twinchromatid · 1 year
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lover, u shouldve come over
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lisasmind · 1 year
Johoo, saw your post and just had to follow you you seem awsome
Question: do you have any criticism to race to the edge, if so what? I find it very fascinating to see different people’s opinions on the series
heyyy thanks for the follow! i’m glad you like my acc!
before i say anything, PLEASE DON’T TAKE MY OPINIONS SERIOUSLY! i’m coming to y’all mostly in a joking tone like it’s all chill. i like the show and enjoy watching it but yeah without further ado!
rtte. when i was younger i had a love-hate relationship with it. there were many things i didn’t like but i kept watching cause we still had a long wait for thw and i NEEDED httyd content. of course there were things that i liked but yeah.
rewatching it now, i realized i might’ve been over exaggerating! to be fair, i’ve always been a dramatic person so there’s no surprise in that.
there are still things i’m iffy about.
- first off, hiccup and toothless’ relationship. to me, toothless seemed more like a pet than a best pal to hiccup. like toothless was usually in the background for the majority of his screen time. they did have their moments like in dire straits, enemy of my enemy (i think … but i can’t recall well), and triple cross, but that’s pretty much it.
- heather’s whole storyline. it was good in the beginning but wow they just really let go of her character. like she had SOOO much potential and she was well liked within the fandom. i would suggest watching this video on youtube:
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it pretty much wraps up all my thoughts on her.
- hiccup was not supposed to see the ice spikes! again, 18 year old hiccup was NOT. SUPPOSED. TO SEE. THE ICE SPIKES! why? because 20 year old hiccup has NEVER SEEN THEM BEFORE!
- heathlegs. i’m sorry but i know a lesbian when i see one.
- this one i won’t get too worked up on cause i know the writers have said a few times hiccstrid was not going to be the main focus of the show (and tbh, as a hiccstrid shipper … thank god), but i wish their development from the friends to crush to lovers stage was more noticeable. to me it kinda just felt like BOOM! hiccstrid together!
at least the kisses were good. no no. the kisses were EXCELLENT! PURE CINEMA!
- listen i know they were in a time crunch when netflix just threw two more seasons at them, but johann? really?
and that’s all i can think of for now, but all in all i love this show. i literally used to sit and wait for the seasons to come out at 3 AM MY TIME!! like this was my teenhood! i went to school sleep deprived for this shit so don’t you think for a second that i’m coming from a place of hate or ungratefulness.
i do have positive things about rtte but i’ll save that for a different post (also i plan to rewatch each episode one by one and make a tumblr post of my thoughts cause why not).
anyways thanks for asking this!
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angstymdzsthoughts · 5 years
the real reason jzx opposed his engagement was not bc he dislikes jyl, but bc hes actually fallen for wwx. and in this au wwx returns his feelings, but wont do anything in fear of hurting shijie. he still meets jzx in secret though. after the fall of lotus pier, the marriage couldnt be avoided and wwx had to let jzx marry jyl while he couldnt even attend the wedding. afterwards, jin sect began pushing jzx to have an heir, only to find that jyl would definitely die if she has children. 1/
jyl couldnt bear children without losing her life. jzx wouldnt do that to a friend he has come to hold dear. one time jzx went with jyl since she insisted on visiting wwx. he hasnt met wwx in a while, he missed wwx but couldnt hold wwx the way he wanted to with his wife there. there jyl met a-yuan and liked him so much, she cried to wwx that she couldnt have a little family she had always wanted. to everyone's surprise, wwx offered to carry a jin heir for her. he couldnt look jzx in the eyes. 2/
jzx shouldve been happy, that he would be able to embrace his lover, but neither of them couldnt break through the sheer transactional nature of the affair. in return of a jin heir, the wens are to be left alone. jzx agreed. after wwx confirmed his pregnancy, jzx took him in and closed his quarters off, telling everyone his wife is pregnant and will be in temporary seclusion. the few months wwx lived together with jyl and jzx were utter bliss. 3/
jzx kept wwx posted on the wens condition and no one bothered him. wwx got to spend time with his shijie and got to steal kisses from his lover every once in a while. when the time of birth came, jzx was nervous at best and distraught at most. he couldnt deal with his emotions and left, he wasnt there for the birth, not for the baby and not for wwx. wwx decided a couple days is enough for him to be with jin ling, the precious baby he will now hand over to be raised by his precious sister. 4/
jin ling was only 3 days old when wwx left. to the end, jzx regretted not being there for wwx when he needed the most. wwx bid his farewell to jyl, promising to visit and spoil jin ling as uncles should. after birthing the heir of jin, wwx decided he couldnt trust the jins after all, using his shijie and her husband as mere tools. he turned jzx away everytime the other stole away at night to meet him. it was better if jzx didnt get tainted by him too. 5/
soon, jin ling's first month celebration was fast approaching. wwx was giddy. of course he missed his little baby. he had a gift prepared, both for jin ling and for jyl. if only the ambush didnt happen. wwx was angry and panicked, everyone was enemy. he didnt hear jzx calling out for him to please listen, and suddenly wn had his hand through jzx's chest. wwx heard his name being said before jzx breathed his last. did he just kill his own beloved? 6/
wwx passed out and wn took him back to burial mounds. he spent the next days in his mind. the crashing truth of it all, that he killed jzx, that jin ling will grow up fatherless, that he ultimately had no control over his powers. in the conference in nightless city, wwx didnt expect he would meet his sister again. he wanted to kneel to her, to apologize for killing her husband, but he fled when madam jin noticed him. wwx wouldnt fight unless attacked, but suddenly everyone wanted to kill him. 7/
wwx raised his corpse and cried, he cried for all his regret and his pain. he only wanted to do the right thing, why does everyone want him dead? it isnt fair. all of the sudden someone was calling out for him, it was shijie. he panicked and ran to her, but it was hard, with thousands of cultivators and corpses fighting each other. he didnt even have time to order the corpses to not hurt shijie. as he got near, he saw a corpse with a sword charging from behind jyl. 8/
he threw himself at jyl, taking the sword through his chest. he collapsed in jyl's arms. with the master incapacitated, the corpses stopped fighting. wwx didnt care. his shijie was crying because of him. "its okay shijie, its my fault. im sorry," hes sorry for a lot of things. for bringing lotus pier's downfall, for disappointing jiang cheng, for killing jzx, for not being in control, for making shijie sad. "jin ling is lucky to have you," she heard wwx speak before going limp in her lap. 9/
someone yelled "wei wuxian is dead!" and the thousands of men yelled in triumph. for what, jyl didnt know. she could only care about her brother, who gave everything he has for his family, a cold lifeless body in her arms. he gave her happiness, he gave her a son, and now he gave her his life. she didnt even see jc approach. only when he kneeled in front of her did she saw him. the only emotion she could project was disappointment and regret, why didnt we save him sooner? 10/
jyl allowed for jc to take wwx's corpse with him to lotus pier for him to arrange a funeral. corpse. her brother is now a corpse. but she must fulfil wwx's wish, she will now pretect the wens in his stead. she asked meng yao, now jin guangyao, if he has any news about the wens. nothing, he said. good, that means nobody had touched them. she had a funeral to attend and she brings jin ling with her. in front of his coffin, jyl stopped. she lifted a-ling and put him on wwx's unmoving body. 11/
"say goodbye" she told the baby. wwx didnt even get to see jin ling for the last time. jin ling is the last thing she had of her husband and her brother. jyl vowed to protect him no matter what. she would raise him to be a son wwx could be proud of. jyl couldnt stay in lotus pier for too long. every corner of lotus pier reminds her of the times they spent together, the laughter and hugs they share. jc didnt have the heart to stop her. she went back to lanling the next day. 12/
who knew, when she got back, the only news she heard was that wen ning and wen qing are finally arrested and executed. her heart fell through her stomach. if wn and wq are here, who is protecting the wens? jyl hurried and contacted jc, asking him to meet her at the burial mounds. jc arrived about the same time she did. what they encountered there made her nauseous. the stench of blood permeated the walls as she saw broken bodies upon broken bodies, bloody and strewn across the floor. 13/
jc checked wwx's previous living quarters, it had been ransacked. but nothing prepared her for that. laid across the bed was a tiny body. she recognized it to be the little boy she remembered clinging onto wwx's leg. the little boy she remembered wwx soothe and coo at. the little child wwx called his own. laying in a dried pool of his own blood. his big innocent eyes are open, lifeless but glaring as if asking why. it was a-yuan. she failed. /14
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Joe & Ronnie
Joe: [St Patrick's Day 2016] Joe: Ron Joe: Come back, I ain't going 'til tomorrow Ronnie: fuck you Ronnie: go now what the fuck does it matter Joe: It matters to me Joe: every fucking second away does and I don't care if you know it Ronnie: then dont Joe: I missed Christmas, they don't care that I bullshitted I had the flu Joe: had to do everything to stop them flying over to get me, and it was my sister's 16th so they're all on one about how long it's been Ronnie: and I dont care if they believe your bullshit or not Ronnie: I care that youre a useless cunt Ronnie: I care that youre being a fucking pussy Joe: I know you do Joe: I'm sorry or I didn't ask you to, the end result is the same 'cos I can't fucking not go, s'been months, any longer they will do something about it and fuck that Ronnie: get out of my fucking face mckenna Ronnie: youre not worth shit to me like this Joe: I don't want to and you didn't want me to five seconds 'fore you slammed the door in my face so Ronnie: give a shit what you want Ronnie: grow a pair while youre there or dont bother coming back like Joe: that's what you want, yeah? Ronnie: like you care Ronnie: go ask your ma what she wants Ronnie: or your sister Ronnie: shes legal to fuck now what do you need me for Joe: I want to make you happy, not them Ronnie: I told you what to fucking do Joe: I reckon I've got a better idea Ronnie: are you gonna say it Joe: come with me Ronnie: thats not funny Joe: I'm not trying to be Ronnie: it better be a fucking joke Joe: why not? Ronnie: fuck you Ronnie: you know every reason why not Joe: so it wouldn't make you even a bit happy to fuck her family up Joe: say you don't care but you do enough to hate her Ronnie: shut up Ronnie: I hate you Joe: go on then, do it and I won't be able to go back Joe: then you can chuck me if you hate me so much and I'll have nothing but another bad habit Ronnie: I aint the kind of sister to fight your battles for you Joe: now who's being pussy Joe: I'm ready to do it Joe: tell them everything Joe: show 'em Joe: what's the issue Ronnie: still you Ronnie: thats the issue Ronnie: you think you want it til I start it Joe: Name one thing you've started that I ain't wanted Ronnie: there aint a name for this Ronnie: you dont get it Ronnie: and youre not ready for it Joe: fuck that Joe: I don't love them I love you Joe: don't get involved then, I'm trying to give you something here Joe: but if I stop going, then they'll come, and it'll just happen here Ronnie: youre trying to give yourself something Ronnie: but I aint no performing monkey and you cant put me back in my box when you start shitting yourself Ronnie: there wont be one Ronnie: there wont be fuck all left Joe: Good Joe: what about me says that I want anything Joe: there's always heroin Ronnie: you want me to get arrested then yeah Ronnie: get rid of me like that Joe: I won't let that happen Joe: I'd take the blame before it did Ronnie: youre not listening Ronnie: you wont have any control Ronnie: you dont Ronnie: not over me Joe: I don't need any Joe: I don't want to control you Joe: I want you to do exactly what you want Joe: to me, to them, to the fucking world, that's what I always want Joe: you don't have to come, I thought you wanted to, wanted this Ronnie: stop flirting with me you sick fuck Ronnie: I cant think Joe: it's gone beyond flirting Joe: you've got 'til tomorrow to think Joe: come back Joe: please Ronnie: stop telling me what to fucking do Ronnie: or not do Ronnie: fucks sake Joe: I'm just saying if you don't come then I'll do it on my own Joe: that's just how it is Joe: I don't wanna do it no more, go back, not be here, with you Joe: pretend, more than I have to Ronnie: like fuck are you doing it without me Ronnie: the look on her face thats mine not yours Ronnie: a life for a life Joe: then it's settled Joe: come back though, I know Charlie and Bronson have got fuck all decent in to calm you down Ronnie: theyve got fuck all of anything now like Ronnie: having it in me already is the only reason youre getting words off me instead of a boot in your face Joe: gutted Joe: just for them, before you accuse me of flirting with you again Ronnie: yeah didnt reckon youd follow through on that Joe: if you'd come home I could give you everything you want Joe: close enough that it don't matter no more Ronnie: if I make it that easy neither of us will want it Ronnie: stop fucking crying Joe: what did they have then, make me cry some more with a trip report Ronnie: nursery school shit Ronnie: talk to me about this show and tell you wanna put on Joe: so my dad owns this pub, yeah Joe: st paddy's obviously best day and night of the year for business Joe: it'll be packed Ronnie: no shit Joe: do more damage if there's a crowd to hear and see Ronnie: then what Joe: depends Joe: loads of ways you could do it Joe: it's pretty obvious on both counts what we're trying to say together Joe: leave the rest up to you Ronnie: I know what I'm gonna do Ronnie: I don't trust you to pussy out first chance you get Ronnie: not* Joe: tell me Ronnie: I dont do foreplay Ronnie: fuck alls changed that much since I walked out Joe: alright Joe: could accuse you of being a tease about it but I can wait Ronnie: all those pint glasses on offer are the tease when you know how I feel about glass Ronnie: better lover than you Joe: won't take it personal Joe: made you look this good and I get to look so Ronnie: it only matters that you do take it baby Joe: whatever you give me Joe: and obviously, all this Joe: [drug haul!] Joe: i need to be comatose with you Ronnie: you shouldve started with the offer of that threesome Ronnie: Id be back ages ago Joe: if I made it that easy.. Ronnie: 🖕 Joe: alright, come get yours Joe: hurry up Joe: she's staring at me Ronnie: Im not your bitch Ronnie: Ill be there when im done ✂🪒 Joe: you wanna give them something to remember you by? Ronnie: theyll remember Joe: you gonna bleed for me too though Ronnie: im only doing my hair Ronnie: fuck all else is as fun without an audience Ronnie: dont get excited Joe: awh, you do care Ronnie: do you want me to cut your tongue out so you dont sound as rem as you look tomorrow Ronnie: care about that Joe: ✋🤚 long as you leave all ten relatively unscathed Ronnie: gotta leave myself something Ronnie: youre a shit enough ride already Ronnie: do I sound 🍀 now Joe: exactly like my exes Joe: well about it Ronnie: dont go round saying you were a virgin Ronnie: *nt Ronnie: more embarrassing Joe: oh, reckoned part of your big show was saying you deflowered me Joe: they're gonna be horrified enough though Ronnie: theyd believe it if you wanna go that far with the show Joe: don't reckon that's your plan Joe: but an interesting one Joe: I'll 🤔 on it Ronnie: your ma dont turn me on but neither do you so Id give it a shot Ronnie: reckon youll be horny enough for all of us Joe: the shit will have worn off by then, don't remind me Ronnie: how longs the flight? Joe: hour and a half, bit under Ronnie: 💔 Joe: I know Joe: long enough that all the mile-high cliches are gonna flood right back in Joe: more of a flight risk, should let me have my drugs instead Ronnie: no batteries no sharp objects no point Joe: you're hard to please, my dear Joe: and well selective Joe: the air hostesses, less so if they're even gonna consider it Ronnie: 💘 Joe: you want me to tell 'em you're coming or element of surprise Joe: what's your poison Ronnie: long as it eats away at her I dont give a shit Ronnie: tell em Ronnie: how excited I am Joe: 👍 Joe: on it Ronnie: lay it on well thick Ronnie: make sure theyve all got the taste in their mouths Joe: I know how to breed hope Joe: look at my shining education and musical genius Ronnie: almost hot til you ruined it Joe: one day I'll get you Ronnie: chuck your empty promises at that lot Joe: not the point no more Joe: don't just need my ✋🤚 for you Joe: string for my supper 'til I choke, that's the plan 🎻💉 Joe: can put my diploma on their wall if they want but give a fuck Ronnie: use it for roll ups Ronnie: like a hotel bible Joe: you're really gonna be that hot and not be here Joe: sounds like you Ronnie: it only gets hot when you start thinking about what poison youre gonna lace the 🚬 with Joe: you ever smoked wet? Ronnie: you wanna pop my 🍒 Joe: yeah Joe: only fair Ronnie: who plays fair Joe: hallucinations, disorientation, impaired coordination, paranoia, sexual disinhibition, and visual disturbances Joe: don't play 'cos it's fair, play 'cos it's fun Ronnie: alright you got me Joe: say again Joe: I can get that over there Joe: can smoke some 'fore the show Ronnie: sexual disinhibition Ronnie: thas the show you want Ronnie: I called it Joe: sue me Joe: or worse, obviously 🔪😍 Ronnie: 💉 Ronnie: Ill play and Im leaving Ronnie: dont start todays show without me Joe: you don't have enough hair to be taking this long Ronnie: I was using a broken mirror Joe: Charlie'll be fuming Ronnie: so was I when I broke it Joe: got all the shards out? Ronnie: not my first time Ronnie: youre getting 🍒 greedy now Joe: could've distracted me from the bag with a video or something Joe: you're being selfish, alternative title Ronnie: [sends him something only theyd be into, lord knows] Ronnie: take what youre given and lick it up Ronnie: im not a fucking charity Joe: 👅 Ronnie: ill bring you a shard to put on it the fun can really start Joe: 💘 Ronnie: you can fuck off calling me selfish like Joe: I'll take it back when I feel it Ronnie: yeah Ronnie: you will Joe: you still hate me, like Ronnie: only fair baby Joe: of course Joe: what kind of sick fuck Ronnie: theyll be lining up to tell you tomorrow Joe: might be worth sticking around for Joe: shame, they would make it fun when I'm trying to leave Ronnie: the lads mustve got that memo Ronnie: nothing more fun than a street fight Ronnie: gimme a sec to knock em out Joe: playing nice better or worse than playing fair Ronnie: you tell me soft lad Ronnie: youve had it up to the back teeth Joe: definitely worse Joe: fair was never a big concern with them but less soul-destroying Ronnie: ill rip mine all out before I use em to smile nice Ronnie: playing the way anyone else wants aint a big concern Joe: 🦷🦷 more useful than 👅 Ronnie: dont cry I wont I know what you like Joe: what did I do to deserve you eh Ronnie: you dont Joe: very true Ronnie: but your fucked family deserve me and ill let you watch Joe: suits me Ronnie: yeah you get everything you want Ronnie: this aint any different Joe: got a load of shit I don't want too, that makes up for it Ronnie: not gonna watch you cry fuck joining in Joe: just be here then Ronnie: im coming Joe: shouldn't have gone in the first place Ronnie: thats your fucking fault Joe: yeah Joe: but don't leave me Ronnie: if I wanted you gone Id kill you Joe: you're so considerate Joe: any time Ronnie: you aint getting out of tomorrow Ronnie: ill strap your rotting corpse into a plane seat before I go on my fucking own Joe: I want to be there Joe: and I wouldn't make you go alone either way Ronnie: mckenna Joe: what Ronnie: dont fuck it up Joe: that's your role Joe: is there anything you actually want me to do or just watch Ronnie: stay out of my way Joe: done Ronnie: 💘
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rigginsstreet · 7 years
how would season 2 of riverdale look like if you were writing it? (also please don't hold back on the word count for this ask)
everyones gay. the end.
no ok i will try and go for a realistic version of what i think season 2 could have been. i mean personally i think its realistic to have all the parents be gay but whatever. (*edit from future briana. lol i aint make this shit realistic everybody G A Y) also this is probably gonna be all over the place cuz i have a lot of problems with a lot of characters story arcs so just...we’ll see what happens. also also this is obviously focusing on the parents im sure the kids will get mentioned at some point in regards to certain storylines but for the most part i dont watch them so i dont know what the fuck theyre doing unless it pertains to an adult. ok here we go (i hope you know what you asked for by saying dont hold back on word count...)
like from season 1 i had this vision of how i wanted s2 to play out
fp was gonna find out fred was shot, alice was gonna go visit him in jail about it or theyd meet up when he got out and they were gonna team up to avenge fred. thats what shouldve happened ok fight me. THE ONLY APPROPRIATE F*LICE INTERACTION
and then fp was gonna take care of fred. they were gonna work on their relationship. shit was gonna get dramatic but it was gonna be beautiful because ultimately they would realize theyre both the best friends each other ever had and they were better together than apart. 
and thats how the whole black hood thing would be dealt with and we never had to hear about it again
and then with the introduction of hiram and everything going down with the lodges buying freds company + fps dealings with hiram and hermione in the past and the bad blood there that was just...completely dropped... fred and fp were gonna come up with this master plan to screw over hiram and get the company back and then theyd go back to working construction together and happy days would be on the horizon. 
with that being said.... hiram and hermiones storyline this season is honestly the only interesting worthwhile thing. im not mad at it
im a little mad at archie joining the mafia like for one, anyone who knows anything about mob culture, you dont let outsiders in. and if you do, its not that fucking easy. its like “run some errands for me let me put you through some tests. ok youre family” no. i mean i get we’re on the cw but this was really the ...not even pg13 this was some g rated mob shit on archies part but whatever
lets hop on over to the coopers
i called from the beginning that chic was gonna be up to some bullshit and the narrative thats going right now with hal being painted as the bad guy and running off to penelope and alice running into fps arms is absolute utter Garbage™
what SHOULDVE happened (and granted the story is still playing out but lochlyns got a new show and thats very sus to me so... im expecting the worst) is chic comes in all innocent at first and maybe hals still put off, reasonably so, but this clearly means a lot to alice so he sticks it out. and as chic lets his freak out and the family has to deal with this, they grow closer and become more bonded and alice and hal become stronger as a couple and when all is said and done they eventually decide to go to couples counseling or family counseling and everybody works out their bullshit and they all start their journey to becoming a stable fucking family unit
ok now penelope. she’s another one that im actually for the most part enjoying her story but this whole hal business?? unrealistic
what they needed to do was just let her have her ho business and live her life
and also tell cheryl to stop running her mouth
like i really dont need them to have a great relationship personally like fine if they did whatever but cheryl kinda annoys me so penelope telling her whats up is no skin off my back
oh and this whole homophobic business? NOT IN MY SEASON 2
or if they really wanted to keep this contrived ass heather story to give cheryl some depth or whatever, then the least that could happen is it be revealed that penelope is gay herself and was scorned by an ex lover (alice) and was taking it out on her daughter
and then that could come to light and they talk about it and penelope eventually accepts she’s gay and she can be open about it now and she goes on to get herself a beautiful rich powerful girlfriend and my girl pen is set bitch !!! (i will also only accept alice and hal breaking up if alice too comes out and ends up with penelope)
somebody was coming out of my version of s2 gay i mean listen i could also write you a thing about how fp and fred could still get together ...
fps been spending all this time around fred nursing him back to health after the shooting
and theyve been able to work out all their unresolved bullshit
plus them teaming up to take hiram down
theyve been spending many a cold winter night together
old flames are rekindling 
they both notice they each keep finding little reasons to touch one another
theyre stealing glances when they think the other one isnt paying attention
they start to notice how fucking happy theyve been together theyve both become so playful and intimate with one another
theyre at pops one night having milkshakes
fred has whipped cream on his face
fps trying to tell him where but fred keeps missing it
theyre both laughing
fp reaches over and swipes his thumb softly over the corner of freds mouth
their laughter starts to die down as they both realize theres still this spark of electricity between them
its been sitting there under the surface this whole time waiting to blow up
next thing they know fps leaning over the table to kiss fred 
its soft and sweet and gentle but filled with such passion and urning its been so long since anyones touched them like this and god all the memories of their secret high school hookups come flooding back its like no time at all has passed they just fit together so well
ANYWAY now that fps with fred and this whole north v south thing is going on its creating a whole bunch of tension and like imagine all the drama that would come from the leader of the serpents dating riverdale mayor fred andrews oh my god ??? sign me the absolute fuck up where is THAT iconic storyline
speaking of fred
where the fuck is that pill addiction huh??? we gotta throw that in for drama ok i NEED. IT.
and then mary gets called into town and fp mary and archie are coming together to get fred through this. holding a fucking INTERVENTION ??? 
alice can show up too why not
bring hal
hermione maybe? like i know in her heart she probably cares but maybe dont have your ex gf who is also a mob boss show up at your intervention....
although that would make for a good fp x hermione showdown
hermiones invited
what else do we need....
i need alice and hermione
i dont know in what capacity i just know i need it
we definitely need a moms night out episode which would be hilarious because it just ends with alice and penelope making out and hermione and mary making out and sierra is facetiming tom like “please come pick me up”
speaking of sierra i dont mind this storyline with tom i just wish we could..actually see it...
god i just want fp and fred having date night down at the whyte wyrm and tonis pestering them about sharing stories from high school and how they fell in love and she wants to hear all the hot gossip and jugheads like “no gross i dont want to hear this”but joaquin an fangs and sweet pea are ENTHRALLED like they wanna hear everything too they wanna know about all the stupid shit fred and fp used to do to land in detention
i told yall this shit was gonna be all over the place
hell maybe even gladys played by neve campbell would show up at one point so fp can see his fucking daughter thatd be neat
and gladys and fp decide to end things for good and go through with the divorce but its amicable and theyre friends. she could move back to riverdale but then im thinking of jellybean having to be taken out of school... so maybe they stay in toledo but gladys and fp come up with a plan for holidays and summer vacation and its all just very pleasant ok. 
if we want to go with the tragic heterosexual version of riverdale, i fully support gladys and fp getting back together btw its what god wants
but so long as we’re living in my lala fantasy land.... fp ends up with fred and gladys and fp call truce
alice and fp would be F R I E N D S
no ones hiding no dead bodies
no ones making weird inappropriate comments about leaving spouses
alice is not going serpent!alice on everyone
get out of my face
theyre friends and they banter a lot but theres still a deep PLATONIC love there for each other
ok i think i covered everything i wanted.....
am i delusional?
but is my version more fun?
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