpwon #electionfraud #riggedelection #riggedelection #USA
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olehswift · 2 years
Oh my God
7775 for 26
2220 for 6
220 for me (Myself--[ Oleh Swift ]--Electrician--Tesla Trooper. Time Traveler. Thirty Third. No, not "Trooper of Tesla", with you calling Elon Musk as Tesla--Elon will be dead, for real, soon--it will just happen one day as it happened with Queen Elizabeth II, and the more problems there will be from him, the sooner that will happen. Tesla Trooper was already in Red Alert 2, in 2001th year) And reshuffle with 132 202 Right, just like I did with Blue Whale F57
675 (132) 657 F57 2301 WA--Wesker Albert 6795 2301 Where is 0 At 3rd position (30) Let's zero it out 675 I need my world [ Taylor Swift ]* Let’s add my wife by reshuffling as (132) 657--F57 Who is electrician? 132 (REportedly--as I said, likely they changed this number, I already explained why) dead people from China would confirm you that electrician is Oleh Swift White Alison Horodnitskii of Gold--me 220 (132) 202 [ Justin Trudeau ], remember I told you that things are acceptable locally. Where I am right now. They are not acceptable anymore.[ Justin Trudeau ], one of reasons Ukraine is so desperately tries to push me towards Putin is because I have been using Z since times before my wife [ Taylor Swift ]* was born. Then Putin decided to use it as his symbol. And now, if Ukraine will be able to claim that I am with Putin (And that's absolutely false, and we all know that--including everyone in Ukraine)--then they will be able to attach to Putin's Z all that is hidden under my Z--and that's a lot.For example, 7th photo here is with my drawings. You see Z there--I even showed where it is.Now look, I created it in 2020. When there was no Putin's Z. But if Ukraine will be able to claim that I am with Putin--then it will suddenly appear that Z is an ancient Russian symbol.Now Justin, then they will say that 26..62 in my old passport (That I inserted there myself) were also marks of Putin.Now, [ Justin Trudeau ], as you can expect, my wife [ Taylor Swift ]*, well, remember she used the same symbol that I used to give order to shoot down Chinese flight, drawing it over Alwyn? She is my wife--she can be using my symbol. She can draw my sigil. She is allowed--she is my wife. So, as you understand, there are some Zs. That were there long before that war started.Because [ Taylor Swift ]* was my girlfriend since, well, let's consider 2004 as that year (We already kissed before 2004, but let's start counting since the year of the first sexual contact)[ Jens Stoltenberg ], by the way, let's add you here And now if they would be able to claim...Now just think about what I think about these people, by putting yourself in my place and your wife in place of my wife [ Taylor Swift ]*. Imagine people are trying to claim that your wife is actually connected to Putin, and you also serve him.That's what Ukraine does, [ Jens Stoltenberg ]. For example Butterfly Nest, 09.24.2001--11.99 (6+5.99)--29 that I used in the morning of 08.09.2022 (Reminder--89 and 59) (34, but for 09.11.2001 2.0) Just imagine, [ Justin Trudeau ], if they could claim that my Z belongs to Putin, then they would claim that 09.11.2001 was conducted by Russia Joe Biden , you or some other people in USA would be happy about it. I told you that I know people more dangerous than Putin, but USA... well--that's old 'false' 1984, we both understand why they are doing it--and you too, Joe. You started pushing my wife [ Taylor Swift ]* towards Putin (Probably--why else would you make that statement)So, [ Justin Trudeau ]--that's what and why they are doing. Legacy. [ Jens Stoltenberg ], electrician--me. The one who writes. 132 dead Chinese people can't be wrong.
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paulbenedictblog · 5 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
News Wall St sounding alarms. Her campaign thinks that's good news...
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)
Finance titans maintain piling on Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) for her soak-the-rich tax notion. The 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful is relishing it. 
Warren's campaign despatched out a fundraising enchantment the day outdated to this that contains headlines about Wall Streeters’ laments, telling most likely donors the studies possess “something in most cases: The affluent and smartly-connected are timorous. Scared that below a Warren Administration, they would in a roundabout map possess to pay their magnificent fragment.” And the electronic mail mentioned the ultrarich are “upright to be timorous.”
The solicitation used to be the clearest signal but that the Warren camp views her Wall Avenue critics as a useful foil for a expose framed around confronting runaway inequality and an entrenched political class. And they relief as bogeymen as the candidate takes heat from inside her fill procure together concerning the sweep and ticket of her $20.5 trillion notion to overhaul the U.S. health care intention — a proposal that is drawn criticism from Home Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) as well to her extra sensible opponents in the sphere. (Mature vp Joe Biden is accusing Warren of being an "elitist" who's "condescending to the hundreds and hundreds of Democrats who possess a sure behold.")
Warren’s wealth tax “is amazingly current, so I don’t mediate they wished this, nonetheless it’s a immense bonus,” one source with regards to the campaign tells me. “I don’t unquestionably mediate they anticipated people shall be happening CNBC and crying. But they like it. These are the infamous guys, and people out in the the rest of the nation mediate they’re the infamous guys. They’re the ideal ones who mediate they’re the upright guys. They expose themselves that, and CNBC tells them that, nonetheless no one else thinks so.”
The cohort of financiers going public with their sky-falling claims about Warren's economic program continues to grow. Factual this week: 
David Rubenstein — the billionaire co-founding father of the Carlyle Crew, the deepest equity big, mentioned Warren’s proposed wealth tax wouldn’t alleviate profits inequality “if one might perchance presumably presumably ever unquestionably be applied.” 
Billionaire hedge fund manager Leon Cooperman teared up on CNBC while discussing the topic, asserting he doesn’t “need Elizabeth Warren telling me that I’m a deadbeat and that billionaires are deadbeats. The vilification of billionaires will not be life like to me.” (Cooperman earlier accused Warren of "s—ing" on the American dream.)
JPMorgan Tear CEO Jamie Dimon, moreover in an interview with CNBC, criticized Warren for the exhaust of “some supreme harsh words” and vilifying a hit people. 
And aged Obama treasury official Steven Rattner, who now manages Michael Bloomberg’s wealth, wrote in a Novel York Instances op-ed that a Warren presidency is a "gross prospect" because of the “left to her fill devices, she would prolong the attain and weight of the federal govt far extra into the economic system than something even President Franklin Roosevelt imagined, successfully forsaking the shrimp-govt mannequin that has largely served us smartly.”
Invoice Gates, Co-Chair, Invoice & Melinda Gates Foundation. (Michael Cohen/Getty Photos)
Others are predicting the stock market will tank if she wins. (Comedy Central's "The Day-to-day Affirm their non-public praises" factual dedicated a segment to Warren's combat with the Wall Avenue.) Warren has highlighted the criticisms on Twitter. It’s a tactic she's light for months, with supporters jokingly referring to the assaults as in-form contributions to her campaign. But the drumbeat of criticism has grown louder as her smartly-known person has risen in the Democratic predominant and the industry extra critically grapples with the skill consequences of a Warren grasp. Some, on the other hand, mediate the extra and extra aggressive language geared toward Warren by two of her predominant opponents -- Biden and Pete Buttigieg -- has a gendered quality to it.
And the candidate no longer too long in the past raised the stakes. The wealth tax proposal she rolled out in January would impose a 2 percent levy on households value extra than $50 million and a 3 percent tax on those value extra than $1 billion. To pay for her Medicare-for-all notion, she factual doubled to 6 percent the tax she would impose on accumulate worths better than 9 figures. 
Microsoft founder Invoice Gates is the most fresh to criticize the proposal. The 2nd-richest person on this planet — at the relief of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who moreover owns the Washington Post — tells the Novel York Instances’s Andrew Ross Sorkin he’s paid “over $10 billion in taxes. I’ve paid extra than any individual in taxes. If I had to possess paid $20 billion, it’s horny. But when you narrate I will possess to pay $100 billion, then I’m beginning to pause a miniature bit math about what I unquestionably possess left over.”
The outspoken Trump critic wouldn't narrate whom he'd vote for in a matchup between Warren and the president. And requested if he would meet with Warren to chat concerning the his issues, Gates puzzled her delivery-mindedness, in conjunction with he’s no longer obvious “she’d even be sharp to sit down down with somebody who has gigantic amounts of cash.” That moreover drew a response from Warren on Twitter:
I'm always snug to meet with people, even if we possess varied views. @BillGates, if we procure the chance, I might perchance presumably presumably engage to expose exactly how powerful you'd pay below my wealth tax. (I promise or no longer it's no longer $100 billion.) https://t.co/m6G20hDNaV
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) November 7, 2019
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President Trump and Chinese language President Xi Jinping. (Susan Walsh/AP)
— BREAKING OVERNIGHT. China says each and each sides conform to roll relief tariffs in deal. Bloomberg: "China and the U.S. possess agreed to roll relief tariffs on one one more’s items in phases as they work toward a deal between the 2 sides, a Ministry of Commerce spokesman mentioned. 'In the past two weeks, top negotiators had serious, optimistic discussions and agreed to have the extra tariffs in phases as growth is made on the agreement,' spokesman Gao Feng mentioned Thursday.
"'If China, U.S. attain a bit-one deal, each and each sides will possess to roll relief existing extra tariffs in the identical percentage simultaneously in accordance with the advise material of the agreement, which is a crucial condition for reaching the agreement,' Gao mentioned. If confirmed by the U.S., such an working out might perchance presumably presumably relief present a avenue-plot to a deal de-escalating the trade warfare that’s solid a shadow over the enviornment economic system. China’s key seek recordsdata from since the originate of negotiations has been the removal of punitive tariffs imposed by [Trump], which by now discover to the majority of its exports to the U.S."
— Trump-Xi assembly is presumably delayed, again: “A gathering between [Trump] and Chinese language President Xi Jinping to label a protracted-awaited intervening time trade deal is presumably delayed till December as discussions continue over phrases and venue, a senior official of the Trump administration urged Reuters,” Reuters’s David Brunnstrom and Matt Spetalnick file.
“The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, mentioned it used to be still most likely the ‘piece one’ agreement geared toward ending a hostile trade warfare would no longer be reached, nonetheless a deal used to be extra most likely than no longer.”
London calling?:  Dozens of venues possess been suggested for the assembly, Reuters studies, in conjunction with London — “other sites are most likely in Europe and Asia, nonetheless the aged is extra most likely, with Sweden and Switzerland amongst the potentialities. . Iowa, which Trump has suggested, gave the influence to possess been dominated out, the official mentioned.
Markets falling: “ … It used to be no longer surprising when shares supplied off Wednesday morning on a Reuters headline that quoted Trump administration sources as asserting the piece one trade deal is presumably delayed till December and that Europe is a probable venue,” CNBC’s Patti Domm studies of Wall Avenue’s response. “Stocks possess hunch up on optimism about trade growth nonetheless possess been languishing in the past two classes as the market digests fresh features to fresh highs and no news on the trade entrance.”
Schwarzman is still optimistic about a deal: “Non-public equity firm Blackstone Crew Inc. Chief Executive Stephen Schwarzman mentioned he used to be optimistic that the USA and China would procure to the underside of their 16-month-long trade warfare, serving to to ease tensions between two of the enviornment’s ideal economies,” Reuters’s Chibuike Oguh studies.
A community of U.S. lawmakers launched regulations on Wednesday that might perchance presumably perchance block a federal retirement fund from investing in Chinese language shares.
IMPEACHMENT MINUTE: Your every day dash learn on the most fresh from the congressional impeachment inquiry.
Home Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff. (Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Photos)
“Home to engage care of first delivery hearings in impeachment inquiry of Trump.” By The Post's John Hudson.
“Trump makes falsehoods central to impeachment protection as incriminating evidence mounts.” By The Post's Toluse Olorunnipa and Philip Rucker.
“Senate Republicans engage into account in conjunction with Bidens in Trump impeachment trial.” By The Post's Rachael Bade and Robert Costa. 
“Combating impeachment, Trump leans into a protracted-lasting legacy.” By Politico's Gabby Orr.
Workers behold pickup trucks at the GM plant in Flint, Michigan. (Jeff Kowalsky/Bloomberg)
— Productivity stumbles. WSJ's Justin Lahart: "Better than ever, the U.S. economic system wants productiveness to procure going. Unfortunately, that isn’t taking place. The Labor Department on Wednesday reported that proper output per hour—the long-established measure of worker productiveness—fell an annualized 0.3% in the third quarter from the 2nd, marking its first quarterly decline in nearly four years. The productiveness recordsdata is also volatile on a quarterly basis, nonetheless the longer-time-frame vogue doesn’t gape upright either. From a 365 days earlier, productiveness used to be up factual 1.4%. That's fixed with the tepid scurry in the 15 years since 2004. In the 15 years earlier than that, productiveness grunt averaged 2.5%."
— Stocks flat. CNBC's Yun Li: "The Dow Jones Industrial Common used to be if truth be told unchanged, down 0.07 aspects to 27,492.56. The S&P 500 rose 0.07% to some,076.78 and the Nasdaq Composite fell 0.29% to eight,410.63 as big tech companies, in conjunction with Amazon, Apple and Fb, retreated. Investors largely took a wait-and-leer map as they digested the most fresh vogue on the U.S.-China trade entrance."
Two top Federal Reserve officials mentioned they don’t leer a need upright now for the central financial institution to press forward with extra fee cuts after lowering the associated fee of short-time-frame borrowing several instances this 365 days.
The Twitter logo on the facet of a constructing. (Jeff Chiu/AP)
— Mature Twitter workers charged with spying for Saudis: “The Justice Department has charged two aged Twitter workers with spying for Saudi Arabia by gaining access to the company’s recordsdata on dissidents who exhaust the platform, marking the principle time federal prosecutors possess publicly accused the kingdom of working brokers in the USA,” my colleagues Ellen Nakashima and Greg Bensinger file.
“A form of implicated in the blueprint, in accordance with court docket papers, is an accomplice of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who the CIA has concluded most likely ordered the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul final 365 days.”
Why this case is so vital: It “highlights the topic of international powers exploiting American social media platforms to name critics and suppress their voices. And it raises issues concerning the power of Silicon Valley to offer protection to the deepest recordsdata of dissidents and other customers from repressive governments.”
— IMF warns Europe about coming creep: “Germany stuck to its stance that Europe’s economic engine will pull thru its fresh trough with out a spending jolt, countering extra and extra dire warnings from the International Monetary Fund,” Bloomberg Files’s Nikos Chrysoloras and Birgit Jennen file.
“Europe desires to return up with emergency plans, since monetary coverage has all nonetheless exhausted its arsenal and risks unfold, the fund warned. The stark warning comes after the most fresh recordsdata showed that the euro-narrate economic system is proving extra resilient than anticipated, driven by strong expansion in nations equivalent to France. Light, Germany doubtlessly went into a technical recession at some stage in the final quarter, and the labor market in the continent’s ideal economic system began to deteriorate.”
Autos trip Purdue Pharma headquarters in Stamford, Conn. (Frank Franklin II/AP)
— Sackler legacy at stake as map forward for Purdue is definite: “A combat over billions of bucks in the chapter case of Purdue Pharma has eclipsed what observers leer as a key component of a proposed settlement of hundreds of opioid court docket cases: a expose to restore the Sackler family legacy,” my colleague Christopher Rowland studies.
“The Sackler family’s Purdue Pharma — broadly blamed for fueling the opioid epidemic with its marketing and marketing and marketing of the addictive distress killer OxyContin — shall be reinvented in the proposed chapter settlement as a public hobby belief dedicated to struggling with addiction and overdose deaths. If a hit, it'd be a startling turnaround. The Sackler family trade shall be transformed from a maker of a smartly-identified prescription narcotic into an entity centered on manufacturing and distributing overdose antidote remedy free or at an economical to communities hit anxious by addiction.”
Meanwhile, a mediate prolonged rapid upright security of the Sacklers: “A federal chapter mediate snappily prolonged security that halts ratings of court docket cases against Purdue Pharma and contributors of the Sackler family, who founded the opioid maker, till April 8,” my colleague Renae Merle studies. “The pronounce by Deem Robert Drain continues a rapid injunction that used to be establish in location final month and expired Wednesday. It got here over the objections of some litigants who possess argued that the Sackler family does no longer deserve such upright security.” 
— Company insiders are taking relief of buybacks: “ … Insiders — in conjunction with chief executives and directors who authorize buybacks — in most cases promote at some stage in the short-time-frame tag pops that in overall discover disclosure of up to the moment authorizations, or when the companies are actively procuring for on the market,” Gary Putka studies for The Post.
“A evaluate by The Washington Post learned that insider stock sales at some stage in buybacks are surprisingly overall. Now not decrease than 500 insiders supplied at some stage in buyback applications at their companies in factual one 15-month interval in 2017 and 2018, in accordance with The Post diagnosis of recordsdata compiled by the SEC as smartly as regulatory filings. Better than 50 of the insider sellers were chief executives … SEC tips pause allow insider promoting at some stage in a buyback.” 
— Alphabet investigating execs over immoral relationships: “Alphabet’s board of directors has opened an investigation into how executives dealt with claims of sexual harassment and other misconduct, in conjunction with habits of Chief Precise Officer David Drummond, who has been accused of getting relationships with workers,” CNBC’s Jennifer Elias files.
“The board has formed an self enough subcommittee to gape into the factors and has hired a law firm to relief with the investigation, in accordance with materials viewed by CNBC.”
— SoftBank CEO refuses to call WeWork debacle a “rescue”: “SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son obtained’t call WeWork a rescue, asserting as an alternate that the most fresh financing allowed his company to dramatically minimize the frequent fragment tag it paid for the co-working company. Nonetheless, he described it as an ‘exception’ that obtained’t happen again,” CNBC’s William Feuer studies.
“Son acknowledged making some mistakes in his funding approach and approved that WeWork’s dramatic fall in fresh months has led some to seek recordsdata from his judgment and the viability of SoftBank’s big Vision Fund. SoftBank recorded a 374.7 billion yen ($3.4 billion) writedown on its WeWork funding about two weeks after taking 80% maintain watch over of the company with a brand fresh $5 billion financing equipment.”
— Chesapeake Energy hits two-decade low: “Chesapeake Energy Corp. collapsed to a 20-365 days low Wednesday, finally after the shale gasoline driller warned it might perchance presumably no longer be ready to dwell for far longer than low gasoline prices and issued a ‘going reveal’ spy,” Bloomberg Files’s Michael Bellusci studies.
“Shares fell as powerful as 24% intraday to their lowest since 1999. The stock moreover snappily dipped below the $1/fragment ticket, and Wall Avenue isn’t optimistic on Chesapeake’s future.”
"Right here's one of the best percentage of CEO dismissals connected to factors of deepest habits in the 20-365 days history of Convention Board studying CEO succession," says Matteo Tonello, a managing director at The Convention Board.
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.). (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
— Lawmakers demand probe of alternative zones. NYT's Eric Lipton and Jesse Drucker: "Lawmakers are voicing mounting issues about a federal tax incentive, identified as an 'alternative zone,' that is presupposed to support investors to pump money into the nation’s poorest neighborhoods. Main Democrats in the Home and Senate possess despatched a flurry of letters anxious answers and movement by federal companies after fresh Novel York Instances articles detailed how affluent investors and proper estate developers, in conjunction with those with ties to the Trump administration, are poised to income on the initiative... 
"Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, the dwell Democrat on the Finance Committee, mentioned he used to be introducing regulations this week that might perchance presumably perchance procure rid of a complete bunch of alternative zones in relatively affluent neighborhoods."
AMC Leisure, NewsCorp, Wynn Accommodations, Assert Inc., Activision Blizzard, Monster Beverage, Occasion Metropolis,  Ralph Lauren, Planet Fitness, Meredith and Nielsen are amongst the distinguished companies reporting their earnings, per Kiplinger
The Senate Banking Committee hosts a listening to on bipartisan payments to advertise sensible housing
Honda Motor, Duke Energy and Revlon are amongst the distinguished companies reporting their earnings, per Kiplinger
China releases its most up-to-date trade figures, per WSJ
From The Post's Tom Toles:
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Schiff Pushed Volker to Say Ukraine Felt Pressure from Trump
“In a secret interview, Rep. Adam Schiff, leader of the House Democratic effort to impeach President Trump, pressed former United States special representative to Ukraine Kurt Volker to testify that Ukrainian officials felt pressured to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter as a result of Trump withholding U.S. military aid to Ukraine,” Byron York writes in the Washington Examiner.
The former Ambassador, however, flat-out denied Schiff’s version of events. “When Volker repeatedly declined to agree to Schiff's characterization of events, Schiff said, ‘Ambassador, you're making this much more complicated than it has to be.’”
It’s becoming clear why Schiff is trying to hide his proceedings behind closed doors.
Click here to read more.“Ivanka Trump’s goal to boost women entrepreneurs in the developing world with an international $2.6 billion fund is taking root,” Paul Bedard writes in the Washington Examiner. “Two years after kicking off the Women’s Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative through the World Bank, [Ms.] Trump on Friday plans to herald its successes.”“The clear benefits of the USMCA have fueled a growing chorus of support for the agreement — from farmers and ranchers to manufacturers, small business leaders to our largest employers, voters of all political persuasions, and, yes, Democrats and Republicans alike,” former Reps. Rick Boucher (D-VA) and Tom Davis (R-VA) write in the Richmond Times-Dispatch. “We see a nation competing confidently around the globe.”“President Donald Trump campaigned on a very specific foreign policy. ‘America First’ has its roots in the less-interventionist policies of our Founding Fathers,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) writes in USA Today. “Then-candidate Trump said often that the Iraq War was a mistake, and that we were in too many places for too long. Fast-forward to 2019, and the president is now moving forward to stop the ‘endless wars.’ I stand with him.”
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