monsterblogging · 1 month
So, after realizing that Uprising and The Black attract chuds into this fandom like nobody's business, I fucking lost it and decided to completely eviscerate these two pieces of garbage. I'm sorry, but it had to be done. They're both complete shit, and if you think either one of them is the Best Pacific Rim Ever, it says a lot about who you are as a person (and none of it is good).
Pacific Rim Uprising Is Bad And This Is Why
Pacific Rim The Black Is Bad And This Is Why
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little-paper-man · 3 months
Had the urge to look at one of my blorbos of all time again - good ol' Apex from pacrim and MY GOD. There is so few fanart/screenshots of him that I see my half-assed edit EVERYWHERE 😭
and I KNOW it's mine because of the black spot on his forehead where i didn't bother to fix the shadows and shit lighting on the left side back spikes. All i did was basically mirror the brighter side - a 30-min edit job tops.
And yet
Places I have seen my shitty edit:
youtube - at least 3 times , 1 being ultra crunched
Reddit on r/pacificrim
godzilla.fandom - where the edit has been darken but *~forehead spot~*
GTA 5 mod pack thumbnail
Deviantart as part of some odd crossover 'art' of ruby gillman (dunno who that is) meeting him???
A completely separate Tumblr post by another user lmao
Like at this point it's just completely Hilarious how far this absolute hardly-gave-a-shit, just-wanted-a-good-look-at-his-tit-markings, unprofessional screenshot edit as been yoinked and used throughout the internet - it's used almost as much as the actual real screenshot!!!! I don't even care for credit for it it's just so utterly BIZARRE that THAT image is used in so many places! Like I probably haven't seen everywhere that my shitty edit has gone lolololololol
It's become a fun game of Where's Waldo Shitpex
link to Shitpex in question : https://www.tumblr.com/little-paper-man/658007566912192512/v-heres-to-anyone-who-wants-an-apex-ref-because?source=share
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canis-dies · 1 year
whos is this kid i hate him. what a dick.
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Four weeks to go: everything you need to know about Brazil's municipal elections
In São Paulo, populist far-right candidate soars in polls; Rio's candidate has a significant advantage
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This year municipal elections are right around the corner. On October 6, nearly half a million (458,247) candidates will be chosen between mayors and deputy mayors in 5,569 cities across the country and approximately 58,000 councilors. The scenario between left and right repeats the polarised presidential elections in 2022 although municipal elections are focused more on local issues, such as urban infrastructure, health, and education.
The polls show that four candidates supported by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Workers' Party (PT) in state capitals appear as favorite mayoral candidates. On the other side of the political spectrum, backed by former president Jair Bolsonaro from the right wing Liberal Party (PL) are in 10 of the country's 26 capitals. Four of these are from PL, his party.  
All eyes are on São Paulo. With an estimated population of 11 million, its GDP, which grew to around R$ 880 billion (over US$ 158,000) in 2023, makes it one of the wealthiest cities in Latin America. The leftwing candidate Guilherme Boulos from the Socialism and Liberty Party (Psol) with 23% virtually draws with the far-right populist Pablo Marçal from PRTB, and the current mayor Ricardo Nunes - also representing the far right - from MDB, supported by Bolsonaro, have 22% of the votes. This fierce and polarized dispute is repeated in other Brazilian municipalities.
Continue reading.
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cubojorbr · 4 days
Como foi a cadeirada de Datena em Pablo Marçal durante o debate da TV Cultura
Um boletim de ocorrência foi registrado contra Datena, e a assessoria de Marçal informou que aguardam a tomada de medidas judiciais cabíveis.
O debate entre os candidatos à Prefeitura de São Paulo, realizado na noite deste domingo (15), foi interrompido por um incidente grave. José Luiz Datena (PSDB) agrediu Pablo Marçal (PRTB) com uma cadeirada após uma troca de provocações, causando um clima de tensão e a suspensão temporária do evento pela TV Cultura, que organizava o confronto. A discussão começou quando Marçal citou uma denúncia…
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kaijuposting · 2 years
As long as people regard jaegers - giant machines created to enact violence - as the heart and soul of Pacific Rim, any and all future Pacific Rim adaptations will inevitably tread further and further toward the militaristic fascism Guillermo del Toro tried to avoid. I am not saying that jaegers are inherently bad, or that they should never be major story elements, or anything like that. I am saying that regarding them as a necessary central element can go nowhere good, as evidenced by both Pacific Rim: Uprising and Pacific Rim: The Black. Because if one regards jaegers as a vitally necessary component, one must keep creating more and more justifications to center something that, in an ideal world, wouldn't exist at all. And that's how you get PRU acting like weaponizing jaegers against citizens is a good thing, and how you get PRTB behaving as if interpersonal violence results from a lack of police state.
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hotnew-pt · 11 hours
Após levar cadeirada em debate, Pablo Marçal entra com notícia-crime contra Datena
Hot News O candidato do PRTB à prefeitura de São Paulo (SP), o empresário e influenciador Pablo Marçalapresentou à Justiça Eleitoral, nesta quinta-feira (19), uma notícia-crime contra o adversário José Luiz Datena (PSDB)que o agrediu com uma cadeira em pleno debate do último domingo (15) promovido pela TV Cultura. A defesa de Marçal pede à Justiça Eleitoral que a notícia-crime contra o tucano…
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portalimaranhao · 2 days
Ex-ministro, Ciro Nogueira diz que Pablo Marçal não é aliado de Bolsonaro: ‘queremos desmoralizá-lo no 2º turno’
Em entrevista à Folha de S. Paulo, o ex-ministro de Bolsonaro e presidente do PP, senador Ciro Nogueira (PI), afirmou nesta quarta-feira (18) desejar um 2º turno entre o seu aliado e prefeito de São Paulo (SP), Ricardo Nunes, e o empresário Pablo Marçal (PRTB) para “desmoralizá-lo”. Ciro Nogueira afirmou na entrevista que Pablo Marçal não é aliado do ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL), mas quer…
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josuejuniorworld · 3 days
Primeiro Debate Após Cadeirada Tem Novas Brigas e Gritaria em Meio a Acusações Entre Candidatos à Prefeitura de SP
O primeiro debate após a polêmica cadeirada de José Luiz Datena (PSDB) em Pablo Marçal (PRTB) foi marcado por novas brigas, trocas de acusações e gritaria. O evento, realizado pela RedeTV! e o portal Uol na manhã desta terça-feira (17), contou com a participação dos principais candidatos à Prefeitura de São Paulo: Guilherme Boulos (PSOL), José Luiz Datena (PSDB), Marina Helena (Novo), Pablo…
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rsnews555 · 3 days
Marçal afirma que fraturou costela; hospital ainda não divulgou boletim médico
1 de 10 Pablo Marçal (PRTB), candidato a prefeito de São Paulo, passou a madrugada desta segunda-feira (16) no Hospital Sírio-Libanês em observação. (Foto: Instagram) Ele foi agredido por José Luiz Datena (PSDB) durante o debate da TV Cultura. (Foto: Reprodução/TV Cultura) A saber, o hospital ainda não divulgou boletim médico com detalhes sobre o estado de saúde do candidato. (Foto:…
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monsterblogging · 1 month
Future Pacific Rim installments can't truly be good unless they're made by people who hate Donald Trump and fascism as much as its creators Travis Beacham and Guillermo del Toro do, and put some real effort in to writing a narrative that doesn't lick boots.
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Hayley and Mei are lesbians and in love fuck you
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blogoslibertarios · 3 days
Cadeirada em debate pode tornar Nunes herdeiro dos votos de Marçal e Datena
Reprodução   Passada a estupefação pelo barraco dos postulantes a prefeito de São Paulo Pablo Marçal (PRTB) e José Luiz Datena (PSDB), a equipe de Ricardo Nunes (MDB) avalia que o atual prefeito deve herdar parte dos votos que pendia para Marçal e Datena. É lembrado na campanha o tom moderado de Nunes, comparável ao de outros prefeitos paulistanos, como Geraldo Alckmin, até apelidado de “picolé…
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canis-dies · 1 year
im so normal about this movie
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f5noticias · 3 days
TRE-SP não recebeu queixa sobre agressões em debate eleitoral
O Tribunal Regional Eleitoral de São Paulo (TRE-SP) informou, no final da tarde desta segunda-feira (16), que não recebeu nenhuma representação sobre a agressão física do candidato do PSDB à prefeitura de São Paulo, José Luiz Datena (PSDB), ao candidato do PRTB, Pablo Marçal, durante debate promovido na noite de domingo (15) pela TV Cultura.  Em nota, o TRE-SP disse que atua apenas quando é…
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